False flag also doesn't mean no victims. It just means that it was planned and performed for a specific purpose. Too many people only think crisis actors and false events but that's not what a false flag really is.
Do we even know for a fact that there were real victims in Sandy Hook? The ferocity with which they have gone after Alex Jones for saying there wasn't only makes me doubt them more.
It's a fair question. I followed the event closely in 2013. You probably can't find 95% of all the info today that flowed back then. The purge on YouTube, Reddit, ATS, GLP, etc. was absolute and irreversible. Anybody who even casually brought up the subject found their comments and content insta-banned for several years after AJ made his infamous comments.
But in a nutshell, I could never arrive at a definite conclusion other than I believed Adam Lanza was a completely fabricated individual. A researcher went around knocking on neighbor's doors a few days after the event and one of the neighbors, across the street and over one house, who had lived there for many years stated quite quizzically that he didn't realize Nancy had two sons, only knowing of her son Ryan who lived in NYC at the time. That to me was one of the most interesting little factoids. The handful of photographs and yearbook pictures that popped up later were all questionable at best. The stories of Nancy and Adam frequently going to the shooting range together were also summarily dispelled when several researchers interviewed owners of all the gun ranges within 100 miles and none had ever heard of nor seen either of them at their range.
If you think about it, it's in many cases an IMPOSSIBLE TASK to disprove something that was never satisfactorily and undeniably proven. Which is precisely what one would need to do when making a counter claim like "nobody died at SH". "He who makes the claim bears the burden of proof". I could say "the moon is made of blue cheese". If you then counter-claimed "the moon is not made of blue cheese", then it's now on you to prove me wrong --- which you could never do.
How does one go about proving this claim (nobody died)? If it was all a fabricated crisis event as many claim, you can be assured that none of the participants (parents, teachers, LEO, coroner, etc.) are going to help you prove your claim. You wouldn't have one chance in a million to convince a jury with all the mountains of circumstantial evidence you presented. One angry and weeping mother would neutralize all of it in a hot minute in front of a blue-pilled jury.
Never before or since have I seen a news segment like the 60-minutes piece on "What the media got wrong about Sandy Hook" solely dedicated to damage control over an event. And this was precisely the reason that all the "conspiracy theorists" jumped into the fray to begin with. The media literally got more wrong than they did right about it. A recipe for massive controversy.
What few on this board yet seem to realize even now, is that there are large groups of disinformation, misinformation, cointelpro and "conspiracy propagandists" that generate massive amounts of content to further muddy the waters of the legitimate conspiracy researchers. I've never seen more of this nor in greater quantities than around the events at SH.
If somebody wanted to really prove this once and for all, they would need to prove two or more of these children never existed and/or never died. At least one researcher back in the day took this tack and was compiling an interesting body of information on two of the kids, but was never able to get far enough to make an irrefutable case.
To say the events surrounding SH were beyond sketchy and suspicious would be the understatement of the decade. On other hand, to make the claim that "nobody died" would require someone to compile several data points of irrefutable evidence without the help of anybody "officially" involved, all the while having to defend against a systemic group of powerful players that could and would counter your claim in an instant with fake pictures, videos, official documents, etc. at a moments notice. e.g. - the claim that certain kids didn't have locatable birth or death certificates in the vital records systems. These could be easily generated and a "privacy" excuse could be passed off quite easily for example.
Net-Net - Without really two or more high-level insiders getting involved and demonstrating multiple instances of deliberate and provable fraud, it would be an impossible task to prove such a claim. Thus, all I can say with certainty today is that whatever happened that day, it is undoubtedly not what we were told!
Great post my friend! I wish I could give you about 100 more upvotes, you certainly deserve it for your hard work on that. Clear, concise and chock full of information. That was very helpful to me, I was not really paying a lot of attention at the time of Sandy Hook, had a lot of other stuff going on in my life, so I missed a lot of the undercurrents and weirdness popping up in synchronicity with the concurrent mockingbird narrative.
It seems like especially with these false flag deals that being in early is the best way to catch all of the oddball happenings that discredit the purported reality of the event. For example I remember right after Floyd there was stuff surfacing about him and NBA player Steven Jackson, Illuminati symbols as tattoos, medical autopsy folks discussing the severity of the trauma itself and how impossible it would be to suffocate from the pressure of the knee alone, etc.
One really compelling piece I saw showed the strange uniforms of the police and the EMT first responders. A lady who'd worked for Minneapolis hospitals her whole career said they were way off, completely different and they had some odd patches on them too if I remember correct. The vehicles were all wrong too.
If you zoom further out in your thinking, you start to be shocked by the sheer number of cameras they had positioned around that location - where Chauvin just happened to pull the car onto the sidewalk and then decide to bring him over to the opposite side of the car( nearest to the road where someone could accidentally run into them) allowing the camera to catch it all - not to mention the "viral video" made by a magical disappearing minor (who of course for legal reasons can't be named or any info). How about Floyd's rap career from his days in Houston, or the club that he and Chauvin both worked at that closed immediately after it got into the news? Once you start to know what to look for, it DOES get easier to figure out the tricks of their trade.
So much of the potential to identify it and bring it to the light (or at least slow it down by calling attention to the oddball parts of the event and force them to bury the story before its maximum impact is achieved) is those critical first hours and days, I think, when they haven't successfully tucked all the fuck ups in yet.
If you get there before they do it really can shut the whole program down entirely and while full exposure is probably next to impossible, minimizing the impact of a false flag is the most important thing in the end.
Normies won't believe they set it all up and shot it like a movie anyways, but if you can bring enough out in the early hours and days to get people talking about how weird it seems instead of how bad it was or why they're angry about it, that is a huge win because it neutralizes all the emotions they need to foster with it to begin with. When things don't make sense logically it's a HUGE tell if you've got a fake on your hands or not, in my opinion... this is why the Lamestream media is obsessed with getting us to the "acceptance" phase of all things that are illogical and or morally backwards. Repetitions and endless phrase drops until we forget you are supposed to wrestle with things that don't make sense to find what and why is behind it and not just shake your head and say Wow. It's another way of saying that quote about Good Men doing Nothing but I digress, lets keep on topic.
I think Uvalde is a PERFECT example of what I just described. Not only was the entire event botched to what seemed like a GREAT DEGREE on their end, but us Anons were already in gear from earlier events and were getting the timeline and all the fuckery out to the wider world almost as fast as it was happening! What's resulted has been a HUGE BLOWBACK for their side where they were caught with their pants down, and so many eyes (normies not just us) were on it simultaneously that they were unable to bury the story early and abort the mission, as we sometimes see during a false flag. It went so bad and they were so exposed that they had fake outrage and conduct a bullshit full investigation, resulting in the MSM giving us one of the most wild bullshit lies I've ever heard, that you literally would HAVE TO BE AN ASSHOLE TO BELIEVE. I mean if you seriously think 100 goddamn cops sat outside of a classroom where it would be impossible not to hear children and adults screaming while a young kid (who from photos looked like he could lose a fight with 3 8 year olds) blew them away with a pee shooter for over an hour. I mean I've got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale right now just tell me if you think that was true! I mean come on no one was in those fucking rooms.
What solidifies Uvalde as a win, however, is not just the ridiculous narrative they were forced into selling or the sham investigation that went nowhere. It was how they had to spin the arrow and point the narrative THE EXACT WRONG WAY. It makes me laugh every time!
Instead of demonizing the AR-15 and getting Matthew McConaughey to appear and have a national kumbaya with us at the boy scout campfire, before announcing his entrance into politics and a 2024 presidential run (Why not? They use what they have)
Instead they have cops looking like heartless pricks and/or incompetent to the point of retardation becoming a legitimately questionable reasoning for the why.
(The following is a loose stream of consciousness style attempt at recreating the conversations by the baddies during the Uvalde debacle. Viewer discretion is advised)
What the fuck, guys!? What to do we use, defund?
NO, fuck goddamnit, this wasn't a defund at all, we need them to trust the cops more so we can take the rifles, NOT LESS!
What can we say what is the solution??
Shit... goddamn this is so bad... okay I got it, I was up all night thinking about it. We will say the cops were too scared to go in because they didnt have a BIGGER gun than the AR-15 the kid had, because the SWAT didn't get there yet!
Yeah, that will work!
They were following orders and no one had a direct tactical advantage that would provide enough firepower for them to return fire safely and neutralize the threat without endangering the officer's life!
Just use a bunch of fucking big words these morons don't know, it doesn't have to fit correctly, just pull them from the handbooks and say shit like "operational" and get the news people to show RIFLE > PISTOL and recall they had no riot shields or smoke grenades or something!
Okay that's great!
Say shit about the barricaded threat versus active shooter stuff and use full on industry jargon and I think we can at least get the BAN ON RIFLE shit to a bill!
Okay, We will push the kids story the cops story separately and try to bury Uvalde before we get Matthew to come out and say "ALL RIGHT 3X LETS JUST USE COMMON SENSE FOLKS IM A REGULAR COMMON SENSE FELLA" and maybe that'll shame enough Republicans into majority support for it in the polling!
We can still use this guys please just give us a chance! DON'T LET MR. SOROS GIVE ME ANOTHER SPANKING AHHHHHH
Thanks for allowing me this indulgence. It was cathartic if nothing else, to imagine these smug assfaces run around like fools trying to salvage the crazy train known as Uvalde. As a last minute addition I just would ask the question to all: How often do you hear of the school getting demolished so fast as this one following an incident like this? From a districting perspective where do all the surviving children go to school now? LOL silly deep state. How about that funeral home next door they used for every single child! Glad they had all their life insurance and plots set up for their 7 year olds! Uvalde people are really a very prepared bunch, you've got to tip your hat. That was is almost as good as those "mobile cremation units" in Ukraine! Oh my god guys kids died in there! Why wont you believe us? We took care of the bodies already they deserved that out of uh, respect, yeah that's it! WHY WONT YOU BELIEVEEEE MEEEE REEEEE
Hahaha, you're right over the target with all of your analysis!! The closer the information, interview, video, audio, etc. is to the time of the event, the more accurate it generally is. The Sandy Hook event is just like the Floyd and Uvalde events. Same goes for 9/11, Boston Marathon FF, etc. etc. Look to those real-time interviews, videos, etc., which tend to get scrubbed and disappeared more than any others.
As you rightly point out in your comment, they can't get away with their shenanigans today like they used to. Way too many people are now awake to it and there are perhaps millions of minds now focused on their forkery, as opposed to perhaps a few thousand 20+ years ago.
The world is waking up, one mind at a time, but many minds per day now. It won't be long.....
I absolutely agree with your word wall!
Asking questions always gets the ball rolling but the invention of the tv is to bypass critical thinking by showing images thereby proving that what you see is the truth when in fact it’s the opposite.
Oh and, how dare you?
Thank you so much , I too missed a lot due to major events in my life and have been trying to catch up ,, all I did know believe ,, is DS was involved!
No thank you sir, I appreciate all of your kind comments, thank you for taking time on reading what I have been putting out. It's a very needed ego boost at this juncture in my life to hear you and others compliment my work. Flattery will get you everywhere! ;)
I know exactly how life can take you away from being on top of this stuff. The truth is that I have also been too far removed from that pace of life myself and it's been nice to have the time necessary to catch up in the past couple years, off and on.
It does take time and energy to learn this stuff and keep going and adding to your 'mind palace' as you do. The world happens so fast lately and the time commitment needed to really focus in and then to actually post a long thought out idea is that much more. I am blessed with some natural skill at writing that makes part of the process easier and more fun to me than other spots, ultimately I am thankful for that gift from God because it let's me retain at least a little of my active brain to stay in the real world doing what is necessary to keep afloat. We all feel like we are teetering lately it seems like, I don't even know a person who hasn't had significant consequences from the economy.
I just want to once more thank you! I am excited to continue the fight and bring new ideas and messages to you and others thru my writing. I really hope it helps 😁😁
I believe they use kids or "kids" of very young school age as the victim because they would not have a long verifiable history to research.
If they use high-school kids they need to fabricate 8-12 yrs of school pics, teacher stories, youth sport pics, etc.
Yeah, it's really difficult to make claims and the suppression of anyone questioning it is sketchy. It smells like a lot of things they do. It actually smelled like how they came down on people who called out the mask bullshit.
But yeah basically impossible or at least non feasible to prove a negative, and that is even more true years later. It seems to me that Alex has focused a bit too singularly and vehemently about it, which tracks with the assumption that he's a clown. The louder he is, the more he detracts from it in the public eye.
Reverse is also true of course in that he attracts a certain kind of person as well. I watched Info Wars a few times as my background noise. But now I tend to lend my ear towards more moderate, less loud positions.
I actually appreciate a lot of our MAGA moderates more than I used to. There is a place for the hardcore MAGA types, and a place for the moderate types.
Yep, agreed. AJ has to generate 15 hours of "conspiracy theory" content every week. That's an impossible job to do unless you effectively talk about EVERYTHING that's out there, knowing full well a ton of it is disinfo. Thus is the trap he's fallen into millions of times.
I'm still on the fence with this farce of a "trial". It played more like a "Judge Judy" episode with literally zero adherence to anything ever remotely resembling a real case. The LEGAL profession should be ashamed of itself and embarrassed beyond comprehension!
My bet is, this trial was "part of the show" for reasons I cannot yet fathom but will likely become clear in the near future. We shall see....
95% are long gone, all the good, focused on a specific topic at least. You can still find a few floating around. Just search "Sandy Hook" on Bitchute - most of the longer, larger videos are right there within the first 10-20 results.
I’ll have to look for some evidence articles I have. They changed their WiFi to a school down the road like 7 months before.
There’s all kinds of shady facts on that event. Drone or helicopter footage shows the same people doing loops in and out of the upper quadrant building just to make it look like a lot of different people were on the scene. Mortgages on houses were paid off in an area around the school (pay offs), and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’m sure lots of anons could fill in all kinds of extra stuff I’m not remembering at the moment.
Exactly, I'll add that too many people easily fall prey to the "if...then" or "this or that" scenarios when I say, "why not both??". That goes for anything from FFs to religion.
To flesh that out, its an operation designed to have blame or responsibility for it assigned to a party that did not do it, usually for propaganda purposes or for gaining of some strategic leverage.
The party that is the object of the false flag can either be the target (i.e. to destroy or weaken them) or a useful kickoff point for justifying a desired action.
Foundational (accepted and understood) are: Q posts re: Corsi, Jones, and the related actions by Jones, with Q, "Qanon", the 'real Q' etc.
Then, a few facts:
Q's posts lead to a trail that indicates that Corsi is/was Mossad.
Corsi worked with Jones in attempting to hijack the Q movement, and then, derail it when that did not work.
Jones tends to muddy the good information, has created a parody of the truth seeker and thereby provided LOTS of fodder for the Lamestream media and normie world to dismiss truth seekers under the moniker "conspiracy theorist".
Is it possible that Jones is
a) an egotistically driven showman who is seeking his own fame, and or making a living by entering and exploiting the truth seeking sphere?
b) a flawed but relatively honest individual - that is, is he what he appears to be on the surface: far from perfect, prone to mistakes and bad calls because he doesn't really know the depth of things, due to being focused primarily on his own showmanship and goals (fame and fortune), but at the same time, generally bringing a level of awakening and awareness to people that forms a stepping stone for them to move to better and more developed truth sources?
c) a long-term, planted controlled opposition operative, highly designed to appear egotistical and sometimes foolish, in which what we see is the image or the 'mask' he wears, while having a completely different agenda from the appearance?
In the case of C, what can be the motive?
It's easy to say "Mossad-funded", but then, what is the objective, and why would Jones being doing the C role in the first place? because he is a true believer in the Agenda being pursued by the Mossad? Is it $$$$$, so that he is making bank by living in this role?
These are important questions, because unless motive is clearly established, the "mossad-funded" assertion is weak.
With Corsi, it's easy to imagine. Corsi worked in the shadowy areas of "intel" and did all his stuff out of the sunlight. But Jones is in the sunlight SO MUCH. If he's making bank, where is it? If he is funded by Mossad, well, do they own him/ Is he being blackmailed? Otherwise, what agenda is it that he believes in such that he would live his whole life, including family breakdown etc, for 'the cause'?
Epstein got the perks. He was a low-life instrument that got wealth, power and perverted pleasure as his recompense for being the asset he was (with Maxwell as the handler).
All this Sandy Hook conspiracy nonsense. Are you aware of how incredible the mother's of Sandy Hook children were? Let me tell you how incredible they all were.
Did you know the Sandy Hook mothers’ average age giving birth was 36 years old? That in itself is incredible and is extremely significant. It provides an important proof of how FANTASTIC the Sandy Hook tragedy actually was.
Let’s examine this. Hopefully even the math challenged readers can follow this.
First, let’s get some statistics on the average age of US mothers giving birth. This is very important to the Sandy Hook tale. According to the CDC, the average age for US mothers giving birth is age 27.
According to the CDC, the percentage of US mothers giving their first birth at age 35 or older for 2006 is ~8%. That equates to about 1 in every 12.
Pew Research Center reports that American mothers’ age 35 or older for any birth is 14%. Therefore, let’s estimate the percentage of 1st grade students’ mothers ages being 36 or older at 11% or about 1 in every 9. Age 36 is nine years above CDC average of age 27 for mothers with any number of children giving birth in 2006.
Applying this 11% (1 out of 9) number to the average US classroom of 27 1st grade students, would provide the ratio: 1/9 = X/27, where X = 3. This means 24 moms (27 – 3) would be younger than 36, and only 3 would be 36 or older.
To calculate the odds that the average age of Sandy Hook mothers at birth was 36, we multiply 1/9 to itself 20 times, that is, (1/9)²⁰. This is the same method for the odds of flipping a coin: multiply 1/2 times the number of flips to have the odds of all heads or all tails [the odds of two straight heads is (1/2)², or 1/4, or 1 in 4]. Twenty straight heads or tails is 1 in 1,048,576 by placing 2 in the number to calculate, then looking at power of 20, or (2)²⁰.
It turns out the odds that Sandy Hook mothers averaged an age of 36 is therefore about 12,157,665,459,056,929,000 to 1 (verify yourself by placing
9 in the calculator, then looking at the power of 20).
I had to look up how to say this number: 12 Quintillion, 157 Quadrillion, 665 Trillion, 459 Billion, 56 Million, 929 Thousand.
Twelve Quintillion,
One Hundred Fifty-seven Quadrillion,
Six Hundred Sixty-seven Trillion,
Four Hundred Fifty-nine Billion,
Fifty-six Million,
Nine Hundred Twenty-nine Thousand to one.
How often would odds of 12,157,665,459,056,929,000 to 1 actually happen?
Are we that stupid to believe Sandy Hook with odds like this? What does it say about the mothers? Crisis actors?
By showing the impossible odds of those 20 Sandy Hook mothers being on avg. 36 years old when they birthed those children that died in that classroom, really does tells us 'something'. The impossible odds tells us these mothers cannot possibly be who they claim to be. There are so many anomalies about these children and the parents, who they really are, the properties they owned, and so much more, that no one should ever trust the official narrative.
There is hours of helicopter footage of sandy hook.
You can watch, for hours, people walk in circles.
Some going in huge circles through the school while others walk in a circle around a vehicle or other small circles.
It’s all a show.
Not something I care much about either way. The things getting my attention now are not the noisy stuff. It's the deeper implications of seemingly small events. For one, AZ all red, many thought it could not happen. FLORIDA Governor holding people accountable, openly targeting do nothings who soros Controls. Message, do your jobs or your fired changing soros control. Counter insurgency, one of the pillars is the legal system.
Florida is being set up as an example for other states. Purposeful imposition of rule of law, justice, accountability and a direct attacks to destroy the corruption.
Where’s the evidence Alex Jones is Mossad? Many upon many theories he’s been shouting about for years have turned out to be true. I have a hard time just turning on him and writing everything about him off. Where’s the proof for shitting all over him?
Most of what he says is true. But he injects just enough malinformation and hyperbole alongside the true things that he says that it enables most people to write him off as a lunatic, and by extension, actual truth seekers. He is part of the production of the mockingbird media, and his role is that of a strawman.
How many times have you heard "You must've heard that on InfoWars" from a normie when you tried to drop a redpill on them?
As for his Mossad connections, there are a number of Q drops that bring up Jerome Corsi's history with the agency. Corsi is AJ's handler, and he tried and failed to infiltrate Q in the early days. As soon as Q outed Corsi as Mossad, AJ turned on Q almost immediately, after previously having spent several months trying to co-opt the Q drops as part of his show.
Haven't heard anything about him for years. I remember he was trying to slide his way into some of the early Q decode livestreams, but then Q dropped the goods on his MOS connections and we never really heard from him after that.
I believe there were some records of house purchases right after Sandy Hook. From what I recall many of the "parent's" houses were all bought around the same time.
I've met AJ, I thought he was a bit of a dick due to his massive ego. Far from perfect and he sure can be shilly depending on sponsors / donations.
That's a far reach from being a foreign agent out to intentionally deceive to hurt the country.
His Q shit for instance, probably came out of insecurity that better info was coming out of a source he had no insight into, so he was desperately trying to get into that loop, listening to anyone he did have access to when they said they had the answers. Does that make him the enemy?
The only for-sure Mossad connection we've seen is Jerome Corsi, who went after AJ as soon as he was dumped off the show.
I have a feeling Corsi was the reason the Trump Administration didn't give Infowars press credentials. Prior to Corsi coming on as a regular on AJ's show, it looked like they were actually going to be in on White House press briefings, then Corsi started being on a lot and took over Washington coverage for Infowars and that White House clearance never came.
So Corsi = Mossad, Corsi dumped from Infowars, Corsi sues AJ. Q's posts about Infowars were about this time IIRC and mainly revolved around connections to Corsi and his group.
At the end of the day, Jones was the first major target of the censorship grid that encompassed big tech, MSM, Government etc, working together to target individuals and all of their output, not just an episode or clip.
Most Americans allowed it to happen, including Anons, because they thought AJ a prick, or Mossad, or whacky conspiracy theorist etc... and what did we get? We got Censored too. Once the cabal successfully shut up AJ, they simply continued the process on anyone they wanted to silence, up to and including the President of the USA.. was Trump Mossad too? Was Trump part of the psyop?
Now they are seeking to utterly destroy AJ and Infowars.. do you think they will stop once that's accomplished? Or will they come for us?
Once AJ has been crucified, they will move onto the next, and they will not stop.
People really need to start uniting against this sort of disgusting abuse... we're currently seeing it against Alex Jones, but it'll soon be against all of us.
There's no reason not to say it was all fake. They're hiding the truth about it from us AND using it as an excuse to take our right to protect ourselves from us. That's all there is to it.
Trump spread disinfo when he recommended the death shot. Trump caused more injury and damage to the US citizens than AJ. But it’s all part of the plan 😁
and their plan to target people who have a connection to God; religious 'fundamentalists'
And notice he talks about reading religious text...Q tells US to 'read the Bible', so guessing we're some of the 'fundamentalists' or 'fanatics' he talks about going after with the Funvaxx; a vaccine that attacks the Vmat 2 gene; the God gene.
I think the covid vaccine is the mirror to Funvaxx; it goes after people who 'do not' have the God connection; hence the reason Trump could 'recommend' it. the end won't be for everyone...😳
What I understand is that their vaccine causes death and injury. The same vaccine that Trump recommended. AJ didn’t. He’s done less harm than Trump by far. Yet this is all good for everyone here because someone named Q says trust the plan and AJ (MOS)
The AJ Mossad connection is a crock of shit that makes anyone who says it sound like they're either stupid or a shill. It doesn't make any sense that he would be, unless you think Mossad wants to make their lives harder, and no one ever presents a single even alleged piece of evidence. Insofar as you are "awake", most of you owe it directly or indirectly to Alex Jones. So if he's Mossad, Mossad done fucked up! Now either quit embarrassing yourself or make a case for your highly suspect claims.
Yes a controlled op would talk about child trafficking. Lol seriously!? All you have to do is muddy the waters with your own BS in the process. That's kind of the point of a controlled OP. You need to expand your thinking
Jones' ego is insane. Q was gaining massive ground and had mountains of great info people were gravitating to...
AJ had no access to that, AJ wants to be a valuable, authoritative source, and he had zero access.
What we saw was a dude with a massive ego desperately trying to get a handle on Q so that he could be seen as an authority on the subject... he latched onto any source he had that claimed to have the inside scoop on Q and ended up looking like a complete fool.
He should have just steered clear of Q if he had no real sauce on it, or admitted he had absolutely no clue, but that's still a far way from being a enemy controlled actor..
When did Trump ever attack Q specifically? I'm unaware of that. Even when asked about the conspiracy theory of him trying to take down a global satanic elite pedophiles group, he didn't deny it.
Trump has never attacked Q, in fact he always dances around the question of Q when it is asked of him. He could kill our movement with a single truth or press release, but he has chosen not to for going on 5 years now.
As I said in my much longer comment here, the only Mossad connection I've ever seen was that prick Jerome Corsi, who ended up suing AJ for defamation.
Pretty sure Corsi and his group were the ones Q was referencing when he was posting about Jones...
Corsi was a sometimes guest on Infowars for years but became a regular after Trump got into office, I suspect maybe Mossad needed to try and get into Infowars.. obviously wasn't too successful as the Trump admin and maybe even AJ, were onto them fairly quickly.
agreed. False flag does not mean never happened.
False flag also doesn't mean no victims. It just means that it was planned and performed for a specific purpose. Too many people only think crisis actors and false events but that's not what a false flag really is.
Do we even know for a fact that there were real victims in Sandy Hook? The ferocity with which they have gone after Alex Jones for saying there wasn't only makes me doubt them more.
It's a fair question. I followed the event closely in 2013. You probably can't find 95% of all the info today that flowed back then. The purge on YouTube, Reddit, ATS, GLP, etc. was absolute and irreversible. Anybody who even casually brought up the subject found their comments and content insta-banned for several years after AJ made his infamous comments.
But in a nutshell, I could never arrive at a definite conclusion other than I believed Adam Lanza was a completely fabricated individual. A researcher went around knocking on neighbor's doors a few days after the event and one of the neighbors, across the street and over one house, who had lived there for many years stated quite quizzically that he didn't realize Nancy had two sons, only knowing of her son Ryan who lived in NYC at the time. That to me was one of the most interesting little factoids. The handful of photographs and yearbook pictures that popped up later were all questionable at best. The stories of Nancy and Adam frequently going to the shooting range together were also summarily dispelled when several researchers interviewed owners of all the gun ranges within 100 miles and none had ever heard of nor seen either of them at their range.
If you think about it, it's in many cases an IMPOSSIBLE TASK to disprove something that was never satisfactorily and undeniably proven. Which is precisely what one would need to do when making a counter claim like "nobody died at SH". "He who makes the claim bears the burden of proof". I could say "the moon is made of blue cheese". If you then counter-claimed "the moon is not made of blue cheese", then it's now on you to prove me wrong --- which you could never do.
How does one go about proving this claim (nobody died)? If it was all a fabricated crisis event as many claim, you can be assured that none of the participants (parents, teachers, LEO, coroner, etc.) are going to help you prove your claim. You wouldn't have one chance in a million to convince a jury with all the mountains of circumstantial evidence you presented. One angry and weeping mother would neutralize all of it in a hot minute in front of a blue-pilled jury.
Never before or since have I seen a news segment like the 60-minutes piece on "What the media got wrong about Sandy Hook" solely dedicated to damage control over an event. And this was precisely the reason that all the "conspiracy theorists" jumped into the fray to begin with. The media literally got more wrong than they did right about it. A recipe for massive controversy.
What few on this board yet seem to realize even now, is that there are large groups of disinformation, misinformation, cointelpro and "conspiracy propagandists" that generate massive amounts of content to further muddy the waters of the legitimate conspiracy researchers. I've never seen more of this nor in greater quantities than around the events at SH.
If somebody wanted to really prove this once and for all, they would need to prove two or more of these children never existed and/or never died. At least one researcher back in the day took this tack and was compiling an interesting body of information on two of the kids, but was never able to get far enough to make an irrefutable case.
To say the events surrounding SH were beyond sketchy and suspicious would be the understatement of the decade. On other hand, to make the claim that "nobody died" would require someone to compile several data points of irrefutable evidence without the help of anybody "officially" involved, all the while having to defend against a systemic group of powerful players that could and would counter your claim in an instant with fake pictures, videos, official documents, etc. at a moments notice. e.g. - the claim that certain kids didn't have locatable birth or death certificates in the vital records systems. These could be easily generated and a "privacy" excuse could be passed off quite easily for example.
Net-Net - Without really two or more high-level insiders getting involved and demonstrating multiple instances of deliberate and provable fraud, it would be an impossible task to prove such a claim. Thus, all I can say with certainty today is that whatever happened that day, it is undoubtedly not what we were told!
Great post my friend! I wish I could give you about 100 more upvotes, you certainly deserve it for your hard work on that. Clear, concise and chock full of information. That was very helpful to me, I was not really paying a lot of attention at the time of Sandy Hook, had a lot of other stuff going on in my life, so I missed a lot of the undercurrents and weirdness popping up in synchronicity with the concurrent mockingbird narrative.
It seems like especially with these false flag deals that being in early is the best way to catch all of the oddball happenings that discredit the purported reality of the event. For example I remember right after Floyd there was stuff surfacing about him and NBA player Steven Jackson, Illuminati symbols as tattoos, medical autopsy folks discussing the severity of the trauma itself and how impossible it would be to suffocate from the pressure of the knee alone, etc.
One really compelling piece I saw showed the strange uniforms of the police and the EMT first responders. A lady who'd worked for Minneapolis hospitals her whole career said they were way off, completely different and they had some odd patches on them too if I remember correct. The vehicles were all wrong too.
If you zoom further out in your thinking, you start to be shocked by the sheer number of cameras they had positioned around that location - where Chauvin just happened to pull the car onto the sidewalk and then decide to bring him over to the opposite side of the car( nearest to the road where someone could accidentally run into them) allowing the camera to catch it all - not to mention the "viral video" made by a magical disappearing minor (who of course for legal reasons can't be named or any info). How about Floyd's rap career from his days in Houston, or the club that he and Chauvin both worked at that closed immediately after it got into the news? Once you start to know what to look for, it DOES get easier to figure out the tricks of their trade.
So much of the potential to identify it and bring it to the light (or at least slow it down by calling attention to the oddball parts of the event and force them to bury the story before its maximum impact is achieved) is those critical first hours and days, I think, when they haven't successfully tucked all the fuck ups in yet.
If you get there before they do it really can shut the whole program down entirely and while full exposure is probably next to impossible, minimizing the impact of a false flag is the most important thing in the end.
Normies won't believe they set it all up and shot it like a movie anyways, but if you can bring enough out in the early hours and days to get people talking about how weird it seems instead of how bad it was or why they're angry about it, that is a huge win because it neutralizes all the emotions they need to foster with it to begin with. When things don't make sense logically it's a HUGE tell if you've got a fake on your hands or not, in my opinion... this is why the Lamestream media is obsessed with getting us to the "acceptance" phase of all things that are illogical and or morally backwards. Repetitions and endless phrase drops until we forget you are supposed to wrestle with things that don't make sense to find what and why is behind it and not just shake your head and say Wow. It's another way of saying that quote about Good Men doing Nothing but I digress, lets keep on topic.
I think Uvalde is a PERFECT example of what I just described. Not only was the entire event botched to what seemed like a GREAT DEGREE on their end, but us Anons were already in gear from earlier events and were getting the timeline and all the fuckery out to the wider world almost as fast as it was happening! What's resulted has been a HUGE BLOWBACK for their side where they were caught with their pants down, and so many eyes (normies not just us) were on it simultaneously that they were unable to bury the story early and abort the mission, as we sometimes see during a false flag. It went so bad and they were so exposed that they had fake outrage and conduct a bullshit full investigation, resulting in the MSM giving us one of the most wild bullshit lies I've ever heard, that you literally would HAVE TO BE AN ASSHOLE TO BELIEVE. I mean if you seriously think 100 goddamn cops sat outside of a classroom where it would be impossible not to hear children and adults screaming while a young kid (who from photos looked like he could lose a fight with 3 8 year olds) blew them away with a pee shooter for over an hour. I mean I've got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale right now just tell me if you think that was true! I mean come on no one was in those fucking rooms.
What solidifies Uvalde as a win, however, is not just the ridiculous narrative they were forced into selling or the sham investigation that went nowhere. It was how they had to spin the arrow and point the narrative THE EXACT WRONG WAY. It makes me laugh every time!
Instead of demonizing the AR-15 and getting Matthew McConaughey to appear and have a national kumbaya with us at the boy scout campfire, before announcing his entrance into politics and a 2024 presidential run (Why not? They use what they have)
Instead they have cops looking like heartless pricks and/or incompetent to the point of retardation becoming a legitimately questionable reasoning for the why.
(The following is a loose stream of consciousness style attempt at recreating the conversations by the baddies during the Uvalde debacle. Viewer discretion is advised)
What the fuck, guys!? What to do we use, defund?
Thanks for allowing me this indulgence. It was cathartic if nothing else, to imagine these smug assfaces run around like fools trying to salvage the crazy train known as Uvalde. As a last minute addition I just would ask the question to all: How often do you hear of the school getting demolished so fast as this one following an incident like this? From a districting perspective where do all the surviving children go to school now? LOL silly deep state. How about that funeral home next door they used for every single child! Glad they had all their life insurance and plots set up for their 7 year olds! Uvalde people are really a very prepared bunch, you've got to tip your hat. That was is almost as good as those "mobile cremation units" in Ukraine! Oh my god guys kids died in there! Why wont you believe us? We took care of the bodies already they deserved that out of uh, respect, yeah that's it! WHY WONT YOU BELIEVEEEE MEEEE REEEEE
Hahaha, you're right over the target with all of your analysis!! The closer the information, interview, video, audio, etc. is to the time of the event, the more accurate it generally is. The Sandy Hook event is just like the Floyd and Uvalde events. Same goes for 9/11, Boston Marathon FF, etc. etc. Look to those real-time interviews, videos, etc., which tend to get scrubbed and disappeared more than any others.
As you rightly point out in your comment, they can't get away with their shenanigans today like they used to. Way too many people are now awake to it and there are perhaps millions of minds now focused on their forkery, as opposed to perhaps a few thousand 20+ years ago.
The world is waking up, one mind at a time, but many minds per day now. It won't be long.....
The prevalence of both cell phones and surveillance cameras makes it VERY difficult to pull these things off the way they used to.
For sure. Every "advance" they make for themselves is also an advance for us.
I absolutely agree with your word wall! Asking questions always gets the ball rolling but the invention of the tv is to bypass critical thinking by showing images thereby proving that what you see is the truth when in fact it’s the opposite. Oh and, how dare you?
Thank you so much , I too missed a lot due to major events in my life and have been trying to catch up ,, all I did know believe ,, is DS was involved!
No thank you sir, I appreciate all of your kind comments, thank you for taking time on reading what I have been putting out. It's a very needed ego boost at this juncture in my life to hear you and others compliment my work. Flattery will get you everywhere! ;) I know exactly how life can take you away from being on top of this stuff. The truth is that I have also been too far removed from that pace of life myself and it's been nice to have the time necessary to catch up in the past couple years, off and on.
It does take time and energy to learn this stuff and keep going and adding to your 'mind palace' as you do. The world happens so fast lately and the time commitment needed to really focus in and then to actually post a long thought out idea is that much more. I am blessed with some natural skill at writing that makes part of the process easier and more fun to me than other spots, ultimately I am thankful for that gift from God because it let's me retain at least a little of my active brain to stay in the real world doing what is necessary to keep afloat. We all feel like we are teetering lately it seems like, I don't even know a person who hasn't had significant consequences from the economy.
I just want to once more thank you! I am excited to continue the fight and bring new ideas and messages to you and others thru my writing. I really hope it helps 😁😁
That much is true of every single event as covered by the mainstream media.
I believe they use kids or "kids" of very young school age as the victim because they would not have a long verifiable history to research. If they use high-school kids they need to fabricate 8-12 yrs of school pics, teacher stories, youth sport pics, etc.
That's a legit theory.
Yeah, it's really difficult to make claims and the suppression of anyone questioning it is sketchy. It smells like a lot of things they do. It actually smelled like how they came down on people who called out the mask bullshit.
But yeah basically impossible or at least non feasible to prove a negative, and that is even more true years later. It seems to me that Alex has focused a bit too singularly and vehemently about it, which tracks with the assumption that he's a clown. The louder he is, the more he detracts from it in the public eye.
Reverse is also true of course in that he attracts a certain kind of person as well. I watched Info Wars a few times as my background noise. But now I tend to lend my ear towards more moderate, less loud positions.
I actually appreciate a lot of our MAGA moderates more than I used to. There is a place for the hardcore MAGA types, and a place for the moderate types.
Yep, agreed. AJ has to generate 15 hours of "conspiracy theory" content every week. That's an impossible job to do unless you effectively talk about EVERYTHING that's out there, knowing full well a ton of it is disinfo. Thus is the trap he's fallen into millions of times.
I'm still on the fence with this farce of a "trial". It played more like a "Judge Judy" episode with literally zero adherence to anything ever remotely resembling a real case. The LEGAL profession should be ashamed of itself and embarrassed beyond comprehension!
My bet is, this trial was "part of the show" for reasons I cannot yet fathom but will likely become clear in the near future. We shall see....
Hi @Morpheus11, I was not awake when Sandy Hook happened. Would you know of any decent videos on it on brighteon, bitchute or rumble, etc?
95% are long gone, all the good, focused on a specific topic at least. You can still find a few floating around. Just search "Sandy Hook" on Bitchute - most of the longer, larger videos are right there within the first 10-20 results.
Here are a few good ones that point out all the SH fuckery (cc: @Morpheus11 )
https://www.bitchute.com/video/aP1sQ50cBo82 (Revisiting Sandy Hook Documentary)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/ML0CXjJWi1Tu (We need to talk about Sandy Hook)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/KPxRxkIGtHpo (Sandy Hook fuckery pointed out)
https://stoplookthink.com/wolfgang-halbig-has-stunning-evidence-that-sandy-hook-elementary-school-was-closed-months-before-massacre (Evidence that Sandy Hook was closed months before the massacre)
Things that make you go hmmm.
No, only the media and government narrative.
I think with how fishy some of the stuff turned out to be, questioning it is good.
But perhaps don't make a target of the families. That's what makes Alex Jones have to pay money, as bullshit as that is.
Asking questions about incidents is never bad. When things stink, they stink. And some things make that whole thing stink.
I'm just saying though that it can be a false flag whether there are victims or not is all.
That school wasn’t even being used at the time.
Where did you hear that? I’m from Ct and never heard that.
I’ll have to look for some evidence articles I have. They changed their WiFi to a school down the road like 7 months before. There’s all kinds of shady facts on that event. Drone or helicopter footage shows the same people doing loops in and out of the upper quadrant building just to make it look like a lot of different people were on the scene. Mortgages on houses were paid off in an area around the school (pay offs), and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’m sure lots of anons could fill in all kinds of extra stuff I’m not remembering at the moment.
Well said
Right but did you see the post yesterday about the FBI stats for Newtown in 2012? Their own statistics show 0 murders.
The name comes from the days of sailing.
Ships identity their country with flags.
Flying another country's flag while you committed an attack = False Flag.
Exactly, I'll add that too many people easily fall prey to the "if...then" or "this or that" scenarios when I say, "why not both??". That goes for anything from FFs to religion.
Was gonna say this.
To flesh that out, its an operation designed to have blame or responsibility for it assigned to a party that did not do it, usually for propaganda purposes or for gaining of some strategic leverage.
The party that is the object of the false flag can either be the target (i.e. to destroy or weaken them) or a useful kickoff point for justifying a desired action.
Absolutely. He still holds sway with anons just like Fox holds sway with normies.
wehayyyy this board is finally waking up to alex jones lets GOOOO
The Q crowd has been wise to AJ for years now.
im rather surprised about the lack of Sandy Hoax threads, i expected them to be everywhere but not one.
How about digging a bit deeper into the ideas?
Foundational (accepted and understood) are: Q posts re: Corsi, Jones, and the related actions by Jones, with Q, "Qanon", the 'real Q' etc.
Then, a few facts:
Q's posts lead to a trail that indicates that Corsi is/was Mossad.
Corsi worked with Jones in attempting to hijack the Q movement, and then, derail it when that did not work.
Jones tends to muddy the good information, has created a parody of the truth seeker and thereby provided LOTS of fodder for the Lamestream media and normie world to dismiss truth seekers under the moniker "conspiracy theorist".
Is it possible that Jones is
a) an egotistically driven showman who is seeking his own fame, and or making a living by entering and exploiting the truth seeking sphere?
b) a flawed but relatively honest individual - that is, is he what he appears to be on the surface: far from perfect, prone to mistakes and bad calls because he doesn't really know the depth of things, due to being focused primarily on his own showmanship and goals (fame and fortune), but at the same time, generally bringing a level of awakening and awareness to people that forms a stepping stone for them to move to better and more developed truth sources?
c) a long-term, planted controlled opposition operative, highly designed to appear egotistical and sometimes foolish, in which what we see is the image or the 'mask' he wears, while having a completely different agenda from the appearance?
In the case of C, what can be the motive?
It's easy to say "Mossad-funded", but then, what is the objective, and why would Jones being doing the C role in the first place? because he is a true believer in the Agenda being pursued by the Mossad? Is it $$$$$, so that he is making bank by living in this role?
These are important questions, because unless motive is clearly established, the "mossad-funded" assertion is weak.
With Corsi, it's easy to imagine. Corsi worked in the shadowy areas of "intel" and did all his stuff out of the sunlight. But Jones is in the sunlight SO MUCH. If he's making bank, where is it? If he is funded by Mossad, well, do they own him/ Is he being blackmailed? Otherwise, what agenda is it that he believes in such that he would live his whole life, including family breakdown etc, for 'the cause'?
Epstein got the perks. He was a low-life instrument that got wealth, power and perverted pleasure as his recompense for being the asset he was (with Maxwell as the handler).
What is Jones getting for being the asset he is?
It seems to me that these are relevant questions.
All this Sandy Hook conspiracy nonsense. Are you aware of how incredible the mother's of Sandy Hook children were? Let me tell you how incredible they all were.
Did you know the Sandy Hook mothers’ average age giving birth was 36 years old? That in itself is incredible and is extremely significant. It provides an important proof of how FANTASTIC the Sandy Hook tragedy actually was.
Let’s examine this. Hopefully even the math challenged readers can follow this. First, let’s get some statistics on the average age of US mothers giving birth. This is very important to the Sandy Hook tale. According to the CDC, the average age for US mothers giving birth is age 27.
According to the CDC, the percentage of US mothers giving their first birth at age 35 or older for 2006 is ~8%. That equates to about 1 in every 12.
Pew Research Center reports that American mothers’ age 35 or older for any birth is 14%. Therefore, let’s estimate the percentage of 1st grade students’ mothers ages being 36 or older at 11% or about 1 in every 9. Age 36 is nine years above CDC average of age 27 for mothers with any number of children giving birth in 2006.
Applying this 11% (1 out of 9) number to the average US classroom of 27 1st grade students, would provide the ratio: 1/9 = X/27, where X = 3. This means 24 moms (27 – 3) would be younger than 36, and only 3 would be 36 or older.
To calculate the odds that the average age of Sandy Hook mothers at birth was 36, we multiply 1/9 to itself 20 times, that is, (1/9)²⁰. This is the same method for the odds of flipping a coin: multiply 1/2 times the number of flips to have the odds of all heads or all tails [the odds of two straight heads is (1/2)², or 1/4, or 1 in 4]. Twenty straight heads or tails is 1 in 1,048,576 by placing 2 in the number to calculate, then looking at power of 20, or (2)²⁰.
It turns out the odds that Sandy Hook mothers averaged an age of 36 is therefore about 12,157,665,459,056,929,000 to 1 (verify yourself by placing 9 in the calculator, then looking at the power of 20).
I had to look up how to say this number: 12 Quintillion, 157 Quadrillion, 665 Trillion, 459 Billion, 56 Million, 929 Thousand.
Twelve Quintillion,
One Hundred Fifty-seven Quadrillion,
Six Hundred Sixty-seven Trillion,
Four Hundred Fifty-nine Billion,
Fifty-six Million,
Nine Hundred Twenty-nine Thousand to one.
How often would odds of 12,157,665,459,056,929,000 to 1 actually happen?
Are we that stupid to believe Sandy Hook with odds like this? What does it say about the mothers? Crisis actors?
Speaking as a somewhat math challenged person, you did a very good job. I actually understood it. Thanks!
By showing the impossible odds of those 20 Sandy Hook mothers being on avg. 36 years old when they birthed those children that died in that classroom, really does tells us 'something'. The impossible odds tells us these mothers cannot possibly be who they claim to be. There are so many anomalies about these children and the parents, who they really are, the properties they owned, and so much more, that no one should ever trust the official narrative.
Thank you for saying it
They're using Jones to create fear in other alt media sites. Amazing timing after the Russias said that covid was man made and pushed by the DNC.
This is the coroners press conference from Sandy Hook. It is one of the most bizarre things you'll see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE0OT5od9DA
I looked up his name, and see that he died in 2019.
Yup yup
reporting you to the mods for posting a meme that insinuates the truth. we cannot have that here in amemerica. reeeeeeeeeeeeee. kek.
There is hours of helicopter footage of sandy hook. You can watch, for hours, people walk in circles. Some going in huge circles through the school while others walk in a circle around a vehicle or other small circles. It’s all a show.
Not something I care much about either way. The things getting my attention now are not the noisy stuff. It's the deeper implications of seemingly small events. For one, AZ all red, many thought it could not happen. FLORIDA Governor holding people accountable, openly targeting do nothings who soros Controls. Message, do your jobs or your fired changing soros control. Counter insurgency, one of the pillars is the legal system.
Florida is being set up as an example for other states. Purposeful imposition of rule of law, justice, accountability and a direct attacks to destroy the corruption.
Why would anyone want it any other way?
Yessss Thankyou! Sandy hook was a hoax change my mind, you can’t !!
Where’s the evidence Alex Jones is Mossad? Many upon many theories he’s been shouting about for years have turned out to be true. I have a hard time just turning on him and writing everything about him off. Where’s the proof for shitting all over him?
Most of what he says is true. But he injects just enough malinformation and hyperbole alongside the true things that he says that it enables most people to write him off as a lunatic, and by extension, actual truth seekers. He is part of the production of the mockingbird media, and his role is that of a strawman.
How many times have you heard "You must've heard that on InfoWars" from a normie when you tried to drop a redpill on them?
As for his Mossad connections, there are a number of Q drops that bring up Jerome Corsi's history with the agency. Corsi is AJ's handler, and he tried and failed to infiltrate Q in the early days. As soon as Q outed Corsi as Mossad, AJ turned on Q almost immediately, after previously having spent several months trying to co-opt the Q drops as part of his show.
High effort comment.
Deserves more updoodles.
Haven't heard anything about him for years. I remember he was trying to slide his way into some of the early Q decode livestreams, but then Q dropped the goods on his MOS connections and we never really heard from him after that.
He said Sandy Hook was real
love the smooth faced afro behind him. he has a pepe face that belongs on a t-shirt
That’s not an Afro...
Was it true that Newtown was/is run by satanists? Read years ago that the residents got free houses and no records of purchase.
I believe there were some records of house purchases right after Sandy Hook. From what I recall many of the "parent's" houses were all bought around the same time.
Jones Austin Stratfor
I agree. Now with the huge fine he's gotten it will probably prevent others from reporting what they know. So success on his part, and his handlers.
And publically shutting him down and suing him into oblivion semds a message to anyone who dares to question 'the narrative'.
How many people have stayed silent because they saw what happened and didnt want their lives destroyed.
...and this video will be stuck in my mind for the rest of my life.
same video but on youtube
Why would they even bring that up A. And B: How could that make headlines right now?
Those damn disinformation agents always telling the truth!
I've met AJ, I thought he was a bit of a dick due to his massive ego. Far from perfect and he sure can be shilly depending on sponsors / donations.
That's a far reach from being a foreign agent out to intentionally deceive to hurt the country.
His Q shit for instance, probably came out of insecurity that better info was coming out of a source he had no insight into, so he was desperately trying to get into that loop, listening to anyone he did have access to when they said they had the answers. Does that make him the enemy?
The only for-sure Mossad connection we've seen is Jerome Corsi, who went after AJ as soon as he was dumped off the show.
I have a feeling Corsi was the reason the Trump Administration didn't give Infowars press credentials. Prior to Corsi coming on as a regular on AJ's show, it looked like they were actually going to be in on White House press briefings, then Corsi started being on a lot and took over Washington coverage for Infowars and that White House clearance never came.
So Corsi = Mossad, Corsi dumped from Infowars, Corsi sues AJ. Q's posts about Infowars were about this time IIRC and mainly revolved around connections to Corsi and his group.
At the end of the day, Jones was the first major target of the censorship grid that encompassed big tech, MSM, Government etc, working together to target individuals and all of their output, not just an episode or clip.
Most Americans allowed it to happen, including Anons, because they thought AJ a prick, or Mossad, or whacky conspiracy theorist etc... and what did we get? We got Censored too. Once the cabal successfully shut up AJ, they simply continued the process on anyone they wanted to silence, up to and including the President of the USA.. was Trump Mossad too? Was Trump part of the psyop?
Now they are seeking to utterly destroy AJ and Infowars.. do you think they will stop once that's accomplished? Or will they come for us?
Once AJ has been crucified, they will move onto the next, and they will not stop.
People really need to start uniting against this sort of disgusting abuse... we're currently seeing it against Alex Jones, but it'll soon be against all of us.
Was it true that Newtown was/is run by satanists? Read years ago that the residents got free houses and no records of purchase.
There's no reason not to say it was all fake. They're hiding the truth about it from us AND using it as an excuse to take our right to protect ourselves from us. That's all there is to it.
Yeah and Trump told people to take the vaccine
Then you really are more of an enemy and threat then any leftist. Alex Jones is awesome.
Trump spread disinfo when he recommended the death shot. Trump caused more injury and damage to the US citizens than AJ. But it’s all part of the plan 😁
yes, it's the 'mirror' to their plan; that was discussed in the Funvaxx video. should watch it to understand what their 'vaccines' can do...
Funvaxx? Tell me more, fren!
sure;) it's a huge rabbit hole, and many of the videos have been removed or 'debunked'. They don't want people claiming that this is Bill Gates;
and their plan to target people who have a connection to God; religious 'fundamentalists'
And notice he talks about reading religious text...Q tells US to 'read the Bible', so guessing we're some of the 'fundamentalists' or 'fanatics' he talks about going after with the Funvaxx; a vaccine that attacks the Vmat 2 gene; the God gene.
I think the covid vaccine is the mirror to Funvaxx; it goes after people who 'do not' have the God connection; hence the reason Trump could 'recommend' it. the end won't be for everyone...😳
What I understand is that their vaccine causes death and injury. The same vaccine that Trump recommended. AJ didn’t. He’s done less harm than Trump by far. Yet this is all good for everyone here because someone named Q says trust the plan and AJ (MOS)
I was asking about Funvaxx.
which is bill gates, not AJ, so I'll just move along. don't have time to start at square one.
but it does explain Trump's motives if you're inclined to research.
Can anyone tell me how to downvote a post?
The AJ Mossad connection is a crock of shit that makes anyone who says it sound like they're either stupid or a shill. It doesn't make any sense that he would be, unless you think Mossad wants to make their lives harder, and no one ever presents a single even alleged piece of evidence. Insofar as you are "awake", most of you owe it directly or indirectly to Alex Jones. So if he's Mossad, Mossad done fucked up! Now either quit embarrassing yourself or make a case for your highly suspect claims.
Q claims that is the case so............
Q also said Trust Wray.
That story is not over yet.
Also said to trust Mitch
Could be disinformation or could have meant to trust him to do the wrong thing
It means believe none of what you see. Fake News is Fake. If the station or program says news, it’s highly likely FAKE.
OAN, CNN, FOX, MSNBC…..etc. etc. FAKE.
If he's not controlled op, he wouldn't have attacked Q
Yes a controlled op would talk about child trafficking. Lol seriously!? All you have to do is muddy the waters with your own BS in the process. That's kind of the point of a controlled OP. You need to expand your thinking
Yea they hate Q
Jones' ego is insane. Q was gaining massive ground and had mountains of great info people were gravitating to...
AJ had no access to that, AJ wants to be a valuable, authoritative source, and he had zero access.
What we saw was a dude with a massive ego desperately trying to get a handle on Q so that he could be seen as an authority on the subject... he latched onto any source he had that claimed to have the inside scoop on Q and ended up looking like a complete fool.
He should have just steered clear of Q if he had no real sauce on it, or admitted he had absolutely no clue, but that's still a far way from being a enemy controlled actor..
When did Trump ever attack Q specifically? I'm unaware of that. Even when asked about the conspiracy theory of him trying to take down a global satanic elite pedophiles group, he didn't deny it.
Would you like to offer factual evidence to that assertion?
Trump has never attacked Q, in fact he always dances around the question of Q when it is asked of him. He could kill our movement with a single truth or press release, but he has chosen not to for going on 5 years now.
So…since Q team said it what does that make them…stupid or a shill?
Controlled disinformation.
As I said in my much longer comment here, the only Mossad connection I've ever seen was that prick Jerome Corsi, who ended up suing AJ for defamation.
Pretty sure Corsi and his group were the ones Q was referencing when he was posting about Jones...
Corsi was a sometimes guest on Infowars for years but became a regular after Trump got into office, I suspect maybe Mossad needed to try and get into Infowars.. obviously wasn't too successful as the Trump admin and maybe even AJ, were onto them fairly quickly.
Soooo if you found out that there were chemicals in the water turning male frogs into female frogs........
And you wanted to convey that....
Would you bombastically yell about them "turning the frogs gay"??? Or would you literally just say it's turning males into females??
His goal is making true things look like fringe nonsense.