Its weird but this post has been my default gaw tab forever.. not deliberately but today i felt inclined to reply. I do. Cheers, and i assure you i see your post all the time, fren! 🐸
He is signing executive orders for fauci to design more experiments that torture beagle puppies. The order on top allows substitute human Victims if fauci runs out of cute puppies.
Answer me this. Why is “the president” staring at a water bottle that doesn’t have a label on it? Very odd to me unless they were trying to avoid having a brand on display.
How do they work now? I remember back in the 80s working for the corporate secretary's department of a huge multinational corporation that the signature machines used large circular cams that moved a pen holder in two dimensions to actually write a signature. I imagine a pen holding X-Y plotter could do as well.
He signs. They type in whatever EO they want, get $1M/mo pay raises. Kind of like a doctor signing a blank script & handing to patient with a "get how much of whatever you want"
Could you imagine being the aide that has to literally wipe his ass?
I have a full on Socialist extended family and even they say it's a shame and a crime parading him around.
He has a real dementia patient look on his face.
Definitely looks like he's looking at something that's not there or thinking about something creepy and/or nefarious.
Those aren't blank sheets....
I cant believe people fall for this shit.
The light and the angle of the camera make it appear blank, but if you zoom in, you can see there's text.
Nope. He's furiously executively ordering our lqst remaining constitutional rights (God-given) away.
Doubtful he even knows what he's signing but they do love their symbology..
Talk about a late response. Lol.
Sounds like you agree with me. 🤣🤣🤣
Its weird but this post has been my default gaw tab forever.. not deliberately but today i felt inclined to reply. I do. Cheers, and i assure you i see your post all the time, fren! 🐸
I zoomed in and I didn't see anything
Lines of text are just barely visible.
You don't need to see anything, just apply a little logic. Why go through the charade of using blank pieces of paper? Why not put gibberish on them?
He is signing executive orders for fauci to design more experiments that torture beagle puppies. The order on top allows substitute human Victims if fauci runs out of cute puppies.
Just blank stares.
Not blank.
Photos at certain angles and lighting will hide most of the text.
CNN worshipers were raving about Trump signing blank papers a few years ago for the same reason.
Not sold on it. Enhance, zoom.
A shallow depth of field will obliterate text...
Who is that? That is not Biden.
Please take time to read the Twitter comments. Has got to be bots !!
This is meme template gold OP
With his size? Maybe.
So his earlobe is now detached?
Damn Joe, clean your phone screen.
He licked it looks like
whats so special about that water
He is playing tic tax toe with himself, He still hasn’t won
Just like the election.
All work and no play makes Joe a dull boy.
Pedo Joe definitely “watching the water”
Answer me this. Why is “the president” staring at a water bottle that doesn’t have a label on it? Very odd to me unless they were trying to avoid having a brand on display.
Also, he looks fukin retarded
They'll fill them in later. Probably with presidential pardons.
Stock up signatures. Copy them onto official documents when he’s no longer capable of signing.
Congress (and I'm sure the president as well) have auto pen machines that write perfect signatures of whatever they are programmed with.
*used to intern in the Senate
Can confirm--I recall this became a minor scandal when Dubya briefly used an autopen.
How do they work now? I remember back in the 80s working for the corporate secretary's department of a huge multinational corporation that the signature machines used large circular cams that moved a pen holder in two dimensions to actually write a signature. I imagine a pen holding X-Y plotter could do as well.
For real?
Yes and this was in late 2000s. I'm sure the tech has improved since then. Youtube autopen
is he capable of signing legal documents?
Not the same guy...
Yeah... If he is a replacement... I feel bad for him...
Taking notes. Let’s not try this hard to make him look like a fool. He does a great job at it himself!
Oh thank god he’s ok
Link here.
That looks like a dude in a mask.
i heard he swappd his writing hand when his body doubling began 😆
Man. That looks nothing like him. He’s gone.
He signs. They type in whatever EO they want, get $1M/mo pay raises. Kind of like a doctor signing a blank script & handing to patient with a "get how much of whatever you want"
Nobody else notice the water bottle he's staring at?
I see Joe's having a conversation with the water bottle!
They must just think we are as dumb as they are.
Consistent with his blank mind.