Hey family I could use some prayer today. Don't really have anything specific to point to just kinda feeling heavy today. Pulled back from some of the things God has guided me to do and now struggling to get back at it. Just could use some prayer that God will guide me and re energize me. I know I can't give up. Just felt led to reach out to ask for prayer. Love u all so much. I am here if any of u need prayer or a fren to vent to. Together through Christ we have endless potential
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Isaiah 40:31. KJV "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
Sometimes God makes us slow down or take a step back...just stay in His will and His timing will work out for all you need to do...whatever he has tasked you to do, He will provide adequate resources and strength...God bless you for your ministry...
Dear Father in heaven, please send your never ending love, peace and forgiveness to Siechta5614 to lift him up and fill his whole body, mind and soul with light, lightness, joy, faith and confidence.
Send those darkness away so that he is again ready to continue his work for you. He is our beloved and helpful brother, we appreciate him so much and he is your precious child who is always protected by your heavenly power. Thank you, Father.
May you have wisdom and lightness of spirit fren!
Praying that God will fill you with His heavenly peace. That you would not be burden by things that you shouldn’t be be hanging onto even if it made sense a while ago. I pray that God would also give you wisdom & discernment about those things around you. Hang in there fren, God will redirect you.
Count on me, my Brother in Christ.🙏🏻🔥
If you are following God, he has now asked us to pray for you, through you. Everyone gets down, at least those of us that know 😉 When things get heavy, take a few days off, we are here to cover for you, as well as pray for you, and we will, with all of our hearts. My prayer for you is that you allow yourself the time to rejuvenate the mind through our prayers. Be Well Fren🙏
Prayers for you, fren. Perhaps God wants you to continue on your sabbatical for a little while longer and that's why you are struggling to resume. When the time is right He will come to you and re-energize you.
Dear Lord, you who never grows faint or weary, please remember your Word today where Isaiah says you will give us power when we are faint and increase our strength when we grow weary. Please refresh & restore Slechta5614 through your Grace & Mercy that they once more may know your providence and give you all the glory due your Holy name. I ask this in Jesus' Holy and Mighty name. Amen.
It's an opportunity to rest and meditate. "Don't do something, just stand there!" Rest in the Lord and know that just your prayers are work for Him, every intent is received and will be fruitful. And like the others I ask for your strength back, help with your physical needs, and good cheer, in Jesus's name amen.
I don't have the mental energy to reply to everyone today so I'm just gonna do one comment and ping everyone. I hope you all can understand and dont feel your response went in noticed.
First amen and thank you for all the prayer and kind words. You are all truly so awesome and I couldn't do this without u all. I love u guys so much and am so hopeful for the future no matter how dark I feel now. U each played a part in helping lift me up today and I am forever grateful. Together through Christ we have endless potential. Love u God bless
u/tweety51A u/eagle-eyes2020 u/Responsible1
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u/swimkin u/propertyofUniverse u/penisse
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u/17761192016 u/DontAsk u/MineOwnSelf
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You're welcome fren. Hope you have a good day!
Exactly - I don't need a personal response ever - especially when it's a bad day - I have those myself.
Thank you for understanding. Truly appreciate the prayers as well. They mean the world to me. Much love fren. Feel free to reach out if u ever need prayer or a fren to vent to
God is guiding you to bed, looks like. 😇 Angels guide you through the night, keep you safe to morning light, amen.
Yes definitely gonna try to go to bed soon. Did take a nap earlier so hoping that doesn't keep me up all night. Love u fren. Thanks for being there for me today. Meant the world to me. Truly blessed to be here with u
Ryan, Glad you're feeling better. -
Say, what happened to https://www.bitchute.com/x22report/ Today?? Dave is AWOL without explanation
I'm not sure. Haven't kept up on x22 recently. Do love his stuff though.
Yes I'm glad I'm feeling better as well. Thanks for ur kind words sis. Love u little sis 😁♥️🙏
discovered : Normally he broadcasts on his own site https://x22report.com/aiovg_videos/ep-3021b-scavino-sends-message-think-andrew-jackson-the-ds-panic-is-real-narrative-shift-coming/ as today, but past 3 days he sent followers to https://www.bitchute.com/x22report/ Then today he went back to his own place. Maybe switching in case of Disruptions. ~~ Hopefully you're back to Normal, yourself :)
I think everybody has days like that. Today was your day. Hopefully, tomorrow will feel lighter and brighter. And I am always happy to pray for and with you, Sletchta, as you are always happy to pray for each of us. I do hope we helped lighten your load a bit today and that everything looks better tomorrow.
Done. Happy to pray for you, Slechta.
God bless you and your family fren. We are all in this together.
I kinda feel the same way you do today too. Will be praying.
I’m praying for you, too, citrouille. God, please give energy to your soldiers. We need it! In Jesus’ name we ask this. Amen.
There's a ton of Spirit on GAW today and I am truly grateful. Blessings all.
It's a heavy day. Idk what's goin on. I'm in a terrible funk, depressed feeling but feeling actual blessed, but still so heavy. I'm having a hard time sorting it out today. Something is going on and scrolling through it isn't just me.
I actually just listen to a sermon on psalm 23 the other day. Good stuff. I’ll have to check out the book. I’ve even heard of Charles Allen.
🙏 sent with love to you Slechta. I always appreciate your heartfelt posts.
I love you, Slechta! We all get tired. You do so much for us here. No wonder you’re tired! God will guide you. Hang in there. In Jesus’ name we pray for your energy that comes from Him. Amen!
Dear God,
We know when we pray within your Will, you will answer. Please give our fren guidance. Please highlight the path you choose and allow the Holy Spirit and angels to give comfort, hope, and support. We have faith in you. Thank you for the salvation offered through Jesus. Thank you for caring about each and every one of us.
When times are harder, and we struggle, please be the patriot, the parent, the employee, or the sibling through us. We yield to you. Let us relax and trust, allowing you to work through us. In Jesus name. Amen.
Prayers for strength, vision, clarity, endurance, and lots of love -
God wins! No matter how heavy our burdens seem, stay in the course of God’s will as we know He triumphs in the end. You are never insignificant as you are made in the image of God.
Brother, you've got it.
Dear Heavenly Father, Please Bless our brother Slechta with some rest, relaxation and Spirit. And thank You for using him as a guide for so many others. His spreading of The Word has brought more of us than we'll ever know closer to Christ, and made the world a better place. He is loved and appreciated, please let Him feel as such through your Grace. Amen.
Love you so much. ♥️🙏🤛
May God show you the light to what and where you need to do or go in order to serve him. Stay strong He will lead you.
Slechta my friend there's a way to be free from suffering. The solution is to be found within, not without. The Lord is seeking you 💗 Our Father knows, and you know this about me as well, I'm struggling too and there's been so many ups and downs...but equilibrium is slowly forming as I'm beginning to follow the true teachings of Christ. Prayer is powerful but there is nothing more powerful than self-knowledge. If you ever feel like it, DM me on Discord. Otherwise, maybe this video can give inspiration. https://youtu.be/ZE3YJBV0U_s May you be happy 💗
Lord, please lift Slechta up. He is one of our corner stones. We need him strong. We need all of us strong. Please Lord fill us with peace and understanding.
I watched a video yesterday that made me think about you. I will be back with it in a moment.
edit: here it is! https://youtube.com/shorts/c0MKUqpaXUo?feature=share
Aww watched the video. It made me smile. 😁♥️
Dear heavenly father, we lift up Ryan to you.
Lord God, we ask for a miracle! We asked for you to wrap your loving arms around him, and sustain him during this trial. We pray that you would relight and ignite that fire within him, and that he will continue on the path to where you’ve called him. There is such a joy and a blessing that comes from obedience, Lord! We thank you, that he has reached out and asked for prayer! We know prayer changes things! Send your heavenly angels all around him, Lord, comfort him, and show him a sign. A specific sign from you. So he knows how much you love him . Ryan has been a steadfast, force for good, and proclaiming your word on a daily basis. Thank you for our brother in Christ in Jesus name amen.
May the armor of God protect you, and may the spirit of God give you the courage to stand firmly and fearlessly in the storm as it rages around you.
I had to take a break, I had to reduce to just keeping up with real news. I got so bad I was reduced to 76 lbs. The ONLY things to get me through is/was God and close friends. We have seen many miracles lately than the rest of my life. Sometimes when the weight gets too heavy, I ask for a hug to still my anxiety, I get a growing warm sensation that melts my stress away. I am still fighting battles with the police dept in my area and am praying for the worst of them. The Police said I was insane and stuck me in the mental ward at the Hospital. The hospital called my niece to come get me right away, no hold after Dr. released me, 4 hours later. He talked to me, and I explained what happened. Mainly my problem was severe dehydration. He even laughed at some of my answers, about hallucination. I told him about being a computer nerd and drinking too much coffee without drinking water, it would be a surprise if I didn't hallucinate, he agreed and he said it is more common than people realize. I told him I am very addicted to coffee, and he let me have a cup for breakfast to get rid of my headache but sent 2 large cups of water next to it. I was clearheaded and they couldn't get rid of me after that, as they needed the bed for a real sick person. I now have my friends helping to figure what was real and what was not. Amazingly we found some of what we thought couldn't have been real was real. A phone call in my voice called my niece to travel 30 miles to come get me. We matched the times and I could not have made the call because I was allready in the mental ward at the time of the call. My hand had become injured and the nurse that was going to bandage it rinsed the blood away and there was noy even a scratch. She looked at me real funny and I just shrugged my shoulders, I couldn't say God did that because I felt like they would have used that against me. I am recovering really fast have lots of good water all over my house, so I have fast access. I had all the symptoms of a bad cough and cold that all went away as I prayed and drank about 10 or more glasses a day. The not crazy part is I have spirits helping me too. This at first scarred my friends and they didn't want to even come into the house. I was forced off the internet by it going into airplane mode automaticly every time I tried to reverse it. after about 2 weeks the phone rings and no one there, says private on my caller ID. Internet has been fine since. I opened my laptop the next day to my front page being a really great Pepe meme, with the lay lines of earth in it. It is probably out there if you have seen it, Pepe has a hood on. I had to call my friend over to see, she was shocked and I told her, the only way was if an Anon had done it for me, who knows? Have faith and know you are NOT alone, ever.
may god bless you
Cleanse your hands and purify your heart to remove all barriers between you and God. Be subject to God in order to come under His throne, because out from His throne flows the river of living waters (Rev. 22:1). Draw near to God and He will draw near to you (James 4:7-8). The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is with your spirit (2 Cor. 13:14).
🙏🙏🙏 Praying for you Brother!