Huh, haven’t heard about the elongated skull bit. I’ll have to look into that.
The other theory is that the Sons of God are descendants of Seth and the daughters of men are the descendants of Cain. However, this theory doesn’t make much sense to me because it would be rather unremarkable if Cain and Seth’s descendants intermarried. After all, it’s not like they had any other options. Plus, such intermarriage wouldn’t produce giants (the nephilim) unless the genes for gigantism were already present in Adam and Eve’s DNA.
Then again, the theory that angels bred with humans raises questions of its own, like how on earth do angels mate with humans in the first place. This implies that angels (or at least the fallen ones) have a physical form and similar enough genetics to allow for procreation. Not to mention a genetic component the results in extra height/mass (maybe a gene that stimulates production of HGH?). Definitely agree that we don’t have the full picture on any of this.
From what I gathered Sons of God are direct creation by God Himself (example: Adam, Angels, fallen or not) and sons/daughters of men are descendants of Adam.
If one goes with the theory that Nephilim/giants are human/angel hybrids, then God tried to wipe them out twice, once via the Flood and again when David exterminated the remaining giants among the Philistines. Why would God want to wipe out human/fallen angel hybrids if their angelic parents were benevolent?
I don't think God would "try" to do anything. Other than lead us back into his arms. I don't remember any where in the Bible where God "tried" to smite someone, and missed, or it bounced.
Evil spirits and undying entities though - not sure what really classifies something as a demon. God flooded the Earth to destroy these fallen angels that had ruined His creation…..but their spirit didn’t die. They were incarcerated in Tartarus, or the gloomy dungeons. But make no mistake, these were the fallen angels from Genesis 6 that cohabitated with human women and had children by them. Immediately after these passages in Genesis 6 the Bible goes straight to Noah and the flood.
If you want undeniable corroboration for this explanation check out 1 Peter 3:17-18. These scriptures refer to the exact moment that Jesus was crucified and what he did immediately upon resurrection.
“ 1 Peter 3:18–20 — The New International Version (NIV)
18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. 19 After being made alive, he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits—20 to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built.
……… 🎤 drop
But in case you are a big fallen angel fan no worries - they are scheduled to come back (see Revelation 9:1-3). Just hope you are not around when they return.
Yeah, if you look at the pavement they're standing on, it gets lower towards the right, as the step behind them is level. So Barron is standing an inch or two below his 6'3 dad, and still towers over him.
He's at or approaching 7 feet. Could be a super active pituitary gland plus genetics. He was bound to be tall anyway considering how tall his parents are, but the fact that he went so much taller is actually quite fascinating.
Shaq is 7'2". It's unreal. I saw him in Circuit City in Brentwood, CA and first I just noticed a shadow pass by my peripheral vision. Then I looked up and the reality is that your brain can't take it in. Like the Mountain from GoT. A great idea for a bad guy - so big that he just won't be kilt.
has anybody else noticed that Pres Trump's white shirt cuffs look very "off", longer than they should be? maybe that's a style, but i don't ever recall his tailoring off like this...
I find cufflinks to be a nice ideal. Part of the whole getting dressed up for something, but the cuffs tend to be cardboardy. The jacket has to be adequately sleeved, but these faggy tight suit jackets don't work. Or if you're Conor McGregor and you pick your suits from the children's section.
A few months ago it was reported that he was 6'8" and growing.
Just as an fyi, the nephilim are not the good guys in the Bible. They are fallen angels, aka demons.
Huh, haven’t heard about the elongated skull bit. I’ll have to look into that.
The other theory is that the Sons of God are descendants of Seth and the daughters of men are the descendants of Cain. However, this theory doesn’t make much sense to me because it would be rather unremarkable if Cain and Seth’s descendants intermarried. After all, it’s not like they had any other options. Plus, such intermarriage wouldn’t produce giants (the nephilim) unless the genes for gigantism were already present in Adam and Eve’s DNA.
Then again, the theory that angels bred with humans raises questions of its own, like how on earth do angels mate with humans in the first place. This implies that angels (or at least the fallen ones) have a physical form and similar enough genetics to allow for procreation. Not to mention a genetic component the results in extra height/mass (maybe a gene that stimulates production of HGH?). Definitely agree that we don’t have the full picture on any of this.
From what I gathered Sons of God are direct creation by God Himself (example: Adam, Angels, fallen or not) and sons/daughters of men are descendants of Adam.
They’re not? Then what are they then?
If one goes with the theory that Nephilim/giants are human/angel hybrids, then God tried to wipe them out twice, once via the Flood and again when David exterminated the remaining giants among the Philistines. Why would God want to wipe out human/fallen angel hybrids if their angelic parents were benevolent?
I don't think God would "try" to do anything. Other than lead us back into his arms. I don't remember any where in the Bible where God "tried" to smite someone, and missed, or it bounced.
Just sayin'
Evil spirits and undying entities though - not sure what really classifies something as a demon. God flooded the Earth to destroy these fallen angels that had ruined His creation…..but their spirit didn’t die. They were incarcerated in Tartarus, or the gloomy dungeons. But make no mistake, these were the fallen angels from Genesis 6 that cohabitated with human women and had children by them. Immediately after these passages in Genesis 6 the Bible goes straight to Noah and the flood.
If you want undeniable corroboration for this explanation check out 1 Peter 3:17-18. These scriptures refer to the exact moment that Jesus was crucified and what he did immediately upon resurrection.
“ 1 Peter 3:18–20 — The New International Version (NIV)
18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. 19 After being made alive, he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits—20 to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built.
……… 🎤 drop
But in case you are a big fallen angel fan no worries - they are scheduled to come back (see Revelation 9:1-3). Just hope you are not around when they return.
Nor are Nephilim. They are the children of angels and humans.
You heard about the Christian Revival in the Hebrides?
Trump's mom is from the Hebrides, I believe.
We shall do the same.
BTW, I believe Hebrides is one of the places where the Hebrews settled.
Not the ones commonly known as such.
The ones who became Christian.
The absolute Tallest of sons. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.
Absolutely YUGE, that boy is growing BIGLY, in a very big way. The biggest way, people
Dude. Srsly.
For reference, Donald is 6'3 and Eric is 6'5
Based on that I'd put him around 6'10 or 6'11, hell he might even be fucking 7ft tall lol
7'1 apparently. At least for the moment, what an absolute unit!
There's THAT number again only mirrored. 🤷♂️
Yeah, if you look at the pavement they're standing on, it gets lower towards the right, as the step behind them is level. So Barron is standing an inch or two below his 6'3 dad, and still towers over him.
I'd hate to be that tall and NOT a Trump, clothes shopping would be a bitch
He's at or approaching 7 feet. Could be a super active pituitary gland plus genetics. He was bound to be tall anyway considering how tall his parents are, but the fact that he went so much taller is actually quite fascinating.
He could join the Space Force without leaving the ground.
He has to duck under rain clouds and buildings never block his view.
Six feet 20.
He's coming. He's coming. He's coming.
The present beware, the future beware..
He'll save the children, but not the British children.
Pretty doggone tall! He definitely looks like he could slam dunk a basketball!
Taller than Shaq?
Shaq is 7'2". It's unreal. I saw him in Circuit City in Brentwood, CA and first I just noticed a shadow pass by my peripheral vision. Then I looked up and the reality is that your brain can't take it in. Like the Mountain from GoT. A great idea for a bad guy - so big that he just won't be kilt.
He's gotta be 6'10" or so. Pretty odd to see him towering over those others who are also tall people.
He’s so tall! I feel for their family. They did not seem happy at all in those photos from that funeral. Let them grieve media geez. 1776
Did you see the envelopes gettin passed around? Interesting.
He’s 6’5”…6’9 with the Afro.
For Fletch fans
has anybody else noticed that Pres Trump's white shirt cuffs look very "off", longer than they should be? maybe that's a style, but i don't ever recall his tailoring off like this...
I'm guessing, and it is just a guess as I don't wear them, it's the cuff links that's doing that. I think he wears cuff links often.
I find cufflinks to be a nice ideal. Part of the whole getting dressed up for something, but the cuffs tend to be cardboardy. The jacket has to be adequately sleeved, but these faggy tight suit jackets don't work. Or if you're Conor McGregor and you pick your suits from the children's section.
I read somewhere that he's 6'13"
It's his underwear. 11 inches are added.
Oops. TMI.
I thought the same thing when I saw this yesterday. He's so tall with such a baby face.
I want some of those genes
Who is the XX on the far left?
Asking the important questions. Also, what's her relationship status?
That’s Kai, Don Jr’s oldest daughter. She’s 15.
The best genes he will be president some day.
Lovely family.
He's gotta be at least 6'8 by now.
These guys all look very, very fit. Not overweight. Not eating donuts or potato chips. Trump would probably look similar without his BP vest.
9' 4" and apparently hes still growing
Eric is a giant as well.
I can't fucking wait til that time traveler is President. DJT > DJTJR > BARRON
"Last reset"? Do you mean since the last solar flash when the earth crosses the galactic equator?
I read too much. Or not enough. Somewhere in there.