August 22, 2022. I’ve been wanting to post here ever since then, but haven’t had the heart. It was very sudden and unexpected and my world has been turned upside down ever since then. I’m not sure how much he posted, I think he may have mostly commented, but I know for sure he had a tab open on his phone and his computer all of the time so he could read as much as possible. He kept me in the loop and I’ve been absolutely lost without him. I don’t know anyone personally who is as intelligent as he was. When all of the things going on in the world overwhelmed me he helped me keep my head on straight. I knew him long enough to know he had an impeccable bullshit detector. I let him weed through a lot of it for me and then he’d share the important stuff with me. I miss the conversations we had so very much. He was only 55. I turned 56 in December. He always told me he married me because I’m smart. But honestly I’m quite lost and a little bewildered at this point and really looking to connect with someone who’d like to talk. I’ve never had any luck standing out on a message board like this. I just get lost in the crowd. Ask me anything if you think you’d like to chat, text, email etc, but want to know more first. I honestly think this is what he would want me to do.
My husband posted here and he passed away
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
I pray that God gives you peace.
Thank you.
Sorry for your loss. We are here for you.
bot·u·lin - NOUN
Interesting account name, to say the least. What does "LARP" stand for again?
live action role playing... something that is impossible by definition on a message board
Excuse me for making you so suspicious. I care nothing about getting upvotes. I came here sincerely to get some direction. Possibly to find someone with similar.beliefs who I could connect with and talk to. I have no desire to talk to someone who is still asleep. If you look through my comments I explained my handle. My husband used to play World of Warcraft and his character was Botulin. My son took it over a long time ago and still plays with it. I’m not clever with screen names so decided I’d be Lady Botulin. You don’t expect me to use my real name do you? Don’t we all have made up screen names on here? I have no desire to scam anyone either. But I understand. Don’t be so suspicious that you miss out on something real though.
Not to mention, no reference to her husband's handle. I'm sus.
Yeah, me too. Unfortunately, as you can see by all the upvotes, many people on this site have all the discernment of a turnip (no offense to turnips). Great way to get a handshake account leveled up.
The supposed OG was u/minchinfan - limited history. At least the handle won't be hard to notice. I've been shillbusting since day 1 of voat/v/pizzagate
No that’s not what his handle was. Where did you get that? I think it was minchinfan
as a turnip, I feel so demoralized now... kek
I posted that in a comment too. I think it was Minchinfan. As I also said I haven’t had the heart to go through his phone yet. Why didn’t you just ask me.
I did, actually. And yes minchinfan....I was thinking dogs - minpin. At any rate, it sounds like you are genuine. In which case, I am terribly sorry for your loss. May God bestow comfort and peace upon you.
Thank you
This site has gone from a hard core research site to one that adds a support structure for everyone that is struggling with the absurdity events have taken us towards. Both missions are equally important. There is always a friendly ear to hear your worries. All of us have stories of our trials and tribulations and empathy runs deep. We are one Patriot family. Put on the Armor of God and join humanities fight against the true and evident evil that pervades our world. Its a difficult thing to do in these trying times, but live your best life. Evil hates that more than anything.
I couldn't have said it better. Stay strong fren!
Thank you
I never check email, but if the mods can point out a way to privately share phone numbers I'll give you mine for texting. I have a couple of patriot groups I formed that way because we never knew when we'd all be booted off social media ( happened a lot). I don't even know if this site has DMs because I've never looked for them.
Short background: I'm married too - my husband went through cancer a year ago and it was fairly terrifying. Oddly enough, he had more faith that God would heal him than I did. I believed my eyes instead of God. And it turned out he WAS miraculously healed from the effects of treatment overnight - which were way more damaging than the cancer. Anyways, hopefully a way can be found for you to talk with friends here. God bless ❤️
Okay, when I switch to laptop I'll see if I can figure it out. Thanks! 👍🏻
Off topic… just noticed your username. We used to call my Subaru the “rubi-roo”…. But yours might be Scooby-doo related.
Anyway- just saying hi 🤓
😹 Yes, it's Scoobie Doo-related, but that's a great name for a car. Mine was worse. It's a little white Mercedes a friend of mine dubbed "the Snow Nazi". It stuck 🤣
Hahahahaha!! ….you win for creativity
I am so sorry for your loss and I just pray that you feel the presence of the Lord to help share your burden...
This is a good group of people here...for the most part patriotic Americans trying to figure things out and do the right thing and make the right choices...much like you and your husband were doing...
When you are on here a while you will get to know people and you can find common ground with many...welcome to GAW...
Thank you
Where we go one, we go all, new fren.
So sorry to hear of the passing of your husband. You will find this a very supporting community. Feel free to lurk for awhile if you need some time to get used to the site and our little sub-culture. 🐸 Hop in when you feel ready. You can find a lot of information about us to the right in the sidebar. If you have questions, just ask!
Welcome aboard!
Can we get this sticky?
🥰 Thank You!
I just saw this patriot, needed some support, and encouragement to engage with people on this forum.
Her husband sounds like a very wise man. He said his wife was smart, so we want to keep it that way. LOL.
My pleasure, fren.
Thank you
Welcome to the rough and tumble world of Great Awakening dot win. For me it started with my awakening to the Q phenomenon in Nov. 2017, shortly after Q began posting. Discussion has moved through various sites since then (VOAT and so on) but this seems to be the longest lasting board where we can discuss what is happening and what we hope and pray for the future.
I can't imagine what it's like to lose a spouse... my wife is the most important person in my life and I would be lost without her. A moral compass, funnier than any woman I've ever known, and fearless. We are both cancer survivors, and I know I couldn't have made it through my cancer treatments without her.
I hope you find something here that you can relate to.
My husband started out that way too, following Q almost from the very beginning. I remember getting a little irritated at him for spending so much time on the computer in the beginning. He was at the capitol January 6 too.
You sound like my wife, except, she damn near left me. Even though it was only early on the morning with my coffee.
But... She's not "awake". She's my adversary.
Jeez. That sounds painful, fren.
It's been...
Very lonely
Wow. Sounds like he had an interesting life.
How sweet! Make sure you show her these comments.
Oh she knows how I feel about her.
Holy Father, please bless u/LadyBotulin with the energy her late husband bequeathed her with. Make her strong and witted so she can focus on achieving what she would have achieved with this very wonderful fellow.🙏🏻💐
Thank you
You don't have to stand out, I think lots of us have very good memories and get to know fellow posters after a while.
I do hope people here will get to know me. Thank you.
We knew your husband if he commented regularly last year.
Praying for your strength. You are among many good people.
Thank you
I think you are going to have a really amazing experience if you watch and comment around here. Most of us are very supportive and there's a daily chat post here:
This is the place where lots of us find hope by interpreting the news and finding signs that things are going to get much better for humanity as a whole. This place can fill your bucket!
Thank you
Very sorry for your loss. This is absolutely what he would want you to do. God bless you.
Thank you
Sorry to hear your loss.
You can hang out here if you want, we will do what we can to get your questions answered and help you see how smart you are.
Just be careful about sharing personal information with strangers here, as there are bad people who come here. This is why we are 'anon' eg: my real life name is not Fatality (who would name their kid that anyway? lol)!
Thank you. I will be careful of course. LadyBotulin isn’t my real name either. 😊 Years ago my husband played World of Warcraft and his character was Botulin. My son took it over and plays it now.
At this point I would name my Second Son that in place of his Name, for some weird reason he hates Alexander, so yeah, John Fatality Bucks, or some such name....
No, he is not John, and our Appellation is not Bucks....
I am incredibly sorry to hear about your loss, can't even imagine. Stay strong, and know that he is with you still.
You are surrounded by the best people here, so please engage, ask questions, and just be awesome! Feel free to reach out for anything!
Thank you
you don't ever have to try & "fit in" around here. we're all on this road together & we try our best to lift each other up. i'm sure you've seen the countless number of prayer threads & how eager we are as FAMILY to pray & lift each other up.
hope you stick around these parts. lots of very good information & help gets shared here.
it's always nice to be around good company :) keep your head up & go at things at your own pace.
May the Lord God give you peace, strength & guidance. WWG1WGA
Thank you
Sorry for your loss. Our prayers for you.
Thank you
I’m truly sorry for your loss. I was in a similar situation before finding this site, and it has been a Godsend. Here you will find many like-minded people and realize you are not alone in dealing with the world’s madness. I wholeheartedly agree that your husband would have wanted you to reach out to this community. May you find peace and comfort in the knowledge that he is watching over you.
Thank you
I can say I know exactly how you feel and what you're going through. Lost my husband of 33 years on July 30, 2022. Have been told to expect two years of brain fog, forgetfulness, "duh" moments. At times feel absolutely lost. But God didn't take us for a reason.
I’m sorry for your loss. That brain fog is really something else
I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my husband as well. 15 years ago. I’m not sure you ever get over it, but he will always be by your side, nudging you. Continue his walk, and walk in faith in Christ. I’m so grateful you had a husband, who had wisdom and knowledge, and shared it with you. I pray that the Lord will continue to comfort you during these difficult times. In Jesus name amen
Amen. Thank you
I'm so Sorry for your loss🙏🏻🙏🏻...Feel free to ask Anyone here for thoughts/ guidance or whatever you feel the need for...This is a safe place...
Thank you
Bless you
Thank you
We're here for you, fren! If there is one phrase that's the heart and soul of not just this board but this movement, it's "Where We Go One, We Go All!" Whatever troubles we face, we face them together. May this and God comfort you as you and your family grieve, and I pray His peace descend upon you. Amen.
Thank you
Prayers up for you and all your kith and kin.
And that you find the guide you seek and the friends you need.
I'd step up but I'm short-tempered, impatient, and not a good explainer, so not the friend you need.
Thank you
(((Big hugs))) I am sorry for your loss and you are welcome here.
My condolences on the loss of your husband. 55 is so young. FWIW, I have talked with people who have lost a spouse, and given the date you posted, this is "the hard time". The first couple of months are hard but in a different way because everything has been turned upside down and the focus is on getting things somewhat back to normal. My MIL told me that it was about this time that it really started to hit home that my FIL was gone. Many late nights...
That said, I think it is good you are reaching out. We are all stumbling about, but I think God works through each of us to help pick up our fellow travelers on this strange journey. This is a very kind space.
How sad, prayers for you and your husband. I lost my Mum recently and it is really just faith that she is with God and take it a day at a time.
My condolences fren
Thank you.
I’m sorry for your loss. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank You
Sorry for your loss. Don't worry about not standing out, this place is pretty big and the threads can move fast. If you feel like you're overwhelmed with what's going on in the world, just hop on here and start reading for a while. Sort by new for breaking news and hop on a post and ask any questions. Just the fact that you're here means you have a better idea of what's going on than most people and I think your husband would love that.
I think he would too. I’ve just been so overwhelmed with taking care of things but I feel the need to get back in touch with what is going on and I know this is a good place to learn that.
This is the best place. I check this site first thing in the morning, we are days, weeks, months ahead of everyone else. Many times I’ll tell my dad or someone something and months later it finally makes it through the news. I say -I told you this months ago! And he says “no you didn’t, I don’t remember you saying that” very frustrating because he thinks I’m an uninformed conspiracy theorist!
Thank you
My wife died at 55 last year. I learned life is not easy and it’s too short. I was able to realize that she’s not gone forever because we don’t live forever. That helped me a lot to know we’d be together again one day. Next I accepted God’s plan. I packed my stuff and moved 1,600 miles away from a deep blue state to a deep red state. A place where I knew no one. A new chapter. I feel protected. I pray for you to find peace and find the path God has for you. You will find happiness again.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Your determination to keep going is inspiring.
So sorry for your loss...
I'm a humble snek, but I'm praying for you... He was so lucky to have such a beautiful smart compassionate woman by his side.
There's really cool people here. And now there's one more
Thank you 😊
Hang in there. It sounds like God have you a wonderful husband for a reason. I hope he left you with everything you need as you carry out your journeys and adventures here. Prayers that he is in heaven and that you are able to carry on.
Thank you
What was your hubby's handle?
I think it was minchinfan. Is there a way to look up members? I haven’t had the heart to get on his phone. My son turned it off the night he died and then I put it where I wouldn’t see it all the time. He always had his phone in his hand. Seeing it was just too hard.
I didn't turn off my wife's phone for over 3 years. Actually it may have been longer than that, I just couldn't bring myself to do it, I finally just quit paying the bill was the only way I could do it.
Prayers for you fren...🙏
Thank you. Prayers to you also, I've been there and I know how it hurts. I never cried so much in my life.
God bless your broken heart! I can't even imagine how much you have suffered. Prayers for you fren! 🙏
Thank you. The suffering taught me a lot of things about love and life. It has definitely made me a better person. More loving, caring, and compassionate. And I have her to think for it.
Aaaww....well said fren!
God Bless
Welcome! I think you'll find this place is full of friendly people.
Thank you