Just my personal experience guys...
I have had walking pneumonia since 2013. I got a super bad infection on a mission and was told I’d have bacterial flare ups the rest of my life... I was experiencing COPD symptoms for years. I started taking ivermectin and doing multiple rounds of parasite detoxes from Dr Hulda Clark and that as well as my GERD has been completely eliminated.
I used to only be able to handle 2-3 beers before feeling drunk, I knew I likely had a microbial imbalance or something... after this I can now drink 7-8 beers and feel fine. Not saying this is appropriate but it is a major change ive noticed in my body.
I have less desire for sweets. Seed oils hurt the body avoid them like the plague. After detoxing for a while your body craves health.
Seed oils hurt the body avoid them like the plague
Yes! [Most] seed oils are terrible for you. Canola oil is among the worst. It's actually rapeseed oil, heavily processed and 90% of it is GMO -- and it's in everything these days -- often the #1 or #2 ingredient in salad dressings, mayo-type products, and in smaller amounts used in a huge number of packaged foods. Restaurants often use it because it's cheaper than, say, olive oil.
What is good for frying? Olive oil can't do it. My wife makes fried food sometimes and I tell her not to use canola. I got her grapeseed oil instead, but she says that it tastes "heavier" and she doesn't like it. Corn oil is the pits, too. I thought maybe safflower oil, but that would be another seed oil...
This! After 20 years eating in a totally retarded fashion and taking cholesterol medication I said "F*** it" and stopped with the stupid statins, gave up anything with seeds in it (and starch and rice and corn) and started having a fried breakfast every morning. Never felt better, bloating all gone. My conclusion, the health profession is trying to kill us all. Bastards. Price of butter has gone through the roof (makes sense moo juice is our main export produce) but I never thought of using lard like my Dad did when I was little - going to give it a go.
I'm 60 yrs old and can tell you from experience that up until the mid 80s or so, McDonalds had the best tasting french fries. They started to suck when under health conscious pressure, they switched from animal fats to vegetable oil.
The other thing with Mc Donalds - the company that manufactured the fries used to dip the fries in beef broth before flash freezing them. Gave them a taste boost but then had to stop when word got out that their fries weren't all 'potato', and especially ticked off the vegetarians who had been eating them for years.
You are absolutely correct. I was speaking to a donut shop owner. He told me that he has to add gallons of vegetable oil after frying donuts. He tried using animal fat and he didn't need to add oil at the end of the day. He did some research and apparently, the fat sears the food almost instantly and doesn't allow a lot of oil absorption. The same is apparently true for fried chicken. Crispy and dark fried on the outside, moist and cooked perfectly on the inside. Furthermore, margarine is crap.
Lard French fries at home are great. I’m really into making “stuff” myself instead of buying and today I was listening to clif high and he was bashing seed oils that were made popular by seventh day Adventist’s which is another rabbit hole.
Below; oils to use raw, on salads or other foods, but not to cook with:
Organic extra virgin olive oil [slow cooking at low temps is OK, per a different section of the book - Narg]
Walnut oil
Almond oil
Macadamia oil
Sesame oil
Tahini (sesame seed paste)
Flax oil
Hemp oil
Fats and oils to AVOID:
Soybean oil
Canola oil
Corn oil
Safflower oil
Sunflower oil
Palm oil
Peanut oil
Vegetable oil
Vegetable shortening
Margarine and all other butter substitutes, including the newest ones, which actually include butter among the ingredients
Anything that says "hydrogenated' -- it's poison
Anything else that looks fake
One caution: many GOOD oils on the market are adulterated with cheaper oils, including (perhaps even especially) olive oil from Italy, where criminal gangs apparently make drug-lord amounts of money adulterating olive oil (per Dr. Hyman). Be careful of your source! I buy California Estate Organic Extra Virgin olive oil from Life Extension mainly because LEF is careful about ingredients in what they sell.
At this point, I wonder if just using animal fat is best, frying stuff in lard. Here in Japan, that's probably out of the question. Recently my doc tried to put me on statins for high cholesterol, but I refused. I need to lose weight and I've cut back on the booze. I'll test again in a few months.
When I started my current job, I had a cholesterol problem. It was 240. Old operator at the plant told me to start using habenero peppers on everything I ate. 6 months later, my cholesterol was down to 190. It currently is 140, and I've been eating habenero peppers for 18 years. Obviously not straight. But we use them in everything we cook. Fiancé has been published in Gooseberry Patch about 40 times over the years using our peppers
I love this forum! Thanks for the reply. So I have these annual health checks with my employer in the summer. Traditionally, my cholesterol would be considered high, but then I'd get tested on my own and I'd be just fine. So for the past few years, I haven't bothered getting tested. The past two years I've been at 190. My HDL is good, but LDL is bad. I'm wondering about the habanero having an effect. Could it be the capsaicin that does the trick? For the past few months, I've been taking red rice yeast with CoQ10. The night before I was retested in December, my wife wanted to have fast food. I had the fish sandwich, but really it doesn't matter what it is since it's all crap. Mind you, we rarely ever have fast food and usually when we go out to eat, we have sushi at our daughter's insistence. I haven't used red rice yeast since I lived in the USA over 10 years ago, but it did lower my cholesterol level at the time. It's also important to note that statins are a scam. My doctor at the clinic wanted to put me on statins to lower my cholesterol, and I refused.
I just did a search and found this. Apparently it is the capsaicin:
I hope that Dr is right! I'm overweight and mine keeps saying I need to drop some lbs. But I feel good at 290! That would be ok if I was 6'9". But I'm only 5'8". Im the smallest of my brothers. But I feel great! No pains, no prescriptions, blood pressure is great. I'm not believing the hype about losing weight. I think it has more to do with genetics.
They want to reduce cholesterol because it interacts with inflamed arteries to produce plaque. If the body makes cholesterol, that's because it's needed elsewhere for other things. The problem is arterial inflammation. So, go after anti-inflammatory foods. We endlessly chase symptoms and not causes.
Funny you mention that. I was just searching for a healthier mayo for sandwiches. I did find this though not cheap, Primal Kitchen, Mayo, Avocado Oil. It claims all ingredients are organic. It's tasty too. Everything seems to be filled with soybean oil too, 🤮
Depending on what kind of sandwiches you eat, I’ve found things like guacamole, hummus, and taziki make a delicious alternative. I also add pickled onions. My daughter is works at a vegan deli and I’ve found some things I really enjoy!
Yeah personal experience says otherwise my man. Maybe it’s because i had asthma as a child, but it 100% did something to my lungs. Inhaling smoke of any kind does some sort of damage, you can’t deny that.
"Why would they hide this from us?" Do you really need to ask the question?
We don't have a health care system, it is a sick care system. They don't want you healthy, they just want you sick enough that you keep giving them money and not die.
(BTW, this comment got me banned from twitter a couple of months ago)
I was commenting all over a thread about this the other day. My mom’s chemo has more or less stopped working. Trying my best to convince her to try this, she keeps pushing me away when I suggest it. “Dog dewormer? That’s nuts! I don’t have worms”
I'll let everyone know after my sister goes on Fenbedazole. Two years on two different chemo treatments. Tumors are back and growing incredibly fast. She is getting out of the hospital after her last operation yesterday. I've convinced her to try fenbendazole. Her Oncologist read the NIH studies that i sent to him. He said it is worth a try, because he is out of options. He will keep close tabs on her and record her progress. He may be open minded, but I'm not certain. He has pushed hard to get her surgeries that saved her life, when the surgeon didn't want to operate because he thought she would die on the table. I think he really does care.
It's ANTI-PARASITIC. All those assholes that feed at the public trough and somehow end up millionaires should be very afraid. We're done with parasites.
Good video, long (watched ~20 minutes) and I don’t have time right now to watch the entire thing, but thank you for the link. I pray that every last complicit beast involved in suppressing cures is removed from society and imprisoned or executed (after trials , of course).
Because Ivermectin is, at most, $1/pill and likely much less. Compare that to the cost of official cancer treatments.
Barry had to pass O-Care to keep the con going. By mandating everyone have insurance, the exorbitant cost of cancer treatments (and others) is socialized, and people are less willing to find alternative treatments.
I have a coworker who mentioned to me that his father has cancer. I wanted to recommend looking into ivermectin, but I wasn’t sure how he would take it. He is a big Trump supporter, but is also jabbed and boosted. He supposedly didn’t want to, but his wife works in a hospital and strongly convinced him. Anyways, with the stigma surrounding ivermectin, and the fact that he is technically my senior manager, I have kept it in. I’m sure I’ll eventually say something due to my big mouth.
Just saw on Jesse Walter's show a clip of Biden telling America he is now going to cure cancer. LOL Remember when Q told us "they are keeping cures from us". Curious if the cabal will "allow" Biden to release that just to get people to "like/trust" him. FAT CHANCE!
Doubtful. They’ll say they need more money to pump into “research”. AKA funneling more money into the same research that gives us chemo and radiation over and over. I don’t buy it.
Profits, gobs and gobs of profits. Money poring into their mouth's and spilling down their bloated stomachs. Twofold, evil and pain, spreading misery and death. The adrenachom thrill of knowing what you are doing to the unclean masses.
Live on a chicken farm with my old farmer step father, deworming and antiparasitic medicine is hard to get. Have to order goat medicine then convert it into chicken, or get it from mexico. Weird they regulate it so much.
One thing that I haven't figured out is: why was ivermectin even given the 2015 Nobel Prize to draw any eyes to it? I figured that's a rigged Cabal club anyways.
Holy sh1t. I’ve been waiting to hear something definitive about this!! I just had a PetScan today. Guess I’d better get some…everywhere “Out of Stock”!! Edit; (I hate the DS more than EVER now) 😡
I’ll tell you what Fren…I get my results tomorrow (Friday). I already take fenbendazole along with tons of other stuff. I’m really touched by your offer and won’t forget you 💕😎. Dang…thanks. 😢
Great question so I looked it up for you, but had to DM you what I found cuz on my mobile I can’t paste when a thread gets too “deep”. Anyway, if you’re concerned about covid then substitute Ivermectin with Quercetin. Of course take with zinc, Vit-C and D3. If concerned about cancer and pregnancy that’s a very serious complication.
Thanks so much I’m wanting to help her so much she has trouble eating and nothing tastes right on top of everything else. Plus we can’t figure out the edema. I can’t bear for her to suffer I’m drowning in a sea of despair. Thank you again for your prayers. God bless you.
God bless you and your mom, fellowtrumpster. Don’t lose faith and stay laser-focused on your mom. Try the alternative cures. All you need is one of them to “take”.
Have you tried contacting America’s Frontline Doctors? From what I understand they can do a phone consult and prescribe meds (like ivermectin). The consult is $90 and, since your mom appears to have compromised taste buds perhaps she contracted the C-19(?). You’ll be speaking to an actual physician there so at very least it can be a second opinion. (Scroll down to obtaining COVID medication, three steps).
As far as the edema goes... I had a loved one battling cancer several years ago who had ascites (fluid buildup in the abdomen). The oncologist prescribed a procedure known as paracentesis (basically a draining of the fluid) which provided a good measure of relief. As I recall, your mom’s edema isn’t in her abdomen (?). I don’t know if there’s a similar procedure for non-abdominal areas, but worth asking a doctor about.
On the GAW link (prior comment) also look at the fenbenzadole section, ask afld doc (if you choose to contact them) about this also.
I know it’s hard and rather counterintuitive in a sense, but try and keep your spirits up - both you and your mom. Worry causes stress and that’s really bad for your body. Personally I’ll try to immerse myself in a comedy movie or read a funny book so I laugh if I get overwhelmed with stress, helps physically (with the release of endorphins).
You could both benefit from deep breathing exercise as well. Just sit quietly and comfortably for ten minutes each day and try to push all thoughts out while breathing slowly and deeply - in through the nose, out slowly through the mouth while relaxing your neck and shoulders. It’s meditative.
One last thing... if your mom isn’t eating well, try to get her to drink Ensure for nutrients (as long as it’s not contraindicated for any reason).
I’ll keep praying for your mom and you and I’m sure you’re both praying as well. God is mighty and loving and wants all His children to be well and happy. Pray for His protection, His healing and His grace.
There’s a book - The Cure for All Diseases by Hulda Clark that claims cancers and other diseases are caused by parasites. It’s a little crazy but it makes sense. She goes into excruciating detail about the species of parasites and what they do inside different organs of your body. Your immune system reacts and tumors form around the parasites… it’s horrible but plausible. The good news is there are cures and also ways to minimize your exposure to getting parasites to begin with. Just ordered some fenben to add to medicine stash. Already have stock of ivermectin and querciten.
I agree she gets extreme. Dogs are a big part of my life and there is no way I am getting rid of them for fear of parasites. Lol. We live on this organic planet and it is what it it is. Humans are meant to interact with animals. I think her theory of cause of disease has a lot of merit and I take the info for what it’s worth. She provides some useful info for staying healthy and healing when sick.
I want to mention Ivermectin to a friend, but I know the friend takes antidepressants and some other anxiety meds. I recall reading some time ago that it is bad to use Ivermectin in very specific situations with other meds.
I don't want to recommended something that could have some kind of complications - anybody have any details on when using ivermectin wouldn't be a good thing?
Just my personal experience guys... I have had walking pneumonia since 2013. I got a super bad infection on a mission and was told I’d have bacterial flare ups the rest of my life... I was experiencing COPD symptoms for years. I started taking ivermectin and doing multiple rounds of parasite detoxes from Dr Hulda Clark and that as well as my GERD has been completely eliminated.
I used to only be able to handle 2-3 beers before feeling drunk, I knew I likely had a microbial imbalance or something... after this I can now drink 7-8 beers and feel fine. Not saying this is appropriate but it is a major change ive noticed in my body.
I have less desire for sweets. Seed oils hurt the body avoid them like the plague. After detoxing for a while your body craves health.
Yes! [Most] seed oils are terrible for you. Canola oil is among the worst. It's actually rapeseed oil, heavily processed and 90% of it is GMO -- and it's in everything these days -- often the #1 or #2 ingredient in salad dressings, mayo-type products, and in smaller amounts used in a huge number of packaged foods. Restaurants often use it because it's cheaper than, say, olive oil.
What is good for frying? Olive oil can't do it. My wife makes fried food sometimes and I tell her not to use canola. I got her grapeseed oil instead, but she says that it tastes "heavier" and she doesn't like it. Corn oil is the pits, too. I thought maybe safflower oil, but that would be another seed oil...
Animal fats Beef tallow,pork and butter everything they told you to stay away from.
This! After 20 years eating in a totally retarded fashion and taking cholesterol medication I said "F*** it" and stopped with the stupid statins, gave up anything with seeds in it (and starch and rice and corn) and started having a fried breakfast every morning. Never felt better, bloating all gone. My conclusion, the health profession is trying to kill us all. Bastards. Price of butter has gone through the roof (makes sense moo juice is our main export produce) but I never thought of using lard like my Dad did when I was little - going to give it a go.
I'm 60 yrs old and can tell you from experience that up until the mid 80s or so, McDonalds had the best tasting french fries. They started to suck when under health conscious pressure, they switched from animal fats to vegetable oil.
I don't eat out a lot, but in the past year or so, I feel absolutely sick after eating in a restaurant. And I don't eat fast food.
An air popper and a stick of butter will fix you right up.
The other thing with Mc Donalds - the company that manufactured the fries used to dip the fries in beef broth before flash freezing them. Gave them a taste boost but then had to stop when word got out that their fries weren't all 'potato', and especially ticked off the vegetarians who had been eating them for years.
Vegetarians suck, especially Vegans. There needs to be a meat-based plant alternative. Think of the fun you could have screwing with them.
I remember…
Pepperidge farm remembers...
You Fukers are making me hungry
You are absolutely correct. I was speaking to a donut shop owner. He told me that he has to add gallons of vegetable oil after frying donuts. He tried using animal fat and he didn't need to add oil at the end of the day. He did some research and apparently, the fat sears the food almost instantly and doesn't allow a lot of oil absorption. The same is apparently true for fried chicken. Crispy and dark fried on the outside, moist and cooked perfectly on the inside. Furthermore, margarine is crap.
I’m going to do this. I just made beef tallow from brisket trimmings. Beef fried chicken. That’s going to be interesting.
You'll never go back to any other oil. I do the same with Brisket. Best french fries, chicken ever.
Pork fat in Cocolate chip cookies--Yum
I can't wait to hear how it turns out. I am going to try lard for frying. Old school, but i have my fingers crossed.
Lard French fries at home are great. I’m really into making “stuff” myself instead of buying and today I was listening to clif high and he was bashing seed oils that were made popular by seventh day Adventist’s which is another rabbit hole.
Beef fat for donuts freaked my wife out, but it is delicious.
All of the above animal oils esp if grassfed... Also coconut oil and avocado oil have higher smoke points so good for frying.
If you could get a grass fed beef tallow I believe that would be the healthiest.
I like to fry with avocado oil myself.
Whatever Grandma Walton used. People used to live on fried foods and lived long, healthy lives.
My mom used to use bacon grease. LOL
I use it when I can as did my grandparents. It just makes everything taste good lol
Gramma had a coffee can for bacon grease on the counter .
IMO, nothing is good for frying. Fried food is often tasty but never very good for one's health, and often (especially long-term) very unhealthy.
Here's Dr. Mark Hyman's list of oils:
Good oils -- [from pp. 169 - 170 of FOOD: What the Heck Should I Eat? by Mark Hyman, MD
Below; oils to use raw, on salads or other foods, but not to cook with:
Fats and oils to AVOID:
One caution: many GOOD oils on the market are adulterated with cheaper oils, including (perhaps even especially) olive oil from Italy, where criminal gangs apparently make drug-lord amounts of money adulterating olive oil (per Dr. Hyman). Be careful of your source! I buy California Estate Organic Extra Virgin olive oil from Life Extension mainly because LEF is careful about ingredients in what they sell.
Good question! I use olive but it's not the best due to it's lower smoke point. It sucks people are trying to poison us! 😡
At this point, I wonder if just using animal fat is best, frying stuff in lard. Here in Japan, that's probably out of the question. Recently my doc tried to put me on statins for high cholesterol, but I refused. I need to lose weight and I've cut back on the booze. I'll test again in a few months.
When I started my current job, I had a cholesterol problem. It was 240. Old operator at the plant told me to start using habenero peppers on everything I ate. 6 months later, my cholesterol was down to 190. It currently is 140, and I've been eating habenero peppers for 18 years. Obviously not straight. But we use them in everything we cook. Fiancé has been published in Gooseberry Patch about 40 times over the years using our peppers
I used to work with a guy named Tim that did this and swore buy it. He had major cholesterol problems before he started doing it.
He would blend straight up habeneros and eat them like that on everything, cured his cholesterol.
Im an operator too, almost makes me wonder if we have worked together. He is the only one ive ever heard this from.
I love this forum! Thanks for the reply. So I have these annual health checks with my employer in the summer. Traditionally, my cholesterol would be considered high, but then I'd get tested on my own and I'd be just fine. So for the past few years, I haven't bothered getting tested. The past two years I've been at 190. My HDL is good, but LDL is bad. I'm wondering about the habanero having an effect. Could it be the capsaicin that does the trick? For the past few months, I've been taking red rice yeast with CoQ10. The night before I was retested in December, my wife wanted to have fast food. I had the fish sandwich, but really it doesn't matter what it is since it's all crap. Mind you, we rarely ever have fast food and usually when we go out to eat, we have sushi at our daughter's insistence. I haven't used red rice yeast since I lived in the USA over 10 years ago, but it did lower my cholesterol level at the time. It's also important to note that statins are a scam. My doctor at the clinic wanted to put me on statins to lower my cholesterol, and I refused.
I just did a search and found this. Apparently it is the capsaicin:
I hope that Dr is right! I'm overweight and mine keeps saying I need to drop some lbs. But I feel good at 290! That would be ok if I was 6'9". But I'm only 5'8". Im the smallest of my brothers. But I feel great! No pains, no prescriptions, blood pressure is great. I'm not believing the hype about losing weight. I think it has more to do with genetics.
Never take statins
Lowering cholesterol is an unnecessary exercise
Every cell in the body makes it. If you lower it artificially, the body makes more.
Endless cycle
Thus, Big Pharma makes gazillion$ off cholestetol lowering drugs
Other numbers are way more meaningful for health
--Random guy on internet who says he has a degree in human biology and a D.C. :)
They want to reduce cholesterol because it interacts with inflamed arteries to produce plaque. If the body makes cholesterol, that's because it's needed elsewhere for other things. The problem is arterial inflammation. So, go after anti-inflammatory foods. We endlessly chase symptoms and not causes.
Right, the cholesterol ingeniously forms a plug to repair the microscopic lesions in arteries damaged by spiky molecules like sugars, insulin, etc.
Cholesterol is the good guy
Blaming cholesterol for artetiosclerosis is like blaming firemen for causing the fire, because whenever there's a fire you also happen to see firemen
The solution is to stop attacking the arteries with excessive carbs and insulin in the first place
Good luck, fren! Don't forget to sweat a little bit!
Animal fat is my go to, if possible. If not olive oil. Animal fat for deep frying especially.
Funny you mention that. I was just searching for a healthier mayo for sandwiches. I did find this though not cheap, Primal Kitchen, Mayo, Avocado Oil. It claims all ingredients are organic. It's tasty too. Everything seems to be filled with soybean oil too, 🤮
Depending on what kind of sandwiches you eat, I’ve found things like guacamole, hummus, and taziki make a delicious alternative. I also add pickled onions. My daughter is works at a vegan deli and I’ve found some things I really enjoy!
Haven't tried this specific recipe, but like this website:
Black seed cumin oil does not hurt the body.
It is also used in parasite and candida cleanses
Hey thanks, I used to smoke weed and I think that left me with either cops or an infection or something. I’ll read this book and do the detox too.
Here’s the book in case anyone else wants it.
Cannabis smoking surprisingly causes neither infection nor Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, nor any other serious lung illness
Also THC kills cancer cells, the US Govt has known since 1974 and kept hidden
Yeah personal experience says otherwise my man. Maybe it’s because i had asthma as a child, but it 100% did something to my lungs. Inhaling smoke of any kind does some sort of damage, you can’t deny that.
I don't, but no serious lung ailments have been documented to be caused by it, strangely
Sorry for your experience though, you could have a pre-existing condition like you mentioned
I used to get acid reflux all the time but not much since I took ivermectin.
That’s because it stems from bacteria overgrowth and even parasites.
Yes I have researched some since then since the ivermectin works so well. Very interesting stuff.
Great to hear fellow human! Care to share where someone could take the same things you’re taking? What’s GERD?
Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease ( Heartburn)
In bad cases it may cause Atrial Fibrillation due to the esophagus pressing against the heart
GERD - Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Sort of like heartburn on steroids. May lead to Barrett's esophagous.
"Why would they hide this from us?" Do you really need to ask the question?
We don't have a health care system, it is a sick care system. They don't want you healthy, they just want you sick enough that you keep giving them money and not die.
(BTW, this comment got me banned from twitter a couple of months ago)
Money plus they want us to die too.
Yup... it's all about the money to those evil people... fenbendazole helped my mom and cured a family friend
mycancerstory.rocks explains use of fenbendazole for cancer
phoenixtears.ca explains the use of decarboxylated cannabis oil for cancer
I was commenting all over a thread about this the other day. My mom’s chemo has more or less stopped working. Trying my best to convince her to try this, she keeps pushing me away when I suggest it. “Dog dewormer? That’s nuts! I don’t have worms”
The entire medial establishment (short of some trauma repair surgeons) is corrupt to the core. It isn’t about health care.
We are cash cows.
Except pelosi lol she looks terrible
Hmmmm..... I wonder what the cancer rates are in those countries that have been taking IVM regularly for decades?
Also factor in that they eat less poison. (Processed foods).
What makes you think that? Mold?
Good idea to check that data point. Someone do it for me I’m working kek
I'll let everyone know after my sister goes on Fenbedazole. Two years on two different chemo treatments. Tumors are back and growing incredibly fast. She is getting out of the hospital after her last operation yesterday. I've convinced her to try fenbendazole. Her Oncologist read the NIH studies that i sent to him. He said it is worth a try, because he is out of options. He will keep close tabs on her and record her progress. He may be open minded, but I'm not certain. He has pushed hard to get her surgeries that saved her life, when the surgeon didn't want to operate because he thought she would die on the table. I think he really does care.
It's ANTI-PARASITIC. All those assholes that feed at the public trough and somehow end up millionaires should be very afraid. We're done with parasites.
Some parasites can alter behavior in a host. Certain parasites literally make humans more docile.
Add in flouride.
Add in processed foods.
Add in massive increase in microplastic ingestion\absorption.
Add in all the plastics, industrial chemicals, and other synthetic materials in our living environments and the particulates that they create.
Whaaaaat? Gubment hiding a cure for cancer? Nooooooo waaaaaaaay. https://youtu.be/OVrd1hWVpls
In other news, I'm noticing a trend. I'm learning that ALL sickness is caused by malnutrition. Parasites have something to do with that, don't they?
Good video, long (watched ~20 minutes) and I don’t have time right now to watch the entire thing, but thank you for the link. I pray that every last complicit beast involved in suppressing cures is removed from society and imprisoned or executed (after trials , of course).
Because Ivermectin is, at most, $1/pill and likely much less. Compare that to the cost of official cancer treatments.
Barry had to pass O-Care to keep the con going. By mandating everyone have insurance, the exorbitant cost of cancer treatments (and others) is socialized, and people are less willing to find alternative treatments.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I shared this with my 70 year old MSM hypnotized mother and for the first time she didn't respond with "horse paste".
I have a coworker who mentioned to me that his father has cancer. I wanted to recommend looking into ivermectin, but I wasn’t sure how he would take it. He is a big Trump supporter, but is also jabbed and boosted. He supposedly didn’t want to, but his wife works in a hospital and strongly convinced him. Anyways, with the stigma surrounding ivermectin, and the fact that he is technically my senior manager, I have kept it in. I’m sure I’ll eventually say something due to my big mouth.
Send him a link to the NIH white papers search results "ivermectin + cancer"
Just slip some crushed ivermectin powder or paste into his food
Thats unethical any way you slice it.
OK, tell him it's time for his vitamin C supplement.
Still unethical
Just trying to help.
Most common excuse ever for unethical behavior
Don't fall for it
A good one.
Try several; rotate.
And de-worm.
probly hemorrhoid if bright red blood. GI bleed is black, tarry looking stools.
Just saw on Jesse Walter's show a clip of Biden telling America he is now going to cure cancer. LOL Remember when Q told us "they are keeping cures from us". Curious if the cabal will "allow" Biden to release that just to get people to "like/trust" him. FAT CHANCE!
Legalizing cannabis too would make him popular beyond comprehension
wish Trump had 'picked up that free money lying on the table'
Doubtful. They’ll say they need more money to pump into “research”. AKA funneling more money into the same research that gives us chemo and radiation over and over. I don’t buy it.
Old fashioned rendered lard...
Profits, gobs and gobs of profits. Money poring into their mouth's and spilling down their bloated stomachs. Twofold, evil and pain, spreading misery and death. The adrenachom thrill of knowing what you are doing to the unclean masses.
I can’t fathom thinking the way they do??! I just can’t wrap my head around them all!
Live on a chicken farm with my old farmer step father, deworming and antiparasitic medicine is hard to get. Have to order goat medicine then convert it into chicken, or get it from mexico. Weird they regulate it so much.
One thing that I haven't figured out is: why was ivermectin even given the 2015 Nobel Prize to draw any eyes to it? I figured that's a rigged Cabal club anyways.
Me too
"Why would they hide this from us?"
They've been trying to kill us for a LONG TIME.
They want you dead, that's why.
https://youtu.be/HYILnjc_wuY There's something up with anti-parasitic
deep down, you know why they'd hide it from you.
Holy sh1t. I’ve been waiting to hear something definitive about this!! I just had a PetScan today. Guess I’d better get some…everywhere “Out of Stock”!! Edit; (I hate the DS more than EVER now) 😡
Yo THANKS!! Really appreciate you 😎💕
If you can’t find I have a few extra 500ml bottles of the Aspen Ivermax 1% oral/injectible could part with at cost + shipping for a fellow pede.
I’ll tell you what Fren…I get my results tomorrow (Friday). I already take fenbendazole along with tons of other stuff. I’m really touched by your offer and won’t forget you 💕😎. Dang…thanks. 😢
How can I get ivermectin without a prescription?
Thanks. I’ve been looking into wormwood too.
Can you take Ivermectin when pregnant?
Great question so I looked it up for you, but had to DM you what I found cuz on my mobile I can’t paste when a thread gets too “deep”. Anyway, if you’re concerned about covid then substitute Ivermectin with Quercetin. Of course take with zinc, Vit-C and D3. If concerned about cancer and pregnancy that’s a very serious complication.
Link I sent in the prayer thread. Section on ivermectin lists two sources.
I’m still praying for your mom. 🙏🏻
Thanks so much I’m wanting to help her so much she has trouble eating and nothing tastes right on top of everything else. Plus we can’t figure out the edema. I can’t bear for her to suffer I’m drowning in a sea of despair. Thank you again for your prayers. God bless you.
God bless you and your mom, fellowtrumpster. Don’t lose faith and stay laser-focused on your mom. Try the alternative cures. All you need is one of them to “take”.
Have you tried contacting America’s Frontline Doctors? From what I understand they can do a phone consult and prescribe meds (like ivermectin). The consult is $90 and, since your mom appears to have compromised taste buds perhaps she contracted the C-19(?). You’ll be speaking to an actual physician there so at very least it can be a second opinion. (Scroll down to obtaining COVID medication, three steps).
Link: https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/
As far as the edema goes... I had a loved one battling cancer several years ago who had ascites (fluid buildup in the abdomen). The oncologist prescribed a procedure known as paracentesis (basically a draining of the fluid) which provided a good measure of relief. As I recall, your mom’s edema isn’t in her abdomen (?). I don’t know if there’s a similar procedure for non-abdominal areas, but worth asking a doctor about.
On the GAW link (prior comment) also look at the fenbenzadole section, ask afld doc (if you choose to contact them) about this also.
I know it’s hard and rather counterintuitive in a sense, but try and keep your spirits up - both you and your mom. Worry causes stress and that’s really bad for your body. Personally I’ll try to immerse myself in a comedy movie or read a funny book so I laugh if I get overwhelmed with stress, helps physically (with the release of endorphins).
You could both benefit from deep breathing exercise as well. Just sit quietly and comfortably for ten minutes each day and try to push all thoughts out while breathing slowly and deeply - in through the nose, out slowly through the mouth while relaxing your neck and shoulders. It’s meditative.
One last thing... if your mom isn’t eating well, try to get her to drink Ensure for nutrients (as long as it’s not contraindicated for any reason).
I’ll keep praying for your mom and you and I’m sure you’re both praying as well. God is mighty and loving and wants all His children to be well and happy. Pray for His protection, His healing and His grace.
You are so wonderful thank you so very much.
Maybe soon New Hampshire. First state trying to legalize OTC sale right now.
Treating cancer is big money. Follow the money.
There’s a book - The Cure for All Diseases by Hulda Clark that claims cancers and other diseases are caused by parasites. It’s a little crazy but it makes sense. She goes into excruciating detail about the species of parasites and what they do inside different organs of your body. Your immune system reacts and tumors form around the parasites… it’s horrible but plausible. The good news is there are cures and also ways to minimize your exposure to getting parasites to begin with. Just ordered some fenben to add to medicine stash. Already have stock of ivermectin and querciten.
I agree, but 'baby with the bathwater....'
I agree she gets extreme. Dogs are a big part of my life and there is no way I am getting rid of them for fear of parasites. Lol. We live on this organic planet and it is what it it is. Humans are meant to interact with animals. I think her theory of cause of disease has a lot of merit and I take the info for what it’s worth. She provides some useful info for staying healthy and healing when sick.
I want to mention Ivermectin to a friend, but I know the friend takes antidepressants and some other anxiety meds. I recall reading some time ago that it is bad to use Ivermectin in very specific situations with other meds.
I don't want to recommended something that could have some kind of complications - anybody have any details on when using ivermectin wouldn't be a good thing?
The only drug interaction I have been able to find is with coumadin. I was worried about that too with my 83 year old mother.
Ok, cool - appreciate the info! I'll continue to look, but helps to know others have had the same question.
You know why! We all do!
Bc the medical industry is about killing you for profit. Literally. Drain your money and life while you siffer and die.
Whatever tinyhats say, do the opposite
Should I stop eating sunflower seeds?
yes I'm think parasitical are the cancer cure that Q mentioned