My immediate family is unvaccinated, the rest of my family is vaccinated.
They want all 3 of us (even our 1 year old) to produce negative tests before attending, which we're not willing to do.
So... it looks like my family will be having our Thanksgiving with you wonderful bastards instead!
God Bless!
EDIT: As this has reached the top page, and some people think I was the one to inform my family about the Covid case.
My family and I run a business together, my father is the owner, and the local hospital informed him when one of his employees tested positive, that employee happened to work in my building that I manage, he then uninvited us to Thanksgiving.
Sometimes the family you choose is more fun!
isn't that the truth
Family is the family you make. It’s that simple.
The year my husband and I started doing Thanksgiving for our own immediate family (and quit worrying about trying to please our impossible-to-please extended families) was the year we learned holidays can be peaceful and enjoyable.
God bless your family and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Thats my boundry too, no extended family on holiday. Before is fine, but not on the actual day. Too many personalities spoil the fun. Happy Thanksgiving!
This will be our first with just our household, Thanksgiving dinner has always been at Grandma's house with the whole family gathered around the table, I'm hoping this goes well and it may be the new normal!
I wouldn't want to be around vaccinated right now. They are dropping like flies. My one neighbor was on a stretcher this morning, vaxxed.
Another neighbor first in line to get clot shots with nurse daughters in April, all in hospitals or badly sick with covid.
You might have saved your families life.
No that’s ridiculous, there are plenty of good excuses but that’s not the argument to use. If the vax makes these idiots produce spikes then it’s one more thing the unvaxxed immune system learns to fight off and we’re all better off for it. Don’t make shitty excuses not to spend time with family.
OP I’m sorry your in laws are hysterical sheep and they’d cast their own blood out like that.
I just spoke with my aunt and her friends parents all got 3rd booster and are dead!!
I'm not saying an excuse but countdown has begun. Hoping OP sees his family soon before dark winter hits.
Good move! When our children were toddlers we moved about a thousand miles away from extended family. We started our very own holiday traditions and never looked back. Even when we moved back and were geographically close to relatives, we still did our own thing. Never regretted not having family drama and everything that goes with it. Have a great Thanksgiving!
Me and wife did the same. Got tired of the bickering, “this is our family, not there family” garbage. Now, people come to my house for Thanksgiving. Open to all. Friends, family, in-laws, divorced, even Democrats allowed(😁), and now as of late, vax and non vax, my house is for those who have nowhere to go...and this year, I had to find more chairs we got so many incoming. I’ve learned you have to lead from the front, not the rear. Do something. People will follow.
Have a blessed day fellow Anons. And even if you are by yourself today, your never alone. Give thanks for all you are and have. Be thankful to God.
I'm just happy my family of vaccinated people are on the "it should be a choice" train.
I wanted to fake having covid just to avoid going anywhere tomorrow lol, but the spouse wouldn't go for it.
Just start talking politics...roll a little grenade and see what happens...
haha we all have the same politics, I just hate socializing
What part of "the vaxxed can also get, transmit and die from covid" do people NOT understand?
Their moral superiority just won't let them understand that they aren't any better off than we, the unvaxxed, are....
Hell I would argue that they're worse off because of the diminished immune system from the jab.
Because they listen to fauci and the mockingbird media only. And they only trust what the media and fauci have to say and call everything else "conspiracy theories"
vaccinated have a superiority complex and don't listen to fact.
They are actually MORE likely to transmit Covid to others since their Clot Jabs supposedly minimize their symptoms. The literal definition of: A-Symptomatic Spreaders....
Good thing he's not going.... Won't be blamed when they spread it to each other....
You are preaching to the crowd, brother.
Yes they do not understand how ignorant they are acting
But is it more than ignorance? Mass hypnosis? Demon possession?
Hang in tight. You're not the only one in this situation. Some have even worse stories. Stay strong. Do not comply - not even to lunatic family members.
Brain washing is a hell of a drug. Facts mean NOTING to them.
My prediction is that half of those same assholes will test positive in the next month, and still not connect the dots that the vaccine is pointless in preventing Covid.
LOL yep, they won't wake up until booster #10 is ready for them to take. Maybe then, they might just have a question or two about the "truth" of this vaccine crap.
Nah their brains will be total mush by then, if they are even still alive.
F them. They are not real family then. People have let themselves be manipulated into a state of mind and therefore deserve what happens. Stand Strong and Proud Patriot because we are the ones saving the world
It's their loss, my Wife is the best cook in the family!
Without her, that dinner is going to suck and I'll be eating like a king
Sure is going to be an awkward dinner...for them :) The best part is you know for sure you guys will be the topic of conversation at some point. They'll all be able to express their fears and disappoints. It'll be a covid festivus party sponsored by the media. All the while you guys are enjoying an awesome meal with the ones who matter most. Make sure you get a nice family Thanksgiving pic. Enjoy brother.
Maybe the Lord will provide you some entertainment by them catching the virus, hopefully nothing bad happens but it would be a little funny. After all I was told long ago that the Lord provided stupid people for our entertainment lol
God, that would be the cherry on top of this mess!
Without us, everyone in attendance will be vaccinated, so if one of them got Covid then their beliefs would quickly start to crumble
Sorry friend. My sister in law sent us a text about test kits and getting tested before thanksgiving and I said absolutely not.
Now your sister out-law
Yeah smart guy. Two different stories. Two days ago my sister IN LAW messaged my family about taking COVID test kits and getting tested before Thanksgiving. I said no.
TODAY, my SISTER who is also vaccinated told my parents she wasn’t coming to Thanksgiving dinner because she THINKS she has COVID.
Wins the Internets TODAY!!!!
I have to laugh at that. We didn't HAVE to spend Christmas last year bc my sister in law, who is a nurse, was "concerned" the rest of the family would spread the virus to her 2 small children. The same "song and dance" is coming around this year. Actually, my husband and I are happy not to have to buy gifts or spend time with the Biden lovers in the family.
Truly a cause for celebration!!!
trust me better company
same thing happened to me around an up coming family annual which now is not going to happen ive decided until the two vaxed maniacs show me proof they have had their heads examined
So very sorry. But you will receive the blessings of health for your decision.
Plenty of room at the table, fren, just pull up a chair. We bought a really Big Bird, too, so there should be plenty to go around. ;-)
This one?
That's the one!
Why can't they just wear masks when you're there? They 're really no big hassle and work great, right? /s
Best to put a mask on the turkey too… just in case bird flu you know?
Heck, I'd do at least 3 masks. Also make sure they get their 4th boosters, heck 5th even.
We had 1 guy stay home with a fever on Friday, tested positive for the Shanghai shivers over the weekend. They sent us all home for the week and made us all get tested. Small company. Everyone else was negative. The entire economy is going to collapse and its the fault of woke covid policies.
What better time than now to start your own traditions.
Send your love to the family gathering and tell them that you understand their position. The vaccine is destroying immune systems and you'd rather not risk exposing them to anything you are sure your unvaxxed-uncompromised immune system can handle.
Damn, I may try that, that's a good angle to work with these types of people
Tell them to mask up between bites, social distance and if at all possible, mask the turkey as well just in case bird flu.
Yeah that is so dumb, I don't get how people can be so concerned about a supposed airborne virus and then happily put food in their mouth that has been sitting on a plate around other people.
If you have social media make sure you post pictures saying how much fun you are having with just us!
No social media for me, GAW is all I need, but my Wife still has a Facebook and we'll be sure to show them the good time we have without them
Beautiful 😎👏🏼
And make sure to show pics of the awesome food
Three's plenty of people for a great Thanksgiving. It's about the quality of your company, not the quantity. I hope you have an awesome holiday.
Laughs in Mandark
How does your family know about a staff member of yours?
Anyway, enjoy your beautiful Thanksgiving with your wife and baby.
We run a family business together, word travels quick, and my crazy family makes sure to stay VERY up to date on the active covid cases at our company
Geez. Okay so sorry the family does not understand viruses other than MSM version. Protip: viruses do not listen Fauci, or MSM...
Wow so worried about what others are doing. kind of childish if you ask me
All brainwashed watching MSM cabal cable 24/7.
We have been uninvited to Christmas at the vaxxed in-laws house. They were going to have me, hubby, and the 2 grandkids stay outside on the patio, but MIL on second thought didn’t want to be out in the cold so we have been canceled entirely. I wasn’t going to go if it was on the patio anyway. They act like we are the ones contaminated. Father in law had a brain blood clot and 2 holes drilled in his head. At least hubby is adopted and he and my kids don’t have their dumbass genes. I can’t even deal with these fools.
Eh, eff em, invite some based frens over and have a great thanksgiving
My hubby's nephew's family just canceled their whole dinner because somebody's boyfriend's family has covid.... the boyfriend's family will not be a dinner anyway.
keep the faith
Similar situation here, only having 4 for Thanksgiving this year when we usually have about 9-12.. Most of my family refuse to come because myself and my uncle are not vaccinated.. as unbelievable as that is. I think its mostly politics though, they are huge Trump haters and I think they want to shame us and make us feel bad for not getting the vax. Oh well.
Make sure and remind them that they are bubbling cauldrons of delta variants.
I feel ya, OP.
My sister is being a GIGANTIC beeeyotch about all this BS.
She & her husband and ~2 year old child have literally gone on about 6+ trips the past several months - including flying on commercial aircraft - meanwhile she refuses to see us at all because we're not subjecting ourselves to experimental gene therapy.
It's pathetic.
Don't let it get ya down.
Look at it this way;
Usually, I need a break after the holidays. This way, you can treat yourself to a nice, quiet, truly relaxing holiday!
Hell; make some new traditions! Go for a family hike / walk; get out in nature; do something fun as a close family.
Don't let it ruin your time.
Love ya fren.
It's strange, people used to mind their own fucking business.. now everyone is a medical professional wanting to know your health status. This is getting super retarded.
You got kicked out of hell. Don't cry.
We are celebrating here alone. Just the two of us. Both Unvaxxed and unrepentent about it.
Had our lawyer and his wife over the other night for dinner. They are not vaxxed either.
He named the top two people on his list that should be removed from this earth Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates! I have a based lawyer!
Maybe you should drop his contact info here for some pedes that may be in need of legal assistance, based lawyers can be hard to find!
Happy Thanksgiving to you both!
I would love to but I go to trial next Weds over a dispute with a buiding contractor.
He is a Christian lawer who specializes in civil litigation, construction law, business law, and family law.
I prefer staying home but we have to go see family, lol.
Can I join in? I’m alone, just me & my attitude.
You're welcome to, no attitude needed though, it's been a hell of a day today
You will have a God-given glorious fest 💕
Enjoy the peace! I promise they’ll be missing y’all and will feel bad. Bonus that your wife is the best cook and don’t forget the stories of vaxed being uninvited and then the function comes down with covid! So many people are relieved they weren’t there.
you can choose your friends, but you are stuck with your family.
Bring the fam to my house! You're more than welcome to eat, drink and be merry here!
I hate this. I hate all of this. Families being torn apart over some fake Fauci juice. UGH!