A big chess piece just moved - “Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Formation of Florida State Guard”
👀 EYES ON! 👀
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It's being done to justify attacking your own country because you disagree with some of its laws.
It's a lot harder to justify when good men fought to defend their homes regardless of if they agreed with every law on its books or not.
Thank you for your kind-hearted and intelligent commentary here. Though I wasn't born in Virginia, I've lived here for over three decades and come to respect not only Robert E. Lee the MAN and MILITARY TACTICIAN, but also the unimaginable struggle that Lee went through when wrestling with the decision to defend his country, or defend his home state.
One of my G-grandfathers' muster roll for the Civil War calls it the "War in Defense of Virginia." They considered it an invasion of their homeland by the northern troops.
That's what Elves do. :-(
When General Sherman went to war and burnt down Georgia from Atlanta to the city limits of Savannah. He was waging war against women and children. All the men were in Va. getting ready to take the Captial. Gen Sherman encounters no resistance. They rape and pillage between Atlanta and Savannah. Savannah surrendered before Gen Sherman even got to the city. But he continued on to Columbia S.C. to save his worst for last.
Top 3, including General Mcarthur not Mcarthy lol
I too vote to make Joseph McCarthy a posthumous general. JOE MCCARTHY WAS RIGHT
It is not moot at all. The Civil War was about who's brand of slavery was going to win.
And taxes
I believe your ancestors believed what they were fighting in. They were victims of the elitists of the north and south. Just like our soldiers in Iraq were used to fuel the military industrial complex, so too were your ancestors manipulated into doing the bidding of the slave owners. The slave owners didn't give a shit about your ancestors and never would have done anything for them if the South had won.
But it's okay. The North wasn't some mercy liberation force either. They had their own interests in beating the South that had nothing to do with slavery. The Civil War should have never happened and Jefferson and the other reformists should never have compromised.
Sorry fren, but your ancestors were conned into supporting an evil cause. They were motivated to fight and die to maintain a caste system where even the poorest white non-slaveowner, was still a racially superior class over any black, enslaved or free, didn't matter. A nation cannot invade itself. Lincoln, a constitutionally elected President (despite 10 slave states illegally barring Republican Electors from being on the ballot), did what the massive puss puppet Buchanan wouldn't do... Lincoln had balls and defended the Constitution against insurrection and rebellion that was started by butthurt, sore loser, slave-loving Democrats and their ex-Whig "popular sovereignty" tolerating faggots who like modern-day "pro-choice" abortion allies argued "if you don't like slavery, don't own a slave." They saw the writing on the wall. The Republicans won. The free soil party (ban the extension of slavery) took power. The only next logical step, was the rise of outright abolitionism. Race-based chattel slavery was doomed. Tic tok, tic tok. So what did they do? Engaged in actual traitorous insurrection and rebellion by deposing duly elected state officials, storming and taking control of United States military and civil installations (arsenals, forts, post offices), violating the constitutional rights of loyal US citizens and depriving them of a republican form of state government. Oh, and that was all BEFORE LINCOLN WAS INNAGURATED.
It's appalling to see so many professed Patriots on these boards, still promoting Lost Cause propaganda bullshit that Democrats pushed on the US, primarily southern, education system for the past 150 years.
Do you mean like how the British invaded the American colonies/states during the American Revolution?
Either people have a right to break free of a government they do not agree with, or they do not. American Revolution and Civil War were the same issue. But most people take opposite sides.
Slavery was and still is an evil institution. It existed for thousands of years, and continues to exist today.
But the issue of a people having the right to break free and form their own government is also an important issue, and Lincoln was wrong on that one.
Agreed, also the civil war had fuck all to do with slavery. As a North Carolinian I can tell you that the U.S. government dragged our state into that shit. They said pick a side and much like the vax mandate now. Most of our statesmen said “fuck you” to the Feds. “We” wanted to stay out but they forced “our” hands. Only 4% of people owned slaves. This smoothbrain above seems to have a gender studies degree in bullshit.
The Parliament never had jurisdiction in the colonies. The ministers sent in regular troops to deny British citizens of their political rights and natural rights. This was actual tyranny. An invasion did occur once the King abdicated his authority and treated the American Colonies as sovereign powers, thus giving the new American states their independence (see John Adams' explanation re: the act of independency).
No, the American Revolution was in the hearts and minds of the people. The American War of Independence was the defense of their sovereignty and separation from the British Empire, which made war up them. The American Civil War was initiated by an illegal rebellion by sore-losers who lost a constitutional presidential election. Not comparable events. Moreover, the rebels didn't even make a natural rights claim, but argued that "secession" (unilateral withdrawal) was a political right under the Constitution... despite Calhoun's sophistry, that argument isn't supported by the plain reading or original intent of the Constitution, nor of the facts of historical context.
Sorry, but your righteous defense of the natural right to resist tyranny has been wrongly chained to the wrong ship... American Revolution yay.... 1860 Rebellion noooo. Don't fall for the Democrat's Lost Cause trap :(
The colonists revolted against the taxes the Parliament was imposing on them. That was the reason for the Boston Tea Party.
That's not what gave them independence. The Declaration of Independence was a declaration, not a request. The war ended the debate.
That's a fair distinction.
No, the southern states created their own country. Did you ever read the Constitution for the Confederate States of America? They formed a new country, just like the Revolutionists did the previous century.
That's what the Declaration of Independence says.
King George didn't agree with that concept either. So what?
It's a fundamental, human right -- one that is inalienable.
Every right to secede and no right to own humans as livestock. They were in immediately violation of all natural law from day one. So the confederates can't appeal to it.
The losers of the failed rebellion wrote the vast majority of "history" books attempting to shift the narrative of their failed rebellion
Yep. History is written by whoever writes and documents it.
You're on the right track, but Lincoln was no hero. In fact, he was a racist himself and still saw the white man as superior. He didn't start the war to "do the right thing" he did it to keep power. He only made it about slavery when he was losing and needed more support.
Jefferson failed to settle this issue in 1776. With the French's help, the free colonies could have led their own resistance then dealt with the South. At that point the American Revolution would have been about freedom. It was not. America was never free until after the civil ended and the slaves were free and then in 1913 we were put into the paper irons of the Federal Reserve.
What's the story on that?
Research the original Declaration of Independence. There was a whole paragraph that phased out slavery that was removed.
Jefferson, though a brilliant idealist, was a failure as a man when it came to upholding those ideals. He kept his slaves way too long and compromised way too much when it came to ending slavery. The "civil war" should have taken place right after the Revolution. Of course then it would have been a free country liberating slave colonies so it would have been a legitimate conflict.
^^Here's a guy who knows his stuff!!^^ Great points GoingCamaro.
Lincoln was the first British BAR Attorney to be elected. The American BAR Association (ABA) wasn't founded until after the British won the civil war over the Vatican mercs in the south.
Are you aware of the original 13th amendment, barring anybody with a "Title of Nobility" from participating in the government? Hence, all "Esquires", a "Title of Nobility", aka "Attorneys", were barred due to questionable loyalties.
Lincoln's loyalty was to the British Nobility, as so sworn to the BAR - Temple BAR - Inns of the Court. Suffice it to say, the buck stops here. No organization on this planet makes any moves of significance without first running it through the BAR. And who oversees the BAR?
There are still remnants of the original 13th Amendment you can find online. A few examples: http://usavsus.info/usA--Original13thAmend.htm http://themillenniumreport.com/2015/10/the-missing-13th-amendment-no-lawyers-allowed-in-public-office/
The 1822 Treaty of Verona is what initiated the "Civil War". - The British Monarch and Pope secretly agree to undermine the American system of government via the Treaty of Verona. The British Monarch breaches the Treaty of Ghent and both the Pope and the King secretly breach their trust as International Trustees. They set out on a covert action and issued letters of Marque & Reprisal to the BAR and Jesuits, allowing them to act as foreign agents on American soil and as privateers free to plunder America’s economic, political and judicial systems.
Everything we've been taught of some significance that can be lied about, has been lied about to us.
President Ronald Reagan: What is the mission of the CIA?
CIA Director William Casey: The CIA's mission will be complete when everything the American people believes is false.
I always that that was an odd response, and did not understand it.
Now, I do. People cannot draw conclusions from history, and therefore avoid similar mistakes themselves, if they don't know what really happened in history (see: Holohoax). More generally, confused people are more easily influenced and controlled (see: Covid).
Yes indeed, yes indeed! I like your style! I've shared the Casey quote far and wide over the years - few can reconcile.
Even on this board the uptake is slow.
I'll see your "holohoax" and "Covid" references (both of which I wholeheartedly agree with and are well above the halfway mark on the "ladder of disbelief), and raise ya up the ladder.
Flat Earth (we definitely do not live on a floating ball spinning at 1000 MPH, circling an unenclosed ball of hydrogen gas in an elliptical orbit (speed changing and boy would we NOTICE it) at 66,600 MPH {666 no accident}, while also orbiting the center of the Milky Way at 500,000 MPH, while simultaneously being jettisoned out and away from the initial "Big Bang" at 2.5 MILLION MPH) - a "non-rotating, non-moving plane/realm" would be a more accurate description as the gov't psyop with the "pizza floating in space" image is now so well engrained in the mass psyche of those who did their "Google" search and found the psyop "Flat Earth Society" website, and/or YouTube's top 100 cultivated results - SMH. Simply eliminate the THEORY of "Gravity" and it all falls apart. No more need for "95% of the mass of the universe made up of "dark matter" and "dark energy" either. It's all THEORY, and all 100% BUNK. Your senses don't lie. Stuff that goes up does come down, but it's not due to a FORCE called "gravity". The greatest physicists, astro or otherwise, are still forced to admit they haven't the slightest idea as to WHAT gravity actually "IS". Boy do I get a lot of hate on this board on this topic however. Instant, unrelenting, zero-question downvoting!
Viruses/Germ Theory - Viruses don't exist. Bacteria don't cause illness. Parasites are opportunistic scavengers that feed on toxic waste that the body can't eliminate. Contagion is a myth. "Antibodies" are nothing but repair globulins and don't exist as described as there is no "Body" (aka "virus") for them to be "Anti" to. And the one I get the most pushback on is: If there are no germs, then there are no "pathogens" and no "contagion", therefore, there is no "immune system" as there is NO-THING to be "Immune" to in the first place. That explains why there is no "actual" "immune system", unlike a circulatory, nervous, excretory, lymphatic, etc. "Systems" that do "actually" exist. Everybody hates this one to the core, but it seems so obvious once the big bad "germ" is removed from the equation. Even with germ believers, they really must argue that the "whole body" is your "immune system" as you can't point to any specific organs, tissues, etc. that exclusively perform the role of "fighting germs". Occam's razor.
Time/History itself is the ultimate lie - It's mathematically/biologically impossible that this version of humanity dates back further than 700 to 800 years max. I'm beginning to believe that our last reset was sometime in the mid-1800s. Not a "total reset" as there is some degree of continuity I believe, but on a large enough scale that the population was heavily reduced. Not unlike what is CLEARLY going on right now - we're apparently in the early stages of it at this juncture.
There are a few rungs higher, but I haven't seen anybody on this board quite ready to entertain the top of the ladder just yet. Suffice it to say, it delves into spirituality. There's no doubt that the cabal heavily mucked with the mass understanding and interpretations of all the major religions.
Too much or have you been honing in on these areas as well? I'm a big believer in Rubert Sheldrake's "morphic resonance" idea of a shared etheric "human template" of sorts, where information/biology/patterning upgrades are instantaneously shared across the perceived time/space barriers. There's no doubt in my mind that it's going on right now. Even 5 years ago, there were very few willing to even entertain these "conspiracy theories", let alone talk about them. And 20 years ago, a minuscule fraction. I couldn't be more enthusiastic about what I'm seeing now in comparison.
If we're embarking on a "Great Awakening", as I believe we are, then more and more of us are picking up on all the lies and sharing them both openly, and quietly as we have our individual "aha moments" that upgrade humanity's consciousness template. And Q has certainly been a big part of drawing in millions more these past 4+ years.
Basically these two "forces" are the one's who drum up all the trouble and ultimately start all the wars. They don't actually do any fighting. They're simply the instigators. Consider this battle same situation has been going on for centuries, all over the globe. They both profit together from all wars, regardless of the winners.
Have you seen the movie "Trading Places" with the $1 bet between Randolph and Mortimer Duke over "nature vs. nurture'? They destroyed their own nephew's life for the sport of it. It's basically just like that.
Ordo Ab Chao - Order out of Chaos. This is fundamentally the cabal's role - to drum up chaos on a regular basis so as to keep a balance of good/evil in this realm.
As a poster noted earlier in this thread, the Civil War was really a battle over whose form of slavery would win out. The winners enslaved us all with the 14th amendment deceptive "U.S. Citizen" political status designation. In the end, the Crown took the "Federal Government" and the Vatican took the "Municipal Governments" - and they both tricked us into paying for all of it, while simultaneously giving up our rights and property.
Why did the Constitution of the CSA outlaw the slave trade?
Hint - Outlawing the slave trade was the first step in the process of all other "civilized countries" eliminating slavery.
The United States outlawed the slave trade in 1807. And yet, slavery not only continued but grew EXPONENTIALLY in the southern states for the next 60 years, so much so that they needed to expand westward and soutward. By the logic of your non-argument "argument", sounds like southern slavers weren't very "civilized" then eh? 🤔😉
Speaking of the Rebel "Constitution" and how it addressed slavery...
Sec. 9. (I) The importation of negroes of the African race from any foreign country other than the slaveholding States or Territories of the United States of America, is hereby forbidden; and Congress is required to pass such laws as shall effectually prevent the same.
(2) Congress shall also have power to prohibit the introduction of slaves from any State not a member of, or Territory not belonging to, this Confederacy.
(4) No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.
Sec. 2. (I) The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States; and shall have the right of transit and sojourn in any State of this Confederacy, with their slaves and other property; and the right of property in said slaves shall not be thereby impaired.
(3) No slave or other person held to service or labor in any State or Territory of the Confederate States, under the laws thereof, escaping or lawfully carried into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor; but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such slave belongs,. or to whom such service or labor may be due.
In all such territory the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected be Congress and by the Territorial government; and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories shall have the right to take to such Territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the States or Territories of the Confederate States.
But yeah, sure, many civilized, much righteous, wonderful society.
There's a reason why the Virginian James Madison made certain that the word "slave" did not appear in the Constitution of the United States of America, because he "thought it wrong to admit in the Constitution the idea that there could be property in men."
Quite the contrasting documents, eh?
Hadn't thought of it that way, but good point.
It all comes down to your own front door
I think, at this point, its just DeSantas putting his balls on the table to let DC know what they can do with their mandates and other bullshit.
He better be careful, the table might break under their immense weight.
easily dissolved with jet fuel pede, it wouldnt be their first time.
Maybe he's so brave because he knows that the real Commander in Chief of the US military is there in Mar-a-Lago & has his back. Maybe?
Florida can go ... but it must take its share of the debt ... and create its own currency... and pay for any military protection given by US forces
Quite right and not to mention the debt is owed to criminal banking cartels that when all the dust settles will no longer exist and thus the debt won't be owed to anyone that we will see any reason to pay back anyway.
You mean protection from like the Taliban? Or a bio weapon?
no thanks
ME TOO! Glad we share him! (We need a majority like him)
Yes please, I’ll take one for CO. Thank you.
I wish I could just give you one. Love CO. Beautiful state!
A shame what's happening there
Yep! We dodged a major bullet for sure!
I pray his successor will be a good patriotic governor, too.
How do I sign up?
Same. Not interested in being a Florida cop, but if sign on bonuses are available for this Sate Guard, well... I might be so inclined to consider it.
and do we get to shoot looters and leftist rioters?!?
If they point a gun at you or attempt to hit with skateboard.... Sure
Only if provoked. But you don't need a uniform for that.
wow - that's impressive - makes me want to move to Florida
ditto, if it wasn't so damned hot there...
It’s not really! It’s beautiful 9 months of the year. The 3 “miserable” summer months are in the 90’s but there are plenty of worse states as far as summer heat.
I've vacationed there a lot actually. I mean, I see people using umbrellas when it's sunny out. At first I didn't get why you'd have a umbrella out on a perfectly sunny day. Then I spent 30 min in the sun and wished I'd had an umbrella too lol
Arizona, for one...
Nope. AZ is dry heat. Hotter yes but tolerable. AL is worse. 105 with 98% humidity. It’s rough. Best bud was a ASU grad. He backed my claims.
It is bad but I guess you get used to it. I spent a lot of time in the desert lol so I’m grateful for the humidity.
KS, NE, AZ, NV, parts of CA, etc. I have fam out in KS, typically their summer is hotter. But you’re right, humidity makes it feel worse.
Houston just dropped in to say "hi".
I'd move. Any chance they'll aid people who want to move there to join the new guard?
It's beyond hot its oppressive heat... Lol...but we're free....Lol
Outstanding! Anyone think this may be Devolution related?
Good thinking.
Will Abbott ever do something like this? I'm gonna say, "no"! Texans, that's one of many reasons why he needs to be primaried in March.
The Texas State Guard has existed for decades.
But, they’re more unarmed, unpaid volunteers that assist in natural disasters and such, so only halfway there.
I’m divided right now between Allen West and Chad Prather. I saw them debate with Huffines last weekend and they were both really on point in all of the problems addressing Texas and the country. Huffines reminded me of another RINO. To be honest, Huffines demeanor on the debate stage reminded me of when Biden would look at the camera and address the audience during his debate with Trump. I do not trust Huffines. I need to do a bit more research on West and Prather before I make my call, but their demeanors and replies were more authentic.
It's beautiful to see.
What's the process of getting a State Guard?
I thought they already had one.
Step one: Vote in an uncucked Governor.
You expect too much of me.
I think they mean a guard unit that the federal government has no control over. I think the governor would have sole control with over site from the legislature with this one. The regular National Guard can be conscripted by the the federal government or “federalized”.
So the federal government can control state Guard? Doesn’t the state governor still have higher control? Or authority?
No, the feds can take over the “Florida National Guard”, a state militia would be free from fed interference.
Yes. The president can federalize the NG to 1) stop an insurrection 2) enforce federal law.
Otherwise the governor is the CIC of a states NG. It’s done by an agreement between the states and the federal government. That’s why Austin threatened the OK NG to revoke their guard status making them a state militia. That’s because they’re refusing the jab mandate (which is illegal). Technically I think a governor can revoke this from the state side. However it probably goes to an individual states laws regarding whether that governor could do it unilaterally or would need approval from the state legislature.
I think desantis is making an entirely new force that is state controlled from its inception.
Might be in relation to military requirements of the jab? Offering the ones not wanting to Cuck an alternative?
I was literally just discussing how states should do this last week. Crazy times.
Looks like we're about to experience what it will be like when states take their power back.
"Let us alone," means, "Leave us alone."
Outstanding move, Gov.
I hope he hires some of the Ex-military who got out over the forced vax mandate.
Where will the personnel for the formation of the state guard come from?
Proud to live here. Wow!
Do not be quick to rush unto the blade! There is MIGHTY power in the pen, use it wisely!
As a brit I have no experience if this is good or bad, can someone explain?
Very good.
In the US, states were always meant to, and historically did, hold the vast majority of power. The federal government was just a necessary evil to regulate inter-state commerce, national military, etc. So much so, that our constitution states that any power not specifically given to the federal government (and there is not many) is assumed to be controlled by the states or the people:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
One thing people often miss is, even the powers given to the federal government are delegated.
We were meant to be governed form the bottom up as much as possible. "A government for the people, by the people."
What we are today is such a perversion of what we are supposed to be. So seeing a state assert its power and autonomy is a GREAT FUCKING SIGN! :)
Yeah, and should the state electorate elect a democrat commie the Florida State Guard will make sure to enforce any mandate the idiot/commie, current resident of the White House dictates.
If this lunacy continues states Governors are going to have to make some hard choices. I’m ready right now. Better to do it now than later before the public is completely overwhelmed.
What is the purpose of this State Guard? What is the need for the military strength?
This is a bad sign if you're white pilled (like me).
if the black pill is cynicism then the white pill is optimism
Black pill = doom pill
White pill = hope pill
DeSantis wouldn't be funding his own state guard unless he felt like he might need to.
Yea what's white pilled lol