This has to be the most infuriating thing that the Covidians have done so far. You spend to years mandating a bunk drug and now it’s time to say it’s Trumps fault.
🤡 Clown World 🌎

We knew this would be coming.....
Right? And if that were truly the case (its not), the entire jab initiative would have been philanthropic (it wasn’t).
Nuremberg 2.0 is coming and they know it. Even if trials never happen, millions hate them and they will never be able to walk down the streets.
I saw that. Can’t seem to find sauce on it though and now the tweet is deleted.
This ☝️
The rest of my life is dedicated to make them feel it is both Nuremberg 2.0 and 3.0
Me too
Well, there is some truth to it, albeit it has some clear anti-Trump spin. Isn't accelerating the timelines what Trump said Operation Warp Speed was all about?
How you interpret the word "pressure" is subjective, though. There's pressure like "we have to do this, don't rest until we find a vaccine" or there's pressure like "get that vaccine out by Christmas or you're fired and you'll never get a government job or grant as long as you live." And then there's pressure like the mafia exerts.
What isn't in the headline is the billions and billions in funding that was given to make the accelerated timeline possible.
Of course, the trap that Trump has main will be that it will come out that the virus was man-made and the vaccine existed before Warp Speed or even the initial Wuhan outbreak.
Also means Trump knows this is how they're planning to pivot their narrative to shift all blame and responsibility on him.
Normies and leftists are too brain dead to remember - they're still parroting the, "the vaccines were never supposed to stop you from getting covid" talking points. I hate how blindly stupid they are.
What I'm curious about, though, is what Trump's game plan is to counter it. Eventually the game has to be over and we need to be done with all this bullshit.
Trump's out is he was lied to, Dr Brix has already admitted it. Pfizer has admitted to cooking the books on the clinical trials and their defense is "we are not guilty because the FDA was in on it. Those of us in the know, are aware that POTUS's other option was a decade of lock downs.
Agree re those of us in the know.
But as long as the media industrial complex have NPCs as their captive audience, we’ll be stuck in this corrupt narrative swirl.
Ditto that. We knew if Trump didn't distance himself he would be blamed when the damn finally broke. This means they know the sh*t is getting ready to really hit the fan and they are trying to divert the blowback. This is right out of the playbook of the pandemic scenario from a few years back that laid out step by step how the messaging was to be crafted. I just can't remember the name - not Event 201.
When blaming Trump fails like it inevitably will, the next thing you will hear is....
"no one forced you to take the vaccine, it was your own choice."
Like I said, the playbook has been there. Why not use it against them?
This is one case where all of us said this would happen.
Came here to say this.
Biden was the one that forced it on people. So no matter what Biden is responsible. He said the were safe and effective, and you would not get covid if you took them. I believe all along this was part of the plan. Trump just got ahead of it and screwed their plans up and made them go overboard and make them over expose themselves
What everyone misses, on both sides, is that Trump wanted a vaccine out AS AN OPTION.
Take yourself back to early 2020. The country is shutting down, jobs and lives are at risk. I’m sure a lot of people here knew what Covid was early on, but few knew for certain.
Many of us, including myself, had not discovered this place. We were still “normie” Trump supporters.
So, we were cautious and scared - about the virus, about its long term effects, about the supply shortages if the pandemic went on for months or years. Most of us wanted every option on the table.
A vaccine - even experimental - was a viable OPTION to shoot for, amongst other options, like therapeutics.
Trump enabled that option to happen, for anyone comfortable enough to try it. He did what a leader should have done, and the drug companies SHOULD have presented it AS AN EXPERIMENTAL OPTION while disclosing the risks.
It’s not big pharma or government’s job to withhold options from us, it’s their job to educate us truthfully on the risks and then give us the choice if we want it.
Trump did that. Nobody else did.
Edit: not even govt’s job to educate us, just not to lie to us or cover things up, which is all they seem to do.
According to a post on here, trumps dipshit son in law and his pharma/Google Bros were BEHIND a lot of the shutting down. I can't follow this movie
Doubt that
I don't have the link but i read it earlier today about Kushner
President Joe Charlatan ....Something, something, unvaccinated will have a winter of death, something, something, safe and effective.....
And now we have come full circle. You know its over now.
This just gives Trump even more reason to come out and admit he was lied to. Throw it in their face; and become a hero.
I maintain a Facebook account just to spread truth to the normies. I shared this with the caption “When they blame Trump for the vaccine deaths, it’s important to remember he first pushed Ivermectin and HCQ and the media crucified him for it. He was also not the one who was trying to force you take the vaccine.”
I wonder why the parasites didn't want you and I to have IVR?
Noice! That sums it up pretty well 🐸
Now, what information was it all based on?!?!?
Oh thats right. Lies. They fed Trump lies. Those lies all came from the CDC, NIH, Phizer, Moderna, J&J, FDA.
And ehat happened when Trump was out??? They claim it was his fault. Why did they after he left office push forced vaccinations and tell everyone they had no idea the vax wouldnt work?!?!
inb4 "Trump just believed the experts and was lied to".
Trump knew exactly what was going on before this shit even happened. He put all these people and institutions on display to expose them, even if it meant sacrificing himself in the process.
Didn't Biden claim he saved tons of people lives by use of the vax?
Didn’t he say there was no vaccine until he came into office? Does someone have that clip?
i assume this is all part of the plan, so they can open discovery on the fda, cdc and nih
What's wrong with speeding up the vax, libbies? Thought the vax, untested and unproven, was the greatest!
You LOVE Trump for this. You just can't show it. But you LOVE him.
Careful, anon. Libby brains might actually explode with that kind of talk. ;-)
Yea the love the Trump vaccine til death
Why did Trump recommend the vaccines?
The Leftists/Globalists planned for the lockdowns and shutdowns to go on for years, thoroughly destroying the worldwide economy. Getting a vaccine option out there kept that from happening.
The big one: Trump never tried to force or mandate any kind of required vaccination. See #1. People still had the choice to NOT take the shots without risking their jobs, etc.
It was Trump that mentioned Hydroxychloroquine and the media and the "experts" demonized him for it.
Turns out, it works against COVID.
President Trump also consistently said something like "The cure can't be worse than the disease!". I believe he was referring to lockdown restrictions but it works as predictive programming for the jabs.
Yea most of us have said this for years now. It’s why we cringed every time Trump took credit for the vaccine.
I guess it’s to hang Fauci and Birx, and every other health “expert” that claimed to aid in such. I mean Trump’s an idiot right? He knows nothin if medicine right? He trusted his sources...just like all the people who took the death jab. So Trump claiming ignorance here would be justified.
Well almost all of it falls on Fauci. And now he is running for the hills.
As you and everyone else knows... Fauci never "shut the country down"
And the backpedaling begins https://rumble.com/v1h6gwz-fauci-i-didnt-shut-anything-down....html
Are vaccines bad now? This rhetoric will mindfuck the liberal npcs
It’s been fun to watch tbh.
I tried telling them that in the beginning you know this is Trumps vaccine yea? Even all the libs said they’d never get one under trump lol
I believe I made a post or comment about this many many months ago.
He throws birx and fauci under for bad info.... All the “trust the science“ BS. All those covid Karen's, along with Trump, were duped by the "trust the science" people. This is an easy defense.
And big pharma gets it's ass bankrupted
That's always been the play
LOL come on! You're surprised? When they start blaming Trump for covid and the jabs you know they're (DS/dems) are in absolute full on Jerry Nadler pant shitting mode. We knew this was coming .
All they do is lie, and count on their base to have the memory of a goldfish.
And have you seen the average leftists?
According to a leftist 2+2 = racism and the patriarchy. They are an incoherent word salad of political buzzwords with an IQ of a pudding cup. But they WILL kill you on command from any known leftist authority.
These are not people, these are drones. And the Left politicians fully understand this a play it to the max, weaponizing the drones to come after you.
This is nothing but classic democrat lies.
They ran slavery and blamed the GOP and conservatives for it even though the GOP was party of abolition.
They created Jim Crow and ran institutional racism, then blamed the republicans for it. They created the KKK, and then called the KKK republicans. They supported Hitler early on then claimed republicans did it. They started the cold war They escalated the cold war they started Vietnam, they escalated Vietnam, then blamed Nixon for it. They created covid, they unleashed covid, they locked down the cities, they created the death-shot, now they are going to blame the military and the republican's for the greatest crime against humanity in history.
They are liars, bold and unashamed, without limits.
Until WH's or military control MSM, this will be an ongoing charlie foxtrot.
Warp speed! Haha! They fell for it!
Every time.
Oh so was it Trump who issued vaccine mandates and told employers to fire the unvaccinated?
Lol that article is ridiculous. They did a couple sentences on "the first vaccines" then the rest of it was about hydroxychloroquine and convalescent plasma treatments. Still, the fact that this is in politico is bad news for the jabbies.
TLDR : Trump admin wuz bullies to the FDA to approve hydroxychloroquine and convalescent plasma and first vaccines.
I believe Trump mentioning hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in the very beginning, forced the swamp to speed up the release of the vaccines. They couldn't afford the public to have time to use the therapeutics exclusively, while they plan for the vaccines to be released on their own timeline.
Rise of America First / fall of RINOS in the primaries? Used to be they were covered from either side of the aisle with corrupt puppets. Now they're looking at some serious real threats to their corrupt power structure.
The TDS is not even close to being rational. They just blame Trump for everything.
Trying to change the narrative to shield Dr. Fakey.
This has always been their plan.
He never said that it was required. It was them that tried to make it mandatory.
Operation Warp Speed - Trump’s been bragging about it for years.
This will end the Covid jabs, its a well laid trap with irresistible bait.
Back to that narrative again, I see. Didn't work the first time, won't work this time, either.
Remember when he wanted to use Hydroxychloroquine instead? I remember.
I sense another 5-D chess move to be revealed.
So many guilty parties came together to grab their share of the trillions of dollars of scams it will take lifetimes to sort it out. For now we should be looking at pharma. It is their responsibility to provide "safe and effective" medications. Next is the FDA, It is their responsibility to ensure "safe and effective" medications are provided. The system is broken. Shut them down, lock them up.