I live near Patrick AFB in Florida, as you may remember. A few years back, I was walking my dogs and a large 4 engine jet at ~2500ft was on a banked approach, when suddenly huge clouds of thick white smoke began pouring out of the wing tips for around 15 seconds. Frankly, I could not believe what I was seeing, for I had been a bit of a skeptic on the subject.
I live near Tyndall and Eglin. I've started taking photographs of the trails, and am thinking about setting up a conference with the congressional representative for this area. This madness has to stop.
I think it's now Patrick SFB, formerly AFB. I'm still on the fence over the subject. Nothing surprises me and there is certainly enough evidence to support its practice. I've always wondered how they are getting enough contaminants in the air, with such frequency, and no one has blown the whistle.
On a sidenote: I used to go visit Cape Canaveral when I was young to watch Apollo, Skylab, and some other launches. I have astronauts in the family, so it was obligatory to go see.
I can say anecdotally that over the last 3 years, prominent and lingering chemtrail like patterns have fallen off drastically. I now only see what are traditional and obvious contrails.
Don't yell at me, but SerialBrain came out with 3 different messages on chemtrails saying that they had been neutralized by WH. I do know they are much less where I live than prior to Trump.
That's because the types of flights have changed. Airlines don't use the "spoke and hub" system as much. Planes fly longer flights to destinations farther away. That means the planes spend more time at cruise altitude, where contrails are formed more consistently and last a longer period of time.
This is exactly the thinking that creates chemtardation. Nothing fights it. It's the reason I sent that frustrated ban message. Stupid as can be.
Former FBI Agent Ted Gunderson Killed - Chemtrails Exposed!
1,018 views Oct 19, 2017 - This is old, not sure if technology or intention has changed.
Im down south from Patrick about 90 miles (though I'm from Cocoa) in Martin Co and have watched numerous jets, for yrs, come over the ocean from the east, contrail free, then suddenly spit plumes of chemtrails the sec they hit land. Without fail, a cloudless day would spontaneously become gray, cloudy.
we used to have a lot of grey cloudy days in the midwest too.
obvious that something wasn't right, especially for those of us that are old enough to remember blue skies. so it's sad that people would want to 'ban' such a discussion, and worrisome that other mods agree.
Not to be that person, but I heard that all planes/jets dump their remaining fuel before landing as a matter of course to reduce explosion risk. Don't they store that in the wings?
It was. Wing tanks. Do you know how fuel is stored? And used? It's different for each phase of flight. These jets have wing tanks, often four or even five different ones, all connected by piping and pumps. They use strange pumps, too, some of them are venturi-style to reduce moving parts and possibilities for catastrophic failures. Since they're one-way they also have pressure valves at the tips to reduce 'hammering' inside the tanks. That means venting. I've done training on this (as in, created the curriculum). In these jets (especially military) there are vents at wing tips specifically designed to allow fuel to slosh out, as would happen in exactly this maneuver.
Things are good and bad. Been good with travel, some bad with family, tons of bullshit, and the constant WAITING for shit to go down is driving me to drink. Went sober for 50 days, then drank some. Ugh. Sucks.
No kidding. Ban me. I don't care. Chemtrails and contrails are not the same. It isn't fringe at all, but a very real thing folks need to look into. Any place that would ban me for saying so isn't worth my time or support.
C5 really has a blind spot on this topic, it's a shame. Very devisive.
This is wrong. I do not speak out often because of fear of being attacked or ridiculed on this site. It should not be this way. At the risk of being banned, I too, believe in chemtrails. I do not attack folks over differences of opinions. Heck, I don't attack folks at all. I just feel that this is wrong so I am simply stating my opinion.
Don't fear speaking your mind. There are more good people here then bad.
I get shill3d alot for posting news articles I think someone may find as new information. It is all part of the great awakening, even if only helps one person to awaken it is worth posting.
I remember President Trump talking about clear, blue skies and fresh, clear water coming out of the tap. At the time, I thought he was referring to chemtrails.
I noticed they were gone or less frequent when Trump was president, but am seeing them again nowadays.
I agree. People will slam you for anything. Article posted before, misspelling, just to say something snarky. There are many times I see an article for the first time, yet someone has to say it was written in 2018, or posted before.
I really don't care about the language. The post is off topic. This forum isn't a catch all for every single fringe idea we know about. It's clear in the rules side bar what this site is about.
Have you guys even checked the new section? It is littered with retarded trash. If I was a mod, I am sure I would have bad days and flip out, too, after seeing a deport queue 1000 pages long
But instead of just not posting chemtrails, OP makes an alt account and just has to cry outrage and incite the crowd against the mods.
Been down that road myself a time or two. Got called all kinds of names and insulted repeatedly no matter what sauce was shared. C5 doesn't want to know. Guess the be respectful rules don't apply to all Anons equally.
Who put the head mod at the head? Anyone ever wonder?
Those are things allowed. I only remove fringe conspiracies not related to Q. I have a special hate for chemtards, however, yup. I refuse to respect anyone who cannot explain their theories.
Good grief! I just read the thread you posted. This mod is very rude and abusive. The speech patterns/mannerisms make me wonder if this person is an adolescent and not an adult. Well, perhaps, a very rude adult. I'll likely be blasted for saying all of that but good grief...
Nice find. I remember that. Some anons are more equal than others when it comes to the be respectful rule. If I were king I would have booted cats for the tone taken. Disgusting.
No, a 3-day ban to a tard with extensive notes in his mod history file (past touches, warnings, and bans), now with a new account, posting wildly off topic crap. I was frustrated but I'd write something similar to that again.
Yeah I’d have to agree, unless you sent them a message previously with vulgar words. Isn’t unification and the great awakening the point of this?
Don’t care too much about chemtrails, then again haven’t looked into them at all. Plus why not recommend to go to the conspiracies win with the post instead of name calling someone in a ban message?
Seems the Mods are willfully forgetting that 90% of what we discuss was and still is considered to be a conspiracy theory...in this case chemtrails are a Notable topic of discussion on QResearch on 8kun and they are something to actually be concerned about...til you come here...Mods here presume to be Gatekeepers lately...and now it's starting to show, unless they choose to cease and desist then Q will be proven right again when he claimed 8chan/8kun will be the only uncompromised free speech platform to discuss Q topics.
Chemtrail retard? Thats unnecessary and rude. Is this real? I cant believe what Im reading. Idiots who cant understand basic meteorology? Man this is RUDE if true! And side note chem trails are barely conspiracy theory anymore. I suppose weather mod is for idiots too? If this is real Im surprised
This is so unexcusable, if this is how the mods are going to behave around here I might as well go to reddit, which is probably where this shit-brained mod is from.
And be replaced by who? One of you retards from this thread? No one here is any different, or any better. I will tell you what though:
At least 50% of these comments are AI. No one here gives a shit a mod banned some no-name jack off posting his 100th airstream bigfoot post. The outrage you are seeing is being manufactured.
Hell, if you are smart enough you can spot writing patterns immediately from comment to comment, right down to word choice.
I won’t get into, but I will say fuck chemtrails, bigfoot, Piers Morgan, and anyone else that wants to ban a mod because their snowflake asses can’t handle their shitty post being banned.
And I'll do it again. We had this out on Reddit, on Voat, it never stops. SOMEONE explain how they keep the skies sprayed in 50 cities around the globe. Everyone bails at that step. It's absolutely retarded and I refuse to tolerate these people.
With all the findings coming out about graphene oxide, and analysts finding it not just in the injections but in our food, how on earth do you think it's getting there?
I was happy that fourth of July when Trump mentioned takeover of airports in a long list of historical independence actions, and the stripes in the sky here in NC seemed to go almost completely away for a long time. They've started up again, not as bad as before, but they're popping up again. Are we left to only hope these are beneficial? We are way past arguing quickly-dissipating condensation versus long-lasting chemical sprays.
I have literally watched the same jet spew white, then nothing, then white, then nothing, in the same path across the sky... those who say that whether the trail lingers or not is based on altitude, temperature, and weather, explain to me how the same jet can turn the white stuff on and off on the same trajectory if it's just a con-trail?
I have no hardcore theories over what they're dumping or why, but I certainly believe they're messing with SOMETHING. Whether it's as simple as dumping toxic waste to avoid disposal fees, more nefarious like experiments on the populace, or misbegotten attempts at cloud seeding, I don't know or claim to know.
But they definitely dump SOMETHING, and that's what I believe about chem-trails.
If I had to make a call, I would say the lack of human contact (in person, phone calls etc) in lockdown type places leaves people with more (perhaps vastly more) internet based contact. Which has its own points good and bad. Among the bad is a tendency to over-dramatize, get infuriated over little things, get personal attacks going rather than addressing points being made (or made badly). Financial stresses, strains with vax among work colleagues, family etc arent helpful in that regard either.
There is so much potential for things to go the other way too. Just recently my inquiry to a fatigued-sounding lady working at a supermarket had a very unexpected unburdening and empathizing outcome.. a perfect stranger confiding with me how rotten a day she was having, how her coworkers were ill and she was feeling the pressure from her boss to work long hours to make up the staffing shortfall, and how nice it was for someone to ask how she was and being patient rather than pushy.. its the little things that make all the difference now and then.
If you are feeling the strain, ease off and switch out your mind to focus on something else for a change rather than going with the aggression.. get some fresh air and sunshine and introspect a bit.. or just exercise. There are always more battles to fight & always people willing to stand in while you take a breather.
Then come back! Quitters dont win and winners dont quit.
I can imagine where this came from. We've been there fren.
Happy to report puffy clouds here in TN with bright blue skies. Reminds me of being a kid and my kids are noticing a difference! One said the sky has a depth it didn't before.
Yes, some of the mods here are gatekeepers, this isn't the first time I have seen this reaction to a "conspiracy" that they don't agree with. And to those who say it isn't Q related, The Great Awakening is bigger than Q. Q is the tool to help us through this Awakening. This Awakening will open many doors of information and I am guessing all "conspiracies" will be addressed. Small minds should not be controlling the doors, i.e. moderating.
Whoever wrote that ban message sounds like a power-tripping faggot. Further proof that any amount of power and control, even something as small as moding this forum, can lead to tyranny.
In my experience, no, we're not. I recently posted asking for real examples of real action that people here have taken that I can replicate in order to advance the plan. Any real action, such as participating in an audit, calling representatives, sending affidavits, filming whatever may need to be filmed. The dumbest person on that thread asked if I was trying to "phish" them, clearly not understanding what phishing is. The rest couldn't be bothered to look at my comment history to understand that I'm not some kind of glowie. Oh, and one more of the dumber people around here stated that he's not here for my entertainment.
I thought we were trying to do something here, not just sit around and hope. Apparently I was wrong. So we can't have nice things, such as real discussions and we can't have nice things such as REAL examples of REAL people taking REAL action to move things ahead.
Fortunately, another user in another post told me to call my county to get a forensic image of the voting machines. I called and I'm on the way to getting one. Examples like that are what we need. Real examples that other people can follow.
excerpt "Q drops specifically call out Mika Brzezinski as being born into "The Inner Circle" -- Zbignew Brzezinski being a major architect for the globalist agenda. Operation Cyclone? Zbiggy created Al Qaeda and the Taliban.
In his 1971 book Between Two Ages, Brzezinski looks to the work of geophysicist, environmental scientist and warfare specialist Gordon MacDonald for developing technology that can "seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations...using the environment to manipulate behavior for national advantages" (Between Two Ages, page 28)."
wow... pretty extreme reaction considering chemtrails are hardly fringe conspiracy theory
Hell, there's even video of Brennan the Treasonous talking about it at a conference. I an't remember the euphemism he used.
I live near Patrick AFB in Florida, as you may remember. A few years back, I was walking my dogs and a large 4 engine jet at ~2500ft was on a banked approach, when suddenly huge clouds of thick white smoke began pouring out of the wing tips for around 15 seconds. Frankly, I could not believe what I was seeing, for I had been a bit of a skeptic on the subject.
I live near Tyndall and Eglin. I've started taking photographs of the trails, and am thinking about setting up a conference with the congressional representative for this area. This madness has to stop.
I think it's now Patrick SFB, formerly AFB. I'm still on the fence over the subject. Nothing surprises me and there is certainly enough evidence to support its practice. I've always wondered how they are getting enough contaminants in the air, with such frequency, and no one has blown the whistle.
On a sidenote: I used to go visit Cape Canaveral when I was young to watch Apollo, Skylab, and some other launches. I have astronauts in the family, so it was obligatory to go see.
yes... SFB is the official
I can say anecdotally that over the last 3 years, prominent and lingering chemtrail like patterns have fallen off drastically. I now only see what are traditional and obvious contrails.
This is in a high traffic corridor.
Don't yell at me, but SerialBrain came out with 3 different messages on chemtrails saying that they had been neutralized by WH. I do know they are much less where I live than prior to Trump.
read my other comments... I have noticed the same.
exactly, in the 90s chem trails didnt exist. something is def going on.
you were saying?
If you're not with us you're against us you:
forum sliding shill hack.
dude, our own govt has admitted chem trails are real lol fuck off with your photoshopped photos
That's because the types of flights have changed. Airlines don't use the "spoke and hub" system as much. Planes fly longer flights to destinations farther away. That means the planes spend more time at cruise altitude, where contrails are formed more consistently and last a longer period of time.
This is exactly the thinking that creates chemtardation. Nothing fights it. It's the reason I sent that frustrated ban message. Stupid as can be.
Former FBI Agent Ted Gunderson Killed - Chemtrails Exposed! 1,018 views Oct 19, 2017 - This is old, not sure if technology or intention has changed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DbjfQKSOfQ
Im down south from Patrick about 90 miles (though I'm from Cocoa) in Martin Co and have watched numerous jets, for yrs, come over the ocean from the east, contrail free, then suddenly spit plumes of chemtrails the sec they hit land. Without fail, a cloudless day would spontaneously become gray, cloudy.
Yeah. Chemtrails are real
we used to have a lot of grey cloudy days in the midwest too.
obvious that something wasn't right, especially for those of us that are old enough to remember blue skies. so it's sad that people would want to 'ban' such a discussion, and worrisome that other mods agree.
Nice to see Martin County represented, Neighbor. Stuart checking in.
I reside in Stuart, too
We should stage a rally.
I'm down, even though Martin Co's finest aren't too fond of me (yet I've never been arrested in my life)!
Whoaaaa, heyy.
Not to be that person, but I heard that all planes/jets dump their remaining fuel before landing as a matter of course to reduce explosion risk. Don't they store that in the wings?
not fuel. fuel is not a dense, lingering white cloud
this was directly over a populated area and the Indian River, as well
Planes only dump fuel on emergency landings
thanks for playing
What are you talking about? Yes, when dumped, it is. JP2 has a specific gravity of .8. What do you think clouds are? RAIN is a liquid.
what are you talking about? This was directly over a residential area and a protected intercoastal river, on approach. IT. WAS. NOT. FUEL.
( btw, how are things ? )
It was. Wing tanks. Do you know how fuel is stored? And used? It's different for each phase of flight. These jets have wing tanks, often four or even five different ones, all connected by piping and pumps. They use strange pumps, too, some of them are venturi-style to reduce moving parts and possibilities for catastrophic failures. Since they're one-way they also have pressure valves at the tips to reduce 'hammering' inside the tanks. That means venting. I've done training on this (as in, created the curriculum). In these jets (especially military) there are vents at wing tips specifically designed to allow fuel to slosh out, as would happen in exactly this maneuver.
Things are good and bad. Been good with travel, some bad with family, tons of bullshit, and the constant WAITING for shit to go down is driving me to drink. Went sober for 50 days, then drank some. Ugh. Sucks.
Appreciate the work you do, man.
Hardly a conspiracy. Even MSM talks about it. the double speak term for it is geoengineering nanoparticles
Here are some MS articles
Ruh roe.......mods looking pretty stupid right about now.
Meow five times so the ban hammer stays in it's holster.
No kidding. Ban me. I don't care. Chemtrails and contrails are not the same. It isn't fringe at all, but a very real thing folks need to look into. Any place that would ban me for saying so isn't worth my time or support.
C5 really has a blind spot on this topic, it's a shame. Very devisive.
I'll give control of this board to anyone that can explain how "chemtrails" cross the skies in 50 global cities, all in secret
especially considering that the covid shot ties in with this stuff graphene oxide etc
This is wrong. I do not speak out often because of fear of being attacked or ridiculed on this site. It should not be this way. At the risk of being banned, I too, believe in chemtrails. I do not attack folks over differences of opinions. Heck, I don't attack folks at all. I just feel that this is wrong so I am simply stating my opinion.
Don't fear speaking your mind. There are more good people here then bad. I get shill3d alot for posting news articles I think someone may find as new information. It is all part of the great awakening, even if only helps one person to awaken it is worth posting.
You are very kind. Thank you. :)
Stand firm. Truth is truth.
I remember President Trump talking about clear, blue skies and fresh, clear water coming out of the tap. At the time, I thought he was referring to chemtrails.
I noticed they were gone or less frequent when Trump was president, but am seeing them again nowadays.
I agree. People will slam you for anything. Article posted before, misspelling, just to say something snarky. There are many times I see an article for the first time, yet someone has to say it was written in 2018, or posted before.
This is a Q board. Sidebar says take that to conspiracies.win. Simple.
Stay on Q habbenings and we good.
I really don't care about the language. The post is off topic. This forum isn't a catch all for every single fringe idea we know about. It's clear in the rules side bar what this site is about.
Have you guys even checked the new section? It is littered with retarded trash. If I was a mod, I am sure I would have bad days and flip out, too, after seeing a deport queue 1000 pages long
But instead of just not posting chemtrails, OP makes an alt account and just has to cry outrage and incite the crowd against the mods.
Cats is anti chem trails. He doesn't believe in them. I got into an argument with him over it about a year ago. He probably did the banning.
Been down that road myself a time or two. Got called all kinds of names and insulted repeatedly no matter what sauce was shared. C5 doesn't want to know. Guess the be respectful rules don't apply to all Anons equally.
Who put the head mod at the head? Anyone ever wonder?
Can’t talk about vaccines causing autism, the chosen, nor the holomodor... so many things we can’t talk about
Exactly this. I sometimes wonder about .win like a honey pot? Prolly ban me too for noticing.
Yup, every single time
Those are things allowed. I only remove fringe conspiracies not related to Q. I have a special hate for chemtards, however, yup. I refuse to respect anyone who cannot explain their theories.
They don’t have to explain their info to you at all and “tards” is not appropriate to use to people as a mod. Anyways take care!
This is a Q board. Sidebar says take that to conspiracies.win. Simple.
Stay on Q habbenings and we good.
Fair enough, but the harshness needs to be quelled sometimes dude. Just tell the "mod" that did this to chill.
That mod that did it was me. I have however told that guy to chill. He gets frustrated by tards sometimes. :)
Thanks for understanding mate
I see a lot of assuming, rumors, and inciting. None of this is productive, can you all stop being a bunch of drama queens for 5 seconds?
Why does this thread exist?
Good grief! I just read the thread you posted. This mod is very rude and abusive. The speech patterns/mannerisms make me wonder if this person is an adolescent and not an adult. Well, perhaps, a very rude adult. I'll likely be blasted for saying all of that but good grief...
I am that mod. I am indeed rude and abusive to tards who cannot explain their theories.
Nice find. I remember that. Some anons are more equal than others when it comes to the be respectful rule. If I were king I would have booted cats for the tone taken. Disgusting.
The way that was written sounds to me as he's the one who did it
I've been banned and mocked by him in the past, I recognize the snarcky superiority complex writting
Ruh roh. His dite his rules. :/
Ding ding ding... good job anon
He’s a pussy... lol... we all know
I only have one account, bud. That's why that info is public.
My username is my FLICKR, FFS. I am against sneaking around
Me. This mod. Same mod that wrote the sidebar. This is a Q board. Sidebar says take that to conspiracies.win. Simple.
Stay on Q habbenings and we good.
No, a 3-day ban to a tard with extensive notes in his mod history file (past touches, warnings, and bans), now with a new account, posting wildly off topic crap. I was frustrated but I'd write something similar to that again.
poor judgement by mod team
Yeah I’d have to agree, unless you sent them a message previously with vulgar words. Isn’t unification and the great awakening the point of this?
Don’t care too much about chemtrails, then again haven’t looked into them at all. Plus why not recommend to go to the conspiracies win with the post instead of name calling someone in a ban message?
Seems the Mods are willfully forgetting that 90% of what we discuss was and still is considered to be a conspiracy theory...in this case chemtrails are a Notable topic of discussion on QResearch on 8kun and they are something to actually be concerned about...til you come here...Mods here presume to be Gatekeepers lately...and now it's starting to show, unless they choose to cease and desist then Q will be proven right again when he claimed 8chan/8kun will be the only uncompromised free speech platform to discuss Q topics.
Chemtrail retard? Thats unnecessary and rude. Is this real? I cant believe what Im reading. Idiots who cant understand basic meteorology? Man this is RUDE if true! And side note chem trails are barely conspiracy theory anymore. I suppose weather mod is for idiots too? If this is real Im surprised
Why do all these comments read like they are from the same person....
This is so unexcusable, if this is how the mods are going to behave around here I might as well go to reddit, which is probably where this shit-brained mod is from.
Shall we code talk chemtrails with HAARP?
I never really looked into Chemtrails and put them off as "probably nonsense, but if not inconsequential enough for me not to care for now".
That said, if that is a message from a mod then said mod needs to be banned.
Who can ban da king? Know your place serf. Don't you know cats is infallible in his own mind?
And be replaced by who? One of you retards from this thread? No one here is any different, or any better. I will tell you what though:
At least 50% of these comments are AI. No one here gives a shit a mod banned some no-name jack off posting his 100th airstream bigfoot post. The outrage you are seeing is being manufactured.
Hell, if you are smart enough you can spot writing patterns immediately from comment to comment, right down to word choice.
I won’t get into, but I will say fuck chemtrails, bigfoot, Piers Morgan, and anyone else that wants to ban a mod because their snowflake asses can’t handle their shitty post being banned. .
so you are shilling for chemtrails. How inbred.
I thought most of what we talked about here on this sight were considered conspiracy theories by the majority of people.
Wow! One of our moderators said that? That's ridiculous. Absolutely uncalled for.
And I'll do it again. We had this out on Reddit, on Voat, it never stops. SOMEONE explain how they keep the skies sprayed in 50 cities around the globe. Everyone bails at that step. It's absolutely retarded and I refuse to tolerate these people.
With all the findings coming out about graphene oxide, and analysts finding it not just in the injections but in our food, how on earth do you think it's getting there?
I was happy that fourth of July when Trump mentioned takeover of airports in a long list of historical independence actions, and the stripes in the sky here in NC seemed to go almost completely away for a long time. They've started up again, not as bad as before, but they're popping up again. Are we left to only hope these are beneficial? We are way past arguing quickly-dissipating condensation versus long-lasting chemical sprays.
Fine. Who cares? EXPLAIN THE CONTRAILS. I don't care if it's "graphene" ANYTHING. Explain what makes the persistent white mist
I have literally watched the same jet spew white, then nothing, then white, then nothing, in the same path across the sky... those who say that whether the trail lingers or not is based on altitude, temperature, and weather, explain to me how the same jet can turn the white stuff on and off on the same trajectory if it's just a con-trail?
I have no hardcore theories over what they're dumping or why, but I certainly believe they're messing with SOMETHING. Whether it's as simple as dumping toxic waste to avoid disposal fees, more nefarious like experiments on the populace, or misbegotten attempts at cloud seeding, I don't know or claim to know.
But they definitely dump SOMETHING, and that's what I believe about chem-trails.
I, too, have seen a "morse code" trail.
Yeah, that's called METEOROLOGY. Just because the sky is clear, doesn't mean the pressure differentials are uniform.
Mods are often simply juvenile. That's the nicest way to say it.
The agro mod should have a 3 day time out and come back as a simple fren without mod privileges. My opinion.
We know that the mod who did this us a “pussy”...
Whatever mod banned him needs to be removed immediately
If I had to make a call, I would say the lack of human contact (in person, phone calls etc) in lockdown type places leaves people with more (perhaps vastly more) internet based contact. Which has its own points good and bad. Among the bad is a tendency to over-dramatize, get infuriated over little things, get personal attacks going rather than addressing points being made (or made badly). Financial stresses, strains with vax among work colleagues, family etc arent helpful in that regard either.
There is so much potential for things to go the other way too. Just recently my inquiry to a fatigued-sounding lady working at a supermarket had a very unexpected unburdening and empathizing outcome.. a perfect stranger confiding with me how rotten a day she was having, how her coworkers were ill and she was feeling the pressure from her boss to work long hours to make up the staffing shortfall, and how nice it was for someone to ask how she was and being patient rather than pushy.. its the little things that make all the difference now and then.
If you are feeling the strain, ease off and switch out your mind to focus on something else for a change rather than going with the aggression.. get some fresh air and sunshine and introspect a bit.. or just exercise. There are always more battles to fight & always people willing to stand in while you take a breather.
Then come back! Quitters dont win and winners dont quit.
That was nice. I feel the same way about road ragers and assholes in general. Sometimes everyone just needs some grace.
What a spaz
Pretty positive I know who this is. In fact, I'd bet a paycheck on it.
Reason: had a "discussion" with'em a few weeks back. Language and condescending demeanor is identical.
A true Dunning-Kruger award winner.
Been my experience on boards of all types over 20+ years, you get these types all the time. Part of the territory.
I know who it is too
I can imagine where this came from. We've been there fren.
Happy to report puffy clouds here in TN with bright blue skies. Reminds me of being a kid and my kids are noticing a difference! One said the sky has a depth it didn't before.
Yes, some of the mods here are gatekeepers, this isn't the first time I have seen this reaction to a "conspiracy" that they don't agree with. And to those who say it isn't Q related, The Great Awakening is bigger than Q. Q is the tool to help us through this Awakening. This Awakening will open many doors of information and I am guessing all "conspiracies" will be addressed. Small minds should not be controlling the doors, i.e. moderating.
Whoever wrote that ban message sounds like a power-tripping faggot. Further proof that any amount of power and control, even something as small as moding this forum, can lead to tyranny.
In my experience, no, we're not. I recently posted asking for real examples of real action that people here have taken that I can replicate in order to advance the plan. Any real action, such as participating in an audit, calling representatives, sending affidavits, filming whatever may need to be filmed. The dumbest person on that thread asked if I was trying to "phish" them, clearly not understanding what phishing is. The rest couldn't be bothered to look at my comment history to understand that I'm not some kind of glowie. Oh, and one more of the dumber people around here stated that he's not here for my entertainment.
I thought we were trying to do something here, not just sit around and hope. Apparently I was wrong. So we can't have nice things, such as real discussions and we can't have nice things such as REAL examples of REAL people taking REAL action to move things ahead.
Fortunately, another user in another post told me to call my county to get a forensic image of the voting machines. I called and I'm on the way to getting one. Examples like that are what we need. Real examples that other people can follow.
Get deputized @sheriff. County board meetings, too.
I trust you appealed.....?
No better than our mutual enemy......!!
Hey hey hey... where's that energy when people post about clones and shit! C'mon man!
What? Are you saying a Mod said all that, or another member?
Wow... that is a bad standard to set as a mod.
What mod? What fren?
Huh. I don't recall the name. Thanks
This isn't an isolated incident.
It's not complicated:
FlatEarth/ChemTrails -----> conspiracies.win
eg: "Haven’t seen any chemtrails over Phoenix for at least 3 weeks, anybody else notice this? Has the program been captured or shut down?"
Q ? ----------> greatawakening.win
eg: see the pending reply by u/test_pattern
excerpt "Q drops specifically call out Mika Brzezinski as being born into "The Inner Circle" -- Zbignew Brzezinski being a major architect for the globalist agenda. Operation Cyclone? Zbiggy created Al Qaeda and the Taliban.
In his 1971 book Between Two Ages, Brzezinski looks to the work of geophysicist, environmental scientist and warfare specialist Gordon MacDonald for developing technology that can "seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations...using the environment to manipulate behavior for national advantages" (Between Two Ages, page 28)."
so why did you do that then?
There is a site dedicated to fucktards such as yourselves... Conspiracies.win
Take your stupidity over thataway and get off this site... kthxbye.
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