This past week GAW has been under heavy shill attack, pushing division on anything having to do with the pedo groomer issue. Too many pedes took their bait! Would you love to see fewer crazy/gay/whatever stickies on GAW? DEPORT! And leave the shills and other assorted losers to your mod team! THX!
💊 Toruble Maker 💊

Unfortunately, this is how we learn to use the DEPORT button. Things got hot, so things got hotter, and now the entire topic is all burnt to a crisp, and we can get back to Q topics. Weird, but that's how it works.
Think the conversation was good and we have the best mods!
There is room for both "degeneracy should not be advertised and promoted" and "let gays have an opportunity to live and learn."
☝️ This is exactly what happened. ☝️
That's how we ended up with two stickies. IMO lots of good discussion came from it.
Makes me wonder if spies for DemonRats posted stuff just to get an opportunity to scope out our conversations and knowledge
You forgot to end with ‘from birth, decided by God’
But, those "best mods" are quick to pontificate and axe. Where's the truth - oh don't share any truth, it interferes - ha!- love, and caring? I would agree that dialogue and discussion are preferred to shutting someone down. Now, if we could just those "best mods" on that program ...
I think you are welcome to share unless I am mistaken. Just do it with love. Treat people as someone you eventually want to join your team (yes, after they start the process of turning from their sin).
It was almost like someone learned how do deal with shit by paying attention to how leakers were dealt with by... um... someone, some while ago.
Or something.
Haha. Trump taught us this. That's my role. I'm actually nothing like this supposedly "asshole mod, comped by the JIDF" in real life.
I got a good laugh out of someone referring to you as an “alcoholic foreigner” in that other thread. I assume it didn’t bother you, but just to clarify I’m not trying to rub it in.
Congrats on the sobriety (I think you said you were somewhere near 6 months?) and keep up the good work 👍
But... that was the one description that was true. Ahahah, good times. I'm glad you got a laugh out of it. I sure did.
If you didn't get messy well. Up to you. Cheating yes, but you got back on the wagon. Good for you.
Please be careful. My eldest sister in law was a major alcoholic(drank through every pregnancy and three of her seven now grown children have fetal alcohol) syndrome. She tried to quit and did for a year. Then she began again and finally drank herself into a coma and died four days later in 2007. My dad was an alcoholic and homeless for 25 yrs. He finally had a stroke that rendered him permanently paralyzed on one side and unable to swallow. Doctors found cancer when placing a camera for a feeding tube. A year of fighting for surgery for him as the feeding tube cut chemo out as an option and by that time it had metasticized through his entire stomach. He passed away in 2008.
Roles are for actors. We are observing a movie but we aren't the actors. Trump has taught us to watch and to pay attention beyond the norm.
Just how did you get to be a moderator?
That was something. Well played.
At first, I too failed to have faith in the mods here as well as the community. I saw this divisive tactic clearly and thought "How can you guys fall for this? It's clearly a distraction/division tactic to split us over this crap." I even pondered foolishly calling it out in a post.
Less than a day later I now see that I was wrong and while I know I'm not a mod or anything, I offer my sincerest apologies. You guys may entertain things I think are off sometimes, but it's moments like these that keep me around.
Y'all rock. Now let's get back to what we're best at!
Yeah. Weird.
“The Great Awakening”
Part of that is realizing that men cant get pregnant
How DARE you.
Good point. 'Member when ppl got bent out of shape they couldn't discuss random conspiracies on here due to the fact they were not Q related?
I say treat this trend the same way. It's a slide tactic at best. Division and rabblerousing tactic at worst. Doesn't matter.... As you pointed out the topic simply doesn't belong.
I wouldnt call it a slide. They are just keeping up with current events.
Until Q comes out with some new drops,
Or some anon connects some more dots,
We will be craving new content, even if its not 100% Q related
Well true, but there's lots of Q related RT's and stuff daily. Buns have been slow baking on kun, but they do get shared daily. And yeah, the cravings are hard for sure.
Yesterday's phenomenon was a straight up atk though, no doubt about that.
Trump did reference Q drops directly on Truth today.
Almost a poem.
Cute and all, but, if it's not on Q, it's not on GAW.
Agreed. Interesting to watch again... Not the first we've seen here or other outlets.
Much appreciated C5. You guys keep up the stellar work!
Free cheese in every mouse trap. Free honey in every pot.
Im thankful for the recent attack. It unveiled a few long haul sleepers in our midst who've been very "controversial" on this forum in the past hailing doom & calling for violence. Yesterday's circlejerk exposed many of the same accts apparently wanting to die on the LGBTBBQ42069 hill.
Great opportunity for janz to recognize the pattern and flush the turds.
The Bot and Shill accounts follow the same pattern as they do on reddit I have noticed. They have a higher comment count but little to know post count. They all come in at the beginning of a new post that might get traction and try to cause division. They are also(but not always) the account that will insult you immediately after a new post or comment.
Heh. I'll always fall into that "high comment count by low to nonexistent post count" for 2 reasons.
I'm still too stupid to figure out how to start a thread. and frens have already tried to school me up. Didn't work. Brain is too dense.
Y'all beat me to the good stuff all the time anyway.
We don't mind frogs like you. Everyone lifts in their own way. The problem is when tards get crucial and hyper-critical without lifting. Anaemic post histories don't get to boss our researchers around! Us mods feel very protective of our researcher frogs, and we get touchy when their hard work gets shouted down.
That's a solid statement of commanders' intent for this place.
Glad to hear it.
I will add: I try to do my part, as assigned by Q, by taking what's researched up here and then spreading it around.
I only post when I have something really good, or just something funny. If it's not good, I just shut up with posts but put snarky comments around for fun. Purkiss and Ashland Dog and the crowd have better material than I do.
Snarky is fun, yes.. But we are the public face of the Q movement. That means let's make it friendly around here.
Good point. My snarkism (Is that a word? It is now.) is always aimed at the politicians, not the GAW crowd.
Meh I stand by everything I said yesterday, and I also stand by the fact it was a topic that needed to be addressed if we're to fix our societal rot and corruption in the post cabal world. If people get butt hurt over that, then so be it. Everything I said was true and factual, and when I stated an opinion I made sure it was clearly marked as such. So I refuse to apologize or say I was wrong for starting it since my post is what started it.
Though I will say there were a LOT of handshakes that came out of nowhere and started arguments with bizarre logic yesterday. Looked at several of them, and most where less than 50 days old with zero post history and under 500 comment history. There was even that one shill that got deported after he started ranting about how Pizza Gate is a lie and there are no pedophiles.
So what could have been a civil discussion where people with differing opinions just agreed to disagree and not speak to each other turned into a crap show. Which is typical when something important comes up. The enemy can't let us have a rational civil discussion on important topics without trying to sow some discord.
Hey, is it OK if I get a KEK out of the idea that "people get butt hurt" over gay stuff?
Heh, butt jokes are funny. I'm Christian, not humorless. I've got a vulgar and childish sense of humor by most standards anyway.
I did not agree with anything you said. And it was half truthful and sort of factual.
I will stand up for your right to say it even if I don't agree and tell you to fuck off because of it.
And I don't care about your opinion since you've made it clear where you stand. You're wrong, and incapable of refuting any of my points about how literally everything we said would happen if homosexuality was allowed to be openly accepted has happened (pedophilia, zoophilila, demonic drag queens, groomers, gay indoctrination of school children, etc.). Get over it. I'm moving on from the topic since we've already had the discussion and everyone is fatigued by yesterday.
Yeah, I was a loser like you once. The self righteous path ultimately leads to loneliness. You might find some like minded circle jerkers, but in the end you end up alone because political and religious values are fickle and seek to divide and undermine...
Ah... But you're convinced the slippery slope is real. The easy answer that defies reality. Such is your choice. Sad.
A modern day Voltaire.
Okay I actually want to clarify these two points and offer some perspective: I say "half truth" to the first one because while on the surface level that may seem true, the reality is much MUCH more complicated. I have not met a single gay person who endorses pedophilia as a sexual attraction. All the ones I have met and talked to so far immediately agree that it's disgusting and should not be allowed. Maybe you have met other people, and feel free to share your experience, however a majority of LGBTQ really are a lot like us in that they want to live free and be left alone. The "gay agenda" is artificial. It's a product of the elitist pedophiles to try and normalize pedophilia, but it is NOT representative of a majority of Gays and trans and such. You lumping them all in and buying into the slippery slope is also part of their normalization agenda. It's how they get sympathy for their cause and push it into reality. Ergo, your point wasn't entirely wrong, but not entirely right either.
I personally am for adopting the term MAP for pedophiles who have committed no crimes. Pedophilia carries a heavy stigma and I agree with it regarding people who have participated in the exploitation of children. I think we can actually get ahead of this by recognizing that those who have the affliction need love and counseling, not scorn and hate. The only thing I care to "normalize" here is getting the people the help and treatment they need. That's. It. When it comes to unrepentant fuckasses, absolutely give them the chair, stones, I don't care, I am a proud anti-pedo bigot. Again, I am patient with those who have committed no crime, as I am any other innocent person. But there is ZERO justification for pedophilia so on that we more or less agree, just consider my perspective. If we turn this into a pedophile witch hunt, then pedophilia WILL be normalized...
I deported an extremely divisive comment yesterday. Instead of getting deported, the entire thread was STICKIED.
Janz went with fighting bait with bait. So they stickied both sides.
Turning the lights on to see the roaches so to speak.
Dog works in mysterious ways.
Yessir. There’s no room for this societal and cancerous rot to society. There’s no fucking excuse, and do not give these faggots and groomers a shoe-in situation that gives them easier and closer access to groom, manipulate, and rape the children.
Can I get a rundown of what the parties involved advocated for?
Was it "Kill the Gays" vs "Stop the Division"?
Did the "Kill the Gays" advocate for killing gay people for the crimes of pedophiles and the "Stop the Division" folks called them out on it?
Or was there a swathe of "Gays did Nothing Wrong" folk flooding to try and coax out the "Kill the Gay" people into a firefight?
Was it something like that?
Personally, I'm taking the libertarian stance:
It's not a crime to be gay. It is a crime to sexually abuse minors.
When you sexually abuse minors, it doesn't matter if you're gay -- you've committed a crime and need to be punished.
Punishment before the crime is tyranny. Imprisoning, banning, attacking, and killing anyone because they claim to be gay or show gay tendencies is a slippery slope to allowing the Government to spy on us to determine if we are gay.
The only way to enforce anti-gay legislation is to allow the Government into our homes.
And when the Government is given permission to enter our private places, they will NEVER leave.
And then vilify you on everything you do.
Because the Government is the Enemy of the People.
Only laws that can be enforced should be enforced.
Everything else is an infringement on our Rights.
Basically, a bunch of shill handshake accounts started trying to say we all wanted to commit a gay genocide because we find homosexuality immoral and several of us were calling for a slave-bloc style ban on gay advertising and propagation. So no feds kicking in your door for being queer, but also no gays allowed on TV, no gay clubs in schools, gay bars have to convert to normal bars, etc. etc.
As you pointed out, it's impossible to outlaw being gay without going full islamist and murdering people. Which none of us want or called for. Most of us just want an end to the queer propaganda and indoctrination, and want everything that should be private to be private.
In fact, I even made a point in the comments that I'd be fine with a blanket ban on anything sexual or that can be construed as sexually propagandistic in public, regardless of it's gay, straight, etc.
But as usual, when someone tries to have an adult conversation, the shills come in and ruin everything and it turned into a partial dumpster fire with like, 4 or 5 accounts starting arguments about how we're calling for a gay genocide without anyone actually doing so, while others started denying Pizza Gate out of nowhere.
It wasn't a failure by any means in my eyes, but it was very heated thanks to a handful of moronic shills.
Holy. That's a great synopsis.
Lol catsfive likes holycathole 😂. Tell me you don’t see the humor here ❤️❤️😁
Interesting. I never saw the gay genocide comments. Just people wanting to fascistically control homosexuals.
I pretty much agree with this. The exception being events like Mardi Gras or Fantasy Fest, however those events take place in places that already have established degeneracy trends and as long as there is plenty of public notice, they should be allowed to remain.
But as a general rule, I agree. The public square should be modest. If you're going to town, men and women alike should be expected to wear shorts and a t-shirt even if they're "going for a run". In certain parks we can maybe relax those rules, as long as there are other parks where families who want to remain more modest can hang out and enjoy as well. Or we can do a schedule- point is, we're Americans. We discuss. We compromise. We do not force our values or way of life on anyone and in return, we resist those who try to.
I have read this 3 times trying to understand the down votes. Nothing I read in this comment is unreasonable. Far from it.
Nope. Christian fundamentalists in this group think they can band together and mass downvote me.
Means nothing without a proper and articulated rebuttal.
Yeah, mostly that. What I thought was extremely telling was a few of the very outspoken pro-gay accts yesterday have a long history of dooming and also calling for pitchforks & torches.
At best, TD refugees who are still muddled and wracked by their own egos, driven by years (now) of implanted opinion.
Or... these accts were created to infiltrate, subvert, and insert cause/effect inclinations and strategem.
I won't name names, those that recognize the history of patterns invoked by these accts will see it easily enough.
Yeah I think we need to start naming names. Not as an absolution solution, every account needs to be allowed to explain themselves.
We also need to return to 40,000 feet in all our discussions. Never assume someone's intent with sharing their ideas unless it's stupid obvious. Otherwise, a lot of context and tone can be lost in these discussions and we need to remember to be patent with each other.
I am interested in killing no one. I am only interested in justice, REAL justice for those who deserve it. And that's it. If we disagree, plenty of planet for everyone, and hopefully more planets for more space to spread out on.
Anyone that doesn't like degenerates is a shill? Fine I'm a shill. A big fat giant shill.
The mentally ill are always the last ones to figure it out.
Sleepers are everywhere and they have been activated as a last resort.
Sadly, no, and I could sure use the style points
Haha, no worries, you have the crown at least. That's pretty stylin'.
Come on now, you’re the most fabulous frog in the pond.
You keep this place hopping, and that’s what matters most!
Haha. Maybe the crown distracts from my nudity
IMO - the majority of the X22 haters from last week were dividing us as well. I’m thinking that important messages are coming our way, and the opposition doesn’t want us to hear it.
Ty mods for all you do!!!! I appreciate you ❤️🐸
In the old days some forums would actually hand out bans for biting obvious bait.
I'm also seeing a lot of diversionary posts in general.
...a bird..... It's coming straight for us.
I am always of the opinion that fools should always be able to make themselves known no matter where they are.
Trolls are going to troll.
I am either oblivious or the mod team nails 'em before I even notice... I know this place is under constant attack, but the mod team does an amazing job deporting
You wouldn't believe what WE see. Sometimes I think we should just take a couple weeks off and let everyone see how it really is. It's pretty bad.
I love the Deportation canons.🐸🤗🐸 I BOOOOMMMM every toadie I come across. 👍🤣
The fact remains, frens...
Identify, deport, roll forward.
No Tolerence.
you're white knighting and giving this far more visibility then it should have. Don't let your ego get in the way of seeing the truth in the results.
Bit of a political pacifist here as I try to follow Jesus. He never wrote a book or built a physical church, his power was his idea: you do not need the institutions of men to ascend, you need remission from sin.
Therefore, a good political value to uphold: let's not kill each other as political solutions.
Removing killing each other as options, and collectively withdrawing consent from those in power who kill to solve problems..... this is our common ground!
13 countries on the planet have laws to kill gays, and 4 follow thru. Trump wanted to end this and was the first to even hint at tackling it.
For you Christians.... is God's promise after the flood, the rainbow, applicable to politics? Is it a viable spiritual response to promise not to kill your political enemies?
Not following you here. How does the rainbow apply to politics? It was God's promise to never flood the entire earth again.
A system was built up on the earth, that called themselves gods. The flood destroyed that civilization.
A system is building up, that someday, a man, the abomination of desolation, will again call himself God.
Our response is not to wipe out this system, to not kill and purge. But to spread the good news that you don't need an institution to ascend.
Ascend to what, fren? What do you mean? What do you need?
Self-actualization is another word for it
Pretty much where I am at, fren. I learned just how hyper insecure Christian Fundamentalists, in this group at least, really are. We also learned how many will accept a tyrannical theocracy if it agrees with their personal views. A lot of this... was a reflection of my past ugliness, which is why I have less patience for fundamentalists than I do leftists. Jesus expects better out of us and when I see that shit permeate still, I try to correct it so others don't go through the same empty life that I did...
We need to learn to respect other people's lives. Adam and Steve plugging each other's cornholes across the street are not the ones ruining your life. It's the faggot fucks in DC and in the pedophile elite who are the problem. They're distracting you with Adam and Steve so you don't concern yourself with their crimes while you simultaneously turn a blind eye to your own problems. Christians have a log of issues ranging from Divorce to pedophilia problems to greed that they need to be more focused on and fixing instead of worrying about Adam and Steve's specks. Or they can do what you and I did, see man made religion for the lie that it is and embrace a personal walk with Jesus. My personal relationship with Jesus is between Him and I. As is yours and His. And everyone else individually. Fundamentalists fail to grasp this because they think they have it figured out. Their institutions preach about how horrible and lost the world is and that they need to save it... the problem is, Jesus already did. People need to choose for themselves and that's what these hyper insecure narcissists can't accept. It's like, because they choose a life of righteousness, everyone else must do the same- they're like Communism, but with a religious figure.
I am of course broadstroking. This doesn't apply to everyone and if you are reading this and feel content in your life an community, great! I'm glad you found that. Your community, however, does not absolve the problems of all the others. Nor does it grant you authority above everyone else. And that's ultimately what it all comes down to: accepting that you have authority over yourself and no one else and no Jesus is not commanding you to exert authority over others. That has been the excuse of tyrants for thousands of years. None of it is at all accurate to the character of Chris depicted in Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.
The thing about actually being right is that you don't need to feel vindicated. You simply know and you accept that if others want to be wrong, that it's okay for them to be wrong. I used to believe I knew all and was better than everyone only to realize that out of 6,000 active religions and 8 billion people it was absurd to assume I was born into the correct faith. I can say with certainty that I am on the right path, but that is applicable to me. I am happy to share and debate ideas, but no one here on this Earth will ever tell me what or how to think. Not even Jesus forces the issue so what makes you think you're gonna win anyone over trying to control them and forcing your worldview on them.
That got away from me. Oh well.
Good comment!
I’ve said before that a big part of the great awakening and the war we are fighting is people finding which side they’re really on.
As I’ve found with some of my fundamentalist friends who agree with my views on Christ, but are more interested in church-based purity tests in their government and less interested in the teachings and examples of Jesus.
Turns out, many people I agree with in faith, are happy to “eat ze bugs” and force everyone else to as well as long as it’s “the right kind of Christian” forcing people to do so, and of course No Mean Tweets.
Likewise, many people I don’t agree with on everything, just want to be left alone like me. They’re ok if Trump is a little bit of a Christian but not a full fledged evangelical Christian, as long as he doesn’t force us to “eat ze bugs and like it”.
Some are still finding their side, and I think some people will be surprised who they end up fighting alongside, and some will be surprised which side of history they end up on. Some for the better, and some for the worst.
Lol … again, reasonable. You have quite the fan club 😂😂😂. Some would call that “over the target”, or “danger close truth”.
The Christian community still has not asked why the Bible found opportunities to call out homosexuals and so many other sins but not one time dose it or anyone in it anywhere call out pedophiles. The word is never used. It talks about men with men. Straight men with the wrong woman at the wrong time. Hell just thinking about other women but never found an opportunity to say don’t have sex with kids.
It’s makes some wonder who put it together and translated it. It makes some wonder if it was done on purpose and what else could have been changed.
Others just know they are right and unwilling to accept that maybe they were lied to and manipulated as well.
I’m surprised so many, especially those who follow Q, have not sussed this out yet. It’s supposed to be an awakening but people are still sleeping.
Mark 9:42 “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.”
This is quite literally the only time I'm aware of in the Bible where Jesus himself makes a specific promise of punishment for a specific crime. And it's crimes against children.
The English translation doesn't quite put this in context, but the gist in the original Hebrew is that, there is a specific punishment God has set aside for those who harm children or cause them to sin (and pedophilia is certainly included in this list) that is so horrible, unnerving, and just downright terrifying, that it would be better for them to just go ahead and kill themselves and go to hell in an attempt to avoid it.
Think about that. Hell is better than what God has in store for these people. So yes, the Bible DOES address this issue, in a freaking wonderful manner.
You know the old world was full of pedophilia. The Roman’s and all. So it was on their minds just not acknowledged. That makes me wonder.
Who said this, “ You're wrong, and incapable of refuting any of my points” ?
Two threads multiple lengthy comments. You have yet to refute one single point I have made.
In fact you blatantly ignored everything I said so that you could continue your point.
Is says nothing about pedophilia. It says, “someone who causes on of these little ones to sin”. Other translations say “one that offends one of these little ones”. But what offends them and who decides that? Where are the offenses stated like they are done so clearly with everything else?
Again if the sin is so wrong why was it not directly acknowledge. Why does it point out so many types of sexual promiscuity so many times but not say anything about pedophilia?
I am not advocating for pedophilia by making this point. I am not suggesting that if the Bible doesn’t say its bad it’s ok.
I’m just saying why do we all assume everything is corrupted but our personnel understanding of religion? We need to start asking the hard questions. It’s very possible it was removed from the Bible or instead translated to homosexual.
Btw, appreciate the acknowledgment. Lol I do respect you allot.
Bless your heart. You’ve got a lot to learn.
Can confirm … I am a rabid anti-lesbian. I take serious issue with them. Mostly because I sometimes wish I was one. They have high-jacked way too many of our dimes (hot chicks). Im not talking about the butchies on butchies of course. I tots understand that choice for themselves. Yeah, “you do you” I say. But, in the context of our 7+‘s … come on … at least be willing to share.
fags go home
Guilty as charged. Tried to reign it in but read the rabid statements. Definitely felt like a hard pull on the narrative. Started to skip em. Discernment.
everybody say hi to the new WEF Shills.
Thanks. Mod
you blackeyed pepe
Photoshop accident but... BUT. LOL, was wondering if anyone would notice!!