No mercy. This isn't a "oopsie" situation, this is an everyone involved with perpetuating the suffering of humanity must swing situation. The more I learn about these... "People" the more I am convinced we've been lied to about who we are as a species.
I have seen a growing worldwide unrest with forced vaccinations versus all the vax deaths and adverse events being censored. The MSM (just like in Nazi Germany) is telling us lies and they too will face justice for their complicity. I see suppression of HCQ and Ivermectin by Big Pharma and the MSM. I see hospitals and medical staff using faulty PCR tests to run up case stats and administering Remdesivir and ventilators to run up the COVID death numbers. Adequate animal testing was not completed because the animals died. They are using people as guinea pigs in their sick gene therapy experiment. I see genocide and I see New Nuremberg Trials – Crimes Against Humanity
Again I feel the confidence, but not why you believe these correct, righteous, justified things will take place when so often nowadays there is zero justice. Maybe you just have faith, and that's awesome brother :)
This has been my position the whole time. You're a scared little bitch? Then stay home. Don't bring your neurosis into the world acting like hypochondria is normal. It's not.
Yo Eric, you got that wrong. Your health is not my responsibility. Your health, and the health of your children is YOUR responsibility.
You raise them. You pay for their medicare. Its your job to see that they are healthy, fit, and able to withstand the diseases that are proliferated during daily interaction.
If my kids get sick, I'm not blaming the schools or the other kids. I'm going to take care of my kids the best I can as that is what parents do as this sort of thing happens. They aren't going to live their lives scared of some boogie man or brow-beat into submission. If you are afraid of my unvaccinated family, stay in your house forever. We will be out there living.
If they don't have kids, they adopt them to be abused by the Cabal to gain access to fame, money and power. i.e. John Roberts adopted his two kids from Wales via Jeffrey Epstein.
Lin Wood added: "My information from reliable source is that Roberts arranged an illegal adoption of two young children from Wales through Jeffrey Epstein. I think we can all agree that Epstein knows pedophilia."
In case that did not convince anyone, Wood suggested that his charges must be true because otherwise Roberts would sue him for defamation: "I have publicly accused him & Justice Breyer of being profane anti-Trumpers. I have linked Roberts to illegal adoption, Jeffrey Epstein, pedophilia & prior knowledge of Scalia's death. Did Roberts skip class on defamation?"
I C MORON!!! Unjabbed are causing variants? Clearly he has never heard of ADE. Or Geert van den Bussche. Or basic virology and immunology. What a tool.
4 fully vaccinated individuals, who were not from Botswanna. Africa enjoys a little over 6% vaccination rate, and due to Malaria, consumes Hydroxychloroquine (or similar) almost daily. Hence, between their natural immune response, the heightened levels of zinc in their bodies - they were proactively taking treatment for COVID, and quickly reached Herd Immunity.
But, they dared to turn down a COVID shipment on Nov 24th, almost miraculously there were 4 visitors to their country diagnosed (even though no diagnostic tests exist for the new variant) with a variant; and almost overnight, they have had all flights to their country shut down.
This is not to protect anyone, because the symptoms are a sore muscles, and feeling "tired" for a few days - it's to punish a country that dared to say "no" to a vaccine mandate.
Leftists cluster in highly diseased cities like rotting fruit on the vine.
When has cleaning that up or being 'safe' ever been an agenda they cared for? They made it legal for people to maliciously infect others with AIDS in california.. because their precious gay voting bloc demanded the right to infect people. Imagine wanting bio-terrorists and typhoid-fairies on your team.. like they are some sort of positive asset.
My awake wife is an RN at the local school. She texted me this morning complaining how stupid her co-workers are. They are all jockeying for time off to go get tested for the omicron "variant". 🐑
Disclaimer: This is the deep blue northeast where the more "educated" you are, the greater your status and authority is.
I watched this documentary on the Bolshevik revolution (though it sounds more like a holocaust to me). The Bolsheviks wanted their killings to be as horrible as possible to demoralize any uprising while they performed ethnic cleansing. There were reported deaths that were carried out by cutting into someones abdomen and unfolding their intestines to tie to a tree - then making the person, still living and in horrible pain, run around the tree until death finally took them.
I think this death is appropriate for some of those who qualify for the Nuremberg trials 👍🏻👍🏻
Swallwell can damn well send his kids to a private school or home school if he's so dead set on masks. He has money out the ass, unlike the people showing up at schoolboard meetings
Businesses have the right? I thought a baker was sued for refusing to bake a penis cake for a homo. Governments do not have the right to limit the patronage of a business and this is what is happening. He makes it sound like its the business calling the shots when its the government forcing them.
It's so hilarious when democrat pedophiles try to project their sickness onto good people. No, Swallowell, it's YOU people who need to stop messing with OUR kids.
His spewage is also medical misinformation:
The variants are being generated by the slavebloods, NOT by the freebloods.
your COVID
More medical misinformation. What COVID?
There has never been a single documented case of asymptomatic transmission. If you don't have symptoms, you CAN'T TRANSMIT the virus.
Diagnosing the masses of regular Americans with a disease = practicing medicine without a medical license
Saying "your COVID" isn't "misgendering" me; it's FAR worse. It's stating that I am a deadly disease entity. It's textbook defamation. Maybe it's time we start treating it as such.
Nuremberg trials are coming for ALL that perpetrated this hoax and medical tyranny on us.
No mercy. This isn't a "oopsie" situation, this is an everyone involved with perpetuating the suffering of humanity must swing situation. The more I learn about these... "People" the more I am convinced we've been lied to about who we are as a species.
They are like cats. Warm and fuzzy on the outside, lizard eyes on the inside
Cats are great tho
Bred as cattle by the Archon reptile energy vampires.
The same can be said of, well, virtually everyone we've been screaming for half a decade to have arrested.
Damn Good call Rudy...I actually forgot about the spy thing. There is so much treason most of them could probably hand 3-10x over
I want public hangings!
DOJ recently is reapproving firing squads.
Pros and cons rope vs lead.
Whatever as long its public. And the reason for that is it has to be scared into the collective human psychic forever.
Its the only way to make sure it will never happen again.
What have you seen that gives you confidence of this occurring? Need hopium!
I have seen a growing worldwide unrest with forced vaccinations versus all the vax deaths and adverse events being censored. The MSM (just like in Nazi Germany) is telling us lies and they too will face justice for their complicity. I see suppression of HCQ and Ivermectin by Big Pharma and the MSM. I see hospitals and medical staff using faulty PCR tests to run up case stats and administering Remdesivir and ventilators to run up the COVID death numbers. Adequate animal testing was not completed because the animals died. They are using people as guinea pigs in their sick gene therapy experiment. I see genocide and I see New Nuremberg Trials – Crimes Against Humanity
Again I feel the confidence, but not why you believe these correct, righteous, justified things will take place when so often nowadays there is zero justice. Maybe you just have faith, and that's awesome brother :)
How about YOU stay in your house coward
He can't. He's got spies to bang.
And Spike protein to shed.
This has been my position the whole time. You're a scared little bitch? Then stay home. Don't bring your neurosis into the world acting like hypochondria is normal. It's not.
Yo Eric, you got that wrong. Your health is not my responsibility. Your health, and the health of your children is YOUR responsibility.
You raise them. You pay for their medicare. Its your job to see that they are healthy, fit, and able to withstand the diseases that are proliferated during daily interaction.
If my kids get sick, I'm not blaming the schools or the other kids. I'm going to take care of my kids the best I can as that is what parents do as this sort of thing happens. They aren't going to live their lives scared of some boogie man or brow-beat into submission. If you are afraid of my unvaccinated family, stay in your house forever. We will be out there living.
Rights are for people not governments buddy
Swallwell confirms he is a pedo
What if ... Swalwell would just vaccinate his own kids, so he wouldn’t have to worry about everyone else vaccinating theirs?
don't take anything this traitor says at face value...
he rapes his kids. It's the lifestyle of the Pedo pols.
Hang him.
If they don't have kids, they adopt them to be abused by the Cabal to gain access to fame, money and power. i.e. John Roberts adopted his two kids from Wales via Jeffrey Epstein.
Lin Wood added: "My information from reliable source is that Roberts arranged an illegal adoption of two young children from Wales through Jeffrey Epstein. I think we can all agree that Epstein knows pedophilia."
In case that did not convince anyone, Wood suggested that his charges must be true because otherwise Roberts would sue him for defamation: "I have publicly accused him & Justice Breyer of being profane anti-Trumpers. I have linked Roberts to illegal adoption, Jeffrey Epstein, pedophilia & prior knowledge of Scalia's death. Did Roberts skip class on defamation?"
I C MORON!!! Unjabbed are causing variants? Clearly he has never heard of ADE. Or Geert van den Bussche. Or basic virology and immunology. What a tool.
4 fully vaccinated individuals, who were not from Botswanna. Africa enjoys a little over 6% vaccination rate, and due to Malaria, consumes Hydroxychloroquine (or similar) almost daily. Hence, between their natural immune response, the heightened levels of zinc in their bodies - they were proactively taking treatment for COVID, and quickly reached Herd Immunity.
But, they dared to turn down a COVID shipment on Nov 24th, almost miraculously there were 4 visitors to their country diagnosed (even though no diagnostic tests exist for the new variant) with a variant; and almost overnight, they have had all flights to their country shut down.
This is not to protect anyone, because the symptoms are a sore muscles, and feeling "tired" for a few days - it's to punish a country that dared to say "no" to a vaccine mandate.
Propaganda pushing over a common cold. Same as the last two years. Cold and flu season in the northern hemisphere these days.
Leftists cluster in highly diseased cities like rotting fruit on the vine.
When has cleaning that up or being 'safe' ever been an agenda they cared for? They made it legal for people to maliciously infect others with AIDS in california.. because their precious gay voting bloc demanded the right to infect people. Imagine wanting bio-terrorists and typhoid-fairies on your team.. like they are some sort of positive asset.
Death, War, Famine and Pestilence..
Not really, they just reduced it from a felony to a misdemeanor. Of course, that means a DA can just wave it off and refuse to prosecute.
So legal, like he said.
And what is the burglary limit? Can’t you steal a few hundred bucks of stuff without repercussion in San Fran and LA?
And you have the right to keep your kids in your house.
We will live our lives with our full rights, thank you very much.
Hey Eric, dont mess with OUR kids. Because we know you would if you had the chance.
My awake wife is an RN at the local school. She texted me this morning complaining how stupid her co-workers are. They are all jockeying for time off to go get tested for the omicron "variant". 🐑
Disclaimer: This is the deep blue northeast where the more "educated" you are, the greater your status and authority is.
There is no test for any variant. Nor for the original “virus”
He's such an anti-American piece of human shit.
I watched this documentary on the Bolshevik revolution (though it sounds more like a holocaust to me). The Bolsheviks wanted their killings to be as horrible as possible to demoralize any uprising while they performed ethnic cleansing. There were reported deaths that were carried out by cutting into someones abdomen and unfolding their intestines to tie to a tree - then making the person, still living and in horrible pain, run around the tree until death finally took them.
I think this death is appropriate for some of those who qualify for the Nuremberg trials 👍🏻👍🏻
I suspect the “holocaust” atrocities we were taught about in school actually happened in USSR
According to this documentary, that sounds accurate.
You will be shocked to know that the real perpetrators are jewish…
No way, I’m shocked.
Lol… me too /s
Lol glad you caught my humor I didn’t want to sound like a jerk
You didn’t fren
In a just country, this asshole would have already faced a firing squad for his treasonous acts.
Minecraft trees are parched
He must not be too confident in his vaccine shot then!
Crimes against humanity.
are his kids from fanf-fang or did some other woman sleep with that creep?
My question exactly. Such a father figure!
Wonder if he was worried about his kids while he was out fucking Chinese spies..? #FangBanger
Soo... what part of" does not prevent contraction of or transmission of " IS HE TOO STUPID to understand.
Ok first show me evidence that covid exists, spreads, and does any direct harm. Let’s have that chat first
Government has no rights.
Another useless cog in the wheel of tyranny
He has kids? I'm afraid the damage may well have already been done.
Swallwell can damn well send his kids to a private school or home school if he's so dead set on masks. He has money out the ass, unlike the people showing up at schoolboard meetings
Businesses have the right? I thought a baker was sued for refusing to bake a penis cake for a homo. Governments do not have the right to limit the patronage of a business and this is what is happening. He makes it sound like its the business calling the shots when its the government forcing them.
Like to see him executed with a Hat Pin.
Treasonous spy, gotta die.
Is it just me but these idiots are basically confirming that COVD vaccine doesn’t work.
Wait a minute! You mean to tell me a woman actually let this fag procreate with her?
They are desperate for us ALL to be vaccinated so there is NO CONTROL GROUP.
No one messes with his kids except his Chinese overlords or Democratic Party pedophiles.
Expose to covid? Vaccinated get and spread vivid. They also carry 100x the viral load so they spread it more.
It's so hilarious when democrat pedophiles try to project their sickness onto good people. No, Swallowell, it's YOU people who need to stop messing with OUR kids.
His spewage is also medical misinformation:
The variants are being generated by the slavebloods, NOT by the freebloods.
More medical misinformation. What COVID?
There has never been a single documented case of asymptomatic transmission. If you don't have symptoms, you CAN'T TRANSMIT the virus.
Diagnosing the masses of regular Americans with a disease = practicing medicine without a medical license
Saying "your COVID" isn't "misgendering" me; it's FAR worse. It's stating that I am a deadly disease entity. It's textbook defamation. Maybe it's time we start treating it as such.
Spoken to a room of crickets.
He’s literally saying the jabs don’t work.