I was called an “Anti-vaxer”.
🧠 These people are stupid!
My immediate response “Oh Geez, you’re one of those conspiracy-theorist?!”.
(That was like a right hook to their brain.)
“No!..what are you talking about?”
“Yeah, you’re a conspiracy-theorist. You think all of these multi-billion dollar pharmakeia companies are conspiring together to make us all healthy, in order to profit?”
“Fuck you.”. ~walks away~
It works both ways, mofo. They have something to think about or go bitch on Redditt.
So you're a Mrs. Doubtpfizer, eh?
top kek
Sir, it was a run-by red-pilling!
I just got a run-by ass pummeling.
So Am I!
Sorry about the Amazon link, best I could do short notice.
Yeah and I "doubt" this story happened lol.
What a weird comment.
Copying you. My pastor's wife called me anti vax. HUH?????
Sounds like you need to find a new pastor.
Sounds like pastor needs new wife
Chances are he already has a few choices.
Piano players usually put out.
Of all people, that’s mind blowing.
We had many of our larger local churches having vax drives. They advertised, like they were doing everyone a favor. This was this year. 90% of churches are asleep. A smaller nearby church lit their stage yellow / blue, played a "look at what Putin bad man is doing to Ukraine" and took up an offering.
Theyre getting paid for it ! They love the filthy mammon...... Churches out here closed down for safety for corona but had no problem marching in crowds for George Floyd
Most churches are harlot churches.....
My pastor's wife touted on fb that her kids were the first to sign up to Walmarts vax the kids clinic in our hometown... I can't even go to church anymore. I watch online and switch around. It's a real struggle. I feel like satan is winning this war sometimes. Not trying to doom.... just being real.
Thank you fellow Christian. For online I HIGHLY recommend Jack Hibbs at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa- that's where I fled online when my Mainstream lame stream church got Covid psyoped. It's ccch.online.church. He's good. I'm in person now with a small pentecostal fire breathing church and I LOVE it!
Thank you! I'll check it out!
Second Jack Hibbs. Amazing pastor.
Second Jack Hibbs. Amazing pastor.
I would have asked if the pastor was being paid to: push the Covid shot to the congregation, being paid by the government to enforce closure of the church during the lockdowns, enforce mask wearing when the congregation was deemed safe to meet, did she know about the VAERS report or the release of the PFIZER documents which Pfizer tried to suppress for 75 years. Just because she is a pastor’s wife doesn’t make her less stupid than 75% of the population who believed in the Covid shot, lockdowns and masks. Normal as they knew it will never return.
You're right! I know her pretty well. I believe she believes in Jesus, but has NO IDEA the LIES of "Public Health" experts. I guess as a wife of a mainstream church w older clientele she errs on the side of Mainstream thinking. Thing is the church should be in the world but not of it. Life will teach her I'm sure.
My church's pastoral staff and elders have told me not to talk about prepping or tell people to buy silver and gold. I am not to warn anyone about the coming economic collapse. These guys are so heavenly minded they are no earthly good. Hanging around for friends I have there and to see what happens after the crash. They must all watch only MSM.
Well said.
Agreed. It's that old school idea that Christian equals "Nice, mainstream, inoffensive." I strive to be none of this 3. well nice, a bit, to fellow pedes!!!!
Yes! I have to do this next time. I told someone not too long ago that for me to trust the jabs I’d have to believe that all these people making a fortune off them, there is no possible way anyone could be corrupted by money or power. You have to have pure trust that there is not chance they might not be completely honest and trustworthy. She had no response and never questioned me again.
Sadly (or not), I have never been able to use this as where I live, we didn't have these higher level of retards but I'd reply "Sorry, I do not associate with junkies. go seek help for your vax addiction somewhere else and don't bother me. Stupidity is contagious, so stay away from me " acting all frightened and scared
I'm saving this comment!
Bravo!! Turnabout is fair play, and mocking their idiocy and gullibility is solid gold.
I'm not anti-vax, I'm pro-immune system. I'm also quite happy with my organic non-gmo heirloom blood.
Ill double down and state as fact: I WILL NEVER, EVER, TAKE A VAX OF ANY KIND.
100% * 5 boosters.
I AM ONE ! Proud to have done the research.
I would just go with the "I'm in the control group." Now that the data just dropped that there quite literally hasn't been any other control group since last year, its less of a joke and more of a scientific necessity.
I’ve used that one as well.
Awesome job. Bravo Zulu.
The only strategy that impacts their programming
When arguing with lefties, always be on offense. They can't defend themselves because their arguments were given to them by the MSM. They can't think for themselves.
hell ya put em in their place
Dude! Love this! Well said, and I'll steal this one too!
I regret I have only but one up toot for you sir
Well done fren! Watch out for these monsters, they are deranged and unhinged.
I've done this, but I accused them of being a Trump supporter. Worked like a charm.
Interesting approach.
And you're a Choicer.
Clicks heels extends arm and shouts Heil Fauchi.
I do the same 👍
Love it!
My moneys on bitch to redditt. Nice work 👍🏻
Maybe he or she works for Big Pharma! Lol!
Uh oh. Guess he didn't like getting a red suppository shoved up his ass.
I can tell this is a made up story because you actually got an NPC to think for a second - never happens in real life
No, just pro staying alive.
Conspiring to make them HEALTHY?Is that what they think you are thinking? Boy, these people are REALLY stupid!! Have they never heard of depopulation????
How a church behaved during the scamdemic is your cue as to whether Jesus has left the building.
Sticky for the reverse psychology left hook to the temporal lobe! Gotta remember this come-back haha!
I’m proud to be anti-“any cocktail of chemicals that could f*** up my body”!!!!