I’ll Start!
To me a good father is my father in heaven. HE IS LOVE! My earthly father passed away 7 years ago, and I can’t wait to see both of them when it’s time.
He leads his children to Christ and is an example of a follower for his children. Everything else is secondary. If you fail at this you have failed as a father.
He protects his children from pedophiles, transtesticles and the like.
He doesn’t allow his children to take experimental poisons because he has discernment from The Holy Father.
He recognizes the failure of the state and the programmed indoctrination that is the public school system - therefore he homeschools his children and lives within a single income means even though it means going without the luxuries of a dual income family. He has prioritized his children over material wealth.
Excellent addition ArcaneSlang! Yes, if a father is a representation of Christ to the daughters they will seek men of similar character.
Our daughters are taught the importance of finding a Christian significant other, and now an unvaccinated one to boot! Life will be so much harder and potentially painful if they don’t. We want lots of grandchildren also.
A great family movie and one of enormous value in teaching families to prioritize is ‘Courageous’ by Sherwood Films. If you haven’t I highly suggest.
Amen! All of these qualities above but perhaps the first thing after a Godly life is marry a Godly woman to be the foundation of your family.
Always show love, respect and affection for your wife in front of your children! I cannot emphasize the importance of children seeing their Mother and Father hold hands and kiss.
Your sons will learn how to love and respect a woman and your daughters will know how they should be treated. Then hopefully each will choose worthy spouses according to their Father's example.
Raise your children up in the way they should go.
May God continue to bless and protect all the wonderful Patriot father's here on GA! 🙏
Amen, mine passed last year in Aug. He taught me Love and dependability! He was my rock, would come help me anytime I needed him. Amazing father and papa, heart of gold! I miss him terribly but am so glad he’s my warrior in heaven. Looking forward to being with him again too.
My dad passed away while my mom was pregnant. The only real father figure I had was my grandpa who taught me basically everything I know. He passed away about 4 years ago now, and things haven't been the same since. He was my best friend, and without him I would have never known about politics or how important our grassroots movement is.
I became a father about a year and a half ago, and it kills me that my grandpa never got to meet my child. He would've been elated. He loved kids.
I'm almost the same age as my father was when he died, and it's a really strange feeling to now be a father at a young age like my dad would have been. It's a really emotional time for me. I just hope I can do as good of a job as a dad as my grandpa did for me. I had him for 18 years, but he instilled a lifetime of love and kindness into my heart, and I'll never forget that
Wow… That is a sad and awesome story at the same time. I’m sorry your father passed before you got to know him, but God provided. He provided a loving grandfather, And it sounds like he did a fantastic job with you. I think you’re going to be a fantastic father.
Trying to find the good words that can convey what your post brought up for me...
I love that you clearly were raised with Love. That is the one thing that simply cannot be missing from our lives, and especially as a child. That's my answer to the OP.
But now I'd like to speak to your young age and eloquence, and especially the emotional intelligence that you carry, of course nurtured by Grandpa.
And finally, please know that the bond between the two of you transcends the dropping of the physical vessel. You can reach out for him any time in your prayers, and he'll be there.
Thank you. I always reach out to him in my prayers. After he passed, I had a few dreams where he told me that he was ok, and I truly felt that it was a real spiritual message
The blessing to see here is that the Lord provides and in your circumstance, he provided you an earthly father in your time of need. The Lord ALWAYS provides in His way and time. We can rest and not worry about the future knowing this truth and having lives it ourselves. Thank you for sharing. I can relate more than you know.
All my life I heard my big brother say that one day he was going to have a son & name him Joseph William, after his football hero. Instead, he married a woman with a daughter & absolutely no inclination to have another child. I always felt so sad for my brother. But that stepdaughter was everything to my brother and a few years ago he actually adopted her, as an adult. Fathers come in all flavors!
P.S. The father of my kids, my husband, is obviously the best father I know
Yes they do come in all shapes and sizes don’t they. The word father can mean many things to many people. I’m happy to hear your story, and how your brother made a difference in someone else’s life. Also congrats to your wonderful husband!
This is so important. If your children see a strong role model for a husband and wife, when they grow up they will marry somebody who will be a strong husband or wife.
My father was an alcoholic… Who do you think I married? Exactly!
Sorry to hear that. Daughters of alcoholic dads are at a serious disadvantage. My FIL was (is) an alcoholic. He did quit after she left home, but it took years for her to overcome the things he said to her while in a drunken stupor. It is the grace of God that saved her. We've been married long enough now to have grand kids.
Didn't have the best definition of a Dad but I do for my 2 lovely ladies what I wished I had from my own dad. Love being a DAD. Happy Father's Day to All.
Yes I don’t think parents always tell their children enough that they love them. Or admit when they’re wrong. Both of these things together can help build strong children.
My father had to quit school in the 7th grade and get a job to take care of his mother, brother and sister when his father passed away at 39 from tuberculosis.
He was their rock. He did the same for our family of four children. He taught us education was important, jealousy was a waste of time. You could have what they have if you work for it. He wasn't prejudice he was giving and kind and had tremendous faith in God. He used to say if you make $10.00 you don't spend $15.00. He was once told he could get free government cheese and he said I want nothing from the government.
Our home was full of love and you never realized that you really didn't have much money.
He was strong steadfast and a real leader a ral inspiration.
I worked a job I really didn't like for more than 20 years to provide my family with a decent home and community to live in. I finally had one of my children thank me for it in a letter I received yesterday. I hope one day to have the others thank me as well.
A good EARTHLY father is exemplified by my father. Hardworking but prioritizes family time, God-fearing and active in his church community, loves my mother and shows that love in word and deed, taught us girls right from wrong and always gently corrected us when we erred (leaving the whooping for mom to do, doesn’t believe in a father striking his daughters), has a goofy personality and still makes life fun even though we’re all adults now. Oh and he will still ask if I’ve gotten my oil change or if I want to go on a McDonald’s date. Best damn dad out there ❤️
One that has good genes. Jk, one that is involved in making their sons into real men and one that encourages their daughters to be feminine, as it is not a weakness ( also teaches them how feminism is a complete joke. )
I would like to riff on this great post with a challenge for fathers. Your role in the family is crucial. We love and honor you. Please don't leave your wife to do all the spiritual battle by herself! You don't have to be "good" at praying, although if you ask Holy Spirit to teach you, He will. You do have to pick up your sword (Bible) and get up on the wall or down in the trenches to fight for your family. Just as you Patriot dads wouldn't leave your house without protection and provision, ( not all ya'll have had boat accidents, lol), don't think your wife can handle all the spiritual stuff alone! She will be so grateful for your leadership (which is largely initiative), and will love you even more!!!
I agree this is so important. A father is supposed to be the head of the household. The father and wife are a team, and then everything falls into place. But above all Christ must be the head of your family. Great post!
Well I feel a good father is one who loves, which includes discipline, comfort, and encouragement.
A father also teaches thru both example and directing. A good father also admits faults and learns from mistakes and shows a child its ok to fail but to learn from the failures. A good father shows respect to his wife and treats her with honor. A father does not have to be biological its a heart thing.
I miss his pancakes, his whistling around the house, and the sound of his voice when he would sing all four of us kids to sleep on long road trips from Odessa to Brownwood to go visit my granny. Happy Fathers Day in heaven dad! I miss you!
My earthly father died when I was 10, the last thing I said to him when I called him by name and didn't call him Dad was "I don't even know you"
He knew he was dying that week so he had us come visit, he called my mom crying about it and all she could say was "I warned you that would happen when you said you didn't want a family anymore, because you were dying and wanted to spend your last year's free".
If he had just spent some time with us, it would have meant everything. He did say he loved us but that is not enough.
My father always believed in me. He always knew that I could do it. Whatever the task may have been, he never doubted my capabilities. Never. I realize now, how much that means. He's been gone 30 years now but I still carry that with me. No matter what I may set forth to do, I know, that there's at least one who knows I can....
Only when needed. And never very often. Spare the rod spoil the child. Plus, in today's world, you can take away so many things that they enjoy for discipline. But you should never physically or mentally abuse your children.
I think the best books you should consider are self development books to make you the best you can be. Being a father has all sorts of challenges and no two paths are the same.
However, if you focus on being the best man you can be, loving, kind, hard working, generous, committed, etc, you will have all the resources you need to be a great person, which will make you a great father.
Fathers are absolutely role models, so make yourself the best person you can be and that will also make you the best father you can be.
Replace the word “spanking” with “hitting” or “abusing” and just don’t do it. Anything that harms the relationship is a big fat no. You can do better with patience and love.
Failing. My father left on my birthday. My BD is right before Christina’s. I watched him put the car reverse and drive away. I forgave him, but I have that hole of not knowing and now I have a 17 year old and a 10 year old. I refuse to leave but I fear I am failing my oldest who has autism. I will never give up on him or hope. He is highly functioning and the 10 year old is solid.
Forgiving is the most important and it requires love. My question sometimes is did my father do it right for me? I am me because of the struggles that my children do not know.
The cycles of doubt that good people go through and yet evil people have no remorse. They are free from doubting and love.
I’ll Start! To me a good father is my father in heaven. HE IS LOVE! My earthly father passed away 7 years ago, and I can’t wait to see both of them when it’s time.
This is the way. Praise God.
My advice as a dad. Don't ever let your daughter or son marry a liberal, which also most likely is non-Christian. It will ruin a lot of things
He leads his children to Christ and is an example of a follower for his children. Everything else is secondary. If you fail at this you have failed as a father.
He protects his children from pedophiles, transtesticles and the like.
He doesn’t allow his children to take experimental poisons because he has discernment from The Holy Father.
He recognizes the failure of the state and the programmed indoctrination that is the public school system - therefore he homeschools his children and lives within a single income means even though it means going without the luxuries of a dual income family. He has prioritized his children over material wealth.
Excellent addition ArcaneSlang! Yes, if a father is a representation of Christ to the daughters they will seek men of similar character.
Our daughters are taught the importance of finding a Christian significant other, and now an unvaccinated one to boot! Life will be so much harder and potentially painful if they don’t. We want lots of grandchildren also.
A great family movie and one of enormous value in teaching families to prioritize is ‘Courageous’ by Sherwood Films. If you haven’t I highly suggest.
Amen! All of these qualities above but perhaps the first thing after a Godly life is marry a Godly woman to be the foundation of your family.
Always show love, respect and affection for your wife in front of your children! I cannot emphasize the importance of children seeing their Mother and Father hold hands and kiss. Your sons will learn how to love and respect a woman and your daughters will know how they should be treated. Then hopefully each will choose worthy spouses according to their Father's example.
Raise your children up in the way they should go.
May God continue to bless and protect all the wonderful Patriot father's here on GA! 🙏
Word says not to be unequally yoked
Very good solid advice.
Amen, mine passed last year in Aug. He taught me Love and dependability! He was my rock, would come help me anytime I needed him. Amazing father and papa, heart of gold! I miss him terribly but am so glad he’s my warrior in heaven. Looking forward to being with him again too.
I'm terribly sorry. Yes, you will be with him again some day
My dad passed away while my mom was pregnant. The only real father figure I had was my grandpa who taught me basically everything I know. He passed away about 4 years ago now, and things haven't been the same since. He was my best friend, and without him I would have never known about politics or how important our grassroots movement is.
I became a father about a year and a half ago, and it kills me that my grandpa never got to meet my child. He would've been elated. He loved kids.
I'm almost the same age as my father was when he died, and it's a really strange feeling to now be a father at a young age like my dad would have been. It's a really emotional time for me. I just hope I can do as good of a job as a dad as my grandpa did for me. I had him for 18 years, but he instilled a lifetime of love and kindness into my heart, and I'll never forget that
Wow… That is a sad and awesome story at the same time. I’m sorry your father passed before you got to know him, but God provided. He provided a loving grandfather, And it sounds like he did a fantastic job with you. I think you’re going to be a fantastic father.
Thank you for your kind words. God knows I'm trying my hardest
As one Grandson to another, you're doing Grandpa proud. o7
My father, as a grandpa, was the only "father" my son ever knew. I am so grateful for him. How they loved each other.
It's your job to keep the legacy of greatness alive. Raise good men and women. Be a loving neighbor. Keep doing what you're doing.
Trump never said "I am going to Make America Great Again"
Trying to find the good words that can convey what your post brought up for me...
I love that you clearly were raised with Love. That is the one thing that simply cannot be missing from our lives, and especially as a child. That's my answer to the OP.
But now I'd like to speak to your young age and eloquence, and especially the emotional intelligence that you carry, of course nurtured by Grandpa.
And finally, please know that the bond between the two of you transcends the dropping of the physical vessel. You can reach out for him any time in your prayers, and he'll be there.
Thank you. I always reach out to him in my prayers. After he passed, I had a few dreams where he told me that he was ok, and I truly felt that it was a real spiritual message
The blessing to see here is that the Lord provides and in your circumstance, he provided you an earthly father in your time of need. The Lord ALWAYS provides in His way and time. We can rest and not worry about the future knowing this truth and having lives it ourselves. Thank you for sharing. I can relate more than you know.
God blessed me, absolutely. I have no idea where I'd be today without the impact of that blessing.
A father doesn’t show you the way. He elevates your mind so you can choose the best one from up there.
This is the way. Educating, bringing awareness, I love this!
Best thing that ever happened to me is my dad not letting me quit track when it got hard.
"IF you don't want to run next year, that's fine. But you have to finish the season."
Thanks dad for not raising a quitter!
My daughter wanted to quit martial arts. I reminded her of the commitment she made, blackbelt first, then you can do what you want.
She made 1st degree black, then was done. She thanks me to this day for making her finish. She doesn't do a lot, but what she does, it gets finished.
That’s an awesome story. My father ran track. And hurtles! I’ve got some awesome pictures of him jumping over the hurdles.
Being the best god-fearing example possible.
I think this is the most important attribute a father can pass on to their children. Faith in Christ.
Thank you for saying what you said!
One who lives with the mother of their child and remains to help raise that child.
Children should be carefree. Provide that and you'll be a top banana!
So true!
That's great, my father did that.
Sticky Reason: It's already Father's day in Australia.
Thank Q
A great father is: Loyal Trustworthy Careful Kind Obedient (sometimes) Cheerful Thrifty Brave Clean Reverent 😜 And of course loving!
I love all of those things.!
Isn't that a boy scout?
Yeah but doesn’t it Work?
It does. I was just reading this getting a little bit of nostalgia. Indeed it works
What exactly are we talking about when we say “clean”? 😂
Like you know, showered often, you don’t stink too bad most of the time.
Can’t stand stankiness
You know, never putting you stick in an exit only hole.
All my life I heard my big brother say that one day he was going to have a son & name him Joseph William, after his football hero. Instead, he married a woman with a daughter & absolutely no inclination to have another child. I always felt so sad for my brother. But that stepdaughter was everything to my brother and a few years ago he actually adopted her, as an adult. Fathers come in all flavors! P.S. The father of my kids, my husband, is obviously the best father I know
Yes they do come in all shapes and sizes don’t they. The word father can mean many things to many people. I’m happy to hear your story, and how your brother made a difference in someone else’s life. Also congrats to your wonderful husband!
Commitment to mom. Through thick and thin.
I've seen what happens to kids when their parents give up on each other. Didn't matter if the kids were 5 or 25, it still had a negative impact.
This is so important. If your children see a strong role model for a husband and wife, when they grow up they will marry somebody who will be a strong husband or wife.
My father was an alcoholic… Who do you think I married? Exactly!
Sorry to hear that. Daughters of alcoholic dads are at a serious disadvantage. My FIL was (is) an alcoholic. He did quit after she left home, but it took years for her to overcome the things he said to her while in a drunken stupor. It is the grace of God that saved her. We've been married long enough now to have grand kids.
I could not have a better mother. She's the absolute best. Happy Father's Day Mom❤❤❤
Being there and being involved. Something I didn’t have growing up.
Didn't have the best definition of a Dad but I do for my 2 lovely ladies what I wished I had from my own dad. Love being a DAD. Happy Father's Day to All.
I’m sure they will surprise you with something wonderful tomorrow.
The ability to admit you were wrong (when you are) and not be stubborn about telling sons and daughters that you love them...often.
Yes I don’t think parents always tell their children enough that they love them. Or admit when they’re wrong. Both of these things together can help build strong children.
I miss my Dad every day. He was a great one ❤️
My dad passed away as well. Just remember to celebrate his life, and the positive input he had on your life.
Yes I do!!
I remember with much love and joy all the trips, fishing, camp outs, building stuff, and the jokes and stories he had, his quick wit & sarcasm ❤️❤️
A good father stands by the mother, shows his children God is the foundation of his marriage and upbringing.
My father had to quit school in the 7th grade and get a job to take care of his mother, brother and sister when his father passed away at 39 from tuberculosis.
He was their rock. He did the same for our family of four children. He taught us education was important, jealousy was a waste of time. You could have what they have if you work for it. He wasn't prejudice he was giving and kind and had tremendous faith in God. He used to say if you make $10.00 you don't spend $15.00. He was once told he could get free government cheese and he said I want nothing from the government.
Our home was full of love and you never realized that you really didn't have much money.
He was strong steadfast and a real leader a ral inspiration.
I miss him so much.
Happy Father's Day dad.
I worked a job I really didn't like for more than 20 years to provide my family with a decent home and community to live in. I finally had one of my children thank me for it in a letter I received yesterday. I hope one day to have the others thank me as well.
Happy Father's Day to you.
A good EARTHLY father is exemplified by my father. Hardworking but prioritizes family time, God-fearing and active in his church community, loves my mother and shows that love in word and deed, taught us girls right from wrong and always gently corrected us when we erred (leaving the whooping for mom to do, doesn’t believe in a father striking his daughters), has a goofy personality and still makes life fun even though we’re all adults now. Oh and he will still ask if I’ve gotten my oil change or if I want to go on a McDonald’s date. Best damn dad out there ❤️
That’s awesome to hear. I’m so happy for you!
Being the last in line by choice
One that has good genes. Jk, one that is involved in making their sons into real men and one that encourages their daughters to be feminine, as it is not a weakness ( also teaches them how feminism is a complete joke. )
Those are great ideas. Boys - turning into men. Girls - turning into women!
Should be obvious right? But there seems to be a growing trend of a lot of femboys and femenazis now days
Be there. Pray with them. Treat his mother right. Work hard.
Yes so important! Praying with your children, and showing their mother love.!
If all fathers accepted Jesus Christ and followed Him it would be a much better world.
This is so true. So so true!
I would like to riff on this great post with a challenge for fathers. Your role in the family is crucial. We love and honor you. Please don't leave your wife to do all the spiritual battle by herself! You don't have to be "good" at praying, although if you ask Holy Spirit to teach you, He will. You do have to pick up your sword (Bible) and get up on the wall or down in the trenches to fight for your family. Just as you Patriot dads wouldn't leave your house without protection and provision, ( not all ya'll have had boat accidents, lol), don't think your wife can handle all the spiritual stuff alone! She will be so grateful for your leadership (which is largely initiative), and will love you even more!!!
I agree this is so important. A father is supposed to be the head of the household. The father and wife are a team, and then everything falls into place. But above all Christ must be the head of your family. Great post!
Well I feel a good father is one who loves, which includes discipline, comfort, and encouragement. A father also teaches thru both example and directing. A good father also admits faults and learns from mistakes and shows a child its ok to fail but to learn from the failures. A good father shows respect to his wife and treats her with honor. A father does not have to be biological its a heart thing.
From a kids perspective, a great reminder https://youtu.be/htgPh3DalmM
I really like your description. It gives you a full view of how her father should be. Thank you!
I miss his pancakes, his whistling around the house, and the sound of his voice when he would sing all four of us kids to sleep on long road trips from Odessa to Brownwood to go visit my granny. Happy Fathers Day in heaven dad! I miss you!
Peace thru strength. Love thru example. Hope thru hard work. Or a MARINE!
Longsuffering...same as God has for His own Children.
To love and honor our Father in Heaven.
My dad's been gone for over 21 years. I've had a lot of great father figures in my life since he passed but none can replace him.
My earthly father died when I was 10, the last thing I said to him when I called him by name and didn't call him Dad was "I don't even know you" He knew he was dying that week so he had us come visit, he called my mom crying about it and all she could say was "I warned you that would happen when you said you didn't want a family anymore, because you were dying and wanted to spend your last year's free". If he had just spent some time with us, it would have meant everything. He did say he loved us but that is not enough.
Sacrificing it all, so that my children will grow up to have a life on this planet filled with peace, love & light
Sacrifice, peace, love, light…
Reminds me of someone!
My father always believed in me. He always knew that I could do it. Whatever the task may have been, he never doubted my capabilities. Never. I realize now, how much that means. He's been gone 30 years now but I still carry that with me. No matter what I may set forth to do, I know, that there's at least one who knows I can....
Only when needed. And never very often. Spare the rod spoil the child. Plus, in today's world, you can take away so many things that they enjoy for discipline. But you should never physically or mentally abuse your children.
Yes I think there’s a time and place for it, however it Hass to be done properly.
Two forms of child rearing
Going kids God‘s way! If you use this method of choices and consequences, you’re really going to have to spank your children.
The one minute father. This is a great short book about disciplining kids, making it simple, quick, and meaningful. Highly recommend!
I think the best books you should consider are self development books to make you the best you can be. Being a father has all sorts of challenges and no two paths are the same.
However, if you focus on being the best man you can be, loving, kind, hard working, generous, committed, etc, you will have all the resources you need to be a great person, which will make you a great father.
Fathers are absolutely role models, so make yourself the best person you can be and that will also make you the best father you can be.
I don’t know what’s current… My daughters 30 years old now.
Replace the word “spanking” with “hitting” or “abusing” and just don’t do it. Anything that harms the relationship is a big fat no. You can do better with patience and love.
Failing. My father left on my birthday. My BD is right before Christina’s. I watched him put the car reverse and drive away. I forgave him, but I have that hole of not knowing and now I have a 17 year old and a 10 year old. I refuse to leave but I fear I am failing my oldest who has autism. I will never give up on him or hope. He is highly functioning and the 10 year old is solid.
Forgiving is the most important and it requires love. My question sometimes is did my father do it right for me? I am me because of the struggles that my children do not know.
The cycles of doubt that good people go through and yet evil people have no remorse. They are free from doubting and love.
Sorry to hear that you had to go through that, but it sounds like you’re being a good father.
Mine is 12/20
I don’t even know where to begin but simply, he’s always been there in my darkest times without me even really asking. He just shows up.
He said once “you think you’re going to break, it feels like it but you won’t.” And he’s been right every time.