I have gotta confess that, even in the early Eighties, at the height of Madonnamania, I never found her at all sexy or appealing. Even then, she looked like what she was: a clapped-out Italian whore.
If you didn't know who it was and you didn't know she had a ton of surgery, you'd think she looked okay.
Check the hands. Always check the hands. They're the one aspect that cannot be altered enough to perpetuate the disguise. Which is why like some old turkeys wear scarves, this old whore always wears gloves.
The last time I saw a Madonna post was on voat during the lockdowns. She was in that same tub with rose petals (pedo signalling). Is this the only room she has? Is this wrinkled old hag on house arrest?
same, anytime ive seen her recently is in that bathtub. i get vibes of a suicide in her future, I could be wrong but her bathtub thing and what she says while in it are not right.
I remember that. She went on a weird tweet spree during the "lockdowns". If memory serves me, she was one of the many celebs that year seen with ankle monitors no?
It's so funny what a cringe icon she's become these past few decades. It must be like a sad joke among the cabal who keep her somewhat in the public eye, like a smack addict doing who knows what for their next fix.
Remember when covid started? She made that video with her in her tub in milky water saying "It's the great equalizer!" What a skank. Isn't she like 60 years old? Why does she keep pretending her face is that of a 20 year old?
An ugly old washed up has been whore.
You misspelled Skank... people actually willingly pay for a whore
Papa don't preach, she's more like a virgin... with hairy armpits
As Janet sang: Nasty - old hag
I prefer the word hag to describe worn out cunts.
Stringy worn out meat curtains?
Brahhhaa as a chick I respect that !
This isnt Madonna. Looks nothing like her.
Agreed. I believe she has been eliminated.
You beat me to it. I personally think most of Hollywood and the music industry were already taken out
I have gotta confess that, even in the early Eighties, at the height of Madonnamania, I never found her at all sexy or appealing. Even then, she looked like what she was: a clapped-out Italian whore.
Same here, my brother was obsessed with her, all I saw was a greasy slut.
Her face looks great in this shot.
If you didn't know who it was and you didn't know she had a ton of surgery, you'd think she looked okay.
But it's knowing that it's Madonna lowers her attractiveness.
Wonder what she looks like without the photoshopping and filters? And makeup?
Check the hands. Always check the hands. They're the one aspect that cannot be altered enough to perpetuate the disguise. Which is why like some old turkeys wear scarves, this old whore always wears gloves.
Now you can do fat transfer to hands to make them more supple 😂
Filters snd fillers? I doubt she looks like that up close.
The last time I saw a Madonna post was on voat during the lockdowns. She was in that same tub with rose petals (pedo signalling). Is this the only room she has? Is this wrinkled old hag on house arrest?
I believe she is. What do I know?
Spot on,fren. Ellen, hanks, Oprah, etc
same, anytime ive seen her recently is in that bathtub. i get vibes of a suicide in her future, I could be wrong but her bathtub thing and what she says while in it are not right.
I remember that. She went on a weird tweet spree during the "lockdowns". If memory serves me, she was one of the many celebs that year seen with ankle monitors no?
Satanic Butt ugly Whore
more like baba-yaga
Haha. Nice. Updoot.
It's real. Sauce: https://twitter.com/Madonna/status/1575220083885891584
Wow that comment section.
Seriously. People are stupid as fuck.
Love of evil is the root of all her money.
She was Esther, high priestess if the Eastern Star. She passed the title to Britney through a ritual kiss.
I don’t know who holds the position now.
She is so far down the magick rabbit hole her involvement with a now known pedo brand does not surprise me at all.
FreemanFly did some videos and podcasts on her and Britney years ago. Very very interesting .
Britney rejected the life and role and they destroyed her.
So did Anna Nicole Smith.
Probably Taylor Swift.
You're a clone. ⚫️
I know you are but what am I... lololol this doesn't work when we're all clones haha
Not all of us.
Not a very good one either, kek.
She always wears the black fingerless gloves to hide her old lady hands.
Is that a child reflected in the mirror behind her next to the photographer?
What is going on in the background?!?
Now that I looked at it again, looks like two females facing each other next to the photographer. The one looks to be a least half naked.
And smaller.
I think that they're statues of a black woman and a white woman. Something to look at when you're bathing I guess. Weird
Looks like a child size doll. I’d be willing to bet they make them complete with anatomy and everything to train the perverts.
And right after posting that I saw this as a stickied thread…! Yep - that’s what I see in the Madonna picture.
Came here to ask this!
What a pathetic creature.
looks nothing like her unless she recently had a full face remake. why does she look like a asian anime girl trying to be white?
She's a pedo and a child trafficer. She needs to be pushed in front of a train.
Whats up.with the ski masked rapist in the mirror? Also why is she in a moldy dump?
That isnt her...
What’s up with background in the right hand photo? You can see the photographer in the mirror and a younger looking brunette. Creepy.
Does she have a photographer just follow her around all day? The number of pictures she posts of herself is pathological.
I wonder why she's wearing bagging clothing, must just be really into circa 1991 Kris Kross aesthetics.
She needs to flip her jeans around backwards!
Bathtubs... how very occult of her.
And I thought Michael Jackson looked like a plastic surgery disaster.
Why is she always in the bathtub?
Her transition is coming along nicely.
Is the person/photographer seen in the reflection wearing a ski mask? Lots of weird stuff going on there.
She is so hideous
The poster girl for growing old gracefully
This woman in desperate for attention.
WTF??? This is certainly professional suicide.
No, she is a child molester like the rest of them
It's so funny what a cringe icon she's become these past few decades. It must be like a sad joke among the cabal who keep her somewhat in the public eye, like a smack addict doing who knows what for their next fix.
Who is that? Some actress?
Why is she ALWAYS in her bath tub?!?!
Remember when covid started? She made that video with her in her tub in milky water saying "It's the great equalizer!" What a skank. Isn't she like 60 years old? Why does she keep pretending her face is that of a 20 year old?
That's a dude.. and so is the one reflected back in the mirror
Always a bathtub with her... bath...baph... Baptism Baptizing herself to ba'al always, and showing her loyal commitment to her all the time
that's a response there, but would it be taken as a compliment ?