Eventually people will see the fractional voting algo was logging in and shifting itself,
BIOS aside these were node & router level mechanisms that probably were so sloppy they weren’t even hit from VLAN - what if they have proof of who shifted the votes?
If your business is stealing elections, you'll have trouble finding enough personnel who are both loyal enough to never talk and who understand TCP/IP, networking, and virtualization. So yeah, probably messy.
Seems like Mesa County Elections Clerk was the mystery guest.
Seems like the raid may have occurred because Colo SOS knew MCEC was not going to be in her office
Seems like they had a search warrant -- for WHAT, exactly?
Search warrant was likely to "find" the passwords, to frame MCEC
If you have the weight of the Colorado attorney general going after you for election fraud, and the SOS framed you, it would probably scare the shit out of you, too
Seems like they "found" something at the office and were smug about it -- which means, they fabricated evidence to falsely support their claim that MCEC released the passwords
Meanwhile, MCEC is in South Dakota, telling the world that she never had access to the passwords, and ONLY the SOS and Dominion would have those -- she was never allowed access to the machine passwords
Oops! Well, then, who DID release those pesky passwords?
That's what is known as little problemo for the SOS who tried to frame the MCEC for election fraud
For icing on the cake, Soros' name is brought into the picture, tying all of Day #1 into a nice, clean package, with Soros in the intro video as the criminal behind the curtain, and finishing with the same narrative
I blame the sound zoning shit and the absurd smoking ban they did.
That ban was so obviously agenda 21.
First they said “you can only have smoking sections if you partition the building and have two seperate AC systems”.
So people took out loans to do that.
“Nevermind it’s all banned.” So then everyone lost half their business from smokers leaving and bam that was that. In the red. Now corks bought the places etc.
Honestly I always had more fun in the surrounding areas and Houston or San Antonio.
Austin just was always too much of a pain in the ass to move around. I never got the whole fun experience. Then again to me fun is finding a warehouse and blasting 65k watts of sound
Yep. My UBER conservative county apparently was blue? I think fucking not. Also we had more than enough support to recall Polis but could never seem to get it there.
Still sorting it all out, but from my perspective it appears to me that:
-The Colorado SoS had the election passwords, and gave the passwords to someone who then rigged the election.
-The SoS has since discovered that Pillow Man's team has proof that the election was rigged, and that her (the SoS) passwords were used for the rigging.
-Knowing that, the SoS made a last ditch effort to make a scapegoat for the passwords ending up in the wrong hands (election riggers) by raiding her employees office, with media ready to pounce on the scapegoat employee to push public optics to believe that the employee "lost" the passwords, rather than the SoS giving the passwords to riggers.
-Joke is on SoS though. The employee was already on a plane to see Mike L. to reveal that the SoS had the passwords, heading off the "employee lost the passwords" narrative, and putting the SoS under public scrutiny.
I cannot confirm if this theory is correct, as it is only a theory at this point. However, IF it is revealed that Colorado election rigging happened using the "lost" passwords, then it's a huge deal.
Blows my mind that the bombshells would have been Colorado, I had always suspected a shit load of cheating going on in this once red state, but I assumed it was a lost cause because everyone believes that Denver/Boulder have the majority of the state and control it.
I don’t understand how this means the joke is on SoS. Just cause the employee was already on the plane to discuss with Mike that the SOS had the passwords doesn’t mean this is some sort trap or gotcha moment
"Your mommy and daddy give you ten dollars to open up a lemonade stand. So you go out and you buy cups and you buy lemons and you buy sugar. And now you find out that it only costs you nine dollars. So you have an extra dollar. So you can give that dollar back to mommy and daddy, but guess what? Next summer…"
Well that's as far as my The Office joke goes. I did have to look up what Omae Ma meant. Apparently it's a reference from anime and it basically means you're already dead. So while the Colorado SoS was trying to screw over a staffer that was looking into fraud and pin the password debacle on them, Mike put that staffer front and center to get their story out. Cut off at the knees. Beautiful.
dudette, technically, lol. But yeah that was really throwing me too. I thought someone had misspelled Obama or something and was trying to make that fit as a verb somehow in my mind. It's not the first time I've looked something up on urban dictionary.
Jena Griswold (aka mouth breather look at side profiles) did not commit suicide by shooting herself in the back of the head twice while lifting weights alone while drowning in a bathtub.
I didn't know what the hell that meant either until I saw the translation you posted which made me immediately remember this clip of the famous NANI? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNQs_Bef_V8
Short for "Omae wa mou shindeiru". Literally "You're already dead" in Japanese. A phrase used by the character "Kenshiro" in the manga/anime "Fist of The North Star". Meme for totally destroying an opponent in battle.
No, this is the political play. They knew the raid was coming, it was a set up. A trap.
I think the 7pm thing was "supposed" to be a guest but it was never clear (to me) if the Mesa clerk had a bombshell they are putting off a day due to concerns, or there was something else that may have also been bumped a day.
there was a big reveal from dr frank namely that other counties had been audited by him, 3007 to be exact. he got access after showing them how a 2010 census was used to develop an algorithm to basically steal the 2020 election, with all results pre-programmed into each machine.
This is big the CO S O s is a total nightmare, she is in the process of setting up a CO HR 1 where dead voters are never purged, No voter ID, your ballot has no privacy anyone could see who a person voted for and could toss it or adjudicate it without your knowledge, poll workers can't say anything if they were to see fraud. Several weeks ago she said there would be NO audit in this state perhAps there Will Be Now.
Well this explains things. That whole situation seemed sooooo weird, especially considering how much ML had hyped it. The girl didn't say a whole lot, and nothing that seemed to stand out. But with this, if true, makes sense at her and Mike's demeanor. Hell everyone on stage seemed to be subdued/quiet compared to how you think it was gonna go.
They hinted at a Thursday reveal. Tina's face looked smug when asked if she had backed up the data. ML stated that his Red Team was on it. So I think there is still more to the story. Time to go get more popcorn. FYI Red Team
It confirms to me that either the County election official or the SOS had BIOS level passwords.
That means that MCBOS and AZ SOS lied when they stated only Dominion has that level of access.
Thanks Jena that's a big BOOM for AZ!
Eventually people will see the fractional voting algo was logging in and shifting itself,
BIOS aside these were node & router level mechanisms that probably were so sloppy they weren’t even hit from VLAN - what if they have proof of who shifted the votes?
If they have proof of who shifted the votes...that would be a big Boom 💥
If your business is stealing elections, you'll have trouble finding enough personnel who are both loyal enough to never talk and who understand TCP/IP, networking, and virtualization. So yeah, probably messy.
My hunch is that this isn’t even TCP/IP and is pure UDP.
I mean why have the courtesy of a handshake when you don’t care - just kick the door in.
My hunch is that this isn’t even TCP/IP and is pure UDP.
I mean why have the courtesy of a handshake when you don’t care - just kick the door in.
This is the most likely scenario. Soros is a big player and that arrest would definitely confirm intent.
Here in TX soros is literally Tied into just about everything.
Even the Houston Chinese Consulate that was closed.
We have him in Austinco-opting everything from marijuana legalization groups to liberty groups to Gun rights and on.
They got Chief Manley to resign. Enjoy stepping on hobo turds down on 6th.
I don’t touch Austin.
I haven’t for 15 years. I saw one-too-many MORRISEY stickers and never looked back. Can’t stand that city.
It's lost its luster. 15 years ago was about the time old Austin died. Yet the people moving there will never know it.
I blame the sound zoning shit and the absurd smoking ban they did.
That ban was so obviously agenda 21.
First they said “you can only have smoking sections if you partition the building and have two seperate AC systems”.
So people took out loans to do that.
“Nevermind it’s all banned.” So then everyone lost half their business from smokers leaving and bam that was that. In the red. Now corks bought the places etc.
Honestly I always had more fun in the surrounding areas and Houston or San Antonio.
Austin just was always too much of a pain in the ass to move around. I never got the whole fun experience. Then again to me fun is finding a warehouse and blasting 65k watts of sound
The Colorado AG is also corrupt so this will be interesting.
Wow! That's some imagery laden prose right there.
Soros being the target was literally the mission statement of today's opening video.
2nd side of the /_\ about to fall?
I don’t understand what’s going on. Can someone explain it like I’m a child because that’s where my brain is right now apparently.
Colorado SoS walked into a trap.
The state of Colorado has to be one of the worse for corruption bottom to the top!
Yep. My UBER conservative county apparently was blue? I think fucking not. Also we had more than enough support to recall Polis but could never seem to get it there.
I lived in Larimer County for awhile--exceedingly evil demons pretending to be humans.
The small towns are starting to change into fort Collins
So lots of perfectly capable college-aged homeless potheads?
I certainly wouldn't characterize their capabilities as perfect.
Oh, I so hope so! Thank you for that.
i mean the small towns are turning gay
Polis closed shot down early on the day the recall signatures were due.
A very good description, thanks.
Quick! Say the line Lori Lightfoot!
Still sorting it all out, but from my perspective it appears to me that:
-The Colorado SoS had the election passwords, and gave the passwords to someone who then rigged the election.
-The SoS has since discovered that Pillow Man's team has proof that the election was rigged, and that her (the SoS) passwords were used for the rigging.
-Knowing that, the SoS made a last ditch effort to make a scapegoat for the passwords ending up in the wrong hands (election riggers) by raiding her employees office, with media ready to pounce on the scapegoat employee to push public optics to believe that the employee "lost" the passwords, rather than the SoS giving the passwords to riggers.
-Joke is on SoS though. The employee was already on a plane to see Mike L. to reveal that the SoS had the passwords, heading off the "employee lost the passwords" narrative, and putting the SoS under public scrutiny.
I cannot confirm if this theory is correct, as it is only a theory at this point. However, IF it is revealed that Colorado election rigging happened using the "lost" passwords, then it's a huge deal.
Awesome, thank you!!!
Blows my mind that the bombshells would have been Colorado, I had always suspected a shit load of cheating going on in this once red state, but I assumed it was a lost cause because everyone believes that Denver/Boulder have the majority of the state and control it.
I don’t understand how this means the joke is on SoS. Just cause the employee was already on the plane to discuss with Mike that the SOS had the passwords doesn’t mean this is some sort trap or gotcha moment
Imagine your parents give you money to open a lemonade stand...
"Your mommy and daddy give you ten dollars to open up a lemonade stand. So you go out and you buy cups and you buy lemons and you buy sugar. And now you find out that it only costs you nine dollars. So you have an extra dollar. So you can give that dollar back to mommy and daddy, but guess what? Next summer…"
"I'll be six."
Username checks out.
Andy voice: Tuuuuunaaaaaaa
And then I take that money to buy fireball hard candies. Now what?
Well that's as far as my The Office joke goes. I did have to look up what Omae Ma meant. Apparently it's a reference from anime and it basically means you're already dead. So while the Colorado SoS was trying to screw over a staffer that was looking into fraud and pin the password debacle on them, Mike put that staffer front and center to get their story out. Cut off at the knees. Beautiful.
Dude, THANK YOU! Omae Ma is the main piece that was throwing me. No one spell checks anymore so I figured it was some misspelled gibberish! 😂
dudette, technically, lol. But yeah that was really throwing me too. I thought someone had misspelled Obama or something and was trying to make that fit as a verb somehow in my mind. It's not the first time I've looked something up on urban dictionary.
Finally, all this time of being an anime nerd has paid off!
Your handle is my H.S.'s motto.
Oh, beg my pard! Dudette 😉 I was thinking Obama too but that didn’t make sense either. Haha
Actually your not far off Polis did Big Mike a favor and gave this nothing the director of CDOT job.
Omae Wa. I had to look that up too. Very interesting, it's a crude, gangsta type remark.
I second this
😂 awesome thanks
Jena Griswold (aka mouth breather look at side profiles) did not commit suicide by shooting herself in the back of the head twice while lifting weights alone while drowning in a bathtub.
Whoa. I looked her up to see for myself. Mouth breather confirmed. She has that sjw/mkultra empty stare down perfect, too.
My ex-wife looked at me like that 🤨
Such a Horrible suicide. Amazing what guilt and depression can do. ((((sarcasm)))) Also heard she hung herself from the floor....so sad
What's "Omae Wa"?
Translated from japanese "You're ALREADY DEAD"
I didn't know what the hell that meant either until I saw the translation you posted which made me immediately remember this clip of the famous NANI? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNQs_Bef_V8
Me neither...the explanation made me think of the ending to Kill Bill 2🐸
Short for "Omae wa mou shindeiru". Literally "You're already dead" in Japanese. A phrase used by the character "Kenshiro" in the manga/anime "Fist of The North Star". Meme for totally destroying an opponent in battle.
Super cringe, but thanks for the explanation.
Aw Eamo backwards.
So was thus the 7 pm announcement?
No, this is the political play. They knew the raid was coming, it was a set up. A trap.
I think the 7pm thing was "supposed" to be a guest but it was never clear (to me) if the Mesa clerk had a bombshell they are putting off a day due to concerns, or there was something else that may have also been bumped a day.
It proves they lied in AZ about not having the passwords.
Dumb wue, but are the CO passwords the same as AZ's?
That would be interesting wouldn't it?
Mike kinda alluded that some things were delayed placing them into Thursday’s schedule?
there was a big reveal from dr frank namely that other counties had been audited by him, 3007 to be exact. he got access after showing them how a 2010 census was used to develop an algorithm to basically steal the 2020 election, with all results pre-programmed into each machine.
Thank you.
Isn’t that on the 11th?
May have been a setup to jog someone into action (Colorado SoS).
Pretty much. Trap was sprung with the raid. The timing of it all should reveal all.
What raid? I don’t get how I missed a raid.
This has been a thriller.
You are so cute 😍
Yes Alakablam my fren you got it!
Salty Army rules.
The Salty Army is Legion. I've been listening to Salty since 2018.
me too.
Leftism = AIDS.
well there you have it my frens!
https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/next/mesa-clerk-passwords-voting-equipment-security-breach-colorado/73-5fce900e-8e45-491a-a86e-71b2c5da98a2. This hit piece by NBC 9 affiliate in Denver clearly demonstrates just how much collusion is going on between the Soros controlled SoS/MSM/Dominion in this.
Great summary fren!
This is big the CO S O s is a total nightmare, she is in the process of setting up a CO HR 1 where dead voters are never purged, No voter ID, your ballot has no privacy anyone could see who a person voted for and could toss it or adjudicate it without your knowledge, poll workers can't say anything if they were to see fraud. Several weeks ago she said there would be NO audit in this state perhAps there Will Be Now.
Imagine that 😊
I just got a note yesterday saying everyone in in Colorado will receive a mail ballot for the October 8 election
I believe a brilliant someone once said, “moves & countermoves” 😉
Well this explains things. That whole situation seemed sooooo weird, especially considering how much ML had hyped it. The girl didn't say a whole lot, and nothing that seemed to stand out. But with this, if true, makes sense at her and Mike's demeanor. Hell everyone on stage seemed to be subdued/quiet compared to how you think it was gonna go.
They hinted at a Thursday reveal. Tina's face looked smug when asked if she had backed up the data. ML stated that his Red Team was on it. So I think there is still more to the story. Time to go get more popcorn. FYI Red Team
Woke up from surgery to be told the big reveal regards my county lol This is a HUGE domino though. I really feel at peace now.
Lindell made Jenna Griswold a household band tonight.
https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/next/mesa-clerk-passwords-voting-equipment-security-breach-colorado/73-5fce900e-8e45-491a-a86e-71b2c5da98a2 This hit piece shows the absolute collusion between office of Colorado's SoS and the local media to Reframe the narrative and demonize Tina Peter's as a Qanon Conspiracy theorist (their words) it has all the msm buzzwords about Q. But it also reeks of fear and desperation as they Know just how culpable they all are in the Big Steal and just how close Mike Lindell is to exposing the biggest crime in world history.
Yes from the very corrupt 9 news.
Burn it all down and start over.
This helps a lot. I was pretty baffled by tonight.
I wonder if she is Clark's sister. 😂 Sorry, I couldn't help myself. She's toast. It's only a matter of time before she is arrested.
I love when they're caught red handed.
Fascinating read.
These pucks are getting very desperate, and in turn are screwing up
I don't believe any of them should be allowed to live. This message must be sent. He choice was made, her treason committed.. go get the rope.
The Cabal and the mainstream media done this before. This is nothing new
Oy vey not ((Jena Griswold))