Some graphic content in there, be warned. However, I wonder why the body shown with that gaping hole in the shoulder at 2:58 isn't drenched in blood with a wound that size. Fake?
The Svoboda party of Ukraine is literally a Nazi party. You can see images of them online doing the Heil Hitler salute. It's not a word game to put the spotlight on liberalism, as you suggest. They are literally a Nazi party that supports nazism. In this context, it is meant very literally.
Probably nearly there if not there as far as MSM is concerned, but the proliferation of alt sources and communities is way more less censored than China I would guess. Here they just deploy a bunch of dis/mis/mal information in the alt environments to muddy the waters enough to confuse us as to what exactly is true
Russia is cleaning out Ukraine of all the global cabal corruption. Money Laundering, Criminal Oligarchs, US Bio-Weapons Labs, Drug/Guns running, Human-Child Trafficking, Corrupt Gov't Officials, NAZI military to do all their dirty work, CIA Corrupt Black Ops. All who make deals with politician like, Bidens, Clintons, Kerry, Obamas, Soros and more. This is why all the guilty are criticizing Putin.
If the US was worth anything we would have done the same to Mexico years ago to rid the country of the cartel, but it just proves the cartel are a paramilitary of the Uniparty doing their bidding to keep us from our potential
I would like to see some proof of this but if Putin orders the military to whack all of the people related with those things you just said that'd be based.
well stated.... who would've thunk that the Russian are the sensible ones putting out info nowadays... my my my.... how far our propaganda spewing media has sunk!
Sean Hannity finally played his "truth" card.....suggesting on TV last night that Putin be assassinated? Really Sean?
I started wondering about him when Laura Ingraham told Trump on TV the night of the 2020 election to just "accept the election results". I stopped listening to both of them 2 years ago.
Putin's history of fighting the NWO is documented and well established. He is a patriotic Christian Russian warrior that loves his country.
I agree. And also, to my astonishment, is Mark Levin who is probably the last person I would ever have thought a puppet of the NWO. Until this I couldn't align their pushing vaccinations with so much research now available, but sadly the dots are connecting....very sadly.
We all know that the MSM's job is to mislead. That doesn't mean that the other side is the "real story".
Our MSM / government lies.
Their MSM / government lies.
This topic was actually stickied and labelled "true Ukrainian news", and it features a virtual cartoon characterization of Russian propaganda; complete with the mandatory hammer and sickle pin.
Just remember, being awake to MSM lies does not make the opposite true. That's a trap that is showing itself on this board lately.
"This is NOT a neutral source. The flag behind this "Texan" is the flag of Donetsk, the region that is fighting the Ukraine government and wants to be aligned with Russia."
please. Go and dissect the comment history of half this .win and you'll find the same approach about different topics. This is just an example of someone with an opinion so far.
Says the sockpuppet who responded to a post by a long time board member titled "There is zero evidence that a wide-scale and massive invasion is happening in the Ukraine. Russian intervention looks tactical and limited. MSM and Xiden cannot sustain this false narrative" with the following comment-
"ZERO evidence"... yeah... that makes sense eyeroll emoji. Considering we've seen years of evidence that they use the standard 'best lie' model i.e. 'contains some truth' this perspective is stupid. Plus, Q said "use logic".
I'm surprised they only used nazis as the justification since we can all suspect that the whole truth is far, far worse and therefore very important to make known.
You would if you were the “Jew” that created the Jew/Nazi teams. One theory is that a group of rich psychopaths hell bent on global dominance i.e. the DS, who also happened to be Jewish in ethnicity but worshipped the devil created this conflict to pit one group (German/aryan/christians) against another (regular Jews that have no power or influence). Through the war and chaos, new laws and restrictions were created to benefit said elite group. All smoke and mirrors.
No one lies more than the Russian regime. I would love to know how the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant is a military target. I would love to know how apartment blocks being shelled, water, sewage, hospitals etc are military targets.
If you fall for this kind of propaganda in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary you are a fool.
So the entire world is boycotting everything russian...their economy is tanking, their currently is worth less than a penny, they have been kicked out of the olympics, the world cup, formula 1 etc, Formerly neutral countries like Finland and Ireland are joining NATO, former soviet satellites like Montenegro, Serbia, Georgia are all trying to join the EU, the ICC has opened war crimes investigations against Russia.
There is wall to wall video of the shelling of civilians, burning tanks, drone strikes, artillery strikes...
......but its all a lie. Yea that makes sense. Do me a favor and sit in the corner...the adults are talking.
Good luck with your country Ivan, we see through your pinko lies.
Sir, there are fractures in our community, for example the clowns in texas that have been waiting for a month for the reappearance of JFK Jr even though Q denied he was still alive....or that there are people in our community who are saying Mike Lindell is really JFK Jr
The fact is Q nor Trump ever said there were bio labs in russia creating weapons, so the fact that this idea is spreading internally does not prevent me from calling bullshit unless someone has real evidence.
Let's start with the fact that the State Department admitted there are "biological research facilities" in the Ukraine. They couldn't run from the story because they tried to hide evidence by removing all the documents from the Embassies web site.
There's video evidence of a State Department employee admitting it on video.
Jen Psaki denied there were any bio research labs in the Ukraine. Why? You can't tell me the President's Press Secretary didn't know there were labs there. Or is this one of the I'm denying the bioweapons lab but I'm not denying the biolabs. I don't trust Biden or Psaki or Harris or anyone in the Biden-Harris administration,
Sounds exactly like the conspiracy theorist were right once again.
You and I can debate whether or not they are biological weapons labs or simply biolabs. I'm good with that. I believe 100% the US was creating bioweapons in Ukraine.
The entire world is boycotting Russian, really? Hmm, you mean the entire Western world?
Is your world view so small?
You need to look at this from a much larger perspective; Russia has set it’s course, there is no turning back. And understand that the information you are citing can very well be propaganda as well.
I seem to remember that the entire world decided that C19 was the deadliest virus, ever, in human history.. lots of TikTok videos of docs and nurses all talking about overflowing ICUs, and the devastation.
C’mon man, you must be either willfully ignorant or a useful idiot. Maybe both? ;)
You make a fair point and I may have slightly overstated so allow me to clarify: at the moment it is Japan, Korea, Tiawan, Australia, New Zealand, the entire EU, Canada, the US, formerly neutral countries like Switzerland and Denmark, the former iron curtain countries in eastern Europe etc.
While others like those in the middle east, India and Isreal have not imposed sanctions, they have voted against the war at the UN and are sending lethal as well as humanitarian aid.
So not quite just the western world, but it would be an overstatement to say the ENTIRE world. Fair?
I think it is important that we disambiguate between geo-political talk (or paper) with action (or mobilization).
No sovereign nation in this modern day will openly state that ‘War is good, and that X nation should keep doing it’ — it isn’t a good look.
Look into what they DO in the background. Look at the supply chains, look behind the sanctions, look at the movement on the chessboard.
The unfortunately reality is there is a lot of talk going on, but hardly any of it has ‘bite’ to it.
The kinetic War we are witnessing today, which from your POV is a completely Black vs White (Putin = Evil, Everyone else = Good) … is hardly the real war.
So, we MUST be able to look through the fog and plot out the timeline with actual / real bad verifiable facts. Your sources frankly are suspect, you can say the same about me — and I did mention this before to you.
But do consider WHY we have BioLab BSL-4 facilities in Ukraine, right up to the Russian border, a sovereign Nation.
WHY has Putin been calling this fact out for years, and the Western media has conveniently bury this story, time after time.
HOW do I even know these BioLabs exist in the first place?? Is it because of some dude on Twitter? … It may have started that way, but then the research is done, the censorship was super strong, the denial was amplified…
And NOW the US Gov admits it exists?
Could it be that Putin is actually in the right?
Could it be that the people of the Donbas region have been under terrorist oppression (proven) for years and noone gave a shit?
It’s better to focus on these deeper issues / questions, than constantly spar with people on this board mate.
SO heres the rub: Russia has been talking about the biolab connection since 2014...its complete and utter least there isnt a speck of evidence outside of Russia saying "trust me bro"...
As a reminder, these were the same assholes who put bounties on my Marines, the same assholes who provided EFP munitions in Iraq and Afghanistan, the same assholes who shelled and bombed our Kurdish allies in Syria and propped up Bashar al Assad when he was gassing his own people with ACTUAL chem/bio weapons, the same assholes who directly and indirectly shot at me or gave the guns to the people who shot at me for 17 years.
The US funds labs all over the world. Further, there is a HUGE difference between a biological research laboratory and a biological WEAPONS laboratory
Here is a quote:
in Ukraine there are 4,000 registered microbiological laboratories, but only 2 of them have a permit to work with microorganisms of the first pathogenic group, 402 laboratories have a permit to work with the microorganisms of the second pathogenic group, and all others are allowed to work only with microorganisms of the third and forth pathogenic groups. Here it is necessary to note that the classification of pathogenic organisms and therefore classification of the laboratories in Ukraine differs from the international one. It is inverted (i.e., in Ukraine “one” is the highest risk and “four” is the lowest risk)
there are no laboratories in Ukraine that fulfill BSL-4 requirements. One of the laboratories that has a permit to work with the microorganisms of the first pathogenic group did, however, recently undergo an international audit as a BSL-3 laboratory and received a preliminary positive evaluation.
Here is an exchange from testimony just last week concerning this propaganda:
During a Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing Monday, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida asked a question of Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs:
Rubio: Let me ask you, does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?
Nuland: Ukraine has biological-research facilities, which, in fact, we are now quite concerned Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of. So we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces, should they approach.
Rubio: I’m sure you’re aware that the Russian propaganda groups are already putting out there all kinds of information about how they’ve uncovered a plot by the Ukrainians to release biological weapons in the country with NATO’s coordination. If there is a biological- or chemical-weapon incident or attack inside of Ukraine, is there any doubt in your mind that 100 percent, it would be the Russians that would be behind it?
Nuland: There is no doubt in my mind, Senator. And it is classic Russian technique to blame on the other guy what they’re planning to do themselves.
Bottom line: Our movement has been tainted and is fully infiltrated with Russian propaganda and lies. These people have been our enemies for 76 years.
There has been countless evidence of Russia bringing up Bio Labs, on the world stage. You only have to look.
Now the question if these talkings points are valid, propaganda or not is besides the point — now we know it IS true, at least publicly.
We can debate this in circles, but I’d point out the elephant in the room here …
Your experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan (whether you believe it was a legal invasion or not) has left you with an immense hatred of the Russians and is clouding your judgement.
You think, debate and conclude in absolutes, black/white.
You are looking for a fight.
You, personally, are not IN a war at this moment, and no one is coming to get you.
Obviously you are overlaying your past experiences on this conflict, but this time from the comfort of your own home.
There is a hell lot of hatred in you, and you’re taking it out on this community — you need to take a break.
You are on this board for a reason, and you do have a new account to go along with it, so it’s inconclusive if you’re here to be part of the community or to sow discord.
So if you truly are here to be part of the Great Awakening, AND you truly believe in the Q mission — this you need to take a deeper look into yourself and Question your deeply held beliefs.
And most importantly, take a walk, and focus on something else.
This is way more believable than anything the Fake News is saying.
The crazy thing is that this sounds so much like something Benjamin Fulford would say, and yet it's being openly stated by the Russian government.
I'm now more willing to believe that the Khazarian Mafia and Nazi breakaway civilization are a real thing....
This video is of a school that was shelled. The principal being interviewed states the shelling was from the Ukrainian army. 2 teachers killed.
I expect it not to be available on YouTube for long
I’m surprised it lasted a few hours with the close ups of dead bodies
It's available here also:
Some graphic content in there, be warned. However, I wonder why the body shown with that gaping hole in the shoulder at 2:58 isn't drenched in blood with a wound that size. Fake?
May have carterized at same time, super hot metal probably.
you dont bleed when your dead...once the heart stops it just drips out..
So was she wounded after she died?
I love how Russia keeps using the phrase Nazi and Fascist in the actual correct way, to refer to the abomination that Liberalism has become
The Svoboda party of Ukraine is literally a Nazi party. You can see images of them online doing the Heil Hitler salute. It's not a word game to put the spotlight on liberalism, as you suggest. They are literally a Nazi party that supports nazism. In this context, it is meant very literally.
Nazis are socialists and fascists are syndicalist. Classic leftist ideology.
Yes. Also I have to wonder if we are as censored as China and we just don't know it.
Probably nearly there if not there as far as MSM is concerned, but the proliferation of alt sources and communities is way more less censored than China I would guess. Here they just deploy a bunch of dis/mis/mal information in the alt environments to muddy the waters enough to confuse us as to what exactly is true
Yes we are. Today OAN says the Brits announced vaxed people are dieing at at a higher rate than the non vaxed. You won't see that on the msm !
They give private companies money to slide the social paradigm so that we are censored by our peers, not the government directly.
Russia is cleaning out Ukraine of all the global cabal corruption. Money Laundering, Criminal Oligarchs, US Bio-Weapons Labs, Drug/Guns running, Human-Child Trafficking, Corrupt Gov't Officials, NAZI military to do all their dirty work, CIA Corrupt Black Ops. All who make deals with politician like, Bidens, Clintons, Kerry, Obamas, Soros and more. This is why all the guilty are criticizing Putin.
If the US was worth anything we would have done the same to Mexico years ago to rid the country of the cartel, but it just proves the cartel are a paramilitary of the Uniparty doing their bidding to keep us from our potential
Indeed ….one and the same. Every rich city needs a ghetto next door to do the dirty work..
I would like to see some proof of this but if Putin orders the military to whack all of the people related with those things you just said that'd be based.
Canada and Russia/Ukraine is making them spend a lot of misinformation assets. They almost feel contrived to achieve that objective.
This wasn't "the quiet part." This was the part never spoken by any government official in the West, period.
Archive link:
well stated.... who would've thunk that the Russian are the sensible ones putting out info nowadays... my my my.... how far our propaganda spewing media has sunk!
This is the way.
So say we all.
I have spoken.
Pretty powerful final paragraph...
badass last sentence, ngl.
Fucking GO GET EM.
Sean Hannity finally played his "truth" card.....suggesting on TV last night that Putin be assassinated? Really Sean? I started wondering about him when Laura Ingraham told Trump on TV the night of the 2020 election to just "accept the election results". I stopped listening to both of them 2 years ago. Putin's history of fighting the NWO is documented and well established. He is a patriotic Christian Russian warrior that loves his country.
He also suggested on the radio today that the 40 mile long Russian military convoy be taken out. Mr. Hannity is now on my list of deep state enemies.
I agree. And also, to my astonishment, is Mark Levin who is probably the last person I would ever have thought a puppet of the NWO. Until this I couldn't align their pushing vaccinations with so much research now available, but sadly the dots are connecting....very sadly.
So did Lady Lindsey Graham. It’s kind of creepy public figures calling for the assasination of a public leader…world is definitely going crazy
Forget all the "revenge on the Khazars" nonsense--it was the Rus who aided in destroying Khazaria anyway. Russia now is getting revenge for WWII.
All roads lead to rome. Hitler was funded by the vatican
In your dreams. He had popular support. No matter what one thinks about his policies, one cannot deny the fact that he had Germany behind him.
okay autists, I count on you to tell me when these things are fake.
No signature, but I don't have a clue when it comes to this stuff.
Edit: I should have clicked on the archived link first -- official twitter account. twitter hasn't (yet) banned it for misinformation so....
We all know that the MSM's job is to mislead. That doesn't mean that the other side is the "real story".
Our MSM / government lies. Their MSM / government lies.
This topic was actually stickied and labelled "true Ukrainian news", and it features a virtual cartoon characterization of Russian propaganda; complete with the mandatory hammer and sickle pin.
Just remember, being awake to MSM lies does not make the opposite true. That's a trap that is showing itself on this board lately.
We know you posted in support of VAERS 9 days ago and were apparently reactivated 6 days ago.
You commented the following since your return -
"Umm this really seems like Russian propaganda written for a Western audience. Like Josef Goebbels level bad."
"Guys, what am I missing here? This is pure Russian propaganda."
"This is NOT a neutral source. The flag behind this "Texan" is the flag of Donetsk, the region that is fighting the Ukraine government and wants to be aligned with Russia."
"Russia didn't comply with the Minsk agreement either."
After you claimed Russia was communist, somebody told you it wasn't. This was your response-
"I actually hadn't considered this question, so I looked it up. Turns out there is a point to be made that it is no longer technically Communist."
What is your job? That's what we don't know.
Got a few of these types infiltrating.
please. Go and dissect the comment history of half this .win and you'll find the same approach about different topics. This is just an example of someone with an opinion so far.
Says the sockpuppet who responded to a post by a long time board member titled "There is zero evidence that a wide-scale and massive invasion is happening in the Ukraine. Russian intervention looks tactical and limited. MSM and Xiden cannot sustain this false narrative" with the following comment-
You're glowing.
Glowies on fire. Y so obvious bois?
Guys, this is fine. Stop reporting.
Man that is one hell of a well written letter. The writing almost reminds me of Q a bit...
Absolutely maple syrup flavoured vodka based as hell.
...a not so subtle way of putting the TrueDope government on notice.
The only thing missing is a sign off saying, "My fellow citizens, the storm is upon us".
This is badass
Love the brutal honesty.
Anons know. Have known.
Now others can see.
More proof that real journalists are as rare as unicorns. A REAL journalist would be researching the crap out of this.
I'm surprised they only used nazis as the justification since we can all suspect that the whole truth is far, far worse and therefore very important to make known.
I cant wait til they drop the hammer on the american left. You know putin has the goods.
Obamas, clintons and bidens days are numbered and they know it. They will stay arrogant to the bitter end to keep up their facade.
It is not the quiet part. It is what Putan sad on day 1 when the Russians crossed the border. Destruction of the nazi's.
Imagine if someone printed millions of copies of this and dropped them from planes over communities all around the nation.
Assuming this is real, does anyone think it's an accident or random that Russia used its embassy in Canada to do this? I don't.
There are no coincidences.
Isn’t the president of Ukraine Jewish? Why would he protect nazis?
You would if you were the “Jew” that created the Jew/Nazi teams. One theory is that a group of rich psychopaths hell bent on global dominance i.e. the DS, who also happened to be Jewish in ethnicity but worshipped the devil created this conflict to pit one group (German/aryan/christians) against another (regular Jews that have no power or influence). Through the war and chaos, new laws and restrictions were created to benefit said elite group. All smoke and mirrors.
Known fact. There’s an old video of him during an interview saying it was the best time of his life.
Soros helped round up Jews during WW2. I believe it was in fall of the cabal.
one one side I still like my NSBM :\
And now Europe is taking all these Neo-Nazis who flee the Ukraine for good reasons. What a mess!
No one lies more than the Russian regime. I would love to know how the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant is a military target. I would love to know how apartment blocks being shelled, water, sewage, hospitals etc are military targets.
If you fall for this kind of propaganda in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary you are a fool.
There it is. You are projecting exactly the opposite of what is really happening. You've been identified.
So the entire world is boycotting everything russian...their economy is tanking, their currently is worth less than a penny, they have been kicked out of the olympics, the world cup, formula 1 etc, Formerly neutral countries like Finland and Ireland are joining NATO, former soviet satellites like Montenegro, Serbia, Georgia are all trying to join the EU, the ICC has opened war crimes investigations against Russia.
There is wall to wall video of the shelling of civilians, burning tanks, drone strikes, artillery strikes...
......but its all a lie. Yea that makes sense. Do me a favor and sit in the corner...the adults are talking.
Good luck with your country Ivan, we see through your pinko lies.
Keep on believing what you want.
If you are falling for this kind of propaganda without any evidence, you are a special kind of stupid.
Here you go.
Good luck to you sir.
There it is. You call me a conspiracy theorist. Thanks. I now know the truth.
Sir, there are fractures in our community, for example the clowns in texas that have been waiting for a month for the reappearance of JFK Jr even though Q denied he was still alive....or that there are people in our community who are saying Mike Lindell is really JFK Jr
The fact is Q nor Trump ever said there were bio labs in russia creating weapons, so the fact that this idea is spreading internally does not prevent me from calling bullshit unless someone has real evidence.
This threads focus is on Ukraine.
Let's start with the fact that the State Department admitted there are "biological research facilities" in the Ukraine. They couldn't run from the story because they tried to hide evidence by removing all the documents from the Embassies web site.
There's video evidence of a State Department employee admitting it on video.
Jen Psaki denied there were any bio research labs in the Ukraine. Why? You can't tell me the President's Press Secretary didn't know there were labs there. Or is this one of the I'm denying the bioweapons lab but I'm not denying the biolabs. I don't trust Biden or Psaki or Harris or anyone in the Biden-Harris administration,
Sounds exactly like the conspiracy theorist were right once again.
You and I can debate whether or not they are biological weapons labs or simply biolabs. I'm good with that. I believe 100% the US was creating bioweapons in Ukraine.
Keep it up. You just keep revealing who you really are.
The entire world is boycotting Russian, really? Hmm, you mean the entire Western world?
Is your world view so small?
You need to look at this from a much larger perspective; Russia has set it’s course, there is no turning back. And understand that the information you are citing can very well be propaganda as well.
I seem to remember that the entire world decided that C19 was the deadliest virus, ever, in human history.. lots of TikTok videos of docs and nurses all talking about overflowing ICUs, and the devastation.
C’mon man, you must be either willfully ignorant or a useful idiot. Maybe both? ;)
You make a fair point and I may have slightly overstated so allow me to clarify: at the moment it is Japan, Korea, Tiawan, Australia, New Zealand, the entire EU, Canada, the US, formerly neutral countries like Switzerland and Denmark, the former iron curtain countries in eastern Europe etc.
While others like those in the middle east, India and Isreal have not imposed sanctions, they have voted against the war at the UN and are sending lethal as well as humanitarian aid.
So not quite just the western world, but it would be an overstatement to say the ENTIRE world. Fair?
That’s a fair clarification.
I think it is important that we disambiguate between geo-political talk (or paper) with action (or mobilization).
No sovereign nation in this modern day will openly state that ‘War is good, and that X nation should keep doing it’ — it isn’t a good look.
Look into what they DO in the background. Look at the supply chains, look behind the sanctions, look at the movement on the chessboard.
The unfortunately reality is there is a lot of talk going on, but hardly any of it has ‘bite’ to it.
The kinetic War we are witnessing today, which from your POV is a completely Black vs White (Putin = Evil, Everyone else = Good) … is hardly the real war.
So, we MUST be able to look through the fog and plot out the timeline with actual / real bad verifiable facts. Your sources frankly are suspect, you can say the same about me — and I did mention this before to you.
But do consider WHY we have BioLab BSL-4 facilities in Ukraine, right up to the Russian border, a sovereign Nation.
WHY has Putin been calling this fact out for years, and the Western media has conveniently bury this story, time after time.
HOW do I even know these BioLabs exist in the first place?? Is it because of some dude on Twitter? … It may have started that way, but then the research is done, the censorship was super strong, the denial was amplified…
And NOW the US Gov admits it exists?
Could it be that Putin is actually in the right?
Could it be that the people of the Donbas region have been under terrorist oppression (proven) for years and noone gave a shit?
It’s better to focus on these deeper issues / questions, than constantly spar with people on this board mate.
SO heres the rub: Russia has been talking about the biolab connection since 2014...its complete and utter least there isnt a speck of evidence outside of Russia saying "trust me bro"...
As a reminder, these were the same assholes who put bounties on my Marines, the same assholes who provided EFP munitions in Iraq and Afghanistan, the same assholes who shelled and bombed our Kurdish allies in Syria and propped up Bashar al Assad when he was gassing his own people with ACTUAL chem/bio weapons, the same assholes who directly and indirectly shot at me or gave the guns to the people who shot at me for 17 years.
The US funds labs all over the world. Further, there is a HUGE difference between a biological research laboratory and a biological WEAPONS laboratory
Here is a quote:
in Ukraine there are 4,000 registered microbiological laboratories, but only 2 of them have a permit to work with microorganisms of the first pathogenic group, 402 laboratories have a permit to work with the microorganisms of the second pathogenic group, and all others are allowed to work only with microorganisms of the third and forth pathogenic groups. Here it is necessary to note that the classification of pathogenic organisms and therefore classification of the laboratories in Ukraine differs from the international one. It is inverted (i.e., in Ukraine “one” is the highest risk and “four” is the lowest risk)
there are no laboratories in Ukraine that fulfill BSL-4 requirements. One of the laboratories that has a permit to work with the microorganisms of the first pathogenic group did, however, recently undergo an international audit as a BSL-3 laboratory and received a preliminary positive evaluation.
Here is an exchange from testimony just last week concerning this propaganda:
During a Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing Monday, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida asked a question of Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs:
Rubio: Let me ask you, does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?
Nuland: Ukraine has biological-research facilities, which, in fact, we are now quite concerned Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of. So we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces, should they approach.
Rubio: I’m sure you’re aware that the Russian propaganda groups are already putting out there all kinds of information about how they’ve uncovered a plot by the Ukrainians to release biological weapons in the country with NATO’s coordination. If there is a biological- or chemical-weapon incident or attack inside of Ukraine, is there any doubt in your mind that 100 percent, it would be the Russians that would be behind it?
Nuland: There is no doubt in my mind, Senator. And it is classic Russian technique to blame on the other guy what they’re planning to do themselves.
Bottom line: Our movement has been tainted and is fully infiltrated with Russian propaganda and lies. These people have been our enemies for 76 years.
There has been countless evidence of Russia bringing up Bio Labs, on the world stage. You only have to look.
Now the question if these talkings points are valid, propaganda or not is besides the point — now we know it IS true, at least publicly.
We can debate this in circles, but I’d point out the elephant in the room here …
Your experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan (whether you believe it was a legal invasion or not) has left you with an immense hatred of the Russians and is clouding your judgement.
You think, debate and conclude in absolutes, black/white.
You are looking for a fight.
You, personally, are not IN a war at this moment, and no one is coming to get you.
Obviously you are overlaying your past experiences on this conflict, but this time from the comfort of your own home.
There is a hell lot of hatred in you, and you’re taking it out on this community — you need to take a break.
You are on this board for a reason, and you do have a new account to go along with it, so it’s inconclusive if you’re here to be part of the community or to sow discord.
So if you truly are here to be part of the Great Awakening, AND you truly believe in the Q mission — this you need to take a deeper look into yourself and Question your deeply held beliefs.
And most importantly, take a walk, and focus on something else.
Peace be with you fren, you really do need it.
Well you do have "DS" in your handle so there is that.
Thanks for contributing nothing to the discourse.
No evidence, no thoughtful arguments just shit talking and insults.
I rest my case.
When did telling the truth become an insult?
The irony of this comment on a thread filled with BS Russian propaganda, and your ignorance of it is in fact quite comical.
Keep trying with your projection. It isn't going to work here.
another swing a miss LOL. Keep it up clown.
There it is. Resort to calling names when you have nothing to back up your claims.