They sure "chested" all right. The fraud was real. And the fraud was spectacular. On a serious note, 2000 Mules was fantastic, damning, and calculating. I hope every electional official and law enforcement agency goes to work.
It should be required watching in every law enforcement and justice office in the country. Devastating. To those who are minimizing it and saying it proved nothing - have you watched it? There is no way the proof they showed could be anything but election fraud.
Don’t think that law enforcement and justice departments/courts aren’t involved. If proved disbar lawyers and justices for life nationwide, imprison. Law enforcement never to hold a position again country wide and imprison.
Legalese a non mathmatucal and FAKE language, usurped our justice system. The BAR and Guild, lawyers in general.
Usurped the bench, the government and our freedom.
Never contract with a lawyer or a court. Sign nothing, not a ticket, a summons or a notice to appear. All contracts. If you do, under their own fucked up system, you have three days to rescind you signature. Why, because consumer law requires it and court is a business not a government point of balance and the BAR runs it all. It's a farce.
They will try to poo-poo it, but they won't be able to. It's killer information. Now all we have to do it convince the people with authority to acknowledge it and charge them. If they won't, I believe that's where the military comes in.
I totally get the criticism. But it was still REALLY good. I could use an encore, part 2 that exclusively spends 2 hours just showing you the video footage proving that the same mules were doing it repeatedly.
What about the water line break that flooded out the floor where they were counting ballots they had to shut the counting down for hours while a 24/7 plumbing company came and fixed the gushing water leak, THEN wait on the FAST DRY company dry all the machines and carpet it was a WET MESS! WATER everywhere SOAKED!! Machines SATURATED Ballots!! ALL CAUGHT ON CAMERA! WET WET WET!!
That situation should be BONUS CLIPS the WATER MAIN BUSTED was a mess You know it had to fuck with counting!
Watchdog groups should buy that track and trace program that the corporations (and the film makers got) and ping the cell phones on all the corporate boards and elected officials. If we have no privacy, they get no privacy.
Was good but why didn't they show the same person at multiple locations. They showed the same five people at the same drop box. Still congrats, and thanks to the ones who produced documentary.
Yeah that was one of my thoughts. Even though this proves the outcome I would have preferred I questioned that wondering if that too was propaganda. Gotta question everything even when you like it.
The biggest tell for me was the proven record amount of times the ballot box was visited by actual people, and the 1,000s of votes collected from it, over and above many times.......sorry cant remember the state. But this in itself is huge proof of stuffing the ballot box!
Thing one has to note is that video never said this is definitive proof that the election was stolen. It video makes the argument that more than sufficient evidence exist to warrant a full fledged investigation to determine if what appears to be ballot trafficking is actually what happened.
I think the video makes a good case that this should be investigated to the fullest.
But most people didn't know this stuff before, the same as I didn't (and don't) know shit about knitting or professional sports or any of the zillion other topics that haven't caught my interest. The Steal isn't news to any of us here at GA, but the movie wasn't made for us: it was made for Normies.
Great Awakening is the name of the game, and right now, 2000 Mules is the biggest player on the field. Go, Dinesh!
What do we do? We clean our guns. We stand our ground. We remain legal and peaceful.
Unless the fedboi faggots carry out another Ruby Ridge or Waco, we remain on the defensive. As always. We talk to our neighbors. We have respectful discourse with our friends. And most importantly, we stay free regardless of who is in "power".
I think the hardest part of what we have to do, is to make sure we never lose our compassion for those who have been misguided and used as useful tools against us, when the time comes and they start waking up.
No - there are people not on our side who are just oblivious to everything. Those are the people we need to retain compassion for, because they are going to lose their minds once they overcome their programming.
The ones who want to kill us? No compassion. Due process, then firing squad.
Just a few months ago you were talking about carrying out your own attack on a Ruby Ridge or a Waco against “white separatists”. The rationale you gave was the same reasoning the FIB used to go after Randy Weaver: ‘he hasn’t done anything yet, but he might. How dare that white man to separate himself to northern Idaho!’
Post your evidence because your understanding of what I said was way off to the point of defamation.
I have stated that anyone who wants to self isolate must be allowed to. The assault on Ruby Ridge was wrong. Their personal politics are no excuse for what happened to them.
What I said, was of I see groups of such people going on the offensive to exploit the situation to murder our fellow Americans unjustly, that I would stand against such evil.
However if I see other ethnicities running alongside groups flying the Confederate Battle Flag I'll keep to myself if not join in.
But such scenarios only play out if the Fedbois encroach first on any American, white separatist colonies included.
I had a completely different reaction from my liberal family members. Tried to show this to my BIL. He said he watched 3 minutes and turned it off. His comments were that it looked to be full of untrustworthy Trump sources and provided no information. Yes. After 3 minutes he concluded this. He said he had better things to do with his time.
You only have seconds to minutes to get through to people who don't want to listen. You need to present a smoking gun in the first minute proving the fraud and explaining WHY the Supreme Court was complicit in the steal by not accepting the case. For most people, that is all they care about.
Unless you can show a video of Justice Roberts being arrested and the Supreme Court being corrupt, I don't see this as making any difference in the larger social context.
Unfortunately, this documentary is 90 minutes long and very slow to get started. I don't think it is going to have the intended effect. I appreciate the effort that went into making it, and I certainly don't disagree with any of it, but I just don't think it is compelling in the ADHD world that is real life today.
You might have better luck if you took a page out of the deep state playbook, printed a few billion in Federal Reserve Notes, and paid people $100 each to watch it. They might be motivated if there was a financial reward.
The point at which the lefties and sleepers will wake up is not now. We are on a gradient of awakening, and the higher we get the more people get woken up. However, the ultimate awakening will not happen until we reach the precipice. The gradient leads to the precipice. At the precipice, you dont have to tell them what has been going on to those who won't listen. They will see it and feel it for themselves. It will be a near death experience, and a kick in the gut wake up call.
Our job is to ensure we are in touch with reality and to drop crumbs to those who are ready. You tried to show this to your family members, and your job is done. They will wake up only when they are ready.
Unless you can show a video of Justice Roberts being arrested and the Supreme Court being corrupt
If you do this, they will be gone forever because they wont believe it, they think we have framed it, and they will become the metaphorical child that closes their eyes and years and screams to make sure they dont listen anything.
They will experience the corruption of SCOTUS and everyone else at the same time they are experiencing the precipice that they people are dragging them (and us) to.
This is a great take bubbles - should have it on copy&paste for the doomers lmao.
Contrary to some of the recent threads on GAW, we're still a long way from the precipice. Durham needs to progress his investigation much closer to the DNC/power players and financial markets need to lead us to the Greatest Depression. However, world events are happening on an ever quickening basis and the gradient you mention continues to work it's way upward, awakening more people with each passing event.
I used to read SS multiple times a week last year. XX GME, but I cast my hat in with AMC, since I was able to buy in big when it was hovering around ~$10. I have faith in both, but I'm more of a metals guy. I'm of the opinion that we don't need the stock market, if we had sound money in the first place. Crypto, too, but I'm not sure where it will fall when TGA occurs. Blockchain tech will be here to stay, I believe.
I’ve been getting to the point where I think most of the Awakening has occurred. People know the truth but many just lack the will to admit it. People know the fraud happened, but they still think the fraudsters are dominant, and people want to be on the winning side. Take Monomial’s brother-in-law for example. He probably already knows the election was stolen, and he’s just trying to ascertain the current threat level against his delusional psychological state: ‘I’ll give 2000 Mules three minutes of watching to decide if it’s immediately going to burst my delusion bubble. If it’s a slower reveal than three minutes, I’ll assume most of the other fraud-deniers don’t have the attention span to be swayed, so I’ll still have a place in the herd of delusion.’
The big lies are so obvious now that almost everyone can spot them. The normies, lefties, and sleepers know that what we are saying is true, but they still think their bandwagon is best hitched to the denial train. They are just calculating when it’s ok to admit the truth. That’s why it will seem like a sudden shift in awareness, but it won’t be. It will be a sudden shift in what cowards think they have to do to save face.
Pretty interesting take. I believe as we head into the precipice and the same BIL cannot find any food in the shops and cant afford gas in the car, his mind will drift back to the 2000 mules and wonder, perhaps, that could be used to stop his problems
I believe your incorrect and they not only took a big risk to themselves and thier families they put together a great movie exposing the fraud and corruption anybody can clearly see. Watching for only 3 minutes, just means thier brained-washed too far behyond help at this point. Lots of us have family members still in this situation, unfortunatly. Lets just hope this 30% does'nt become part of the 5-10% that never accepts or gets it's it!
Nothing will be done officially until we reach the precipice and the all the objectives of devolution has finished. Even a moment too soon, and it will all be for nothing.
I see they are pumping up the covid narrative again, massive mail in ballots incoming. The 2020 election set the stage, now people will see the cheating on a more grand scale, more obvious, more in your face. People now know what to look for. Elections don't matter in the 40,000 ft view. Everything has to be shown as blatantly corrupt. Only then will people find the will to change. (the precipice). And only then will Military take action.
Several reasons why I believe there won't be midterms in Nov. One thing I remember, in an interview with President Trump sometime after the inauguration, he was asked if he was going to run in 2024. Can't locate video but he said something to the effect that, something needed to be done before 2022. If not, it'll be really difficult to fix the damage afterwards.
Makes me wonder if the Roe vs. Wade leak wasn’t in part to distract from this film. Conservatives are defending the Court that turned a blind eye to election fraud instead of attacking its cowardice.
It was an elaborate hoax though. The reptiles had to hire thousands of stupid low moral people to stuff Soros' ballot boxes. And that was only part of it. What about the ballots without any folds? The ones stored in brief cases that were entered after the polls closed? It required lots of planning and coordination. No doubt they have been doing this for years if not decades.
Yeah, part of the awakening is to wake up the people on the right to how long this has been going. 90% of even the patriots dont believe there has been wide spread fraud for a very long time and across the world, that humanity has rarely ever had a true election.
It's pathetic how many conservatives wrote off the steal because the media said there was no proof. Then they went and got multiple vaccine shots cause the media told them too as well.
The masses aren't asleep, they're brain dead. And you can't awaken a comatose patient. This film will get some decent traction on social media but I'm afraid in 3 weeks itll be far in the rear view. We still have like 4 to 5 entirely new "end of the world" I support the current thing news cycles between now and the midterms.
Nothing will happen until the entirety of society collapses, normies won’t give a shit about this movie but they will care when bread is 5-6 bucks a loaf and gas is almost 7 bucks a gallon and when shelves are butt ass empty.
I guess military really is the only way because nothing else is going to wake these idiots up.
My dem husband watched this today with me. I know he was surprised but then turned to me and says "still don't give a shit"! Yah I said, you don't give a shit about the 13% loss on our retirement accounts (we are retired), doesn't give a shit about 5$ a gallon gas, our the price of food, etc. Well, when he needs a plane ticket to fly 3k miles to see family, I don't think we'll have the money for that! And it just might be time to sell that pick up he loves so much bc we won't be able to fill up anymore. We'll see how much he cares then! (yes, I bit of hostility there)
I just watched it and I have to say it's a bit underwhelming and dramatic. If you've been following the election fraud, there isn't much new here aside from maybe a couple of minutes of surveillance footage. However, they claim to have several thousand hours of video of these mules. Which really should of been the focus of the film. One thing that did surprise me was that some of the traffickers were active participants in the BLM riots.
If I wasn't following this in any capacity, and someone showed me the film, I'd probably dismiss this film outright personally. My initial response would be "Okay, call the cops and show them the proof."
Real question is, if you didnt believe there was wide spread fraud, and you were right-leaning or neutral, would it change your belief about the non existence of wide spread fraud?
There is more to voter fraud than just the mules. There are the millions in donations from interconnected companies-a few wealthy deciding for the people that Trump was upsetting their status quo, switching the votes for Biden, foreign interference (just like the U.S. does in other countries), nursing home vote fraud.
You wait until AZOV becomes a household name and that they were flown from Ukraine to infiltrate those at the Capitol on Jan. 6. Think about it. Pelosi and other globalists with their children on the boards of Ukrainian gas companies, used NAZIS to blame peaceful protesters and there are STILL Patriots languishing in jail.
They sure "chested" all right. The fraud was real. And the fraud was spectacular. On a serious note, 2000 Mules was fantastic, damning, and calculating. I hope every electional official and law enforcement agency goes to work.
It should be required watching in every law enforcement and justice office in the country. Devastating. To those who are minimizing it and saying it proved nothing - have you watched it? There is no way the proof they showed could be anything but election fraud.
Don’t think that law enforcement and justice departments/courts aren’t involved. If proved disbar lawyers and justices for life nationwide, imprison. Law enforcement never to hold a position again country wide and imprison.
Legalese a non mathmatucal and FAKE language, usurped our justice system. The BAR and Guild, lawyers in general. Usurped the bench, the government and our freedom.
Never contract with a lawyer or a court. Sign nothing, not a ticket, a summons or a notice to appear. All contracts. If you do, under their own fucked up system, you have three days to rescind you signature. Why, because consumer law requires it and court is a business not a government point of balance and the BAR runs it all. It's a farce.
I see the twatter mindless idiots saying "the GPS range was too large of an area! dEbUnKeD!"
They will try to poo-poo it, but they won't be able to. It's killer information. Now all we have to do it convince the people with authority to acknowledge it and charge them. If they won't, I believe that's where the military comes in.
The corruption is too widespread IMO. Judges, prosecutors etc will be threatened/bribed. I think the only way is military as Q said.
I'm sorry to say you may be right.
Only way
The military is the only way
I totally get the criticism. But it was still REALLY good. I could use an encore, part 2 that exclusively spends 2 hours just showing you the video footage proving that the same mules were doing it repeatedly.
What about the water line break that flooded out the floor where they were counting ballots they had to shut the counting down for hours while a 24/7 plumbing company came and fixed the gushing water leak, THEN wait on the FAST DRY company dry all the machines and carpet it was a WET MESS! WATER everywhere SOAKED!! Machines SATURATED Ballots!! ALL CAUGHT ON CAMERA! WET WET WET!! That situation should be BONUS CLIPS the WATER MAIN BUSTED was a mess You know it had to fuck with counting! ANYONE REMEMBER THAT? AND THE MESS IT MADE?? ANYONE KNOW WHERE THAT H2O MAIN BREAK WAS??? ANYONE??
I agree, because they also swore to protect and defend the constitution.
Thus must becshared as historical fact because it is. Required knowledge for everyone.
Dinesh got imprisoned for he movie stealing America. Man has as much skin on the table as anyone.
Chested in the erection
Think of the poor erection monitors.
Hope these chesters get whats coming to them soon.
Chester the Molesters
Watchdog groups should buy that track and trace program that the corporations (and the film makers got) and ping the cell phones on all the corporate boards and elected officials. If we have no privacy, they get no privacy.
Seems like a lot of assaults, murders, disappearances, and kidnappings could be solved with that cellphone ping data. 🤔
I think a lot of “electional officials” and “law enforcement” are and were in on it.
Was good but why didn't they show the same person at multiple locations. They showed the same five people at the same drop box. Still congrats, and thanks to the ones who produced documentary.
Yeah that was one of my thoughts. Even though this proves the outcome I would have preferred I questioned that wondering if that too was propaganda. Gotta question everything even when you like it.
I had wondered about that as well.
The biggest tell for me was the proven record amount of times the ballot box was visited by actual people, and the 1,000s of votes collected from it, over and above many times.......sorry cant remember the state. But this in itself is huge proof of stuffing the ballot box!
Thing one has to note is that video never said this is definitive proof that the election was stolen. It video makes the argument that more than sufficient evidence exist to warrant a full fledged investigation to determine if what appears to be ballot trafficking is actually what happened.
I think the video makes a good case that this should be investigated to the fullest.
Files these comments under: NO SHIT SHERLOCK
But most people didn't know this stuff before, the same as I didn't (and don't) know shit about knitting or professional sports or any of the zillion other topics that haven't caught my interest. The Steal isn't news to any of us here at GA, but the movie wasn't made for us: it was made for Normies.
Great Awakening is the name of the game, and right now, 2000 Mules is the biggest player on the field. Go, Dinesh!
What do we do? We clean our guns. We stand our ground. We remain legal and peaceful.
Unless the fedboi faggots carry out another Ruby Ridge or Waco, we remain on the defensive. As always. We talk to our neighbors. We have respectful discourse with our friends. And most importantly, we stay free regardless of who is in "power".
I think the hardest part of what we have to do, is to make sure we never lose our compassion for those who have been misguided and used as useful tools against us, when the time comes and they start waking up.
they want us to lose our compassion for one another most of all
That's how they convince us to kill each other
Yes, most of us were there at one point in our lives.
The same ones who want to kill us?
And our children / grandchildren?
No - there are people not on our side who are just oblivious to everything. Those are the people we need to retain compassion for, because they are going to lose their minds once they overcome their programming.
The ones who want to kill us? No compassion. Due process, then firing squad.
Always know your enemy. Focus on the puppeteers, not the puppets.
We become ungovernable by not complying with illegal edicts and at the same time get involved at the local level to take back our nation.
Just a few months ago you were talking about carrying out your own attack on a Ruby Ridge or a Waco against “white separatists”. The rationale you gave was the same reasoning the FIB used to go after Randy Weaver: ‘he hasn’t done anything yet, but he might. How dare that white man to separate himself to northern Idaho!’
Post your evidence because your understanding of what I said was way off to the point of defamation.
I have stated that anyone who wants to self isolate must be allowed to. The assault on Ruby Ridge was wrong. Their personal politics are no excuse for what happened to them.
What I said, was of I see groups of such people going on the offensive to exploit the situation to murder our fellow Americans unjustly, that I would stand against such evil.
However if I see other ethnicities running alongside groups flying the Confederate Battle Flag I'll keep to myself if not join in.
But such scenarios only play out if the Fedbois encroach first on any American, white separatist colonies included.
I had a completely different reaction from my liberal family members. Tried to show this to my BIL. He said he watched 3 minutes and turned it off. His comments were that it looked to be full of untrustworthy Trump sources and provided no information. Yes. After 3 minutes he concluded this. He said he had better things to do with his time.
You only have seconds to minutes to get through to people who don't want to listen. You need to present a smoking gun in the first minute proving the fraud and explaining WHY the Supreme Court was complicit in the steal by not accepting the case. For most people, that is all they care about.
Unless you can show a video of Justice Roberts being arrested and the Supreme Court being corrupt, I don't see this as making any difference in the larger social context.
Unfortunately, this documentary is 90 minutes long and very slow to get started. I don't think it is going to have the intended effect. I appreciate the effort that went into making it, and I certainly don't disagree with any of it, but I just don't think it is compelling in the ADHD world that is real life today.
You might have better luck if you took a page out of the deep state playbook, printed a few billion in Federal Reserve Notes, and paid people $100 each to watch it. They might be motivated if there was a financial reward.
The point at which the lefties and sleepers will wake up is not now. We are on a gradient of awakening, and the higher we get the more people get woken up. However, the ultimate awakening will not happen until we reach the precipice. The gradient leads to the precipice. At the precipice, you dont have to tell them what has been going on to those who won't listen. They will see it and feel it for themselves. It will be a near death experience, and a kick in the gut wake up call.
Our job is to ensure we are in touch with reality and to drop crumbs to those who are ready. You tried to show this to your family members, and your job is done. They will wake up only when they are ready.
If you do this, they will be gone forever because they wont believe it, they think we have framed it, and they will become the metaphorical child that closes their eyes and years and screams to make sure they dont listen anything.
They will experience the corruption of SCOTUS and everyone else at the same time they are experiencing the precipice that they people are dragging them (and us) to.
This is a great take bubbles - should have it on copy&paste for the doomers lmao.
Contrary to some of the recent threads on GAW, we're still a long way from the precipice. Durham needs to progress his investigation much closer to the DNC/power players and financial markets need to lead us to the Greatest Depression. However, world events are happening on an ever quickening basis and the gradient you mention continues to work it's way upward, awakening more people with each passing event.
Yep, still waiting for the entire market to collapse to the levels that have never been seen before. It's coming, follow /r/superstonk to track that.
I used to read SS multiple times a week last year. XX GME, but I cast my hat in with AMC, since I was able to buy in big when it was hovering around ~$10. I have faith in both, but I'm more of a metals guy. I'm of the opinion that we don't need the stock market, if we had sound money in the first place. Crypto, too, but I'm not sure where it will fall when TGA occurs. Blockchain tech will be here to stay, I believe.
Actually much closer to FBI and other 3-letter organisations.
And yes, we are still not at the precipice, even though we are feeling the pain.
The financial crisis will be the culminating point in my opinion, but before that every other thread will get to the final stage.
I’ve been getting to the point where I think most of the Awakening has occurred. People know the truth but many just lack the will to admit it. People know the fraud happened, but they still think the fraudsters are dominant, and people want to be on the winning side. Take Monomial’s brother-in-law for example. He probably already knows the election was stolen, and he’s just trying to ascertain the current threat level against his delusional psychological state: ‘I’ll give 2000 Mules three minutes of watching to decide if it’s immediately going to burst my delusion bubble. If it’s a slower reveal than three minutes, I’ll assume most of the other fraud-deniers don’t have the attention span to be swayed, so I’ll still have a place in the herd of delusion.’
The big lies are so obvious now that almost everyone can spot them. The normies, lefties, and sleepers know that what we are saying is true, but they still think their bandwagon is best hitched to the denial train. They are just calculating when it’s ok to admit the truth. That’s why it will seem like a sudden shift in awareness, but it won’t be. It will be a sudden shift in what cowards think they have to do to save face.
Pretty interesting take. I believe as we head into the precipice and the same BIL cannot find any food in the shops and cant afford gas in the car, his mind will drift back to the 2000 mules and wonder, perhaps, that could be used to stop his problems
Well said and 100% what I believe.
I believe your incorrect and they not only took a big risk to themselves and thier families they put together a great movie exposing the fraud and corruption anybody can clearly see. Watching for only 3 minutes, just means thier brained-washed too far behyond help at this point. Lots of us have family members still in this situation, unfortunatly. Lets just hope this 30% does'nt become part of the 5-10% that never accepts or gets it's it!
-no evidence of voter fraud
-can't be bothered to listen to the evidence
pick 1
My question is "what are they going to do about it? The mid terms are upon us and the demons are cheating again.
Nothing will be done officially until we reach the precipice and the all the objectives of devolution has finished. Even a moment too soon, and it will all be for nothing.
I see they are pumping up the covid narrative again, massive mail in ballots incoming. The 2020 election set the stage, now people will see the cheating on a more grand scale, more obvious, more in your face. People now know what to look for. Elections don't matter in the 40,000 ft view. Everything has to be shown as blatantly corrupt. Only then will people find the will to change. (the precipice). And only then will Military take action.
IF, there's a mid-term election.
What have you heard?
Several reasons why I believe there won't be midterms in Nov. One thing I remember, in an interview with President Trump sometime after the inauguration, he was asked if he was going to run in 2024. Can't locate video but he said something to the effect that, something needed to be done before 2022. If not, it'll be really difficult to fix the damage afterwards.
Thanks for your thoughts.
You're welcome 🐸
Thank you fren I've been looking for a link.
Wish I could updoot you more
Makes me wonder if the Roe vs. Wade leak wasn’t in part to distract from this film. Conservatives are defending the Court that turned a blind eye to election fraud instead of attacking its cowardice.
Good point!
It was an elaborate hoax though. The reptiles had to hire thousands of stupid low moral people to stuff Soros' ballot boxes. And that was only part of it. What about the ballots without any folds? The ones stored in brief cases that were entered after the polls closed? It required lots of planning and coordination. No doubt they have been doing this for years if not decades.
Yeah, part of the awakening is to wake up the people on the right to how long this has been going. 90% of even the patriots dont believe there has been wide spread fraud for a very long time and across the world, that humanity has rarely ever had a true election.
Contact your legislators and tell them to watch it, many say they haven’t heard about 2000 Mules.
My gosh. I hope we don’t need a 2001 mules or a 2000 mules 2 after midterms.
I’ll bet Bidan didn’t get 30 million votes.
Chesters never prosper.
Rip Chester Bennington, you were one of the real ones.
We need a new flair using the "chesting" theme!
let me talk to your mother. Get your mother, please.
One more soul joins the ranks
I'm pushing the idea of real proof of stolen elections in comments and real life.
But the sheep just don't give a shit and it's back to watching tik tok videos.
I've a feeling they've forgotten what has happened over the last two years.
Wow someone really lives under a rock. I thought it unlikely because interwebs and all.🙄
It's pathetic how many conservatives wrote off the steal because the media said there was no proof. Then they went and got multiple vaccine shots cause the media told them too as well.
The masses aren't asleep, they're brain dead. And you can't awaken a comatose patient. This film will get some decent traction on social media but I'm afraid in 3 weeks itll be far in the rear view. We still have like 4 to 5 entirely new "end of the world" I support the current thing news cycles between now and the midterms.
Nothing will happen until the entirety of society collapses, normies won’t give a shit about this movie but they will care when bread is 5-6 bucks a loaf and gas is almost 7 bucks a gallon and when shelves are butt ass empty.
I guess military really is the only way because nothing else is going to wake these idiots up.
My dem husband watched this today with me. I know he was surprised but then turned to me and says "still don't give a shit"! Yah I said, you don't give a shit about the 13% loss on our retirement accounts (we are retired), doesn't give a shit about 5$ a gallon gas, our the price of food, etc. Well, when he needs a plane ticket to fly 3k miles to see family, I don't think we'll have the money for that! And it just might be time to sell that pick up he loves so much bc we won't be able to fill up anymore. We'll see how much he cares then! (yes, I bit of hostility there)
"Sometimes you cannot tell people the truth....You must show them." (allow an election to be rigged)
Glad it's working!!!
What do we do? Good question. The first tui g you do is wake up. You have done that.
I just watched it and I have to say it's a bit underwhelming and dramatic. If you've been following the election fraud, there isn't much new here aside from maybe a couple of minutes of surveillance footage. However, they claim to have several thousand hours of video of these mules. Which really should of been the focus of the film. One thing that did surprise me was that some of the traffickers were active participants in the BLM riots.
If I wasn't following this in any capacity, and someone showed me the film, I'd probably dismiss this film outright personally. My initial response would be "Okay, call the cops and show them the proof."
Yes they should have put a link for people to go watch the hours of video showing these mules dropping ballots.
They should also have put a link to the Dominion proof of voter fraud, ie: that graph where it jumps vertical for Biden during the night!
Real question is, if you didnt believe there was wide spread fraud, and you were right-leaning or neutral, would it change your belief about the non existence of wide spread fraud?
I saw one twatter poster say exactly that. "if it was true, it would have been investigated and people would have been arrested"
They do exist though. My FIL insists there was no fraud. But he is an avid CNN/MSNBC indoctrinee.
oh yeah they fucking exist in HUGE numbers
need to get out of this echo chamber sometimes to witness. there are millions of bushies out there.
Yeah, he’s only one of about 600,000 people
There is more to voter fraud than just the mules. There are the millions in donations from interconnected companies-a few wealthy deciding for the people that Trump was upsetting their status quo, switching the votes for Biden, foreign interference (just like the U.S. does in other countries), nursing home vote fraud.
Maybe this movie will be a series and with each it gets more in depth. Just trying to expand my thinking.
You wait until AZOV becomes a household name and that they were flown from Ukraine to infiltrate those at the Capitol on Jan. 6. Think about it. Pelosi and other globalists with their children on the boards of Ukrainian gas companies, used NAZIS to blame peaceful protesters and there are STILL Patriots languishing in jail.