Not a single bank can do any business without telecommunications.
Who controls the telecommuncations controls the banks.
Just a coincidence that the country that controls all Telecom is the same country that the worlds central bank is from.
Hmm, Julie Green said a great Empire is about to fall and a Dynasty ended (and Governments falling around the world). Wouldn't it be absolutely AWESOME if it was the Rothschilds Empire and their Dynasty that goes down.
Man, if that ain't the result of a couple thousand years of inbreeding, I don't know what is.
No kidding! Not even the biggest gold digger on the planet could suffer being with this old goat.
His genes are pure! 😂
You'd think he could afford plastic surgery, so he wouldn't have such a weak jaw, and a nose that looks like a penis.
Certain sects of Judaism prohibit altering ones own appearance in a permanent manner unless it's chopping off the tip of your cock.
I think you mean getting it chewed off.
You’re not wrong..
wish I was...Sick af.
He prefers to terrorize his victims with his appearance.
Hehe. Kek.
LOL! You're right about the nose. 😂
They believe they are a perfect and divine master-race.
Their religious scholars claim they are so powerful that they can silence God with a word.
Their whole lives are based around trying to enslave others and worshiping themselves and their carnal urges.
They don’t care because they aren’t human- just empty vessels for the Archons. As long as they get their adrenochrome they’re Gucci
Since Napoleon? I don't think he's over 200 yrs old, is he?
Made a deal with old scratch, perhaps.
Almost definitely.
I took it as the family, not the individual.
Think they're pointing out Napoleon as that's a war they used to cheat the stock markets to gain their initial wealth
We should look for old pics 100 years ago.
Matt Groening CLAIMS he based Mr. Burns on one of his high school teachers.
Groening is on the Epstein logs, so
Had to scroll too far for this. Matt Groening is an enemy.
Like to hear more about that.
Not a single bank can do any business without telecommunications. Who controls the telecommuncations controls the banks. Just a coincidence that the country that controls all Telecom is the same country that the worlds central bank is from.
At@t trades as "T" ie: ministry of truth
Jacob Rothschild may be well off, but he's about one incestuous generation away from being a Hapsburg.
Smithers didn't kill himself.
release the hounds!!!!!!
🙌🏼 😁
Ahoy hoy...
Net worth = earth
Yet...just can't...get...the fuckin'...teeth fixed
I'll take Euro Trash for 500 quintillion, Alex
WOW, that dude is fugly AF. Has to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink.
They need to be Romanov'd. All of them.
Looks like Pierre Trudeau too. Justin Trudeau's "paper father too."
Close set eyes, girly chin, is he a biofemale?
Hmm, Julie Green said a great Empire is about to fall and a Dynasty ended (and Governments falling around the world). Wouldn't it be absolutely AWESOME if it was the Rothschilds Empire and their Dynasty that goes down.
Strange Mr. Burns ran a nuke plant.
this a shitpost?
The reason the rothschilds are so mad is because they are all inbread and ugly as fuck…. No amount of money and fix ugly
Does that face remind anyone else of Queen Elizabeth?
Reminds me a bit of Prince Charles.
I can very easily imagine this dude chomping down on a live puppy or baby.
And we used to laugh at Keith Richards jokes…how old is that lizard??? One good punch in the nose and his paper-thin skull would just cave…sorry.
Looks like the Ghoul from Salem's Lot
Cuz he is.
And 1 ugly mofo
Does anybody on this board even read the Q posts?
“500 trillion” Uhhh….
In b4 all these people trying to justify a meme over the actual q post. “It says 2 Trillion+ ! The + means it could be 500 trillion!
Uh huh.
They may be calculating what we will pay him for our debt plus the juice. Of course we don't owe them a dime. It was our dollars to print not theirs.
Jacob, the biblical name, means deceiver.
Seems made up. Simpsons creator would not say that out loud
somebody poisoned your mothers eggs creepchild
I always thought he was supposed to be one of the Rockefellers.
I always thought he was supposed to be one of the Rockefellers, so I guess I wasn't far off.
Director of the CIA - William Burns. Drop #709