Those traitors either burned down our country like enemy invaders or supported doing so.
They essentially swear allegiance to every country except ours.
If they want people to go die for another country that obviously stirred shit up with a major nuclear power then they can go die for it, I'll stay home and make fun of them.
Sure, I do believe that the reason the Q team is going the long way around, ie bring the people to the precipice, is to to amputate the deep state while deprogramming the general population at the same time.
They’re shocked with finding out they were going to be used as Cannon fodder?
That’s usually what happens to Foreign/Merc Troops in most wars. Unless they are super pricey and elite forces.
And most of the morons going on the high end at best served as Reservists/National Guard for a couple years. Low end. Probably Airsoft Tacticool guys who thought larping around on an Airsoft course in army surplus equates to actual Combat experience.
"I'm going to go fight in a war for free! The people in charge will surely appreciate my contribution and use many of their valuable and/or scare resources to protect me!"
There is an extremely strong incentive for the Ukraine Nazis to get these volunteers killed ASAP.
The volunteers have little meaningful combat value, but their deaths increase the likelihood of emotionally prying the volunteer's home countries to engage or provide funding.
Any killed foreigners are also possible candidates for identity stealing, if a malicious agent wants to infiltrate the deceased's country of origin for whatever reason. War is chaotic, and in such chaos there are plenty of ways to prevent certain deaths from ever being officially reported.
If the U.S. was ever at war with Mexico... and small groups of Vietnamese, Chinese and Libyan soldiers showed up to fight for us... would WE welcome them?
You have to remember that Ukraine was part of the former Soviet Union for 50-years. The U.S. was historically the 'enemy' for most of those people's lives. Just in the last 20+ years, we've become 'neutral' or 'enemy-lite'.
Most Ukrainians don't want U.S., Canadian or Western European "fighters" to join their ranks for a few weeks, play war and then go back home again.
What would U.S. forces do if Vietnamese or Chinese military fighters showed up to "help"? Yeah... we would probably use them to 'cross the Rio Grande and tell us how deep it is'. :>) They might be the ones we would send up the road to see if the 'coast is clear'. Westerners in Ukraine would get the same treatment.
Big time virtue-signaling with minimal (so he'd been led to believe) risk. They were led (by msm) to believe the Russians are losing so he/they probably thought this would be easy.
One thing he said stuck out - that they're counting the dead as Russian when the opposite is true. Translation for the gullible normies - "You're being lied to". Other young sheep who may be thinking of going over there and have now watched this guy's video will listen to msm a little differently when they claim it's a cakewalk - and maybe they'll wonder what else the msm is lying about. One can hope.
I'm as disgusted with the leftists as the next person with a functional brain, but I'd rather these leftists wake up than go get themselves killed or maimed.
Is Schwab what Klaus calls his small dachshund next to the tiny shrivelled tennis balls?
Downvoted, huh? When something ends on an S, you (usually) do not end it like this: "Klaus's". You would (usually) end it with just the apostrophe, thus " Klaus' ". So when you say "Klaus' Schwab", you are saying Klaus's Schwab. A possessive.
The families of those killed should sue reddit for facilitating the violent actions that caused their deaths, and led them to be captured as hostages. Reddit shuts down subs all the time that promote violent behavior, but they did nothing to stop this.
Sounds like you'd have more luck walking up to the Russians and saying get me the fuck out of here.
The deep state assholes need cannon fodder, and any dumb ass that volunteers gets to fill the role.
The same thing was done to foriegn fighters by the same fucking people back when they took over in 2014. Only then they were targeting them with snipers.
He goes there expecting to blow up some Russians, and then realizes that the Russians have one of the most hardened and well disciplined and strongest armies anywhere and then has a surprised Pikachu face.
First thing I noticed about him to be honest, it was bothering me, hard to concentrate on his story because his damn eyebrows are distracting me. Making me wonder what his “pronouns” are, lol. I kept thinking with how he takes care of those eyebrows I’m surprised he actually went to play soldier, think he would more likely be running into a Starbucks to grab his latte.
Any retard that can't see how corrupt that shithole is deserves what they get if they go over there. There has been enough controversy over that place just in the main stream media in the last 4-5 years, that it shouldn't pass the sniff test. But then again I doubt most of these people went there wanting to defend freedom either. Most wanted to get in the shit and kill some Russians, because there isn't any other opportunities to go kill people going on right now. Just my 2 cents.
I hate to admit it but I'm all for these idiots for going over there. Saves time trying to red pill them.
I don't hate to admit it.
Those traitors either burned down our country like enemy invaders or supported doing so.
They essentially swear allegiance to every country except ours.
If they want people to go die for another country that obviously stirred shit up with a major nuclear power then they can go die for it, I'll stay home and make fun of them.
Years of indoctrination about bad America has done that.
Have you ever heard the phrase "amputate before it spreads"?
I'm paraphrasing of course. But that's what it takes when it runs deep like this
Sure, I do believe that the reason the Q team is going the long way around, ie bring the people to the precipice, is to to amputate the deep state while deprogramming the general population at the same time.
Agreed fren!
Don't let them back in.
Citizenship forfeited.
Nature has a way of removing damaged genetics.
Hold on! That's ridiculous. He couldn't use COVID vaxx boost points? How they dare to ignore? Is that even legal?
They’re shocked with finding out they were going to be used as Cannon fodder?
That’s usually what happens to Foreign/Merc Troops in most wars. Unless they are super pricey and elite forces.
And most of the morons going on the high end at best served as Reservists/National Guard for a couple years. Low end. Probably Airsoft Tacticool guys who thought larping around on an Airsoft course in army surplus equates to actual Combat experience.
"I'm going to go fight in a war for free! The people in charge will surely appreciate my contribution and use many of their valuable and/or scare resources to protect me!"
20 minutes into battle
You talking about the Canadian sniper?
Nah. Second they hear a gunshot in real life.
There is an extremely strong incentive for the Ukraine Nazis to get these volunteers killed ASAP.
The volunteers have little meaningful combat value, but their deaths increase the likelihood of emotionally prying the volunteer's home countries to engage or provide funding.
Care to clarify? I must be missing a point.
Any killed foreigners are also possible candidates for identity stealing, if a malicious agent wants to infiltrate the deceased's country of origin for whatever reason. War is chaotic, and in such chaos there are plenty of ways to prevent certain deaths from ever being officially reported.
If the U.S. was ever at war with Mexico... and small groups of Vietnamese, Chinese and Libyan soldiers showed up to fight for us... would WE welcome them?
You have to remember that Ukraine was part of the former Soviet Union for 50-years. The U.S. was historically the 'enemy' for most of those people's lives. Just in the last 20+ years, we've become 'neutral' or 'enemy-lite'.
Most Ukrainians don't want U.S., Canadian or Western European "fighters" to join their ranks for a few weeks, play war and then go back home again.
What would U.S. forces do if Vietnamese or Chinese military fighters showed up to "help"? Yeah... we would probably use them to 'cross the Rio Grande and tell us how deep it is'. :>) They might be the ones we would send up the road to see if the 'coast is clear'. Westerners in Ukraine would get the same treatment.
Old but appropriate saying... "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes".
Big time virtue-signaling with minimal (so he'd been led to believe) risk. They were led (by msm) to believe the Russians are losing so he/they probably thought this would be easy.
One thing he said stuck out - that they're counting the dead as Russian when the opposite is true. Translation for the gullible normies - "You're being lied to". Other young sheep who may be thinking of going over there and have now watched this guy's video will listen to msm a little differently when they claim it's a cakewalk - and maybe they'll wonder what else the msm is lying about. One can hope.
I'm as disgusted with the leftists as the next person with a functional brain, but I'd rather these leftists wake up than go get themselves killed or maimed.
If you are a leftist and you would go to war for another country in the name of virtue, I say go. That's one less soldier against our country.
They're vaxed, they are now made in the image of Klaus' Schwab
You used a possessive there?
Is Schwab what Klaus calls his small dachshund next to the tiny shrivelled tennis balls?
Downvoted, huh? When something ends on an S, you (usually) do not end it like this: "Klaus's". You would (usually) end it with just the apostrophe, thus " Klaus' ". So when you say "Klaus' Schwab", you are saying Klaus's Schwab. A possessive.
Exactly... I thought it was hilarious 😂
The Schwab that belongs to more than one Klaus?
No ... lol. Just his. 😂.
I was being snarky - immature humor
The best kind! Get em!
The families of those killed should sue reddit for facilitating the violent actions that caused their deaths, and led them to be captured as hostages. Reddit shuts down subs all the time that promote violent behavior, but they did nothing to stop this.
Visions of sweet Ukrainian tang.
But CNN told me Ukraine was absolutely tearing Russia to shreds
Sounds like you'd have more luck walking up to the Russians and saying get me the fuck out of here.
The deep state assholes need cannon fodder, and any dumb ass that volunteers gets to fill the role.
The same thing was done to foriegn fighters by the same fucking people back when they took over in 2014. Only then they were targeting them with snipers.
He better hope he gets shot in the back, the Russians can make sure he has a pleasant 20 year vacation at Black Dolphin Prison.
They can be charged with being an enemy combatant, the war on terror resolution of 2002 has never been cancelled.
That'd probably work if they weren't with our "ally" against our "enemy"
Sort of. When every plausible source you could naturally find is propagandizing you, that saying isn't exactly true.
He goes there expecting to blow up some Russians, and then realizes that the Russians have one of the most hardened and well disciplined and strongest armies anywhere and then has a surprised Pikachu face.
Or that the Ukrainians will shoot you in the back! Morons
What happens when a lack of self awareness/critical thinking, virtue-signaling bullshit, and the MSM dropping OP Mockingbird on you every night?
This. This right here.
Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. I sound like a broken record.
He just confirmed that the Ukrainian military will kill its own people who try to leave the country.
They're deserters, that's been common practice in war forever.
First thing I noticed about him to be honest, it was bothering me, hard to concentrate on his story because his damn eyebrows are distracting me. Making me wonder what his “pronouns” are, lol. I kept thinking with how he takes care of those eyebrows I’m surprised he actually went to play soldier, think he would more likely be running into a Starbucks to grab his latte.
How on earth did anyone think that would be a good idea?!
Truly delusional society we have.
Compare with Russian response
I thought this is where you were going....
Saved under 'Inspiring'
Hellooooooo, Drago
...........waiting in lobby for additional players
“Dude, I’m telling ya this is nothing like Fortnight and people are actually dying - and they don’t even have regen stations and shit.!”
You mean all those energy drinks I'm drinking don't give me a force field around my body?
That generation is lost
War is not a virtue signal.
Rofl! When keeping it real goes wrong. He shouldn’t worry the deepstate thanks him.
"I signed up to fight in some random country's military. Now they don't want me to leave, wtf!"
Wonderful waltz music. Any idea what the words mean?
It was not easy , I found English subtitle for you
I love me some Helmut Lotti
is his voice trembling? omg! what a wussy
Those are pretty shitty circumstances to get red pilled.
Now who wants to be the one to tell him he can't fly back because the vaccine gave him AIDS and blood clots?
this is the ultimate virtue signaling
These people are retarded
Any retard that can't see how corrupt that shithole is deserves what they get if they go over there. There has been enough controversy over that place just in the main stream media in the last 4-5 years, that it shouldn't pass the sniff test. But then again I doubt most of these people went there wanting to defend freedom either. Most wanted to get in the shit and kill some Russians, because there isn't any other opportunities to go kill people going on right now. Just my 2 cents.
Seems Legit
"Not one step back."
Brah though he was LARPing call of duty.