mRNA-Spiked Milk Emerges in Push to Vaccinate Food Supply
Scientists have developed the first “edible vaccines” in the form of cow’s milk that’s infused with mRNA technology.
The move comes amid a global push to vaccinate the food supply through gene-edited plants and livestock.
Scientists in Communist China successfully “immunized” mice with mRNA-spiked cow’s milk.
The milk was loaded with an experimental mRNA product similar to that found in the Covid shots.
The problem with this is dose control. Do they plan on just getting everyone dosed up regardless of age, sex, or size? Or do [they] really not care and just want to kill everyone?
Another problem is that there's no informed consent to this medical/genetic "therapy".
Lol, no informed consent. I remember before communist america, that was a thing. Now its do or die.
Just like water fluoridation
Since when does the government care about “informed“ consent?
Ding, ding, ding! Winner. They want to kill everyone.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing
Watch those midnite raids to drink milk.
nanny state says it keeps you safe at night.
Same with fluoride in the water supply. Their objective is to get as much as possible into everyone.
My question is: Is this actually happening, or is this a scare event to get us to the precipice?
It is early on which is why I always take the wait and see approach.
It's actually Chinese laboratories.
Not scary enough for 50 to 70% of the pop who were fine taking the jab, they might think it’s good and convenient.
In simpler terms, they’re poisoning the food supply. Yes, they’re trying to kill us.
It astounds me that this is happening after the admitted failure of mRNA vaxxes.
What failure? People are dropping dead every day! It’s working perfectly. It was never about a virus. It’s about genocide. Don’t believe me? Listen to Bill Gates talking about population reduction through vaccines.
Ohhhh, I "believe you" alright.
Vaccinating didn't have anything to do with the MrNA shots.
Sterilization and population reduction were what they want.
All the reporting about this so called mRNA spiked food stuff reeks of bad disinformation. They all seem to source each other, nothing that actually links to any real papers or anything.
Has anyone managed to find at least a published paper that proves any of this is real?
Per USA Today "fact checkers" (aka liars):
We know what the next move is. "Whoops, our studies didn't account for factor X which prevented spike proteins from metabolizing and consequently allowed them to transfer to humans. Whoopsie! Our bad!"
These people are on a religious warpath. No tactic is off limits to them.
Yep, they said the vax would not enter the bloodstream or remain in the body then oops.
There was little to no chance that the mRNA could breach the blood brain barrier in human subjects.
But it did, and severe neurological episodes were about as numerous as the sudden heart failure it brought on.
It wasn't even supposed to breach beyond muscle tissue altogether. But we knew it would.
There was a lot of shit about mRNA thar had "no possibility" of occurring until it did.
Have you seen Tom Renz activity on this, on Twitter. He is hitting it hard.
Here is just one Tweet. And Naomi Wolf is hitting it too,
Thats the strange part. Its not just those two, even Peter McCoulough, Robert Malone etc. Lot of heavy hitters hitting it, and its very unlike those people to not include source material for their hits. Peter is meticulous in linking actual papers in his tweets, for example. But all these people are just linking un sourced media articles.
u/Qanaut has a theory that it could be a WH psyop to get people to see just how badly our food supply is compromised. It may very well be so. Regardless, I do think this is a psyop, and I am not any more anxious that mRNA has entered the food than I have always been anxious about all the other poisonous stuff entering.
Thinking about it, people have been jaded about toxins in food. Perhaps the best way to jog their brains is to say "It has mRNA".
I think you are onto something as my gut feeling is this is all agitation propaganda.
Good point, and yes it is a bit puzzling that the level of discourse on this topic seems to be only withing a certain sphere of people. But it does seem serious enough that MO. legislator actually passed, or is near to passing a law directed at informed consent via food labeling. If the Renz news on that were fake, I'm sure someone from MO would have piped up.
This story might be being driven by the intel community to elicit a certain reaction too, Pretty much everyone one out here knows that we are being watched, that they are trying to make us angry, to provoke a certain response on social media that could be used to compromise us. Good luck with that I say, cause we ain't falling for it.
I did sent a Tweet to my Florida senator, and he give it a like, so I no he saw it. Hopefully he will look into it maybe.
This is great and probably the end goal for a possible WH psyop. I do hope it covers all kinds of toxins, not just mRNA.
I dont question whether MO is passing this legislation. Would be easy enough to read the text and confirm. I only question whether there is any proof that mRNA through food can actually be effective. There was a reference ot a Chinese study with no sauce.
From everything I understand, mRNA should be destroyed by the digestive process. But we have also witnessed times where things aren't, and infection ensues.
Also, as a bit of a tangent, intranasal vaccination was basically not considered possible or effective, but they've certainly leapt forward in that department too.
Navigation of these waters will be interesting for sure.
I asked my butcher if he heard anything. He said no. But he is probably watching fox news so theres that.
If you all aren't blast contacting you local and fed representatives and demanding that all food products require labeling of any mRNA gene therapy inclusion in food supply you should be doing this.
And so is genetically modified. Found this on TS and also found it in my kitchen cabinet! Read the labels.
Moral of story is don't eat canned soup though. Barf me out.
My daughter said the same however do you make green bean casserole for the holidays? Using a can of cream of mushroom or cream of celery soup is one of the ingredients. It is just another reminder to always read the labels.
Plus something like 95% of the yellow corn in USA is GMO I read. So if it has corn based ingredients it's de facto gmo
Get on some of the cooking sites which give homemade version of the mushroom/celery sauce for green bean casserole.
Was only a matter of time... and that time has arrived
It's attempted genocide, nothing less. We who rejected your poison jab did it for a good we wouldn't be fuck'd up like the fools who took it willingly.
Anyone who condones any of this bullshit needs to be jailed immediately.
“ In the United States, there is no law requiring informed consent for vaccines in the food supply.”
The scientists that are developing these veterinary mRNA vaccines also probably designed these not to harm the animal, but to pass on to the human to sterilize or kill them. I am hoping this would backfire on the scientists involved in developing these. I sure hope the companies that produce these vaccines will not enjoy the same legal immunity that Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and others have under the medical countermeasure protections of the PREP Act.
Pretty sure it would be more efficient just to put arsenic into the milk.
I drink a lot of milk. I need a based cow in my back yard.
Looks like I need to be prepared to give up cream in my coffee.
The "milk was loaded with" does this mean they poisoned the cow? OR did they just poison the milk? It makes a difference.
First of all, anything with the words 'communist' China makes me think that the article has a bias. China has just brokered a peace deal in the Middle East - something Americans have actively tried to resist. So, their 'communism' looks like tolerance for other types of culture.
China also did not use Pfizer or Moderna as their go-to vax - instead they locked down and spent the time developing their own vax, and only recommend that 'at risk' people take it. Anyone healthy had to just get the bug which had mutated to Omicron, by then - so a common cold.
Second, SLAY news? Never heard of it.
Third, the paper, if anyone bothered to read it, talks about
'making the vaccine in milk" to derive bovine milk-derived exosomes - i.e. the vaccine is grown in milk. Then it is isolated. The milk is used as a culture. This does not mean that ALL milk will be poisoned. Eggs have been used in the past, or peanut paste, and even wheat, to make vaccines.
The mice were vaccinated using an oral vaccine - NOT milk. Many scientists have argued that is a better vector for immunizing against respiratory diseases, as opposed to INJECTING the damn stuff. So, I don't see a problem with the methodology.
Of course I don't agree with FORCED vaccination, but that is a different argument, and not what this paper is about.
The scare tactics could be yet another political attempt to get some sort of food-labelling legislation through, like they are doing in NZ, whereby 'therapeutics' such as avocado oil, cinnamon, or anything really, that is sold in the health food shop, have to a registration label the producers have to pay for.
Let's not all panic, please. By all means be enraged by politicians who try to force-vaccinate. But I don't think they are poisoning the food supply.
They are poisoning the food supply. Life stock and vegetables are being gown containing this spike shit. Culprit: The Netherlands. The biological organic growers have succumbed to the pressure otherwise these farmers would have been out on their asses on the street by dispossession under the guise of Nox crisis/ climate crisis and EU Natura 2000
The use of the word “vaccinate” is pure BS. A proper term would be population control, eradication of humanity, mass extermination, genocide, or simply murder. The hidden distribution of toxic poison to the masses is far from a “vaccine”.
At some point fighting back shouldn't just become physical, but imperative.............
Remember when chicken raised in the states was going to be sent...without label be processed in China and then sent back to the States for distribution?