Anons, GAW is at risk of floating into the stratosphere! We've got far too many rogue balloon threads. Its high time we pop some balloons and return the board to a safe cruising altitude. For the duration of our flight, we requests that all balloon happenings be contained to this megathread.
Comments (76)
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Surely I am not the only one this has occurred to. What if we are being conditioned to accept the occasional rogue balloon passing by overhead just like the allies conditioned the people in Hiroshima to think nothing of the occasional single plane passing overhead collecting intelligence. Then one day a single plane passes by… only it’s fully loaded…
Thought I read somewhere that China claimed it, but said it was a civilian balloon that blew off course...
Oh crap I just posted a ballon meme
Maps showing the predicted path of the balloon & its altitude over both Canada & United States:
This recent video shows Biden's inflation balloon GOING DOWN ;)
Thanks and attribution to Dogsoldier2 at
Well it was a nuke so…may be exactly why we are here right now. Basically everything leads to that.
Mods Have Called for a Flight Restriction in GAW Airspace. Any and all balloons will be treated as enemy combatants. Use of lethal force authorized.
I'm disappointed no one included a reference to Up, Up and Away [In My Beautiful Balloon] from the Fifth Dimension 😄
Or Mr Fredrickson’s flying house in UP
So how manny of you believe it was actually shot down?
Bubbles, do you find it interesting that the "spy balloon" was "shot down" by the "Pentagon/ military/DoD" on the anniversary (Feb 4) of Lifelog spying app being "killed" by Pentagon and Facebook spying app being launched?
That seems very coincidental.
And this deserves its own post!
Right? it's an interesting idea.
Very interesting indeed. u/SemperSupra might have more to add to this. But we definitely need a post for this.
Lots of happenings in February last year. I think the same is starting to play out this year. 2/5 has some very interesting Q posts.
February 4th, 2020:
The day Trump had the State of the Union and invited Rush Limbaugh to give him a medal. Pelosi tore up the speech.
Trump's speech lasted 1 hour and 18 minutes.
oh, that was Feb 4. Interesting.
Feb 5 is the full moon, called the Snow Moon..
Lots of deltas about the DOTU speech on Feb 05 deltas
RT: timing.
Just as we start digging into the possibility that the balloon was launched from Canada using Google tech.
I imagine that’d be something Trudeau would like censored. Along with Google. And China. @PatrickHenry17
Troll tweet from El Papi Trumpo
Yup... because most have the mental capacity of a five year old. They're literally laughing their asses off at stupid public that keeps parroting the balloon story. I bet ,"Up!" surges in view count this month. That's how susceptible to suggestion and unoriginal most are... that's what passes as a bright idea. They think they came up with it all on their own. "He's so clever!"
Thank you.
Since all the squawking started I now have that 5th Dimension song as an ear worm in my head, been singin it around the house. Up up and away..oops. I dunno, should I be worried? Instead of singing, I mean. I sing to keep away the bad, sort of like Mary Poppins. Chanting and singing psalms too. It seems it's a news event. We live under a canopy of satellite surveillance, all I can do is lay low and and stay real. And when that song came out? They played it everywhere.I am curious, how far does the national airspace go up? Into the Stratosphere? How the hell is that measured, by altitude I mean.
I’m chanting psalms as well. My world has been spiritually rocked the past couple years. Veil is thinner in more ways than one
This basket has no weights!!!
Thank you I just suggested this to somebody about two hours ago. So grateful! Thank you for handling the slide. Saturday Special SITREP 2.4.23 - Balloons Everywhere!
Monkey Werx US Close Up Breakdown Of US Shooting Chinese Spy Balloon Down With Sidewinder Missile From A F-22
Maximus Aviation
NORAD can report what they see, but it takes a presidential order to allow them to shoot something down. That's why nothing happened.
A plane left DC with callsign SAM 045 and went to macdill af base after a heavy recon search by a Blackhawk. At this same time Biden went to his BIL funeral in NY. Shortly after sam045 landed the balloon was shot down. There are no conspiracies… 😂
Nah... This "administration" is fake, gay, and completely weak and pathetic. They don't believe in American sovereignty, don't recognize borders, and as such, failed to defend it when the thing first showed itself off the Aleutian Islands in Alaska.
Robinette has embarrassed us all.
Great idea!
Sometimes I think we need to do the same thing with vaccines.
Are balloons the future?
Was the balloon an effort by China to replace the intel they're losing from Swalwell and Schiff?
I believe balloons, they are our future
Give them helium and let them lead the way
Show them all the data they tried to find
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the balloons gases remind us how the deep state used to be
*sing to the tune of "Greatest Love of All"
Let's hope it wasn't an effort to determine U.S. military response time.
I like to imagine the top woke military officers being paraded in front of a Guantanamo tribunal, after they have been medically examined by a sub-millimeter electron microscope to determine what went wrong with them.
Are they mentally ill? Is there a goa'uld inside them? Are they possessed by fallen angels?
Whatever the cause, we have to learn how to prevent it before "they" go beyond completely berserk and overwhelm us.
Twice this week I almost put on stargate Atlantis….you’re on to something
We should be more focused on Thailand and the confirmation from the gen Flynn - former director of military intelligence, the first person to know and see the proof if there was a bioweapon going to be released:
Exactly. I just wanted to write the post to say the same:
<—— this number of people no longer wants to read more and more balloon posts
I want to see more balloons posts, with the caveat that they need to be posts about corrupt politicians being attached to them and being sent to their fate among the clouds
Distraction foe sure, look, shiny thing.
100%. I said this on two of the other 96 balloon threads. It was a distraction from something no doubt. All the signs are there. And wasn't an 'Average Joe' who originally spotted/reported it? Not the military, the FAA, a air traffic controller, etc.
EVERYTHING about this BalloonGate screams distraction
Lots of distractions on the exact date FB was launched and DARPA LifeLog "terminated" in 2004
Which also plugs a whole lot of drops for Feb 6. Think tictoc is bad? Look at "domestic" FB
Where are you seeing Feb 6, fren? Agree about FB.
The twitter link in #2988 to shadygrooove? /#2984 onward
Mar 6 my bad
i was just going to ask you that! I can't see the tweet in 2988 but i did read 2984 onward, in order, and that is making sense to me now.
Here is a stretchy stretch for you - do you think this "spy balloon" explosion or whatever has anything to do with #2988? Bc all of this "spy" stuff happening on the delta of Lifelog project being "killed" is prettttty coincidental.
I like to imagine the top woke military officers congratulating each other, patting Biden on the back saying “job well done sir job well done.” This is a big day. One of the first victories the administration can claim; even if the weather balloon gathered all the Intel it needed.
" A day that will live in infamy..."
Space Force no doubt had the capability to do something about it. They could have taken it out or its capabilities. This shows the administration and sycophantic media in a bad light. It took over the Pfizer and laptop talking points for the weekend.
Ah, yes! Lest we forget!
It was new and fun. Now you let all the air out of our fun :( No new posts :( It all went KEK 😃
Rub it on your head and sticky it to the wall. ~{°¡°}~