Leftist ideas play into the mindset of a deranged person. Makes them feel like they have control over something (other people via passing tyrannical laws), when they don't have any control over their own lives.
Also, I dated a psychologist once (only 1 date -- lol), and she laughed and said if you want to meet some real nut jobs, just go to a party of psychologists.
In medicine, you will find many doctors who want to specialize in an area where they are affected. I have noticed this. Of course, not all, but many.
I've noticed: Doctors with asthma want to be Pulmonologists, doctors with skin problems become Dermatologists. Doctors with mental issues often become Psychiatrists.
My Abnormal Psychology professor admitted this sentiment. He said the only reason many psychiatrists, like himself, go into the field is because they are trying to diagnose their own psychosis. He was such a hoot!
Years back I went to one that had terrible scarring acne from her youth. Also, worked in hospitals for many years. One had a psyche unit with 3 attending psychiatrists. One was fired for constructing a "harem" from a group of women outpatients. He convinced them sex was part of their therapy. Some were also making deposits into a bank account separate from his practice. Another was asked to move on as he would dress up in women's clothes in his office and periodically get caught. Had been rumored for a long time but he had some sort of breakdown and it became a weekly occurence. 2 out of 3 weirdos and they were each a Dr. of Psychiatry and could dispense meds not "What should I do with my life?" junior year major change psychologists.
My sister in law is a psych nurse and actually has her own practice now. She is on her on "therapy" of meds for her own "issues". She is the one we all talk about/make fun of behind her back. She "thinks" she is the ONE who has all the answers. LOL She's also a big lib and and Mayor Pete fan.
Daughter was a psych nurse for three years before switching to ER. She said she wasn't sure half the time who was more fucked up, the patients or the staff.
I sufer from bi-poler. I have been hospitalised and have a lot of experiance dealing with the psyciatric world as a patient. The most dangerous people to my will being were the psyciatrists and the psycolgists I dealt with....I am not saying if you are mentely ill to avoid them but if you have family members that need psyciatic help moniter what is going on becouse a lot of those who have gone into the mentel health field are to sick them selves to be of any help and have the capability of making a psyc patient more sick .
This is for real , I’m a therapist in San Diego ..some days I say ..you know what , I’ll pay my electric bill next month! I can’t listen to these nut jobs today !
90 percent are ungrateful , Godless , entitled , hollow heads . It’s unbelievable and getting worse , I have my own practice , I see a lot of wealthy miserable woman. I’m a woman myself , I always feel so bad for their husbands , 92 percent of marriages fail because of the women who stapled their legs together and turn into nagging hags ..that’s the truth . The “beautiful ones “ are really nuts. I have literally said ..My bills are paid today cancel so and so, I just can’t listen to them today! Being grateful creates joy which is an internal happiness that cannot be taken from us. Happiness is a emotion , an outward occurrence that can be changed in a moment ..joy is inside and cannot be taken from us ..if only people could learn to be grateful it would fix most of their problems!
Honestly , I know I spoke rough , believe I speak pretty rough to those who come to me for , or supposedly for help as well ! Gratitude is one of the biggest keys to a happy person! Ask a miserable person what they are grateful for and watch the reaction you get and listen to what comes next !May God pull the veil away from those who need to find the key to eternal peace and happiness!
If you're really judging some patients as Godless, entitled hollow heads, they might not be a match for your practice. Perhaps you should refer them to a therapist who can view them with more compassion, and who seeks to help, heal, ground, and uplift them rather than canceling appointments because they can't stand listening to them. Or perhaps you should seek guidance on how you can try to see the best in these people and bring that out in them, including teaching them ways of communicating more effectively with others, starting with you.
They are very strong leftist individuals who are not making appointments for help. They are very wealthy do not work for a living and most have no children or they're children are adults . Most make appointments as more of way to fill their day or have somewhat of a social life. My practice is private after trying to help , I have suggested that they seek other help. Many people seeking private practice are already on major pharmaceuticals who in most cases should not be! Changing their behavior and mindset about life and being grateful would help many, however most aren't really there for help. Most unfortunately need to pay for someone to listen to them, which is just the truth !
I believe this is creeping into my wife’s head and I blame social media and MSM 100%. I’m no professional, but I share your view, and believe you are spot-friggen-on.
No matter how hard I try, I simply can't think like lefty/liberals do. Their ideas on how to handle things in life just don't make sense to me. I'd never come up with most of the things/ideas they dream up.
Their logic is completely flawed. I really think they aren’t using logic and are only being manipulated. The liberal psyche is one of the hardest things for me to try to put myself in their shoes to try to communicate with them. It’s truly impossible for me. To be honest, I eliminate those people from my life now, no matter their relationship to me.
You would be correct. People who believe that trillions of advanced lifeforms with the most complex computer program ever written stamped in each cell just magically appeared out of an amino acid soup, do indeed have psychological issues.
Your evolutionary high school teachers who probably also believe that 9/11 was committed by the Taliban, Obama is a US citizen, and Covid has killed millions of people while the vaccine is perfectly safe... have never once looked at the math involved. They were told a lie by propagandists of the state and believed it.
I ask you to consider the math involved in forming just a single small protein, just one protein, of only 150 amino acids long, the absolute smallest protein you need, by accident.
Healthy people think both logically and emotionally. When the ability to perceive one's own emotions is removed, as can occur with a brain injury, people have a very hard time making decisions at all.
I think being infested by parasites, turns a person into one. As a narcissist feeds off other people’s misery, so do parasites. ‘We are what we eat’ is a very underrated rabbit hole.
It seems people only think of this in form of an alien movie. No. Parasites are very earthly and common, and seem to turn humans into flesh mechs to perform their will. Cravings and fetishes are a couple of things influenced by parasites. Mental illness, too.
Cleanse the parasite, restore control to the human. Parasites are energized under a full moon. We’ve all noticed the phenomenon of people acting more irrational than usual. The crazy, get crazier.
It’s because liberalism is counter to human nature but is regarded as the only acceptable way of thinking so when reality doesn’t match up “cognitive dissonance” results. People go nuts thinking there’s something wrong with them for doubting liberal dogma, as it changes every day.
On a major "Progressive" college parent's social media site I'm amazed how many college aged kids are in therapy, based on their parents spouting off on the site.
Leftists just have a bleak worldview. Everything is shit and getting worse, they're always victims, and they have an external locus of control. They are constantly walking on eggshells in their social circles (because half of them are traumatized individuals not working through their trauma, and half are narcissists abusing them further) and constantly have to work to maintain their cognitive dissonance as clown world gets clownier. Of course they're filled with mental illness.
The real question is, does liberalism cause mental illness, or does mental illness leads to liberalism.
The real answer is a bit more complex. Liberalism attracts people who are highly insecure, have very little self confidence and have no self love. Everything these people do is to cover their insecurities and to project outward confidence.
Liberalism provides an easy way of feeling great with only tokenisms. Scream for the rights of "women's choice" - and it makes them feel like a saint. Scream against gun rights and it makes them feel like a warrior. Liberalism builds layer and layer of false identity over a person, to the point where they themselves cannot distinguish between their real identity and their false persona.
This leads to more and more disconnect between reality and the delusion they live in, and that is what causes mental illnesses.
Godless people try to find godless solutions to their godless problems. But God-fearing men and women will seek out their pastor/priest first, and then, if necessary, be guided to a counselor for additional aide.
Eric hoffer is one of my favorite writers of the 20th century. He could not stand intellectuals. One of his main theories was that for people to be mentally healthy and happy, they must work with their hands. They must incorporate into their lives, something physical that gives them joy.
For instance, gardening. It is not physically exhausting, although it can be, but the fruit of labor is visible after harvest. This gives much greater joy to a person than a stock investment that gives a 100% return after 6 months.
My wife's mother is 97 years old. She was a dairy farmer but retired in 1978. If you know about dairy farming, my lord. Hard work.
Anyway, she has a small garden behind her house. Small by her standard, lol.
20' x 60'.
At each end of the garden are stools.
She works the garden once she has went 60 feet, she sits down on the stool, once she has regained the strength to work the length again, then sits back down.
Rinse and repeat.
Her body is breaking down, yet she is mentally as tough as when she was 40.
Pretty amazing, to be honest and mad respect for her.
Her sister by contrast, is 4 years younger and worked her whole life at a company at a desk. She has dementia and is in a nursing home.
To be healthy is not just about hitting the gym, it is about purpose and seeing the fruition of labor.
Intellectuals have no true purpose. Their labor is worthless at the end and they suffer for it.
He’s a Christian. You can be a psychologist and a Christian at the same time lmao. You don’t become a devil worshipper just because you study the way peoples minds work...
Liberals are taught that their parents were supposed to be perfect. It's because they were actual humans with faults that the kids are now human with faults. Only liberals blow it up big time and their faults are suddenly defining them and holding them back (from whatever they failed in life). As a parent, I can tell you I a screwing up my kids. I can't help it. I'm human.
I think many marriages fail when women go through menopause. When those hormones change, we become depressed, unsettled, gain weight, and shorter tempered. I think women blame their husbands instead of menopause (or peri menopause), and the husbands don't see that their wives are going through a change of both hormones and identity. Kids are growing or grown, we realize we will not be having more kids and are getting older. Men don't go through that because their fertility doesn't really change (look at Mick Jagger having kids in his 70's) so they don't understand. If we all had more patience and tolerance (a great liberal hijacked word) we could figure out 90% of the problems are because we are human. Get over it. There, just saved the liberals lots of money and put therapists out of business.
Summary of Lobaczewski's view:
When psychopaths come to power, they form a pathocracy, that in the end turn they followers in to hysterical mass.
Some nice quotes:
"Schizoidia, or schizoidal psychopathy, was isolated by the very first of the famous creators of modern psychiatry.
Carriers of this anomaly are hypersensitive and distrustful, while, at the same time, pay little attention to the feelings of others. They tend to assume extreme positions, and are eager to retaliate for minor offenses. Sometimes they are eccentric and odd. Their poor sense of psychological situation and reality leads them to superimpose erroneous, pejorative interpretations upon other people’s intentions.
Their impoverished psychological worldview makes them typically pessimistic regarding human nature. We frequently find expressions of their characteristic attitudes in their statements and writings: “Human nature is so bad that order in human society can only be maintained by a strong power created by highly qualified individuals in the name of some higher idea.” Let us call this typical expression the “schizoid declaration”.
The quantitative frequency of this anomaly varies among races and nations: low among Blacks, the highest among Jews. Estimates of this frequency range from negligible up to 3 %. In Poland it may be estimated as 0.7 % of population. My observations suggest this anomaly is autosomally hereditary.
During stable times which are ostensibly happy [...] is always characterized by an impoverished psychological world view, so that a schizoidally impoverished psychological world view does not stand out as odd during such times and is accepted as legal tender.
These doctrinaire individuals characteristically manifest a certain contempt with regard to moralists then preaching the need to rediscover lost human values and to develop a richer, more appropriate psychological world view.
Schizoid characters aim to impose their own conceptual world upon other people or social groups, using relatively controlled pathological egotism and the exceptional tenacity derived from their persistent nature. They are thus eventually able to overpower another individual’s personality, which causes the latter’s behavior to turn desperately illogical.
The conviction that Karl Marx is the best example of this is correct as he was the best-known figure of that kind.
Frostig, a psychiatrist of the old school, included Engels and others into a category he called “bearded schizoidal fanatics”. The famous writings attributed to “Zionist Wise Men” at the turn of the century begin with a typically schizoidal declaration.
The nineteenth century, especially its latter half, appears to have been a time of exceptional activity on the part of schizoidal individuals, often but not always of Jewish descent. After all we have to remember that 97 % of all Jews do not manifest this anomaly, and that it also appears among all European nations, albeit to a markedly lesser extent.
The oversimplified pattern of ideas, devoid of psychological color and based on easily available data, tends to exert an intense attracting influence on individuals who are insufficiently critical, frequently frustrated as result of downward social adjustment, culturally neglected, or characterized by some psychological deficiencies of their own.
An ideology liberating a social class or a nation from injustice may thus seem to them to be friendly; unfortunately it also gives rise to unrealistic hopes that they themselves will be liberated as well.
[Psycopaths] initially perform subordinate functions in such a movement and execute the leaders’ orders, especially whenever something needs to be done which inspires revulsion in others.
Thus they climb up the organizational ladder, gain influence, and almost involuntarily bend the contents of the entire group to their own way of experiencing reality and to the goals derived from their deviant nature.
If such a movement triumphs by revolutionary means and in the name of freedom, the welfare of the people, and social justice, this only brings about further transformation of a governmental system thus created into a macrosocial pathological phenomenon. Within this system, the common man is blamed for not having been born a psychopath.
An ever-strengthening network of psychopathic and related individuals gradually starts to dominate, overshadowing the
The entire life of a society thus affected then becomes subordinated to deviant thought-criteria and permeated by their
specific experiential mode, especially the one described in the section on essential psychopathy. At this point, using the name of the original ideology to designate this phenomenon is meaningless and becomes an error rendering its comprehension more difficult.
I shall accept the denomination of pathocracy for a system of government thus created.
Such a name sufficiently indicates the phenomenon’s basic quality and also emphasizes that the ideological cloak (or some other ideology which cloaked similar phenomena in the past) does not constitute its essence.
In a pathocracy, all leadership positions, must be filled by individuals with corresponding psychological deviations,
which are inherited as a rule.
Under such conditions, no area of social life can develop normally, whether in economics, culture, science, technology,
administration, etc. Pathocracy progressively paralyzes everything.
The phenomenon of pathocracy matures during this period: an extensive and active indoctrination system is built. The goal - forcing human minds to incorporate pathological experiential methods and thoughtpatterns, and consequently accepting such rule - is never openly admitted. Thousands of activists must therefore participate in this work.
The entire system of force, terror, and forced indoctrination, or, rather, pathologization, thus proves effectively unfeasible, which causes the pathocrats no small measure of surprise.
Normal people slowly learn to perceive the weak spots of such a system and utilize the possibilities of more expedient
arrangement of their lives. They begin to give each other advice in these matters, thus slowly regenerating the feelings of social links and reciprocal trust. A new phenomenon occurs: separation between the pathocrats and the society of normal people.
God's Holy Spirit, the Great Counselor, Comforter, and Physician is so amazing.... His wisdom and love never end. For liberals, to be humble before God is something they would scoff at.... and because of that they reject all he has to offer. When you know God he gives you sacred counsel directly that is personal because he knows you, infinite because he knows your future, and merciful because he loves you. The old testament says, " Who has a God like our God who is near to us when we call to him?" Indeed. I'll love God forever, He's been the best thing in my life. I'd be a nutjob myself without him.
Leftist ideas play into the mindset of a deranged person. Makes them feel like they have control over something (other people via passing tyrannical laws), when they don't have any control over their own lives.
Also, I dated a psychologist once (only 1 date -- lol), and she laughed and said if you want to meet some real nut jobs, just go to a party of psychologists.
Turns out the psychs are nuts themselves. wHo KnEw???
In medicine, you will find many doctors who want to specialize in an area where they are affected. I have noticed this. Of course, not all, but many.
I've noticed: Doctors with asthma want to be Pulmonologists, doctors with skin problems become Dermatologists. Doctors with mental issues often become Psychiatrists.
And what of the proctologists?? 😵
Maybe someone who’s family member got ass cancer.
Love them brown eyes
I love them brown eye :)
Ass Rangers....! Those were the lowest 5% of their pre-med class.
Ace Ventura - D+. Looks like your gonna be an ass detective!
I hope they're not assholes.
Well played. 😄🍻
My Abnormal Psychology professor admitted this sentiment. He said the only reason many psychiatrists, like himself, go into the field is because they are trying to diagnose their own psychosis. He was such a hoot!
I knew several neurologists who died of neuro diseases.
Years back I went to one that had terrible scarring acne from her youth. Also, worked in hospitals for many years. One had a psyche unit with 3 attending psychiatrists. One was fired for constructing a "harem" from a group of women outpatients. He convinced them sex was part of their therapy. Some were also making deposits into a bank account separate from his practice. Another was asked to move on as he would dress up in women's clothes in his office and periodically get caught. Had been rumored for a long time but he had some sort of breakdown and it became a weekly occurence. 2 out of 3 weirdos and they were each a Dr. of Psychiatry and could dispense meds not "What should I do with my life?" junior year major change psychologists.
My sister in law is a psych nurse and actually has her own practice now. She is on her on "therapy" of meds for her own "issues". She is the one we all talk about/make fun of behind her back. She "thinks" she is the ONE who has all the answers. LOL She's also a big lib and and Mayor Pete fan.
I'm a former psych nurse. Couldn't do it.
Daughter was a psych nurse for three years before switching to ER. She said she wasn't sure half the time who was more fucked up, the patients or the staff.
I started to feel that way about myself.
I sufer from bi-poler. I have been hospitalised and have a lot of experiance dealing with the psyciatric world as a patient. The most dangerous people to my will being were the psyciatrists and the psycolgists I dealt with....I am not saying if you are mentely ill to avoid them but if you have family members that need psyciatic help moniter what is going on becouse a lot of those who have gone into the mentel health field are to sick them selves to be of any help and have the capability of making a psyc patient more sick .
This is for real , I’m a therapist in San Diego ..some days I say ..you know what , I’ll pay my electric bill next month! I can’t listen to these nut jobs today !
90 percent are ungrateful , Godless , entitled , hollow heads . It’s unbelievable and getting worse , I have my own practice , I see a lot of wealthy miserable woman. I’m a woman myself , I always feel so bad for their husbands , 92 percent of marriages fail because of the women who stapled their legs together and turn into nagging hags ..that’s the truth . The “beautiful ones “ are really nuts. I have literally said ..My bills are paid today cancel so and so, I just can’t listen to them today! Being grateful creates joy which is an internal happiness that cannot be taken from us. Happiness is a emotion , an outward occurrence that can be changed in a moment ..joy is inside and cannot be taken from us ..if only people could learn to be grateful it would fix most of their problems!
I like "hollow heads" as a descriptor. 😄
Gratitude is def the key.
I can't understand people that put blinders on and will not be grateful for the blessings they have.
Honestly , I know I spoke rough , believe I speak pretty rough to those who come to me for , or supposedly for help as well ! Gratitude is one of the biggest keys to a happy person! Ask a miserable person what they are grateful for and watch the reaction you get and listen to what comes next !May God pull the veil away from those who need to find the key to eternal peace and happiness!
Wow you know about the “ beautiful ones” more later : Ive been spending time returning messages and I ran out of time :)
If you're really judging some patients as Godless, entitled hollow heads, they might not be a match for your practice. Perhaps you should refer them to a therapist who can view them with more compassion, and who seeks to help, heal, ground, and uplift them rather than canceling appointments because they can't stand listening to them. Or perhaps you should seek guidance on how you can try to see the best in these people and bring that out in them, including teaching them ways of communicating more effectively with others, starting with you.
They are very strong leftist individuals who are not making appointments for help. They are very wealthy do not work for a living and most have no children or they're children are adults . Most make appointments as more of way to fill their day or have somewhat of a social life. My practice is private after trying to help , I have suggested that they seek other help. Many people seeking private practice are already on major pharmaceuticals who in most cases should not be! Changing their behavior and mindset about life and being grateful would help many, however most aren't really there for help. Most unfortunately need to pay for someone to listen to them, which is just the truth !
I believe this is creeping into my wife’s head and I blame social media and MSM 100%. I’m no professional, but I share your view, and believe you are spot-friggen-on.
Self-medication is the draw for some psychologist's. I've known a few.
All of them pretentious, fucked up & judgmental.
(I knew one from high school, met others others through them.)
'Sigmund Freud is in the kitchen sniffing lots of cocaine talking about what he wants to do to his own mum.'
No matter how hard I try, I simply can't think like lefty/liberals do. Their ideas on how to handle things in life just don't make sense to me. I'd never come up with most of the things/ideas they dream up.
They have too much damn time on their hands. Idle hands...
Their logic is completely flawed. I really think they aren’t using logic and are only being manipulated. The liberal psyche is one of the hardest things for me to try to put myself in their shoes to try to communicate with them. It’s truly impossible for me. To be honest, I eliminate those people from my life now, no matter their relationship to me.
People who don't have God, turn to men to solve their problems.
Was just going to post this. They lack an awareness of God in their lives.
People become psychiatrists because they have a mental problem and are seeking the cure
That's been my assessment as well!
You're contractually obligated to say that.
Huh. I figured people that believe myths are real also had psychological issues.
You would be correct. People who believe that trillions of advanced lifeforms with the most complex computer program ever written stamped in each cell just magically appeared out of an amino acid soup, do indeed have psychological issues.
Your evolutionary high school teachers who probably also believe that 9/11 was committed by the Taliban, Obama is a US citizen, and Covid has killed millions of people while the vaccine is perfectly safe... have never once looked at the math involved. They were told a lie by propagandists of the state and believed it.
I ask you to consider the math involved in forming just a single small protein, just one protein, of only 150 amino acids long, the absolute smallest protein you need, by accident.
The watchmaker had been argued to death. We don't need to do it again!
Just as long as you understand that the watches arguing with the watchmaker that he doesn't exist is kinda stupid.
That would be stupid. Good thing there's no watchmaker.
Not - AT ALL - surprising.
The 10% are those who married a liberal.
And 9% of them only showed up to try to work things out.
Only 1% actually showed up on their own accord.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
We must #findthecure
It's funny how this started as kind of a meme, but it is actually 100% true. Mass psychosis.
Once again.
Call them what they are.
Aw...they are just plain nuts and have major ego issues.
The illness is emotional thinking. These people do not think logically
Healthy people think both logically and emotionally. When the ability to perceive one's own emotions is removed, as can occur with a brain injury, people have a very hard time making decisions at all.
I’m assuming mentally unstable people are inclined to agree with policies that don’t require them to provide for themselves
I think being infested by parasites, turns a person into one. As a narcissist feeds off other people’s misery, so do parasites. ‘We are what we eat’ is a very underrated rabbit hole.
It seems people only think of this in form of an alien movie. No. Parasites are very earthly and common, and seem to turn humans into flesh mechs to perform their will. Cravings and fetishes are a couple of things influenced by parasites. Mental illness, too.
Cleanse the parasite, restore control to the human. Parasites are energized under a full moon. We’ve all noticed the phenomenon of people acting more irrational than usual. The crazy, get crazier.
I've been learning about parasites from Dr Clark. Wow! and I'm having some amazing results with her suggestions!
That’s great! I’d love if you wouldn’t mind sharing your regimen and your good results :)
I recommend that you read The Cure For All Diseases by Dr Hulda Clark. It's a fascinating read. You can find it for about $8 online.
Thank you! Anything you want to know, I’ll do my best to answer too. I’ll check it out.
Exactly my thinking as well.
It’s because liberalism is counter to human nature but is regarded as the only acceptable way of thinking so when reality doesn’t match up “cognitive dissonance” results. People go nuts thinking there’s something wrong with them for doubting liberal dogma, as it changes every day.
Notice the big push lately by msm regarding mental illness, especially with pro athletes such as Smone Biles, Michael Phelps, Naomi Osaka?
Just go to your pharm fed therapist... there's a pill for that, ya know?
On a major "Progressive" college parent's social media site I'm amazed how many college aged kids are in therapy, based on their parents spouting off on the site.
Leftists just have a bleak worldview. Everything is shit and getting worse, they're always victims, and they have an external locus of control. They are constantly walking on eggshells in their social circles (because half of them are traumatized individuals not working through their trauma, and half are narcissists abusing them further) and constantly have to work to maintain their cognitive dissonance as clown world gets clownier. Of course they're filled with mental illness.
Poetry, pede. I really enjoyed highly refactored thought. Thank you. How did you pack so much in so few sentences?
Ah, the belief that the world is a growth therapy theme park, how sweet.
Is this also true of psychology and psychiatry? They haven't done much good at all to cure madness but have created and promoted them.
The Tavistock Clinic for instance.
The real question is, does liberalism cause mental illness, or does mental illness leads to liberalism.
The real answer is a bit more complex. Liberalism attracts people who are highly insecure, have very little self confidence and have no self love. Everything these people do is to cover their insecurities and to project outward confidence.
Liberalism provides an easy way of feeling great with only tokenisms. Scream for the rights of "women's choice" - and it makes them feel like a saint. Scream against gun rights and it makes them feel like a warrior. Liberalism builds layer and layer of false identity over a person, to the point where they themselves cannot distinguish between their real identity and their false persona.
This leads to more and more disconnect between reality and the delusion they live in, and that is what causes mental illnesses.
All anyone has to do is listen to Nancy Pelosi for ten seconds to see it for yourself.
Godless people try to find godless solutions to their godless problems. But God-fearing men and women will seek out their pastor/priest first, and then, if necessary, be guided to a counselor for additional aide.
Eric hoffer is one of my favorite writers of the 20th century. He could not stand intellectuals. One of his main theories was that for people to be mentally healthy and happy, they must work with their hands. They must incorporate into their lives, something physical that gives them joy.
For instance, gardening. It is not physically exhausting, although it can be, but the fruit of labor is visible after harvest. This gives much greater joy to a person than a stock investment that gives a 100% return after 6 months.
My wife's mother is 97 years old. She was a dairy farmer but retired in 1978. If you know about dairy farming, my lord. Hard work.
Anyway, she has a small garden behind her house. Small by her standard, lol.
20' x 60'.
At each end of the garden are stools.
She works the garden once she has went 60 feet, she sits down on the stool, once she has regained the strength to work the length again, then sits back down.
Rinse and repeat.
Her body is breaking down, yet she is mentally as tough as when she was 40.
Pretty amazing, to be honest and mad respect for her.
Her sister by contrast, is 4 years younger and worked her whole life at a company at a desk. She has dementia and is in a nursing home.
To be healthy is not just about hitting the gym, it is about purpose and seeing the fruition of labor.
Intellectuals have no true purpose. Their labor is worthless at the end and they suffer for it.
Rush was right. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
What is your thoughts on Jordan Peterson?
Benzo addicted manic veggie with a meat queen daughter. He's alright.
He’s a Christian. You can be a psychologist and a Christian at the same time lmao. You don’t become a devil worshipper just because you study the way peoples minds work...
Does NOT surprise me at all. I know many like he describes.
Michael Savage always said "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder". So true.
Liberals are taught that their parents were supposed to be perfect. It's because they were actual humans with faults that the kids are now human with faults. Only liberals blow it up big time and their faults are suddenly defining them and holding them back (from whatever they failed in life). As a parent, I can tell you I a screwing up my kids. I can't help it. I'm human.
I think many marriages fail when women go through menopause. When those hormones change, we become depressed, unsettled, gain weight, and shorter tempered. I think women blame their husbands instead of menopause (or peri menopause), and the husbands don't see that their wives are going through a change of both hormones and identity. Kids are growing or grown, we realize we will not be having more kids and are getting older. Men don't go through that because their fertility doesn't really change (look at Mick Jagger having kids in his 70's) so they don't understand. If we all had more patience and tolerance (a great liberal hijacked word) we could figure out 90% of the problems are because we are human. Get over it. There, just saved the liberals lots of money and put therapists out of business.
Normal people are too busy doing things to whine about their lives.
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder was written years ago and ignored, even though it was a best seller.
This is nothing new.
Summary of Lobaczewski's view: When psychopaths come to power, they form a pathocracy, that in the end turn they followers in to hysterical mass. http://www.ponerology.com
Some nice quotes:
"Schizoidia, or schizoidal psychopathy, was isolated by the very first of the famous creators of modern psychiatry.
Carriers of this anomaly are hypersensitive and distrustful, while, at the same time, pay little attention to the feelings of others. They tend to assume extreme positions, and are eager to retaliate for minor offenses. Sometimes they are eccentric and odd. Their poor sense of psychological situation and reality leads them to superimpose erroneous, pejorative interpretations upon other people’s intentions.
Their impoverished psychological worldview makes them typically pessimistic regarding human nature. We frequently find expressions of their characteristic attitudes in their statements and writings: “Human nature is so bad that order in human society can only be maintained by a strong power created by highly qualified individuals in the name of some higher idea.” Let us call this typical expression the “schizoid declaration”.
The quantitative frequency of this anomaly varies among races and nations: low among Blacks, the highest among Jews. Estimates of this frequency range from negligible up to 3 %. In Poland it may be estimated as 0.7 % of population. My observations suggest this anomaly is autosomally hereditary.
During stable times which are ostensibly happy [...] is always characterized by an impoverished psychological world view, so that a schizoidally impoverished psychological world view does not stand out as odd during such times and is accepted as legal tender.
These doctrinaire individuals characteristically manifest a certain contempt with regard to moralists then preaching the need to rediscover lost human values and to develop a richer, more appropriate psychological world view.
Schizoid characters aim to impose their own conceptual world upon other people or social groups, using relatively controlled pathological egotism and the exceptional tenacity derived from their persistent nature. They are thus eventually able to overpower another individual’s personality, which causes the latter’s behavior to turn desperately illogical.
The conviction that Karl Marx is the best example of this is correct as he was the best-known figure of that kind.
Frostig, a psychiatrist of the old school, included Engels and others into a category he called “bearded schizoidal fanatics”. The famous writings attributed to “Zionist Wise Men” at the turn of the century begin with a typically schizoidal declaration.
The nineteenth century, especially its latter half, appears to have been a time of exceptional activity on the part of schizoidal individuals, often but not always of Jewish descent. After all we have to remember that 97 % of all Jews do not manifest this anomaly, and that it also appears among all European nations, albeit to a markedly lesser extent.
The oversimplified pattern of ideas, devoid of psychological color and based on easily available data, tends to exert an intense attracting influence on individuals who are insufficiently critical, frequently frustrated as result of downward social adjustment, culturally neglected, or characterized by some psychological deficiencies of their own.
An ideology liberating a social class or a nation from injustice may thus seem to them to be friendly; unfortunately it also gives rise to unrealistic hopes that they themselves will be liberated as well.
[Psycopaths] initially perform subordinate functions in such a movement and execute the leaders’ orders, especially whenever something needs to be done which inspires revulsion in others.
Thus they climb up the organizational ladder, gain influence, and almost involuntarily bend the contents of the entire group to their own way of experiencing reality and to the goals derived from their deviant nature.
If such a movement triumphs by revolutionary means and in the name of freedom, the welfare of the people, and social justice, this only brings about further transformation of a governmental system thus created into a macrosocial pathological phenomenon. Within this system, the common man is blamed for not having been born a psychopath.
An ever-strengthening network of psychopathic and related individuals gradually starts to dominate, overshadowing the others.
The entire life of a society thus affected then becomes subordinated to deviant thought-criteria and permeated by their specific experiential mode, especially the one described in the section on essential psychopathy. At this point, using the name of the original ideology to designate this phenomenon is meaningless and becomes an error rendering its comprehension more difficult.
I shall accept the denomination of pathocracy for a system of government thus created.
Such a name sufficiently indicates the phenomenon’s basic quality and also emphasizes that the ideological cloak (or some other ideology which cloaked similar phenomena in the past) does not constitute its essence.
In a pathocracy, all leadership positions, must be filled by individuals with corresponding psychological deviations, which are inherited as a rule.
Under such conditions, no area of social life can develop normally, whether in economics, culture, science, technology, administration, etc. Pathocracy progressively paralyzes everything.
The phenomenon of pathocracy matures during this period: an extensive and active indoctrination system is built. The goal - forcing human minds to incorporate pathological experiential methods and thoughtpatterns, and consequently accepting such rule - is never openly admitted. Thousands of activists must therefore participate in this work.
The entire system of force, terror, and forced indoctrination, or, rather, pathologization, thus proves effectively unfeasible, which causes the pathocrats no small measure of surprise.
Normal people slowly learn to perceive the weak spots of such a system and utilize the possibilities of more expedient arrangement of their lives. They begin to give each other advice in these matters, thus slowly regenerating the feelings of social links and reciprocal trust. A new phenomenon occurs: separation between the pathocrats and the society of normal people.
A greater resistance to hysterization characterizes those social groups which earn their daily bread by daily effort, and where the practicalities of everyday life force the mind to think soberly and reflect on generalities" https://www.survivorshandbook.com/wp-content/articles/political-ponerology.pdf
The lunatics are running their asylum
Liberal politics and schizophrenia go together like peanut butter and jelly.
Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic
White liberals more likely to have a mental health condition
God's Holy Spirit, the Great Counselor, Comforter, and Physician is so amazing.... His wisdom and love never end. For liberals, to be humble before God is something they would scoff at.... and because of that they reject all he has to offer. When you know God he gives you sacred counsel directly that is personal because he knows you, infinite because he knows your future, and merciful because he loves you. The old testament says, " Who has a God like our God who is near to us when we call to him?" Indeed. I'll love God forever, He's been the best thing in my life. I'd be a nutjob myself without him.
Tell us more please!