You can tell the moon landings are real because they look so fake.
I write this off as optics. Either the landings happened and we were shown a movie of something completely different, or they never happened. Nasa lies, and badly.
Their CGI is terrible, their wires break, they can't hide all the bubbles when filming in the tank, they forgot to film any of the ISS construction, they lost the telemetry data, they forgot how to fly through the Van Allen radiation belts, they can't decide whether they can see stars or not when they're up there, they murdered Gus Grissom, they purposefully traumatised a generation of children with Challenger, etc etc... NASA is asshoe.
"Can we see the technology you used to get to the Moon?"
"It was destroyed and we lost it forever, and have never been able to replicate it."
In my experience this is the only time we have ever lost technology like that. Obviously societies fall and their tech is lost, but this is the same society with about a 40 year gap in using it and it being completely gone. Can''t bring it back, either? Everything else is advancing, but we just cant RE-figure out how we got to the Moon?
"False, moon landings are real
Programs exist outside public domain"
Maybe I'm thinking too much of the two lines as lawyer talk, but one way I interpreted this was the public moon landings [could be] fake, we've been to the moon but on secret missions unbeknownst to the public
Remember the Challenger exploding in the 80’s. Yeah, um, hate to break it to you but 6 out of 7 of those “Astro-NOTS” are alive and well. Still the same names etc. I mean, two of the 7 claim they are the identical twin brother but the rest are living great lives as professors and lawyers etc. The truth is out there. Just some minimal research will prove NASA is a lying, deceptive (nasa means ‘to deceive’ in Hebrew) government agency. They tell us the earth tilts at 66.6 degrees. It goes around the sun at 666000 miles per hour. The Arctic and Antarctic circles are at the 66.6 parallel. WAKE THE FUCK UP TGA!
The earth’s axial tilt is 23.5 degrees. Earth’s average orbital velocity is 66,600 miles per hour, but this is an average figure as orbital velocity slightly increases at perihelion (closest point to the sun) and slightly decreases at aphelion (farthest point from the sun). Lastly, the polar circles currently sit at 63.5 degrees latitude.
Twisting data to make it say 666 doesn’t make the data invalid. It makes you look ignorant. Yes 666 is the number of the beast in Revelation, but that doesn’t mean every figure with 666 in it is satanic.
Similar to making shit up, I've seen many cases of the number fiends saying that a thing is "666" when in fact it's 2/3rds. The fact that 2 divided by 3 produces a number (in base 10) that looks like ".666" (if you ignore that the decimal has meaning) seems to cause all sorts of people to go nuts.
I do think that the Cabal use numbers as part of their religion and symbolism, but sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
You see real satellite images of the Earth every single day when you look at Google Earth or iMaps or the weather channel or NOAA Hurricane Center.....the list is endless.
This is half true. When you are zooomed out on Google Earth the most extreme view is from satellites but the “view” above your city or house that you can zoom in on or do an aerial 360° view of are actually captured by airplanes.
I've always said why does the Earth look so small from the moon considering the size difference??.....It looks the same size as when you look at the Moon from the Earth.....
That picture is not even close to being to scale. Artistic renditions of objects in space sometimes take out the space in between objects so that you can see everything in one frame. Otherwise you'd be scrolling through several pages of nothing. See the second link in my comment above to see the actual Earth-Moon distance.
Here's a link to a page that displays the whole Solar System at the scale of the moon being 1 pixel wide:
The Masons had America’s first Catholic President, JFK, assassinated is on the 33rd Parallel. The number of murders of people of high position and key witnesses along the 33rd Parallel is significant.
There are Masonic Obelisks in that Dealy Plaza.
A bronze plaque near the obelisk's base describes its function as a place to commemorate the "Birthplace of Dallas". The plaque reads:
"Within this small park was built the first home. [sic] Which also served as the first courthouse and postoffice [sic], the first store and the first fraternal lodge. Dedicated to the Pioneers of civic progress by order of the Park Board."
Another powerful spell was cast on the American people. Masons re-created the murder of Hiram. I believe we stopped being a Christian country from that point forward, as the Cabalist had full spectrum control over the Presidency, Media, academia, corporate & Religious institutions (Think Vatican II). We slowly began converting Christian America into full blown paganism.
So just wondering if it is possible the rocket name is a comm???
In ancient Greek mythology and religion, Artemis (/ˈɑːrtɪmɪs/; Greek: Ἄρτεμις) is the goddess of the hunt,
It was stored in the lower section of the lunar module.
Why no stars in the pictures? The intense sunlight on the moon required that the cameras have short exposure times, which reduced the amount of light entering the cameras at any given time. There is also the fact that sunlight will wash out any starlight present, which is why you can't see stars during the day.
Three more links on how the Moon Landing was filmed:
Neil Armstrong, Don Petit, and Leroy Chiao, all astronauts who have been to space, give three contradictory answers to the question of whether or not we can see stars while in cislunar space.
Three contradictory answers to what should be a simple observation of a physical phenomenon is an impossibility if they are not lying.
The moon isn’t a rocky body. It is plasma.
You shouldn’t see a crescent moon and the sun together in the sky.
The masons are losing their grip.
They give conflicting reports because each astronaut operated in different lighting conditions at different points in their missions, and only certain lighting conditions allow for the starlight to not be washed out either by sunlight or the interior spacecraft lights. How well can you see starlight inside a car with the window rolled up and with all the interior lights on? Just because each astronaut couldn't always see the stars doesn't invalidate any of their testimony.
The Moon absolutely is a rocky body, not a plasma. We can measure the Moon's mass and density by its gravitational interactions with Earth, and it's density is far too high to be plasma. Plus the Moon wouldn't have enough gravity to hold that plasma together, and it would have cooled off and dispersed by now. Also, we have rock samples from the Moon because we've actually been there.
Bonus question: If the Moon is a plasma, why are its surface features constant? Plasma is a fluid like gases and liquids, so any surface features should be constantly shifting around like the clouds on Jupiter and Saturn.
"You shouldn't see a crescent moon and the sun together in the sky"
There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to see that. As a matter of fact, the Moon is closer to the sun from our perspective in its crescent phases than its fuller phases. If you don't understand how moon phases work, then I really don't know what to tell you.
Lol I like how the moons gravity overrides the larger earths to pull the oceans even though the earth is closer.
They gave contradictory answers about whether or not we can see stars while in cislunar space, not accounts of their point of view at the time. They were asked if seeing stars in cislunar space was possible.
They gave impossible answers.
Crepuscular rays prove the sun is small and local.
The moon lighting up the clouds around it prove it is small and local.
You can measure the moons light and it is colder than the shade.
There is a black sun at the center of the flat earth.
The Moon's gravity does not "override" Earth's gravity. The Earth's gravity exerts the exact same force on the oceans at all times, and so does the Moon. Since the Moon orbits around the earth, the vector sum of these gravitational forces on each water molecule in the oceans changes over time. This change in direction and magnitude of the gravitational force over time causes both water tides and earth tides (the Earth itself slightly changes shape and bulges as a result of tidal forces). If you paid attention in high school geometry and physics you would know how to vector sum forces.
Crepusuclar rays do not prove that the sun is small and local. It shows that you don't understand optics and linear perspective.
Moonlight being colder than shade is such a vague phrase as to be utterly meaningless. Nevertheless, this has been thoroughly debunked.
Lol Can’t see the curve from 63 miles up according to one of the leading astrophysicists in the world.
That breaks the curve calculator.
There is an exact curve we should see and it just simply is not there.
Look, the earth is flat.
Space is fake.
Gravity is fake.
Dinosaurs are fake.
Evolution is fake.
There is a dome.
Masonic world is falling apart.
Evolution is the only thing in your list that's fake. Everything else is very real, just often misinterpreted by people who accept evolution. Creation, on the other hand, addresses all of your concerns while being consistent with the Bible.
100%....I would imagine that every single inch of space on the module was worked out to fit its need...So how the Fuck did Alan Shepard manage to 'sneak' on a golf club so he could tee off from the moon....Yeah right...😏
I grew up literally across the street from the Manned Space Center during the Gemini and Apollo programs. I watched thousands of dedicated and talented men and women achieve this historic milestone. We cheered when our neighbor astronauts succeeded, we grieved when our neighbor astronauts were killed in training or Apollo 1. These were real people.
The Moon landings may have been real, but that doesn't mean the footage was. It also doesn't mean the programs were real (we could have been to the moon by other methods than "Saturn V"), or that the shuttle explosions weren't contrived, etc.
That doesn't mean I think any of those things are true. I have no idea, but there is evidence that supports all of those things.
I agree that Q didn't address it, which was the implicit motivation of my statement.
The response chain you responded too however stated implicitly a belief that NASA's moon missions were accurate as presented. You responded in disagreement with a statement that disagreed with that. While I agree you didn't explicitly address it, within context, since you didn't further qualify yourself, you did address it implicitly.
Just a thought ...
Could be that tons of people worked on real projects towards the proposed moon landing, but partway through a few key people knew it would never happen in the decade they were given, so rather than disband the whole undertaking they just let everyone keep working. Then they faked its success. Maybe lots of real people did lots of real work AND the videos we were shown aren't real. Both things can be true.
Agreed. My family worked at NASA. I was also neighbors with astronauts. I went to school with the kids of one who died. I drove by the Apollo rocket on the way to school every morning.
It appears that no amount of proof -- or even Q's affirmation -- is good enough to change the minds of doubters, so this is the question I have for them: "If we did land on the moon, what evidence would satisfy you?"
We might know each other, but I won't ask who you are. Two astronauts that died lived on our street (Freeman and Chaffee) and another lived about six blocks down (Bassett). 10 of the 14 men that walked on the moon lived in our little one square mile city across from NASA.
Freeman and Chaffee were before my time. The one whose children I went to school with died on the Challenger. When the shuttle program was restarted, the pilot for the Discovery mission lived on my street.
I lived in the same square mile city as you, but for only a year. I really liked it there. I spent the rest of my childhood in 'Lake.
Spoiler alert: no evidence will satisfy them. The believe NASA lies about everything because they somehow derive comfort from it. It is purely emotional reasoning, so no logic or facts will get through to them.
The only reason I still argue with them is to show others how irrational they are. Flat earthers and moon landing deniers will never change because they don't want to.
shh, you may trigger the flat earthers with that sort of family story to tell. If you even have to ponder as to why there are irreversible doubters about the moon, always keep in mind there are flat earthers weaving in and out of here. I do not mind the flat earthers but, it is one of a very few theories about existence, I just can not get behind.
Your assumption that belief in round earth coincides with belief in the Big Bang Theory/evolution is flawed. Scientific evidence contradicts both flat earth and evolution. See the section "Astronomical and Physical Sciences" in this online book:
I think flat earthers here are a mix of shills who want to discredit anon forums and true believers who've rejected the most fundamental premises of our corrupt institutions. So I sort of understand where the true believers come from, but they're still wrong.
I’m so sorry people are downvoting you for speaking the truth.
I trust government orgs as little as anyone else here, but the idea that NASA has lied to us about literally everything is preposterous. The couple dozen people who tried to cover up Watergate couldn’t keep their stories straight for a few weeks; how do people think the hundreds of thousands of current/former NASA employees have kept up the same “lie” for decades?
And it has also apparently never occurred to people here that the whole “flat earth and faked moon landings” May be theories deliberately proliferated by three letter agencies to discredit legit conspiracies and legit intelligence ops like Q.
There have been whistleblowers regarding the Covid narrative ever since it’s inception, same with the medical establishment. They can’t keep their narratives straight for 2 weeks before we start easily poking holes in their statements. It’s trivial to go find where Fauci has contradicted himself.
The truth about 9/11 is also easier to keep secret because the only people who know the whole truth are the very intelligence agencies who pulled it off, who would face direct consequences if anything leaked. They have a vested interest in keeping it quiet, and the emotion in the general populace about the subject willingly blinds them.
Jury’s out on chemtrails as far as I’m concerned. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s legit, but haven’t seen sufficient evidence for it yet. The people advocating for chemtrails tend to use the same arguments as flat earthers and moon landing deniers; “the government contradicts me, therefore I’m right”
If the moon landings were faked, why didn’t the USSR or China come forward with proof that we faked it? That would have been a lay up to embarrass America on the global stage.
Lyndon B Johnson, who later became President: “It lays the predicate and foundation for the development of a weather satellite that will permit man to determine the world's cloud layer and ultimately to control the weather; and he who controls the weather will control the world” - Vice President Johnson at Southwest Texas State University (1962). Video of the quote in this link:
If the moon landings were faked, why didn’t the USSR or China come forward with proof that we faked it?
Here's a better question. How would we see the proof if they did?
After all, the Russians asked questions about the artifacts and footage from the moon landing in 2015, and the MSM spun it into "this is retaliation for the targeting of nine FIFA officials."
Russian official wants to investigate whether U.S. moon landings actually happened
So, why is Investigative Committee member Markin speculating about conspiracy theories surrounding U.S. moon landings that happened decades ago? In his op-ed, the Russian official also emphasized that "U.S. authorities had crossed a line by launching a large-scale corruption probe targeting nine FIFA officials," according to the Moscow Times.
On June 2, FIFA President Sepp Blatter announced that he would eventually step down amid an ongoing investigation into widespread corruption at the organization. "U.S. prosecutors have declared themselves the supreme arbiters of international football affairs," Markin complained in his op-ed. The official went on to argue that U.S. investigators had confused political bargaining with corruption. He specifically referred to media speculation that former German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder authorized military arms shipments to Saudi Arabia to help Germany win the 2006 World Cup bid.
If China or Russia had proof that the US faked its moon landing, that info would have been freely distributed in the early days of the internet, when the Fed's censoring ability was vastly decreased compare to today.
1 Russian speculating on theories about the moon landing? A far simpler explanation is that he's trolling. Occam's Razor.
Spain recently shared some documents admitting to weather manipulation through chemtrails. Too lazy to look it up. Where I lived, the trails lingered the whole day. Recently moved to a different country with higher humidity and never see a trail.
Whistleblowers do come forward with covid since we have the internet. Not that it's resulting in any official changes. Official stances on truth don't seem contingent on whistleblowers but instead on being officially recognized. For example bldg 7, WTC - whole world sees it demoed without it being hit by plane, still gets written off as conspiracy if you question why it happened.
Also, it's not that everyone that works at NASA gets the moon landing explanation. Probably most employees believe it just as most medical professionals believe covid is a radical new dangerous virus.
China and Russia might have been duped in the beginning and now it would be too embarrassing to admit it. Or maybe their narrative also depends on moon landings. They might have different reasons. They also played the covid game.
That’s why I said theories like Q, not just Q himself. The notion that the world is run by child trafficking, money laundering pedophiles has been around for a long time before Q too, and the purpose of flat earth and faked moon landings is to discredit any conspiracy theory that hits a little too close to the truth.
Yes, a lot of people were deceived by the Covid narrative. However, we rapidly found out the truth about Covid being made in a lab, being used to steal the election, and the fact that the jabs are ineffective if not harmful, all in a matter of months. Actual lies and propaganda are exposed quite rapidly. And there is far more evidence for these assertions than evidence suggesting the moon landings are fake.
Who on earth is saying that we can’t go back today? We could if we wanted to, we just don’t need to. The goal of the original Space Race was to prove American technological superiority over the USSR, which doesn’t exist today. We’ve explored the Moon’s surface several times with manned missions, and now we can observe the Moon with orbital telescopes without the cost and risk associated with manned Moon Landings. It’s not that we can’t, it’s that we don’t need to.
I said we don't need to go back to the moon. I didn't say NASA doesn't want to go back. I was refuting the idiot who said that we can't go to the moon for some retarded reason.
Of course I don't believe that I'm right about everything. I do, however, put as much thought and careful reasoning behind what I believe as I can, and expect others to do the same (especially in this community).
However, in this thread, the people trying to deny that we've been to moon aren't reading what I'm saying. The first person claimed people have told him that we can't go back to the moon. I questioned this notion, pointing out the difference between can't and won't. Then the other person chimed in with a misleading Forbes article. The headline sensationally says we lost the ability to travel to the moon, when the actual article says that we just can't build the original rockets anymore. Those are not the same thing, and it's clear that moon landing deniers take the headline and run with it without stopping to actually understand the article, which didn't refute my point in the slightest the way he thinks it does.
I'm not mad at flat earthers and moon landing deniers for believing what they believe, I'm frustrated at the fact that they don't display basic reading comprehension. They cherry pick data and headlines to support their beliefs, and put forward exceptionally irrational arguments. None of these practices are healthy for the Q/Truther movement; it will decrease our ability to accurately pursue truth, and turn away those who take a look at this movement and witness such lack of basic reasoning.
Moon landing deniers: "NASA isn't a credible source of info."
Also moon landing deniers: "HeRe'S a LiNk FrOm FoRbEs!!"
The "mentally challenged person" I was replying to earlier said that we lost the tech to fly to the moon, despite the fact that we allegedly "figured it out with slide rulers" the first time we went. Ironically, the very article you cite perfectly explains his objections. We didn't "lose the tech" we just shut down the means of manufacturing the old tech to focus on other endeavors. In addition, rockets built today are significantly more advanced then the rockets from the Space Race, so we're not just rebuilding old equipment, we're pioneering new tech.
Watching moon landing deniers and flat earthers accidentally refute themselves is so entertaining. Please, continue.
Did other countries say the U.S. faked the moon landing?
Yes, Russia has asked those questions since the overthrow of communism. In 2015, the Washington Post reported on an op-ed by one Russian official and claimed it was really about the 9 FIFA officials targeted in an investigation and nothing to do with real concerns about the moon landings.
Russian official wants to investigate whether U.S. moon landings actually happened
"Nothing to see here. Move along," was the Washington Post's take on this question.
Once you realize the Cold War was just a big game and the Nazi scientists shipped over to the US were collaborating with the Nazi scientists shipped over to the Soviet Union at the end of World War II, it will all begin to make a lot more sense.
Just a simple question...Why won't Amstrong and Aldrin swear on the bible that they went to the moon...Its pretty easy...they could even have lied why didn't they....They weren't the only ones .... several astronauts from the 1969 Apollo missions would also not swear and would not confirm they were there...Why Not???
You can tell the moon landings are real because they look so fake.
I write this off as optics. Either the landings happened and we were shown a movie of something completely different, or they never happened. Nasa lies, and badly.
Their CGI is terrible, their wires break, they can't hide all the bubbles when filming in the tank, they forgot to film any of the ISS construction, they lost the telemetry data, they forgot how to fly through the Van Allen radiation belts, they can't decide whether they can see stars or not when they're up there, they murdered Gus Grissom, they purposefully traumatised a generation of children with Challenger, etc etc... NASA is asshoe.
"Can we see the technology you used to get to the Moon?" "It was destroyed and we lost it forever, and have never been able to replicate it."
In my experience this is the only time we have ever lost technology like that. Obviously societies fall and their tech is lost, but this is the same society with about a 40 year gap in using it and it being completely gone. Can''t bring it back, either? Everything else is advancing, but we just cant RE-figure out how we got to the Moon?
Interestingly, the Apollo astronauts seem to get quite upset when asked to swear on the Bible that they went to the moon...
If it cant be replicated, its not science
Challenger or Columbia?
Oops, thanks fren, will correct!
Wait until you go down the rabbit hole that NASA and Disney are the same company : all makes sense then ;)
They have quite a notable amount of graphic designers, animators, producers.... 🍿🍿🍿🍿
Artemis 1 - The Show must Go On!
Werner Von Braun and Walt Disney were close friends.
Space Pedos?
"False, moon landings are real Programs exist outside public domain"
Maybe I'm thinking too much of the two lines as lawyer talk, but one way I interpreted this was the public moon landings [could be] fake, we've been to the moon but on secret missions unbeknownst to the public
That's exactly what I was implying. Things may have happened for real, but we were shown something totally different.
I found just what i was looking for...Just been posted by another anon...👌👌
Something strange happened halfway to the moon, huh
Remember the Challenger exploding in the 80’s. Yeah, um, hate to break it to you but 6 out of 7 of those “Astro-NOTS” are alive and well. Still the same names etc. I mean, two of the 7 claim they are the identical twin brother but the rest are living great lives as professors and lawyers etc. The truth is out there. Just some minimal research will prove NASA is a lying, deceptive (nasa means ‘to deceive’ in Hebrew) government agency. They tell us the earth tilts at 66.6 degrees. It goes around the sun at 666000 miles per hour. The Arctic and Antarctic circles are at the 66.6 parallel. WAKE THE FUCK UP TGA!
The earth’s axial tilt is 23.5 degrees. Earth’s average orbital velocity is 66,600 miles per hour, but this is an average figure as orbital velocity slightly increases at perihelion (closest point to the sun) and slightly decreases at aphelion (farthest point from the sun). Lastly, the polar circles currently sit at 63.5 degrees latitude.
Twisting data to make it say 666 doesn’t make the data invalid. It makes you look ignorant. Yes 666 is the number of the beast in Revelation, but that doesn’t mean every figure with 666 in it is satanic.
Similar to making shit up, I've seen many cases of the number fiends saying that a thing is "666" when in fact it's 2/3rds. The fact that 2 divided by 3 produces a number (in base 10) that looks like ".666" (if you ignore that the decimal has meaning) seems to cause all sorts of people to go nuts.
I do think that the Cabal use numbers as part of their religion and symbolism, but sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
From NASA website -
So, affirmative action. Glad they have their priorities strait. Surely nothing could go wrong. 🤡
You see real satellite images of the Earth every single day when you look at Google Earth or iMaps or the weather channel or NOAA Hurricane Center.....the list is endless.
And ALL of them have the same cloud formations...Different timeframes yet the same cloud formations...
This is half true. When you are zooomed out on Google Earth the most extreme view is from satellites but the “view” above your city or house that you can zoom in on or do an aerial 360° view of are actually captured by airplanes.
I've always said why does the Earth look so small from the moon considering the size difference??.....It looks the same size as when you look at the Moon from the Earth.....
Good question.
The Earth as seen from the Moon looks a lot bigger than the Moon does from the Earth.
Also, people consistently underestimate how far apart the Moon is from the Earth.
(Have to scroll down a bit on the second link to get to the relevant pic).
The Earth should never look as small as from the moon...
That picture is not even close to being to scale. Artistic renditions of objects in space sometimes take out the space in between objects so that you can see everything in one frame. Otherwise you'd be scrolling through several pages of nothing. See the second link in my comment above to see the actual Earth-Moon distance.
Here's a link to a page that displays the whole Solar System at the scale of the moon being 1 pixel wide:
Thank you for that, however, I'm not convinced either way....Its all absolute BS on a grand scale...
I found just what i was looking for...Just been posted by another anon...👌👌
My Whole point is that whenever they show a picture of the Earth from the Moon or Vice versa, they are always the same size which cannot be.
Space is a Freemasonic lie. It was their ultimate psyop meant to break peoples fundimental belief in God & the literal truth of the Bible.
The moon landing was quite an impressive spell cast on the entire world by these Masonic wizards.
yes I think so too, and that's why JFK made this speech, he knew how preposterous nasa's plans were.
he's mocking their numbers & they don't even know it;)
The Masons had America’s first Catholic President, JFK, assassinated is on the 33rd Parallel. The number of murders of people of high position and key witnesses along the 33rd Parallel is significant.
There are Masonic Obelisks in that Dealy Plaza. A bronze plaque near the obelisk's base describes its function as a place to commemorate the "Birthplace of Dallas". The plaque reads:
"Within this small park was built the first home. [sic] Which also served as the first courthouse and postoffice [sic], the first store and the first fraternal lodge. Dedicated to the Pioneers of civic progress by order of the Park Board."
Another powerful spell was cast on the American people. Masons re-created the murder of Hiram. I believe we stopped being a Christian country from that point forward, as the Cabalist had full spectrum control over the Presidency, Media, academia, corporate & Religious institutions (Think Vatican II). We slowly began converting Christian America into full blown paganism.
NASA is nothing more than a gigantic SLUSH fund. No manned vehicle ever got completely outside of Earth's atmosphere.
So just wondering if it is possible the rocket name is a comm??? In ancient Greek mythology and religion, Artemis (/ˈɑːrtɪmɪs/; Greek: Ἄρτεμις) is the goddess of the hunt,
The hunters become the hunted?? Idk
Official NASA photo of the 1969 Lunar Lander on the moon:
That's a great photo! I would have failed my studio class for turning in something like that but somehow it got people to the moon.
Scientist: "Do you think it's safe?"
Scientist 2: "Better use another box of aluminum foil just to be sure."
Got them back too. Then they took a dune buggy up there. And played golf.
Changing film with gloves. Lol. Yeah, that would be tough. They could have had bigger rolls pre loaded. However,
Film can't go through airport xray machines but it can be freely used in space. That's the one I don't get. Film would've totally been fried.
Yes, the question about the lunar rover has been posed, and answered:
It was stored in the lower section of the lunar module.
Why no stars in the pictures? The intense sunlight on the moon required that the cameras have short exposure times, which reduced the amount of light entering the cameras at any given time. There is also the fact that sunlight will wash out any starlight present, which is why you can't see stars during the day.
Three more links on how the Moon Landing was filmed:
Neil Armstrong, Don Petit, and Leroy Chiao, all astronauts who have been to space, give three contradictory answers to the question of whether or not we can see stars while in cislunar space. Three contradictory answers to what should be a simple observation of a physical phenomenon is an impossibility if they are not lying. The moon isn’t a rocky body. It is plasma. You shouldn’t see a crescent moon and the sun together in the sky. The masons are losing their grip.
They give conflicting reports because each astronaut operated in different lighting conditions at different points in their missions, and only certain lighting conditions allow for the starlight to not be washed out either by sunlight or the interior spacecraft lights. How well can you see starlight inside a car with the window rolled up and with all the interior lights on? Just because each astronaut couldn't always see the stars doesn't invalidate any of their testimony.
The Moon absolutely is a rocky body, not a plasma. We can measure the Moon's mass and density by its gravitational interactions with Earth, and it's density is far too high to be plasma. Plus the Moon wouldn't have enough gravity to hold that plasma together, and it would have cooled off and dispersed by now. Also, we have rock samples from the Moon because we've actually been there.
Bonus question: If the Moon is a plasma, why are its surface features constant? Plasma is a fluid like gases and liquids, so any surface features should be constantly shifting around like the clouds on Jupiter and Saturn.
"You shouldn't see a crescent moon and the sun together in the sky"
There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to see that. As a matter of fact, the Moon is closer to the sun from our perspective in its crescent phases than its fuller phases. If you don't understand how moon phases work, then I really don't know what to tell you.
Lol I like how the moons gravity overrides the larger earths to pull the oceans even though the earth is closer. They gave contradictory answers about whether or not we can see stars while in cislunar space, not accounts of their point of view at the time. They were asked if seeing stars in cislunar space was possible. They gave impossible answers. Crepuscular rays prove the sun is small and local. The moon lighting up the clouds around it prove it is small and local. You can measure the moons light and it is colder than the shade. There is a black sun at the center of the flat earth.
The Moon's gravity does not "override" Earth's gravity. The Earth's gravity exerts the exact same force on the oceans at all times, and so does the Moon. Since the Moon orbits around the earth, the vector sum of these gravitational forces on each water molecule in the oceans changes over time. This change in direction and magnitude of the gravitational force over time causes both water tides and earth tides (the Earth itself slightly changes shape and bulges as a result of tidal forces). If you paid attention in high school geometry and physics you would know how to vector sum forces.
Crepusuclar rays do not prove that the sun is small and local. It shows that you don't understand optics and linear perspective.
Moonlight being colder than shade is such a vague phrase as to be utterly meaningless. Nevertheless, this has been thoroughly debunked.
The sun is not black. It's just.... not. I don't know how anyone could come to any other conclusion.
Lol Can’t see the curve from 63 miles up according to one of the leading astrophysicists in the world. That breaks the curve calculator. There is an exact curve we should see and it just simply is not there. Look, the earth is flat. Space is fake. Gravity is fake. Dinosaurs are fake. Evolution is fake. There is a dome. Masonic world is falling apart.
Can't see the curvature from 63 miles up? That's funny, these people can clearly document curvature from less than 5 miles up:
Evolution is the only thing in your list that's fake. Everything else is very real, just often misinterpreted by people who accept evolution. Creation, on the other hand, addresses all of your concerns while being consistent with the Bible.
100%....I would imagine that every single inch of space on the module was worked out to fit its need...So how the Fuck did Alan Shepard manage to 'sneak' on a golf club so he could tee off from the moon....Yeah right...😏
WIKILEAKS Released Proofs Of Fake NASA Moon Landing - Cut Scenes Filmed in Nevada Desert.
20 Proofs NASA Faked the Moon Landings ~ Eric Dubay
Wow, important post.
this is why the Left HATES space force
Just stop it people. We went to the moon.
I grew up literally across the street from the Manned Space Center during the Gemini and Apollo programs. I watched thousands of dedicated and talented men and women achieve this historic milestone. We cheered when our neighbor astronauts succeeded, we grieved when our neighbor astronauts were killed in training or Apollo 1. These were real people.
Your indoctrination may be the most intense out of anyone. Some will never see the truth. I’m sorry they lied to you all your life. Time to grow up.
Q said moon landings are real.
Q said disinformation is necessary
Think about this. Why would Q put out disinformation about the moon if black hats were the ones who created the lie in the first place?
Okay so Alex Jones is probably a White Hat.
The Moon landings may have been real, but that doesn't mean the footage was. It also doesn't mean the programs were real (we could have been to the moon by other methods than "Saturn V"), or that the shuttle explosions weren't contrived, etc.
That doesn't mean I think any of those things are true. I have no idea, but there is evidence that supports all of those things.
I didn’t address any of that. Neither did Q.
I agree that Q didn't address it, which was the implicit motivation of my statement.
The response chain you responded too however stated implicitly a belief that NASA's moon missions were accurate as presented. You responded in disagreement with a statement that disagreed with that. While I agree you didn't explicitly address it, within context, since you didn't further qualify yourself, you did address it implicitly.
Please do your own research. Why didn’t Q tell us the Challenger exploding was fake? Seems like that would wake a lot of people up. I guess I’ll do it for ya.
MadDad, thank you so much for the good hardy laugh this morning!
Houston, you have a problem. Wakey wakey eggs and bakey.
Just a thought ... Could be that tons of people worked on real projects towards the proposed moon landing, but partway through a few key people knew it would never happen in the decade they were given, so rather than disband the whole undertaking they just let everyone keep working. Then they faked its success. Maybe lots of real people did lots of real work AND the videos we were shown aren't real. Both things can be true.
Compartmentalization. It's exactly how (((they've))) been able to control and keep up lies this big.
Agreed. My family worked at NASA. I was also neighbors with astronauts. I went to school with the kids of one who died. I drove by the Apollo rocket on the way to school every morning.
It appears that no amount of proof -- or even Q's affirmation -- is good enough to change the minds of doubters, so this is the question I have for them: "If we did land on the moon, what evidence would satisfy you?"
Got any actual evidence to support your wild claims?
We might know each other, but I won't ask who you are. Two astronauts that died lived on our street (Freeman and Chaffee) and another lived about six blocks down (Bassett). 10 of the 14 men that walked on the moon lived in our little one square mile city across from NASA.
Freeman and Chaffee were before my time. The one whose children I went to school with died on the Challenger. When the shuttle program was restarted, the pilot for the Discovery mission lived on my street.
I lived in the same square mile city as you, but for only a year. I really liked it there. I spent the rest of my childhood in 'Lake.
Hmmmm…then you would know 12 men walked on the moon, not 14.
Spoiler alert: no evidence will satisfy them. The believe NASA lies about everything because they somehow derive comfort from it. It is purely emotional reasoning, so no logic or facts will get through to them.
The only reason I still argue with them is to show others how irrational they are. Flat earthers and moon landing deniers will never change because they don't want to.
Exactly. They're committed to doubt as part of their identity, not as the place where logic led them.
shh, you may trigger the flat earthers with that sort of family story to tell. If you even have to ponder as to why there are irreversible doubters about the moon, always keep in mind there are flat earthers weaving in and out of here. I do not mind the flat earthers but, it is one of a very few theories about existence, I just can not get behind.
If you think flat earth is crazy,
Just look at the big bang theory!
pretty sure big bang was debunked as well. lol.
Your assumption that belief in round earth coincides with belief in the Big Bang Theory/evolution is flawed. Scientific evidence contradicts both flat earth and evolution. See the section "Astronomical and Physical Sciences" in this online book:
I think flat earthers here are a mix of shills who want to discredit anon forums and true believers who've rejected the most fundamental premises of our corrupt institutions. So I sort of understand where the true believers come from, but they're still wrong.
I’m so sorry people are downvoting you for speaking the truth.
I trust government orgs as little as anyone else here, but the idea that NASA has lied to us about literally everything is preposterous. The couple dozen people who tried to cover up Watergate couldn’t keep their stories straight for a few weeks; how do people think the hundreds of thousands of current/former NASA employees have kept up the same “lie” for decades?
And it has also apparently never occurred to people here that the whole “flat earth and faked moon landings” May be theories deliberately proliferated by three letter agencies to discredit legit conspiracies and legit intelligence ops like Q.
'how do people think the hundreds of thousands of current/former NASA employees have kept up the same “lie”'
See Covid, chemtrails, 9/11, medical establishment, etc.
It happens a lot. Easy when you control the narrative.
There have been whistleblowers regarding the Covid narrative ever since it’s inception, same with the medical establishment. They can’t keep their narratives straight for 2 weeks before we start easily poking holes in their statements. It’s trivial to go find where Fauci has contradicted himself.
The truth about 9/11 is also easier to keep secret because the only people who know the whole truth are the very intelligence agencies who pulled it off, who would face direct consequences if anything leaked. They have a vested interest in keeping it quiet, and the emotion in the general populace about the subject willingly blinds them.
Jury’s out on chemtrails as far as I’m concerned. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s legit, but haven’t seen sufficient evidence for it yet. The people advocating for chemtrails tend to use the same arguments as flat earthers and moon landing deniers; “the government contradicts me, therefore I’m right”
If the moon landings were faked, why didn’t the USSR or China come forward with proof that we faked it? That would have been a lay up to embarrass America on the global stage.
Thailand and Indonesia have this to say on the topic of weather modification/ chemtrails:
And if Building 7 was still around it'd have a thing or two to say about 9/11 ;)
Thailand too! Can't really be considered a conspiracy theory when countries openly admit to it.
Lyndon B Johnson, who later became President: “It lays the predicate and foundation for the development of a weather satellite that will permit man to determine the world's cloud layer and ultimately to control the weather; and he who controls the weather will control the world” - Vice President Johnson at Southwest Texas State University (1962). Video of the quote in this link:
Here's a better question. How would we see the proof if they did?
After all, the Russians asked questions about the artifacts and footage from the moon landing in 2015, and the MSM spun it into "this is retaliation for the targeting of nine FIFA officials."
Russian official wants to investigate whether U.S. moon landings actually happened
So, why is Investigative Committee member Markin speculating about conspiracy theories surrounding U.S. moon landings that happened decades ago? In his op-ed, the Russian official also emphasized that "U.S. authorities had crossed a line by launching a large-scale corruption probe targeting nine FIFA officials," according to the Moscow Times.
On June 2, FIFA President Sepp Blatter announced that he would eventually step down amid an ongoing investigation into widespread corruption at the organization. "U.S. prosecutors have declared themselves the supreme arbiters of international football affairs," Markin complained in his op-ed. The official went on to argue that U.S. investigators had confused political bargaining with corruption. He specifically referred to media speculation that former German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder authorized military arms shipments to Saudi Arabia to help Germany win the 2006 World Cup bid.
Archived link -
If China or Russia had proof that the US faked its moon landing, that info would have been freely distributed in the early days of the internet, when the Fed's censoring ability was vastly decreased compare to today.
1 Russian speculating on theories about the moon landing? A far simpler explanation is that he's trolling. Occam's Razor.
Spain recently shared some documents admitting to weather manipulation through chemtrails. Too lazy to look it up. Where I lived, the trails lingered the whole day. Recently moved to a different country with higher humidity and never see a trail.
Whistleblowers do come forward with covid since we have the internet. Not that it's resulting in any official changes. Official stances on truth don't seem contingent on whistleblowers but instead on being officially recognized. For example bldg 7, WTC - whole world sees it demoed without it being hit by plane, still gets written off as conspiracy if you question why it happened.
Also, it's not that everyone that works at NASA gets the moon landing explanation. Probably most employees believe it just as most medical professionals believe covid is a radical new dangerous virus.
China and Russia might have been duped in the beginning and now it would be too embarrassing to admit it. Or maybe their narrative also depends on moon landings. They might have different reasons. They also played the covid game.
That’s why I said theories like Q, not just Q himself. The notion that the world is run by child trafficking, money laundering pedophiles has been around for a long time before Q too, and the purpose of flat earth and faked moon landings is to discredit any conspiracy theory that hits a little too close to the truth.
Yes, a lot of people were deceived by the Covid narrative. However, we rapidly found out the truth about Covid being made in a lab, being used to steal the election, and the fact that the jabs are ineffective if not harmful, all in a matter of months. Actual lies and propaganda are exposed quite rapidly. And there is far more evidence for these assertions than evidence suggesting the moon landings are fake.
Who on earth is saying that we can’t go back today? We could if we wanted to, we just don’t need to. The goal of the original Space Race was to prove American technological superiority over the USSR, which doesn’t exist today. We’ve explored the Moon’s surface several times with manned missions, and now we can observe the Moon with orbital telescopes without the cost and risk associated with manned Moon Landings. It’s not that we can’t, it’s that we don’t need to.
NASA astronaut Don Petit says this about the subject:
When it comes to NASA you are an emotional and irrational wreck.
“NASA says it’s true, therefore it’s false” is not an argument. It is an inverse of the appeal to authority fallacy.
NASA will also tell you that 2+2=4 and that the earth is round. Is that wrong too?
NASA disagrees with you:
I said we don't need to go back to the moon. I didn't say NASA doesn't want to go back. I was refuting the idiot who said that we can't go to the moon for some retarded reason.
Please develop some reading comprehension.
Just because people disagree with you doesn't mean they don't understand what you wrote.
Ever consider that, or is everybody who disagrees with you a retarded idiot because you're right about everything?
Of course I don't believe that I'm right about everything. I do, however, put as much thought and careful reasoning behind what I believe as I can, and expect others to do the same (especially in this community).
However, in this thread, the people trying to deny that we've been to moon aren't reading what I'm saying. The first person claimed people have told him that we can't go back to the moon. I questioned this notion, pointing out the difference between can't and won't. Then the other person chimed in with a misleading Forbes article. The headline sensationally says we lost the ability to travel to the moon, when the actual article says that we just can't build the original rockets anymore. Those are not the same thing, and it's clear that moon landing deniers take the headline and run with it without stopping to actually understand the article, which didn't refute my point in the slightest the way he thinks it does.
I'm not mad at flat earthers and moon landing deniers for believing what they believe, I'm frustrated at the fact that they don't display basic reading comprehension. They cherry pick data and headlines to support their beliefs, and put forward exceptionally irrational arguments. None of these practices are healthy for the Q/Truther movement; it will decrease our ability to accurately pursue truth, and turn away those who take a look at this movement and witness such lack of basic reasoning.
"Who on earth is saying that we can’t go back today? We could if we wanted to..."
"was refuting the idiot..."
Chill out.
Moon landing deniers: "NASA isn't a credible source of info."
Also moon landing deniers: "HeRe'S a LiNk FrOm FoRbEs!!"
The "mentally challenged person" I was replying to earlier said that we lost the tech to fly to the moon, despite the fact that we allegedly "figured it out with slide rulers" the first time we went. Ironically, the very article you cite perfectly explains his objections. We didn't "lose the tech" we just shut down the means of manufacturing the old tech to focus on other endeavors. In addition, rockets built today are significantly more advanced then the rockets from the Space Race, so we're not just rebuilding old equipment, we're pioneering new tech.
Watching moon landing deniers and flat earthers accidentally refute themselves is so entertaining. Please, continue.
Plus it was a space race. Did other countries say the U.S. faked the moon landing?
Yes, Russia has asked those questions since the overthrow of communism. In 2015, the Washington Post reported on an op-ed by one Russian official and claimed it was really about the 9 FIFA officials targeted in an investigation and nothing to do with real concerns about the moon landings.
Russian official wants to investigate whether U.S. moon landings actually happened
Archived link-
"Nothing to see here. Move along," was the Washington Post's take on this question.
Once you realize the Cold War was just a big game and the Nazi scientists shipped over to the US were collaborating with the Nazi scientists shipped over to the Soviet Union at the end of World War II, it will all begin to make a lot more sense.
Exactly. If we faked it Russia and China would be the first to point it out and have proof.
The Russia and China that we have today are worlds apart from those years.....
Just a simple question...Why won't Amstrong and Aldrin swear on the bible that they went to the moon...Its pretty easy...they could even have lied why didn't they....They weren't the only ones .... several astronauts from the 1969 Apollo missions would also not swear and would not confirm they were there...Why Not???
no, we didn't go to the moon. and it couldn't be more obvious. You've been deceived.
Its also quite possible Trump took control of Elon, and hence Space X. So now we have two vehicles for space technologies.
NASA postpones Artemis 1 mission to moon
Yes we went to the moon. No, what was televised was not it.
That I can see...makes a lot more sense...
Amen brother.