I love how the top left picture has all the people with phones out taking pictures uploading everything to Reddit. A bunch of woketard dummies got there wigs split.
Redditors shared a video and some pictures of themselves in the barracks after they reached Ukraine. Those photos supposedly allowed the Russians to geo-locate them and destroy them. Someone managed to dig up the pictures after the bombing and correlate them to the original video. Quite heartbreaking that the left does not have a safeguard to stop mentally challenged people from going to die.
Honestly /pol/ I'm a bit jealous.
All we do is sit around here Z-posting and spamming memes glorifying Putin, meanwhile redditors are up around the clock providing Russian artillery and cruise missiles with coordinates to strike Ukrainian positions with pinpoint accuracy.
Haha, that made me wonder. If Ukis are accepting foreign volunteers, what are the chances Putin hasnt sent a few of his spies to go in as one of those and provide all the intel? It would be so easy!
I always have hopes that people will eventually recover from Cabal-induced retardation. Sadly, it does not surprise me that reddit is leading the charge of unrecoverable retards.
Question: on the Reddit rubbish there is a picture of the explosion from the missle but what is shocking is the 20 +/- helicopters on the parking ramp and tarmac....why are they not taken out? Maybe the next missle(s) did??
Helicopters are extremely difficult to fly. Fixed wing aircraft are easier to learn and easier to master. Rotary aircraft flown by inexperienced pilots can kill you a thousand different ways. I've flown in quite a few and noticed that good pilots are few and far between, it seems to take quite a bit of training to get good enough to fly combat missions. A lot of the pilots in Iraq were older and much more grizzled looking than the jet jockeys.
They really are a dynamically unstable flying accident waiting to happen and the 3/1 glide ratio of autorotation is crap compared to the 12/1 glide of an engine out Cessna, and you may be spinning on landing.
Hypersonic missile probably more expensive than a helicopter, just doesnt make financial sense. Especially if you can take out all of the ammo that would be loaded into those helicopters. Now theyre just really expensive camera drones.
I do feel bad that the Russian drone drone operators and Helicopter guys, while scoping their targets, have to see the absolutely horrific view. Must scar them for life. There should be some reparations from the rainbow people.
To busy chasing them damn rabbits down the hole. I just thought I was well informed, little did I know... I'll quote MR. Twain, "The man that doesn't read the news is Uninformed, The man that reads the news is Misinformed. Happy to be here, gratefull to all that have shared.
What the heck is the blue tape on their uniforms for? In a real war, marking yourself with blue is one of the last things you would do. Blue is one color you can see the furthest away; good way to let the enemies know exactly where (or WHO) you are.
Usually? As in how much earlier prior to this conflict? Using any colors that are not found in nature, especially in those shades, on top of CAMO, is generally a big no-no. They are being marked for CAMERAS to find and distinguish; soldiers, even those of different sides, could identify them through their patches, uniform pattern, etc.
So they are all sitting there, pondering their navels, while men are buried in the rubble? Dead or alive, getting the bodies out of there should be on their list before staring at a broken piece on concrete.
The color seems off on the columns and it seems they have grown longer and also the shape is off. It's seriously hard to tell if they're the same building.
Everything in the after scene is very white. I am assuming it has to do with the explosion. Perhaps some kind of ash or something, not sure. The bed frame was the cincher for me.
Bright daylight. The sky is white because the image as a whole is overexposed to bring up the otherwise dark colors. Even asphalt does not look black in strong daylight. This is not studio camerawork.
They died doing what they loved
Virtue signaling
I love how the top left picture has all the people with phones out taking pictures uploading everything to Reddit. A bunch of woketard dummies got there wigs split.
That was the first thing I noticed. WTF are they thinking with their phones.
The scenario is transparent.
They were brought in and the phones were allowed as anyone with half a brain knows they would be detected and obliterated.
They were meant for Bad Man Russia PR
Can you send me your truth name. You have a gift for the humor I enjoy.
I will as soon as the two million people in line ahead of me get in. Might be a while...
Gave a whole new meaning to virtue "signalling"
Fuck em less shit on earth.
We owe Putin a solid.
Gawd dayum lol
Redditors shared a video and some pictures of themselves in the barracks after they reached Ukraine. Those photos supposedly allowed the Russians to geo-locate them and destroy them. Someone managed to dig up the pictures after the bombing and correlate them to the original video. Quite heartbreaking that the left does not have a safeguard to stop mentally challenged people from going to die.
Full thread
-Dumbass dead guy
The fact no one took away their phones or even gave them basic security lessons says a lot.
Azov needed bodies, Reddit provided
So the animated layout from yesterday came to pass🤔
Reddit. Bringing your wildest cartooons to life.
A short movie titled "Once Upon a Time in Ukraine" where the only whistling is the missile coming in.. 🤔
Not heartbreaking at all fucking hilarious
They're still our countrymen and humans, just stupid assholes. It would have been better to wake them up.
We don't wish death upon these morons, but we can't stop all of them from bringing it on themselves.
No, we don't wish death on these morons. But we reserve the right to laugh at morons.
Yeah Salty was talking about that.
That's the whole point. Thankfully God is cleaning our gene pool.
Best comment from the 4chan thread:
Haha, that made me wonder. If Ukis are accepting foreign volunteers, what are the chances Putin hasnt sent a few of his spies to go in as one of those and provide all the intel? It would be so easy!
I believe this is exactly what the Russians did.
Although, why bother, when the idiots are using mobile phones and announcing their location.
I always have hopes that people will eventually recover from Cabal-induced retardation. Sadly, it does not surprise me that reddit is leading the charge of unrecoverable retards.
Weeding out the worst ones who would turn on their own country- at the drop of a dime.
You mean at the drop of a bomb.
The only good part to Reddit are the main financial subreddits.
Play stupid games...
Loss of senseless life, it seems to me.
Maybe, but I view that whole situation a little bit differently. If nothing else it was harder to get the truth back in those days.
Explain to me the difference?
"The Draft"
Just FYI:- You resemble a piss-weak concern troll right now.
I never said I hated them. Stop making shit up to make yourself look good.
Exactly. We've all been fished out of "stupid" and we all learned. These dopes died before they had a chance to learn. That's just tragic.
"Life is hard---but it's harder if you're stupid." --- John Wayne
And sometimes SHORTER
I was one of those brainwashed souls. Obviously, I came out of the other end with a lot of disdain and distrust.
Culling the herd.
Question: on the Reddit rubbish there is a picture of the explosion from the missle but what is shocking is the 20 +/- helicopters on the parking ramp and tarmac....why are they not taken out? Maybe the next missle(s) did?? https://i.4cdn.org/pol/1647813486452.jpg
This deserves its own post.
Aircraft without pilots are just ornaments.
Fun to look at, but useless.
Helicopters are extremely difficult to fly. Fixed wing aircraft are easier to learn and easier to master. Rotary aircraft flown by inexperienced pilots can kill you a thousand different ways. I've flown in quite a few and noticed that good pilots are few and far between, it seems to take quite a bit of training to get good enough to fly combat missions. A lot of the pilots in Iraq were older and much more grizzled looking than the jet jockeys.
They really are a dynamically unstable flying accident waiting to happen and the 3/1 glide ratio of autorotation is crap compared to the 12/1 glide of an engine out Cessna, and you may be spinning on landing.
Good times, good times.
They are not to bad to fly but landing them needs a lot of training. Especially on a ship in a heavy sea state
Hypersonic missile probably more expensive than a helicopter, just doesnt make financial sense. Especially if you can take out all of the ammo that would be loaded into those helicopters. Now theyre just really expensive camera drones.
The idea that they would be blown to pieces before doing anything significant never even occurred to most of them. That doesn’t happen in the movies.
But hey, they got 477 heckin updoots before they exploded!!! And that's all that matters.
Think of all the reddit Karma !
They did not die in vain.
They did play a ukelele ...
I almost wonder of it was staged though?
Tons of bodies but no flesh, blood, etc???
More pics?
Anything is possible, fren. We are watching a movie after all.
I guess they forgot to scrub that pesky metadata off their woke-pics prior to upload? Cherish this moment.
Wow. I see the bed frame there too, behind the guy on the left!
This reminds me of the time /pol/ called in a Russian airstrike against an ISIS training camp in Syria, except that Reddit did it to themselves.
Ah missed that one, sounds interesting!
Haha, the memes keep making themselves.
In the name of Equity we must all step aside and allow the Reddit Trannies to move to the frontlines.
Salty Army is Legion Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetards
I do feel bad that the Russian drone drone operators and Helicopter guys, while scoping their targets, have to see the absolutely horrific view. Must scar them for life. There should be some reparations from the rainbow people.
Still haven't figured how this board works but am having fun even if I mostly talk to myself.
Alakablamo Assploded
Welcome to the community, fren!
Thanks. Been here nearly 2 years but made my first post last week
Why so shy??
Lurkers gonna lurk !
To busy chasing them damn rabbits down the hole. I just thought I was well informed, little did I know... I'll quote MR. Twain, "The man that doesn't read the news is Uninformed, The man that reads the news is Misinformed. Happy to be here, gratefull to all that have shared.
Love this.
Beacons of data.
I think I see a pair of legs.
You do. And another almost beside it.
Love you bubble for posting this!!!!!!!
Look at these retards recording the CO. They got what they deserved.
Not to mention just looking at the Geo info in the metadata.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
They were killed by the deep state. If the msm says Russia did it, we know who didn't do it.
I think Russia backed the claim. This was a legit military target.
What the heck is the blue tape on their uniforms for? In a real war, marking yourself with blue is one of the last things you would do. Blue is one color you can see the furthest away; good way to let the enemies know exactly where (or WHO) you are.
Because both sides are basically using the same gear. That’s why all the vehicles are marked as well.
Ukraine usually puts yellow tape around their arm or leg. Blue seems much more subtle...
Usually? As in how much earlier prior to this conflict? Using any colors that are not found in nature, especially in those shades, on top of CAMO, is generally a big no-no. They are being marked for CAMERAS to find and distinguish; soldiers, even those of different sides, could identify them through their patches, uniform pattern, etc.
Who knows prior. But in most pics from this battle ukraine wears yellow tape on their appendages.
Look at their arms.
Yeah didnt understand what that was. Assumed its part of their flag or something
This needs a sticky!
Well, this is way easier than previously imagined. Dumbasses!
So they are all sitting there, pondering their navels, while men are buried in the rubble? Dead or alive, getting the bodies out of there should be on their list before staring at a broken piece on concrete.
The way they are looking at it, it reminds of how I imagine redditors to be.
BTW, they are still highly motivated to keep going there. Gotta love whoever is running this scam.
"Hey bro, you think we should have left our phones back home?"
In case anyone wants the original reddit thread:
Thanks, its cringefest there.
Yeah cringe af!
The color seems off on the columns and it seems they have grown longer and also the shape is off. It's seriously hard to tell if they're the same building.
Everything in the after scene is very white. I am assuming it has to do with the explosion. Perhaps some kind of ash or something, not sure. The bed frame was the cincher for me.
Bright daylight. The sky is white because the image as a whole is overexposed to bring up the otherwise dark colors. Even asphalt does not look black in strong daylight. This is not studio camerawork.
Lol its light because there's no roof left to block the sun.
RIP to those souls nonetheless
artificial light from being inside to natural light being outside post explosion maybe?
I dunno about this! The top photo with the red circles? The one on the right is clearly photoshopped!