All the documentary evidence you'll need is in this if you want to follow it up (I believe someone did follow it up and confirmed something like 80% of the documents shown)
Another must watch documentary: Hellstorm. The massacre of German people at the end of WWII. This made a hell of an impression on me.. The official world war 2 history... Lies... LIES!!
I've never heard of such suffering and torment in any documentary. We never heard about this because we weren't supposed to. AND, most of all, you won't find any monuments for this.
Anyone watching this should also read the book by Hjaalmar Schaacht "Magic of Money" and try to fill in the gaps. This documentary indeed has a lot of gaps.
The truth is somewhere between what we are taught in school, and whats told here.
My sentiments exactly. I look forward to getting a clear picture of truth. BUT this doco which I watched a while ago, definitely led to more questions and those damned rabbit holes.
Its also in separate parts/installments under the same name on bitchute.
From the explanation:
Haven’t you ever at least been curious as to what “the other side of the World War II story” was?
Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie.
We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story’s orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old-and-new world order. The Traditional and the “Progressive”.
Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and “acceptable” view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song.
For very good reasons, most people don’t trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times.
This documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, World War I & II – all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath.
Do be forewarned though, your worldview might never be the same. As always, the Truth Fears No Investigation.
Democracy has failed us. Your precious elections are rigged. And even if they weren' in this country has done absolutely nothing, but make life much worse for Americans. Maybe, if you vote harder next time woke progs/rich elites will stop mutilating, and molesting children..? Maybe if you vote harder (((they))) will stop trying to lock you down & force experimental jabs on you, and your children..? Yeah, that is what your beloved "Democracy" has led us all to.
the real "other side" is Hitler's main victims being German male youth sacrificed at the altar of his asinine war fantasies. All of that is white washed by the historical revisionists with easily refutable claims like he had to invade first, he was a military genius blah blah blah, because Hitler fucking over the German people for generations up to today doesn't fit with the poor, misunderstood folk hero trope. (the far right version of victimhood culture I guess).
Gabriel Dimitrov wrote a multi-article series in which he refuted many claims made in "Europa: The Last Battle". While Dimitrov is on the political left and even uses the word "QAnon" as an insult, his articles are still useful, as he provided actual evidence of his claims (meticulously cited with sources) rather than making unfounded assertions or just declaring something debunked out of hand.
He even admitted that some aspects of the documentary (such as bringing attention to the Holodomor) are admirable, although it doesn't change the extreme level of inaccuracies to be found in the documentary.
First sentence in this so called debunk - "the video starts with some guy talking Qanon shit about pedophiles, people in power, finance and these sort of stuff". Wow, brilliant! Maybe he'll "debunk" Epstein next, because he was jewish and it's "Qanon shit".
Think I'll pass on this "debunk" by an obvious shill who sites the commies at Wikipedia of all places to prove his points (LMAO). Besides promoting anti-Q material here, you should also be banned for thread sliding.
First sentence in this so called debunk - "the video starts with some guy talking Qanon shit about pedophiles, people in power, finance and these sort of stuff".
I warned about that. As I put it:
While Dimitrov is on the political left and even uses the word "QAnon" as an insult, his articles are still useful, as he provided actual evidence of his claims (meticulously cited with sources) rather than making unfounded assertions or just declaring something debunked out of hand.
Think I'll pass on this "debunk" by an obvious shill who sites the commies at Wikipedia of all places to prove his points (LMAO).
He cites ways more than Wikipedia, though. He posted a lot of solid evidence from many sources.
On a political spectrum, in terms of authoritarianism (more government to less government), it would look something more like this (top is left, moving down moves right):
Communism (International socialism)
Facism (national socialism... Nazis)
Classical liberalism
The constitutional federal republicanism of the USA is in that classical liberalism range. It's only "far right" from the perspective of those to the left of it, e.g. socialists.
Authoritarianism requires the strictest adherence to government, while depriving personal liberties. While it's true that hypothetically, a righteous monarchy could be the best protector if the people, unfortunately historical tendency indicates that far more often than not, absolute monarchs deprive subjects of liberties much more than the government of a constitutional republic. No King but King Jesus. So until His return, we avoid monarchies as much as possible.
Fascism and national socialism are one in the same, albeit with different originators. Both advance collective nationalism, under one party rule with a dictatorial leader. The common claim is that "national socialism = Nazism" and contains an inherent racial superiority agenda. Both assertions are incorrect. Nazism was a type of national socialism that did embrace a German sense of white Aryan superiority. But not all national socialist groups do. You could just as well have a national socialist movement in an African country, or an Asian country. But most importantly, the key difference between Fascism and Communism, is that the latter advances international collectivism. Hence, why the Germans and Italians during the 1930s-40s, as fascists, so vehemently opposed the soviet communists, especially when the Jewish Bolshevik element was considered. And yet, they were all totalitarian socialists...
Yes, neoliberalism is a bastardization of classical liberalism. This is why we shouldn't really call Democrats liberals anymore, but rather Leftists, because they pretty much threw the whole individual liberties thing out the window, in favor of "protecting" collective "rights" by way of stronger authoritarian government control.
Now, consider how Nazi's during WW2 were fighting Communists (Bolsheviks, US). Despite anyones feelings about Nazism, it is a far right authoritarian/totalitarian political system which aimed to put German workers first and to cleanse Germany's institutions of Communist infiltration.
The Nazis were far left. It's right there in the name: National Socialism. Hitler was able to convince the people of Germany that he was the opposite of the communists and their only hope to avoid falling into communism, but it was just a ploy. Think of it sort of like Mitt Romney or John McCain pretending to be the only hope against leftists, then multiply it by 10. National Socialism was only slightly less socialistic than full-blown communism. The "National" part meant that it wasn't globalist, but neither are all communist governments (the CCP is very nationalistic, for example).
Hitler hating Stalin's brand of communism didn't mean that he wasn't socialist himself. Communists/socialists often hate each other due to differences in ideology (just look at the rivalry between Stalin and Trotsky).
Here's an excellent explanation of how National Socialism is indeed socialism (warning: it's from Razorfist, who uses a lot of strong language, but is brilliant at arguing his points).
If it is, the line represents level of government control, not some nebulous "left-right" dichotomy with seemingly arbitrary beliefs attributed to each side, where which ever way you go you end up with a governmental tyranny.
The Nazis were far left and also fought and killed the Communists? Makes sense to me. You are definitely wise and not being confused by one word having multiple meanings across time and language.
The German people, particularly the male youth, were fodder to Hitler's asinine war fantasies. So no, Commies were not the only enemies. Nor were the Commies an imminent enough invasion threat to force Hitler to invade first. That's historical revisionism at its worst. Hitler succeeded in effectively emasculating German society for post WWII docility. Insert sarcastic golf clap.
Except he never wanted war, and made called for peace on several occasions that all fell on deaf ears. How narratively convenient that’s never mentioned in the history books.
It’s hard to believe because he wasn’t. The top level of the Nazi regime was crawling with satanists. They co-opted a real movement of awakening and twisted it to something monstrous.
There is a lot of evidence posted here daily that a fair chunk of the Great Awakening is still yawning and stretching out of the deep sleep, and being easily coerced into various mental and spiritual traps on the way.
Their actions, their symbols, their history. It isn’t hidden at all. The German people started waking up to the infiltration and subversion in their country, some of them created various movements to undo it, and they were then infiltrated and diverted into extremist actions.
This is literally the history of this world over and over again. Wake up to the darkness, attempt to remove the darkness, the darkness takes over and misdirects, you are now doing the work of the dark. You can see attempts at that on the daily here.
Why did the nazis use the swastika as their primary symbol? Why is its orientation important? What is the Black Sun? What is the history of MK Ultra?
Matthew 7:16-20
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
He didn't murder millions. The official census numbers of Jewish people before and after the war show no holocaust actually happened. Labor camp prisoners who did die did so of typhus and starvation (at a time when many people in Germany were starving due to being surrounded).
There are no official census numbers before the war.... but its ok. You obviously enjoy making shit up.
You know disregard the chemical remnants in soil and corpses, the bodies found, the innumerable first hand accounts, the admittance of the murders by the guards and doctors and locals who surrounded the camps, the high level plans from the top tier of the Nazi regime....
Oh boy, this is pretty embarr- oh wait nvm you're actually wrong despite the extremely cocksure and rude tone of your reply. There are census numbers from 1939, so yeah, you can go ahead and eat a dick.
And you do know that the germans were tortured into confessions right? It even hit US newspapers. Also if you believe the gas chamber myth then we're done here until you do some research that isn't jew-funded.
Cool show the census data from the countries that Hitler invaded without cause and prove their point. Show that no one died en masse in the concentration camps from that data.
One thing I never see discussed about this film is who made it? Pretty important for a documentary to understand where the writers are coming from in their coverage of a topic. Obviously the copies floating around are pirated so the attribution that should be at the beginning and end is missing. But thinking people need to at least ask that question. It opened my eyes to some things, I am not saying there isn't truth in here, but also some things I don't yet accept as true.
I would also add that if this is too long and too dark for some then start with IPOT1776 POP series, particulary Parts 4 and 5. On Rumble.
I have seen this in its' entirety quite awhile ago. It is very well done and certainly gives a lot of information. Definitely beats the movies or TV shows that are currently available. I watched it in the installments on bitchute.
Who do we credit with changing the game? Kanye or Bankman-fraud? or was it the one-two punch.
Not so long ago this documentary (Ive watched the first hour a few years ago and forgot to go back) was radioactive. Just mentioning it could get you banned from many places. Might have to watch again, although I think I already understand as I have for years called the world wars a fraud, a needless slaughter for greed and degradation, am I close?
I just posted this somewhere else in response to our medical situation but it’s relevance is needed here to expose the ludicrous denial of money and personal connections to the Nazi party and the ridiculous statement that their intentions were noble. They are not the good guys. Your being played.
To begin, during this time, John D. Rockefeller and his associates were making a concerted effort to control the entire field of medicine in America. During the 1890s, Rockefeller interests in medical education and scientific medicine were spearheaded by Frederick T. Gates, John D. Rockefeller's investment manager. 1901 saw the founding of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. In 1902, Rockefeller's General Education Board was founded. This agenda was clarified two years later with the publication of John D. Rockefeller's Occasional Letter No. 1 in which he detailed his plans to mold Americans to his concept of perfect human nature. This, he claimed, might best be accomplished by destroying parental influence, traditions and customs, while reducing national intelligence levels.
In 1904, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (home to today's Human Genome Project) was built on the estates of John Foster and Allen Dulles, lawyers for the Rockefeller Standard Oil Company. The Dulles Brothers, who professed John D. Rockefeller's racial hygiene doctrines, later directed the U.S. military's Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and after World War II, the CIA. Charles B. Davenport constructed the Cold Spring Harbor facility to provide a home for racial hygiene research, what was then called eugenics research. The first racial hygiene laws in the world evolved from investigations and reports issued from here. The John D. Rockefeller and Averell Harriman, America's wealthiest oil and railroad magnates, invested more than $11 million an extraordinary fortune at that time in funding this facility. Soon thereafter, in 1909, the first genetics laboratory was established at the Rockefeller Institute and directed by Dr. Phoebus Aaron Theodor Levene.
By 1907, medical education had been mostly monopolized by the Rockefeller consortium. That year, the American Medical Association (AMA) advanced its medical education rating system effectively eliminating, by 1918, approximately 600 of the initial 650 medical schools. Through Rockefeller cohorts in the Andrew Carnegie Endowment for the Advancement of Teaching, Abraham Flexner was appointed to survey medical schools throughout America. This led to the infamous Flexner Report that vilified every alternative to drug-based medicine. The Rockefeller's political control over this American medical coup was clearly reflected in Flexner family relations. Abraham Flexner served on the Rockefeller's General Education Board. Abraham Flexner's brother, Simon, headed the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research. Simon's brother, Bernard, later joined the board of trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation after he helped found the politically powerful Council on Foreign Relations.
In 1910, following the death of Averell Harriman who presided over Yale's infamous secret society, the Skull and Bones, his widow donated 80 acres of estate property to establish the Eugenics Research Association at Cold Spring Harbor, New York, along with the Eugenics Records Office. The following year, social Darwinism subscriber, John Foster Dulles, revealed his desire to help develop a super race.â He explained that by eliminating the weakest members of the population,â a purer Aryan race might be created. According to several reputable authors, the Dulles brothers directing Rockefeller's management group and law firm at Sullivan and Cromwell on Wall Street, later administered the American affairs of I.G. Farben Germany's leading industrial organization linked intimately to Hitler and the rising Third Reich. The Dulles law firm also directed U.S. business affairs for Fritz Thyssen, Hitler's primary financial backer. Thyssen later introduced Allen Dulles to the rising Nazi fuehrer, after which brother John negotiated loans for the Nazis.
All of this activity foreshadowed, in 1928, the Rockefeller financing of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Eugenics, Anthropology and Human Heredity in pre-Nazi Germany. Ernst Rudin, Hitler's chief racial hygienist, was given authority over this institute principally funded by the Rockefellers. Eugenic psychiatrist Dr. Franz J. Kallmann, and blood geneticist Otmar Verschuer assisted Dr. Rudin. Their institute was named for Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm II who was a solid supporter of early eugenics experiments and occult science to further his royal bloodline. According to Wilhelm II, World War I resulted from a conspiracy between his enemies, the blood kin Czar Nicholas II and King George V, and their affiliated secret societies.
According to historic records, Hitler was also an avid student of the occult and a member of the largely secret Thule Society that contained members of the British royal family and European banking industry. Though evidence in this area of research is understandably circumstantial, Thule Society members, with connections to other politically influential leaders in the United States, including members of the Skull and Bones Fraternity at Yale University, are believed to have founded the National Socialist Party in Germany, primarily to initiate World War II.
Check out the book “Hitler’s Revolution: Ideology, Social Programs, and Foreign Affairs” VERY well researched books, with many many many sources from original German documents sourced from UK and Russian not found anywhere in the US or talked about in history books. We were lied to for generations!!
Would love to make the SS and Goebbels time travel and meet white libtard women and their soyboys or inbred white trash...and realize how tiny and insignificant their beliefs are. Skin color tribalism is so retarded. Like CT fletcher says...F--- racism
i think its part 3 or 4 of this doc that makes Hitler out to be the Trump of his time, making Germany great again, hence why the populace loved him so much. So potentially, he could have been a white hat who's reputation got completely demolished by the joo media because they "won" and got to write history and control the narrative via their single source media apparatus back in the day...
I prefer watching WW2 documentaries that show formations of B-17 bombers carpet bombing nazi cities with incendiary bombs, and nazi krauts running through the streets while on fire.
I especially enjoy the camera footage from the bombardiers bomb bay, watching those American built bombs drop, and drop, and drop, as the ground explodes in perpetual rows of glorious nazi obliteration. Nothing says "no deals" quite like miles of burning, leveled buildings.
Another great documentary (and related):
Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
This this this ^^^^^^
All the documentary evidence you'll need is in this if you want to follow it up (I believe someone did follow it up and confirmed something like 80% of the documents shown)
A documentary with only 80% accurate documents is a bad documentary.
Also the doc Hellstorm, about atrocities committed against the German people.
Just finished it wow what a ride, thanks for the recommendation.
Another must watch documentary: Hellstorm. The massacre of German people at the end of WWII. This made a hell of an impression on me.. The official world war 2 history... Lies... LIES!!
Hellstorm (2015)
I've never heard of such suffering and torment in any documentary. We never heard about this because we weren't supposed to. AND, most of all, you won't find any monuments for this.
Just finished it thanks. Whew.. pretty rough stuff.
Anyone watching this should also read the book by Hjaalmar Schaacht "Magic of Money" and try to fill in the gaps. This documentary indeed has a lot of gaps.
The truth is somewhere between what we are taught in school, and whats told here.
[Who] deals in money magic.
Know the nose.
Babylonian money magic.
My sentiments exactly. I look forward to getting a clear picture of truth. BUT this doco which I watched a while ago, definitely led to more questions and those damned rabbit holes.
Its also in separate parts/installments under the same name on bitchute.
From the explanation:
Haven’t you ever at least been curious as to what “the other side of the World War II story” was?
Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie.
We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story’s orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old-and-new world order. The Traditional and the “Progressive”.
Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and “acceptable” view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song.
For very good reasons, most people don’t trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times.
This documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, World War I & II – all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath.
Do be forewarned though, your worldview might never be the same. As always, the Truth Fears No Investigation.
This documentary consists of 9 (10) parts, read all about it on
The link says rhe account was suspended. More censorship.
Isn't that just special..... bastids....
Some day soon, Lord willing, truth will be back in fashion. For now we know if it's censored it's true. No reason to censor lies...
Nazism despises democracy; and people who are free to choose how they live. Fuck off and die, brainwashed nazi shill.
Or Socrates.
Also read Democracy, The God That Failed, by Hans Hermann Hoppe.
Looks like you need to watch the documentary.
Democracy has failed us. Your precious elections are rigged. And even if they weren' in this country has done absolutely nothing, but make life much worse for Americans. Maybe, if you vote harder next time woke progs/rich elites will stop mutilating, and molesting children..? Maybe if you vote harder (((they))) will stop trying to lock you down & force experimental jabs on you, and your children..? Yeah, that is what your beloved "Democracy" has led us all to.
the real "other side" is Hitler's main victims being German male youth sacrificed at the altar of his asinine war fantasies. All of that is white washed by the historical revisionists with easily refutable claims like he had to invade first, he was a military genius blah blah blah, because Hitler fucking over the German people for generations up to today doesn't fit with the poor, misunderstood folk hero trope. (the far right version of victimhood culture I guess).
You sure that wasnt propaganda?
a must watch
Also another good one is ‘Adolf Hitler : The greatest story never told
Gabriel Dimitrov wrote a multi-article series in which he refuted many claims made in "Europa: The Last Battle". While Dimitrov is on the political left and even uses the word "QAnon" as an insult, his articles are still useful, as he provided actual evidence of his claims (meticulously cited with sources) rather than making unfounded assertions or just declaring something debunked out of hand.
He even admitted that some aspects of the documentary (such as bringing attention to the Holodomor) are admirable, although it doesn't change the extreme level of inaccuracies to be found in the documentary.
Here are the links.
Also, keep the following in mind:
First sentence in this so called debunk - "the video starts with some guy talking Qanon shit about pedophiles, people in power, finance and these sort of stuff". Wow, brilliant! Maybe he'll "debunk" Epstein next, because he was jewish and it's "Qanon shit".
Think I'll pass on this "debunk" by an obvious shill who sites the commies at Wikipedia of all places to prove his points (LMAO). Besides promoting anti-Q material here, you should also be banned for thread sliding.
Now refute the Q drops he posted.
I warned about that. As I put it:
He cites ways more than Wikipedia, though. He posted a lot of solid evidence from many sources.
On a political spectrum, in terms of authoritarianism (more government to less government), it would look something more like this (top is left, moving down moves right):
Communism (International socialism)
Facism (national socialism... Nazis)
Classical liberalism
The constitutional federal republicanism of the USA is in that classical liberalism range. It's only "far right" from the perspective of those to the left of it, e.g. socialists.
Authoritarianism requires the strictest adherence to government, while depriving personal liberties. While it's true that hypothetically, a righteous monarchy could be the best protector if the people, unfortunately historical tendency indicates that far more often than not, absolute monarchs deprive subjects of liberties much more than the government of a constitutional republic. No King but King Jesus. So until His return, we avoid monarchies as much as possible.
Fascism and national socialism are one in the same, albeit with different originators. Both advance collective nationalism, under one party rule with a dictatorial leader. The common claim is that "national socialism = Nazism" and contains an inherent racial superiority agenda. Both assertions are incorrect. Nazism was a type of national socialism that did embrace a German sense of white Aryan superiority. But not all national socialist groups do. You could just as well have a national socialist movement in an African country, or an Asian country. But most importantly, the key difference between Fascism and Communism, is that the latter advances international collectivism. Hence, why the Germans and Italians during the 1930s-40s, as fascists, so vehemently opposed the soviet communists, especially when the Jewish Bolshevik element was considered. And yet, they were all totalitarian socialists...
Yes, neoliberalism is a bastardization of classical liberalism. This is why we shouldn't really call Democrats liberals anymore, but rather Leftists, because they pretty much threw the whole individual liberties thing out the window, in favor of "protecting" collective "rights" by way of stronger authoritarian government control.
I think that you will find a good explanation here:
The Nazis were far left. It's right there in the name: National Socialism. Hitler was able to convince the people of Germany that he was the opposite of the communists and their only hope to avoid falling into communism, but it was just a ploy. Think of it sort of like Mitt Romney or John McCain pretending to be the only hope against leftists, then multiply it by 10. National Socialism was only slightly less socialistic than full-blown communism. The "National" part meant that it wasn't globalist, but neither are all communist governments (the CCP is very nationalistic, for example).
Hitler hating Stalin's brand of communism didn't mean that he wasn't socialist himself. Communists/socialists often hate each other due to differences in ideology (just look at the rivalry between Stalin and Trotsky).
Here's an excellent explanation of how National Socialism is indeed socialism (warning: it's from Razorfist, who uses a lot of strong language, but is brilliant at arguing his points).
All correct but Nazism is far left. Socialism is right in the name. They’re not trying to hide it.
What if the political spectrum....isnt a 1 dimensional line???? GASP.
If it is, the line represents level of government control, not some nebulous "left-right" dichotomy with seemingly arbitrary beliefs attributed to each side, where which ever way you go you end up with a governmental tyranny.
"Strength of government" IS far left.
That's the real spectrum. It's about government control. Anarchy on the right, total control on the left.
You don't go further and further right, leading to less and less government control, and then end up in a governmental tyranny.
The Nazis were far left and also fought and killed the Communists? Makes sense to me. You are definitely wise and not being confused by one word having multiple meanings across time and language.
The German people, particularly the male youth, were fodder to Hitler's asinine war fantasies. So no, Commies were not the only enemies. Nor were the Commies an imminent enough invasion threat to force Hitler to invade first. That's historical revisionism at its worst. Hitler succeeded in effectively emasculating German society for post WWII docility. Insert sarcastic golf clap.
Except he didnt start the war. And sued for peace over a half dozen times while the west said lolno.
Except he never wanted war, and made called for peace on several occasions that all fell on deaf ears. How narratively convenient that’s never mentioned in the history books.
That isnt very tolerant of you. The SS had black and arab volunteer divisions YOU WRAYCIISST!!1
To be fair literally every nation had labour camps, did we forget about the Japanese and how they were carted off robbed of their possesions?
It’s hard to believe because he wasn’t. The top level of the Nazi regime was crawling with satanists. They co-opted a real movement of awakening and twisted it to something monstrous.
There is a lot of evidence posted here daily that a fair chunk of the Great Awakening is still yawning and stretching out of the deep sleep, and being easily coerced into various mental and spiritual traps on the way.
Interesting, mind pointing me the way to some resources to learn everything on this?
Their actions, their symbols, their history. It isn’t hidden at all. The German people started waking up to the infiltration and subversion in their country, some of them created various movements to undo it, and they were then infiltrated and diverted into extremist actions.
This is literally the history of this world over and over again. Wake up to the darkness, attempt to remove the darkness, the darkness takes over and misdirects, you are now doing the work of the dark. You can see attempts at that on the daily here.
Why did the nazis use the swastika as their primary symbol? Why is its orientation important? What is the Black Sun? What is the history of MK Ultra?
Matthew 7:16-20
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
There were openly jewish members of the SS. They just put Germany and the Reich before being Jewish.
The idea that this was some wholesale jewish execution order is "MUH KIDS IN CAGES" on steroids.
It's a result of the Venn Diagram of Jewish & Violent Communist & Controllers of Allied Media/Propaganda, looking pretty circular.
See "The Spartacus League" and the Weimar shitshow.
What’s your problem with the SS and labor camps? Did they not support the true Germans?
Hitler: orders the enslavement and murder of millions you: he really was not such a bad guy!
Might be better to pose that question in regards to someone that didn't murder millions. Satan or not, guy was an evil opportunistic drug addict
He didn't murder millions. The official census numbers of Jewish people before and after the war show no holocaust actually happened. Labor camp prisoners who did die did so of typhus and starvation (at a time when many people in Germany were starving due to being surrounded).
a Quick math shows that almost 3 persons were killed every minute for 4 years non stop. Really?
There are no official census numbers before the war.... but its ok. You obviously enjoy making shit up.
You know disregard the chemical remnants in soil and corpses, the bodies found, the innumerable first hand accounts, the admittance of the murders by the guards and doctors and locals who surrounded the camps, the high level plans from the top tier of the Nazi regime....
Oh boy, this is pretty embarr- oh wait nvm you're actually wrong despite the extremely cocksure and rude tone of your reply. There are census numbers from 1939, so yeah, you can go ahead and eat a dick.
And you do know that the germans were tortured into confessions right? It even hit US newspapers. Also if you believe the gas chamber myth then we're done here until you do some research that isn't jew-funded.
Cool show the census data from the countries that Hitler invaded without cause and prove their point. Show that no one died en masse in the concentration camps from that data.
Hasnt taking census been everywhere, at least developed countries, for a very long time? Jesus' mother was traveling for census or something.
No they haven't and the fact that you don't know that means your data point is BS
You're asking me if I learned history from a movie while telling me to watch a documentary to learn history lol oh irony. needed to be told that books about a historical figure would be history books?
Why are you so sure they're wrong
Here's Europa Part 11. (Operation Trust). Make of it what you will.
And another great doco.
Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told (Full Documentary)
We are all fighting the Jews war for them. We just don't know it.
All wars are banker wars. = http://invidious-invidious.invidious.svc.cluster.local:3000/watch?v=BrKf9nYeXT0
Who are the bankers?
What is a the advantage of debt, especially increasing debt? What business can be side loaded with increasing debt?
Man this wouldn't got people banned here last year. Even the mere mention of the J word in a questioning context would.
At least GAW is heading in the right direction allowing this pin!
One thing I never see discussed about this film is who made it? Pretty important for a documentary to understand where the writers are coming from in their coverage of a topic. Obviously the copies floating around are pirated so the attribution that should be at the beginning and end is missing. But thinking people need to at least ask that question. It opened my eyes to some things, I am not saying there isn't truth in here, but also some things I don't yet accept as true.
I would also add that if this is too long and too dark for some then start with IPOT1776 POP series, particulary Parts 4 and 5. On Rumble.
I have seen this in its' entirety quite awhile ago. It is very well done and certainly gives a lot of information. Definitely beats the movies or TV shows that are currently available. I watched it in the installments on bitchute.
Highly recommend this video... Download it too.
Learn about the lies you have been taught in public schools and entertainment.
Who do we credit with changing the game? Kanye or Bankman-fraud? or was it the one-two punch.
Not so long ago this documentary (Ive watched the first hour a few years ago and forgot to go back) was radioactive. Just mentioning it could get you banned from many places. Might have to watch again, although I think I already understand as I have for years called the world wars a fraud, a needless slaughter for greed and degradation, am I close?
Great documentary, made me sad.
Think mirror.
I just posted this somewhere else in response to our medical situation but it’s relevance is needed here to expose the ludicrous denial of money and personal connections to the Nazi party and the ridiculous statement that their intentions were noble. They are not the good guys. Your being played.
To begin, during this time, John D. Rockefeller and his associates were making a concerted effort to control the entire field of medicine in America. During the 1890s, Rockefeller interests in medical education and scientific medicine were spearheaded by Frederick T. Gates, John D. Rockefeller's investment manager. 1901 saw the founding of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. In 1902, Rockefeller's General Education Board was founded. This agenda was clarified two years later with the publication of John D. Rockefeller's Occasional Letter No. 1 in which he detailed his plans to mold Americans to his concept of perfect human nature. This, he claimed, might best be accomplished by destroying parental influence, traditions and customs, while reducing national intelligence levels.
In 1904, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (home to today's Human Genome Project) was built on the estates of John Foster and Allen Dulles, lawyers for the Rockefeller Standard Oil Company. The Dulles Brothers, who professed John D. Rockefeller's racial hygiene doctrines, later directed the U.S. military's Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and after World War II, the CIA. Charles B. Davenport constructed the Cold Spring Harbor facility to provide a home for racial hygiene research, what was then called eugenics research. The first racial hygiene laws in the world evolved from investigations and reports issued from here. The John D. Rockefeller and Averell Harriman, America's wealthiest oil and railroad magnates, invested more than $11 million an extraordinary fortune at that time in funding this facility. Soon thereafter, in 1909, the first genetics laboratory was established at the Rockefeller Institute and directed by Dr. Phoebus Aaron Theodor Levene.
By 1907, medical education had been mostly monopolized by the Rockefeller consortium. That year, the American Medical Association (AMA) advanced its medical education rating system effectively eliminating, by 1918, approximately 600 of the initial 650 medical schools. Through Rockefeller cohorts in the Andrew Carnegie Endowment for the Advancement of Teaching, Abraham Flexner was appointed to survey medical schools throughout America. This led to the infamous Flexner Report that vilified every alternative to drug-based medicine. The Rockefeller's political control over this American medical coup was clearly reflected in Flexner family relations. Abraham Flexner served on the Rockefeller's General Education Board. Abraham Flexner's brother, Simon, headed the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research. Simon's brother, Bernard, later joined the board of trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation after he helped found the politically powerful Council on Foreign Relations.
In 1910, following the death of Averell Harriman who presided over Yale's infamous secret society, the Skull and Bones, his widow donated 80 acres of estate property to establish the Eugenics Research Association at Cold Spring Harbor, New York, along with the Eugenics Records Office. The following year, social Darwinism subscriber, John Foster Dulles, revealed his desire to help develop a super race.â He explained that by eliminating the weakest members of the population,â a purer Aryan race might be created. According to several reputable authors, the Dulles brothers directing Rockefeller's management group and law firm at Sullivan and Cromwell on Wall Street, later administered the American affairs of I.G. Farben Germany's leading industrial organization linked intimately to Hitler and the rising Third Reich. The Dulles law firm also directed U.S. business affairs for Fritz Thyssen, Hitler's primary financial backer. Thyssen later introduced Allen Dulles to the rising Nazi fuehrer, after which brother John negotiated loans for the Nazis.
All of this activity foreshadowed, in 1928, the Rockefeller financing of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Eugenics, Anthropology and Human Heredity in pre-Nazi Germany. Ernst Rudin, Hitler's chief racial hygienist, was given authority over this institute principally funded by the Rockefellers. Eugenic psychiatrist Dr. Franz J. Kallmann, and blood geneticist Otmar Verschuer assisted Dr. Rudin. Their institute was named for Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm II who was a solid supporter of early eugenics experiments and occult science to further his royal bloodline. According to Wilhelm II, World War I resulted from a conspiracy between his enemies, the blood kin Czar Nicholas II and King George V, and their affiliated secret societies.
According to historic records, Hitler was also an avid student of the occult and a member of the largely secret Thule Society that contained members of the British royal family and European banking industry. Though evidence in this area of research is understandably circumstantial, Thule Society members, with connections to other politically influential leaders in the United States, including members of the Skull and Bones Fraternity at Yale University, are believed to have founded the National Socialist Party in Germany, primarily to initiate World War II.
Hello, Based Department?
It's a must see - and digest - documentary.
My problem with it is I gotta rewatch the hour segments to try and keep the shit in my head. The things long enough. Highly recommend.
Check out the book “Hitler’s Revolution: Ideology, Social Programs, and Foreign Affairs” VERY well researched books, with many many many sources from original German documents sourced from UK and Russian not found anywhere in the US or talked about in history books. We were lied to for generations!!
Stormfag crap.
Would love to make the SS and Goebbels time travel and meet white libtard women and their soyboys or inbred white trash...and realize how tiny and insignificant their beliefs are. Skin color tribalism is so retarded. Like CT fletcher says...F--- racism
Whats even more retarded is white genocide, sorry not sorry.
lol...what is planned parenthood?
No silly, thats African American Genocide. You must be new here.
Source: Abortion clinics in urban areas.
Please, spare me your ill-gotten "history lessons"
Yeah, been around for a long ass time here and still shit comes up that makes my jaw drop. Im so thankful for the information.
link to the 10 part docu on brighteon
Thx for the share
i think its part 3 or 4 of this doc that makes Hitler out to be the Trump of his time, making Germany great again, hence why the populace loved him so much. So potentially, he could have been a white hat who's reputation got completely demolished by the joo media because they "won" and got to write history and control the narrative via their single source media apparatus back in the day...
I prefer watching WW2 documentaries that show formations of B-17 bombers carpet bombing nazi cities with incendiary bombs, and nazi krauts running through the streets while on fire.
Yeah it's so great bombing civilian targets during peak oktoberfest and firebombing Dresden. They totally deserved it!
The good guys won! Never forget the greatest generation.
I especially enjoy the camera footage from the bombardiers bomb bay, watching those American built bombs drop, and drop, and drop, as the ground explodes in perpetual rows of glorious nazi obliteration. Nothing says "no deals" quite like miles of burning, leveled buildings.
You are an absolute faggot, are you proud of the mass slaughter of civilians?
There's two sides to every story but you're only allowed to hear one side of WW2, why?
Here you have an opportunity to see but you have a senseless hatred those you've been told to hate.
Yet you're here complaining that they're lying about you.
Get your shit together friend
You must be new to "conspiracies" arent ya, little guy?