I love our gay Pepe. Trump could be gay too.. along with Millania.. Still love them also. Every Republican could come out as gay.. and I would love them as long as they weren't a RINO.
Thank you. They will not quit until their Avatars are dead and they have no Cloud computer to Hide in. The "black goo" IS and unless we eradicate it from Universal existence, some dumb F@#k will come along next century and let the Evil back In to our Realm. No MERCY. Extermination IS the Plan.
Definitely seen people lurking here that fit this description. Always posting cringe with no citation and will call you an idiot-shill if you question them.
One of their favorite formats to follow is:
"I used to believe in that (totally legitimate issue), but then I woke up and got real!"
Total truth fren. We don’t back down, we don’t retreat. We sling memes with a smile, happy in the knowledge that our irreverence drives them fecking nuts and demoralises them
This is truly what it is all about. Leave whatever level of dementia and age out of it, Joe Biden has no fucking clue how he plays a Justin Bieber song from his phone during a ahem "campaign stop" and within 10 minutes it is on the internet with the song now NWA "fuck the police." They could never infiltrate the chan culture on the boards with everyone there addressing each other as "fag" in a friendly way. They don't know what to do then, they built up lifestyles to be used as swords or shields when needed for political reasons. All the tricks that used to work, won't now and within 15 minutes of the internet getting a hold of it. They would do ANYTHING just to have a way to send out a tweet without you and I able to respond and ruining their messaging that they are trying to get out to the less-discerning populace. They never even had a way to win this information war. It all used to be sooooooooooo easy for them. Those days are gone.
does this mean you guys will stop screaming “fed!!!1!1!!1” anytime someone correctly asserts that our politicians and elites need to be dragged from their homes and set on fire in the street? 😉😅
That would just be a great excuse to send Pepe to a special camp. He’d do some gay stuff with some other gay frogs for a bit, and then somebody would use it as even more evidence that
They’re turning the frogs gay!!!
Feds would just prove AJ right.
Ultimately, memes are just about telling the truth by pointing out the hypocrisy and lies. They'll never win because they can't meme The Big Lie. It does make me happy to see them squirming trying though.
This made me smile. Gay Pepe lol
Shit, we'd fucking own that in a hot minute, then meme the shit out of it.
I can just see it now...Pepe bending the FBI over a desk and meme-fucking them to death...hoorah!
Why can't we own it anyway?
Name checks out
The government made a gay Pepe, and then abandoned it.
(Sad Pepe)
Because the government abandons gays.
Yeah the government is homophobic cos they hate gay Pepe. We have the best gay pepes
I remember once seeing an image on 4chan of a bunch of jihad pepes throwing a gay pepe off the roof.
There’s a shit load of gay pepes on a DDG image search 😆
Ya there was even an Alex Jones Gay Frog Pepe
Use the its ma'am meme. Paint green sand make it say.. its pepè
I love our gay Pepe. Trump could be gay too.. along with Millania.. Still love them also. Every Republican could come out as gay.. and I would love them as long as they weren't a RINO.
gay is wrong and I reckon you'd find more gays amongst rinos than patriots
I’ll take anyone who wants to team up against the evil cabal.. whether they’re gay or not is not even a factor
What a lovely little mental image.
That would probably be very effective at psyching them out.
why isnt that a meme already? they'd prolly cry rape.
the forum sliding on the chans the past couple weeks has been. nothing but glowing
You bet they would need all the tranny therapists to help them cope with that.
I was just about to type this!!! Hahaha
I cried while laughing.
if there's any degree of truth, wonder if that was about the time when a ton of roiled out hunk looking shirtless Pepe's ended up all over the place.
good memes are good memes
Getting visions of the gym-bro pepe
Vaguely remember this push... went largely unnoticed.
Can't wait for them to learn that they're the baddies.
Does this by any chance have to do with what Alex Jones mentioned? About how "They're trying to turn the frogs gay" ?
NO . . . and yes.
Also maybe...
(((Definately))) maybe.
it... it does now!
Meme them until they cry then make memes about them crying.
Thank you. They will not quit until their Avatars are dead and they have no Cloud computer to Hide in. The "black goo" IS and unless we eradicate it from Universal existence, some dumb F@#k will come along next century and let the Evil back In to our Realm. No MERCY. Extermination IS the Plan.
My favorite meme.
Yes, but he could go undercover and infiltrate the Faggot Butt Invaders.
White hat Pepe has brown peepee.
transitioning is what it's called... kek
Who made autism go up 7000% since 1970’s with💉 but DS? They have sown the wind, now they reap the whirlwind
I would just like to say that "autismos" is my new favorite word ever! "Salsa" was pretty hard to beat. Long live Pepe!!
Weaponized autism still rings as a true compliment.
Nah, try thinking of it like this: Autist = ThoughtSniper.
Agreed. Makes me wanna listen to white zombie. “El autismos” & the chicken run blastorama 😀
Spot on!
It's so true. They are not built for any of this. Never were, never will be.
As Salty likes to say:
"Fire up the meme cannons"
Fire for Effect!
"6 rounds fire for effect" - "shot over, shout out"!
To the cannons...........................
Forward observer for fire control, a dangerous and unappreciated occupation!
Hello fren.
Put one across their bow! Nevermind, put one right between their eyes.
Aim a few feet lower.
Salty Army is Legion 🔥
Dial it UP you digital warriors!
Bring your high energy!
Definitely seen people lurking here that fit this description. Always posting cringe with no citation and will call you an idiot-shill if you question them.
One of their favorite formats to follow is: "I used to believe in that (totally legitimate issue), but then I woke up and got real!"
Anything to obfuscate the truth.
They aren't sending their best and brightest.
Total truth fren. We don’t back down, we don’t retreat. We sling memes with a smile, happy in the knowledge that our irreverence drives them fecking nuts and demoralises them
What really drives them nuts is that no matter what they try to do we always just brush it off. We're meme-proof!
The autists created by the vaccines are too much for them. Bet they never saw that coming!
Gay Pepe is a Happy Pepe
I'd follow gay Pepe anywhere! He's still Pepe!
Yep just in fabulous shoes
We shall MEME on the seas and oceans
We shall MEME with growing confidence and growing strength
We shall defend our PEPE, whatever the cost may be
We shall MEME on the beaches
We shall MEME on the landing grounds
We shall MEME in the fields and in the streets
We shall MEME in the hills
They forgot the Nazi were gay. What about the pink swastika? Where do they think the leather gear and tight caps look came from?
Pepe knows!
Nazi fashion sponsored and brought to you by Hugo Boss!
Pepe Boss, even the homo frogs know he got style.
"Never in the field of conflict was so much owed by so many to so few" W. Churchill: words to gain strength by!!
To you sad lurkers: we are confident that you will find faith here. Who would you rather be friends with? 🙏🏻
This is truly what it is all about. Leave whatever level of dementia and age out of it, Joe Biden has no fucking clue how he plays a Justin Bieber song from his phone during a ahem "campaign stop" and within 10 minutes it is on the internet with the song now NWA "fuck the police." They could never infiltrate the chan culture on the boards with everyone there addressing each other as "fag" in a friendly way. They don't know what to do then, they built up lifestyles to be used as swords or shields when needed for political reasons. All the tricks that used to work, won't now and within 15 minutes of the internet getting a hold of it. They would do ANYTHING just to have a way to send out a tweet without you and I able to respond and ruining their messaging that they are trying to get out to the less-discerning populace. They never even had a way to win this information war. It all used to be sooooooooooo easy for them. Those days are gone.
This, this right here made me chuckle like a brother! "The chuckle brothers" and no it's not raysis.
The truth is always more powerful than lies. You may believe a lie for some time, but once you have the truth the lies no longer work.
These corrupt feds and politicians lose because the truth will always come out eventually.
Honestly, I have allowed myself to imagine their frustrations and it's glorious🤣
Gay Pepe is still Pepe, when is a Pepe not a Pepe?
Truth is they should be sweating pepes.
Seeee cause it’s the Trans Pepe who identifies as as FED they need to fear the most, you Feds reading this, watch out, for there are feds among you!
Sounds like a fed.
Pepe knows ivermectin stops the gay.
In its tracks.
This gave me warm fuzzies🤗😊🤗😊 I feel honored😁
does this mean you guys will stop screaming “fed!!!1!1!!1” anytime someone correctly asserts that our politicians and elites need to be dragged from their homes and set on fire in the street? 😉😅
No, make that nope. Not us.
Never forget the Great Meme War of 2016. That sharpened every autists’ meme skills to Miyagi levels.
Vax on, vax off !
Definitely vax off
No go up down - go side side
Wow this is a great post. Really good for morale
That would just be a great excuse to send Pepe to a special camp. He’d do some gay stuff with some other gay frogs for a bit, and then somebody would use it as even more evidence that They’re turning the frogs gay!!! Feds would just prove AJ right.
Just add Ivermectin to get rid of the parasites that alter behaviour in the host.
love this! and such idiots for thinking Pepe is gay! they obviously have no idea-how popular he is with the ladies🥰
It just shows that they just don’t get it. We don’t care! Pepe is Pepe. We DGAF about their BS labels.
Seething feds lol
Wow! Wish I knew how to make memes.
You can do it fren, just believe and then try!
Get an idea, think of a picture that might suit and then add some text to it on the meme maker site.
You don't have to be an artist, just an observer with an eye for satire/ridicule. Anything to highlight that they are complete buffoons.
Hey FED, sorry I mean frog homo, stick around and if you don’t learn nuttin’ about how to meme it, at least enjoy the giggle shitz 🥸
I don't care if Pepe is gay, that's his business. as long he doesn't try to shove that gay shit down our throats and indoctrinate our kids /S
The CIA stared into the abyss long enough for the abyss to stare back.
The abyss is filled with Pepe's...
The internet meme is a world language. A meme no matter how terrible belongs to the world. It is the language of the Patriot.
PEPE has changed the world. What is so crazy is for thirty years pbs television indoctrinated a whole generation who are now grown to ‘trust the frog’
Ultimately, memes are just about telling the truth by pointing out the hypocrisy and lies. They'll never win because they can't meme The Big Lie. It does make me happy to see them squirming trying though.
The Fluoride… it’s turning the frogs gay !!!