There have actually been parents of teen boys who were severely injured by the jab posting on social media that “we still need to do this!” People have gone mad. It’s terrifying.
Very advanced tds. Stage 4. My husband has it. Spiritually they’ll do anything to prove how they can do it without Jesus Christ and his deplorable elect. It’s vanity
It's called having a mental disorder called Liberalism! We need to determine what we are going to do with sub-human scum like this guy after the patriots win this battle for our country. In the Old Testament, God told the Israelites to wipe out completely the nations they defeated. This was because of the satanism practiced within these cultures of death and destruction. Liberalism is just satanism in dress clothes and although I am not for necessarily killing them...I'm definitely of the mind that they need to be summarily stripped of their citizenship and forced to relocate to another country more to their liking. If they don't want that option then they can take up space in the same FEMA camps they all wish we were in! Fuck this guy and his Liberal child abusing parenting decisions!
I used to dismiss Rush when he said “liberalism is a mental disorder”. The last 5.5 years have certainly proved that. And I have a front row seat for liberal lunacy.
No one wants to kill anyone. But allowing them to live only allows more opportunity for them in the future. Even if we are lucky enough to defeat these satanic monsters, how would we control them in the future? How would an otherwise civilized society go about protecting their progeny from them?
That’s why I’m actually grateful that the vaccine is so dangerous. It’s killing liberals right and left and our side, for the most part, is staying away from it. I’m not sure why the deep state wants to kill their own followers, but I’ll take it.
Of course not. Possibly covid, because the kid didn't have all the shots yet, and then got infected by one of the unvaxxed. Bad, bad unvaxxed. Filthy people.
That commie rat has an enormous unearned ego to bolster. He claims on Twitter to be a professor at Amherst College. He's actually a visiting lecturer, which is completely different. No evidence that he's ever done any research, which a real professor or PhD would have done. He's just talking out of his ass to students a few times a week.
They are exposed. I don’t know who this guy is, and I’ll look him up, but I assume he’s another sanctimonious MSM prick. I agree 100% he’s probably a pedo.
no, not at all, just the source documents of accusations, arrest, or conviction or whatever. You know it's wrong to accuse someone of a crime without proof or at least compelling circumstances, right? I'm not saying it isn't true, I don't know who this person is.
i didn't say YOU were evil, i said it's evil to accuse without proof. but i agree with what you're feeling about this guy's post. he just admitted openly and ignorantly, that he traumatized his child. it's appalling and when i read it i felt absolutely sickened by what the kid experienced, what the parent may have done unintentionally, however sanctimoniously, and also that his post may have been a complete manipulation paid for by big pharma and his kid is just fine, all of which is a mind bleed and then read your fantasy of what he did to his child. You already know my thoughts on that.
they aren't ALL pedos. Some are thieves, embezzlers, tax evaders, wife beaters, inside traders, etc., etc. I don't really want to condemn people as a pedo unless someone says a person was accused/arrested/convicted. I did a search of the person and nowhere was there anything about pedophilia or other abuse towards children. I'm trying to stay objective and not be a jerk.
There are videos of Joe touching kids. There's isn't any video of this guy doing any such act. Your accusation is 100% hollow and changing the subject to Joe doesn't change that.
You have no fucking idea of the type of people we are dealing with. These people are vile and evil. Once you’ve done the research long enough, you have to assume they are all compromised. Pedo is the glue that bonds them.
Do you remember that one time a president was accused of conspiring with Russia to make some Facebook ads to steal an election? Or that one time a president was accused of…. what exactly was he accused of when he was trying to get to the bottom of Biden’s Ukraine blackmail again? Oh yeah, and remember when the Democrats sent Antifa in to pretend to be Trump supporters and break down windows at the capitol and the police invited them in to the capitol and then arrest them for trespassing? All that with zero proof?
Without evidence...but I'm pretty sure though.... that he spent the night before making his child pass through the fire (in the Bible that that means sacrificing your kid to Moloch) fondling himself enthusiastically while he thought about the grand virtue-signal he was preparing to tweet.
The poor kid is just a prop in the Paul Reickhoff Show that runs continually through his vaXXX-addled brain.
The true day of reckoning for this Vaxtard will be when his son tells him that he can’t father children because his production of healthy sperm is inadequate …if the fucking kid lives that long - what a dumb shit this guy is!
"Can’t wait to get my son a nice shot in the arm for his 5th birthday present (plus other stuff of course). Keep being an awesome dad."
"Everyone at home is vaccinated; all five of us and we continue masked-up in public. That is Joy."
"My 16 year old is getting her booster today!!! Why are these kids braver and smarter than some adults!"
"My 6 year old grandson , sarcastically said, “ well that felt good”- then my daughter took her three kids to pick out rewards! Two picked candy, one a new purse. All 4 of my grandkids are vaccinated- my kids have boosters. That’s my “ reward”!"
"Yep. All 3 of my kids are vaxxed now. They’re really proud of themselves because we talk about all the elderly, sick and others they’re doing it for. I love seeing them know they’re helping end Covid."
Shit reads like China bots who are simultaneously unaware of how to speak proper English while also trying to type everything perfectly with proper punctuation, spelling, etc. which people on Twitter often don't actually do.
Obviously this moronic father did not read about myocarditis in children. Also you obviously didn’t read that the “protection”/efficacy lasts about 6 months. Then you will get his booster shot every 3 months to 1 year. This in not approved and you let them experiment on your child. The FDA Zapproval holds no credibility anymore as far as I am concerned.
“Vaccinations only prove that you can inject someone
with highly acidic toxic poisonous chemicals and that person
hopefully surviving the debilitating side effects, such as multiple
sclerosis, lesions on the brain, paralysis, breakdown of the red
and white blood cells, ulcerations of the liver, lung, kidney, pancreas,
stomach and bowels, seizures and death. Vaccinations provide
zero immunity. True immunity that leads to health and fitness
can only be achieved by making healthy lifestyle and dietary choices.”
He just sentenced his child to an early grave, then tried to shame everyone who is unvaxxed? And almost 11,000 brainwashed individuals liked his post. Truly sickening!
I live in full on communist Marin California and I’ve kept the vaccination Nazis away from my children successfully now for 21 years my youngest is 11
None of my kids ever gotten a shot for anything I was raised in the early 1970s so I got whatever and he gives a shit
I woke up to the evil of the vaccine industry and big Pharma in the 1980s and I’ve never looked back
I haven’t taken as many bullets as has the steamable an incredible Robert F Kennedy Junior but I’ve taken quite a few
But I’m going to next post is the long demented and insane history of the vaccine industry going back to where they caused the entire Spanish flu epidemic with vaccines
To those parents who will give the COVID vaccinations to your kids: What will you say when your child asks “why you didn’t protect them?” YOU FN REALIZE THERE IS NOTHING FN “MILD” ABOUT HAVING A HEART CONDITION THAT SHORTENS YOUR CHILD’S LIFE? HEART TISSUE CAN’T REPAIR ITSELF! Hang onto your balls you miserable cockwombles, cause when your kid tells you that you never loved them… REALIZE YOU ARE TO BLAME!
Why do they keep using the phrase "shots in arms"? It makes me sick. i think it is partly brainwashing technique along with the constant visual images of injections, but the word shots sounds like gunshots. Instead of getting shots in the head, we're getting shots in arms? Slow death is more cruel than instant death. Plus slow pharma death is a money maker.
Another point: these idiots lining up are CAUSING the "scamdemic." it doesn't stop until the shots stop and the victims are dead.
Poor kid, clearly he didn't consent to this / did it voluntarily. Being forced isn't "stepping up".
They'll post how upset they are that they lost their kid but glad they got the shot to stop the spread.
They really are that stupid and self-centered.
There have actually been parents of teen boys who were severely injured by the jab posting on social media that “we still need to do this!” People have gone mad. It’s terrifying.
Very advanced tds. Stage 4. My husband has it. Spiritually they’ll do anything to prove how they can do it without Jesus Christ and his deplorable elect. It’s vanity
Funny how Jesus is their bogeyman.
Well sure. They killed him.
It's called having a mental disorder called Liberalism! We need to determine what we are going to do with sub-human scum like this guy after the patriots win this battle for our country. In the Old Testament, God told the Israelites to wipe out completely the nations they defeated. This was because of the satanism practiced within these cultures of death and destruction. Liberalism is just satanism in dress clothes and although I am not for necessarily killing them...I'm definitely of the mind that they need to be summarily stripped of their citizenship and forced to relocate to another country more to their liking. If they don't want that option then they can take up space in the same FEMA camps they all wish we were in! Fuck this guy and his Liberal child abusing parenting decisions!
I used to dismiss Rush when he said “liberalism is a mental disorder”. The last 5.5 years have certainly proved that. And I have a front row seat for liberal lunacy.
When he said that I did not get it either. I do now. More than a few times in the last two years I have said to myself, Rush was right.
Rush!!!!! 🥺😩😭😭😭
No one wants to kill anyone. But allowing them to live only allows more opportunity for them in the future. Even if we are lucky enough to defeat these satanic monsters, how would we control them in the future? How would an otherwise civilized society go about protecting their progeny from them?
Operation warp speed takes so much faith. We’re battling the flesh and the devil and the battle never ends!
That’s why I’m actually grateful that the vaccine is so dangerous. It’s killing liberals right and left and our side, for the most part, is staying away from it. I’m not sure why the deep state wants to kill their own followers, but I’ll take it.
Greenland is lovely this time of year.
Hey, prime property, with the global warming and all. They should be thankful if they got that, it will soon be a tropical paradise after all. :D
Probably. Or blame it on the unvaccinated.
Another helpless lefty destroying his own argument through its obvious stupidity.
CNN syndrome?
Son of a bitch, I think it's a thing.
In their minds it will never be the clot shot that caused a death. Never.
Of course not. Possibly covid, because the kid didn't have all the shots yet, and then got infected by one of the unvaxxed. Bad, bad unvaxxed. Filthy people.
It means it's working.
Wait until Mom finds out there won't be any grandchildren.
Blame it on the vax free and try to score social clout while he plans his sons funeral
Needless sacrificing their children to bolster their egos.
That commie rat has an enormous unearned ego to bolster. He claims on Twitter to be a professor at Amherst College. He's actually a visiting lecturer, which is completely different. No evidence that he's ever done any research, which a real professor or PhD would have done. He's just talking out of his ass to students a few times a week.
All I can think is Moloch.
You threatened him with anal rape, Paul.
We know what you're about.
You went right there, you cheeky bastard.
The global reset and Vax is the defining event of the last 500 years.
Him using his kid to shill Global tyranny, especially for someone who made his name sticking up for wounded Vets, says everything.
These pawns think we don't see the GAME?
They are exposed. I don’t know who this guy is, and I’ll look him up, but I assume he’s another sanctimonious MSM prick. I agree 100% he’s probably a pedo.
that's an evil thing to say without providing compelling evidence/source of conviction
evil ?? lol get the fuck out of here...
you realize you're asking to see Paul's child porn blackmail video, right ?
no, not at all, just the source documents of accusations, arrest, or conviction or whatever. You know it's wrong to accuse someone of a crime without proof or at least compelling circumstances, right? I'm not saying it isn't true, I don't know who this person is.
he just admitted to abusing his kid with the vaccine and has been shilling the vax for over a year.
He was a regular on CNN and MSNBC for almost 10 years.
calling me EVIL for assuming he's comped is fucking retarded, especially when you have no idea who the fuck he is.
i didn't say YOU were evil, i said it's evil to accuse without proof. but i agree with what you're feeling about this guy's post. he just admitted openly and ignorantly, that he traumatized his child. it's appalling and when i read it i felt absolutely sickened by what the kid experienced, what the parent may have done unintentionally, however sanctimoniously, and also that his post may have been a complete manipulation paid for by big pharma and his kid is just fine, all of which is a mind bleed and then read your fantasy of what he did to his child. You already know my thoughts on that.
they aren't ALL pedos. Some are thieves, embezzlers, tax evaders, wife beaters, inside traders, etc., etc. I don't really want to condemn people as a pedo unless someone says a person was accused/arrested/convicted. I did a search of the person and nowhere was there anything about pedophilia or other abuse towards children. I'm trying to stay objective and not be a jerk.
Brainwashing is the glue that holds most of these people together. Some are evil, most are brainwashed.
"These people are stupid".
fantasy? lol go fuck yourself, asshole.
Hey.. Joe Biden is a PEDOPHILE.
You want proof of that too, fuckface?
There are videos of Joe touching kids. There's isn't any video of this guy doing any such act. Your accusation is 100% hollow and changing the subject to Joe doesn't change that.
You have no fucking idea of the type of people we are dealing with. These people are vile and evil. Once you’ve done the research long enough, you have to assume they are all compromised. Pedo is the glue that bonds them.
The type of people we are dealing with are majority brainwashed fools minority evil people.
Do you remember that one time a president was accused of conspiring with Russia to make some Facebook ads to steal an election? Or that one time a president was accused of…. what exactly was he accused of when he was trying to get to the bottom of Biden’s Ukraine blackmail again? Oh yeah, and remember when the Democrats sent Antifa in to pretend to be Trump supporters and break down windows at the capitol and the police invited them in to the capitol and then arrest them for trespassing? All that with zero proof?
lol guess what? I still think he is a shill, faggot.
Look at his comment history. He's spoken on exactly TWO subjects his entire time here. STONKS and hid dead kid.
You are the one with the mental disorder, glow worm.
crawl back in your hole
and yet.. here you are.
Without evidence...but I'm pretty sure though.... that he spent the night before making his child pass through the fire (in the Bible that that means sacrificing your kid to Moloch) fondling himself enthusiastically while he thought about the grand virtue-signal he was preparing to tweet.
The poor kid is just a prop in the Paul Reickhoff Show that runs continually through his vaXXX-addled brain.
I cannot stand people who virtue signal by proxy.
right? they're right up there with criminals who take human shields
The true day of reckoning for this Vaxtard will be when his son tells him that he can’t father children because his production of healthy sperm is inadequate …if the fucking kid lives that long - what a dumb shit this guy is!
Before then he'll probably be trying to turn his son into a daughter anyway.
i want to throw up
The other comments are depressing as shit....
"Can’t wait to get my son a nice shot in the arm for his 5th birthday present (plus other stuff of course). Keep being an awesome dad."
"Everyone at home is vaccinated; all five of us and we continue masked-up in public. That is Joy."
"My 16 year old is getting her booster today!!! Why are these kids braver and smarter than some adults!"
"My 6 year old grandson , sarcastically said, “ well that felt good”- then my daughter took her three kids to pick out rewards! Two picked candy, one a new purse. All 4 of my grandkids are vaccinated- my kids have boosters. That’s my “ reward”!"
"Yep. All 3 of my kids are vaxxed now. They’re really proud of themselves because we talk about all the elderly, sick and others they’re doing it for. I love seeing them know they’re helping end Covid."
Shit reads like China bots who are simultaneously unaware of how to speak proper English while also trying to type everything perfectly with proper punctuation, spelling, etc. which people on Twitter often don't actually do.
Why are libs so free with inserting things inro a children's bodies against their will?
We need to keep an eye on this fucktard’s account to see how long it takes for his poor kid to drop dead. So disgusting I can’t even take it.
I appreciate what he did and my kids thank him for the resources that he won't be using as an adult.
Obviously this moronic father did not read about myocarditis in children. Also you obviously didn’t read that the “protection”/efficacy lasts about 6 months. Then you will get his booster shot every 3 months to 1 year. This in not approved and you let them experiment on your child. The FDA Zapproval holds no credibility anymore as far as I am concerned.
Sacrificed your son to Satan- you didn't do that for me mother fucker- it all you
“Vaccinations only prove that you can inject someone with highly acidic toxic poisonous chemicals and that person hopefully surviving the debilitating side effects, such as multiple sclerosis, lesions on the brain, paralysis, breakdown of the red and white blood cells, ulcerations of the liver, lung, kidney, pancreas, stomach and bowels, seizures and death. Vaccinations provide zero immunity. True immunity that leads to health and fitness can only be achieved by making healthy lifestyle and dietary choices.”
Virtue signaling bully. I pity the child
if this child gets sick or dies, this idiot will not blame himself. i weep for all the kids out there who have vax monsters for parents.
Child abuse.
He just sentenced his child to an early grave, then tried to shame everyone who is unvaxxed? And almost 11,000 brainwashed individuals liked his post. Truly sickening!
they might as well call it Botter
that's illuminating-ty
Moloch gonna be thrilled with all these children that are being sacrificed.
That should have been "Sadistic moron"
I live in full on communist Marin California and I’ve kept the vaccination Nazis away from my children successfully now for 21 years my youngest is 11
None of my kids ever gotten a shot for anything I was raised in the early 1970s so I got whatever and he gives a shit
I woke up to the evil of the vaccine industry and big Pharma in the 1980s and I’ve never looked back
I haven’t taken as many bullets as has the steamable an incredible Robert F Kennedy Junior but I’ve taken quite a few
But I’m going to next post is the long demented and insane history of the vaccine industry going back to where they caused the entire Spanish flu epidemic with vaccines
Just WOW.
To those parents who will give the COVID vaccinations to your kids: What will you say when your child asks “why you didn’t protect them?” YOU FN REALIZE THERE IS NOTHING FN “MILD” ABOUT HAVING A HEART CONDITION THAT SHORTENS YOUR CHILD’S LIFE? HEART TISSUE CAN’T REPAIR ITSELF! Hang onto your balls you miserable cockwombles, cause when your kid tells you that you never loved them… REALIZE YOU ARE TO BLAME!
This ^ 1,000,000 times over!
The selfish one is Paul Rieckoff. He's just too fucking dumb to understand the reasons why.
Good chance the family tree will stop there. Problem fixes itself.
This guys dick must be smaller than a maggot to have to force his kid to take an un-needed, un- tested medicine just so you can preach on the twatter.
Why do they keep using the phrase "shots in arms"? It makes me sick. i think it is partly brainwashing technique along with the constant visual images of injections, but the word shots sounds like gunshots. Instead of getting shots in the head, we're getting shots in arms? Slow death is more cruel than instant death. Plus slow pharma death is a money maker.
Another point: these idiots lining up are CAUSING the "scamdemic." it doesn't stop until the shots stop and the victims are dead.
Eugenicists, anti white globohomo and his followers believe we all should die. So Covid is win win for the globohomos
So when the kid dies of a stroke, I wonder what excuse he will have lined up?
It’s the unvaccinated fault!
We are seeing pathetic displays of finding value in your actions.