Grabbing a new gun instead of swapping mags was one of my biggest red flags with the story. The only reason to swap rifles is if the barrel was starting to overheat and it takes over a thousand rounds at full auto before that can become a concern. Seriously each rifle had only one mag? And only 30 round mags when 100 round ones exist? This whole narrative was written to push bans on very specific items.
The part about "rate of fire" is not right. I've never fired a bump stock, but they just spray an insane amount of bullets all at once. In the video (which I uploaded to YT) you can clearly hear a steadier, longer firing rate which would have to be a belt-fed machine gun rather than quick bursts from a bump stock.
Have you ever seen the video of the agent standing behind the Sheriff at the press conferences. He was staring through him. The sheriff was scared for his life. He could barely speak. Sheriff Joe Lombardo knows everything that happened that night.
Even body cams confirm multiple shooters. Mostly head shots. FBI covered it up. Mossad? Failed assassination on Prince Salman for the 5 star prison?
Another example of some truth presented with some falsehood with the result of destroying the credibility of ALL of the information along with the credibility of anyone who passes this along.
ASTM is the body that certifies hurricane rated windows. Wind is not in the equasion:
This specification covers exterior windows, glazed curtain walls, doors and impact protective systems used in buildings located in geographic regions that are prone to hurricanes. The test specimens shall be Fenestration assemblies, and impact protective systems; which shall be tested using the large missile test, and small missile test.
FAT32 is available for Windows 95, but only in OEM releases OSR2 and later. With FAT32, the partition limit is raised to 2 TB. 23 * 2 TB = 46 TB. However, the generic IDE driver in Windows 95 isn't capable of accessing above 128 GB, even if the BIOS can. There is a shareware driver that should be capable; some motherboards may also have a specific driver.
For the latter bit, you would most likely need to jump through seriously pointless hoops, and if you are tech savvy enough to source the drivers needed, I am strongly of the belief that you are tech savvy enough to know that in 2017, Windows 95 is not secure in any fashion, and if you are both tech savvy and performing something that you know is illegal, you certainly would not be using Windows 95.
The number of hoops he would have to jump through to get to "hundreds of terabytes" beyond that points to either the meme being completely wrong or the frame job being so obvious that the FBI should be put into time out for being THAT incompetent.
Also, sorting through "hundreds of terabytes" of image files would take a VERY long time on top of that. It's hard enough sometimes to find specific screenshots from video games that are saved!
Oh, last (few) points:
Most Windows 95 machines have probably burnt out by now, and finding old components would be a near impossibility without jacking the price up that collectors would pay for nerding out.
That leaves running Win. 95 on a virtual machine (not likely) or jumping through a ton more hoops still to get it to function on a modern day computer, like limiting RAM speeds and capacities, getting the OS to recognize and use your CPU which isn't likely to be super easy even with Intel's compatibility due to the fact that no 95 drivers have existed for an Intel product for like, at LEAST a decade. Probably longer. Then you also have GPU driver compatibility problems, modern display resolutions.
It's honestly such a shit show to get such an old operating system to function somewhat properly on modern hardware that it doesn't make sense that anyone would be doing it.
The simplest answer is likely to be the correct one: Frame job.
Totally improbable that he would even be using that antiquated OS, or if he was, it would be the exact wrong tool to house tons of CP.
This whole episode reeks of a cover up.
Unfortunately, we have a complicit media which acts as an arm of the CIA/DNC, and does not work to get to the truth.
No. 32 GB. 137 GB for 98. I don't believe that we had capabilities to even have enough disks in a home PC back then to reach a terabyte with those limitations, and I'm not sure we could even successfully partition a series of drives to those specifications, you'd run out of drive letters.
This is basically so non-feasible that it's actually really funny to think about.
Even on a modern day PC, our largest hard drives are, like, 22TB. And those drives are like $500. So this dude would have invested literally likely ten thousand dollars into a Windows 95 PC on storage alone, but never even upgraded to, oh..Windows XP?
The upper floors of the Mandalay Bay were owned by Al Waleed bin Talal, disgraced former Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia (the same fella who paid for Obama to attend Harvard). The Harvest music festival was promoted by LiveNation, who were also behind the Ariana Grande concert in the UK, and the Astroworld fiasco in Texas that also descended into chaos. There's WAY more going on here than meets the eye.
Obviously I know as much as anyone (nothing), but I would guess as soon as they (the would-be assassins) realized they had entered a trap they needed to create a distraction from their original intent. Firing onto a crowd was probably already planned out as their contingency plan. The master-minds likely chose that day to attempt the assassination because of the scheduled concert. The ones firing onto the crowd (Maybe Paddock?) were likely told to do so if things went sour to divert police resources to the wrong location (not the Mandalay Bay) to give them enough time to flee. Then before they could flee a clean up crew came through and tied up the loose ends. I suspect one day soon the world will know the truth.
I see. I'm not sure I buy it, but that is some real reasoning. It is frustrating how little we seem to know, which is why I quickly moved on to greener conspiracy-pastures. Fortunately others do not give up so easily.
A distraction or possibly they wanted to show him what they're capable of if he didn't comply with their demands? @unndine53 is correct that he is somehow involved in this mystery and it's confirmed that he was staying in the hotel.
What? Don't Tell me there is coordination amongst our Intelligence Agencies: CIA the execution crew, FBI the cleanup crew, and Stephen Paddock, contractor, Oswald.
Now who delivered the ammo?
2nd Massacre & Massive Coverup Occurred at Hooters Casino Las Vegas on Oct. 1st
The preceding photo, which was taken in front of Hooters Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, is quite clear and indisputable.
It shows many ambulances (as many as 17 at one time) that were lining up right after the mass shooting at the HARVEST Country Music Festival.
However, there’s one HUGE problem with this crime scene. It could not have happened as described by the mainstream media and law enforcement.
It especially could not have occurred as explained by the LVMPD and the FBI. Those numerous armchair investigators who say no one died at the HARVEST are also categorically debunked.
Hundreds of injured — many of them seriously and/or mortally wounded could not have made the long trek from the HARVEST music venue after being shot. The distance is simply too far.
As irrefutable evidence, the following video presents footage of concert-goers leaving the east gate of the venue who are not limping or shot or bloody or injured in any way. They’re all just scrambling to get away from the Mandalay Bay as quickly as possible.
VIDEO: How Did D-Y-I-N-G Folks Make It This Far In Vegas?!?!
Therefore, how did the Hooters crime scene fill up with so many bodies and wounded so fast?
Ambulances lined up at Hooters
The following video taken from the MGM Grand by 2 hotel guests on October 1st clearly shows the many ambulances lining up and leaving with the dead and wounded. The problem with this picture is that they could NOT have been HARVEST concert-goers. So who were they?
VIDEO: HOOTERS MYSTERY—Mandalay Bay/Las Vegas Shooting Aftermath Perspective from MGM Grand
The following excerpt from a recent Alt Media article reveals that the official narrative not only makes no sense, it smacks of a “massive coverup” by the LVMPD and FBI. Such a complex and audacious coverup can only be implemented with the approval of FBI senior leadership and its DOJ overseers.
Where is AG Jeff Sessions where it concerns the worst mass shooting in U.S. history? AWOL! He needs to decisively address the obvious and alarming discrepancies that are disclosed (and implicit) by the following testimony.
15-minutes later, from the leisure of his hotel room, Franks managed to capture bombshell video footage which shows a total of 17 ambulances removing human bodies from Hooters, contradicting the official story told by Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo.
“They are just pulling so many bodies out of that Hooters,” a man’s voice can be heard saying at the 24-second mark. “I don’t know if people are dead — I don’t know if people are just injured — they just keep pullin’ them out though […] something definitely happened at Hooters though.”
“It must have happened at Hooters dude because they are all showing up there,” he said. “It looks like most of them are at Hooters.”
Massive Coverup by LVMPB and FBI
The evidence of a second mass shooting on that Sunday evening is now undeniable. The Google map posted below indicates that the distance from the HARVEST to the Hooters Casino would have been, at the very least, a mile. Given the grave condition of many of the wounded, as told by an eyewitness casino dealer at Hooters (see transcript below), it’s self-evident that those wounded pouring into the hotel were not arriving from the HARVEST.
NPR Interview: Hooters Casino Dealer Describes Scene Near Las Vegas Shooting
What in the world is really happened in Vegas?
The entire official story coming from the joint LVMPD-FBI task force has fallen apart since day one. Actually, it began to unravel within minutes of the massacre. And the naked deception by law enforcement continues to be exposed by the day.
Which begs the question: What really happened? Who, really, were the victims at Hooters of this premeditated mass murder? Who ordered the massacre and why? And why did they specifically choose the HARVEST event?
LRAD theory
As if things could not get any stranger with the worst mass shooting in American history, there is now the distinct possibility that LRAD was also utilized. If this particular piece of the psyop can be proven, then there is no question that the FEDs organized this false flag operation for multiple reasons, the most sinister of which can only be conjectured.
LRAD: Were the helicopters and drones in Vegas a part of a ‘Long Range Acoustic Device’ live test
State of the Nation
October 23, 2017
Recommended Reading
Las Vegas Mass Shooting Staged And Then Hijacked By NWO Globalist Cabal
MANDALAY MASSACRE: A Special Report On The Las Vegas Terror Attack & Mass Casualty Incident
Casinos are the most surveilled buildings on the planet. Absolutely zero chance the hotel wouldn't have noticed the amount of gun cases being brought in.
Don’t forget that Paddock worked for the IRS and Lockheed Martin after his father was on the FBI’s most wanted list. Amazing how he passed that background check.
This was the Deep State 'diversion' for assassinations. They failed with their assassination targets, but managed several death victims at the concert.
The statement that Paddock's home burned down appears false. See news report below:
Las Vegas Strip gunman Stephen Paddock’s house in Mesquite has been sold.
"District Judge Gloria Sturman on Thursday approved the sale of the home, some 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas, for $425,000 to Daniel Jones and Bernadette Jones, court records show."
"Terms call for the purchase to close within 10 days of court approval.
The house, at 1372 Babbling Brook Court in the 55-and-over Sun City Mesquite community, was sold through Paddock’s probate case. Proceeds are slated to go to victims of the Oct. 1, 2017 massacre."
A judge has ruled that two Nevada homes owned by the gunman behind an October mass shooting on the Las Vegas Strip can be sold, allowing the families of those killed to receive the proceeds.
"The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports a judge Thursday cleared the way for Stephen Paddock's $367,000 home in Mesquite and $391,500 home in Reno to be listed."
"Paddock left no will. His mother in March waived her interest in his estate and directed the assets to be distributed to the victims. Paddock killed 58 people and injured hundreds of others."
This always reminded me of the scene in In the Line of Fire where the CIA breaks into the assassin’s house…because he was an assassin working for the CIA.
Dig deeper.. there was a connection with keshoggi and plane fags.. i heard they carted in some kind of helicopters by truck so they wouldn't appear on radar until the very last minute..
Mind you this was all quite some time ago but it was very compelling
When it first happened that night. It was reported shots fired up and down the last Vegas strip. Based on video that came out the days following it was nothing short of an oceans 11 esque shootout through casino's. Don't forget about the seven helicopters loading up with dudes who looked locked and loaded for battle. But yea one guy and all we have ever seen is that one picture of him hammered drunk.
I have heard that there were men there on the ground firing at the crowd, in addition to helicopter. Info came through the grapevine of people who work in concert production from those who were there that night.
I remember seeing weird shit (fake blood distributed, among others) happening on the scene. This was a another hoax, imo. #ButMyFriendWasThereSheSawItAllItwasTerrible
Grabbing a new gun instead of swapping mags was one of my biggest red flags with the story. The only reason to swap rifles is if the barrel was starting to overheat and it takes over a thousand rounds at full auto before that can become a concern. Seriously each rifle had only one mag? And only 30 round mags when 100 round ones exist? This whole narrative was written to push bans on very specific items.
The part about "rate of fire" is not right. I've never fired a bump stock, but they just spray an insane amount of bullets all at once. In the video (which I uploaded to YT) you can clearly hear a steadier, longer firing rate which would have to be a belt-fed machine gun rather than quick bursts from a bump stock.
Bump stocks don't work well at all when pointed downward at an angle. Gravity.
… and Nevada’s new Trump-endorsed Governor is the one who led the cover-up. 😬
Have you ever seen the video of the agent standing behind the Sheriff at the press conferences. He was staring through him. The sheriff was scared for his life. He could barely speak. Sheriff Joe Lombardo knows everything that happened that night.
Even body cams confirm multiple shooters. Mostly head shots. FBI covered it up. Mossad? Failed assassination on Prince Salman for the 5 star prison?
I remember that. I also remember a reporter asking the Sheriff a question and the agent behind him replied "don't go there".
No. I don't think I've seen that particular clip.
If you have it easily available, please link it.
If not, no need to dig for it on my behalf, though.
Not OP. Might be this one, and agent talks at roughly 15 minute mark:
I hope somebody with an account has posted this graphic on Twitter. This is a massive Red Pill for Normies.
I'll do it right now.
#metoo 🤙🏻
That's great. Amber for the Win.
You are exactly right. Lombardo got the gubernatorial bid for being a good boy and covering up the truth.
Who else that ran could trump endorse.
I don’t know if a Windows 95 machine could even address a terabyte.
Or that Nevada had hurricane building codes. The windows were also shot out.
This is a sloppy meme that does more harm then good. Stick to the facts people!
Another example of some truth presented with some falsehood with the result of destroying the credibility of ALL of the information along with the credibility of anyone who passes this along.
Rat poison, the devil's specialty. Just takes a little bad blended with the more prevalent good.
Hurricane rating is just a wind speed rating.
Its an impact rating, not a wind rating.
ASTM is the body that certifies hurricane rated windows. Wind is not in the equasion:
There is a wind rated window and there is an impact rated window.
it keeps people from jumping out the windows.
I know that a windows 95 computer couldn’t hold a terabyte of anything.
I mean you could slap a $550 hard drive (22TB) into the PC case without connecting it I guess.
Yep it can support a Max of 32GB…. So not even close to the 100s of terabytes
I believe they had a 2TB max addressable file size.
Yep. FAT32 maximum size = 2TB, but may be expanded to up to 40TB with an external HDD controller. Still not "hundreds of TBs"
Incomplete information, even per that article:
For the latter bit, you would most likely need to jump through seriously pointless hoops, and if you are tech savvy enough to source the drivers needed, I am strongly of the belief that you are tech savvy enough to know that in 2017, Windows 95 is not secure in any fashion, and if you are both tech savvy and performing something that you know is illegal, you certainly would not be using Windows 95.
The number of hoops he would have to jump through to get to "hundreds of terabytes" beyond that points to either the meme being completely wrong or the frame job being so obvious that the FBI should be put into time out for being THAT incompetent.
Also, sorting through "hundreds of terabytes" of image files would take a VERY long time on top of that. It's hard enough sometimes to find specific screenshots from video games that are saved!
Oh, last (few) points:
Most Windows 95 machines have probably burnt out by now, and finding old components would be a near impossibility without jacking the price up that collectors would pay for nerding out.
That leaves running Win. 95 on a virtual machine (not likely) or jumping through a ton more hoops still to get it to function on a modern day computer, like limiting RAM speeds and capacities, getting the OS to recognize and use your CPU which isn't likely to be super easy even with Intel's compatibility due to the fact that no 95 drivers have existed for an Intel product for like, at LEAST a decade. Probably longer. Then you also have GPU driver compatibility problems, modern display resolutions.
It's honestly such a shit show to get such an old operating system to function somewhat properly on modern hardware that it doesn't make sense that anyone would be doing it.
The simplest answer is likely to be the correct one: Frame job.
Well stated.
Totally improbable that he would even be using that antiquated OS, or if he was, it would be the exact wrong tool to house tons of CP.
This whole episode reeks of a cover up. Unfortunately, we have a complicit media which acts as an arm of the CIA/DNC, and does not work to get to the truth.
No. 32 GB. 137 GB for 98. I don't believe that we had capabilities to even have enough disks in a home PC back then to reach a terabyte with those limitations, and I'm not sure we could even successfully partition a series of drives to those specifications, you'd run out of drive letters.
This is basically so non-feasible that it's actually really funny to think about.
Even on a modern day PC, our largest hard drives are, like, 22TB. And those drives are like $500. So this dude would have invested literally likely ten thousand dollars into a Windows 95 PC on storage alone, but never even upgraded to, oh..Windows XP?
Come the fuck on.
The upper floors of the Mandalay Bay were owned by Al Waleed bin Talal, disgraced former Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia (the same fella who paid for Obama to attend Harvard). The Harvest music festival was promoted by LiveNation, who were also behind the Ariana Grande concert in the UK, and the Astroworld fiasco in Texas that also descended into chaos. There's WAY more going on here than meets the eye.
I read it was an attempt to take out the Saudi Crown Prince.
How does an assassination attempt turn into voluminous seemingly indiscriminate firing into a concert though? I don't follow this line of reasoning.
Obviously I know as much as anyone (nothing), but I would guess as soon as they (the would-be assassins) realized they had entered a trap they needed to create a distraction from their original intent. Firing onto a crowd was probably already planned out as their contingency plan. The master-minds likely chose that day to attempt the assassination because of the scheduled concert. The ones firing onto the crowd (Maybe Paddock?) were likely told to do so if things went sour to divert police resources to the wrong location (not the Mandalay Bay) to give them enough time to flee. Then before they could flee a clean up crew came through and tied up the loose ends. I suspect one day soon the world will know the truth.
I see. I'm not sure I buy it, but that is some real reasoning. It is frustrating how little we seem to know, which is why I quickly moved on to greener conspiracy-pastures. Fortunately others do not give up so easily.
Wasn't there footage of muzzle fire from at least one of the helicopters buzzing around? Not to mention who at least one helo's were registered to?
A distraction or possibly they wanted to show him what they're capable of if he didn't comply with their demands? @unndine53 is correct that he is somehow involved in this mystery and it's confirmed that he was staying in the hotel.
As I recall Bill Gates was also co-owner of that floor with the Prince.
Interesting nugget of information here. Let’s dig at LiveNation.
Windows 95 huh? World's most patient watcher of porn.
I'm sure he downloaded it all with a dial-up modem as well. Kek
If you've ever been in a confined space and fired that many rounds, you'd know the cordite would likely choke you out as well!
What? Don't Tell me there is coordination amongst our Intelligence Agencies: CIA the execution crew, FBI the cleanup crew, and Stephen Paddock, contractor, Oswald. Now who delivered the ammo?
2nd Massacre & Massive Coverup Occurred at Hooters Casino Las Vegas on Oct. 1st
The preceding photo, which was taken in front of Hooters Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, is quite clear and indisputable.
It shows many ambulances (as many as 17 at one time) that were lining up right after the mass shooting at the HARVEST Country Music Festival.
However, there’s one HUGE problem with this crime scene. It could not have happened as described by the mainstream media and law enforcement.
It especially could not have occurred as explained by the LVMPD and the FBI. Those numerous armchair investigators who say no one died at the HARVEST are also categorically debunked.
Hundreds of injured — many of them seriously and/or mortally wounded could not have made the long trek from the HARVEST music venue after being shot. The distance is simply too far.
As irrefutable evidence, the following video presents footage of concert-goers leaving the east gate of the venue who are not limping or shot or bloody or injured in any way. They’re all just scrambling to get away from the Mandalay Bay as quickly as possible.
VIDEO: How Did D-Y-I-N-G Folks Make It This Far In Vegas?!?!
Therefore, how did the Hooters crime scene fill up with so many bodies and wounded so fast?
Ambulances lined up at Hooters The following video taken from the MGM Grand by 2 hotel guests on October 1st clearly shows the many ambulances lining up and leaving with the dead and wounded. The problem with this picture is that they could NOT have been HARVEST concert-goers. So who were they?
VIDEO: HOOTERS MYSTERY—Mandalay Bay/Las Vegas Shooting Aftermath Perspective from MGM Grand
The following excerpt from a recent Alt Media article reveals that the official narrative not only makes no sense, it smacks of a “massive coverup” by the LVMPD and FBI. Such a complex and audacious coverup can only be implemented with the approval of FBI senior leadership and its DOJ overseers.
Where is AG Jeff Sessions where it concerns the worst mass shooting in U.S. history? AWOL! He needs to decisively address the obvious and alarming discrepancies that are disclosed (and implicit) by the following testimony.
15-minutes later, from the leisure of his hotel room, Franks managed to capture bombshell video footage which shows a total of 17 ambulances removing human bodies from Hooters, contradicting the official story told by Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo.
“They are just pulling so many bodies out of that Hooters,” a man’s voice can be heard saying at the 24-second mark. “I don’t know if people are dead — I don’t know if people are just injured — they just keep pullin’ them out though […] something definitely happened at Hooters though.”
“It must have happened at Hooters dude because they are all showing up there,” he said. “It looks like most of them are at Hooters.” (Source: VEGAS BOMBSHELL: VIDEO SHOWS 17 AMBULANCES PULLING BODIES OUT OF HOOTERS) Massive Coverup by LVMPB and FBI The evidence of a second mass shooting on that Sunday evening is now undeniable. The Google map posted below indicates that the distance from the HARVEST to the Hooters Casino would have been, at the very least, a mile. Given the grave condition of many of the wounded, as told by an eyewitness casino dealer at Hooters (see transcript below), it’s self-evident that those wounded pouring into the hotel were not arriving from the HARVEST.
NPR Interview: Hooters Casino Dealer Describes Scene Near Las Vegas Shooting What in the world is really happened in Vegas? The entire official story coming from the joint LVMPD-FBI task force has fallen apart since day one. Actually, it began to unravel within minutes of the massacre. And the naked deception by law enforcement continues to be exposed by the day.
Which begs the question: What really happened? Who, really, were the victims at Hooters of this premeditated mass murder? Who ordered the massacre and why? And why did they specifically choose the HARVEST event?
LRAD theory As if things could not get any stranger with the worst mass shooting in American history, there is now the distinct possibility that LRAD was also utilized. If this particular piece of the psyop can be proven, then there is no question that the FEDs organized this false flag operation for multiple reasons, the most sinister of which can only be conjectured.
LRAD: Were the helicopters and drones in Vegas a part of a ‘Long Range Acoustic Device’ live test
State of the Nation October 23, 2017
Recommended Reading
Las Vegas Mass Shooting Staged And Then Hijacked By NWO Globalist Cabal
MANDALAY MASSACRE: A Special Report On The Las Vegas Terror Attack & Mass Casualty Incident
And the case was officially closed- "no motive," years ago by republican party swamp scum Cristopher Wray.
Good graphic.
The late Terry Davis, inventor of Temple OS, was livestreaming when the shooting occurred and was close enough to hear the gunfire.
Probably one of the most bizarre coincidences I've seen on the internet.
I've never heard of Terry Davis nor have I ever seen this video. I'm going to look him up now, but in the event I don't find anything, how did he die?
Terry Davis committed suicide. He was a troubled guy with schizophrenia, his story is both fascinating and sad.
And did it with his eyes closed!
Casinos are the most surveilled buildings on the planet. Absolutely zero chance the hotel wouldn't have noticed the amount of gun cases being brought in.
Add to that how many witnesses with conflicting narratives are all dead now
Don’t forget that Paddock worked for the IRS and Lockheed Martin after his father was on the FBI’s most wanted list. Amazing how he passed that background check.
Interesting: funny how often Lockheed Martin crops up.
Even better: the charges against Bruce Paddock were DISMISSED!
This was the Deep State 'diversion' for assassinations. They failed with their assassination targets, but managed several death victims at the concert.
Obviously, Stephen Paddock had friends in high places, or at least accomplices.
The statement that Paddock's home burned down appears false. See news report below:
Las Vegas Strip gunman Stephen Paddock’s house in Mesquite has been sold.
"District Judge Gloria Sturman on Thursday approved the sale of the home, some 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas, for $425,000 to Daniel Jones and Bernadette Jones, court records show."
"Terms call for the purchase to close within 10 days of court approval. The house, at 1372 Babbling Brook Court in the 55-and-over Sun City Mesquite community, was sold through Paddock’s probate case. Proceeds are slated to go to victims of the Oct. 1, 2017 massacre."
A judge has ruled that two Nevada homes owned by the gunman behind an October mass shooting on the Las Vegas Strip can be sold, allowing the families of those killed to receive the proceeds.
"The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports a judge Thursday cleared the way for Stephen Paddock's $367,000 home in Mesquite and $391,500 home in Reno to be listed."
"Paddock left no will. His mother in March waived her interest in his estate and directed the assets to be distributed to the victims. Paddock killed 58 people and injured hundreds of others."
It was broken into days after the shooting
I can't seem to find anything on his house burning down.
It was broken into a few days after the shooting, I don’t think it burned down
This always reminded me of the scene in In the Line of Fire where the CIA breaks into the assassin’s house…because he was an assassin working for the CIA.
Then this picture is inaccurate. No idea where that came from.
Me either. See my other comment.
I know a guy who, to this day, goes "Fuck Trump. He banned bump stocks."
Does he know what war is?
Small concessions to bring down the cabal, folks.
Bans can be repealed.
Dig deeper.. there was a connection with keshoggi and plane fags.. i heard they carted in some kind of helicopters by truck so they wouldn't appear on radar until the very last minute..
Mind you this was all quite some time ago but it was very compelling
When it first happened that night. It was reported shots fired up and down the last Vegas strip. Based on video that came out the days following it was nothing short of an oceans 11 esque shootout through casino's. Don't forget about the seven helicopters loading up with dudes who looked locked and loaded for battle. But yea one guy and all we have ever seen is that one picture of him hammered drunk.
Great redpill memes for the normies.
And Boris Johnson did symbolism the day before the shooting by inappropriately reciting 'The Road to Mandalay' poem. The shooter was in the Mandalay bay hotel.
Wow, the Bojo clip is pretty damming, good catch.
I have heard that there were men there on the ground firing at the crowd, in addition to helicopter. Info came through the grapevine of people who work in concert production from those who were there that night.
We figured it out.
I remember seeing weird shit (fake blood distributed, among others) happening on the scene. This was a another hoax, imo. #ButMyFriendWasThereSheSawItAllItwasTerrible
Someone always has to go to jail for optics.
Why does he resemble Harvey Weinstein to me?