What is the secret to happiness? TO NOT ARGUE WITH FOOLS! We are a tight family that has each other's back—and we're going to be busy AF when the audit drops! Reply here with what you'd like to see. Daily discussion thread, plus, mods will monitor threads to sticky breakout-level discoveries! READY?

My Mom who lives in AZ has some sage advice. She tells her democrat friends,
"You may not like Trump and he might not be the President you want, but HE IS THE PRESIDENT WE NEED."
Some of her lib/Dem friends are now starting to agree.
Your mom is incredibly wise. That's a great approach with libtards.
The secret to happiness is to understand that happiness is not the goal. The goal is contentment. When you are content with what you have you will be happier in general.
Contentment does not sell products, that's why everyone is encouraged to seek happiness. Products can supply you with temporary highs that feel like happiness.
Tldr: try to be content, not happy
Yes. You are right.
I see what you did there.
Tee hee hee
Content breeds laziness and that is the problem we have right now in the US.
Thats a lack of motivation, brought on by an strive to reach an unobtainable point of constant happiness.
Think of happiness as the sky, and sadness as the sea bed. Try to be on land. You can achieve a lot more there.
If you go up into the sky, be prepared for the fact you'll certainly be coming back down to ground level.
If you go down into the ocean, know that you will return to the surface.
Too many people are at the beach, on the brink of going into the water, trying to get their kite to lift them into the sky, expecting that if just the right wind comes along they'll fly forever.
The best view of the sky is from a boat that doesn’t leak.
But if the boat doesn't leak I can't lose my firearms and precious metals in a boating accident 😡
What happened with mine was in a big storm mine just flew out as we tossed & turned. A total loss of loose items laying about...
Oh shit that happened with mine, too, I must've forgotten because I hit my head on the mast when the boat shook violently due to the currents and headwinds.
I was trying to get to that island in Lake superior that I always wondered about as a kid. Maybe there are forgotten people's like the ones that throw spears at helicopters in the Indian Ocean. Tried to follow my dreams and all I got was amnesia and a lost arsenal. Just like my hero, Robinette the sniffer Biden.
Maybe it's for the best.
It's always an adventure on the water. Joe is from an island clan called "The Forgotten People"...interdasting.
and what if you're stuck in a fucking tree?
Agreed. This has always worked for me. I suppose I'm lucky that it comes naturally to me.
Conan, what is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women!
Not to take away from the valuable larger point of this good post, but for real: the secret to happiness is gratitude.
Carry on!
THANK YOU for saying
One secret is to pick your battles. It's unlikely that you're going to win an argument with an NPC because they're just going to keep going back to their programming. But you can cut in with, "man you'd think there would be more dead homeless people by now". Or, "if so many people were packed together and maskless on January 6th, then why aren't the Trump supporters all dead?". Or "Isn't it weird that the flu numbers have dropped to zero because masks are so effective, and yet, covid 19 cases have gone up because people aren't wearing masks?"
I have had multi hour drunken arguments on voice chat of a certain "conservative" discord. It's fine to pass the time but gets nowhere.
The secret to happiness is through Jesus Christ. Once you become in love with Christ, everything starts to fall in place. You find peace. And you can’t have happiness without peace. The path to God is the path to peace and happiness. It’s the guarantee.
The only thing I would like to see more of is people going forward with more love in their hearts and less hate. Much less hate. If you discuss something with someone, keep love in your heart. If you disagree, love in your heart. These are your brothers and sisters, not enemies. Even though they drive us nuts sometimes. Same with foreigners. They are God’s children, even if they are not yet Christians. Pray more. Don’t just say it. Pray. Practice doing such. I myself am getting better. God knows my heart, but I want to be efficient in my prayers. ESP if I’m am speaking publicly with others. And ask. Ask God for miracles. Follow Him, Pray to Him. Keep God close. And help others. In the end. You’ll win.
What I'm Patiently waiting for is for 1... the Truth to come out...And 2...The Truth to be known to All...! The Fools will still not believe it But we don't argue with them...Do we...
I think it’s a good idea to not stereotype people into groups of any kind because if we do then we are playing the progressive’s game of dividing rather than unifying.
Been saying this. Some down vote me when I do, but its true.
When spreading red pills I dont stick around and engage in circular arguments with Karen TripleVaxx zombies demanding "muh evidence". They will just fact check it on Snopes with "akSHuaLly Snopes said this is MOSTLY FAL..."
Bye bitch. That link can stick around for someone else to stumble and there's another new day of new news and new fucking lies.
I'm more of a red pill carpet bomber. If someone legitimately is curious and asks then I will certainly converse. We always know who those people are, not hard to tell.
I hope Karen wakes up eventually, but I need to focus on being stocked, locked, and ready to rock right now - ESPECIALLY right now. That precipice thing that we've all been talking about? Yeah, well its here.
No time for fools. My kids need me.
You’re spot on. Not only can it be fruitless to argue with these people, they feed off attention. We all need to ignore them more and focus on doing our own thing.
The Secret to Happiness is deporting Shills ASAP
They can live happily however they please... on the sun.
The supposed holdup was someone got the damn covid. Treated with Ivermectin they have been well enough to work for days now. So...W...T...F?
I have a feeling that most regular docs out there still aren't giving it. These are the sane people guided by the CDC and FDA, you know.
Docs are being threatened with their jobs for prescribing it.
Just wait until you realize how easy it is for malicious actors to make sure someone "has covid"...
Also that a dozen or more world leaders, who refused vaccines in their countries, "died from covid" in the last year.
Didn’t realize it was that many.
a big round up..........
I'd love to see practical advice on what we can do as average individuals
Clean your own house.
Prepare yourself for unbelievable (Q plan not working) to be calm about Q plan
Read Flynn suggestion on the right and follow it.
2 advices already,not just one.
What specifically would you like to know?
Nothing. Catsfive asked what we would like to see here. I am very involved but I think others might appreciate it
Crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of the women. Lol
Sounds like a Saturday night for me.
OMG! I literally laughed out loud at this.
I've been trying to explain to people in our church how to "be best'. That involves identifying darkness, hate, anger, lust, greed, selfishness, and going towards things that are light, peace, joy, love, selflessness, things that build you up... add to your soul.
Egging on the trolls does not add to you. It brings you down to their level and can tarnish your soul in the process.
Don't just seek the light, be the light. If you find your are lost in darkness and surrounded by it, hopelessness and despair and fear and anger and hatred, you can either wait for someone to shine a light and lead you on... or you can be the light.
Stand in front of a mirror and ask yourself what do you do when you meet someone on the street? Do you ignore them? Do you nod to them? Do you introduce yourself to them? Who would you most like to meet? Be that person you yourself would most like to meet. Its very enlightening.
It takes a hundred years to build up a beautiful old oak tree. If you but do one thing good for someone else, write it down on a piece of paper and stack it up. After a hundred years of stacking paper, you might get close to creating that wonderful oak tree. It doesn't take much but it takes a lot of effort. Continuously. You have to want it very badly to be dedicated enough to "be that guy/girl/<insert pronoun here>". Life is not easy. It's never easy.
Bottom line. Be excellent to each other and be the light.
I was going to quote a verse from that book you know but there are many here that follow another path... that leads to the same conclusion. Spread peace and joy and love and tranquility. Be that person.
I just had to stop by to say I love your meme.
As for the the AZ audit results, I just hope they don’t drip them on a Friday late afternoon as the deep state did for things they wanted to bury in the media cycles.
great meme it seems the marxist are in full swing panic mode. their programming has never been more apparent .. this advice is very relevant rn..
on the side, this yogi is the worst.. he totally twists the teachings and makes it about the self.. he is a soft Satanist
And he loves the vaccine and tells everyone to get it.
Omg he is the worst.. evil for sure
I'm seeing a lot of good advice in the comments (sincerely mean that). Since I can't think of anything to add on that front, I came here to say this is one of the best memes I've seen in a while! I'm coming back to this one whenever I need a good laugh. : -)
I want more planefags posts. Those used to be super interesting to me and others
They're also 99.99% super gay. They say nothing. MANY bans have been handed out. If you want planefag posts, put in a high-info post breaking it all down. Just pointing out some rando military craft from Barcelona isn't going to cut it.
I'll make you a weekly sticky after a planefag post actually shows anything other than "What's this??? Three planes in the sky?? AND LOOK AT THAT 'BOOGALOO-911' CALLSIGN!"
That was pretty much this whole board in December.
Sadhguru is A fraud
Not arguing with fools was my new years resolution, and it's been going great!
Not being a fool and starting an argument is hard. But I try.
Moved to the (red) country and re-embraced nature>God. No sirens, no fools. Just the Moon, stars, crickets and frogs chirping. Peace.
For me, happiness is thanking God, first thing, every morning for all my blessings. Some days, it could be grateful for having a working washer and dryer while I am standing by a magically appearing mountain of laundry. Finding the blessings in every situation is the start to true happiness. Just my humble opinion.
I suggest looking up the parable of the donkey and tiger. Sage wisdom.
Yes! Google it...just don't go to the pornhub link...
Does anyone happen to know or have a clue as to when the release will happen? Beginning to wonder if its going to.
Buddha advised, 'Avoid associating with fools, Associate with the Wise, Honor That which is Worthy of Honor, This is the Highest Blessing... ' note: definition of fool, balanam, here means one who does know know ( or care) about Good, evil, Benefit, detriment (eg doesnt know or heed the Law of Karma, Deeds & Results, Actions & Reaction, Cause & Effect...)
u/catsfive: and what is secret of life ? That happiness isn't its sole purpose.
Sometimes pain is best proof you are still alive.
What I would like to see is you keeping up the damn fine work you're doing, BQnita's continuous stream of quality content. With some rooftoptendie Hollywood digs.
You all are champs.
Someone once said that happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording them scope.
In other words, there is something you are great at and passionate about. If you do not do this, you will be unhappy. If you do it, but in a way that is inefficient and cumbersome and thereby end up wasting too much effort for too little effect, you will be unhappy. And if you try do it correctly but are hamstrung by the circumstances of your existence, you will be unhappy.
But if you try to follow your passion and your gifts, taking a direct course that has maximum yield for minimum effort, and are not dealt crushing setbacks by the elements of your life that are beyond your control, you will be happy. At least that is my understanding.
The key to happiness is to be free of suffering.
Uncover what they have now, and wait for all the subpoenas to go through from the Arizona Ag. For the machines. After they get the results from the machine do a second report.
The time for keeping us waiting is over.