Are anons really trying to tie stars on houses to anything other than Texas pride? Seriously anyone familiar with Texas knows there are so many houses with stars on them it would not serve any secret purpose. The rest may be plausible but I think it’s time to leave stars on houses out of any theories.
Exactly. Why do people have to act like bitches. This is the post I was referring to. Thank you for posting that. I don't have the time to play shit with these stooges. I'm sorry but I get tired of it
I stand corrected. We will see if anything comes of this. Anons on the chans from Texas are saying many people in TX have stars on their homes. Let's see what happens.
It's the Lone Star State. Practically every house in Texas has a lone star somewhere on it. Not the best place to test any "star" theories, lest a lot of innocent folks get implicated.
Good question. I live in the NE, very far from Texas. There are many houses in my town that have stars, though not all in the same neighborhoods. I've often wondered if it was more than decoration.
I have a large reddish metal star on my house as a decoration. We bought it several years ago because we thought it looked patriotic. Not a "wicked" intent. Not everyone is involved with that crap.
In my area (far from Texas) stars are often used to decorate barns and are called barn stars. They supposedly are used in the suburbs as a signal that the occupants are swingers.
In poor places in Appalachia a lot of homes will have stars on them and it means that someone in the household is in the military (branch unspecified). Some will even have two which means two people in the military. There's no secret conspiracy about it. May also apply in texas.
I remember when the Franks enterprises (I forgot the actual name) restaurants were located all over the place, the most abundant fast food place nobody has ever heard of. The addresses of these couple of fast food restaurant chains were actually doctors offices, private homes, lawyers, churches, etc. Some anons were going to the establishments with video cameras trying to investigate what was going on, but immediately stopped d/t obvious reasons--these people are sick! This sounds like a similar situation, just changed the name from fast food restaurant chain (nobody ever heard of) to aquariums (nobody ever heard of).
Why is the 5 pointed star in the top pic upside down?
Why is one of the locations to a shop called "The Green Door?" Does anyone remember a 70's porn movie with Linda Lovelace and John Holmes called "Behind the Green Door?" In that movie, the lead actress (Lovelace) is tied to a revolving bed and basically raped/molested until Holmes comes and saves her.
So, I wonder, what's going on in those two locations?
A 5 pointed star is only ever hung upside down as a symbol of Moloch/Baal, and I explained thesymbolism behind the green door, so...
Castle Hills and Shavano Park are suburbs of San Antonio. I'm going to be over that way this afternoon - I'll cruise by one of them and see what i can see.
Look at this description, doesn't look like a damn aquarium to me.
Heavy work? Have some fun! You could do it with YP Aquarium. There you can allow yourself to leave the drudgery and just loosen up. The ambiance they make will create for you the mood.
The manager will tell about promotions. Ask them how to save money being a first-time or regular customer.
YP Aquarium is located in United States, Hutchins, TX 75141, 598—500 W Palestine St. The company is rated at 4.
A GAW member who currently can't post just informed me that these could be people actually selling exotic illegal stuff like coral etc. from their homes. Could be.
If you believe there are 22+ exotic coral sellers in the state of Texas, that all use the same name format to market themselves, you might be retarded.
It actually might be a club of some sort. I personally know several guys here who trade, buy, sell and share coral.
I am not kidding they have big tanks full of different types and use it like a currency. Further this isn't a big city either. Only like 50k population. A big city probably has more.
Of course this 'aquarium' thing could be totally different.
We don't even know who created these names, who submitted them to, or who plotted them on Google maps. It might be some randomness.
But thinking logically - If you were doing something illicit, how much would you want to advertise it? You wouldn't want walk-up customers. You don't invite strangers to participate in your human trafficking. And why is this random
"Aquarium" business mostly in Texas?
So, I drove through that block in Castle Hills this afternoon. The neighborhood is a nice 1960-70 neighborhood. Some of the houses are being replaced with McMansions. Some of the houses are more run down than others. I didn't see anything unusual. No big trucks or extra cars. i did see a dude out for a walk with a gun in his shorts; but, that's not too unusual here in Texas. None of the houses back up into warehouses or buildings - all residential. Close to Loop 410, our inner city loop. A house for rent. Looks like the Google maps images.
I went to a few on Google maps. Looks like empty lots etc. What are we looking at exactly. Why is this labeled as aquariums? Google search does show as aquariums??
But one wouldn't show up randomly to one of these places, as if it were a bus stop. You would have to make arrangements ahead of time, and the person you contact, if they trusted you, would give you an address.
Old people know that seven-digit phone numbers used to start with an "exchange," which was simply a word. Your phone number might be Overland 5-4321, and you'd tell everyone your phone number was "OV 5-4321."
Later on the exchanges were dropped and only numbers were used. The above phone number became "685-4321."
The codes above, like TD Aquarium 27200, could be TD 2-7200. Or 835-7200. Extra numbers could indicate extensions. Supposedly they'd know the area code by the name of the town.
Any way to tell when these addresses with aquarium code were set up? Timing is important. Could it have something to do with covid lockdowns a couple years ago? Remember when people were talking about FEMA camps for unvaxxed? Are there utilities on these parcels that could be quickly made into shelters with FEMA trailers? Maybe I missed it but is there common ownership of these parcels
THIS GOT DELETED from another thread but it is worth pursuing. The website (clever name and play on words) is where all of these locations can be found. IMHO it looks like an aggregate of "aquarium" locations all over the world.
Look at this description, doesn't look like a damn aquarium to me.
Heavy work? Have some fun! You could do it with YP Aquarium. There you can allow yourself to leave the drudgery and just loosen up. The ambiance they make will create for you the mood.
The manager will tell about promotions. Ask them how to save money being a first-time or regular customer.
YP Aquarium is located in United States, Hutchins, TX 75141, 598—500 W Palestine St. The company is rated at 4.
Castle Hills and Shavano Park are right down the street from each other. Most of the Synagogues are located in Shavano and both cities are part of San Antonio
Okay, so I started a small fish tank last year. Had been searching for fish supply stores back then and remember coming across some weird stuff on Google maps that seemed fake.
I do not remember exactly what I searched for before. So I just tried searching my local area for "pet stores", and they seem mostly legit. There are a lot more than I realized. So I tried searching for "fish supplies", and that returned some weird stuff. A few 'places' called "Quick-Tag".
So I tried just searching for "Quick-Tag" in Google maps and quite a few places popped up. Reading some of the reviews, they say the place doesn't exist. The spots mostly point to Wal-Marts or pet stores. And... reading further in the reviews, they point to this website where you can make your own pet tags. I feel like a dumbass.
Glad those weird aquarium names aren't around here. I'm sure it's under something else, though. Some fed acquaintances say our area is a hub for human trafficking since it's so central. They've been making a lot of huge busts, though.
What's the importance of the word aquarium? Think I'm missing something. I understand it's to do with child trafficking, but what significance is the word aquarium to "them"?
Hard to fathom, but I'd guess if we are talking about child trafficking/prostitution, then the term aquarium would imply that others would go to watch.
It appears that "aquarium" is a term that means a rape room for spectators. And it looks like "bullring" is the same thing for a kill room. - from an anon fren
water = info
pool = where Comms Aware gather to share info
Reconcile the creepy art of girls in an unfilled pool with plants at the top of the ladder. Become plants, or die. Become sexual blackmailers of powerful men, or die.
From this TS post: The Real Toria Brooke
· 7m BREAKING 🚨 Aquarium code has been leaked to 4chan. Autists report activity occurring in Texas. Google is scrubbing and covering tracks.
REPORTED CODE DEFINITIONS Aquarium: Kids locked in and can never leave. Used for prostitution. Active participants reportedly arrive via tunnel.
Bullring: Kill rooms. Passive participants who view. Children from 3rd world countries.
Are anons really trying to tie stars on houses to anything other than Texas pride? Seriously anyone familiar with Texas knows there are so many houses with stars on them it would not serve any secret purpose. The rest may be plausible but I think it’s time to leave stars on houses out of any theories.
Q did say "follow the stars" though
"They think you will follow the stars" #953
Thank you for being the only reply that isn't scoffing. Damn I hate that attitude. But that's not the post I am referring to. It's 1276
There is also 3931: Something far more sinister [evil] has been allowed to flourish through all parts of our society.
It has been protected and safeguarded.
It has been camouflaged to appear as trusted.
It has been projected [normalized] by stars.
And yes, #1276:
Follow the stars.
It’s everywhere.
That same post mentions Marching into the Darkness - lyrics.
I did find this, by John Legend (not a good guy by any means)
Marching Into the Dark
Song by John Legend
What can you buy with the ultimate sacrifice
If you don't believe in the afterlife?
Oh I still grieve rememberin' what you were like
Now what good is a dream when the dreamer dies?
Some are better than good
Greater than great
Some are misunderstood
And they get told to wait by
All of the greatest
Greatest of all
Were chasing their fading star
Who'll be the latest
The latest to fall?
We're marching into the dark
What if your life was just in the day to day
And after you're gone the world stays the same? Ooh
Why should you love what you're gonna lose anyway?
Oh I've imagined one hundred ways
Some are just no good
Some will let it just fade
Some are misunderstood
We'll just have to wait, 'cause
All of the greatest
Greatest of all
Were chasing their fading star
Who'll be the latest
The latest to fall?
We're marching into the dark
Oh heaven knows where we are
Chasing the fading stars
Heaven knows where we are
Motioning to the dark
Some are better than good
And greater than great
Some are misunderstood
They get told to wait, oh
Some are just no good
Some will let it just fade
Some are misunderstood
We'll just have to wait, 'cause
All of the greatest
Greatest of all
Were chasing their fading star
Wanna know who?
Who'll be the latest
The latest to fall? (Oh)
We're marching into the dark (I wanna go marching into the dark)
all of the greatest
Greatest of all
Were chasing their fading star (were chasing their fading star)
Who'll be the latest
Latest to fall?
Marching into the dark
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: John Legend / Blake Mills / Tobias Macdonald Jesso
Marching Into the Dark lyrics © Break Mirrors Publishing, Break Mirrors Publishing (bmi), Songs Of Universal Inc.
Q 1276 "1197573 How many pics can you find of JL & HRC? re: Haiti? Marching into the Darkness - lyrics. Follow the STARS. It’s everywhere. Q
Exactly. Why do people have to act like bitches. This is the post I was referring to. Thank you for posting that. I don't have the time to play shit with these stooges. I'm sorry but I get tired of it
Okay you can chill out
You pigeon holed my comment by not even considering what I was referring to, but that has been taken care of
Duuuude, that was in reference to DS trying to use celebrities to influence people.
They thought you would follow the stars.
Edit: Q did say it one time.
Q 2991: In part "Do people follow the 'STARS'? "
Several drops referencing STARS.
Q1543 is interesting. "D Morning sun brings heat. Full moon coming. Undiscovered STARS learned. Missions forward. Q
I forgot about 1543. That's the most relevant one
I stand corrected. We will see if anything comes of this. Anons on the chans from Texas are saying many people in TX have stars on their homes. Let's see what happens.
It's the Lone Star State. Practically every house in Texas has a lone star somewhere on it. Not the best place to test any "star" theories, lest a lot of innocent folks get implicated.
I've lived in Texas since 1978 and I can probably count on one hand how many homes I know of with a star on them. Just saying.
That's strange. Most of the Texans who moved to my state have a lone star on their house.
Do they have a business showing on goog as two letters and a/n aquarium, bullring, other?
How did I not notice that?! 😑
Good question. I live in the NE, very far from Texas. There are many houses in my town that have stars, though not all in the same neighborhoods. I've often wondered if it was more than decoration.
I have a large reddish metal star on my house as a decoration. We bought it several years ago because we thought it looked patriotic. Not a "wicked" intent. Not everyone is involved with that crap.
Agree. I don't think the ones I see in my area are really significant, but maybe some are. "They" are good at hiding things and blending in.
In my area (far from Texas) stars are often used to decorate barns and are called barn stars. They supposedly are used in the suburbs as a signal that the occupants are swingers.
Ah yes, the "infidelity" stars. I was told this a long time ago and completely forgot about it lol.
Pure bs
Same with a pineapple decoration, apparently
In poor places in Appalachia a lot of homes will have stars on them and it means that someone in the household is in the military (branch unspecified). Some will even have two which means two people in the military. There's no secret conspiracy about it. May also apply in texas.
For Texas it’s all about Texas pride. Texas is the “Lone Star” state.
I remember when the Franks enterprises (I forgot the actual name) restaurants were located all over the place, the most abundant fast food place nobody has ever heard of. The addresses of these couple of fast food restaurant chains were actually doctors offices, private homes, lawyers, churches, etc. Some anons were going to the establishments with video cameras trying to investigate what was going on, but immediately stopped d/t obvious reasons--these people are sick! This sounds like a similar situation, just changed the name from fast food restaurant chain (nobody ever heard of) to aquariums (nobody ever heard of).
The penalty for child sex trafficking and pedophilia needs to be death.
Due -process > Walk of shame > gallows > death
I'll agree with the due process. If they're discovered in the act though, that's an entirely different ballgame.
Yep, shoot now and ask questions later.
With the walk of shame, tar and feathering should be included.
Either by woodchipper or hyena den.
Hot dogs...aka franks.
I remember that too and it disappeared so quickly!
Halfchan keeps getting the threads nuked. Here is where they are currently channing.
Hi anons, please help archive the photos and connecting links
Frenschan #34000 Archive:
Frenschan #33320 Archive:
General open forums on Frens and Pizzagate Social
Why is the 5 pointed star in the top pic upside down?
Why is one of the locations to a shop called "The Green Door?" Does anyone remember a 70's porn movie with Linda Lovelace and John Holmes called "Behind the Green Door?" In that movie, the lead actress (Lovelace) is tied to a revolving bed and basically raped/molested until Holmes comes and saves her.
So, I wonder, what's going on in those two locations?
A 5 pointed star is only ever hung upside down as a symbol of Moloch/Baal, and I explained thesymbolism behind the green door, so...
What is frenschan? New chan not compromised ?
Never heard of it till today. I assume so.
Why don't you click and find out?
Ty I have frens forgot and I just reposted should of checked stickied first
Castle Hills and Shavano Park are suburbs of San Antonio. I'm going to be over that way this afternoon - I'll cruise by one of them and see what i can see.
Stay safe.
so the address in Castle Hills is 398 Towne Vue Dr, and this comes up when i searched
how about this one, just posted it above
Okay another link
Look at this description, doesn't look like a damn aquarium to me.
Heavy work? Have some fun! You could do it with YP Aquarium. There you can allow yourself to leave the drudgery and just loosen up. The ambiance they make will create for you the mood.
The manager will tell about promotions. Ask them how to save money being a first-time or regular customer.
YP Aquarium is located in United States, Hutchins, TX 75141, 598—500 W Palestine St. The company is rated at 4.
What’s up with mattress stores? someone recently said they’re fishy.
What’s the working theory about them?
Get these addresses to AG Ken Paxton ASAP. He needs to do an investigation.
Local sheriffs, that’s an immediate start!
A GAW member who currently can't post just informed me that these could be people actually selling exotic illegal stuff like coral etc. from their homes. Could be.
If you believe there are 22+ exotic coral sellers in the state of Texas, that all use the same name format to market themselves, you might be retarded.
No offense.
None taken, just passing on information.
It actually might be a club of some sort. I personally know several guys here who trade, buy, sell and share coral.
I am not kidding they have big tanks full of different types and use it like a currency. Further this isn't a big city either. Only like 50k population. A big city probably has more.
Of course this 'aquarium' thing could be totally different.
Then why are the Chan threads getting buried so hard
We don't even know who created these names, who submitted them to, or who plotted them on Google maps. It might be some randomness.
But thinking logically - If you were doing something illicit, how much would you want to advertise it? You wouldn't want walk-up customers. You don't invite strangers to participate in your human trafficking. And why is this random "Aquarium" business mostly in Texas?
So, I drove through that block in Castle Hills this afternoon. The neighborhood is a nice 1960-70 neighborhood. Some of the houses are being replaced with McMansions. Some of the houses are more run down than others. I didn't see anything unusual. No big trucks or extra cars. i did see a dude out for a walk with a gun in his shorts; but, that's not too unusual here in Texas. None of the houses back up into warehouses or buildings - all residential. Close to Loop 410, our inner city loop. A house for rent. Looks like the Google maps images.
Archived link works on phone
Archived Archive:
General open forums on Frens and Pizzagate Social
Gonna need some patient anons waiting around with cameras.
Wonder if there are any mail in ballots associated with these addresses.
This is where my mind went
I went to a few on Google maps. Looks like empty lots etc. What are we looking at exactly. Why is this labeled as aquariums? Google search does show as aquariums??
If these are empty lots, could they perhaps be pick-up/drop-off locations to take sickos to "shows" elsewhere?
But one wouldn't show up randomly to one of these places, as if it were a bus stop. You would have to make arrangements ahead of time, and the person you contact, if they trusted you, would give you an address.
Ata lady, that’s a very plausible angle.
"Each one is listed as an address block and not an actual house number."
Someone in the comments said they werne't finding anything using google. One mentioned to use Yandex.
Any chance those codes are telephone numbers?
Old people know that seven-digit phone numbers used to start with an "exchange," which was simply a word. Your phone number might be Overland 5-4321, and you'd tell everyone your phone number was "OV 5-4321."
Later on the exchanges were dropped and only numbers were used. The above phone number became "685-4321."
The codes above, like TD Aquarium 27200, could be TD 2-7200. Or 835-7200. Extra numbers could indicate extensions. Supposedly they'd know the area code by the name of the town.
Just a thought.
This is genius my fren!
Urban dictionary: slang for aquarium: fish cage, water zoo, orphanarium, sea snickers, larry aquarium, prison, insanitarium, baltiless, md, american aquarium drinker, chattanooga, aquarium dolphin, sea zoo, lockjawed, goldfishing, aqua, urban sharknami, aquarium bow, sketchaquarium, baltimore bathtub, nsfw (not safe for work), rabid seamonkey, queeck, minneapolis, man the dolphin, fjact, rook, fishtankin.
Obviously, a few stood out...
Any way to tell when these addresses with aquarium code were set up? Timing is important. Could it have something to do with covid lockdowns a couple years ago? Remember when people were talking about FEMA camps for unvaxxed? Are there utilities on these parcels that could be quickly made into shelters with FEMA trailers? Maybe I missed it but is there common ownership of these parcels
What the fuck, I just googled TS Aquarium Orchard Texas and this crazy site came up that makes no sense.
WTF is right. There is no sense in any of this language. This shit is right in our faces
THIS GOT DELETED from another thread but it is worth pursuing. The website (clever name and play on words) is where all of these locations can be found. IMHO it looks like an aggregate of "aquarium" locations all over the world.
Okay another link
Look at this description, doesn't look like a damn aquarium to me.
Heavy work? Have some fun! You could do it with YP Aquarium. There you can allow yourself to leave the drudgery and just loosen up. The ambiance they make will create for you the mood.
The manager will tell about promotions. Ask them how to save money being a first-time or regular customer.
YP Aquarium is located in United States, Hutchins, TX 75141, 598—500 W Palestine St. The company is rated at 4.
Wtf…. 🤮
hmm. one of those addresses is within a 15 min drive. i might have to go check it out tomorrow
Strap it up and record everything
Exercise caution, pede.
Doing the Lord’s work
lots of sex websites, weird
Watch the water
Castle Hills and Shavano Park are right down the street from each other. Most of the Synagogues are located in Shavano and both cities are part of San Antonio
In Sherlock (the Benedict Cucumberbatch one..full of redpills) the meeting point for an agent and their superior contact was the Aquarium.
Could make sense in comms context too.
Penguins (agents) go to the Aquarium to feed (info).
Aquarium Scene / Mission Impossible (5 min, 20 sec)
Tom Cruise character - Ethan Hunt
Just sayin...
Thanks fren!
I've been watching this for about a week now. (((Coral))) salesmen, I bet. /s
Oh no!
Okay, so I started a small fish tank last year. Had been searching for fish supply stores back then and remember coming across some weird stuff on Google maps that seemed fake.
I do not remember exactly what I searched for before. So I just tried searching my local area for "pet stores", and they seem mostly legit. There are a lot more than I realized. So I tried searching for "fish supplies", and that returned some weird stuff. A few 'places' called "Quick-Tag".
So I tried just searching for "Quick-Tag" in Google maps and quite a few places popped up. Reading some of the reviews, they say the place doesn't exist. The spots mostly point to Wal-Marts or pet stores. And... reading further in the reviews, they point to this website where you can make your own pet tags. I feel like a dumbass.
Glad those weird aquarium names aren't around here. I'm sure it's under something else, though. Some fed acquaintances say our area is a hub for human trafficking since it's so central. They've been making a lot of huge busts, though.
Any chance they are staging homes for UN soldiers?
What's the importance of the word aquarium? Think I'm missing something. I understand it's to do with child trafficking, but what significance is the word aquarium to "them"?
Madonna did have a weird vid on Twitter singing about being out of pasta and she needs fried fish....
Hard to fathom, but I'd guess if we are talking about child trafficking/prostitution, then the term aquarium would imply that others would go to watch.
It appears that "aquarium" is a term that means a rape room for spectators. And it looks like "bullring" is the same thing for a kill room. - from an anon fren
The fish are open to view 24/7 but the fish can never leave
Not sure, in Comms:
water = info
pool = where Comms Aware gather to share info
Reconcile the creepy art of girls in an unfilled pool with plants at the top of the ladder. Become plants, or die. Become sexual blackmailers of powerful men, or die.
Underground tunnel network stations?
There's one in New Britain, CT with a blurred apartment building that has a sketchy warehouse behind it.
Watch the water
Well dang. I like them, but not for me now. Won’t be buying one. Oh well, I got a wagon wheel, so much cooler 😎
lets not forget about "XX Business Customer" in colorado with most locations right off the 2 major highways in the state.
I've been to the aquarium in downtown Houston.
It was just called "the Downtown Aquarium."
It actually had water and fish and things like that.
That's a Tillman Fertitta/Landry's restaurant. There's one located on the Kemah Boardwalk, too. Totally legit businesses.
Can't tell if sarcasm...though I have eaten there.