To be specific, they're mostly Muslim. They did the same thing in Minnesota and there are now areas where the police cannot safely go. They're turning it into little Syria complete with terrorist training camps. We gotta stop this crap. They're coming across our southern border by the thousands.
That's how it should be, but not anymore. Did you ever wonder how Illhan Omar got in office? Local governments all over the country have been infiltrated. That Sorros money went a long way.
Omar got in the same fraudulent way that the others did with some additional strong-arming of people who immigrated here legally but do not understand how our elections are supposed to be run.
That's how the Kowloon Walled City got out of hand. For ten years straight Hong Kong Police would rarely go in there for fear of the cartels and gangs run by chinese drug operations. Once they got a new police chief, they started going in almost daily, shooting to kill and arresting as many as 15% of the 60,000 people living there. Huge squads of police clearing out the most densely populated locality in the world must have been quite the sight to see. They seized hundreds of tons of illegal drugs and saved at least 1000 sex slaves (no data on how many children there were).
When your taps are leaking, does it matter where the water comes from? No, you need to turn it off as fast as possible. fix the leak, and then you can start dealing with your flooded basement.
America is in a different financial situation , we can easily afford to round up and deport illegals, look at all the money we're pissing away in Ukraine and this last budget bullshit they pulled last night.
Pay them to leave. It will be less expensive for taxpayers in the long run and it avoids the charges of racism or human rights abuse because it is their own choice.
Right now I'm sure the majority of them would be happy with a bus ticket home , I see them begging everywhere. No jobs or easy life for them here in USA, we all work for what we have, sad that they listened to Biden, but either way the gotta go now or later.
Many here agree with this. Sometimes. Depends on who is being talked about. Immigrants? Low IQ. Poor hard working farmers that dropped out at 14 to tend the farm? Brilliant.
But you and I know that IQ is not a out who knows the most facts or can operate a ... Actually I can't imagine what they think is difficult about American society that requires a high IQ.
The same people will tell you how half the country or more are low IQ idiots that don't know their head from a hole in the ground. But somehow are neighbors and family, or otherwise fairly thriving people.
Anyway, it all comes down to those who have love and those who don't. That's the line one should care about. Not a largely irrelevant and arbitrary number. C'mon, man! Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus mention brains and intelligence.
Btw, modernity is the problem. Not the common man.
I can't hate the immigrants because someone is telling them.
"We will send you to America and take care of everything for you and your family".
Anyone that lives in a shithole area would consider that opportunity.
So I cannot blame them for packing up and coming here.
No human had any say in what type of environment they are born into.
The immigrants draw a bad hand in terms of where they were born.
What I don't like is that you have Soros types who are purposely bringing over the nontroublemakers. While throwing in the troublemakers who they need to destroy the country.
The immigrants who aren't criminals are decoys for the immigrants that are criminals.
I just can't hate someone who thinks they are coming to America for a better life.
What needs to happen is that the Soros types need to be declared as a war criminal and a terrorist. The funders of this need to be called out and jailed.
Once we set the standard that the organizers of this will go to jail.
Tell that to the Father whose daughter was just gang raped and murdered.
The migrants are absolutely part of the problem. They have little regard for human life. The migrants are in large part military aged men, many with criminal backgrounds. Saying the migrants arent the problem absolves them of sin.
No shit. But the hoards of afrislamistan are irredemably stupid and it would take generations to fix them as breeding stock. Its the only region to never develope a functioning society in 5000 yrs.
The "migrants"...I think it depends on just WHERE these "migrants" originate. Some really are here to find a better life, others are here to take over. We need them coming in legally and MUST vet them before allowing them in our country.
This another one of those-and just like that, Hitler was elected-moments. Events like these have consequences, and when the folks in power ignore the dissent of the majority the backswing of the pendulum can become the stroke of a guillotine, or the outstretched right arm of a tyrannical dictator. That backswing's a bitch.
Well of course. But somebody voted them in. Or somebody let them steal. I expect this to be happening in the US soon. And of course I meant they let them in the country. I talked to my phone and I'm bad at proofreading.
Most of the rules for refugees are generous remains from WW2 that hasn't been changed since because nobody expected herds of Middle eastern illegals flooding the European borders.
Add to that, the fact the Sweden hasn't had a majority ruling block for 16 years, and no majority ruling party for 60 years. Every decision is voted for in parliament, which is a very slow process. Left leaning parties are also desperate for votes so they happily bend over for the green devils, which is a problem.
There was no stolen election, just cucked leftists and outright evil "environmentalists" ready to do anything to destroy the industry. And there's no better way to do that than voting down any attempt to regulate illegal immigration.
Now since September, there's finally a Conservative, Nationalist and Christian majority who's already done a lot to prevent illegal immigration while also deporting those who are already in the country.
Jerry Sarnecki is Responsible for Sweden Halting Crime Statistics Based On Race. Look at this man and tell me who he is. It is the same person, eho railed against Trump saying Sweden was having a crime wave as a result of its immigration policy. He responded by saying:
In 2005 Sarnecki with his Khazarian mafia connections 'influenced' Sweden to stop collecting crime statistics based on race because 95% of all rapes were being committed by non-Swedes.
Do they also not keep track of the race of the victims either?
Is it possible a majority of these crimes are actually Muslim-on-Muslim and African-on-African? That might explain why such statistics haven’t thrown the country into revolution.
Apparently not. In Muslim countries the penalty of such crimes are very severe. Women are under authority of patriarchs of families. Islam is run by imams, who act as the authority on every city block similar to empowered vigilantes or even city gangs are orchestrated. They control the dictates of Islamic society by a very structured religious order and are empowered from above.
The invasion in Christian countries has produced a religious legalistic loophole, to which Muslims prey on Christian women. 80% of rapes in Sweden are perpetrated by immigrants and 80% of the victims are ethnic Swedish girls and woman according to any police officers investigating rapes when speaking off the record. I recall seeing the corpse of a naked Swedish woman beaten to death and thrown in a ditch. It was perpetrated and carried out by Muslims. Since that time the pictures have been scrubbed from the Internet. I lamented because every young life provides happiness to others. It was a needless violation of Nature itself.
This outrage was kept secret until senior archaeologist Johan Runer at Stockholm's Länsmuseum blew the whistle on the practice in a desperate plea to save the museum's priceless artifacts from being recycled into scrap metal.
Let me make a wild guess. Is this the same line used by doctors saying it is a 'mystery' when healthy young individuals suddenly die? The question is what ethnic backgrounds are these crimes occurring?................. Silence.
I used to listen to "Red Ice Creations" on YT about 12 years ago and they began with all sorts of fringe material. Then when Sweden (he lived there) started with their mass forced immigration that's all he would talk about. Along with the anti-white racism. At the time it didn't seem like such an issue to me (outta sight, outta mind) and maybe, wait for it...a little racist?? So I stopped listening. It all makes sense now.
If any country has its own culture then it is and will be targeted. There will be a one world culture. That's what they want. How do these fucks yield such power?
God always wins, just in His own time. Which is always anyways.
Hum-mm how many immigrants from Africa does Sweden Have????? Guess I'm a RACIST for asking. Tough!
To be specific, they're mostly Muslim. They did the same thing in Minnesota and there are now areas where the police cannot safely go. They're turning it into little Syria complete with terrorist training camps. We gotta stop this crap. They're coming across our southern border by the thousands.
meh, just build a border wall around MN and let them destroy themselves.
That's how it should be, but not anymore. Did you ever wonder how Illhan Omar got in office? Local governments all over the country have been infiltrated. That Sorros money went a long way.
Omar got in the same fraudulent way that the others did with some additional strong-arming of people who immigrated here legally but do not understand how our elections are supposed to be run.
It's on video by Project Veritas that she/campaign did "vote buying/threats" of the people in her district.
Muslim Brotherhood. A franchise of the same NWO assholes... Same shit in the UK.
That's how the Kowloon Walled City got out of hand. For ten years straight Hong Kong Police would rarely go in there for fear of the cartels and gangs run by chinese drug operations. Once they got a new police chief, they started going in almost daily, shooting to kill and arresting as many as 15% of the 60,000 people living there. Huge squads of police clearing out the most densely populated locality in the world must have been quite the sight to see. They seized hundreds of tons of illegal drugs and saved at least 1000 sex slaves (no data on how many children there were).
then you end up in prison. for brutality.
I don't care if they do or don't on that thread. There was nothing there worth reading, anyway.
But it kind of shoots your own argument in the foot about them protecting me somehow.
You might want to pick an argument and stick with it.
Why don't you try posting again? And I will try posting again, and let's see who they delete?
You're not that bright, are you?
Excelent question. Reality is reality.
It doesn't matter where they are from.
What matters is WHO is funding this shit.
This can never change if we focus on the migrants. That's the whole point.
The migrants come through to get the public to fight themselves.
While the funders of it keep doing it.
When your taps are leaking, does it matter where the water comes from? No, you need to turn it off as fast as possible. fix the leak, and then you can start dealing with your flooded basement.
Well said!!!!
Who cares where they come from?
It's not like we can call their homeland and tell them to come to pick them up.
While true, there's nothing to stop us from gathering them up and returning them.
America is in a different financial situation , we can easily afford to round up and deport illegals, look at all the money we're pissing away in Ukraine and this last budget bullshit they pulled last night.
Round 'em up in a big fishing net. Take them to the ocean and make a deposit. Repeat as often as necessary.
Pay them to leave. It will be less expensive for taxpayers in the long run and it avoids the charges of racism or human rights abuse because it is their own choice.
An, like prostitutes. You don't pay them for their services. You pay them to leave.
Right now I'm sure the majority of them would be happy with a bus ticket home , I see them begging everywhere. No jobs or easy life for them here in USA, we all work for what we have, sad that they listened to Biden, but either way the gotta go now or later.
Agreed. That needs to happen for sure.
I just don't like the idea of blaming the migrants for the problem. They are being used by the Soros types.
If we do not call out the funders of this. There isn't a way to stop it.
The funders must be called out and thrown in jail. I just don't see any other way of stopping it.
Putting up a wall is good. But the funders would fund someone to blow up the wall.
How is that going to stop it?
They are literally adult children with sub-80 IQ they cannot function in modern civilizations.
And you don't need a high IQ to function in modern society.
High IQ skills are needed by a small minority to invent systems that automate the life of others.
To work at Mcdonald's doesn't require a ton of skills.
When AI computers now. Things will become more automated.
Many here agree with this. Sometimes. Depends on who is being talked about. Immigrants? Low IQ. Poor hard working farmers that dropped out at 14 to tend the farm? Brilliant.
But you and I know that IQ is not a out who knows the most facts or can operate a ... Actually I can't imagine what they think is difficult about American society that requires a high IQ. The same people will tell you how half the country or more are low IQ idiots that don't know their head from a hole in the ground. But somehow are neighbors and family, or otherwise fairly thriving people.
Anyway, it all comes down to those who have love and those who don't. That's the line one should care about. Not a largely irrelevant and arbitrary number. C'mon, man! Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus mention brains and intelligence.
Btw, modernity is the problem. Not the common man.
Well said.
I think the IQ score was created by the Cabal to create more "us" vs "them".
The Cabal loves ranking and grouping. The more you rank and group people.
The more you can push them to fight against each other.
I have no idea what having a Low IQ has to do with common sense morals!
I think if I walked up to the least smart person in the country.
If I asked them "Hey... do you think not killing someone or stealing things is a good idea".
I am sure they would look at me like I am crazy for asking the most basic human rights question.
God made the 10 commandments simple for a reason. They are simple enough for anyone to understand.
Thou shall not kill Thou shall not steal
Does not take a high IQ to understand.
You do know that the Cabal is PURPOSELY bringing over the useful idiots right?
They aren't picking the best and brightest on purpose.
People are not going to leave their home land unless someone PROMISES them something better.
You do know the game is to DESTABLIZE an area right?
The migrants aren't the problem. The FUNDERS are the problem.
They are BOTH the problem.
The funders are the enemy, and the immigrants are their weapon.
I can't hate the immigrants because someone is telling them.
"We will send you to America and take care of everything for you and your family".
Anyone that lives in a shithole area would consider that opportunity. So I cannot blame them for packing up and coming here.
No human had any say in what type of environment they are born into.
The immigrants draw a bad hand in terms of where they were born.
What I don't like is that you have Soros types who are purposely bringing over the nontroublemakers. While throwing in the troublemakers who they need to destroy the country.
The immigrants who aren't criminals are decoys for the immigrants that are criminals.
I just can't hate someone who thinks they are coming to America for a better life.
What needs to happen is that the Soros types need to be declared as a war criminal and a terrorist. The funders of this need to be called out and jailed.
Once we set the standard that the organizers of this will go to jail.
That will stop a lot of it.
Tell that to the Father whose daughter was just gang raped and murdered.
The migrants are absolutely part of the problem. They have little regard for human life. The migrants are in large part military aged men, many with criminal backgrounds. Saying the migrants arent the problem absolves them of sin.
No. I am saying to stop the problem. I want to find the funders who are PURPOSELY sending over the worse of another country.
To destabilize the country in chaos!
No shit. But the hoards of afrislamistan are irredemably stupid and it would take generations to fix them as breeding stock. Its the only region to never develope a functioning society in 5000 yrs.
And you do know that the Cabal controls our history books right?
So I take it you know a lot of these people personally? You have sat down and talked with a lot of them on a personal level right?
I assume your opinions come from tons of experience?
The "migrants"...I think it depends on just WHERE these "migrants" originate. Some really are here to find a better life, others are here to take over. We need them coming in legally and MUST vet them before allowing them in our country.
I agree.
I want the illegal immigrants to stop. I am sick of it!
But yelling at the street useful idiots is what the Cabal wants.
I notice that the Cabal likes to use distraction and decoys for almost everything they do.
They want us to fight their decoys.
This another one of those-and just like that, Hitler was elected-moments. Events like these have consequences, and when the folks in power ignore the dissent of the majority the backswing of the pendulum can become the stroke of a guillotine, or the outstretched right arm of a tyrannical dictator. That backswing's a bitch.
One day...for no reason at all.
Savages. You left the Savages in your country.
(((They))) let them in, the Swedes had no say, other than the ability to block them from their own municipalities by eliminating housing for them.
Well of course. But somebody voted them in. Or somebody let them steal. I expect this to be happening in the US soon. And of course I meant they let them in the country. I talked to my phone and I'm bad at proofreading.
Most of the rules for refugees are generous remains from WW2 that hasn't been changed since because nobody expected herds of Middle eastern illegals flooding the European borders.
Add to that, the fact the Sweden hasn't had a majority ruling block for 16 years, and no majority ruling party for 60 years. Every decision is voted for in parliament, which is a very slow process. Left leaning parties are also desperate for votes so they happily bend over for the green devils, which is a problem.
There was no stolen election, just cucked leftists and outright evil "environmentalists" ready to do anything to destroy the industry. And there's no better way to do that than voting down any attempt to regulate illegal immigration.
Now since September, there's finally a Conservative, Nationalist and Christian majority who's already done a lot to prevent illegal immigration while also deporting those who are already in the country.
Last paragraph is beautiful news.
Jerry Sarnecki is Responsible for Sweden Halting Crime Statistics Based On Race. Look at this man and tell me who he is. It is the same person, eho railed against Trump saying Sweden was having a crime wave as a result of its immigration policy. He responded by saying:
'This is NOT true!' Swedish professor DENIES migrants are to blame for crime
Where else have we heard such incredible denials when the evidence is staring everyone in the face?
In 2005 Sarnecki with his Khazarian mafia connections 'influenced' Sweden to stop collecting crime statistics based on race because 95% of all rapes were being committed by non-Swedes.
Do they also not keep track of the race of the victims either?
Is it possible a majority of these crimes are actually Muslim-on-Muslim and African-on-African? That might explain why such statistics haven’t thrown the country into revolution.
Apparently not. In Muslim countries the penalty of such crimes are very severe. Women are under authority of patriarchs of families. Islam is run by imams, who act as the authority on every city block similar to empowered vigilantes or even city gangs are orchestrated. They control the dictates of Islamic society by a very structured religious order and are empowered from above.
The invasion in Christian countries has produced a religious legalistic loophole, to which Muslims prey on Christian women. 80% of rapes in Sweden are perpetrated by immigrants and 80% of the victims are ethnic Swedish girls and woman according to any police officers investigating rapes when speaking off the record. I recall seeing the corpse of a naked Swedish woman beaten to death and thrown in a ditch. It was perpetrated and carried out by Muslims. Since that time the pictures have been scrubbed from the Internet. I lamented because every young life provides happiness to others. It was a needless violation of Nature itself.
Sweden like all Western European countries are being disassembled culturally and historically. Sweden’s minister for Culture, a black woman named Alice Bah Kuhnke, has demanded the destruction of Sweden's heritage in the name of Multiculturalism. Coins, arrow heads, ritual amulets, weapons, jewelry, and armor are are being dumped into metal recycling bins instead of being treasured and displayed. Museum curators are instructed to recycle iron artifacts into scrap metal.
This outrage was kept secret until senior archaeologist Johan Runer at Stockholm's Länsmuseum blew the whistle on the practice in a desperate plea to save the museum's priceless artifacts from being recycled into scrap metal.
Time we all look into the Kalergi Plan.
Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi” aka: The Kalergi Plan of population replacement.”
They are not even hiding it. A paper by the UN on "Replacement Migration".
Let me make a wild guess. Is this the same line used by doctors saying it is a 'mystery' when healthy young individuals suddenly die? The question is what ethnic backgrounds are these crimes occurring?................. Silence.
He isn't allowed to ask these questions. Where is the Department of Correction?
The Swedish "Big Mike" version. Sodomites.
Looks like a Chuck Schumer's "wife" moment.
Beautiful women everywhere, and an influx of immigrants. What could possibly go wrong?
Calling George Soros!
You import the third world, you BECOME the third world...hmm very interesting 🧐
Didnt they take in a shit ton of Somalians? And like every where they go rape becomes the gold standard with murder finishing in a close second.
Doctors are baffled.
Third world in, third world out.
Sometimes you can't tell people the truth. They have to see it for themselves.
or feel it themselves.
Go ahead and downvote me all you want.
Let me know how it’s working out for you blaming those others!
Soros will keep sending them while you blame the useful idiots.
Is there a Biden the the woodpile over there too?
It's called "open borders".
Holy shit.
"wHaT HAppEnEd?!"
Muslims. Muslims everywhere.
Has Sweden discovered the secret to the USA's gun violence problem? Sounds like they are about to learn!
Are they baffled?
Now that's something of a mystery---to everyone WITHOUT a brain!
Huwhite supreeemacy is to blame.
I used to listen to "Red Ice Creations" on YT about 12 years ago and they began with all sorts of fringe material. Then when Sweden (he lived there) started with their mass forced immigration that's all he would talk about. Along with the anti-white racism. At the time it didn't seem like such an issue to me (outta sight, outta mind) and maybe, wait for it...a little racist?? So I stopped listening. It all makes sense now.
If any country has its own culture then it is and will be targeted. There will be a one world culture. That's what they want. How do these fucks yield such power?
God always wins, just in His own time. Which is always anyways.
Socialism happened
Hordes of muzzies?
I'm sure all the middle east migrants had nothing to do with it.
they let the din-do's in
Is there anyone left in Sweden who hasn't been raped by a feral middle eastern animal?