I think this is close to how things will play out. But the dates are probably off, and the timeline is too compressed. Vatican set a Sept 30th date for asset transfers, which would imply the powers that be see something coming in October or the months following.
For people like us, the exact mechanism and series of how the dominos fall won’t really matter. You just need to know that in such a scenario, virtually any paper asset you hold will lose most of its value. It will also then become more difficult, and then almost impossible to get hard cash, silver, gold, and food. You will own what you can protect with a shotgun, and barter will be the way for a time being unless white hats can come in with a cure.
The Deep State does NOT telegraph it's moves until it is too later or it will benefit them...that is all. BUT, that doesn't mean they can plan with CERTAINTY what the OUTCOME will be because they (Deep State) are up against a wall!!!!
Sounds exactly like what I’ve been preparing for. I have a stockpile of non-perishable food, toiletries, cash in hand, silver, GME, and cryptos. I’m ready to coast through the fall of the Babylonian money system and start strong in the new financial system that will emerge. Listen to the prophets people! They’ve been saying this is coming. Bo Polny has been saying this about the 24th for a long time. It’s going to be biblical!
interesting scenario. A bit too specific for me––Monday, Tuesday, etc,––but any of that could happen. I do expect a devastating financial crash before the end of September, but that remains to be seen. It might bleed into October, but it's coming because there is nothing they can really do to fix it. We are heading into territory this generation has never seen, and there is going to be panic before it all settles out.
I still expect something to happen quite soon, perhaps as soon as next week, as he suggests. Lots of really bad things are coming together that all point to an epic crash.
Question about "Anonymous Coward" in the UK...does anyone know anything about this poster, his posting history, his past accuracy... or ANYTHING about him? These bold claims, coming from an anonymous source, don't seem to carry any more weight than those of a meth head yelling stuff on the streets.
I am in UK and just withdrew 250 pounds cash from an ATM. That is a lot of money from my perspective (let's say 4 tankfuls for my 1.8 liter car, or 50-70 pints in a pub) but because of the stratospheric dollar is only about 300 dollars if that in FX terms.
Agreed. But over the past few weeks, I've heard many talk about a financial crisis starting in late September. Cliff High had a video about it, and he is often correct in his predictions. Guess we see what happens. But I'm topping off preps and buying another ounce.
LOL actually you got me there. I'd say he does more of suggesting trends based on his linguistics models. He does great historical videos though. His exploration into the Khazarian mafia is pretty informative. He's an interesting individual.
So, if the dollar becomes scrap paper, then what happens to all the money we have in our bank accounts or on hand? Do we in an instant become penniless? Or will it automatically change over to the new standard? And what happens to our bills/credit card & mortgage debts?
I'm just trying to figure out what to do in this situation, need to prepare as much as I can. If we were to take some money out of our bank accounts, will it even be worth anything if all this happens? We are already using up the little we had saved fast right now, not to mention any money coming in. We have some food stocked, but I'm sure we will have family members we will have to help also.
Imagine a collapse of multiple large banks and a complete stop to electronic money transfers. Imagine a bank 'bail-in' where they keep your money and give you stock in the new bank.
If you think this is within the range of reasonable possibilities then you might want to shield your assets prior to the event.
One immediate method might be to convert some portion into precious metals. Reputable local coin shops can be used to convert your fiat currency into precious metals. Reputable on-line dealers take a week or two.
If nothing happens you can easily convert back to fiat currency. If the worst happens, your assets would be safe and likely much more valuable.
I shared this video yesterday — interesting historical context for financial crises. If there’s any merit to it, the chaos would, in fact, begin on Monday Sept 26
Aside from the planned war, disease, famine, death & poverty. What Shemitah means is “to release” in Hebrew. Financially, the Jews are suppose to waive all debts. Farmers are supposed to stop farming. I wonder if this is what Q meant that by saying the destruction of the old guard would be Biblical. Is this saving Israel for last as well? Are the Central Bankers gonna release the world from debt according to the Shemitah?
As for people who are NOT Jews, is it the global cabal forcing the entire world & humanity to follow their Jewish religious traditions?
one thing jumps out at me - I don't know about the US but in the EU banks are shut on Sundays, so saying "we would get turned away" is an obvious error.
Am calling LARP but will probs get some extra cash out anyway just in case kek. Something big is coming we just don't know when.
True or not I feel something is very possible to happen soon, which would be why Trump would be posting Q stuff more and more. This helps awaken more to the plan and that the white hats got it undercontroll and enjoy the show.
It's now 8:48 pm Pacific time (on Saturday 9/24), and I've still not seen anything on news sites to suggests"banks and online payments systems" are suffering "outage in Europe and the United States spreading worldwide" -- so I'm guessing Larp.
But that's hardly definitive; the timing could just be off; white hats could have stepped in; or something else could have altered the course of something that was actually planned.
It's GLP. Definitely a larp.
Its like a 1 year timeline compressed into 1 week. No way.
I think this is close to how things will play out. But the dates are probably off, and the timeline is too compressed. Vatican set a Sept 30th date for asset transfers, which would imply the powers that be see something coming in October or the months following.
For people like us, the exact mechanism and series of how the dominos fall won’t really matter. You just need to know that in such a scenario, virtually any paper asset you hold will lose most of its value. It will also then become more difficult, and then almost impossible to get hard cash, silver, gold, and food. You will own what you can protect with a shotgun, and barter will be the way for a time being unless white hats can come in with a cure.
The Deep State does NOT telegraph it's moves until it is too later or it will benefit them...that is all. BUT, that doesn't mean they can plan with CERTAINTY what the OUTCOME will be because they (Deep State) are up against a wall!!!!
Fire AT Will!!!
Plus their moves are all neutralized.
Sounds accurate to what I figure will happen, but definitely not all in one week.
Spread this mayonnaise out over about 2 months, and you'll be closer to believable.
Indeed. 10/8 is Saturday.
Your would think it would take weeks/months, but that's not necessarily so. When things start to fall, it can go logarithmically, and usually does.
Sounds exactly like what I’ve been preparing for. I have a stockpile of non-perishable food, toiletries, cash in hand, silver, GME, and cryptos. I’m ready to coast through the fall of the Babylonian money system and start strong in the new financial system that will emerge. Listen to the prophets people! They’ve been saying this is coming. Bo Polny has been saying this about the 24th for a long time. It’s going to be biblical!
But hey, no more mean tweets, right?
The financial shit has already been hitting the fan. Prepare anyway.
I want to hang around and watch the evil get taken down.
My evil was taken care of 2022 years ago on the cross.
Did Cortes say layoffs in general, or did he specify industries?
Colossal date fagging.
🚨 insanely epic date fagging alert 🚨 man your microwaves, pop corn
interesting scenario. A bit too specific for me––Monday, Tuesday, etc,––but any of that could happen. I do expect a devastating financial crash before the end of September, but that remains to be seen. It might bleed into October, but it's coming because there is nothing they can really do to fix it. We are heading into territory this generation has never seen, and there is going to be panic before it all settles out.
Yeah, I would have believed him if he listed specific actions undertaken by Banks/Govts etc on each day, instead of the expected end result.
I still expect something to happen quite soon, perhaps as soon as next week, as he suggests. Lots of really bad things are coming together that all point to an epic crash.
I agree. it will be significant behind the scenes, but not sure how much will hit the people just yet.
Banks are closed on Sunday anyway. Perhaps they mean ATM services.
Sounds like a great week. Takes us to the precipice
Makes for a Red October for sure.
Question about "Anonymous Coward" in the UK...does anyone know anything about this poster, his posting history, his past accuracy... or ANYTHING about him? These bold claims, coming from an anonymous source, don't seem to carry any more weight than those of a meth head yelling stuff on the streets.
I am in UK and just withdrew 250 pounds cash from an ATM. That is a lot of money from my perspective (let's say 4 tankfuls for my 1.8 liter car, or 50-70 pints in a pub) but because of the stratospheric dollar is only about 300 dollars if that in FX terms.
I had no problem accessing it though.
Agreed. But over the past few weeks, I've heard many talk about a financial crisis starting in late September. Cliff High had a video about it, and he is often correct in his predictions. Guess we see what happens. But I'm topping off preps and buying another ounce.
Name 5.
LOL actually you got me there. I'd say he does more of suggesting trends based on his linguistics models. He does great historical videos though. His exploration into the Khazarian mafia is pretty informative. He's an interesting individual.
Clever! Thanks.
So, if the dollar becomes scrap paper, then what happens to all the money we have in our bank accounts or on hand? Do we in an instant become penniless? Or will it automatically change over to the new standard? And what happens to our bills/credit card & mortgage debts?
I'm just trying to figure out what to do in this situation, need to prepare as much as I can. If we were to take some money out of our bank accounts, will it even be worth anything if all this happens? We are already using up the little we had saved fast right now, not to mention any money coming in. We have some food stocked, but I'm sure we will have family members we will have to help also.
Same. Someone please answer this.
Imagine a collapse of multiple large banks and a complete stop to electronic money transfers. Imagine a bank 'bail-in' where they keep your money and give you stock in the new bank.
If you think this is within the range of reasonable possibilities then you might want to shield your assets prior to the event.
One immediate method might be to convert some portion into precious metals. Reputable local coin shops can be used to convert your fiat currency into precious metals. Reputable on-line dealers take a week or two.
If nothing happens you can easily convert back to fiat currency. If the worst happens, your assets would be safe and likely much more valuable.
Obviously not financial advice in any way.
Keep asking questions. You'll find none of these wild speculations stand up to it.
Evergrande larp.
This is what Adderall + 4chan + SuperStonk subreddit + 3AM looks like.
But you should definitely have at least 5k in cash and 2 months of food and essentials ready to go at all times.
I shared this video yesterday — interesting historical context for financial crises. If there’s any merit to it, the chaos would, in fact, begin on Monday Sept 26
Hmm, he is not wrong... http://areyouready.co.za/shmita-year
This guy calls himself Dollar Vigilante
Full video:
Is the Shemitah gonna hit the fan!
Aside from the planned war, disease, famine, death & poverty. What Shemitah means is “to release” in Hebrew. Financially, the Jews are suppose to waive all debts. Farmers are supposed to stop farming. I wonder if this is what Q meant that by saying the destruction of the old guard would be Biblical. Is this saving Israel for last as well? Are the Central Bankers gonna release the world from debt according to the Shemitah?
As for people who are NOT Jews, is it the global cabal forcing the entire world & humanity to follow their Jewish religious traditions?
This may happen but at least a month out if not longer
Yeah I’m thinking if this happens at all (and that’s a big if), it won’t happen until after the 30th of September for two reasons:
Ok, maybe 3:
Red October
I like Friday
one thing jumps out at me - I don't know about the US but in the EU banks are shut on Sundays, so saying "we would get turned away" is an obvious error.
Am calling LARP but will probs get some extra cash out anyway just in case kek. Something big is coming we just don't know when.
The only place I've seen a bank open on a Sunday in the US is at a Fiesta supermarket.
Cash points guys, who goes into a bank these days?
Somebody got hold of some New York Diesel and started thinking too much.
Found the link: https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message5238939/pg1
entertaining read not gonna lie
Hot take: Crypto has always been worthless
We're so know it can happen in a moment... No question about that.
Whether this happens now or later, it'll play out just like this.
And we have ALL known this was coming since Q first hit the scene.
Even the Bible says EVERY enemy must be made his footstool... Or under HIS control.
That includes the financial system.
Nesara? Gesara? Something else? Idk
True or not I feel something is very possible to happen soon, which would be why Trump would be posting Q stuff more and more. This helps awaken more to the plan and that the white hats got it undercontroll and enjoy the show.
It's now 8:48 pm Pacific time (on Saturday 9/24), and I've still not seen anything on news sites to suggests"banks and online payments systems" are suffering "outage in Europe and the United States spreading worldwide" -- so I'm guessing Larp.
But that's hardly definitive; the timing could just be off; white hats could have stepped in; or something else could have altered the course of something that was actually planned.
So MUCH uncertainty is built-in to life.
I saw this the other day, so I took my money out on Friday. Saturday is almost over, and nothing has happened.
It's ok you can put the money back in and pretend you never believed it.
Well it’s late Saturday and it hasn’t started yet so...
Thanks for the post, mate. Also, I like that cool emoji 😃
I saw this posted on Phil Godlewski telegram as if it was his own.
Zechariah 13
Sounds like Julie Green, but without all of the trying to sound like God stuff.