If you use adblock on YouTube turn it off for a while and watch the ads they show there.
I even recently saw an ad on there about a trans woman (read: a guy with a fetish for female clothing) "helping" elders in the LGBT community to eXpReSs themselves more by being even more obnoxiously gay. I felt like throwing up.
I use Firefox (yeah I know who it's controlled by) but they have the best add-ons that I've seen anywhere. Brave browser is good too, but I've found Firefox to be less sluggish and can handle hundreds of tabs at once.
I use an ad blocker called "AdNauseam" along with "uBlock Origin". AdNauseam specifically blocks and "clicks" ALL ads (does this without you having to do anything), so that all the data on what ads you clicked becomes useless to them. This pollutes the ad clicks with useless clicks, and wastes their money.
If you follow YT links from this or other “rightwing” websites, YouTube can see where you just followed the link from. They tie this to your IP address. Then they put you in a special ‘reeducation’ category because they see you go to rightwing websites. Then they show you ads or recommend videos to try to fix your thinking and make you more left. I have noticed it more and more so I quit following links directly and it stopped doing it so much. Spooky stuff
Yep ^^^ This is why they shove this stuff in your face. I always use adblock while on my laptop but not on my phone, so sometimes I unfortunately see that trash. I use the app instead of a browser because my phone is too slow otherwise.
That's not true. And it would behoove you to research how profitable it is to either attempt to induce outrage, or attract a clicker (you) to a echo chamber. Both of those serve to make people rich. Ain't no corp got time or inclination to reeducate.
Wait so you're saying it's strictly profit motivated? But why would they be trying to attract me to watch those type of woke videos? I've clearly rejected their position and have not the least interest in clicking their video. The only conclusion I can draw is that they are either completely idiotic or they are trying to manipulate me, or both. You also assume the purpose of a corporation is to strictly make profit, when these days with ESG there are more nefarious motives for what corporations do.
If I may, I'll ask a question that may help answer.
Do you think that the left and the right are played off of each other for the benefit of protection of an elite? I suspect you will answer yes although I may be wrong. But if you say yes then you know the general mechanics of how this mechanism can be applied elsewhere for profit.
My mind says yes but my heart says no. I don't want it to be true. I want to live in a world where good exists, where God is present in sanctifying life, and where both sides aren't just means to control the middle. And some days I think we do live in that world. And i can live my life that way - in fact how else would I live?
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides.
Everywhere that Whites live they are under attack. One really should think about why this is so. Do you really believe in the left's fake and canned reasons that they use to justify it? Don't give me the colonial narrative because it falls apart when other races are scrutinized. The conquest of Islam is a really good example, but we are never taught this in the public schools? Why is this? There's a huge cover-up here. I'll provide evidence of this in a moment, but let's first look at the hatred toward Whites, who are are arguably the most enslaved race in all of history. Islam has always been associated with slavery. Did you know Islam waged over 548 battles with the classic civilization of Greece and Rome?
There were over 200 battles in Spain alone. North Africa, the Middle East, and India are not included in this count. Islam has killed more people under its barbarous rule than any other conquest in all of history.**
A sample taken for a 25 year period (1975 to 2000) found there has been 225 books written on the Christian Crusades compared to only one book written on the Islamic conquest. Let’s be honest, the Crusades were a failure compared to the vast Islamic conquest of the lands extending from Spain to India.
All lands except Spain and India have been retained by Islam. The Islamic conquest was quick and brutal. We know in an expanse of only sixty years, Islam spread from the lands extending from Spain to India.
Islam is not a religion of peace. It is the exact opposite.
Islam is a political ideology of perpetual brutality and war masquerading as a religion.
It is comprised of despotic laws set over the masses for the purpose of controlling the populace under autocratic rule. Contrarily, the Muslim autocracy and its elite live their lives behind the security of guarded compounds. Their privacy, wealth, and political power, in effect, make them exempt from these same draconian laws. Under this ideology, the Islamic male is entreated to be master over women, who are treated as chattel with few rights if any.
Why isn't any other race today being attacked and marked for extermination? Did you know only the Caucasian race is decreasing while all the others are increasing? Maybe the the real reason is that Europeans have been the vanguards of Christianity and that Christianity is the real enemy to all these other people. Let's face it, it doesn't matter if you are an atheist or 'something' else, if you are White, you are already condemned to being Christian because your ancestors were. The liberal Whites who stand against Christians are useful idiots to all those who want to forever criminalize and destroy Christianity. Why did Christianity spread so readily to Europeans? Maybe this is why Jesus said-- “My sheep hear My voice.” Only the Lord’s true sheep follow and obey Him because they know and recognize His voice. Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). Maybe this is why Jesus said- "Do not go in the way of the nations, but rather go to the lost sheep of the House of Israel." Why has a declaration of war been declared by the enemies Jesus Christ on Christians? Satanists have combined forces with Kabbalists, and Islam to exterminate us.
Yes, the anti-white crap is just satanic anti-Christian crap. Jesus lived in Asia, but Christianity gained more traction in Europe than in Asia, or in Africa which is closer to the land that Jesus walked than Europe is. Why was that? Some people say that Christianity found its people in whites, and that their historic breeding for empathy and altruism was fertile ground for adopting the Golden Rule.
Over the most recent century, American white Christians have become the most charitable group per capita in world history, and have done an immense amount of good work in spreading the gospel to billions of people around the world. That’s why the satanic communists want to harm America and white people.
I have always loathed the "religion of peace" phrase, especially when Bush used to fling it around whenever he could. It's like everything else with leftists; just the opposite of the truth.
Wait, whites are the biggest victims now? Historically and now? So they have historically lost but the winners are giving whites the trophies? I always thought of whites as the victors in a certain sense. So why are they weaker than all of the other races again?
The history of 'Whites' is far different than the 'permitted' history books report. Did you know the first slaves to America were White? Up to one-half of all the arrivals in the American colonies were Whites slaves and they were America's first slaves. These Whites were slaves for life, long before Blacks ever were. This slavery was even hereditary. White children born to White slaves were enslaved too. The Establishment has created the misnomer of "indentured servitude" to explain away and minimize the fact of White slavery. But bound Whites in early America called themselves slaves. Nine-tenths of the White slavery in America was conducted without indentures of any kind but according to the so-called "custom of the country," as it was known, which was lifetime slavery administered by the slave merchants themselves.
In George Sandy’s laws for Virginia, Whites were enslaved "forever." The service of Whites bound to Berkeley's Hundred was deemed "perpetual."
I'm not really buying America had to carry the crucifix and be sacrificed for all of Christendom's slavery bit. In comparison to Islam and the rest of the world, Christianity wasn't big promoters of slavery. In fact, the Catholic Church condemned slavery in 1435. The Catholic Church unhesitatingly condemned racial slavery as soon as it began. In 1435, six decades before Columbus sailed, Pope Eugene IV condemned the enslavement of the black natives of the Canary Islands, and ordered their European masters to manumit the enslaved within 15 days, under pain of excommunication. In 1537, Pope Paul III condemned the enslavement of West Indian and South American natives, and explicitly attributed that evil, "unheard of before now," to "the enemy of the human race," Satan.
Papal condemnations of slavery were repeated by Popes Gregory XIV (1591), Urban VIII (1639), Innocent XI (1686), Benedict XIV (1741), and Piux VII (1815). In 1839, Pope Gregory XVI wrote,
"We, by apostolic authority, warn and strongly exhort... that no one in the future dare to bother unjustly, despoil of their possessions, or reduce to slavery Indians, Blacks or other such peoples."
Pope Leo XIII (1890), too, condemned slavery, and so did the Second Vatican Council
So, how did slavery continue in the Vatican influenced sphere? Most Americans don't realize either that the transatlantic slave trade was driven by the sugar trade and rum. By the very nature of this fact, it redirects us to where sugar cane grew. This of course was in the tropical regions of the Caribbean and Central and South America. This is where 97% of the transatlantic slaves went. The 3% came to America later. According to one well-regarded census, 9.6 million Africans arrived alive in the so-called "New World" from the 16th century through the 19th century. Of these, 427,000, were brought to what is now the United States.
I could continue and talk about Islam and Judaism's belief in slavery and its widespread involvement in slave trade. Europe as far away as Iceland have been the recipients of Islamic raids enslaving people living in coastal dwellings. The entire Dark Ages was a result of Islamic salve trade and piracy on the Mediterranean Sea and elsewhere. The estimates of Europeans being kidnapped and enslaved is unknown, but the estimates from that time frame is in the millions. Slavery is actually now bigger and widespread than it ever was.
The divisive left has accomplished another miracle of divisiveness:
Now, you are either:
In favor of white genocide, "to set the historical record straight"
a white supremacist
No room has been left for being neither one - you are either on the side of hating all white people for the color of their skin, or you think that that color is supreme over all the other colors
(Is it just me, or do left wingers seem like really really REALLY superficial people?)
Statistically white people are harder to brainwash, apparently. The targeting of white people is very obvious. I blame my redneck(ness). It keeps me hard headed with authority.
Ha Ha, love it. I’m not trusting at all. I blame being southern and red neck. I’m like Gretchen Wilson, I can clean up good but still a country hick. The other reason is having a verbal abusive alcoholic parent. I think it toughened me from an early age. I’m very local to those who have gained my trust.
Think about this;
The first thing u do when you go to take a photo is to compose it.
Line up the subject, ensure the lighting isn't too brigh / dim / etc.
Ensure you aren't taking a photo in front of say, an overflowing hamper of dirty laundry; a sink full of dirty dishes, etc.
This goes quadruple for professional photographers / videographers / media production.
Literally nothing - NOTHING gets into the shot unless it is specifically, consciously PLACED THERE by the production team.
They are also (in Ontario so far) trying to psss laws to allow doctors to kill minors without even parents permission...for depression.
You could easily make a case half of teens are depressed in some way esp with the garbage schools do now.
They are also (again Ontario) trying to have people that refuse the shot be classified as mentally ill.
Mentally ill = qualifies for assisted suicide soon.
It makes me recall my high school text books, specifically my science books, where in the parts of the book filled with experiments to try at school there was always pictures of "students" in the book trying it too. It was always 1 white, 1 black, 1 Asian, 1 Hispanic, and 1 in a wheelchair of some random race (ALWAYS there was a wheelchair kid), and at least half or more were female, usually more. Me and the other kids in class would always call the wheelchair kid "Wheels."
It's amazing what having the mute button on will do if you are watching a show where you can't fast forward through commercials. It seems like every commercial out there on the airwaves has happy, clean, respectable minorities, LGBTQ persons, or people taking drugs for all types of conditions [with all manner of countless side effects] and there's even one for HIV treatment that shows two guys kissing on screen, and other guys picking up sexual partners at clubs.
Yeah, right. That's not a realistic picture of this country. These activities may well be taking place, but not on the scale one would think. They're not even hiding it anymore. It's right in your face.
I’m not against other races. I treat people the same unless they give me a reason not to. On a daily basis I don’t see resentment from black people. Of course you never know what people are thinking inside or what they have been through. I do believe many blacks have been treated unfairly just like the American Indian. That said, I don’t think it’s as bad as the left try to make you believe. If anything me as a white person is offended by this agenda. I shop a of small businesses that make natural medicine and skin products. If I see black owned or female owned I don’t even shop. We don’t our jobs better because of the color of our skin or our race. It’s on merit. I shop on Etsy and look for these businesses online. I believe they are being promoted over the other businesses. By the way I’m female and don’t support the feminism agenda.
Another point I’d like to make is maybe interracial relationships were pushed to get rid of the white race. I’m not saying it’s bad or wrong. It’s just not for me.
I've never understood all the U.S. advertising that ALWAYS greatly over-represents minorities. It seems this would create a sense of either entitlement, envy, or depression (feeling that they haven't achieved what is depicted) in most minorities, since most do not live in the economic classes depicted in the commercials. How are these ads supposed to generate greater sales?
Corporate behavior, including advertising, is predicated on their overarching agenda. That is not sales.
The agenda is the reset: globalism. The agenda is a feudalist society: royals and serfs in a depopulated world.
We're at a point where most corporations are beyond caring about sales which means they are beyond caring about corporate success. Upper management wants to be the royals in a 500,000,000 population world.
It's a kind of child's dream of having everything with no one to bother you.
Racism is retarded, skin color tribalism is lower domain normie crap and each one of you should be above it. You are hopefully a Christian first, Anon second, American third, and 100% awakened. That is your identity, not some madeup BS color descriptor
Now about the ad, let us be logical...
"minorities" make no sense in an assisted suicide ad
Indians with tight knit family structures?
Blacks with traditional Christian upbringings?
Devoted Catholic Mexicans with a rich culture?
These are not the people killing themselves, or cutting themselves while listening to Billie Eilish wishing they could kill themselves
None of those groups of people make sense in a suicide ad...
But angry libtards do
Soyboy cucks do
Raging feminazis do
These are all weak, worthless people who would off themselves because Trump won
And guess what? Most of those people are white. Suicide rates are higher amongst whites, it is no coincidence.
The heart of the matter though?
As an anon, you who are supposedly awake
This thread should be anons outraged at nihilism making advances in the culture war, indignancy at this company mocking God and life itself...
Instead it is weak racist arguments and long winded rants about Hitler and fake history books. NOTHING BUT division..playing your part exactly the way the cabal wants and falling for their trap
How does one go about finding this out? Watch every single TV channels advertising and everyday and see what race the people are? This is certainly easy enough to believe considering you rarely see white people in advertisements nowadays, but I'm seriously curious how would you even go about doing this? Aren't advertisements different based on the region you are in too?
Do people on Reddit really have such recognizable text patterns? I'll have to spend more time there and check it out, I guess. This is by far the Digg-style site have spent the most time on, much more than all of Reddit. I once made a Reddit for a new Pokemon and then got bored after a week? Really not my thing.
When you use "Reddit" as a pejorative, can you tell me what other labels you are insinuating? I don't know the culture there enough to understand what you are trying to say from mere inference. Being mad at the word "literally" to describe something that literally happened and the concept of question marks is very strange to me, and I'd like to understand. Does this have something to do the old /TheDonald days, and the community getting kicked off there?
Fortunately, they only ate the furry ol' lobsters, better known to us today as otters. Canadians had to wait for impoverished Americans to invent the practice of eating "modern" lobsters - the bottomfeeders with all the claws and pinchers.
I'd turn on my TV to check, but I don't have cable anymore. I seriously would not doubt it, though.
If you use adblock on YouTube turn it off for a while and watch the ads they show there.
I even recently saw an ad on there about a trans woman (read: a guy with a fetish for female clothing) "helping" elders in the LGBT community to eXpReSs themselves more by being even more obnoxiously gay. I felt like throwing up.
How do you ad block on YouTube with out paying? I can research it, just thought it wasn’t a free option.
ublock origin
I use Firefox (yeah I know who it's controlled by) but they have the best add-ons that I've seen anywhere. Brave browser is good too, but I've found Firefox to be less sluggish and can handle hundreds of tabs at once.
Ublock origin in the browser or musi YouTube app on iOS with some ads but not as bad
I use an ad blocker called "AdNauseam" along with "uBlock Origin". AdNauseam specifically blocks and "clicks" ALL ads (does this without you having to do anything), so that all the data on what ads you clicked becomes useless to them. This pollutes the ad clicks with useless clicks, and wastes their money.
Why is the algo targeting you with that stuff I wonder?
If you follow YT links from this or other “rightwing” websites, YouTube can see where you just followed the link from. They tie this to your IP address. Then they put you in a special ‘reeducation’ category because they see you go to rightwing websites. Then they show you ads or recommend videos to try to fix your thinking and make you more left. I have noticed it more and more so I quit following links directly and it stopped doing it so much. Spooky stuff
Yep ^^^ This is why they shove this stuff in your face. I always use adblock while on my laptop but not on my phone, so sometimes I unfortunately see that trash. I use the app instead of a browser because my phone is too slow otherwise.
That's not true. And it would behoove you to research how profitable it is to either attempt to induce outrage, or attract a clicker (you) to a echo chamber. Both of those serve to make people rich. Ain't no corp got time or inclination to reeducate.
Wait so you're saying it's strictly profit motivated? But why would they be trying to attract me to watch those type of woke videos? I've clearly rejected their position and have not the least interest in clicking their video. The only conclusion I can draw is that they are either completely idiotic or they are trying to manipulate me, or both. You also assume the purpose of a corporation is to strictly make profit, when these days with ESG there are more nefarious motives for what corporations do.
If I may, I'll ask a question that may help answer. Do you think that the left and the right are played off of each other for the benefit of protection of an elite? I suspect you will answer yes although I may be wrong. But if you say yes then you know the general mechanics of how this mechanism can be applied elsewhere for profit.
My mind says yes but my heart says no. I don't want it to be true. I want to live in a world where good exists, where God is present in sanctifying life, and where both sides aren't just means to control the middle. And some days I think we do live in that world. And i can live my life that way - in fact how else would I live?
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides.
Not because I watch that stuff by choice if that's what you're thinking. Don't insult me.
Twas but a joke. Please excuse.
Everywhere that Whites live they are under attack. One really should think about why this is so. Do you really believe in the left's fake and canned reasons that they use to justify it? Don't give me the colonial narrative because it falls apart when other races are scrutinized. The conquest of Islam is a really good example, but we are never taught this in the public schools? Why is this? There's a huge cover-up here. I'll provide evidence of this in a moment, but let's first look at the hatred toward Whites, who are are arguably the most enslaved race in all of history. Islam has always been associated with slavery. Did you know Islam waged over 548 battles with the classic civilization of Greece and Rome?
There were over 200 battles in Spain alone. North Africa, the Middle East, and India are not included in this count. Islam has killed more people under its barbarous rule than any other conquest in all of history.**
In India alone, over 400 million people were brutally murdered under Islamic occupation.
A sample taken for a 25 year period (1975 to 2000) found there has been 225 books written on the Christian Crusades compared to only one book written on the Islamic conquest. Let’s be honest, the Crusades were a failure compared to the vast Islamic conquest of the lands extending from Spain to India.
All lands except Spain and India have been retained by Islam. The Islamic conquest was quick and brutal. We know in an expanse of only sixty years, Islam spread from the lands extending from Spain to India.
Islam is not a religion of peace. It is the exact opposite.
Islam is a political ideology of perpetual brutality and war masquerading as a religion.
It is comprised of despotic laws set over the masses for the purpose of controlling the populace under autocratic rule. Contrarily, the Muslim autocracy and its elite live their lives behind the security of guarded compounds. Their privacy, wealth, and political power, in effect, make them exempt from these same draconian laws. Under this ideology, the Islamic male is entreated to be master over women, who are treated as chattel with few rights if any.
Why isn't any other race today being attacked and marked for extermination? Did you know only the Caucasian race is decreasing while all the others are increasing? Maybe the the real reason is that Europeans have been the vanguards of Christianity and that Christianity is the real enemy to all these other people. Let's face it, it doesn't matter if you are an atheist or 'something' else, if you are White, you are already condemned to being Christian because your ancestors were. The liberal Whites who stand against Christians are useful idiots to all those who want to forever criminalize and destroy Christianity. Why did Christianity spread so readily to Europeans? Maybe this is why Jesus said-- “My sheep hear My voice.” Only the Lord’s true sheep follow and obey Him because they know and recognize His voice. Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). Maybe this is why Jesus said- "Do not go in the way of the nations, but rather go to the lost sheep of the House of Israel." Why has a declaration of war been declared by the enemies Jesus Christ on Christians? Satanists have combined forces with Kabbalists, and Islam to exterminate us.
Yes, the anti-white crap is just satanic anti-Christian crap. Jesus lived in Asia, but Christianity gained more traction in Europe than in Asia, or in Africa which is closer to the land that Jesus walked than Europe is. Why was that? Some people say that Christianity found its people in whites, and that their historic breeding for empathy and altruism was fertile ground for adopting the Golden Rule.
Over the most recent century, American white Christians have become the most charitable group per capita in world history, and have done an immense amount of good work in spreading the gospel to billions of people around the world. That’s why the satanic communists want to harm America and white people.
Thank you for your post. I have a sense that speaking the truth will get harder and harder as we progress.
I have always loathed the "religion of peace" phrase, especially when Bush used to fling it around whenever he could. It's like everything else with leftists; just the opposite of the truth.
Wait, whites are the biggest victims now? Historically and now? So they have historically lost but the winners are giving whites the trophies? I always thought of whites as the victors in a certain sense. So why are they weaker than all of the other races again?
The history of 'Whites' is far different than the 'permitted' history books report. Did you know the first slaves to America were White? Up to one-half of all the arrivals in the American colonies were Whites slaves and they were America's first slaves. These Whites were slaves for life, long before Blacks ever were. This slavery was even hereditary. White children born to White slaves were enslaved too. The Establishment has created the misnomer of "indentured servitude" to explain away and minimize the fact of White slavery. But bound Whites in early America called themselves slaves. Nine-tenths of the White slavery in America was conducted without indentures of any kind but according to the so-called "custom of the country," as it was known, which was lifetime slavery administered by the slave merchants themselves.
In George Sandy’s laws for Virginia, Whites were enslaved "forever." The service of Whites bound to Berkeley's Hundred was deemed "perpetual."
I'm not really buying America had to carry the crucifix and be sacrificed for all of Christendom's slavery bit. In comparison to Islam and the rest of the world, Christianity wasn't big promoters of slavery. In fact, the Catholic Church condemned slavery in 1435. The Catholic Church unhesitatingly condemned racial slavery as soon as it began. In 1435, six decades before Columbus sailed, Pope Eugene IV condemned the enslavement of the black natives of the Canary Islands, and ordered their European masters to manumit the enslaved within 15 days, under pain of excommunication. In 1537, Pope Paul III condemned the enslavement of West Indian and South American natives, and explicitly attributed that evil, "unheard of before now," to "the enemy of the human race," Satan.
Papal condemnations of slavery were repeated by Popes Gregory XIV (1591), Urban VIII (1639), Innocent XI (1686), Benedict XIV (1741), and Piux VII (1815). In 1839, Pope Gregory XVI wrote,
"We, by apostolic authority, warn and strongly exhort... that no one in the future dare to bother unjustly, despoil of their possessions, or reduce to slavery Indians, Blacks or other such peoples."
Pope Leo XIII (1890), too, condemned slavery, and so did the Second Vatican Council
So, how did slavery continue in the Vatican influenced sphere? Most Americans don't realize either that the transatlantic slave trade was driven by the sugar trade and rum. By the very nature of this fact, it redirects us to where sugar cane grew. This of course was in the tropical regions of the Caribbean and Central and South America. This is where 97% of the transatlantic slaves went. The 3% came to America later. According to one well-regarded census, 9.6 million Africans arrived alive in the so-called "New World" from the 16th century through the 19th century. Of these, 427,000, were brought to what is now the United States.
I could continue and talk about Islam and Judaism's belief in slavery and its widespread involvement in slave trade. Europe as far away as Iceland have been the recipients of Islamic raids enslaving people living in coastal dwellings. The entire Dark Ages was a result of Islamic salve trade and piracy on the Mediterranean Sea and elsewhere. The estimates of Europeans being kidnapped and enslaved is unknown, but the estimates from that time frame is in the millions. Slavery is actually now bigger and widespread than it ever was.
TV ads today are non-white act smart and whites acting like goof balls. It's sicking.
Which is a comedic routine that's been in use for a century. Laurel/Hardy and Abbott/Costello used it to great effect.
But when it's only ever one way, and the white guy is never the smart one...you start to notice.
White replacement is not a theory, it's a proper conspiracy.
And it too will fail like every other attempt with every other ethnicity.
Trudeau is a white male with an incurable mental disability. Maybe he should be euthanized?
Yes please.
Is he truly white? If Castro is his dad maybe not 100%, I don’t know about his mom. Either way yeah he needs to go.
The divisive left has accomplished another miracle of divisiveness:
Now, you are either:
In favor of white genocide, "to set the historical record straight"
a white supremacist
No room has been left for being neither one - you are either on the side of hating all white people for the color of their skin, or you think that that color is supreme over all the other colors
(Is it just me, or do left wingers seem like really really REALLY superficial people?)
Statistically white people are harder to brainwash, apparently. The targeting of white people is very obvious. I blame my redneck(ness). It keeps me hard headed with authority.
Ha Ha, love it. I’m not trusting at all. I blame being southern and red neck. I’m like Gretchen Wilson, I can clean up good but still a country hick. The other reason is having a verbal abusive alcoholic parent. I think it toughened me from an early age. I’m very local to those who have gained my trust.
Think about this; The first thing u do when you go to take a photo is to compose it. Line up the subject, ensure the lighting isn't too brigh / dim / etc. Ensure you aren't taking a photo in front of say, an overflowing hamper of dirty laundry; a sink full of dirty dishes, etc.
This goes quadruple for professional photographers / videographers / media production.
Literally nothing - NOTHING gets into the shot unless it is specifically, consciously PLACED THERE by the production team.
Is Planned Parenthood targeting whites in Canada as well?
They are also (in Ontario so far) trying to psss laws to allow doctors to kill minors without even parents permission...for depression. You could easily make a case half of teens are depressed in some way esp with the garbage schools do now.
They are also (again Ontario) trying to have people that refuse the shot be classified as mentally ill. Mentally ill = qualifies for assisted suicide soon.
Dystopia is approaching rapidly.
In my opinion they were never subtle.
It makes me recall my high school text books, specifically my science books, where in the parts of the book filled with experiments to try at school there was always pictures of "students" in the book trying it too. It was always 1 white, 1 black, 1 Asian, 1 Hispanic, and 1 in a wheelchair of some random race (ALWAYS there was a wheelchair kid), and at least half or more were female, usually more. Me and the other kids in class would always call the wheelchair kid "Wheels."
The Rev 2:9ers at it again I see!
It's amazing what having the mute button on will do if you are watching a show where you can't fast forward through commercials. It seems like every commercial out there on the airwaves has happy, clean, respectable minorities, LGBTQ persons, or people taking drugs for all types of conditions [with all manner of countless side effects] and there's even one for HIV treatment that shows two guys kissing on screen, and other guys picking up sexual partners at clubs.
Yeah, right. That's not a realistic picture of this country. These activities may well be taking place, but not on the scale one would think. They're not even hiding it anymore. It's right in your face.
They are afraid of being cancelled if they put black people in it or any other ethnicity.
I’m not against other races. I treat people the same unless they give me a reason not to. On a daily basis I don’t see resentment from black people. Of course you never know what people are thinking inside or what they have been through. I do believe many blacks have been treated unfairly just like the American Indian. That said, I don’t think it’s as bad as the left try to make you believe. If anything me as a white person is offended by this agenda. I shop a of small businesses that make natural medicine and skin products. If I see black owned or female owned I don’t even shop. We don’t our jobs better because of the color of our skin or our race. It’s on merit. I shop on Etsy and look for these businesses online. I believe they are being promoted over the other businesses. By the way I’m female and don’t support the feminism agenda. Another point I’d like to make is maybe interracial relationships were pushed to get rid of the white race. I’m not saying it’s bad or wrong. It’s just not for me.
"Quietus: You decide when"
Guess we’ll all see how wise our Black, Hispanic & Asian brothers & sisters really are. Only they can stop this.
I saw some black and tanned skin.
I've never understood all the U.S. advertising that ALWAYS greatly over-represents minorities. It seems this would create a sense of either entitlement, envy, or depression (feeling that they haven't achieved what is depicted) in most minorities, since most do not live in the economic classes depicted in the commercials. How are these ads supposed to generate greater sales?
Its the same in the UK. Forcing acceptance / normalising "diversity".
Corporate behavior, including advertising, is predicated on their overarching agenda. That is not sales.
The agenda is the reset: globalism. The agenda is a feudalist society: royals and serfs in a depopulated world.
We're at a point where most corporations are beyond caring about sales which means they are beyond caring about corporate success. Upper management wants to be the royals in a 500,000,000 population world.
It's a kind of child's dream of having everything with no one to bother you.
Oh look more stormfagging
Racism is retarded, skin color tribalism is lower domain normie crap and each one of you should be above it. You are hopefully a Christian first, Anon second, American third, and 100% awakened. That is your identity, not some madeup BS color descriptor
Now about the ad, let us be logical...
"minorities" make no sense in an assisted suicide ad
Indians with tight knit family structures?
Blacks with traditional Christian upbringings?
Devoted Catholic Mexicans with a rich culture?
These are not the people killing themselves, or cutting themselves while listening to Billie Eilish wishing they could kill themselves
None of those groups of people make sense in a suicide ad...
But angry libtards do
Soyboy cucks do
Raging feminazis do
These are all weak, worthless people who would off themselves because Trump won
And guess what? Most of those people are white. Suicide rates are higher amongst whites, it is no coincidence.
The heart of the matter though?
As an anon, you who are supposedly awake
This thread should be anons outraged at nihilism making advances in the culture war, indignancy at this company mocking God and life itself...
Instead it is weak racist arguments and long winded rants about Hitler and fake history books. NOTHING BUT division..playing your part exactly the way the cabal wants and falling for their trap
To be fair, do you realize how cold it gets in Canada??
Only faggots make such affirmations for everyone else on behalf of everyone.
Sooo, openly ageist taboot. Kewl
How does one go about finding this out? Watch every single TV channels advertising and everyday and see what race the people are? This is certainly easy enough to believe considering you rarely see white people in advertisements nowadays, but I'm seriously curious how would you even go about doing this? Aren't advertisements different based on the region you are in too?
Given it's not historically a white-owned land mass, and is very very far from the Caucus mountain range, makes sense to me
Uh, no? No one lives on Mars. If anyone lived on Mars it was well before humans were ever a thing, and they probably weren't complex creatures.
What a strange, illogical, and deeply dehumanizing thing for you to say!
You literally compared a group of people to Martians. You literally de-humanized them. I'm sorry my accurate labelling of your actions offends you?
Do people on Reddit really have such recognizable text patterns? I'll have to spend more time there and check it out, I guess. This is by far the Digg-style site have spent the most time on, much more than all of Reddit. I once made a Reddit for a new Pokemon and then got bored after a week? Really not my thing.
When you use "Reddit" as a pejorative, can you tell me what other labels you are insinuating? I don't know the culture there enough to understand what you are trying to say from mere inference. Being mad at the word "literally" to describe something that literally happened and the concept of question marks is very strange to me, and I'd like to understand. Does this have something to do the old /TheDonald days, and the community getting kicked off there?
Right? The ate all the Maine lobster too!! Screw em. Who names their country Canadia anyway?
Fortunately, they only ate the furry ol' lobsters, better known to us today as otters. Canadians had to wait for impoverished Americans to invent the practice of eating "modern" lobsters - the bottomfeeders with all the claws and pinchers.