Hmm, can this be connected to the Will Smith slap for joke about wife's hair? "House passes the CROWN Act, a bill banning race-based hair discrimination"
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Saw this bill I haven't heard of before. The "slap" was over the joke about his wife's (lack of) hair. Just trying to think maybe it will be used to talk about the need to protect black women's hair. Just a thought.
This is what our "elected" officials spend our time doing. If they just stopped passing legislation, it would delegitimize their jobs. We have no use for more meaningless laws., and no use for politicians
They act like five year olds....really!? We need a law to protect hair?
They've been wasting time and money like this forever. This is the reason hammers cost $10,000 ea. when the Army buys 'em. Because politicians direct where the spending goes.
Agree in principle, but given how harmful their "larger" legislation has been lately, maybe we should be happy they're wasting time on small stuff.
Nah, I saw this the other week. Not related.
Side note; why do black people obsess over what others think of their hair so much? So bizarre
Agreed. I don't think it's related.
In fact, Chris Rock even made a GI Jane joke -- Jada was bald like Demi Moore.
However, there IS more symbolism.
Did you see the Oscar backdrop? Those triangles looked like the triangle spiral for boy love the FBI alerted us to.
Now, IF Jada lost her hair because she produces too much testosterone, like many black women, then perhaps there would be a connection.
Kinda feel embarrassed for Will.
He made a total fool of himself in public. I don't care which way the PR flies or how they will try to make him into a hero -- the main thing is that now people will be talking about:
BTW, she actually looks good with no hair. She has a beautiful face and now there's nothing to hide it.
He slaps like a woman.
Men punch.
Woman slap.
I actually agree with this! I think that’s why the whole scene seemed bizarre to me. If my husband slapped someone to defend my honor, well…
Women know instinctively.
Men are made.
Faggots? No idea, they’re a mystery.
Venus and Serena are biological males. Just sayin' 🤷♂️
Will sleeps with random men openly too. He made his bed and can sleep in it.
hello jada and "mother before" are both male
bones dont lie and masonic men in dresses is all you get in holliweird
More so considering a large portion of the black male population are completely bald.
Hmm I dunno, it reminds me of exactly how Jussie Smollett pulled his lynching hoax right around the same time they were doing the first push for the "anti-lynching laws." It gave Congress talking points and something modern day to reference.
Seems like a similar play, or at least a seeded idea. Even though Chris Rock obviously wasn't making a 'racial' comment, the status of a single black woman's hair has now entered the consciousness of the entire damn country.
I wasn’t gonna say anything, but i want to explain it, out of love. So..from my perspective and what I've come to see. Its basically the perceptions that got engrained to black ppl that their hair in its natural state was seen as “no good” “ugly” or “unkempt” by [society] and even those of our own race. So in order to fix it, alot of time, effort and money is put into keeping the hair presentable. This is why the black hair industry is successful with revenue. Hair products, hair extensions, wigs, weaves, tools ect.
In terms of alopecia situation , it sounds like she had been wearing very tight braids to the point she’s literally losing hair. Its a very common problem for women who wear fake hair. They pull their hair so taut, the hair is pulled out of the cuticle and can no longer grow.
Im sorry if im sounding like some kind of glowie. But i just wanted to be truthful.
God Bless
Damn, thank you for that reply. It was something that never really crossed my mind, black people should be able to do whatever they want with their hair. It’s not my business.
why are black wo men allowed to appropriate white hair
I have wondered that for years!
black priviledge!!!! for the victimized agenda link to read the actual text of the CROWN Act:
Keter is the Crown in Quaballah; just more Cabal symbolism...
Edit: Keter is the "Will" of the Creator. I'm even more convinced these two are connected. Nice job u/lsdQ!
this is the shit they're spending time on??? time to level D.C. to the ground!! get rid of all of these elected slimes and make them work in a chain-gang picking garbage along the interstate.
The country is burning down around them and these fiddlers are worried about fucking hair.
Wow is making these idiotic laws?
That chick in the video looks like Thomas the Train
I've been bald for 20 years now. I live in Japan which has a culture very averse to baldness. I've never once thought that there needs to be laws passed to protect my fee-fees.
Next 'bald guy' joker gets sued. From now on I will be known as 'the Distinguished Looking Hair Challenged Gentleman' or Imma sue.
sue or bitchslap at will ;0
My bitchslap looks different than the one on the Oscars, I use a closed fist and real swing, stepping past my fulcrum point and moving the force forward onto the target.
But thanks, now I'm just following orders, not my fault, I was ordered to smack me some.
And I lied, my bitchslap is old and these days it looks more like a .40 caliber with hicap mag.
Same premise tho, right?
when i clicked on your link .... chrome had to WARN me it WASNT SAFE!!!
oh my !!
ps thanks i'll take cabox over these buttholers anyday ;0
Yeah, but Puppers and I say 'chrome' isn't safe, so there's that.
A lot of folks don't like catbox, but out of the various hosts I've tried it works best for me, it is available more often (less outages it seems), it holds larger files, it just works well for me.
Chris Rock made this documentary in 2009 about black women's hair:
Good Hair
Will Smith making fun of someone with Alopecia:
This OP believes that it has something to do with the new Pfizer alopecia drug.
Given that the Oscars are sposored by Pfizer, there is a strong correlation...
oooo mymymy takes to the bottom of the comments to get to the truthiest truth of it
the whole affair felt sooooo faked staged to moi
and this explains EVERYTHING THX handclap
The message that will spread is that its OK to escalate violence..
How many little ghetto kids are gonna start slapping people?
Also a message that violence can solve problems..Ukraine
Remember Gorilla Glue Girl? This bill would make it illegal and punishable to make memes about her moronic decisions.
is Will Smith is the new Jussie Smollett?
Holy shit. It IS just like Jussie Smollett! When he pulled his lynch stunt, they were trying to pass the anti-Lynhcing law.
Crown=corona fwiw
And the crown chakra is another aspect.
this comment made me think of this
you might find value in it i found it fascinating vickis is one of my favs
No I think he's just panicking due to impending news
Why is it race based?
Honestly "hair discrimination" in itself is so stupid. Sometimes it's better to shave it, buzz it or work with a stylist to devise a hairstyle to own it, and those who are willing to take the time to do this will automatically be more attractive anyway.
But again, why is it race based? Is black hair loss more important than white hair loss?
What about "women" with male pattern baldness?
Because it supports #BlackPriviledge.
A bill just recently passed in our state for the same thing.
Speaking of CROWNS, Pompeo was just in Jerusalem to receive some Crown award from Israel
I don't think it has anything to do with protecting black women's hair. I think he used it as an excuse to show his self to Denzel so he could win.
Apparently, no POC win without Morgan and Denzel's approval. Denzel's wife allegedly had a crush on will and Denzel was jealous. This has been said to be why will couldn't win until now. Alopecia is common amongst black hair. Possibly genes and stress cause said hair loss. Will laughed until he got the look from his wife, then had his outburst and during the break Denzel and Tyler Perry spoke to him. He won an hour later for best actor.
This distraction, I MO, was so much more then just a show for us. Hollywood is falling apart and they need to know who's still with them and what are they will to do to prove it to each other
nonsense lots of folks who arent black suffer from alopecia and seriously you lose eye brows and body hair...
jada is straightup baalshitter
Nonsense that you mistook the word; “ common” for “only”. Anyone in the world, any race, can get alopecia. Yes, the person usually looses all hair but it starts in patches and can come at any stage of life. It is more common amongst black hair
my friend was blond with alopecia so why do you say only black hair