This doesn't comport to the reality that the Holy Bible is in a place of honor in nearly all lodges. Doesn't seem like mockery, or mirroring, whatever that meand.
Why have a bible in your home if it's not a church?
Why is it not the other way, Catholic priests infiltrating Freemasonry?
This business about serving two masters is nonsense. The verse in Matthew was referring to the acquisition of wealth. It has nothing to do with meeting up with like-minded fellows and having supper. How would that prevent one from serving Christ?
The lower levels are pawns. As the initiate moves up the ranks (degrees) he is asked to commit greater and greater evils to receive greater social power and hidden knowledge. At the top of the Freemasonic Order they are Satanists. The degrees are to filter anyone who wouldn’t be okay with that.
Little dude is looking at Jussy like he is in love long time.
2, What is with the outlines of those human figures around the Canuckistan flag? It looks like a collection of figures with various disabilities, including the hunchback of Notre Dame.
Lost a friend 6 years ago . She attacked Trump. She was Canadian. Me Australian.I called out Castro junior as being a dumb ass drama teacher. Guess history will prove me right. PS I was going light on Justin. PSS I always defend Trump.
There are 33 levels in freemasonry. All levels beneath the 33rd don’t know what actually goes on within, except those at the 33rd level of freemasons and the illuminati.
Jesus Christ was estimated to be 33 years of age when he died on the cross. This is why freemasons use the number 33 so much; it’s a mocking of Jesus Christ. Freemasons hate God, Jesus Christ and Christians.
The number 33 is used by freemasons quite a bit; it’s one of their favorite numbers and part of the symbolism.
Freemasonry; Where truths are lied about and lies are truth. Where the dark becomes light and the light becomes dark. Where you go to enter satanism and a life of materialistic moral freedom. This is where you go to lose yourself in self indulgence and worship mortals. You are taught to hate God and Jesus Christ and worship satan for being cast from Heaven.
If a freemason says they do not worship satan, remember that they just don’t know (only the highest level of freemason knows the secrets – level 33.)
Any Freemason below level 33 will never know what truly goes on in this secret society. Just like a pyramid scheme, only the ones at the top call the shots, while keeping everyone else in the dark.
"thousands of years of documented evils, by many historians and people of the time are fake internet news! literal open statements by 'leading Albert Pike announcing the true worship by Freemasons' and displayed at a major library for 100 years is fake internet news. mountains of evidence are all irrelevant - I know a couple guys and I super duper promise you that last 6000 years of history and evidence are all totally made up yo - masons are great!"
yeah ok. the polite term I believe is 'Anecdotal Fallacy'.
Masonry uses 'a higher power' as a filter - low ranks get lied to, and only people that figure out that is means 'Not God' as the higher power - or rather a different god - they get to find out the truth, and evil.
It is ironic that mass documentation exists of high level Masons outright saying they lie to the lower ranks - and then people saying 'I am a lower rank and I see none of what you are talking about'
You contradict yourself by saying only the 33rd degree masons know and participate in the rotten stuff, yet in the same breath slander all the other masons by saying they hate God and Christ. It's not true.
Let me ask you: are you 33rd degree Master Mason? If not, how did you come by the knowledge that only 33rd degree Masons know? Why are only lower degree freemasons so ignorant on these matters, when every shmoe on the internet seems to know all about it? Are these men such dupes, and you critics so wise after watching all your Youtube videos?
Sure, my great uncle was Scottish rite - that's everything above 3rd level. I can't talk to him now, he's been dead 30 years. But I've got many questions.
My Grandfather was Scottish rite. Do you know what that is? It's a weekend of short theatrical demonstrations for each of the lessons of degrees 4-32. It's certainly nothing that's going to transform one into a Satanic conspirator.
Yes, but how much of the backstory and Masonic writings have you read? Each degree has various meanings. There are also theoretical and speculative masons, and while the speculative (iirc that is the term) do the short little plays and cook for the pancake breakfasts the theoretical masons are delving into the meaning of Masonry and what the great work actually is.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Every true and lawful freemason has expressed a belief in one living and true god, what name we call him is a mystery, should we call him Adonai, or our father which Jesus did. Only once a year was the high priest allowed to utter his name. Then only on the day of atonement. The greatest mystery of freemasonry is this, pondering upon the true name of God.
A little projection here by Hendey. Freemasons are the largest church of Satan there is. It is a Luciferian sex order through and through with deception playing a big role, including to their own in the lower degrees. This guy provided the CNN version and sounds like he is a Mason. It would do him good to do a little research on their cute little club. Jesus and Freemasonry are not compatible. Lucifer/Satan is not god, and one does not have to ponder the name of the living God, and this guy even glossed right over it.
You presented the internet nutter version. Simply go to any lodge where masons congregate. You will find good men, not perfect, but men of reason and fairness. And I will tell you this, there is nothing sexy about it lol dont know where you got that.
Your deflection is palpable. Tell us, what is the name of god/God? The fact that secrecy is the name of the game for Masons tells us all we need to know.
For everyone else, this is a pretty rich and detailed 5-hour account of this horrid Luciferian order, covering their own documents, rituals, symbolism and the like:
That retarded 5 hr video is a hodge podge of every NWO, Satanist, Illuminati rumor ever bandied about. The actual Freemasonry discussion is a footnote, but he tries and fails to tie everything together.
We’ve literally seen insider videotape of your Freemasonic orgies. You guys are a bunch of secret society perverts. How about drop the secret society and join We the People.
I really don't think 80% of freemasonry do that. And this is coming from someone who delves into the esoteric and conspiratorial... all the time.
I do believe however once you get to a certain point you begin to get into what is basically defined as spiritual Satanism and occult practices but that is reserved for those that have tributed and proved loyalty.
It's basically what the drug cartels with some extra steps and mixed with a dose of the occult.
But you know, your street sellers don't know where the supply comes from.
I remember reading 'how the Scots invented the world" in it the author spoke of the word savage. And why the native Indian tribes of North America were considered savages and the Chinese were not at the time they both lived technologically similar. It had to do w the written language and real estate. The Chinese had a recorded history even through simple title and property but the tribes of NA had no language. No record of titles and properties and so they made them up. I say this bc I think all of humanity has been played for fools when the language we crave is right in front of us and some of us chose to ignore it.
The Khazarian mafia is old power its veins run deep. Give to Cesar tgat which is Cesar. Here Cesar take it all I'm not playing your fucking game anymore.
Another item on the list for why he's an nwo pos. Also.. Guy really likes playing ethnic dress up.
He must be really confident there won't be long term consequences for stuff like this...or really stupid.
Just wait till the cross dressing pictures come out.
He's elite; he gets to.
But God forbid some lowlife peon like you or me wear a poncho or ::shudder!:: sombrero on May 5
Or American Indian garb
Or BLACKFACE ::back of hand on forehead::
I'm fine being a weeb as a hobby.
They can say I'm appropriating culture all they want; that's not a law.
I expect him to get caught singing Ching Cheng Hanji next.
Why would China not have a Freemasons?
Because every good Mason knows you don't leave chinks in the mortar.
I believe the PC term is 'Chinx' now
I'm late, but that's a good one!
No, you don't daub in untempered mortar.
People in Taiwan always tell me that they're only something to worry about in the west and aren't in Taiwan.
Quick Google search gives you their website and the addresses to like 16 different lodges....
Because you have to believe in God to be allowed in.
No, exact opposite. Freemasonry is the mockery of Christianity. Everything they do is to 'mirror' the bible.
This doesn't comport to the reality that the Holy Bible is in a place of honor in nearly all lodges. Doesn't seem like mockery, or mirroring, whatever that meand.
Why have a bible in your home if it's not a church?
Why is it not the other way, Catholic priests infiltrating Freemasonry?
This business about serving two masters is nonsense. The verse in Matthew was referring to the acquisition of wealth. It has nothing to do with meeting up with like-minded fellows and having supper. How would that prevent one from serving Christ?
Hate to break it to you, but it seems the Freemasons of today don't much care about the rules.
I admit I get confused when people talk about Freemasonry because it bears no resemblance to the day-to-day Freemasonry I'm aware of (in the UK).
The lower levels are pawns. As the initiate moves up the ranks (degrees) he is asked to commit greater and greater evils to receive greater social power and hidden knowledge. At the top of the Freemasonic Order they are Satanists. The degrees are to filter anyone who wouldn’t be okay with that.
That's something I don't know about.
Freemasonry proper is only the three degrees. All the other stuff isn't 'official', and not much is known about them, so you could well be right.
Not true. You only have to submit that there is a higher power.
More importantly, no atheists are accepted.
So why do they swear their vows on a bible?
Why do Freemasons wear their gay little aprons?
To hide their hands when they jack off in their gay little orgies.
That is such a faggoty handshake....
I think it's the masonic handshake
It looks like an attempt at a masonic handshake
There are three handshakes, one for an Entered Apprentice, one for a Fellowcraft, and one for a Master Mason, but they're 'almost' identical.
Its like they are touching the softness of their smooth, not worn care from work....
Look at that Freemason faggot handshake
No one should be shocked one iota about this.
Curious why this photo hasn't been published before now. Anyone run a tineye on it?
2, What is with the outlines of those human figures around the Canuckistan flag? It looks like a collection of figures with various disabilities, including the hunchback of Notre Dame.
is that Jack Ma fingering that Canadian pussy??
Lost a friend 6 years ago . She attacked Trump. She was Canadian. Me Australian.I called out Castro junior as being a dumb ass drama teacher. Guess history will prove me right. PS I was going light on Justin. PSS I always defend Trump.
Where’s the source on this?
kek..They really do have it all, don't they?
Freemasons are Satanists.
None of the Freemasons I know behave like Satanists. They behave as good Christian men.
There are 33 levels in freemasonry. All levels beneath the 33rd don’t know what actually goes on within, except those at the 33rd level of freemasons and the illuminati.
Jesus Christ was estimated to be 33 years of age when he died on the cross. This is why freemasons use the number 33 so much; it’s a mocking of Jesus Christ. Freemasons hate God, Jesus Christ and Christians.
The number 33 is used by freemasons quite a bit; it’s one of their favorite numbers and part of the symbolism.
Freemasonry; Where truths are lied about and lies are truth. Where the dark becomes light and the light becomes dark. Where you go to enter satanism and a life of materialistic moral freedom. This is where you go to lose yourself in self indulgence and worship mortals. You are taught to hate God and Jesus Christ and worship satan for being cast from Heaven.
If a freemason says they do not worship satan, remember that they just don’t know (only the highest level of freemason knows the secrets – level 33.)
Any Freemason below level 33 will never know what truly goes on in this secret society. Just like a pyramid scheme, only the ones at the top call the shots, while keeping everyone else in the dark.
All Freemasons are sworn to secrecy on everything they discuss in lodge meetings, regardless of what level they’re at.
"thousands of years of documented evils, by many historians and people of the time are fake internet news! literal open statements by 'leading Albert Pike announcing the true worship by Freemasons' and displayed at a major library for 100 years is fake internet news. mountains of evidence are all irrelevant - I know a couple guys and I super duper promise you that last 6000 years of history and evidence are all totally made up yo - masons are great!"
yeah ok. the polite term I believe is 'Anecdotal Fallacy'.
Masonry uses 'a higher power' as a filter - low ranks get lied to, and only people that figure out that is means 'Not God' as the higher power - or rather a different god - they get to find out the truth, and evil.
It is ironic that mass documentation exists of high level Masons outright saying they lie to the lower ranks - and then people saying 'I am a lower rank and I see none of what you are talking about'
Wake the fuck up.
I think you are mixing me up with the poster you were replying to. I was agreeing with you so i replied to your post instead of the one above yours.
The wake up was directed to people that think freemason/satanists are all about wholesome fluffy good times.
You contradict yourself by saying only the 33rd degree masons know and participate in the rotten stuff, yet in the same breath slander all the other masons by saying they hate God and Christ. It's not true.
Let me ask you: are you 33rd degree Master Mason? If not, how did you come by the knowledge that only 33rd degree Masons know? Why are only lower degree freemasons so ignorant on these matters, when every shmoe on the internet seems to know all about it? Are these men such dupes, and you critics so wise after watching all your Youtube videos?
Believe what you wish.
Secret societies are inherently gay and repulsive. They are indefensible dude.
Naa. They're cool and you're jealous.
The mystery is not revealed until the higher levels.
Oh, the mythical high levels. None of the masons I know are aware of any of these "high-level-ers". Do YOU know any? I should like to talk to them.
Sure, my great uncle was Scottish rite - that's everything above 3rd level. I can't talk to him now, he's been dead 30 years. But I've got many questions.
My Grandfather was Scottish rite. Do you know what that is? It's a weekend of short theatrical demonstrations for each of the lessons of degrees 4-32. It's certainly nothing that's going to transform one into a Satanic conspirator.
Yes, but how much of the backstory and Masonic writings have you read? Each degree has various meanings. There are also theoretical and speculative masons, and while the speculative (iirc that is the term) do the short little plays and cook for the pancake breakfasts the theoretical masons are delving into the meaning of Masonry and what the great work actually is.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Every true and lawful freemason has expressed a belief in one living and true god, what name we call him is a mystery, should we call him Adonai, or our father which Jesus did. Only once a year was the high priest allowed to utter his name. Then only on the day of atonement. The greatest mystery of freemasonry is this, pondering upon the true name of God.
A little projection here by Hendey. Freemasons are the largest church of Satan there is. It is a Luciferian sex order through and through with deception playing a big role, including to their own in the lower degrees. This guy provided the CNN version and sounds like he is a Mason. It would do him good to do a little research on their cute little club. Jesus and Freemasonry are not compatible. Lucifer/Satan is not god, and one does not have to ponder the name of the living God, and this guy even glossed right over it.
You presented the internet nutter version. Simply go to any lodge where masons congregate. You will find good men, not perfect, but men of reason and fairness. And I will tell you this, there is nothing sexy about it lol dont know where you got that.
Your deflection is palpable. Tell us, what is the name of god/God? The fact that secrecy is the name of the game for Masons tells us all we need to know.
For everyone else, this is a pretty rich and detailed 5-hour account of this horrid Luciferian order, covering their own documents, rituals, symbolism and the like:
I watched that 5 hour video over a three day period. Informative, well done and good content.
His name? When I meet him, I'll ask him.
That retarded 5 hr video is a hodge podge of every NWO, Satanist, Illuminati rumor ever bandied about. The actual Freemasonry discussion is a footnote, but he tries and fails to tie everything together.
We’ve literally seen insider videotape of your Freemasonic orgies. You guys are a bunch of secret society perverts. How about drop the secret society and join We the People.
Ironic, since many of our founding fathers were Freemasons.
I doubt your assertion that you have seen such videotapes. Perhaps you were confused about the porn you were watching.
I really don't think 80% of freemasonry do that. And this is coming from someone who delves into the esoteric and conspiratorial... all the time.
I do believe however once you get to a certain point you begin to get into what is basically defined as spiritual Satanism and occult practices but that is reserved for those that have tributed and proved loyalty.
It's basically what the drug cartels with some extra steps and mixed with a dose of the occult.
But you know, your street sellers don't know where the supply comes from.
Same deal.
Its word wide, so no surprise.
I'm sorry for putting it this way, but Trudeau is such a pussy.
"It's one big club... and you ain't in it!"
Bryan's parents are explictly anti-Western, leftist and authoritarian surprisingly. Should we help Bryan out?
He looks like a queer Mrs Roper
We make him wear clown suit and say it honorable clothing, as joke.
I remember reading 'how the Scots invented the world" in it the author spoke of the word savage. And why the native Indian tribes of North America were considered savages and the Chinese were not at the time they both lived technologically similar. It had to do w the written language and real estate. The Chinese had a recorded history even through simple title and property but the tribes of NA had no language. No record of titles and properties and so they made them up. I say this bc I think all of humanity has been played for fools when the language we crave is right in front of us and some of us chose to ignore it.
The Khazarian mafia is old power its veins run deep. Give to Cesar tgat which is Cesar. Here Cesar take it all I'm not playing your fucking game anymore.
We are all ruled and have been for centuries.
Eastern star freemasons. Scum
L.p. I initially read the flair as "WTF drama teacher"🐸