Theory: SpaceX is part of Spaceforce, and Elon is part of the Q team. Change my mind.
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
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When Elon started coming around to MAGA, I began to think his role was a big one. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the voice of the Q team putting out the comms he received!
Just crossed my mind as well. Remember, great movies require…
Great actors!
After the Columbia disaster in 2003, the Space Shuttle program was slated for retirement in 2004 under George W. Bush. It was allowed to work off the remaining payloads before ceasing operations. It was a crew killer and couldn't be fixed. Better to ask why BO canceled and scrapped the YAL-1A airborne laser, which would have been the counter to North Korea's ballistic missiles.
Space X is a private enterprise space transportation company that sends satellites, cargo, and human beings safely into space and back at a greatly reduced cost compared to prior government methods. Backing Space X was probably the only wise thing Obama ever did.
Wise? He shot himself in the foot.
*Makes one wonder about just how long WHs have been in control.?
Think about this.
Why would the US Military run the largest SpecOp the world has ever seen(?) while at the same time telling them that it is happening now?
A lot of new Anons think this stuff is hot and on going now, but that makes no sense. You don’t tell your enemies what you are up too. It’s possible BO was put under WH control during his presidency and continued as if business as usual. This would give them better insight and more control over outcomes while they were acting. They could have used BO to bring out all bad actors and in doing so catch EVERYONE on EVERY playing field i.e. elections/industry/academia/medical/media and a bunch of other shit that we have no idea about.
Hard to imagine WHs have been in control since BO presidency, but it’s definitely possible.
Not by backing Space X. They have revolutionized space travel and made it into a going concern, shouldering aside all the former major players. Reusable boosters were only talked about in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, but Musk made them a real thing.
If BO was under WH control when he made that move things line up.
We could also be looking at a situation where Musk was a double agent and his true loyalties were to WHs. If that’s true then it would make sense that BO backed him over the government. It could be WHs had a lot to accomplish with technology in space to pull off their plan, so they decided using an outside company that wasn’t under the government’s purview was a good idea.
My own view is that it was simply to spite NASA. Obama was in no position to pick Musk as a game-changer, especially since the betting pool in the industry was even odds.
Even odds until your backed by Big Brother money.
Even odds to get to the big money. They were expecting Musk to screw up. They had no idea how fat and rigid THEY had become. (Sorry about the previous statement. I had confused you with another thread. I need to be more meticulous in follow-up.)
Just goes to show that the White Hats were already in control during Hussein’s presidency.
That's what the deflector dish does, according to the Star Trek lore
You don't mention them in the script.
I believe current Elon is an operator put in as a replacement to the original and definitely a part of the Q plan at this juncture.
Turning point was when he sold all his houses in my opinion
interesting but i disagree. i think he may have had strings attached to him, like CIA...and Trump and Military cut them. i think hes also pissed the Left fucked with his kid...
Musks twitter posts matching with Q posts like scavino
Would Musk count as civilian or military
Civilian. He may be a military contractor but those are still civilian.
I'm thinking military contractor as well or kind of a Space Force Special Forces
Elon is a puppet, who was taken, and is being forced to be a puppet for "the good guys". Once the "good guys" have no more use for Elon he will be tossed to the side and delt with later. I think what Elon is doing now is part of his plea deal. It's alot easier for idiots to see "Elon purchase Twitter" vs "Entities in the US GOV bought twitter"
i dunno. i could see this. but i think he may have had his strings cut and is general a decent man. hes cant be too happy they fucked his kid up mentally...
agreed, watch his interview with Babylon bee, God smiles upon them all.
That last part really sits well with me, but whether or not Elon has always been a WH or at the least not in the cabal, still seems like it’s a wildcard.
Either that or he is a plant, done a while ago.
This is the most logical
Rockets to nowhere ✌🏻
The pacific is somewhere.
Rockets making waves
The Bermuda Triangle.
Does that mean what I think it means? Been getting tax payer funded for 20 years.
In case you haven't realized it yet, nearly everything in the world is tax payer funded.
Taxation is theft, to actively seek stolen goods for ones self is kind of a dick move. I was just pointing out that Elon has been on the tax payer payroll for 20 years now.
If BO cut NASA, though not great, to support Elon...... See what I am saying? Elon is legally Canadian so tax payer money was revoked from an American Institution and moved to a foreign entity. I dunno, though.
I don't disagree I'm just nothing that it's common practice.
And a lot depends on who was funneling him the cash, DOD, DOJ, white hats, black hats...?
There are a lot of variables
I feel like it means that the tax payer rightfully owns twitter....
…and maybe Elon is making it all up to us…
If White Hats had it all then that money he spent to get this information was unnecessary and is kind of showboating to me. It stinks is all. So much going on and he waited to drop this information. Arguments can be made but I am over coincidences....
Here's something to consider. If Elon buying Twitter was actually a military op then the money doesn't matter. When the people that owned the majority of shares at Twitter (and pulled the strings at Twitter) are finally arrested that money will be confiscated. The money that normal investors received was legit earnings so that will stay with the investors, but I don't believe it would even reach 10% of the purchase price.
Also if it was a military op then the money wasn't showboating - it was necessary. Think about it - he had to make sure the Twitter board had no choice but to sell to him. The only way to do that was to make an offer so good that it would basically be illegal for the board not to do its fiduciary duty and sell to give their shareholders the best deal they could.
Last thing - I didn't consider until recently that when Q said "We have it all" it could have meant that the plan to buy Twitter was included in that equation. If they knew they would buy Twitter no matter the cost then they knew they would have it all. They could've pulled that string whenever they wanted and the result would have been the same.
Elon was born in South Africa, then got Canadian citizenship through his mother. He became a naturalized US citizen in 2002 so no money was moved to a foreign entity.
Also SpaceX can't legally hire non-US citizens because rockets are classified as advanced weapons systems.
Sorry about the youtube link but this explains it from Elon's own mouth.
I am not concerned with foreign employees, though I get the importance of keeping SpaceX US strictly. I wasn't aware of him getting US, Welcome. Assimilate! We like freedom of speech round these parts. At least be honest about it not being a free speech platform!
Yeah , that's definitely a problem.
Elon is not the richest man on earth by a longshot.
Elon's talk about how he files his taxes was hilarious. He does them himself, or says he could
It's just a wierd narrative they are trying to establish when there are people who own banks, oil fields, gold mines, diamond mines etc.
All subsidized by the tax payer, none are safe!
He's the richest "public" known on Earth. Not THE richest, as you stated.
Distinctions are necessary.
Beware false prophets.
Good actions can be used to subvert or disguise bad ones. Why were some names redacted in the Twitter files but not others?
Watching space X return vehicles come in to land simultaneously amazed me. Why? For the first time I felt I was living in the 21st century that I dreamed of Watching Buck Rodgers of the 25th century. I had goose bumps thinking this is what I imagined reading all those scifi books in high-school. Now Elon, if we could cross the Rubicon and watch a live event of first contact. My cup would runneth over. A dream before I leave this earth.
While Elon actions with Twitter are good, I have significant concerns with his pushing transhumanism via Nerurolink, where brains get wired to communicate with computers.
This should be obvious at this point at least with SpaceX and space force. Elon is not the richest person on earth by a longshot and he isn't doing all of this by himself. He is the front man. The face.
Amazing times. Happy to see and yet frightened to see. I am seeing glimpses of USA is supposed to be and the media and haters are also seeing both sides.
The book in progress could be “How to save the boiling frogs”
It would be awesome to be on the good guys team. Just seeing that there is good guys is nice too.
I speculated yesterday.
I agree - if fbi and/or cia had their fingers in the twitter pie, they would not have let it go regardless of price - unless they had no choice, ie another govt agency TRUMPED them. heh.
I thought this from the beginning. It's kinda straight forward
It's possible, but Q Team themselves said they work inside the Govt.
I will support your mind, been saying it all along
It’s a decent theory.
Elon may be part of the plan, but an intelligent man he likely is not. Full of himself, he is. I doubt he is Q. His thoughts are not coherent or consistent enough. If you listen to him speak on occasion he might sound brilliant. If you track anything he says today against what he has said and will say later, very little meshes together. He's a huckster to the highest degree.
Regarding Neuralink, there isn't anything inherently wrong with futuristic development as long as participation remains voluntary. I believe that to be Elon's position. I don't have a problem if people want to become the Borg as long as they leave me out of it
I have a healthy dose of skepticism. We all should. We know from past experience that someone we thought we could trust turned out to be a snake. The only person I semi-trust is Trump. Otherwise, I keep a side eye on all of them. But this week has been amazing. But just like when Trump was supposed to make this big announcement. And it was just an election announcement. I will stay even kneel about it all.😎
And so... Let's continue.
If Space X is the SF, what, in actuality, are the star link satellites?
Are they more than Internet? Was that a cover for something much higher tech?
Some kind of protection?
Do they emit radio waves that are conducive to enlightenment?
And I said was sorry and deleted the post. What now?
No need, AGREE 💯
We were just talking about this this morning. The timing is interesting. Imagine SpaceX, Space Force, Elon/Twitter and our Military all aligned and ready to right the ship for the United States and Brazil at the same time. I'm so encouraged in the past few days.
Prove it
I been saying Musk may be Q and that the Cicada contest smelled Musky, but never get much traction even though the Q drops seem to be similar cyphers for US...
Well, one could imagine Musk writing like that. But I would think a military type person helped create.
Team effort
Q has said they are a team and less than five people know the entire plan.
Beyond this I'm not going to waste my time, this isn't youtube, and you're not Steven Crowder.
Yet here you are...,
Less than 10. Where do you get five? I believe it’s no more than 3 civilians—Musk is a civilian so he is could be part of the team. Or a once bad actor working with white hats now. Time will tell!
Whatever. i was tired when i typed it, everyone keeps kissing elon's ass, fine you do you boo.
Something doesn't feel right, if i'm wrong I'll be the first to admit it, if I'm not wrong well you won't get any sympathy from me.
Then just apologize and move on. I apologize to you, given the trills and shills around I made a mistake ... sorry.
I'm a 56 year old grandma in north dakota hardly a glowie, I made a mistake and typed 5 ok? I was tired, and now I'm cranky.
Well don't be cranky at me ... for your mistake. Thanks for "manning up" granny"
I was cranky because you called me a glowie f word.
Brainstorming is part of the whole "figuring shit out" process
Yes, exactly