"On Tuesday, the Pentagon made a technical announcement -- visible mainly to network administrators around the world -- saying it was resuming control of the 175 million IP addresses and directing the traffic to its own servers. On Friday the Pentagon told The Post that the pilot program, which it previously had characterized as a cybersecurity measure designed to detect unspecified "vulnerabilities" and "prevent unauthorized use of DoD IP address space," was over. Parts of the Internet once managed by Global Resource Systems, the Pentagon said, now were being overseen by the Department of Defense Information Network, known by the acronym DODIN and part of U.S. Cyber Command, based at Fort Meade."
Note: Gen. Nakasone is in charge of Cyber Command. I believe he was one of the key people mentioned in the Devolution series.
Are they getting a new internet ready to run parallel to Big Tech?
Good catch. Thank you
My SO should get credit as he found it!
I personally think that’s awesome but you might want to delete this since it might be easy to determine who they are and they articles they wrote on it
He just read his daily Slashdot blog and showed me this article. Slashdot is a website that's covers tech and is rather mainstream.
The original story on this was in The Washington Post.
Can they find out who we all are on this site and who browses what sites? Probably, but I feel Deep State has bigger priorities than little ol us.
MEGA DITTOS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Explain Like I'm 5?
Billions of dollars worth of IP addresses (like phone numbers for computers) were transferred out of the Pentagon and to this obscure company in Florida a short distance from Maralago right before the inauguration.
Now they're going back to the Pentagon under Cyber Command headed up by patriot Gen. Nakasone.
Shit is happening.
Perfect complement to this thread fren!
Thank you.
I think possibly you have learned how to "read the map".
What does this mean though? What is the significance of transferring IPs?
Hopefully it’s in preparation for the declass that’s going to happen concerning both Durham and Epstein, and the inevitable attempts to remove it from the internet by big tech.
Think of everything they have hidden from view, like Hunter Biden. Now think of all the rich and famous people that were compromised by Epstein. These people control everything.
They will stop at nothing to prevent the masses, the normies, from learning of their depravity. Hunter Biden is small potatoes.
What if censored leaks occur from the Maxwell case?Bill Clinton fucking a 12 year old? Oprah fucking a 12 year old? Leaders of other countries, billionaires, the list goes on.
This could be nothing. Or it could be a sign that the military is going to secure its own portion of the internet, to fight against censorship and hacking.
Is the world ready for frazzledrip?
I've seen it along with everything else PG. Really twisted my stomach for awhile due to it being unfathomable how someone can do such an awful thing. These people are pure evil. And I can't imagine how much more horrendous the rest of it is that we haven't even seen. I really hope & pray that the entirety of the truth will come out for all eyes to see, along with harsh punishments. Evil has run rampant far too long.
You haven’t seen frazzledrip. Not the real one.
Ahhh must’ve been a fake that I remember floating around when PG was hitting the fan. I want justice.
You seen FD? I call bullshit.
The fucking FD talk only makes normies instantly shut off and the media blankets the whole community as crazy. If it’s really or not that doesn’t matter. The fact is we know these things actually do happen and that is the problem. Do you guys ever really think about what they are doing and the evil it takes for someone to do those things?
I must be mistaken for something else or a fake. I remember when the name frazzledeip started going around. We’re there ever a couple of snippets or pictures of it floating around back when PG was popping off?
I would bet BTFO has seen what the rest of us have seen and assumes other people here have actually seen it and is disgusted by what PAYtriots have said about it.
Idk, I investigated pizzagate for 2 years straight and I still haven’t seen it and am not sure I will
I've followed PG from the very start and haven't stopped, including a 4 year tour at Voat. No one credible has seen Frazzledrip. It was supposedly one of the video clips found on Weiner's laptop. To the best of my knowledge a bunch of LEO saw it, many of whom are dead. I think Erik Prince may have had access to the laptop, IIRC.
If it is what I am thinking of I believe I saw 8 second clip of Hillary Nd huma with a doctor hurting a child. It was horrendous and not knowing if it was real I never reposted. If the cops had to view like videos 8m not surprised they're dead.
Don't see it even when you get the opportunity.
It's like a mind virus that will haunt you for the rest of your life.
It never goes away and it pops back into your thoughts at the worst time possible.
If I were locked in a room with Hitler, Stalin, Hillary and given a sidearm with 3 rounds, I'd use it 3 times on her.
Then you know what I saw. It's as hurtfulna thing I've everbwitnezsed and my advice is do not look.
No. It is not.
They're not ready for the evil, demonic shit that some people do, but people must be force-fed some of the things they do.
Yes and Oprah, Russel Simmons, Gavin newsome wife back in the news for Harvey Weinstein. Rose McGowan talking smack about Clinton. Declass of the Epstein and Maxwell co conspirators
I’m not going to get too excited but it sounds like the piece are coming together
Not to mention Britney Spears will be free and can finally tell us what they really did to her
back door for cyber chief Barron
My pick for Secretary of Cyber will always be Jenna.
jenna ellis is fuckin SEXY
Jenna Jamison for Christ’s sake!
Maybe failover addresses should TPTB try to shut down the internet?
I am so thankful for you friends. I think I would be so distressed without you guys. Thanks for the post op.
Is Nakasone a good guy? Why were the IPs allowed to be transferred to an intelligence front company?
He's Trumps man in charge of NSA. We have it all. I'd be surprised if he wasn't part of Q team.
Shit Is Happening!
I can understand that.
Yeah shit!
Real shit this time!
None of that two week shit!
Captainchrispbacon! Now there's a familiar name I haven't run across in awhile.
The new internet will be decentralized, quantum based.
Nothing for you to worry about.
It’s your nap time.
^ explanation I would give to 5 year old
you're a dick
I laughed. But. Removed. Civil to each other, pls. :)
I have Aspergers. First look for the irony, please. I do not wish to offend but my sense of humor can be quite dry. You will note my response is exactly what was requested since no one is going to explain IP addressing to a five year old. Thank you for your indulgence.
Oh man I can only imagine the snark 🤣
I thought this was between me and catsfive, but ok I guess.
Oh, now I want to see it. It was already deleted by the time I got here. But I was having similar thoughts about explaining to 5-yr-olds.
The wife and I had a rule when we had teenaged kids in the house. If they teased each other and we laughed, they wouldn’t get in trouble.
That may have been suspect parenting, but it really developed their cleverness and grasp of humor.
Dang! Now my curiosity is in high gear and I REALLY want to know what g8rb81 said. 😬🤷🏼♀️😂
Was it that bad?
oh this is absolutely amazing news!
To you it is. I don't get it at all. 🙁
Research, Patriot!
This is great news! Look up Project Odin. Plus Nancy drew was in DC and there was Federal protection police at the Voice Of America building. It’s on her telegram channel. Let’s hope they are getting ready to hit the switch!
I was thinking of Project Odin when I saw that acronym in the article: DODIN.
Found this post thru a DDG search:
Project Oden and the Starlink satellite system.
From what I understand, the 10 days (possibly less) of darkness that we've been warned about many times, and to prepare for, will be when they take down the existing communications and media networks that are being monopolized and used for mass censorship by the Big Tech and their globalist technocratic establishment. This is when Project Odin will be brought online along with the massive declassification and disclosure of incriminating proof of the cabal's many crimes, along with world changing knowledge and advanced technologies that have been kept from us by those in power through their corrupt abuses of classified secrecy. This will be the beginning of the true great awakening.
that sounds mighty good to me - lets pray to god to deliver us from this evil
that's a Team America show link.
Nancy Drew is a fictional character?
I believe it’s just someone with the same name that’s been photographing and filming dc since January ish.
I followed her on tele. Lots of odd happenings for sure.
I just discovered her on Telegram, so much more informative than yt!
If True The Deep State Better Be On The Run Faster.
This news is not complete without Q post that talks about these IP addresses
I believe DoD needed a bit of cleanup and hence they transferred those IPs to the Global Services company. This might be indicating that DoD cleanup is complete.
This is a great tidbit, thanks!
Yes! This was the 11. bunch wasn't it?
This Q post certainly helps complete the square on this story.
Future proves past!
Yeah, this article specifically mentions 11. bunch, of which 11.11.18 is part of
Quite possible, hadnt thought of it this way
This is a very interesting development.
One of the greatest Q proofs EVER just go a little more interesting.....
I looked but cant find the graphic , those IP ranges begin with 11.11.18
here we go
Which Q proof?
here we go
I looked but cant find the graphic , thost IP ranges begin with 11.11.18
Don't forget that a couple days after the 175 million IP addresses (something like 11% of the worldwide total!) were transferred, it was announced that Dan Kaminsky, USA’s sole holder of “keys to the Internet” (and one of only seven people worldwide) had died, out of the blue, at age 42. Some people suspected that he didn’t really die, and went into hiding to work on whatever the deal was with this huge chunk of IP addresses.
An interesting guy. No doubt he's been on the radar for a long time. Says he died of diabetes and had been hospitalized with it several times. Who knows? They can fake so much.
I remember it now you say it, but that deserves some digging for sure. That guy might be chilling in a DUMB somewhere. I hope so because I'm tired of DS killing our best and brightest who have integrity.
It's like a bishop moving forward, then moving right back to where it started, on a chess board. Kek
Well since military is the only way, this is probably a good thing😉
He took over NSA when Adm. Rogers left.
He's in charge of both.
So, forget each IP could be NATed into a network of servers, the net just might have to go down to get on the routing tables on the backbone
Going down for 10 days of darkness?
Thank you for making my day with this!!
I'm guessing this is big(Huge)!!!
Wonder if it ties in with Project Odin? Whatever that turns out to be.
thx guys for ur great info n comments
New internet? God I hope so
Holy crap!
A new internet would not rely on old ip addresses
Let us hope so.
The guy who invented the World Wide Web might have some clues.
Met him once. And Linus, and Larry Wall of PERL...
Tim was awesome, Linus kind of a prick, Larry is kind of weird and just loves thinking about shit.
I mentioned something similar to this a week or two ago...
Wow, thanks for posting! This needs to be stickied!
Well since military is the only way, this is probably a good thing😉
Hmmm..... Do I choose the big tech web or the dod web?
The one where "Patriots are in Control"!
Didn't see that as being a choice. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and all.
Patriots at DoD (military in control) are setting up an alternative to the Big Tech fascism we're currently under. That's part of the premise of the Q drops. We have no idea what the final control structure of that will look like, but for now, Big Tech needs to go.
This wasn't done to get attention. This is behind the scenes and definitely crucial to the plan. I would say this is a good indication shit is moving forward.