Can work the other way to. I ask my kids what they learned for the day if they give me some BS or fake things I'll set them straight. My son hates going school but my daughter loves it, the social aspect of it and learning in general. Plus I work for my local school district I would know if some teacher was pushing CRT or some shit. The people you refer too are either lazy or normies. I do agree though if you live in an area that does teach CRT or any of the liberal bs you are doing a disservice to your kids sending them to school.
The entire schooling system is designed to teach us to be slaves. Doesn’t even matter what is taught.
Kids learn this lesson on day 1: they are forced to attend something they don’t want to, 8 hours a day, every day of their life, and they have to accept that. Another consumer-slave is born. The system was designed by the Prussians to brainwash soldiers and we imported it.
It definitely is training to enter the work force and be a wage slave. I'm conflicted because I don't like the wage slave idea but at the same time there are jobs and functions in society that requires the wage slaves. I think once we get away from the FED note and our money is backed by gold again things will change, people will have more options to buy a house and have the wife raise the kids while dad goes to work while living comfortably.
Ending the Fed will definitely help. When I read Rich Dad Poor Dad and Richest Man in Babylon I realized that I’m poor because I’m programmed to be poor. Have to change my mindset.
Wealth is not a zero sum game. Everyone can be wealthy, even as a janitor etc. The key is your mindset and putting your money to work for you, rather than working for money.
The real danger is in things teachers, and other kids for that matter say in passing. Those are things your kids won't even think to tell you when they asked about school, and those are the things that will have the most affect on them and that will change them the most.
97% of American families are lazy and normies. That's why the West is in this position we're in. Since the onset of the television generations of Americans have been born into captivity, with no understand or even the slightest awareness of the surveillance state.
Agreed. The social part of schooling was by far the most beneficial part for me. I mightve ended up introverted and still a virgin if I didn't have school to allow me a place to grow my social skills. Especially after going to an all boys school for middle school.
This. The reason they split up the family and plummeted the living wage was to separate the children from their kin and other elders in their communities. It is less feasible than ever for most of us Americans to watch our kids throughout the day. Both the mother and father are too busy having to report in to our respective plantations from 9 to 5. And then nights and weekends for many more on top of that.
There's only a couple hours of actual teacher instruction in a school day. That's about 10 hours a week. You could do a little each evening and finish on the weekend. Instructional videos and field trips count.
So if you see your children at least 10 hours a week, you can teach them.
Yeah, I guess the problem would be what to do with them while I'm working. My mom watches them in the morning before she goes to work, in the summer my sister watches them for a few hours until I get off. It stretches my sister thin, she has 5 kids and babysits 2 kids, sometimes more. I'd love to just have a chunk of land to live off, then I could be home with them. I don't know, God willing🙏
That is so true. My daughter finished her first year's curriculum in 3 months. I thought I must have done something wrong! I used every opportunity with my children as a teaching moment. Every trip in vehicle regardless of where we went my children were told to grab a book, and I had them read out loud to me. They learned reading comprehension, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling and punctuation (plus history or whatever the book was about) as we drove. I taught them how to read maps and learn the freeway system while driving and traffic laws, etc. Going to the grocery store or other stores provided many teaching opportunities as well. You name the activity, and there will always be a way to teach your child something of value the indoctrination centers will never teach them.
OMG this needed to be said. Thank you. Pick a side people. The entire corrupt matrix MUST COME DOWN. "Religion" is on deck after "education" falls. We MUST LET IT ALL COME DOWN. Trying to "fix" a system that was designed to destroy us, is complete MADNESS. True Awakening MUST occur. WWG1WGA
FOR REAL. Was just about to say this. If even 50% are childless, which I think is likely an accurate amount that is rapidly increasing as millennials become teachers, that's still FAR TOO MANY spinsters in the system to be raising your children for nearly their entire adolescence.
Academia in general attracts the mentally immature with a growing amount of arrested development. Its the safe bosom of the state that they've spent their whole lives in. And then they hit 25 and immediately flee back inside that system and claim to "experts" on ANYTHING in the real world. Both my parents and younger sister are all K-12 teachers in so cal. MOTHERFUCK "educators".
Was just gonna hop on here and say that parents are the OG educators. Thay's like the full time job of any parent to raise and educate your children to become independent and productive so they are capable of striking out on their own when they come of age and be successful. Can today's teachers and education system really claim they provide that for our children anymore? In most cases the answer is a resounding NO!
This line of thinking is exactly what you should keep your children away from. I’m going to keep saying it; DEFUND THE TEACHER’S UNIONS
Get your kids out of public schools as soon as possible. They’re infested with Democrat/Socialist filth and are poisoning the minds of our future. Teachers & “Professors” have done more damage to this country than the [B]lack [L]ooting [M]obs could ever dream of. The number one occupation of the [ANTIFA] terrorist group is - TEACHER! - Says the FBI, if you trust them anymore.
Yeah, and nurses make care plans and soldiers make battle plans and office wonks make development plans and it's all an exercise in time wasting once the person doing it has learned the basic ideas of planning. But it's part of "standards" now.
Actually, they don’t. They are told exactly what they are allowed to say, nothing more, nothing less. They may as well just hire a voice actor to narrate video lessons, and get rid of teachers
Even the librarians in schools in my area are required to turn in lesson plans weekly. The state has a curriculum with various areas that have to be covered during the school year for each year. But the individual teachers can arrange that how they like, and they can add more material if they like.
It’s not hard. Honestly it isn’t. Anybody who is educated through high school could watch a couple YouTube videos and do what teachers do, and probably better. Teaching kids to read, do basic math, and understand basic science concepts isn’t rocket surgery.
Fucking idiot teachers. Getting a post secondary in psych funded by Pell grants and taking a cheesy cert to teach 4th graders does not an expert make.
He'll, I'm getting an MBA and I don't even boast about it because I used to room with a dude getting his PHD in applied mathematics and another getting his masters in aerospace and guess what, we are all still idiots about most things and learning this world like every one else.
Pompous educator egos need to get out of here, they are truly not even taking rigorous studies.
I have a PhD and 100% agree. Started reading Rich Dad Poor Dad. In something like the first paragraph he talks about how his poor dad had a PhD. I realized I did it all wrong lol. Not just on the money aspect.
Most have degrees in "Education". Very few have degrees in Math, Chemistry, Engineering, or Biology. People with those degrees make a lot of money in the real world.
One of my friends at Uni was a gen ed major. Homework in her classes included coloring books -- no joke. And she thought her program was "difficult". Oof.
Then again, the Honors College at my Uni was trying to get us all to agree that America as a melting pot was an out-dated metaphor that would be most aptly changed to a "mosaic". Because American values = evil, and we all must have a group to which we identify. Gimme a break. (BTW, I dropped that class so fast and filed a complaint against that teacher -- and won).
Another instructor I had for an Asian-American lit course actively taught us that plagiarism would get us better grades and that White Man Bad. I spent the entire semester writing satirical papers full of sarcasm, to which the teacher never caught on. Some of my best work came from that class...
The teaching profession the last two years has definitely illustrated for all to see what incompetent, greedy, manipulative shitbags they are. Covid just brought out the inner Karen in most teachers that was always lurking below the surface. Fuck them and their "education". Everyone already knew a teaching degree was what you got if you couldn't handle the rigors and stress of getting a social worker degree. To the very small minority of good teachers out there... best of luck, you're going to be lumped in with the majority of the terrible ones.
If you were to read the study materials in education these days you would not learn a lot about how to teach. You might learn something about inventing jargon and issues, though.
The only thing educators do is manage large groups of children at once. Thats it. That comes with practice. That doesn't make us experts in education. It makes us proficient at management.
Not in NC. They're among the lowest paid in the country. And that's not considering the fact that payroll alone is the biggest part of the state budget.
I disagree with the idea of homeschooling because of freaks like Mx. T. Do the exact opposite. Show up to the school and board meetings. Document. Gather evidence. Call the school board and superintendent. Call in other parents. Make them thoroughly own and answer for the woke horseshit they are pushing on kids. Force Mx. T to say that to some Karen mom's face, preferably on video. Make it one's life mission to cause them headaches until they are forced to back down. Run for school board and get word out about the bullshit being taught to your kids.
But, if we went to school, we were educated by experts who were trained, created comprehensive lesson plans, and had degrees in their field, so actually, we are completely qualified to take on the world, RIGHT?
Actually, back when I was in school, I had teachers who were really qualified. For example, the electronics teacher in high school had run a shop for years before that.
The fact that you have a degree is your justification to call yourself an Expert, in itself, shows you are clueless. Education does not equal intelligence. Until you realize that, you cannot advance from the lower paradigm.
The parent point aside which is also significant, the MxT guy is just flat out wrong.
You can be an utterly amazing teacher at imparting lesson plans and material to kids. And at the same time have no insight at all as to which material is harmful, or not. There is simply no conflating of the two entirely different skillsets that is honest or accurate.
Knowing how to do a lesson plan doesnt mean you have any insight for example as to what the gay indoctrination will lead to. Or preaching racial animus against the 'privileged'. Or advocating of violence against the 'oppressive capitalist patriarchy'.
Teachers are not and have never been experts at this.
I have a minor in Education and I can teach you how to write a lesson plan (on whatever subject you would like to teach) for homeschooling in ten minutes or less.
At this point you can't call yourself a patriot and still send your offspring to the "public mkultra youth ministry."
Can work the other way to. I ask my kids what they learned for the day if they give me some BS or fake things I'll set them straight. My son hates going school but my daughter loves it, the social aspect of it and learning in general. Plus I work for my local school district I would know if some teacher was pushing CRT or some shit. The people you refer too are either lazy or normies. I do agree though if you live in an area that does teach CRT or any of the liberal bs you are doing a disservice to your kids sending them to school.
The entire schooling system is designed to teach us to be slaves. Doesn’t even matter what is taught.
Kids learn this lesson on day 1: they are forced to attend something they don’t want to, 8 hours a day, every day of their life, and they have to accept that. Another consumer-slave is born. The system was designed by the Prussians to brainwash soldiers and we imported it.
Mx. T needs an ass whoopin’.
LXL :)
The ultimate answer to why in school is because you were told to
It definitely is training to enter the work force and be a wage slave. I'm conflicted because I don't like the wage slave idea but at the same time there are jobs and functions in society that requires the wage slaves. I think once we get away from the FED note and our money is backed by gold again things will change, people will have more options to buy a house and have the wife raise the kids while dad goes to work while living comfortably.
Ending the Fed will definitely help. When I read Rich Dad Poor Dad and Richest Man in Babylon I realized that I’m poor because I’m programmed to be poor. Have to change my mindset.
Wealth is not a zero sum game. Everyone can be wealthy, even as a janitor etc. The key is your mindset and putting your money to work for you, rather than working for money.
The real danger is in things teachers, and other kids for that matter say in passing. Those are things your kids won't even think to tell you when they asked about school, and those are the things that will have the most affect on them and that will change them the most.
97% of American families are lazy and normies. That's why the West is in this position we're in. Since the onset of the television generations of Americans have been born into captivity, with no understand or even the slightest awareness of the surveillance state.
Agreed. The social part of schooling was by far the most beneficial part for me. I mightve ended up introverted and still a virgin if I didn't have school to allow me a place to grow my social skills. Especially after going to an all boys school for middle school.
Unschooling for the win! See John Taylor Gatto, John Holt for more on helping your children become non-slaves.
I call em the Hitler Youth.
I wish I could home school, single father of two.
This. The reason they split up the family and plummeted the living wage was to separate the children from their kin and other elders in their communities. It is less feasible than ever for most of us Americans to watch our kids throughout the day. Both the mother and father are too busy having to report in to our respective plantations from 9 to 5. And then nights and weekends for many more on top of that.
There's only a couple hours of actual teacher instruction in a school day. That's about 10 hours a week. You could do a little each evening and finish on the weekend. Instructional videos and field trips count.
So if you see your children at least 10 hours a week, you can teach them.
Yeah, I guess the problem would be what to do with them while I'm working. My mom watches them in the morning before she goes to work, in the summer my sister watches them for a few hours until I get off. It stretches my sister thin, she has 5 kids and babysits 2 kids, sometimes more. I'd love to just have a chunk of land to live off, then I could be home with them. I don't know, God willing🙏
That is so true. My daughter finished her first year's curriculum in 3 months. I thought I must have done something wrong! I used every opportunity with my children as a teaching moment. Every trip in vehicle regardless of where we went my children were told to grab a book, and I had them read out loud to me. They learned reading comprehension, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling and punctuation (plus history or whatever the book was about) as we drove. I taught them how to read maps and learn the freeway system while driving and traffic laws, etc. Going to the grocery store or other stores provided many teaching opportunities as well. You name the activity, and there will always be a way to teach your child something of value the indoctrination centers will never teach them.
That's the way all children learned hundreds of years ago. One big, never ending, field trip. :)
If I'd had children, I would have done that. I have a huge, very complete, library.
OMG this needed to be said. Thank you. Pick a side people. The entire corrupt matrix MUST COME DOWN. "Religion" is on deck after "education" falls. We MUST LET IT ALL COME DOWN. Trying to "fix" a system that was designed to destroy us, is complete MADNESS. True Awakening MUST occur. WWG1WGA
All parents are teachers, but all teachers are not parents.
I found that MOST do not have children. They think yours are theirs
I told a nurse that recently, I said “Quit trying to parent my child. She’s my child” these people need to deflate their egos.
FOR REAL. Was just about to say this. If even 50% are childless, which I think is likely an accurate amount that is rapidly increasing as millennials become teachers, that's still FAR TOO MANY spinsters in the system to be raising your children for nearly their entire adolescence.
Academia in general attracts the mentally immature with a growing amount of arrested development. Its the safe bosom of the state that they've spent their whole lives in. And then they hit 25 and immediately flee back inside that system and claim to "experts" on ANYTHING in the real world. Both my parents and younger sister are all K-12 teachers in so cal. MOTHERFUCK "educators".
Was just gonna hop on here and say that parents are the OG educators. Thay's like the full time job of any parent to raise and educate your children to become independent and productive so they are capable of striking out on their own when they come of age and be successful. Can today's teachers and education system really claim they provide that for our children anymore? In most cases the answer is a resounding NO!
This line of thinking is exactly what you should keep your children away from. I’m going to keep saying it; DEFUND THE TEACHER’S UNIONS Get your kids out of public schools as soon as possible. They’re infested with Democrat/Socialist filth and are poisoning the minds of our future. Teachers & “Professors” have done more damage to this country than the [B]lack [L]ooting [M]obs could ever dream of. The number one occupation of the [ANTIFA] terrorist group is - TEACHER! - Says the FBI, if you trust them anymore.
The Department of Education needs to go. Schools went to shit once education was determined at the Federal level.
All education decisions need to be made at the County or School District level.
Most of the teachers I know are members of NEA only for the insurance in case some wingnut sues them.
FDR said no government employees should be members of unions. The dims don't even go by what their own leaders have said.
But but ... they make comprehensive lesson plans, every week!
Yeah, and nurses make care plans and soldiers make battle plans and office wonks make development plans and it's all an exercise in time wasting once the person doing it has learned the basic ideas of planning. But it's part of "standards" now.
Actually, they don’t. They are told exactly what they are allowed to say, nothing more, nothing less. They may as well just hire a voice actor to narrate video lessons, and get rid of teachers
Even the librarians in schools in my area are required to turn in lesson plans weekly. The state has a curriculum with various areas that have to be covered during the school year for each year. But the individual teachers can arrange that how they like, and they can add more material if they like.
I know, I was being sarcastic.
Complete with snack times and non-binary stickers. You bigot.
Why do you assume that one of my pronoun is "You" ????
It’s not hard. Honestly it isn’t. Anybody who is educated through high school could watch a couple YouTube videos and do what teachers do, and probably better. Teaching kids to read, do basic math, and understand basic science concepts isn’t rocket surgery.
Fucking idiot teachers. Getting a post secondary in psych funded by Pell grants and taking a cheesy cert to teach 4th graders does not an expert make.
He'll, I'm getting an MBA and I don't even boast about it because I used to room with a dude getting his PHD in applied mathematics and another getting his masters in aerospace and guess what, we are all still idiots about most things and learning this world like every one else.
Pompous educator egos need to get out of here, they are truly not even taking rigorous studies.
Mx. T?
DAFUQ is Mx.? Some faggot pronoun?
These cunts are quickly become irrelevant due to the glow they cast.
Mx. Is supposed to be nongender. You don't know if its a man or woman.
Sooooo sick of this shit. 🙄
Sooo gay and weak.
It's just a sign of mental illness.
All these people are sick
I think it's a faggot Mr. T
I pity the fool who don't take it up the ass?
Because "trusting experts" has gone so well the last decade.
I have a PhD and 100% agree. Started reading Rich Dad Poor Dad. In something like the first paragraph he talks about how his poor dad had a PhD. I realized I did it all wrong lol. Not just on the money aspect.
Working to earn my financial freedom now.
"We have degrees in our field."
Therein, lies the problem...
Most have degrees in "Education". Very few have degrees in Math, Chemistry, Engineering, or Biology. People with those degrees make a lot of money in the real world.
One of my friends at Uni was a gen ed major. Homework in her classes included coloring books -- no joke. And she thought her program was "difficult". Oof.
Then again, the Honors College at my Uni was trying to get us all to agree that America as a melting pot was an out-dated metaphor that would be most aptly changed to a "mosaic". Because American values = evil, and we all must have a group to which we identify. Gimme a break. (BTW, I dropped that class so fast and filed a complaint against that teacher -- and won).
Another instructor I had for an Asian-American lit course actively taught us that plagiarism would get us better grades and that White Man Bad. I spent the entire semester writing satirical papers full of sarcasm, to which the teacher never caught on. Some of my best work came from that class...
Degrees do NOT equal expert, long story short.
The teaching profession the last two years has definitely illustrated for all to see what incompetent, greedy, manipulative shitbags they are. Covid just brought out the inner Karen in most teachers that was always lurking below the surface. Fuck them and their "education". Everyone already knew a teaching degree was what you got if you couldn't handle the rigors and stress of getting a social worker degree. To the very small minority of good teachers out there... best of luck, you're going to be lumped in with the majority of the terrible ones.
It’s not just teaching. It’s everything. Doctors, scientists, journalists, etc. The commonality between all of them?
The whole concept of sacrificing the individual through deception for the “greater good”.
Education=indoctrination....fixed it...
If you were to read the study materials in education these days you would not learn a lot about how to teach. You might learn something about inventing jargon and issues, though.
These fucks are almost as pompous as "medical professionals".
Teachers might have a bigger perpetual chip on their shoulders than nurses
Yup! Homeschooling is best.
The only thing educators do is manage large groups of children at once. Thats it. That comes with practice. That doesn't make us experts in education. It makes us proficient at management.
Those who can't do teach.
I love this style of argument.
Make Teachers Baristas Again.
teachers are paid way too much. they are ONLY babysitters at best.
Not in NC. They're among the lowest paid in the country. And that's not considering the fact that payroll alone is the biggest part of the state budget.
I disagree with the idea of homeschooling because of freaks like Mx. T. Do the exact opposite. Show up to the school and board meetings. Document. Gather evidence. Call the school board and superintendent. Call in other parents. Make them thoroughly own and answer for the woke horseshit they are pushing on kids. Force Mx. T to say that to some Karen mom's face, preferably on video. Make it one's life mission to cause them headaches until they are forced to back down. Run for school board and get word out about the bullshit being taught to your kids.
But, if we went to school, we were educated by experts who were trained, created comprehensive lesson plans, and had degrees in their field, so actually, we are completely qualified to take on the world, RIGHT?
Actually, back when I was in school, I had teachers who were really qualified. For example, the electronics teacher in high school had run a shop for years before that.
Meanwhile, my kids' math skills are actually getting worse by the day. Feels like I am effectively homeschooling them at night.
Teachers repeat after me: I will be held responsible for my crimes and Nuremberg 2.0 will NOT just be for politicians
The fact that you have a degree is your justification to call yourself an Expert, in itself, shows you are clueless. Education does not equal intelligence. Until you realize that, you cannot advance from the lower paradigm.
Gets to the end of the beginning and thinks they're a master of everything
What the hell is Mx? Mixxus? Mixter? Mix?
"Those who can't, TEACH."
Old Adage
growingwithmxt went full dyke, you never go full dyke
The parent point aside which is also significant, the MxT guy is just flat out wrong.
You can be an utterly amazing teacher at imparting lesson plans and material to kids. And at the same time have no insight at all as to which material is harmful, or not. There is simply no conflating of the two entirely different skillsets that is honest or accurate.
Knowing how to do a lesson plan doesnt mean you have any insight for example as to what the gay indoctrination will lead to. Or preaching racial animus against the 'privileged'. Or advocating of violence against the 'oppressive capitalist patriarchy'.
Teachers are not and have never been experts at this.
All government, including teachers needs to be thrown in the garbage.
Homeschooler here.
This sounds a little desperate don't you think?
They sound desperate as the homeschooling rates increase.
They lose a ton of money for every kid taken out of school.
I do. But I always get... "Muh socialization"
I kek. And enjoy how smart and wondeful my kids are. Thank the Lord we have made the sacrifice to make it work.
Keep it up! God bless you.
this is the type of crap that gets parents fired up - I say keep it up!
Parents do get a say in what you fuckwits teach their kids.
And they are the SOLE experts in what their kids need to be taught.
You are not.
I have a minor in Education and I can teach you how to write a lesson plan (on whatever subject you would like to teach) for homeschooling in ten minutes or less.
I guess this is why my teenaged foster kids can't read....uh huh.