Untold millions have been duped by this father/ son demonic tag team. My MIL has entertained Franklin in her home. Gives to his charities with abandon, owns everything they’ve ever sold. The shock will be too much for her. I don’t think she will survive this revelation.
I can't wait for all the dirt on the mega churches to come out. My mom worked for the AG 20+ years ago. She discovered that they were sending missionary moneys to places where there were no missionaries. Funny thing, shortly after that she was fired because she didn't have the correct college degree.
I quit donating to churches. When they push the tithing thing for your salvation you know you are in the wrong church. Run, don't walk, to the nearest exit. Salvation is by Grace, not works. Tithing is an old testament 'law'.
As it relates to giving, the NT standard is tougher on us than the OT standard:
“On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income” (1 Cor. 16:2)
“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously”(2 Cor. 9:6).
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7).
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt. 6:19-21).
There are some talented musicians at Hillsong, but their organization is butt buddies with the Illuminati.
Others wonder why Bieber – who is a devout and outspoken Christian – is partaking in this occult elite stuff. Indeed, there are lots of Jesus-related posts on his IG account (although weirdly mixed with creepy, Yummy-related pictures). However, to get a better picture of what is happening here, we need to look at Bieber’s church: The powerful, star-studded Hillsong Church, which went from a small local church in Australia to an “international movement”.
The Church is famously attended by various stars such as Selena Gomez, Kylie and Kendall Jenner, Kourtney Kardashian, Vanessa Hudgens, Nick Jonas, Hailee Steinfeld, and Bono. All of them are pawns of the occult elite. The founder of the church Brian Houston also has close ties with the political elite of Australia.
Hillsong Church has attracted support from high-profile politicians, especially from the Liberal Party of Australia. In 1998, Brian Houston met with then Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard, and most of his Cabinet, at Parliament House in Canberra before sharing prayers. In 2002, John Howard opened the Hillsong Convention Centre at the Baulkham Hills location. In 2004 and 2005, the then Treasurer of Australia, Peter Costello, spoke at its annual conferences.
All of this elite endorsement happened despite the fact that the Church has a dark secret: The father of the Church’s founder Frank Houston admitted to abusing several young boys in Australia and New Zealand. And the leadership of the Church did everything possible to cover-up this sordid affair.
Its sad. A large portion of the people who go to these non denominational mega churches worship the pastor on stage more so. I suppose there are NPC of all shapes and sizes...
We have a mega church in my town where the pastor makes 7 figures a year! How can they justify that??? There's no way a millionaire preacher can relate to a poor family barely scraping by!!
A good church usually has a Benevolence Fund for people that fall on hard times. I know it’s been used for people with job loss, extensive medical bills, “natural disaster” damage (see weather manipulation and geo-engineering), etc.
It has long been an imperative of the church for it to protect and provide for its own. That’s loving your neighbor.
Madyson Marquette called out the Graham’s as dirty & involved in trafficking. Looks like she is vindicated again. I thought I was awake but the evil is so deep it takes my breathe away.
I'm having a hard time with this one too. How can these "men of God" push people to take an unknown substance made off aborted fetal cell lines . Their personal sin is bad enough but having others take this is even more evil.
How can any of these so called "church" schools, pastors, congregates or any of them call themselves Christians and then live in such fear that they are pushing things like this. They should be the first ones standing up and saying NO to this shit. This is the time to be relying upon our faith and these people have let us down big time.
How much do they really know about it though? Throughout most of society and time vaccines have been thought of as generally beneficial. They don't have the time to delve into dozens of independent journalists to get beyond the MSM narrative. Perhaps instead calling them pedos because they disagree on one thing, some can get information to them?
That’s what I was thinking. Anyone can be fooled. But in reality I don’t know much about the Graham’s. Maybe it’s because I don’t idolize anyone? I always thank God for their message through the gospel. And bid them farewell. I hope good things for this fella. But sorry brother, I ain’t taking no shot.
Thanks for sharing the link. I'm on the fence about her and a lot of others. I listen....I'm skeptical...time will tell who is truthful. I don't put a lot of faith in any of them. The evil and corruption is very deep so I'm open to hearing it all. Makes my head swim.
I knew he was evil when right after the “election” he put out a statement saying we should all support and pray for By-ding. I responded with what part of taking a stand do you not understand? F¥#k Franklin Graham
Never heard about that. I just ate a donut once in Portland like 6 years ago. Back then I didn't know anything about symbolism so I missed any symbols there may have been.
And lol deepming...yeah technically everything we eat is a disgrace. Between the old testament, additives, and GMO you have to be a breatharian to not sin.
The only clergyman that I've seen, who's nationally recognized, that hasn't pushed the coof shots is Archbishop Carlo Vigano. If there's any others, I'd like to know.
Q has said that we will find out the truth about those we trust the most. Who fits into that category? Doctors and Hospitals? Check, Church leaders? Check. Children's Protective Services? Check. FBI? Check. DOJ? Check. Military? Check. Teachers? Check. MSM? Check. Election officials? Check. Every trust worthy position in the country has been corrupted and they all should go to jail.
Billy Graham admitted 25 years ago about being plucked from obscurity by the cabal. It was in an L.A. Times article talking about his latest book.
Evangelist Billy Graham recalls in his new book the pivotal point in his young ministry when, during a 1949 Los Angeles crusade, a two-word directive from publisher William Randolph Hearst to “puff Graham” made him an instant celebrity nationwide.
The sudden front-page coverage showered on Graham by Hearst newspapers in mid-October (after three weeks of little notice) was quickly matched by other newspapers and newsmagazines--literally a media circus descending on his rallies under a big tent.
I made Jesus Lord of my life because He used Billy Graham in spite of everything, it doesn't lessen that, but it was a hard pill to swallow for me, taught me to not put my trust in humanity, but in God.
A reminder to always check “leaders” words against the Bible and Jesus’ teaching and seek the Holy Spirit’s wisdom so that you are never led astray by a mere man.
Jesus says my flock know My Voice. Heed the voice of God always. Always ask for knowledge and wisdom. Don’t live in fear, pursue truth, live in God’s strength, joy, and peace.
Yep criticizing, debating, holding leaders accountable or pointing out false prophets is something God wants us to discern and do. That’s how the church and the faith of the community stays on target. The Spirit of God is alive and moving if we listen and follow. Otherwise you are in danger of making enmity with God Himself.
sad to see that people enrich themselves by using God's name to do it... thus turning people away from God... God is NOT the problem.. it's the evil that people do for money.
I’ve had a block in my spirit about Franklin Graham for years. Some would call it suspicion or lack of trust. I think it stems from watching a video years ago by that woman who says she was raped by his father when she was a child. No block in my spirit about that woman’s truthfulness. I have really good radar for truth.
I recently went to a local Assembly of God church and the pastor essentially called Trump and his supporters sore losers, and was pushing the vax. Needless to say, I won't be going back there.
Same side his dad was on...pedo cult
Untold millions have been duped by this father/ son demonic tag team. My MIL has entertained Franklin in her home. Gives to his charities with abandon, owns everything they’ve ever sold. The shock will be too much for her. I don’t think she will survive this revelation.
It’s amazing how those who follow God are so easily milked by those who use His name.
I can't wait for all the dirt on the mega churches to come out. My mom worked for the AG 20+ years ago. She discovered that they were sending missionary moneys to places where there were no missionaries. Funny thing, shortly after that she was fired because she didn't have the correct college degree.
I quit donating to churches. When they push the tithing thing for your salvation you know you are in the wrong church. Run, don't walk, to the nearest exit. Salvation is by Grace, not works. Tithing is an old testament 'law'.
As it relates to giving, the NT standard is tougher on us than the OT standard:
“On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income” (1 Cor. 16:2)
“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously”(2 Cor. 9:6).
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7).
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt. 6:19-21).
Agreed. The 10% mark is easy: just do your duty and get on with life.
Having the amount you give away depend on the condition of your heart is much more difficult as it requires constant monitoring and reflection.
It's definitely much easier to put out 10% and avoid examining my heart.
God needs nothing from us, but He also requires everything from us.
You have to admit, it's a genius plan... Fleecing people of their hard earned money for fucked up shit using their religion to do it.
It's just too damn easy.
There are some talented musicians at Hillsong, but their organization is butt buddies with the Illuminati.
It’s because the Devil targets those who have a love for God.
Fear of going astray..blind faith serves only one....the wrong one.
Its sad. A large portion of the people who go to these non denominational mega churches worship the pastor on stage more so. I suppose there are NPC of all shapes and sizes...
These televangelists and mega church pastors are getting money (30 pieces of silver) to push the jab.
They will be judged for this...
We have a mega church in my town where the pastor makes 7 figures a year! How can they justify that??? There's no way a millionaire preacher can relate to a poor family barely scraping by!!
A good church usually has a Benevolence Fund for people that fall on hard times. I know it’s been used for people with job loss, extensive medical bills, “natural disaster” damage (see weather manipulation and geo-engineering), etc.
It has long been an imperative of the church for it to protect and provide for its own. That’s loving your neighbor.
I would say that pastor has sold his soul to the devil.
Ding ding ding. We’ve always known.
Same side as the pedo pope
Yes. I think Madyson Marquette claimed that in an interview.
Madyson Marquette called out the Graham’s as dirty & involved in trafficking. Looks like she is vindicated again. I thought I was awake but the evil is so deep it takes my breathe away.
I'm having a hard time with this one too. How can these "men of God" push people to take an unknown substance made off aborted fetal cell lines . Their personal sin is bad enough but having others take this is even more evil.
Obvious, He's not a man of GOD!
Man of PROFIT, not prophets.
How can any of these so called "church" schools, pastors, congregates or any of them call themselves Christians and then live in such fear that they are pushing things like this. They should be the first ones standing up and saying NO to this shit. This is the time to be relying upon our faith and these people have let us down big time.
How much do they really know about it though? Throughout most of society and time vaccines have been thought of as generally beneficial. They don't have the time to delve into dozens of independent journalists to get beyond the MSM narrative. Perhaps instead calling them pedos because they disagree on one thing, some can get information to them?
Not to mention, their god is not our GOD!
I'm sorry but Madyson is such a huge fraud and diagnosed Narcissistic pathological liar. She is chalk full of allegations with no receipts.
Thanks for pushing back. My mind is not made up about Franklin Graham, BUT even men of God can be fooled. No one is free from that.
That’s what I was thinking. Anyone can be fooled. But in reality I don’t know much about the Graham’s. Maybe it’s because I don’t idolize anyone? I always thank God for their message through the gospel. And bid them farewell. I hope good things for this fella. But sorry brother, I ain’t taking no shot.
Thanks for sharing the link. I'm on the fence about her and a lot of others. I listen....I'm skeptical...time will tell who is truthful. I don't put a lot of faith in any of them. The evil and corruption is very deep so I'm open to hearing it all. Makes my head swim.
We always knew what side he was on..
It is alleged his father abused children..
You should read Cathy O’Brien’s book transformation of America.. the pdf is free..
Is it true? 🤷♀️ She convinced me..
Throw us a link?
I knew he was evil when right after the “election” he put out a statement saying we should all support and pray for By-ding. I responded with what part of taking a stand do you not understand? F¥#k Franklin Graham
He was reportedly seen at voodoo donuts… Franklin’s a baddie, imho😏
I ate voodoo donuts once. It was a donut. I didn't know it was a high crime.
You’ve probably eaten deviled eggs, Monster energy drinks, and went coo coo for Cocoa Puffs too, haven’t you?
I had devils food cake once.
Donuts aren't a crime. But frequenting an establishment who openly pushes voodoo is a crime against God.
Wasn't Voodoo Donuts where you could choose donuts with pedo symbol for little girl or little boy among other weird things?
I believe you’re correct?!
Never heard about that. I just ate a donut once in Portland like 6 years ago. Back then I didn't know anything about symbolism so I missed any symbols there may have been.
And lol deepming...yeah technically everything we eat is a disgrace. Between the old testament, additives, and GMO you have to be a breatharian to not sin.
Man, you’re on 🎯
Maybe you don’t merit a back room invite.
I knew the minute I saw the photo of him at Voodo Donuts.
The only clergyman that I've seen, who's nationally recognized, that hasn't pushed the coof shots is Archbishop Carlo Vigano. If there's any others, I'd like to know.
His pizza and hot dog bill is very large.
Extra walnut sauce.
I am guessing the rumors about his dad are true, pedo stuff.
They've got minions in every subset of religion to funnel the sheep into the kill shute.
Him and his father are master masons afaik...
Take fwiw
The Graham's are corrupt... As is Oral Roberts and that entire fucked up ORU campus.
Nobody is allowed that level of success without making a deal, first. Fuck these cabal fucks.
Dark to Light. All will be exposed. Now Franklin Graham is exposed.
So he drank the Kool-Aid?
Q has said that we will find out the truth about those we trust the most. Who fits into that category? Doctors and Hospitals? Check, Church leaders? Check. Children's Protective Services? Check. FBI? Check. DOJ? Check. Military? Check. Teachers? Check. MSM? Check. Election officials? Check. Every trust worthy position in the country has been corrupted and they all should go to jail.
Fuck You Graham. Burn in Hell
That’s why I only believe in God now... 😢😡
Billy Graham admitted 25 years ago about being plucked from obscurity by the cabal. It was in an L.A. Times article talking about his latest book.
That's what I was looking for.
I made Jesus Lord of my life because He used Billy Graham in spite of everything, it doesn't lessen that, but it was a hard pill to swallow for me, taught me to not put my trust in humanity, but in God.
A reminder to always check “leaders” words against the Bible and Jesus’ teaching and seek the Holy Spirit’s wisdom so that you are never led astray by a mere man.
Jesus says my flock know My Voice. Heed the voice of God always. Always ask for knowledge and wisdom. Don’t live in fear, pursue truth, live in God’s strength, joy, and peace.
The Leaders of the Temple Killed Jesus.
Yep criticizing, debating, holding leaders accountable or pointing out false prophets is something God wants us to discern and do. That’s how the church and the faith of the community stays on target. The Spirit of God is alive and moving if we listen and follow. Otherwise you are in danger of making enmity with God Himself.
Thanks for removing any doubt I had about you Franklin.
Looks like satan his infiltrated the churches. He will push for the mark of the beast, which may be what is happening.
You do not compromise with evil. Ever.
Wasn’t his dad a MASON?
Masons are mostly evil.
A church leader Mason is an open betrayal of God.
sad to see that people enrich themselves by using God's name to do it... thus turning people away from God... God is NOT the problem.. it's the evil that people do for money.
Could have told you that years ago.
I’ve had a block in my spirit about Franklin Graham for years. Some would call it suspicion or lack of trust. I think it stems from watching a video years ago by that woman who says she was raped by his father when she was a child. No block in my spirit about that woman’s truthfulness. I have really good radar for truth.
Whatever made you think he was on your side?
Wasn't his dad, Billy, a 33rd degree Mason?
I recently went to a local Assembly of God church and the pastor essentially called Trump and his supporters sore losers, and was pushing the vax. Needless to say, I won't be going back there.
Just like his pedophile father, he is on Satan's team. Buh-bye.
Nazi Germany repeating again. Smh
The His Glory Ministry is great. Pastor David Scarlett is very awakened. I was baptized by him in San Clemente, CA.