They are repeating what was literally said during a prayer during a congress session. They literally said this while being televised. Forget the guys name but yeah the democrats closed their prayer with Amen.... and Awoman.
Yes Pelosi that demon cunt said it too .I actually don’t like seeing Awoman used even as a joke me it reinforces these commies and their Tran or whatever woke reasons they say it . Amen means ..So be it ! Period !
I’m a woman myself and I correct people all the time ,I know it seems trivial or just a joke , but that’s how they are able to implement a lot of this BS . It is mentioned and before we know it , it’s a law!
Oh I agree. Its pure disgraceful rhetoric. I get the joke and sarcasm, many others will also. But for anyone who doesnt and see it often it normalizes that kind of lunatic premise of thought. Double edged sword. Im certain that is why those perps did it in the first place
(just a tip, to show sarcasm, put one star immediately before and after any statement intended as sarcasm: e.g. That Kamala Harris, now there's a lady!
We need to call out drag queens as well. Especially those who were doing the drag queen reading to toddlers. They are not dressing up like women, they are dressing up like demonic women. I don't see how any of this is any different than black face. If that is so terrible, then so it this.
Yep I'm a jeans and tennis shoes t shirts, tank top, and hoodie kind of woman, I don't give two craps about name brands I wear barely any makeup because I don't need it, and it doesn't make me any less feminine than anyone else.
It makes me a grown assed woman comfortable in my own skin doing my own thing.
Thank you! As a real, actual, fully biological female, complete with XX chromosomes, it disgusts me when they refer to us as "uterus havers," "birthing people," "chest feeders," "vagina owners," and the worst one, "bleeders."
They are intentionally degrading real women and reducing us to our most basic biological functions, yet propping up trans"women" as "real" women meanwhile the ACTUALLY real women are degraded as "bleeders."
Notice how they only use this kind of language for women. I've rarely seen men referred to as "penis havers" or "sperm shooters" or things like that. It's because they're trying to destroy women completely and replace us with men masquerading as women. If you get rid of the females of the species, that species is doomed.
Valley .lily ..
Amen to this , you said a powerful truthful statement , as woman we need to call this sick denigration of our biological feminine right as woman ! They started ruining us with confusing femininity with feminism and now this ! Dear God help us ! They have done the same thing to our men! Our men as well need to rise up and take back their rightfulGod given place in the home where so many woman have been seduced by media to emasculate them...anything with two heads is a monster!
The liberals have mandated the 99.99% of the population bend over and cater to the 1 in 100,000 who thinks that if they wear a dress maybe they can finally not be a social reject nobody likes.
And this is being done because liberalism is trapped in a spiral of "one upsmanship" with wokeness. Cis, Straight, white liberals are trying to out-do each other for how much they grovel before a "oppressed" person. First it was blacks, then gays, then gay women, then gay black women, and now trans. What will be next, black gay trans furries? The whole while cis, straight, white liberals actually are shoving aside and curbstomping members of the very same peoples they try to champion in their endless war to "one up" the next cis, straight, white liberal.
And they get away with it because liberals are hyper-aggressive maniacs who will attack and savage anybody who even slightly disagrees with them. First they go straight to mocking and insults and they are VERY good at being asswipes. And like any good bully, they know if they attack one person hard enough, the cower the crowd into taking their side. And from there they use shaming, screaming, legal action, and even murder, there is nothing a liberal won't do to "win." They are bullies by very nature.
This stop when ordinary people stop putting up with them.
Sorry there is no "keeping your head down" and trying to avoid this. The liberal will chase you down the street to keep attacking you. They are chaotic-evil psychotic maniacs driven by their need to destroy. They cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be mitigated, they cannot be avoided, and they WILL NOT be ignored.
Sydney is awesome, and I have been watching her channel on and off for about three years. Not sure about her endorsements for SurfShark, though. She is a good conservative voice, she's funny, and focuses on things that others don't.
Amen! I was reading a book on female health and there was a disclaimer for trans. I’ve never seen so much insanity as the whole gender spectrum crap we are constantly bombarded with these days.
Anyone else think its kinda funny to see the "strong and empowered" [usually] ultra-lib 3rd wave feminists doing a full 180 and coming out with this now?
To the fine women who wanted to no part in any of this nonsense since the beginning, I absolutely stand by you. But all the women who've been blabbering about cis white men for the past 3 or 4 years? You reap what you fuckin sow
Empower women by reducing their political desires to only reproduction, thus letting women know THATS ALL THEY ARE GOOD FOR.
Empower women by demanding special privileges for them, and then calling it 'EQUALITY'
Empower women by telling them they're strong and don't need men, and then turning around and telling them all of their problems are BECAUSE of men.
Empower women by removing all responsibility for their lives and situations from them, thus allowing them to make self-destructive choices with an easy scapegoat: MEN.
Empower women by choosing their careers and lives FOR them! Stay at home mom? NOT A CHOICE YOU ARE ALLOWED TO MAKE. You MUST work all of your life and focus on your career, because that is EMPOWERMENT! You are EMPOWERED when we take away your ability to self-determine how your life goes! Freedom is slavery!
Ironically, it is the feminine conceit that feelings carry the same weight as facts which has corrupted public discourse to the point that we are ordered to pretend that people can switch genders rather than offend them with cold hard truth.
I can't even wear a fucking Native American costume for Halloween and I'm 1/4 native because its "cultural appropriation" but Women are still so undervalued and disrespected they think they can appropriate my Gender then claim to be more woman and more worthy of respect....than women.
Being a woman means embracing her femininity, marrying a good man (who takes HIS role as provider so well that the woman doesn’t have to slave for an employer), and makes lots of babies to raise & nurture with her husband. It doesn’t mean feminism, man-shaming, abortions, barrenhood.
The small hats actually try to say you are a bad person if you would not date a guy in a dress LoL yea they would like to make it illegal to reject a fag
Modern women are to blame for the bullshit going on today. The whole shit show started with feminism. Feminism literally carried LGBTQ shit on it's back and now it's being swallowed by it. It'll be modern women that'll have to change that.
Well, I for one have always been against all those abominations and I know many other women who are with me on that. Sadly I know and pray regularly for some who are for it though.
Amen to that !
Amen and Awomen!
you just had to go there, didn't ya... C'mon, Man!! (pun intended!)
There. The pun intended, or some sort of quirky emoji makes it clear the intent of msg
They are repeating what was literally said during a prayer during a congress session. They literally said this while being televised. Forget the guys name but yeah the democrats closed their prayer with Amen.... and Awoman.
Yes Pelosi that demon cunt said it too .I actually don’t like seeing Awoman used even as a joke me it reinforces these commies and their Tran or whatever woke reasons they say it . Amen means ..So be it ! Period ! I’m a woman myself and I correct people all the time ,I know it seems trivial or just a joke , but that’s how they are able to implement a lot of this BS . It is mentioned and before we know it , it’s a law!
Oh I agree. Its pure disgraceful rhetoric. I get the joke and sarcasm, many others will also. But for anyone who doesnt and see it often it normalizes that kind of lunatic premise of thought. Double edged sword. Im certain that is why those perps did it in the first place
NORMALIZES said it right there ..that’s how most of there demonic stuff gets passed
Right ON, American woman! Stand strong against the madness.- we WILL prevail. : )
Yeah, I heard it. Disgusting, right
lighten up, Francis!!! it was purely meant as fun... nothing more than that..... or WAS it???
(just a tip, to show sarcasm, put one star immediately before and after any statement intended as sarcasm: e.g. That Kamala Harris, now there's a lady!
Don’t you know the meaning of the word?
Ahh, sorry. Thought he was being literal. Hard to discern sometimes.
It’s a joke from when Nancy Pelosi said that. I wasn’t serious lol.
It's in regards to this:
Ummm . . .no Athey or Athem? BIGOT!
We need to call out drag queens as well. Especially those who were doing the drag queen reading to toddlers. They are not dressing up like women, they are dressing up like demonic women. I don't see how any of this is any different than black face. If that is so terrible, then so it this.
Good point about black face!
Excellent point about blackface. Gender appropriation
Amen! And in front of the children, no less! Do they have no shame?
Cultural appropriation?
Yep I'm a jeans and tennis shoes t shirts, tank top, and hoodie kind of woman, I don't give two craps about name brands I wear barely any makeup because I don't need it, and it doesn't make me any less feminine than anyone else.
It makes me a grown assed woman comfortable in my own skin doing my own thing.
Same, I'm a country girl and enjoy my jeans, tshirts and tennis shoes.
Amen. With ya there sister
me too, I like things simple.
Where are all the beautiful ladies at? Can't find y'all even in central Texas.
Thank you! As a real, actual, fully biological female, complete with XX chromosomes, it disgusts me when they refer to us as "uterus havers," "birthing people," "chest feeders," "vagina owners," and the worst one, "bleeders."
They are intentionally degrading real women and reducing us to our most basic biological functions, yet propping up trans"women" as "real" women meanwhile the ACTUALLY real women are degraded as "bleeders."
Notice how they only use this kind of language for women. I've rarely seen men referred to as "penis havers" or "sperm shooters" or things like that. It's because they're trying to destroy women completely and replace us with men masquerading as women. If you get rid of the females of the species, that species is doomed.
/ valley very well put!
Boiling blood will be our new weapon to use in fighting this EVIL Abomination.
Like this:
valley-lilly, well said! A thread on this would be entirely appropriate.
we just have toxic masculinity, apparently that is bad enough
Valley .lily .. Amen to this , you said a powerful truthful statement , as woman we need to call this sick denigration of our biological feminine right as woman ! They started ruining us with confusing femininity with feminism and now this ! Dear God help us ! They have done the same thing to our men! Our men as well need to rise up and take back their rightfulGod given place in the home where so many woman have been seduced by media to emasculate them...anything with two heads is a monster!
Amen. When these women wanna be’s suffer through 13 hours of labor pushing an 8 pound baby out, then maybe I’ll “consider” their wanna-be-ness.
Everyone else?
The liberals have mandated the 99.99% of the population bend over and cater to the 1 in 100,000 who thinks that if they wear a dress maybe they can finally not be a social reject nobody likes.
And this is being done because liberalism is trapped in a spiral of "one upsmanship" with wokeness. Cis, Straight, white liberals are trying to out-do each other for how much they grovel before a "oppressed" person. First it was blacks, then gays, then gay women, then gay black women, and now trans. What will be next, black gay trans furries? The whole while cis, straight, white liberals actually are shoving aside and curbstomping members of the very same peoples they try to champion in their endless war to "one up" the next cis, straight, white liberal.
And they get away with it because liberals are hyper-aggressive maniacs who will attack and savage anybody who even slightly disagrees with them. First they go straight to mocking and insults and they are VERY good at being asswipes. And like any good bully, they know if they attack one person hard enough, the cower the crowd into taking their side. And from there they use shaming, screaming, legal action, and even murder, there is nothing a liberal won't do to "win." They are bullies by very nature.
This stop when ordinary people stop putting up with them.
Sorry there is no "keeping your head down" and trying to avoid this. The liberal will chase you down the street to keep attacking you. They are chaotic-evil psychotic maniacs driven by their need to destroy. They cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be mitigated, they cannot be avoided, and they WILL NOT be ignored.
Sasquatch can finally come out of hiding and bee considered normal and accepted.
Sasquatch would be much preferable to a liberal.
Or how many surgeries or phony body parts or alterations they have. Get over catering to mental illness people!!!
They must erase the man/woman bond because that produces the tight knit family unit. And that unit can and will resist attack.
Their #1 goal is to replace you with a glass test tube to produce isolated genetic stock incapable of any thought beyond servitude.
Sydney is awesome, and I have been watching her channel on and off for about three years. Not sure about her endorsements for SurfShark, though. She is a good conservative voice, she's funny, and focuses on things that others don't.
YES! I am a mother not a birthing person. Enough!
The first time I saw "chestfeeding" I gagged. All I could think of was some poor baby on a hairy guy's chest. Yuck.
Amen! I was reading a book on female health and there was a disclaimer for trans. I’ve never seen so much insanity as the whole gender spectrum crap we are constantly bombarded with these days.
Anyone else think its kinda funny to see the "strong and empowered" [usually] ultra-lib 3rd wave feminists doing a full 180 and coming out with this now?
To the fine women who wanted to no part in any of this nonsense since the beginning, I absolutely stand by you. But all the women who've been blabbering about cis white men for the past 3 or 4 years? You reap what you fuckin sow
Yes and along with the trans athletes they are cancelling women. Period.
She has a good youtube channel, she's rather funny and insightful at times
Empower women by reducing their political desires to only reproduction, thus letting women know THATS ALL THEY ARE GOOD FOR.
Empower women by demanding special privileges for them, and then calling it 'EQUALITY'
Empower women by telling them they're strong and don't need men, and then turning around and telling them all of their problems are BECAUSE of men.
Empower women by removing all responsibility for their lives and situations from them, thus allowing them to make self-destructive choices with an easy scapegoat: MEN.
Empower women by choosing their careers and lives FOR them! Stay at home mom? NOT A CHOICE YOU ARE ALLOWED TO MAKE. You MUST work all of your life and focus on your career, because that is EMPOWERMENT! You are EMPOWERED when we take away your ability to self-determine how your life goes! Freedom is slavery!
Liberal women: Spend decades fighting for “women’s rights” and claim to still be fighting
Also liberal women: Let a man dressed as a woman win “woman of the year”
Biologically from birth./conception actually I think that might be a ‘drop the mike moment’ there. What you just said.
Amen Sydney Watson! Huzzahs to you from a Feisty and Feminine Lady! (Concerned Women For America's CEO, Penny Nance, affirms you in this)
A thousand upvotes!!
I want to convert her to Christianity and take her hand in marriage.
I see her as the only one practicing conservative feminism. She's the real deal. And I like how she calls kids pudding people, it's funny.
I'm a woman today. Can confirm.
Ironically, it is the feminine conceit that feelings carry the same weight as facts which has corrupted public discourse to the point that we are ordered to pretend that people can switch genders rather than offend them with cold hard truth.
You should start a movement. Maybe call it feminism.
Stop appropriating my gender.
I can't even wear a fucking Native American costume for Halloween and I'm 1/4 native because its "cultural appropriation" but Women are still so undervalued and disrespected they think they can appropriate my Gender then claim to be more woman and more worthy of respect....than women.
Yep, Females are lactating, menstruating, pro creating it is basic Science!!!
Being a woman means embracing her femininity, marrying a good man (who takes HIS role as provider so well that the woman doesn’t have to slave for an employer), and makes lots of babies to raise & nurture with her husband. It doesn’t mean feminism, man-shaming, abortions, barrenhood.
The small hats actually try to say you are a bad person if you would not date a guy in a dress LoL yea they would like to make it illegal to reject a fag
I'm triggered.
Accommodate everyone else? It was her own sex who opened the door to the shit mountain. She should be blaming herself lol
That’s like blaming us for black slavery 200 yrs ago!
Modern women are to blame for the bullshit going on today. The whole shit show started with feminism. Feminism literally carried LGBTQ shit on it's back and now it's being swallowed by it. It'll be modern women that'll have to change that.
Amen- we fight best and strongest on our knees before the cross in humility before the Lord in prayer. There is POWER!!
Well, I for one have always been against all those abominations and I know many other women who are with me on that. Sadly I know and pray regularly for some who are for it though.
STFU KimJung-Un. We always knew you spoke English MFr.