Exactly, and I think he is expressing his doubts that they will succeed with the new Ebola type virus apparently brewing in China.
I think their plan was the first virus (Covid-19) was to get the world bedded in and prepared/brainwashed for when they release a much more deadly virus. Then they will try to justify very, very draconian measures, release another "experimental" vaccine that they already had prepared and try to lock the unvaccinated in the quarantine camps.
Not all vaccines are bad. We have seen them trying to create viruses to target specific genetic markers.
If you wanted to get a whole bunch of sheep and none of the free thinkers who question you, what would you do?
You would create a ploy that sacrifices some of your sheep to scare the free thinkers into standing against what they're told to do, while simultaneously preparing a release that targets the unmodified genetic markers (unvaccinated), but not the modified ones (vaccinated).
Again, considering we have seen them trying to specifically create weapons against specific people, this isn't even that far fetched if they accomplished it already.
In this scenario, they accomplish their goal. Reduce their own side, while eliminating the other.
If this is the plan and this ebola bullshit starts, I expect everyone to be smart enough to march instead of holing up inside waving their guns as if they're sabres.
Communists don’t want to protect the sheep. They call them useful idiots and line them up against the wall for execution first. This is because the sheep are actually dangerous to them. The sheep have to be radicalized and degenerated to topple the previous civilization, but when the communists take control, they don’t want these people running around creating havoc anymore. Plus the sheep become the most angry of the new communist dictatorship because they were the most betrayed. It would not be totally illogical for the globalists to get their own useful idiots to poison themselves because they won’t be able to control them later and all those people would flip to our side. Remember that for the globalists, all human beings are their enemy. They hate the normies and the NPCs as much as they hate the conservatives and the Trump supporters. They hate all human beings.
I just try to think of all possible scenarios. Do you not think the scientific capabilities exist to create a virus in a lab, along with a cure for that virus?
I suspect that, as they did with Covid, that as people die from the new emergency vaccine, or they kill them in the hospital, they will just blame the deaths on Ebola.
Bill here liked saying "You don't have a choice in getting jabbed.."
Oh, no Bill I disagree. In fact, my choices, alongside the choices of many others can be quite damaging to the narrative you need in place in order for you to avoid the consequences of treason.
There are different theories. One is that he was killed by an African village after he was caught poisoning their children. Another is that he was arrested, tried, and executed in a secret military tribunal. It’s all speculation though. Information warfare.
You right but i don't think he's talking about another virus but IMHO the next stock market crash, remember the "great reset" is supposed to happen after the economy is destroyed.
Well maybe had they not cried wolf over a damn cold bug that had the survivability rate of, well, a cold, people would be more likely to "get ready" for the next one. Had they not created fear where none was needed, they wouldn't have to WORRY about next time.
This makes me think they did this to make people distrust them on purpose, so when the real one hits, millions more die.
This is what I’m questioning. Everything has meaning. A bit of history of someone wants to go down the rabbit hole. The hashtag, pound, or real name: octothorpe comes from a historical quickly written version of the 17th century pound sigh (℔), which stood for weight in pounds (fun fact: lb stands for libra pondo – Italian for weight in pounds).
It’s an interview via Tweet so this tweet is a answer to a question tweeted at him by some lady interviewer. Since Twitter has a small character limit, some of his answers require multiple tweets. The # sign signals the end of his answer so the interviewer can ask the next question.
Eugenics much Bill?...seems you enjoy the smell of death and misery....does blood money spend better to you?....sick whackjob....must be saving his vintage virus for the "next one"....
Like most of the evil bunch, he can't quite contain himself and wants to blab (brag?) about the next global plot. Quite a while ago there was a video of an interview with him and Melinda. When asked if he thought we were taking the pandemic seriously enough, he smirked and responded to the effect: "Wait 'til the next one."
Fuck him and his passive aggressive bullshit, I'll day this, if bill gates is still alive during the next world wide issue I'm blaming him 100% until shown otherwise
Interesting, he may have meant that lone pound sign as a misused hashtag. Also of note though is that the pound sign denotes "checkmate" in chess notation
i suspect Gates, just like other influential and corporate big wigs, either began his tech efforts with this intent (just look at his father and their family history of eugenics and it's likely he set out initially for world domination) or once the usefulness of this tech became obvious to the cabal, the CIA and/or agencies paid him a visit to persuade him how he might continue to succeed if he wished ....same thing with Zuckerberg, Jobs, etc
It bothers me a great deal that this asshole just bought an ebola testing lab and then he says something like this. He is chomping at the bit to kill off mass numbers of people.
Convenient how that sick fuck always uses social media to push the nwo nefarious agenda yet sets his tweets so only those who also are tied in with pushing the same agenda.
Weird karmic laws they follow; if they tell us what they plan on doing, they believe it clears their conscience enough to be allowed to do such evil things in the first place and they believe that since we were then told, we have consented.
Yes, bill... I do think the world will come together next time.
But you arent gonna like how THAT plays out.
We learned from this one.
Exactly, and I think he is expressing his doubts that they will succeed with the new Ebola type virus apparently brewing in China.
I think their plan was the first virus (Covid-19) was to get the world bedded in and prepared/brainwashed for when they release a much more deadly virus. Then they will try to justify very, very draconian measures, release another "experimental" vaccine that they already had prepared and try to lock the unvaccinated in the quarantine camps.
Correct. Remember NONE of the Elite/Political Class/Globalists have gotten the VAX. None of them.
Not all vaccines are bad. We have seen them trying to create viruses to target specific genetic markers.
If you wanted to get a whole bunch of sheep and none of the free thinkers who question you, what would you do?
You would create a ploy that sacrifices some of your sheep to scare the free thinkers into standing against what they're told to do, while simultaneously preparing a release that targets the unmodified genetic markers (unvaccinated), but not the modified ones (vaccinated).
Again, considering we have seen them trying to specifically create weapons against specific people, this isn't even that far fetched if they accomplished it already.
In this scenario, they accomplish their goal. Reduce their own side, while eliminating the other.
If this is the plan and this ebola bullshit starts, I expect everyone to be smart enough to march instead of holing up inside waving their guns as if they're sabres.
If one is going to die, they should make sure to take as many deep state out with them as possible I'd say.
Communists don’t want to protect the sheep. They call them useful idiots and line them up against the wall for execution first. This is because the sheep are actually dangerous to them. The sheep have to be radicalized and degenerated to topple the previous civilization, but when the communists take control, they don’t want these people running around creating havoc anymore. Plus the sheep become the most angry of the new communist dictatorship because they were the most betrayed. It would not be totally illogical for the globalists to get their own useful idiots to poison themselves because they won’t be able to control them later and all those people would flip to our side. Remember that for the globalists, all human beings are their enemy. They hate the normies and the NPCs as much as they hate the conservatives and the Trump supporters. They hate all human beings.
I just try to think of all possible scenarios. Do you not think the scientific capabilities exist to create a virus in a lab, along with a cure for that virus?
I suspect that, as they did with Covid, that as people die from the new emergency vaccine, or they kill them in the hospital, they will just blame the deaths on Ebola.
Bill here liked saying "You don't have a choice in getting jabbed.." Oh, no Bill I disagree. In fact, my choices, alongside the choices of many others can be quite damaging to the narrative you need in place in order for you to avoid the consequences of treason.
Someone needs to smack him in his cocksucker
Why would you abuse the child he is molesting?
This faggot plots our doom and misery from a secure location, with bottle service and child servants.
that profile pic doesnt look like him imo
Real one is dead. Interesting knowing that and watching the movie!
Is fake one just as sick and evil as the real one though?
How do you know that? Proof?
There are different theories. One is that he was killed by an African village after he was caught poisoning their children. Another is that he was arrested, tried, and executed in a secret military tribunal. It’s all speculation though. Information warfare.
So, no proofs yet thenv
No proof yet then?
Where is this bastard located? We should invite him on nighttime deep sea fishing trip.
Deepest part of the sea
Can’t wait for ALL if his wealth to be confiscated and I think I will apply for it to go to his victims for Camp Yesu
Time to infiltrate their protective bubble.
That hashtag all by itself at the end is NO MISTAKE. It can only mean one thing, and that means "checkmate" in chess. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebraic_notation_(chess)
Bill Gates is a big chess player. He wrote that tweet. He wrote that hashtag. It means something. To a chess player it means checkmate.
He is quite literally saying the next virus will be checkmate.
No one would say that if they weren't playing the game. If they weren't trying to win the game. If the moves don't lead to an endgame.
He is behind this. Absolutely.
You right but i don't think he's talking about another virus but IMHO the next stock market crash, remember the "great reset" is supposed to happen after the economy is destroyed.
Maybe this is our cue to remind him that this is not chess, but is in fact chess-boxing.
The day this thing goes to jail or hangs from the highest tree can not come soon enough. Pure evil.
No jail woodchipper
Gotta separate the gross remains so they cannot recombine with an upside down castle.
Then incincerate the goo pile and dump the ashes into the ocean.
Feet first
If incinerated, how could you ID feet to go in first?
I was replying to the wood chipper ... or at least I thought I was LOL....
Can we shoot of fireworks to celebrate
If "fireworks" is a child molester, then yes
Well maybe had they not cried wolf over a damn cold bug that had the survivability rate of, well, a cold, people would be more likely to "get ready" for the next one. Had they not created fear where none was needed, they wouldn't have to WORRY about next time.
This makes me think they did this to make people distrust them on purpose, so when the real one hits, millions more die.
Think you nailed it there
Why the pound sign at the end?
This is what I’m questioning. Everything has meaning. A bit of history of someone wants to go down the rabbit hole. The hashtag, pound, or real name: octothorpe comes from a historical quickly written version of the 17th century pound sigh (℔), which stood for weight in pounds (fun fact: lb stands for libra pondo – Italian for weight in pounds).
It denotes "checkmate" in chess notation
It’s an interview via Tweet so this tweet is a answer to a question tweeted at him by some lady interviewer. Since Twitter has a small character limit, some of his answers require multiple tweets. The # sign signals the end of his answer so the interviewer can ask the next question.
It means checkmate in chess
Don't 3 pound signs end a letter? Hasn't Trump been doing it from his office of 45 letters?
Looks like he was doing it in other tweets during an interview. Maybe it was end of answer? https://mobile.twitter.com/i/events/1481349250319486976
pretty sure he's talking about the ebolarona china is going to infect everyone with at the olympics in a couple weeks
"Ebolarona". Kek. I'm stealing this one.
Eugenics much Bill?...seems you enjoy the smell of death and misery....does blood money spend better to you?....sick whackjob....must be saving his vintage virus for the "next one"....
Like most of the evil bunch, he can't quite contain himself and wants to blab (brag?) about the next global plot. Quite a while ago there was a video of an interview with him and Melinda. When asked if he thought we were taking the pandemic seriously enough, he smirked and responded to the effect: "Wait 'til the next one."
Bill and Melinda Gates: "The next pandemic will get their attention."
We will all get ready for the next world together.
The first celebration of the next world will be Bill Gates' execution by vaccination.
At least twenty of them with live audience and filmed to air everywhere
He's already dead
I'm ready, Bill. Got my Ivermectin and my fenbendazole all lined up and ready for whatever you sick fucks want to send my way.
Don’t let him know your weapons of defense in your artillery.
“12:34” - what’s the timing about Bill?
Someone arrest him and find out what he knows.
Get ready for the next one!?? Jesus Christ somebody stop this psycho mass murderer
Fuck him and his passive aggressive bullshit, I'll day this, if bill gates is still alive during the next world wide issue I'm blaming him 100% until shown otherwise
What do ya have up yer sleeve there Mr Gates?
Interesting, he may have meant that lone pound sign as a misused hashtag. Also of note though is that the pound sign denotes "checkmate" in chess notation
The next rope event? Actually, yes, I think we have already started
i suspect Gates, just like other influential and corporate big wigs, either began his tech efforts with this intent (just look at his father and their family history of eugenics and it's likely he set out initially for world domination) or once the usefulness of this tech became obvious to the cabal, the CIA and/or agencies paid him a visit to persuade him how he might continue to succeed if he wished ....same thing with Zuckerberg, Jobs, etc
Likely. They all are spacy acting. As kids we called those types "dumb smart people." Brilliant, immature space shots, without street smarts.
He is Phoenician bloodline and related to the rest of the Baal Tanit cult.
When will Satan fetch you to his cooking pot?
It bothers me a great deal that this asshole just bought an ebola testing lab and then he says something like this. He is chomping at the bit to kill off mass numbers of people.
I like how he is totally ratioed there.
They love pushing their fear
I hope you will get the blue screen of death and never recover you giant piece of donkey dung.
Playing his part perfectly. Great timing, nice delivery.. He knows his reputation. So why? Hubris or intentional? If intentional...why? Think.
I’m assuming the first rounds and boosters destroyed people’s immune system, the second “outbreak” will finish off the triple vaxers.
Darwin award incoming.
Convenient how that sick fuck always uses social media to push the nwo nefarious agenda yet sets his tweets so only those who also are tied in with pushing the same agenda.
Why do they keep telling us their plans?
Weird karmic laws they follow; if they tell us what they plan on doing, they believe it clears their conscience enough to be allowed to do such evil things in the first place and they believe that since we were then told, we have consented.
People worshipping money is the only reason that old criminal isn't dead.
(In mine craft) someone needs to 360 no scope this faggot into the next world.