816 - Q: WHY school shootings?
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Uvalde isn’t a justification for gun control. It actually reinforces the absolute 2nd amendment need. The police are NoT going to protect you. Worse yet, they may actually arrive and form a perimeter to stop other people that have both guns and testicles from intervening on your behalf.
Watching Fox News. Why is that grandpa of the kid showing the reporters the house and blood where the kid shot the grandma? He’s like “cmon let’s look at the blood!”
This shit is weird
To get the normies all outraged and emotional
Normies even be like “wtf is this”
Q, They control local police/school. Local Police, shooter walked into the school unobstructed. 🤔
And then waited an hour doing nothing while he shot the kids. Yeah not adding up.
please keep using this phrase over, and over and over.
there is something about that particular phrase, idk, maybe it activates the logical part of your brain that does mathematics...
but when that phrase is uttered, the person hearing it, seems to automatically switch their state of mind. like they snap out of a trance.
its like, they are reasonably confident in their own adding-up skills, and are now in science mode, laboratory mode, experimental mode, where they start "adding it up", to see for themselves,
to see if its really true, that you can't make 1 dollar out of 99 cents.
it doesn't add up!
I've been posting #lockthedoor on my twitter posts, since it seems that if they had done something as simple as keeping school doors shut and locked (to outsiders), this likely wouldn't have happened. But a new hashtag #notaddingup might be good too :)
#1 Help with depopulation.
#2 Using this event for taking our guns. Then the government can do anything they want to us.
#3 General misery, which all contributes to depopulation.
#4 Distraction, etc.
GUN CONTROL - FROM DR. ZELENKO: Please share and help educate"... (Copied from Telegram)
Turkey established gun control in 1911. Soon after, 1.5 million Armenians unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
The Soviet Union established gun control in 1929. Soon after, about 20 million dissidents unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
China established gun control in 1935. Soon after, 20 million political dissidents unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1938. Soon after, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956. Soon after, one million people unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
Guatemala established gun control in 1964. Soon after, 100,000 Mayan Indians unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
Uganda established gun control in 1970. Soon after, 300,000 Christians unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
Austrellia established gun control in 1996. Right now, Australian citizens are being brutalized and terrorized by their tyrannical government.
Venezuela established Desarma La Violencia to disarm citizens in 2010. Once one of the richest countries in Latin America, Venezuela is currently free falling into violent unrest and extreme poverty.
New Zealand expanded gun control in 2019. Right now, New Zealand citizens are being brutalized and terrorized by their tyrannical government.
Canada expanded gun control in 2020. Right now, Canadian citizens are being brutalized and terrorized by their tyrannical government.
They let the shooters in
This part, if true, is really working at me. What in the fuck!
Of course. Police let him go on his shooting spree too by waiting 40 minutes before going in. Bunch of pussies or they were paid off.
its important to understand how "paid off" actually works,
and its helpful to consider how Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell operated,
to understand how "plata o plomo" threats and bribery work
"plata o plomo" means "silver or lead" meaning "money or bullet"
i would assume "money or bullet" sounds like a street robbery, like, give me all of your money, or i will shoot you..."
but supposedly in the higher levels of organized crime, "plata o plomo" has a meaning more like,
"IF you don't TAKE our BRIBE, then you will TAKE our BULLET"
and that "bribe" may be in the form of anything, from money, to sex, to drugs,
so there is this carrot-and-stick relationship between the handler, and their puppet, where (Epstein, Maxwell) provide SEX for people like (Clinton, Gates), (thats a bribe), and then they (secretly?) video tape it all, for blackmail purposes later.
these are called brownstone operations.
unlike an ordinary street robbery, where the victim is obvious,
these kinds of brownstone operations tend to benefit both sides of the deal.
Maxwell, Epstein (Israeli Mossad assets) get to compromise US Politicians, in order to get the politicians to support Israel.
thats why all of the "aid" to Israel is never debated in public, never discussed, never covered on the news.
its just rubber stamped by 100% of the politicians,
which is how you know, that something is very weird about US-Israeli relations.
and the freemasons is the pipeline, by which they are always getting new recruits into their system.
Very informative. Saved.
Plata is silver, and plomo is lead, so it is actually "silver or lead".
thank you. i have corrected.
They only need to pay off one person the commanding officer
Yes, to coerce an entire police force to join the "dark side" would be very difficult; you only need to control the leader of the force. Now we need at least one brave cop with a conscience to speak out about what happened behind the scenes between the officers and their commander.
Freemasons control pretty much everything
WHy do we let them have this power? I read the articles about it but I don't know why we let it happen. They have a building here in the city I am in and nobody does nothing.
I dirve by it when I go to the record store and I see it and I think of the children who could be inside and who they are torturing or what are the politicians in there or if you broke in and got their records or computer files we could blow a whole into the whole eveil satanic thing. I think about it so much.
Who would dare go in for an operation?
Many police chiefs are masons
Freemasons (Luciferians, Satanists)
that video is worth every minute of watching.
Because it’s fake??
Something is odd defiantly. Pretty sure kids died tho.
probably not, based on how Sandy Hook operated.
they take pics, videos of the kids, when they are very young, then wait a few years, and "kill" them, while passing off the actual kid, as his now-older sibling.
they paraded all of the supposedly-dead Sandy Hook kids in front of the Super Bowl, posing as their own older siblings, and the public was still clueless about how they pulled it off.
That's likely what happened at Sandy hook but make no mistake, sometimes these false flags are easier to pull off if they actually let kids get killed.
I think these kids are really dead and that they let them die this time.
I would be inclined to agree. This was 20 minutes away from me. Wild.
I agree, an important part of these tragedies is the blood sacrifice for their gods. Was this a significant satanic date?
It seems apparent that kids died. However, did that teacher die? Did the husband really die? And how? Just because one thing seems true doesn't mean the rest is.
Maybe he’s got Alzheimer’s
So who here has got the time and inclination to put Q to the test?
If somebody starts today and starts watching the flow of money, theoretically we should see some very valuable data…
I will do it. Just tell me how to follow their money if there is an app or a website I will monitor it.
Means look into the funding.
Okay. I would do it. Ijust don't know where they keep they list the funding or any of that.
That’s why it’s called digging.
School and government budgets are generally publicly available. If I were doing this I’d make a list of key players and organizations and start tracking budgets of organizations and net worth of individuals.
Less obvious data might include promotions, properties, vehicles, etc.
In all honesty Uvalde is a tiny flipping place. Lots of wide open and really unforgiving land. It’s also close to where BETO has family power and influence. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if this was another Soros fueled push to attack Texas. The amount of money they have dumped here is batshit insane
Well the state has said the state police are investigating.
I personally hope the TX rangers get all up in their shit and get to the bottom of this.
They are about the only ones that I would trust to do it.
It’s big
Turns out Uvalde and Buffalo shooters were in the same Discord being handled
Where does it say the Uvalde shooter was in the same Discord?
And that scripted press conference with all the fake outrage and heckling. Ridiculous. Stinks
Makes you think if the above poster talking about Beta having family and money close by makes sense
Didn't something just yesterday appear regarding Beto's teenage years and wanting to kill kids?? It's pretty crazy
Yea we dug up nutty shit on him. He’s a legit psychopath. Handing his wife feces in a bowl as a joke and all.
Makes sense. I remember when he started laughing when he was trying to sound heartfelt when talking about the El Paso shooting.
Exactly! u/y000danon
It kills me to watch Texas being kidnapped by these assholes
Georgia is about to be kidnapped in November. If they were to get TX and GA, and already have PA, it would be difficult for a Republican to win a national election.
So any locale where these events happen are places where there are many controlled people. Shouldn't be that hard to dig on those lower on the totem pole and see where that leads.
It would help the cabal if the local officials were in on it but in reality all they really need is their subject, a therapist, and possibly one other CIA handler. That's it. You have a mass shooter with those 3 ingredients. And it can be replicated again and again ad infinitum.
Yup, they create & send in a shooter, then the Feds take over the scene, they control the situation and the narrative, bungle things up & pass off that blame to the local police...
Then send in 'grief counselors' to shape the minds of the traumatized & distraught to their liking.
Theory; what if this kid had been seeing a counselor or shrink and was hypnotized to do this?
Just like Joy West (sp?) did with Jack Ruby. If you think about it. It doesn’t take much to influence suggest things to some who’s already detached from reality.
You're absolutely right. I'll never forget all the times I had people taking LSD with me and going along with every idea or notion I brought to mind without remotely beginning to question what I was telling them.
I remember thinking, "This is dangerous. I could literally convince this guy we're being attacked by aliens and he had to attack innocent people who were trying to kill him and if I was convincing enough, he'd probably fucking believe it".
Thankfully I'm a pretty great person.
From my study of hypnosis I learned that you cannot make anyone do what they ordinarily would not do. That is, you cannot take over their will. However, there are programs run by the wicked CIA that may be able to short circuit the normal control a person has, i.e., their will. The human soul controls the mind, feelings and will.
Psychotropic drugs also have the ability to control the mind, feelings and will. This is why so many, the large majority, of school shooters were known to be on psych drugs when they killed. The drug themselves can move people to homicide or suicide, but just think what you would have if the child had a "handler".
SSRIs for the murder. Happens a lot. Columbine murderers were on some.
Precisely THIS! 👆u/Razo If there is no therapist, they can us "Voice to skull" technology. And as another post mentioned this shooting could be a comm because of the testimony from Robb in the Sussman trial = shooting at Robb Elementary.
Is there a name for his therapist?
The shooter had apparently told co-workers at the Wendy's where he worked that he didn't need money anymore. So the question is, what new money source was he referring to?
So, some of the locals may start to go on a spending spree. That would be something to look for. Q said it was about money.
Look for people to move away
Boy cabal are pulling out All the stops all at once now aren’t they? Are they in a panic or what?
Hmm ... wondering if some of the billions that is supposed to go to Ukraine is going to fund these FF’s they have been pulling off?
Good thought.
great post!
lets make a meme about this, showing data in various forms, like pie graph, etc.
I know this sounds absurd and probably been answered before. Q= time traveler?? I don’t know enough about Q but it seems like lots of what he said in the past takes time to fruition. Sorry for the absurdity of the question.
fake news is scheduled on a master calendar of news events.
Q had access to the calendar.
if Q said i look into the future and see that
"New Years Day will begin at 12:00:00 AM January 1st"
then nobody would be impressed.
BUT if Q said, "[Marker] Ruth Bader Ginsberg will be in the news exactly one year from this post,
now THAT is some crazy stuff, that impresses people.
"Learn Our Comms"
"Future Proves Past"
"Think Clock"
"You Are Watching a Movie"
"They can't be TOLD, they have to be SHOWN"
Q could have TOLD us that our entire "shared reality" is scripted bullshit.
but could we have even understood what he meant by that?
instead, Q SHOWED US, that our entire reality is scripted bullshit.
"News Unlocks" ... just like clockwork.
The Q habbenings are awesome.
The Evergiven getting stuck in the Suez zeuS always cracks me up.
Doesn't seem absurd to me. I've often wondered the same thing.
Yes, but mainly setting the narrative for a 2A battle going into midterms.
Which means they will have a REALLY BIG event go off about a week before the election. The masses seem to only be emotionally steered for about a week.
Prediction noted.
the definition of TREASON
13 - 52
They are planning your food shortage in Davos Switzerland as we speak.
The WEF is a terrorist organization.
Arrest Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates,
And you will solve 90% of the worlds problems.
I think they want us to hate police now. Preparing for this summer's riots !
"the police" have different connotations, in different settings.
in the dukes of hazzard, the police were the bad guys.
Bill Clinton promised to put 100,000 more police on the streets of the USA, and everyone cheered...
a few years later, the prisons were full of non-violent offenders.
they have weaponized the police.
they label parents as terrorists, when they speak up at a school board meeting,
and some "just doing my job" cops comes in, and drag the parents out.
There's lots of reasons to hate the police. Who do you think were handing out fines and closing businesses during 2020 and 2021?
I count 17 $.
I’m putting $$$ that Beto set this up.
The husband of one of the teachers just d iui ed of a "heart attack " https://www.reuters.com/world/us/husband-teacher-killed-texas-school-dies-wake-massacre-2022-05-26/
Dang it, but this seems to be working for them. I have two family members who were all but red-pilled, lifelong Democrats. They hate Biden, hate the economy, hate what he's done to the border, they have had it. They were even saying things like "Trump wasn't as bad as I had thought."
Now they can only talk about guns. And they blame the GOP for refusing to protect our children. One says gun control is the most important political issue "by far."
When you see these shootings having such a profound effect, no wonder why shootings are happening all over the place all the sudden.
We move on to our next assignment, solider.
I was foolish to believe my work here, locally, was done after redpilling about medical tyranny and grooming.
Surely I wasn't alone.
Once again money funneled in, but never goes to the people impacted: the parents of the deceased, surviving students and teachers. Just like Sandy Hook, it is another money laundering scheme into the hands of a God knows who (police who listened to the stand down orders, complicit school administrators and teachers told to forego the safety measures put in place). Everywhere you turn it is a scam: education (superintendents, school board, teachers’ union); politics and judicial (mayors, governors, Congress, judges-local, state, Federal, lawyers, IRS, FBI, DOJ, DOS, DHS, FEMA, etc.; health (hospitals, doctors, CDC, NIH, FDA, Big Pharma, Boards of Health); business (circumvent taxes, buy Chinese and other 3rd world countries to knock small businesses out of competition and kill made in U.S. businesses, move businesses out of the country for cheap and inferior labor), etc. Government is involved up to their eyebrows in criminal enterprise: drug, human, weapons trafficking. Pay offs are huge. Government is the biggest Mafia enterprise. It is a massive shake down: go with the status quo or be targeted-arrest and imprisonment, lawyer fees to bleed you dry or to ensure you are in prison the rest of your life, censorship, taxed to oblivion while those at the top use every tax advantage to weasel out of taxes, even government condoned and contracted murders and assassinations, blackmail. This country and the world countries are rotten to the core and it would not surprise me if God decided are irredeemable.
his name is Kenneth Feinberg
How do we know any kids actually died?
Federal aid of any kind should be abolished
I was thought that a shooting where children and teenagers are is the perfect excuse for dumping all the "missing children" bodies they have.
That is why you need shooting in places with certain ethnics profiles.
that would be a bottle neck in the supply chain.
its much easier, and a predictable routine to just turn them into sausage.
if you saw the pizza gate "artwork", you would see what these evil people are into.
imagine a thanksgiving turkey, on the table, all baked, and browned, with crispy skin, and juicy meat,
except the turkey is a child.
Wtf eh? Really?
Let's find an effective way to expose it.
The security plans
Because nothing grabs the emotions stronger than innocent children being hurt! There is absolutely no room for critical thinking once the emotions have been hijacked in this manner. It gives the desired result that something, anything has to be done to protect these innocents from harm.
It is very interesting how the outrage over abortion pales in comparison to this. The left was rightfully accused of owning a culture of death. Then they bring out a ff to try to make conservatives the ones responsible for the death of innocents by their defense of the 2nd amendment.
It's the exact same plan every shooting. It's a VERY GOOD cookie cutter so they keep using it on the population. Look here: We need better gun control over mentally ill. Don't look here: The therapist that trained him through MK Ultra. All on mind altering drugs. Where does the coat tails of the therapist lead too?
Why did the cops wait so long?
How did a poor retard buy expensive guns, trucks and pull off this with no training?
Most likely some nazi from Ukraine pulled it off and they had a dead trans moron with mentally ill history to in dump after.
Masonic satanic ritual abuse is usually school/town wide. This goes deeper than money. They are serving their 'master'.
"Instead of turning a blind eye, schools must confront bad behavior severely and quickly" President Donald Trump, just now (may be off a word or two).
Is there someone in the dead group who has been very big on pushing politicians toward Trump or 2nd amendment?
The flow of money is the same as for any other tragedy - school shooting or natural disaster. Money flows to institutions that hire cooperative individuals who will do as asked in exchange for compensation. The institutions make donations to political parties and candidates. Employees of these institutions and the unions representing them are pressed into attending fundraisers, making donations,, and all the footwork involved in getting candidates in place- even stuffing ballot boxes or getting incoherent nursing home patients to vote. And, of course,, candidates,, once in place, know what's expected of them. No money goes to those actually affected nor do the affected get jobs. Never let a crisis go to waste..
It’s also a lot easier to have a made up person “die” to push an agenda. Do you think parents know every student in their child’s grade?
That’s possible but it would seem hard to get all the people in the town to collaborate on the lie.
They would not hesitate to kill other peoples kids to get money and control. It’s much easier to have a suggestible patsy and manipulate him into doing something crazy and have a dirty cop kill the patsy. And also they could have multiple crazy people as candidates. Now how did they control the timing? Perhaps messing with the dosage of ssri. Hypnosis seems very possible esp with people on psych meds
“but it would seem hard to get all the people in the town to collaborate on the lie.”
And yet we have sandy hook, where an entire town conspired against the country.
Perhaps not, but wouldn’t kids talk?
Money Talks
Exactly right. Once you know, it’s so easy to see.
IMO: It's a gun grab, but also a way (by using only inept cops) to help defund the police.
What happens when it comes out that these are all organized and carried by three letter agencies. Crimes against children. Crimes against humanity. Its not just about the pedos. Its also about the criminal pharma industry. Its about using them to farm adenochrome. Using them in expirements. Using them to farm gold out of the human body. Its also about this kind of shit.