Oh NO! Joni Mitchell joins Neil Young in removing her music. What will Spotify do now??
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Well, if Milli Vanilli ever pulls out of Spotify, they're done for. THEN they'll be sorry.
I think there's just one left. The other took his life.
Umm... probably faked that too.
Was it Milli or Vanilli?
😱 not
Don't forget about Barry Manilow.....Heaven forbid.
He said he's NOT leaving spotify
So the government protestors of the 1970s feel ok with denouncing and condemning the government protestors of today?
What has changed? Did someone let them into the club?
they think their guys are running the government i guess, if true they never about condemning and denouncing the government. (just the government not run by their people, two party system smooth brains)
True. But other than a few complaints, many of us were willing to accept someone we despised in office, as the will of the people. And we hoped they wouldn't do to much damage.
But election theft, treason, criminal enterprise in office, human trafficking, and all the other shit they were doing to undermine our constitution and our country requires punishment.
And their influential supporters need to be exposed (through wealth or the entertainment industry), because that also reveals people who are willing to participate in the evil corruption, and we can decide if their product is worth the price.
What about their love for President Kennedy? They still can’t even see he was murdered.
Yeah, they did, though most of us didn’t
oh, i thought we were identifying the protestors of the 1970s as democrat leaning. the same people that wailed at the sky over trump being president and for four entire years blamed every crack in the sidewalk on him while ignoring anything positive he did or said.
imo it's pure tribalism, they identify with a team and just support them regardless of facts or evidence because they are invested in it and see it's failure or success as their own.
it's taking a lot of small cracks and some are already coming around, wait till the big chunks start falling off the facade.
I think Neil has been in the club a long time. Barely Maninuff was probably born into the club. I'm a little surprised about Joni, but I understand she lost her singing voice from decades of cigarette smoking. We'd better take health advice from her.
Yeah, it probably isn't fair to Joni to lump her in with Neil as far as her music goes. But at the same time, she took advantage of her opportunity for free speech and free enterprise, and now she opposes someone else's freedom of speech and free enterprise. What I think of that isn't fit for print.
Heroine addicts, smokers, coke heads—models of health.
I think they call that living.
Well, I think they sided with the likes of Jane Fonda then too
Ooh -- that would get to them!
Call them Jane Fonda.
You need a reference they will understand.
Ok, let’s GO with it!!
I guess if you spend decades as a celebrity, at some point, they get to you.
wait. you thought they weren't in the club?
For many of them, like Joni, not in the beginning.
Make more money. Do these brainiac "artists" realize that their "protests" simply drive more curious people to listen to Rogan just to see what all the fuss is all about? And that a certain portion of those curious people will stay and listen?
Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?
...lights cigar and hi-fives Murdock.
You ain't gettin' me on no plane, Hannibal!
Insert Mr. Burns "Excellent" pic 🐸
rubs hands together maniacally
Spotify's stock has lost $20 a share in the past week.
Pretty sure every stock has.
Joni who?
Ha ha ha lol u/#Byebye
You beat me to it!
Isn't she the one with Alzheimer's disease?
She should know better than to back the genocide jab.
But she probably thinks the shot will help her.
God help us all.
They have no choice. They either have to declare bankruptcy now, or all commit suicide.
Just kidding.
Who would have guessed that Joni Mitchell would be cheering on the collusion between Big Pharma and powerful government bureaucrats.
What happened to them? I'll bet she even LOVES the CIA and FBI now.
Yeah, once upon a time, she couldn’t even handle one paved parking lot.
Bit of an old slag really.
When all the old has beens gather together to become even more irrelevant. I heard Barry Manilow is joining their cause. If they think people are going to demand their music more because they are doing this they are wrong. Everyone will be saying so what. We don't need more censorship. They are advocating for more censorship. Funny back in the 60's and 70's they would have been antivax. Now they are just old sell outs.
i'd say the majority of the age group that listens to spotify literally don't know who barry, joni and neil are anyway.
I read this and thought, aww man! I actually like some of his songs. Looks like it's fake news... One of many random links... https://theblast.com/168238/barry-manilow-spotify/
Trending google search: who the fuck is Joni Mitchell?
No, that was her singing career.
😆 Best comment.
Up until Joe Rogan started to expose the "lie" - I had never even heard of Spotify.
Spotify reminds me of what happens to unlucky underwear
Same here...
Joni checked her monthly payments from Spotify and realized she could make this "stand" and only lose $0.46/month.
Self important a holes. Who cares
I stumbled on an article where artists are selling their music catalogs to Sony. Hundreds of millions of dollars. The money is going to the musicians, supposedly. I think the money is being clawed back to reimburse victims.
Here's my twitter post in response to this news:
Pretty hilarious that Joni Mitchell is now stopping her Spotify plays (so all 100 people won't be able to listen :) ) over speech she doesn't agree with, speech contrary to "the man", when she made her fame from singing songs contrary to "the man"
Old smelly hippies finally reveal themselves.
They were all put into places of influence by their puppet masters. They told everyone to question authority.... until they had the power. Now, don't question a damn thing. Screw all those old musicians who were never anything more than mouthpieces for their masters.
Joni who???
Are all these old farts trying to stay relevant?
Or are they giving proof of life?
I wonder if their told to do this or are they true believers? Nah…. Probably just garden variety pedophiles whose supply ran out.
I don’t even know who that is lol
All these old hippies are now pro establishment. How sad
I would say shut up and sing but Neil Young couldn't carry a tune to save his soul.
Gain new users?
By the time we got to Ottawa We were half a million strong...
These are publicity stunts by these has beens to get their name back in the spotlight and up their download numbers as people download their stuff just to figure out who they are. I was in college to '92 and I think she was an ancient has been at that time.
OMG! Botox and fillers much Joni?
Does anyone under the age of 70 even know who she is? I'm sure her fans, if still alive, never heard of Spotify. They have a few dusty albums, maybe a CD or two, a faded blacklight poster. I never liked her
Been in music my whole life. I honestly cant think of one song by her. 🤷🏼♂️
She wrote the song.
And she sings like an angel.
Then there was another one -- something like "they paved paradise and put up a parking lot." I think that was her.
I do love music of the 60's and 70's. And before.
You can see how they twisted things after the 90's or so.
And it's gone downhill since.
Music business has a real tendency to screw over the artists. Streaming even more. If Joni and Neil had not made their fortunes already, I highly doubt we would hear a peep from them.
Flush the toilet and stop looking at them.
Guess what commies, we can CHOOSE who we want to listen to, you don’t get to decide for us.