I’ve started myself on a Z pack antibiotic, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine (stuff I’ve bought over the past year for when the SHTF). I’m also taking zinc with quercetin and vitamin C. My head is pounding and I’ve got a fever since Wednesday that I can get under 100 with the help of round the clock ibuprofen and Tylenol. Without that it shoots up to over 102. My joints ache. Tons of fatigue. The scary part is I just started with some shortness of breath. I’m a 56 yo female. I found four ticks on me last week after walking a property with a client (I’m a realtor). I thought I’d start feeling better by now. Any other suggestions on what I should be doing? I’ve been to doctors lately with my daughter and they all seem still so stupid about covid, pushing vax and masks. I had covid back in December so I can see them thinking this is what I have. I will refuse a test but last time I did that when I took my daughter in for a mono test they would not proceed until they tested her. We left without a test. I’m not vaxed. Thank you everyone. Prayers appreciated.
Is there a doctor in the house? I think I have Lymes disease but I’m afraid to see a doctor.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
IF you have Lyme disease, you probably need to be on Doxycycline or a penicillin derived antibiotic for a few months. Did you have a red “ring” around the bite? Grape seed extract is what I used a few years ago and it helped bigly. Search GSE dose for Lyme. I think I took 250 mg 2x a day. Good luck!
The key with lyme seems to be a longer than normal course of antibiotics. In the 90s doctors were threatened with their licenses over this, sound familiar?
I’ve read that the red ring can appear anywhere on the body. I thought I had Lyme last year and did a lot of research on it myself.
Don’t wait to take the doxycycline, I took it as a precautionary for a few days while I waited for blood work to return and boy is it a brutal pill to take on hot days!
Jesus....this was prescribed to us during combat in Afghanistan. Incredibly vivid dreams was all I remembered but wow.
For grapeseed extract?
Doxycycline for malaria
Ah OK. Anything that gives me vivid dreams always ends up giving me vivid nightmares because of the nature of my mind xD I tend to avoid things that do that.
Dream weed is another thing that helps with sleeping and vivid dreams, smoking weed for a while and then stopping a few days results in those as well, but weed is ruined for me since years ago and it just results in existential anxiety 😅
I was the same with the nightmares but confronted everything with psychedelics. Try some low thc high cbd weed if you ever get a chance...oh those weed dreams are crazy for sure!
My condition is because of psychedelics.
Huh! I had a weird autoimmune (unexplained) all-over rash that just wouldn't go away. Doc gave me Doxycycline (was supposed to help with my dry eye, also.) I noticed nothing either way and continued to take it for 10 months. I felt nothing, it did nothing for either of my conditions. I later deduced from continual trial and error that my rash was a reaction to something in my Tide laundry detergent and Olay body wash. I had used both for years with no issues. Why was I suddenly allergic? I don't know. I also had to stop using my regular shampoo.
Once all were eliminated, my rashes stopped. The allergy hasn't gone away though. I accidentally put on a pair of pajamas that were in the back of my drawer that had been washed in the regular Tide rather than the 'Free and Clear' laundry detergent. It had been over a year with no rash. Within minutes I was itching all over. Minutes!
Same thing happened when I thought I should try the Olay body wash and see if I could go back to using it. I'd gone 10 months without it and had no more rash.
While still in the shower, the Olay body wash caused me to start itching and getting tiny pink dots all over. By the time I got out and was toweling off, I was covered with the rash. I looked in the mirror and saw what was happening, and got back in the shower and had to wash with my 'free and clear' soap. Within about 1/2 hour, the rash was fading. Crazy!
Barely anyone gets the circle bullseye rash just FYI. You can absolutely still have Lyme, Bartonella, and Babesia if you do not get the rash. Sometimes it looks like a solid red circle too.
I will add that if the local doctor is a problem, Doxycycline can be found online as well.
Yeah, it typically looks like a target...red spot with a second outer ring...also Lyme disease is typically spread by the deer tick (which is quite tiny) as opposed to the larger deer tick (sometimes the carrier of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever)..
Monolauren is another good one.
Contact FRONTLINE DOCTORS for tele health appointment.
A friend of mine had lyme disease which affected him for years. He got on a KETO diet (VERY low carbs) and is cured now. Regardless of HOW, all healing comes from above. Call on the name of JESUS...'by His stripes we are healed"
Amen. Communion: the bread - his body broken for our healing, the cup - his blood that continually washes away every sin
I’ve heard of keto healing it as well
Keto is as close to a miracle diet as you can get, and also shows that our high carb diets are destructive to our bodies.
Keto, for a while, at least counteracts that and can help reset your body. Also teaches food restraint..which some of us need, and some of us need multiple times.
After doing keto off and on I have totally changed how and when I eat. I’ve lifted weights my whole life and used to eat like 5 meals a day. Now later in life but still lifting I have my bullet coffee in the morning with high fat content from Kerry gold butter, heavy whipping cream, and mct oil, and that’s usually all I have in the morning. That keeps me satiated until about 2-3 in the afternoon and that’s when I usually have my first meal. Often that’s the only meal I need of the day. Now I maintain a body weight of 200 lbs on basically one meal a day. Humans consume way too much food and I never get sharp hunger pangs anymore. I can recognize my underlying hunger but can pretty much ignore and control it now.
exactly^ that's why I try not to put too much emphasis on medicines and treatments, prayer needs to be first.
and other times God just fixes things; you witness a miracle.
and 'prayer' is an action towards God too, hence the reason Q recommends it.
God gave humanity the ability to create medicine.
I would remember this.
yes, that's true, sure there's some good doctors. but most pharmaceutical demons don't work for God, it's sorcery. and we know spells are involved.
What is a spell? Who is asleep? Dissemination. Attention on deck. There is an active war on your mind. Be [p]repared. Ope[r]ations underway. Operators [a]ctive. Graphic is essential. Find the ke[y]stone. Moves and countermoves. They never thought she would lose. Snow white. Godfather III. Iron Eagle. Q
Preach it!
Sticky for exposure. Let’s help any way we can
I trust this crowd WAY more than I trust the "medical establishment."
Hmm, she (OP) just described the symptoms of covid. Any loss of taste/smell?
Understanding that fever can get scary but please remember that the purpose of it is to KILL Invaders the body recognizes as enemy. It is for your survival! Obviously excessively high fever can hurt children especially- but fevers below 103 or 4 should be tolerated if possible. Plenty of fluids and add pinch of salt to each glass of water. Dehydration is the main danger of fever or any illness
Don't go higher than 103/104. Higher than that, can affect oxygenation.
Ah, you both beat me to it. I agree.
103/104 is high absolutely, but a fever is definitively a cause of your immune system trying to fight off infection by raising your body temperature.
You have to look up Lyme literate physicians. Most docs do not recognize it as an actual disease and will tell you it is all in your head. (Since the U.S. govt was involved in creating and releasing Lyme Disease thé medical industry is brainwashed and typically won’t admit it even exits. I mention so you know what response to expect.)
Use a resource like the link below to find a physician but many Functional Medicine docs treat it too. https://www.lymedisease.org/find-lyme-literate-doctors/
Secondly know that LabCorp and Quest do not have accurate tests for Lyme Disease but they may say they do. There are one or two Labs in the U.S. that test for Lyme and there are a lot of false negatives. So it may be necessary to test more than once. Here is one:
Lyme treatment takes a long time but there have been some promising results with a treatment out of Greece called SOT. (You don’t have to go to Greece, they just extract some of your blood in the states and then reinfuse the blood upon retuning from Greece.). It can take several treatments or just one and is about $500 a treatment.
More on SOT:
Hope this helps.
Great info! I didn’t know this but not surprised. If we can’t rely on the medical community why would their preferred testing centers be any different!
You're allowed to give medical advice as long as you don't say you are a doctor
I have a feeling that getting advice online is not the same as in person, even in person, how would they prove it. I think that ruling more so comes into play with nurses who low key recommend things when they technically can’t do it. If anyone gets charged with that IRL than someone’s out for that person. Not cabal vs rando, but someone has a bone to pick, or someone had a bad day and took it out on someone else. That’s my .02 though, could very well be wrong.
The doxycycline might be worth a try but it's largely mythical. Stephen Buhner's book "Healing Lyme" is worth getting hold of: https://www.amazon.com/Healing-Lyme-Borreliosis-Coinfections-Rickettsiosis/dp/0970869649 The regular tests for Lyme are hit and miss, but the veterinarian tests seem to be good if you can get someone to organize that for you.
Thank for this resource! I just bought it!
Since GOD is in control why don't you Plead the Blood of JESUS for Healing?
Talks all about the Blood of JESUS!
My wife's grandfather was a preacher and he told me to do this..I have seen the devil run in fear firsthand.
Go to a local urgi med and tell them you have lymes. Ask for a round of antibiotics. Shouldn't be an issue.
I'm not a doctor, but doesn't it typically take longer than a week for a tick-borne disease to manifest like this? They're also pretty rare. Even having four ticks on you at one time is far from a guarantee that you'll catch a disease. Also, my dad had Lyme's disease, and it took a few weeks before he realized what he had. I'm not trying to say you're wrong, but rather that it might easily be something else.
You have the same symptoms my husband and I had three weeks ago. He got a bug from work and we both ended up extremely ill for two solid weeks. My fever got up to 102.8 on my worst day. We had extreme fatigue, malaise, body aches, joint pain, headache, and eventually a cough and upset stomach. It was nasty. One of my husband's coworkers ended up in the ER. Everyone tested negative for the coof. We don't know what it was, but I've been reading that cases of the actual flu are on the rise, despite the fact that it's summertime in the US. Something to consider.
There is SOMETHING going around, and it's bad stuff.
👆👆👆r/seagoatz. Same has been going around thru friends and family. Takes a couple of weeks. They all did supplements of vit c, d, zinc, Quercetin
Lyme is NOT rare, it is 4 times more common than breast cancer. Tick-borne illnesses are everywhere and are rapidly spreading. Ticks are everywhere that there are migratory birds. It’s never just Lyme either, ticks carry many bacteria, parasites, and viruses.
Do take the ivermectin for at least 5 days. I did this for 3 cycles about a month apart. While I agree that the thought of lyme desease is scary I feel your regimen you are doing is correct. You need at least 4000mg of vite c daily and 8000iu of D3 this will help you feel better. Make sure you don't eat white flour prod or sugar as they increase pain from inflammation. Consider checking out the Tumeric Support group on facebook about how to take it properly and add it. I hear it is extremely helpful. A doctor will do nothing positive for you and may override your own instincts. You have to just hang in there now and TRUST YOUR BODY. Prayers for you, fren and let's see how you are feeling in a few weeks. Could be you happen to have a nasty flu. Not all ticks are carrying LD. By the way, you need lots of water! But add a pinch of salt to the glass. There is a reason saline is given to ill people! Your blood needs it. Get some empty gelcaps and try out the grapeseed oil drops in the capsule as someone suggested, it can only help, and some do oregano oil too, a drop or two in capsule. GSO and Oregano oil are very powerful for the body. I did periodically use them. I am not a very consistent person and forget to do things. Its quite a list, after all!
Any chance you saved the ticks? If so, you can send them to a lab for analysis. Look up Ticknology in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Also, get thee to a functional medicine doctor (this is an md with an emphasis on getting to the source of an issue and trying natural remedies before grabbing the prescription pad.) S/he would likely prescribe amoxicillan, artemisinin and a little biocidin. I am not a doctor or healthcare worker, but this is what I have seen prescribed for someone I know who had a tick bite. Good luck. Praying for you right now, fren. Best to find out what it is you're dealing with before self prescribing too much, I'd think.
Stop taking the ibuprofen and Tylenol for starters. It’s meant to take pain away for a few hours then amplifies it, so that you keep taking more. Over a couple weeks youll feel better vs sustaining kidney damage.
One clears through the kidneys, one doesn't. Also, this statement is just silly. It doesn't amplify the pain, but maybe you feel like it when they wear off.
A Tylenol/ibuprofen regimen is nothing short from incredible for keeping pain from spiking after, say, a wisdom tooth extraction or a back injury to give you some time to get over the initial pain of healing.
You're right that you shouldn't be trying to control something like this with that though, a diagnosis and proper treatment is important if you can find a trustworthy doctor to provide it.
I’m sure it sounded silly that baby powder ends up giving you cancer, if someone told you a few years ago. You know who manufactures Tylenol right?...
I've had to get rid of tons of ticks over the years but never Lymes disease. I only point that out to say make sure you aren't mis-diagnosing yourself, the ticks may be wholly unconnected to the symptoms.
How do you get them?
You get them by growing up stomping around the countryside near Bracketville TX (not far from Uvalde actually), building forts in old oak trees, wandering around cow pastures in search of arrowheads and fossils, exploring creeksides and caves and brushy juniper woods etc....
Well, when you're like 9 or 10 years old and you do that all day, you just might find a buncha little ticks embedded in your skin in various locales at the end of the day when you take a shower.
That's how you get them in my experience anyway lol. On one occasion when i was 12 I fell into what was apparently a nest of them in an old rotten oak tree - later I counted over 200 ticks that evening.
Pretty gross, but when its a common thing you get used to being able to pull them out without getting an infection afterward. Other folks will tell you to use fingernail polish to suffocate them first or other various methods.
That was a whole lotta TMI but I had a dislike on my comment and felt like my experience regarding tickery was being doubted 🤣. But yeah unfortunately I know ticks lol.
Thanks! I am from Arizona so I never really heard of this. I am traveling the country now and I love to hike, so I was just trying to steer clear.
To clarify my ramble, they like tall grass and brush that has been frequented with lots of big hairy animals. In those days I was playing in the same places that herds of goats, cattle, and wild deer were bedding down. They can come into your house via dog or cat, but sometimes you can just get them from being outside in tall grass.
If it Lyme, and you’re that feverish, I would feel the need to see a doctor.
You have to get doxycycline within a certain window for it to be of help/keep it from progressing to severe Lyme. At least that’s what I’ve been told.
If you get a Lyme diagnosis, I would find someone with a Spooky2 Rife machine, or get your own.
I looked up this spooky2 and it seemed a bit vague. You got any other knowledge on it?
I don’t know that much, other than there’s essentially underground communities healing resistant Lyme through Rife machines.
I don’t know which noble gas is used specifically for Lyme, but I think there was a thread about Rife machines a few months ago that discussed them more in-depth
My cousin just texted me with this message; she had a very similar episode last year and was Very sick. She didn't know how to answer you with her phone (we both lurk here often, but seldom reply). She asked to please tell you to get a prescription for doxycycline ASAP. She was in the hospital and had rounds of other meds trying to get better. Prayers going up!
My daughter and grandson both contracted Anaplasmosis last summer. Its supposedly the second-most common deer tick disease. High fevers, fatigue etc. Not sure what part of the country you are from or if you were bit by possibly a deer tick. As stated on a site: Eight states (New York, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and Conneticut) account for nearly 9 in 10 of all reported cases of anaplasmosis. They had to be put on antibiotics.
Not shilling for this doc but I had something similar. Look up VASO INTESTINAL PEPTIDE/. Dr Shoemakers protocol. Mold and Lyme have similar treatments. Your body is inflamed. VIP nasal spray and detoxing is a CURE. Also hyperbaric chambers and OZONE.
His website has some great information.
Yup. I had exposure to mold and been battling for years. This VIP spray helped on 10 weeks. A Russian doctor helped me. She said we have cures for all this. The Russians have been using amino acids and peptides for 60 years. Start looking into peptides. Go to Reddit r/peptide. Some Of these peptides are so good at curing cancer the studies were stopped.
Lyme disease can be treated with plant medicine. I’m not an expert on this and don’t want to give you bad information. Research Lyme disease treatment with herbal medicine or plant medicine. I’ve read about it over the years while doing research for my own health conditions. I use these keywords when searching. (herbal medicine treatment of Lyme disease) Replace the disease or syndrome as needed for your search. Use brave browser. Also search essential oils for treatment. They are very helpful treating health conditions, Google is blocking many herbal sites. Google is mainly bringing up hospitals, government or university sites. That can still be good information. Scientific studies using plant medicine can be beneficial if it’s written so you can understand it. If it’s too scientific it’s Greek to me. I search a lot on Etsy for homemade plant medicine by trained herbalist. I remember seeing Japanese Knotweed for Lyme. I can’t tell you anything about this plant & if it works. I’m thinking any anti virus and nervine plants might help with the symptoms. (Plants that are helpful in keeping nerve and muscle pain under control.) Please get tested! You don’t have to take their treatment. This way you know exactly what you need to treat. I know someone that got Lyme last summer and then she got Covid and died. I believe if the Lyme would have been treated properly if might have been a different situation. Long story and it’s not my story to tell. If you need links to reputable stores to buy herbal tinctures, essential oils I can probably help. I’ve been ordering plant medicine for years.
If I thought I had been infected with Lyme I would keep taking everything you mentioned for at least a month and I'd add all of the b vitamins.
Spirochetes can create biofilms that they are able to hide behind. So there we all are taking antibiotics while there are more spirochetes BEHIND the biofilm that reemerge when the coast is clear, so to speak. And blammo - you're reinfected.
Can you add bromelain? It helps dissolve biofilms. By the way, borrelia is a bacteria so the antibiotic is more effective than hcq or ivermectin, but quite often there are other diseases in these ticks so I would at the very least continue on with both for a while and perhaps end with just ivermectin after a month or so.
On the offchance this continues: For long term damage (they get into cerebrospinal fluid and can cross the blood brain barrier) from spirochetes one would take resveratrol to combat the beta amyloid plaques; curcumin to eliminate tau proteins; EDTA to get rid of the accumulated metals that always accompany this disease, and glutathione in the morning (because chelation depletes glutathione).
Just for good measure I'd add high dose melatonin because it's a scavenger and is so dang multi-functional. We found 60mg melatonin on Amazon and also bought it in powder form from purebulk.
There is one other thing to address with long term effects but it's been so long since I researched this that I cannot remember what it is!??! You can probably find it though - something to address neuro-fibrillary tangles.
Damn you got some good knowledge...o7!
Not a doctor but it looks like Doxycycline is often used. The CDC (if you can believe them) breaks it down into four categories. Check it out and look at the recommended treatment. Your achy joints suggest to me it's the arthritic kind.
No one should follow CDC guidelines for Lyme just FYI. Doxy is needed, but the CDC is responsible for covering up the Lyme epidemic.
The CDC is like the MSM, do exactly the opposite of whatever they tell you and you will be way better off.
Yup my mom had untreated Lyme. It's bad, best thing is to treat it early or you'll never get rid of it. Long course of antibiotics doxy and maybe a 2nd kind you alternate between each week for at least 4 weeks. Just know that a long course of doxycylcline will make your skin very photosensitive
That reminds me. Cipro may or may not be appropriate for Lyme (I don't know) but if you see a doctor and they prescribe Cipro be very careful. If you start noticing pain in your joints/ligaments/tendons stop it and go get a different antibiotic.
Cipro started giving me tendon damage a few years back and I didn't recognize it until I started having trouble walking. It was worse for me because I had a prior Achilles tendon rupture and the military just casted me - didn't sew it together and anchor it. That was 20+ years ago and my left ankle still flops to the point I have stumbled on stairs and frequently catch my toe on the ground.
FDA recognized the issues with Cipro back in 2008, yet it is still prescribed because it is still strong - it still works while other antibiotics have lost effectiveness over time.
When I noticed actual pain I stopped and started researching and told the doctor. He gave me doxy and I was fine, although it took me about a month before I could walk without pain.
I work for a holistic doctor who specializes in treating Lyme disease. DM me and I can set you up with a free phone or web consultation with him.
Let me know.
My daughter had Lyme in the 90's. We saw the deer tick on her chest and a circle surrounded it looking like a bullseye. She started having aches in her joints and had trouble walking. We went to a naturopath who treated her with a Lyme nosode which is a homeopathic. She did very well and recovered, however she had a relapse later when she was under a lot of stress. I know they treat it with antibiotics and my uncle did that and recovered. My first question is how do you know it is Lyme? There are other tick borne diseases that can be deadly. Many people contract lyme without seeing a bullseye (through contact) but generally that is a confirmation that it is lyme. I did a lot of research online and from the library and read everything I could so I could make wise decisions because there are several different protocols you can choose from. God bless you and give you the information that you need.
It’s Lyme, not “Lymes.”
You absolutely need Doxy, a month’s worth at least.
If this goes long term you will be FUCKED. I have had Lyme and Bartonella since 1980.
Hit up every urgent care until you get enough Doxy.
www.healingwell.com has the best Lyme forum on the internet.
STOP eating sugar
Do you know what type of ticks? That might help you narrow things down. Some ticks cause Lyme disease and others will cause Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. I’m in Eastern North Carolina & I don’t think we have the type of tick that causes lyme. My husband had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in the 90s. He used to spend a lot of time in the woods hunting & he’s lucky he only had it once. Ticks are very bad in my area because of the pine trees. I once found a tick in my child’s diaper. She was just six months and was only outside when we walked to car or neighbors house.
Lyme and co-infections are everywhere that there are migratory birds. It’s in NC.
Lots of antibiotics can cause c-diff ; a dangerous condition
Like OP, I am quite fearful of more family members getting sick and having to be hospitalized. And we all know they do a great job of finishing the job!
While researching uses for silver I noticed Hydrolised Silver is a treatment for Lyme Disease. Here's the link.
For an alternative approach, perhaps you might be interested in Medical Medium book series. He discusses lyme disease and its true cause and recommends various cleanse protocols and supplements.
One book has a small section on covid. He is currently heavily censored on FB and other media. Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal (Revised and Expanded Edition) Hardcover – March 23, 2021)
He says modern medicine does not yet understand that underlying dormant viruses are already present in our bodies, (like there are over 60 types of Epstein Barr Virus alone that exist) and are triggered by modern pathogens. That is why some people have an easier time healing than others...
Only 50% of people get the rash so you could still have lymes disease. Go to an urgent care and let them know that you had a tick bite last week and now you have a fever. You need some doxycycline if you have a tick borne illness. Forget about Covid vax madness. Tick borne illnesses can kill you or cause life long morbidity unless they are treated early. If you treat early you have nothing to worry about. You will feel better soon.
Find a Lyme literate doctor in your area. Expect to go on anti-biotics for about a year or so, though there are some protocols that pulse antibiotics and antifungals. It's a long tough journey but doable.
There are also some supplements that will help like cat's claw, knotweed, anti-oxidants, B vitamins, garlic etc, but those are complementary rather than a complete solution.
I had Lyme Amoxicillin is your go to
Had to rotate it with other antibiotics for a year