Liberal women are the source of many of our current problems. They are useful idiots advancing the DS/cabal agendas.
Sadly, most women are liberal women these days... especially the younger ones. "Males" that have been trained to behave like liberal women are a close second.
":Across all demographics, young white females who identified as liberal or very liberal were by far the most likely to report a mental health diagnosis. In fact, a majority of young white liberal women (56 percent) said they had been diagnosed with a mental health condition, compared with 28 percent of young moderate women and 27 percent of young conservative women."
It's not just that liberal women have mental conditions, it's that they milk them for social credit points because that's all they have in their empty lives to talk about.
Just go to any public place (Costco is a good one) and look for white women wearing masks - they might as well have a scarlet MC (Mental Case) tattooed on their foreheads. The blacks wearing them are ignorant and scared shitless and usually obese (Tuskeegee). The foreigners wearing them are usually culturally oblivious and conditioned. The elderly wearing them are scared and may have health issues. And the white men wearing them have no testosterone in their body and are controlled by a white lib woman.
I immediately thought of my cousin in Chicago. I haven't seen her in years, divorce will do that to families, but last I heard her son is transitioning to her daughter. Or maybe it's the daughter transitioning to a son. What difference at this point does it make?
You're doing the red ant black ant thing, ignoring who's shaking the jar, fren.
When COMMUNISTS run the schools, media, government, did supply, pharma, churches, etc, society gets destroyed. On purpose. It wasn't "giving rights" - we all already have those. It's shaking the jar, teaching hate, poisoning and hormone changing, etc that destroys society.
Don't misplace your hate to a sheep or a trained animal, rather work on how to wake them up, free them, return them to Christ. Seriously. And how to save children from being molded in the same satanic forms.
You should look up Black Pigeons Speaks video on this not on youtube anymore but it might be on Rumble. Not all women are crazy feminists but with the reality of hypergamy, women’s sexual freedom destroys society. There is a reason the Bible restricts women from leadership positions and why the Bible promotes sexual purity for both genders.
Hypergamy combined with online dating has completely fucked the mating balance between men and women. I’m not sure how old you are but if you talk to any millennial or Gen Z man that has any sort of self respect they’ll tell you that dating is fucked now. If you take 50 men and 50 women and put them online the 50 women will be competing for 4-6 of those men and the rest will get little to nothing. Women don’t date down and with more women going to college then ever this will get worse as college educated women most of the time won’t date a blue collar guy.
Women also tend to not be loyal to the tribe. Look at how many women champion immigration and betray the tribe for the conquerors. WW2 with the French women fucking the German soldiers for example.
Even if Q saves us from the cabal. The majority of women need to return to their traditional roles for the west to survive.
Little with what I said has to do with communism and is more about biology.
Um. Natural women tendency is to mate with loyalty, opposite of "sexual freedom." That nonsense was conditioned into them with hatred and jealousy. It's an actual written communist plan, dude. Step by step and extremely deliberate.
Partial proof of the unnatural state of women is that the cognitive dissonance of their wanton socially-directed lifestyles have them all mentally ill, depressed af, unhappy but projecting. If that were "biology" or anywhere near natural, they wouldn't be so damn unhappy. Simple
Okay, psychologically and worldwide, men tend to want to spread seed and give less emotional importance to the act of sex, while women are more deeply emotionally tied to the act. Women get depressed when having multiple partners because they are not fulfilled. This does not affect men in the same way- but either, having made a commitment, will feel better by the cheating of their partner. Women will count cheating, however, as perception of men giving more attention to something else, not necessarily just someone else. Men don't care as much if women have big hobbies but do have a need for basics being fulfilled.
Generalizations, but the universally stereotypes of centuries have been validated with scientific study; the current behavior of women as they are pushed to imitate men makes both sexes very deeply unhappy. But they are told by therapists to follow superficial indicators and any unhappiness is their fault for (fill in reasons du jour), take another pill.
Rights are not given. We've all been blessed with almost innumerable rights. A virtuous people use those rights well and a republic is meant only for a virtuous people.
Women are as stupid as they are taught, raised. Put Jesus back where He belongs and destroy the edifice known as the public fool industry and the cesspools of so-called higher learning; then watch how much smarter everyone becomes.
I am a woman and am disgusted by both males and females, generally speaking. When a society focuses on the frivolous, the superficial, and the godlessness, that society is doomed.
I don't disagree with anything you've said, but there is more to the story than "useful idiots" and "liberal women" (or men that act like they are liberal women).
The Cabal agenda is less about Trans Kids and more about the Division it causes. Promoting the "badness" or "idiocy" of any particular group; separating them out and calling them "the enemy," is also promoting the Cabal agenda. In fact, that IS the Cabal agenda; the creation of the false enemy, and anger and hatred towards that false enemy.
We can see the false enemy, so we fight the false enemy. We yell at them, they yell at us, both sides having valid points, both sides employing falsities in their arguments, usually by "absolutes" AKA false generalizations or association fallacies. These fallacies in argument are built in, because they are the talking points the talking heads have given us to use as weapons.
In every debate of "left" v. "right," both sides see elements of the truth, and are taught how to use them as weapons. Both sides are trained to ignore the valid points made by the "other side," seeing only the fallacies both sides are given by their respective leadership; exploding at the "idiocy," "ignorance," and "brainwashedness" of the "other side," the false enemy.
For example, those who promote their Trans Kids have certain foundations for their arguments:
They believe that each person has the right to choose how to best live their life.
They believe that parents have the right to raise their children without being forced to train them in a certain way as demanded by the State.
They believe that the State has no right to make choices for their child.
This is most of the foundation for the arguments on "the left." It also happens to be the foundation for most of the argument on "the right." It is what is added, and what is built on top of this base, where the fallacies come in, on both sides.
For example, for "the left:"
They believe that they know how to coax out of a child their "true desired gender," the "gender they are in their soul."
For "the right:"
They believe that people are born as they were meant to be, and it is always the right gender.
Some people actually do feel like they were born the wrong gender. That has always been a thing. It's rare, probably super rare, but "the left" has been trained to believe it is far less rare, and that by intervention, they can help their children. "The right" has been trained to believe that there can be no discussion on it, that trying to help people who feel they are not the "right gender" is somehow fundamentally wrong; that these people, these aberrations should be "fixed in the head," rather than accept them as they are, or help them live their best life as they chose it.
What is ignored on the left is that by bringing it up at all to a child causes confusion that shouldn't be there. They have also been trained to "trust the science," where the science of the matter has nothing to do with the Truth, and rather, they are trusting the "experts" who are there to intentionally mislead them into potentially harming their child and certainly harming society through Division.
What is ignored on the right is that everyone should be respected as a human being. There is no "right" way to live your life, as long as you aren't directly infringing on anyone else's choice on how to live theirs. There is a built in intolerance into the arguments put forth, and that distracts from helping to save children from brainwashed parents.
More important than this debate is the reason it exists. When you are looking at the false enemy, and focusing on the hatred and anger, you aren't focusing on the real enemy. The real enemy is a few people who control the narrative for all sides.
That doesn't mean we should sit back and let people destroy their children through a sort of "inherited brainwashing." The battlefields we have been forced into are the battlefields we have, and the battle must be fought there. But if we don't remain focused on the real enemy, we won't choose the right weapons. We will instead pick up the weapons that have been handed to us by the talking heads on "our side," in this case, an intolerance. That weapon has a barrel that points both forwards and backwards, causing the most disruption to society.
They're narcissist mothers. Social media weaponized typical social competition between families into something truly demonic by using Freudian methods of messaging and control.
I predict in ten years or so the courtrooms of this antion will be clogged by the lawsuits filed by these medically mutilated children filed against both their parents and the "medical professionals" who profit handsomely off of this.
My husband told me a story about his younger sister. There were 7 children in the family all girls but my husband. The sisters were all older than him but one. When he was born his dad doted on him because he had six sisters before him. His sister Donna was born after him.
She was always a tomboy. He told me when they were younger, she decided that she was a boy and to call her Donald. She did this for several months. She eventually grew up and had six children of her own.
I told my husband you do know why she did that don't you? He looked puzzled. I said she did that because your father was paying so much attention to you and she felt slighted and wanted to gain his attention.
He thought about it and said you are probably correct.
I said to him imagine if she was around today and did that the school would be transitioning her into a boy.
Can confirm. An old friend of mine who is getting divorced about 20 years and 4 screwed up kids too late informed me a few months ago that his oldest child (daughter) is transitioning to a man. Obviously he's not happy but given that his daughter is 23, he's trying to talk her out of it while still being mildly supportive.
I checked his soon to be ex-wife's social media accounts and her identity now begins and ends at "mother of trans child" despite this "child" being 23 years old.
Bear in mind, this woman was once a Christian who attended church every Sunday and regularly went to bible study. That is all gone now as she views the church as an enemy because it doesn't embrace her new identity as a "trans parent".
It's sickening to watch the desperate need for attention (and to fill some existential hole in their being) override being a good parent to their child.
Mom has a mental disorder with using her child for attention. This is common in the special needs community. No special need? Then we will make you special and handicap you voluntarily. These parents should be in jail.
have taught hundreds of elementary students/sat directly across from them, you get a knack for reading their eyes; that looks like a little boy to me☹️
The woke mom Gucci bag comparison is apt and fitting, but these growing number of "Gucci bag" individuals are tomorrow's vengeful tyrants. As Christians, we must reverse the direction the United States is headed. Unfettered medical profiting and promotion of sex changes will create a future subculture of mentally unstable individuals, who will have very grave consequences on the rest of us, especially Christians.
The rise of transsexuals are tomorrow's commissars. Look at what we have now in the Biden Administration. This public policy has been building up to this point, to which it should be clear by now the direction we, as a nation, are heading. I have been sounding the alarm on this since the 1990s. Transsexualism was listed as a mental illness in the manuals of the American Psychological Association and the World Health Organization.This was during the 1980s. By current definition, we are told the terms 'transsexual' and 'transsexualism' are no longer used in the medical or psychological professions, having been replaced by 'gender dysphoria' in medical terminology. Owing to the previous association of transsexual with a mental disorder diagnosis, and a history of disparaging use in popular culture, the term is now often considered offensive in general use, especially among younger speakers. In other words, transsexuals have been treated as social outcasts in society. Make no mistake, our society has been historically Christian oriented. So, the motive for revenge is directed at Christians. Already, we are increasingly seeing glimpses of this. Ordinary people using the 'wrong' identity terminology have found out very quickly the wrath and anger of these sick people. Just at the abusive treatment of federal Judge Kyle Duncan and refusing him to speak at Stanford for his refusal to use a transgender sex offender’s “preferred pronouns” in a 2020 opinion. Those who recognize Nature's Laws as incontrovertible have found themselves on the wrong side of the current crazed public policy. The precedent is be established, to which 'wrong speak' means being fired from their jobs, being beaten, and being convicted of 'hate' speech.
What we are witnessing in the United States is a near identical history carried out in post WWII in eastern Europe. It's a history, that has been hidden and completely suppressed. Lets start by looking at what actually occurred then.
The hidden history is that transsexuals, sodomists, and lesbians were sought out by the Bolsheviks to serve as commissars in post WWII Eastern Europe to oppress the Christian majority. Why the Christian majority? It was recognized that Western civilization was based on Christian morality. To destroy a culture, it's religious mores must be turned on its head and destroyed. By taking the abject social outcasts of Christian society and promoting them to positions of power, the Bolsheviks knew that they could exact revenge against their eternal enemy, Christianity.
On more than a 1000 pages, a censored document called the "Sudeten German White Papers" records the many horrors with full details, horrors for which there is no precedent in the history of mankind. Six hundred thousand Sudeten Germans were killed during the massacres of the death camps in Czechoslovakia. The documents record in specificity that armed Czech women, many being transsexuals, lesbian, and jewesses continued beating the wombs of expecting mothers with truncheons until a miscarriage followed, and in one camp alone 10 women died each day in this way (Document No. 6). In another camp, inmates were forced to lick up the bespattered brains of their fellow-prisoners who had been beaten to death. Prisoners were forced to lick up infectious feces from the underwear of their fellow-prisoners suffering from dysentery (Document No. 17). Doctors were disallowed to provide medical aid to the brutally raped and sodomized men and women. In Brno, 275 women committed suicide in a single day to escape the unfolding reign of terror.
Czechoslovakia wasn't the only country where the transsexual, sodomist, and lesbian commissars were used for revenge against Christendom, Similar accounts are found though out Eastern Europe. Some 30,000 died in camps in Hungary along with 200,000 Sudeten Germans, where powdered glass was mixed with the children's food. Shortly after armistice, when the great humanitarian, the "bel esprit" and Zio-Bolshevik Edward Benes entered Prague on Sunday, May 13th, 1945, German Christians were burned alive in honor in St. Wenceslas Square (Document No. 15). Many Christians were hung up by their feet from the big advertising posters symbolizing the Luciferian inverted crucifix in St. Wenceslas Square, then the great humanitarian approached their petrol-soaked bodies were set on fire to form living torches.
Some of these records are presented here as a startling revelation of the transsexual, lesbian, and homosexual hatred of Christianity. The prevailing lesbian psychological characteristic is that they hate males. Sodomists and transsexuals have utter contempt for Christianity.
Is the United States beginning to repeat the horrifying acts of the Bolshevik revolution? It is not a mere coincidence that the Neocons, who now dominate in the political offices of Washington, were originally Bolsheviks. Dissatisfied with their progress of revolution, they repackaged their ideology and abandoned the socialist-based platform of the Democratic Party and moved to the Republican Party.
I do not state this lightly. The United States is repeating the history witnessed in Eastern Europe. It will only get exponentially worse. Public outrage must be voiced to stop this from reoccurring.
Liberal women are the source of many of our current problems. They are useful idiots advancing the DS/cabal agendas.
Sadly, most women are liberal women these days... especially the younger ones. "Males" that have been trained to behave like liberal women are a close second.
":Across all demographics, young white females who identified as liberal or very liberal were by far the most likely to report a mental health diagnosis. In fact, a majority of young white liberal women (56 percent) said they had been diagnosed with a mental health condition, compared with 28 percent of young moderate women and 27 percent of young conservative women."
It's not just that liberal women have mental conditions, it's that they milk them for social credit points because that's all they have in their empty lives to talk about.
I know a lot of liberal women. I'd maintain many of them have mental issues.
Likewise, my friend. I do my best to engage them as little as possible so I don't get caught up in their hurricanes of crazy.
Just go to any public place (Costco is a good one) and look for white women wearing masks - they might as well have a scarlet MC (Mental Case) tattooed on their foreheads. The blacks wearing them are ignorant and scared shitless and usually obese (Tuskeegee). The foreigners wearing them are usually culturally oblivious and conditioned. The elderly wearing them are scared and may have health issues. And the white men wearing them have no testosterone in their body and are controlled by a white lib woman.
I'll make one addition to your points - the elderly who wear the masks are completely conditioned by the MSM and are also most likely liberal.
Everything else you've stated is accurate.
I immediately thought of my cousin in Chicago. I haven't seen her in years, divorce will do that to families, but last I heard her son is transitioning to her daughter. Or maybe it's the daughter transitioning to a son. What difference at this point does it make?
When you give women rights they destroy society. It’s a fact.
You're doing the red ant black ant thing, ignoring who's shaking the jar, fren.
When COMMUNISTS run the schools, media, government, did supply, pharma, churches, etc, society gets destroyed. On purpose. It wasn't "giving rights" - we all already have those. It's shaking the jar, teaching hate, poisoning and hormone changing, etc that destroys society.
Don't misplace your hate to a sheep or a trained animal, rather work on how to wake them up, free them, return them to Christ. Seriously. And how to save children from being molded in the same satanic forms.
You should look up Black Pigeons Speaks video on this not on youtube anymore but it might be on Rumble. Not all women are crazy feminists but with the reality of hypergamy, women’s sexual freedom destroys society. There is a reason the Bible restricts women from leadership positions and why the Bible promotes sexual purity for both genders.
Hypergamy combined with online dating has completely fucked the mating balance between men and women. I’m not sure how old you are but if you talk to any millennial or Gen Z man that has any sort of self respect they’ll tell you that dating is fucked now. If you take 50 men and 50 women and put them online the 50 women will be competing for 4-6 of those men and the rest will get little to nothing. Women don’t date down and with more women going to college then ever this will get worse as college educated women most of the time won’t date a blue collar guy.
Women also tend to not be loyal to the tribe. Look at how many women champion immigration and betray the tribe for the conquerors. WW2 with the French women fucking the German soldiers for example.
Even if Q saves us from the cabal. The majority of women need to return to their traditional roles for the west to survive.
Little with what I said has to do with communism and is more about biology.
Um. Natural women tendency is to mate with loyalty, opposite of "sexual freedom." That nonsense was conditioned into them with hatred and jealousy. It's an actual written communist plan, dude. Step by step and extremely deliberate.
Partial proof of the unnatural state of women is that the cognitive dissonance of their wanton socially-directed lifestyles have them all mentally ill, depressed af, unhappy but projecting. If that were "biology" or anywhere near natural, they wouldn't be so damn unhappy. Simple
Excellent comment, u/Litecola2.
Loyalty is a male trait. Married women are now cheating more then men.
Okay, psychologically and worldwide, men tend to want to spread seed and give less emotional importance to the act of sex, while women are more deeply emotionally tied to the act. Women get depressed when having multiple partners because they are not fulfilled. This does not affect men in the same way- but either, having made a commitment, will feel better by the cheating of their partner. Women will count cheating, however, as perception of men giving more attention to something else, not necessarily just someone else. Men don't care as much if women have big hobbies but do have a need for basics being fulfilled.
Generalizations, but the universally stereotypes of centuries have been validated with scientific study; the current behavior of women as they are pushed to imitate men makes both sexes very deeply unhappy. But they are told by therapists to follow superficial indicators and any unhappiness is their fault for (fill in reasons du jour), take another pill.
Rights are not given. We've all been blessed with almost innumerable rights. A virtuous people use those rights well and a republic is meant only for a virtuous people.
Women are as stupid as they are taught, raised. Put Jesus back where He belongs and destroy the edifice known as the public fool industry and the cesspools of so-called higher learning; then watch how much smarter everyone becomes.
I am a woman and am disgusted by both males and females, generally speaking. When a society focuses on the frivolous, the superficial, and the godlessness, that society is doomed.
I don't disagree with anything you've said, but there is more to the story than "useful idiots" and "liberal women" (or men that act like they are liberal women).
The Cabal agenda is less about Trans Kids and more about the Division it causes. Promoting the "badness" or "idiocy" of any particular group; separating them out and calling them "the enemy," is also promoting the Cabal agenda. In fact, that IS the Cabal agenda; the creation of the false enemy, and anger and hatred towards that false enemy.
We can see the false enemy, so we fight the false enemy. We yell at them, they yell at us, both sides having valid points, both sides employing falsities in their arguments, usually by "absolutes" AKA false generalizations or association fallacies. These fallacies in argument are built in, because they are the talking points the talking heads have given us to use as weapons.
In every debate of "left" v. "right," both sides see elements of the truth, and are taught how to use them as weapons. Both sides are trained to ignore the valid points made by the "other side," seeing only the fallacies both sides are given by their respective leadership; exploding at the "idiocy," "ignorance," and "brainwashedness" of the "other side," the false enemy.
For example, those who promote their Trans Kids have certain foundations for their arguments:
This is most of the foundation for the arguments on "the left." It also happens to be the foundation for most of the argument on "the right." It is what is added, and what is built on top of this base, where the fallacies come in, on both sides.
For example, for "the left:"
For "the right:"
Some people actually do feel like they were born the wrong gender. That has always been a thing. It's rare, probably super rare, but "the left" has been trained to believe it is far less rare, and that by intervention, they can help their children. "The right" has been trained to believe that there can be no discussion on it, that trying to help people who feel they are not the "right gender" is somehow fundamentally wrong; that these people, these aberrations should be "fixed in the head," rather than accept them as they are, or help them live their best life as they chose it.
What is ignored on the left is that by bringing it up at all to a child causes confusion that shouldn't be there. They have also been trained to "trust the science," where the science of the matter has nothing to do with the Truth, and rather, they are trusting the "experts" who are there to intentionally mislead them into potentially harming their child and certainly harming society through Division.
What is ignored on the right is that everyone should be respected as a human being. There is no "right" way to live your life, as long as you aren't directly infringing on anyone else's choice on how to live theirs. There is a built in intolerance into the arguments put forth, and that distracts from helping to save children from brainwashed parents.
More important than this debate is the reason it exists. When you are looking at the false enemy, and focusing on the hatred and anger, you aren't focusing on the real enemy. The real enemy is a few people who control the narrative for all sides.
That doesn't mean we should sit back and let people destroy their children through a sort of "inherited brainwashing." The battlefields we have been forced into are the battlefields we have, and the battle must be fought there. But if we don't remain focused on the real enemy, we won't choose the right weapons. We will instead pick up the weapons that have been handed to us by the talking heads on "our side," in this case, an intolerance. That weapon has a barrel that points both forwards and backwards, causing the most disruption to society.
Agreed. Notice she says something about "haters." Huge motivation to virtue signal as "Anti hate." Embarrassing really
Somebody disagreed with you, but you are not wrong. Well put.
One day they will all have to answer to Our Lord and Savior for what they've done to these innocent children.
Gross. That poor baby. Still looks like a boy too.
Heartbreaking for this child
This. They are merely an accessory to enhance their status among the woke.
Women like these are the biggest morons and they don't have an actual Man in their life to smack them everytime they have these fucked up ideas...
Poor kid.
They're narcissist mothers. Social media weaponized typical social competition between families into something truly demonic by using Freudian methods of messaging and control.
More info in this documentary:
If she needs to be smacked, she’s not a woman but a spoiled brat. Thanks God there still have proud women around.🙏🏻💐
I predict in ten years or so the courtrooms of this antion will be clogged by the lawsuits filed by these medically mutilated children filed against both their parents and the "medical professionals" who profit handsomely off of this.
...or their trials for having murdering them
I'm old enough to remember when we played "smear the queer" growing up.
I loved that game!
My husband told me a story about his younger sister. There were 7 children in the family all girls but my husband. The sisters were all older than him but one. When he was born his dad doted on him because he had six sisters before him. His sister Donna was born after him.
She was always a tomboy. He told me when they were younger, she decided that she was a boy and to call her Donald. She did this for several months. She eventually grew up and had six children of her own.
I told my husband you do know why she did that don't you? He looked puzzled. I said she did that because your father was paying so much attention to you and she felt slighted and wanted to gain his attention.
He thought about it and said you are probably correct.
I said to him imagine if she was around today and did that the school would be transitioning her into a boy.
Sometimes children do things in innocence.
Can confirm. An old friend of mine who is getting divorced about 20 years and 4 screwed up kids too late informed me a few months ago that his oldest child (daughter) is transitioning to a man. Obviously he's not happy but given that his daughter is 23, he's trying to talk her out of it while still being mildly supportive.
I checked his soon to be ex-wife's social media accounts and her identity now begins and ends at "mother of trans child" despite this "child" being 23 years old.
Bear in mind, this woman was once a Christian who attended church every Sunday and regularly went to bible study. That is all gone now as she views the church as an enemy because it doesn't embrace her new identity as a "trans parent".
It's sickening to watch the desperate need for attention (and to fill some existential hole in their being) override being a good parent to their child.
One thing i give the cabal credit for, is the effective use of mobilizing retards to advance their cause.
Perfect example of how satanism is behind this
The next generation will be sterile.
Mom has a mental disorder with using her child for attention. This is common in the special needs community. No special need? Then we will make you special and handicap you voluntarily. These parents should be in jail.
So objecting to this nonsense = "hate?"
This is how propaganda works, kids.
Failed Parenting 101
have taught hundreds of elementary students/sat directly across from them, you get a knack for reading their eyes; that looks like a little boy to me☹️
Pfizer will win again selling all sorts of drugs to these kids as they grow up confused, depressed, suicidal and completely psychotic.
Jill Bjorklund is a pedophile. This is infuriating.
Can parents really be THIS STUPID??? Hmm. Guess so................
The minute she decided her social status was more important than her kid’s integrity she relinquished any parenthood she may have had.
The woke mom Gucci bag comparison is apt and fitting, but these growing number of "Gucci bag" individuals are tomorrow's vengeful tyrants. As Christians, we must reverse the direction the United States is headed. Unfettered medical profiting and promotion of sex changes will create a future subculture of mentally unstable individuals, who will have very grave consequences on the rest of us, especially Christians.
The rise of transsexuals are tomorrow's commissars. Look at what we have now in the Biden Administration. This public policy has been building up to this point, to which it should be clear by now the direction we, as a nation, are heading. I have been sounding the alarm on this since the 1990s. Transsexualism was listed as a mental illness in the manuals of the American Psychological Association and the World Health Organization.This was during the 1980s. By current definition, we are told the terms 'transsexual' and 'transsexualism' are no longer used in the medical or psychological professions, having been replaced by 'gender dysphoria' in medical terminology. Owing to the previous association of transsexual with a mental disorder diagnosis, and a history of disparaging use in popular culture, the term is now often considered offensive in general use, especially among younger speakers. In other words, transsexuals have been treated as social outcasts in society. Make no mistake, our society has been historically Christian oriented. So, the motive for revenge is directed at Christians. Already, we are increasingly seeing glimpses of this. Ordinary people using the 'wrong' identity terminology have found out very quickly the wrath and anger of these sick people. Just at the abusive treatment of federal Judge Kyle Duncan and refusing him to speak at Stanford for his refusal to use a transgender sex offender’s “preferred pronouns” in a 2020 opinion. Those who recognize Nature's Laws as incontrovertible have found themselves on the wrong side of the current crazed public policy. The precedent is be established, to which 'wrong speak' means being fired from their jobs, being beaten, and being convicted of 'hate' speech.
What we are witnessing in the United States is a near identical history carried out in post WWII in eastern Europe. It's a history, that has been hidden and completely suppressed. Lets start by looking at what actually occurred then.
The hidden history is that transsexuals, sodomists, and lesbians were sought out by the Bolsheviks to serve as commissars in post WWII Eastern Europe to oppress the Christian majority. Why the Christian majority? It was recognized that Western civilization was based on Christian morality. To destroy a culture, it's religious mores must be turned on its head and destroyed. By taking the abject social outcasts of Christian society and promoting them to positions of power, the Bolsheviks knew that they could exact revenge against their eternal enemy, Christianity.
On more than a 1000 pages, a censored document called the "Sudeten German White Papers" records the many horrors with full details, horrors for which there is no precedent in the history of mankind. Six hundred thousand Sudeten Germans were killed during the massacres of the death camps in Czechoslovakia. The documents record in specificity that armed Czech women, many being transsexuals, lesbian, and jewesses continued beating the wombs of expecting mothers with truncheons until a miscarriage followed, and in one camp alone 10 women died each day in this way (Document No. 6). In another camp, inmates were forced to lick up the bespattered brains of their fellow-prisoners who had been beaten to death. Prisoners were forced to lick up infectious feces from the underwear of their fellow-prisoners suffering from dysentery (Document No. 17). Doctors were disallowed to provide medical aid to the brutally raped and sodomized men and women. In Brno, 275 women committed suicide in a single day to escape the unfolding reign of terror.
Czechoslovakia wasn't the only country where the transsexual, sodomist, and lesbian commissars were used for revenge against Christendom, Similar accounts are found though out Eastern Europe. Some 30,000 died in camps in Hungary along with 200,000 Sudeten Germans, where powdered glass was mixed with the children's food. Shortly after armistice, when the great humanitarian, the "bel esprit" and Zio-Bolshevik Edward Benes entered Prague on Sunday, May 13th, 1945, German Christians were burned alive in honor in St. Wenceslas Square (Document No. 15). Many Christians were hung up by their feet from the big advertising posters symbolizing the Luciferian inverted crucifix in St. Wenceslas Square, then the great humanitarian approached their petrol-soaked bodies were set on fire to form living torches.
Some of these records are presented here as a startling revelation of the transsexual, lesbian, and homosexual hatred of Christianity. The prevailing lesbian psychological characteristic is that they hate males. Sodomists and transsexuals have utter contempt for Christianity.
Is the United States beginning to repeat the horrifying acts of the Bolshevik revolution? It is not a mere coincidence that the Neocons, who now dominate in the political offices of Washington, were originally Bolsheviks. Dissatisfied with their progress of revolution, they repackaged their ideology and abandoned the socialist-based platform of the Democratic Party and moved to the Republican Party.
I do not state this lightly. The United States is repeating the history witnessed in Eastern Europe. It will only get exponentially worse. Public outrage must be voiced to stop this from reoccurring.
Why do these kids always have bags under their eyes?
Toxicity from the drugs?
That's so sad.
That poor boy