We as a Country can not last until then. The Federal Govt. has violated their Fiduciary duty of "protection" against invasion. The States may now have to fortify our border.
Just worries me how many of these illegal immigrants are going to be allowed to vote, for Biden? If our election system isn’t fixed (I’m to the point of fingerprint voting now) these desperate criminal politicians are gonna rig it again. And we need severe consequences for all who perpetrate fraud with this voting.
I don't really have much of a problem with people that are here illegally if they are here to be free and to be productive.
They may not be "legal" but they want to be free.
I know a few that are trying to be "legal" for close to ten years. They did everything right but they are spending all their money on lawyers to get their citizenship papers.
For some reason the Democrats don't care about people from South America that are trying to do it the right way.
They are hard working people that provide for their families they are decent people and we would all be fine having them as neighbors.
They don't like the nonsense at the border. They are pissed that they have to jump through all these hoops and these other people just cross the border and get all this stuff.
I would go so far as saying that anybody that wants to be a free American, wants to work hard and not be dependent on handouts should be given an opportunity to stay.
I agree. I believe that people who want to come to this country to be American and work to have a better life are the people that we want to have here. The process both here and in other countries is fraught with fraud, which is why so many jump the line and come illegally.
Count me as not believing this. They’ll never have the numbers they need to carry this out. Would take several years of hiring, training, and planning. His term would be over before this could take off.
The only thing remotely possible on this scale would be if they had a 90-180 day sign up period for a work visa. Miss that deadline and you’re gone when you are found. Inadmissible for reasons other than illegal entry? You’re gone too.
We gotta be up to 30+ million of these people. Maybe higher. Would need to be rounding up and removing 20,000 people a day to achieve this in a 4 year term. One would think you’d need a minimum 1:1 ratio of law enforcement to illegal ratio. Maybe 2:1…the FBI has 35,000 employees; not all of which are agents.
Unrealistic and unachievable promises are just adding insult to injury. We got so many things to deal with that this is not walking and chewing gum at the same time. How about we deal with election fraud, child trafficking, the pillaging of the federal treasury, and the Uncle Sam alliance with the Mexican and Colombian cartels first?
This is easily achievable. It would take a few laws but it could be done. No welfare/EBT/TANF/WIC for non-citizens. No schooling (or school meals) for illegals unless the family pays tuition. No free hospital or doctor care. If they go have care and can't pay up front deport them instantly. No driver Licenses without a residency permit. No jobs without a work permit. If someone is caught employing them, shut the business down and arrest the people responsible. If they were paying the illegals under the table, add tax evasion charges. No renting or buying a house (or any property) without a residence permit. I'm sure there are other ways as well. A good one would be to have a program that rewards someone that turns them in - maybe give them a work permit or temporary residence if they help all the time.
The biggest one that would help the most - create a law that requires a database be created that will be updated every time an agency has any contact with an illegal. Then make a law that says places like MoneyGram or Western Union have to cross-check that database to ensure the person trying to wire money back to their home country is not here illegally. If their name is in the database, no transfers allowed and the police are called. The person would then be investigated to see where the money came from since they should have no job. Don't give them the money they want to transfer either until the cops arrive and the investigation is complete.
If things like that are done it will take away most of the reasons these people ignore our laws and come here. They are in many cases currently above the law, and if things get bad they jump back across the border and try again later. Stop giving them everything for free and ignoring their crimes and they will leave on their own.
If Mexico gives us any shit about this, close the land ports. They will do anything to avoid that because a LOT of money goes into Mexico that way.
Add: Any illegal caught in the USA shall be (a) deported back to their home country or Mexico if home country cannot be determined (Mexico City, not Tijuana), and (b) that person shall be forever barred from ever entering the USA again, even legally.
Clearly you don't understand that this issue is at the heart of our election fraud, child trafficking, pillaging of the federal treasury, and alliance with the cartels. It is the means by which all of those things are done. Whatever it takes, however long or expensive it is, it must and will be done.
(2) Shut off all outbound money wires to Mexico and Central America (and increase money laundering watchdogs for attempts to send money through other countries).
(3) Make parents prove their own citizenship for any children they have in schools.
(4) Make employers and contractors prove citizenship of employees and sub-contractors.
(5) Make landlords identify citizenship of renters.
(6) Declare war on drug cartels and human traffickers -- both within the USA and outside -- and implement military action against them.
(7) Impose sanctions against Mexico for as long as any illegals are caught crossing the US/Mexico border (same for Canada).
"Hello, ICE? Yeah, I think there are 12 illegals living in the house down the street. Go check it out."
Easy roundup.
"Hello, ICE? My neighbor is putting a roof on his house, and all the workers look like Mexicans and they don't speak any English."
Another easy roundup.
"Hello, ICE? My daughter says there are a lot of kids in her school who don't speak English."
Identify parents. Another easy roundup.
Get the word out that there will be 4 corridors opened up at the border wall -- one each in CA, AZ, NM, TX -- and any illegal who wants to return to Mexico can do so freely and without arrest. If they choose to stay instead, they are subject to arrest, deportation, and banned forever from coming to the USA for any reason.
Combined with cutting off welfare, subsidized housing, free schools, free health care, and banning the hiring of illegals, you will see a mass exodus going back.
Oh, and we can open up a few corridors into Canada, as well, for the illegal Africans and Arabs.
We don't even really have to round them up. When they get pulled over for speeding. Detain and deport. I also favor sort of a homestead style program where qualified individuals are sent back, but given a one time entry visa. Come in. Stay a year. Prove up with a job and no state assistance. Adjust status to permanent residence with civics classes. Turn them into patriots.
The illegals are nothing but a massive symptom to the disease.
Can we depot the politicans and elites who make this happen in the first place?
Getting rid of them will only be temporary if the elites are not dealt with.
I'll believe it when it happens. That's my respectful response to all promises about future actions. I'm not inhaling any hopium. It feels good for a bit but the angry depression that follows each disappointment is not worth the emotional energy.
Not only send them back, but enact policies and laws that ENSURE they stay out. If you get caught once coming into America, you're sent back. Caught twice, you're thrown in jail. Thoughts? Maybe just throw them in jail the first time?
You know this is going to happen. It has to. This is the ultimate move to completely win over normies. It's why they hand out phones to these idiots. They are tracking them all. "You've got to go back." The only thing we need to see is if people who have milked the system for years/decades will be caught and tossed.
Wow. You seem to be full of criticisms without even realizing how dumb and uninformed you sound.
Considering all of the many, many Dem and RINO back stabbers, snakes and criminals that tried to undermine him, block him, attack him, lie about him, impeach him x 2, libel him, assassinate him, attack his supporters, staff and family, it's amazing he got done all that he did. And he got done a lot. 56 pages of accomplishments if you want to read them.
He did get almost 500 miles of the wall built even with intense pushback.
He got hostages home with no concessions.
He kept us out of wars
He kept NK from sending rockets our way
He negotiated record Peace deals in the Middle East
He was nominated 7 times by foreign leaders for the Nobel Peace prize
Damn I sure hope so. Tom was great and we actually had someone who cared about us and the mission.
We as a Country can not last until then. The Federal Govt. has violated their Fiduciary duty of "protection" against invasion. The States may now have to fortify our border.
Assuming the banks still exist by then.
To be fair, "You can take that to the credit union" doesn't sound as cool.
That rolls off the tongue like warm lard.
Yeah, at this point I would say this prediction is far safer under your mattress than in a bank.
Make sure to get a fire resistant lockbox
Assuming America still exists then
I think he meant you can take it to the central bank digital currency lol
Own your property free and clear. Stash the records of your property multiple places. Then go prepper.
Maybe we'll get a TV show / Live Streams of the round up like they had in Japan.
I just tried searching on YouTube.I don't know what to search.I just remember hearing about it.Edit: I found an article about it
Holy shit, that's awesome. I wish someone could find and fansub an episode!
The article has a link to a Dailymotion video of the whole thing but that's been taken down. :\
Sharing the tools is how we become the news!
These people do not care. They are here for the free stuff. Turn off the welfare spigot for non-citizens and watch them run back across the border.
Operation Wetback 2.0!!
Have the illegals finish the wall on their way back.
Just worries me how many of these illegal immigrants are going to be allowed to vote, for Biden? If our election system isn’t fixed (I’m to the point of fingerprint voting now) these desperate criminal politicians are gonna rig it again. And we need severe consequences for all who perpetrate fraud with this voting.
I don't think any of them actually vote. The Democrats just need the numbers or appearance of numbers to make their cheating schemes work.
I agree!
Military is the only way.
If there are millions of these unfortunate souls here, then the military is the only way to do this.
Tom is definitely passionate about his job. He is the kind of guy we need.
I don't really have much of a problem with people that are here illegally if they are here to be free and to be productive. They may not be "legal" but they want to be free. I know a few that are trying to be "legal" for close to ten years. They did everything right but they are spending all their money on lawyers to get their citizenship papers. For some reason the Democrats don't care about people from South America that are trying to do it the right way. They are hard working people that provide for their families they are decent people and we would all be fine having them as neighbors. They don't like the nonsense at the border. They are pissed that they have to jump through all these hoops and these other people just cross the border and get all this stuff. I would go so far as saying that anybody that wants to be a free American, wants to work hard and not be dependent on handouts should be given an opportunity to stay.
I agree. I believe that people who want to come to this country to be American and work to have a better life are the people that we want to have here. The process both here and in other countries is fraught with fraud, which is why so many jump the line and come illegally.
They come here because our corrupt government exploits and screws their home countries to death. It's been going on for decades.
Well... there goes the best restaurants in Houston. Also, it will increase the cost of pool cleaning and lawn care. 🥸
Count me as not believing this. They’ll never have the numbers they need to carry this out. Would take several years of hiring, training, and planning. His term would be over before this could take off.
The only thing remotely possible on this scale would be if they had a 90-180 day sign up period for a work visa. Miss that deadline and you’re gone when you are found. Inadmissible for reasons other than illegal entry? You’re gone too.
We gotta be up to 30+ million of these people. Maybe higher. Would need to be rounding up and removing 20,000 people a day to achieve this in a 4 year term. One would think you’d need a minimum 1:1 ratio of law enforcement to illegal ratio. Maybe 2:1…the FBI has 35,000 employees; not all of which are agents.
Unrealistic and unachievable promises are just adding insult to injury. We got so many things to deal with that this is not walking and chewing gum at the same time. How about we deal with election fraud, child trafficking, the pillaging of the federal treasury, and the Uncle Sam alliance with the Mexican and Colombian cartels first?
I believe that many will choose to return on their own if the government was not handing out free stuff.
This is easily achievable. It would take a few laws but it could be done. No welfare/EBT/TANF/WIC for non-citizens. No schooling (or school meals) for illegals unless the family pays tuition. No free hospital or doctor care. If they go have care and can't pay up front deport them instantly. No driver Licenses without a residency permit. No jobs without a work permit. If someone is caught employing them, shut the business down and arrest the people responsible. If they were paying the illegals under the table, add tax evasion charges. No renting or buying a house (or any property) without a residence permit. I'm sure there are other ways as well. A good one would be to have a program that rewards someone that turns them in - maybe give them a work permit or temporary residence if they help all the time.
The biggest one that would help the most - create a law that requires a database be created that will be updated every time an agency has any contact with an illegal. Then make a law that says places like MoneyGram or Western Union have to cross-check that database to ensure the person trying to wire money back to their home country is not here illegally. If their name is in the database, no transfers allowed and the police are called. The person would then be investigated to see where the money came from since they should have no job. Don't give them the money they want to transfer either until the cops arrive and the investigation is complete.
If things like that are done it will take away most of the reasons these people ignore our laws and come here. They are in many cases currently above the law, and if things get bad they jump back across the border and try again later. Stop giving them everything for free and ignoring their crimes and they will leave on their own.
If Mexico gives us any shit about this, close the land ports. They will do anything to avoid that because a LOT of money goes into Mexico that way.
Add: Any illegal caught in the USA shall be (a) deported back to their home country or Mexico if home country cannot be determined (Mexico City, not Tijuana), and (b) that person shall be forever barred from ever entering the USA again, even legally.
Clearly you don't understand that this issue is at the heart of our election fraud, child trafficking, pillaging of the federal treasury, and alliance with the cartels. It is the means by which all of those things are done. Whatever it takes, however long or expensive it is, it must and will be done.
(1) Shut off all welfare to illegals.
(2) Shut off all outbound money wires to Mexico and Central America (and increase money laundering watchdogs for attempts to send money through other countries).
(3) Make parents prove their own citizenship for any children they have in schools.
(4) Make employers and contractors prove citizenship of employees and sub-contractors.
(5) Make landlords identify citizenship of renters.
(6) Declare war on drug cartels and human traffickers -- both within the USA and outside -- and implement military action against them.
(7) Impose sanctions against Mexico for as long as any illegals are caught crossing the US/Mexico border (same for Canada).
1:1 ratio is not necessary.
If you have just 10000 people getting 2 on average per person, you'll still reach that goal in 4 years.
Also, the ability to deputize could go far too.
Especially since they already normalized ratting out your neighbors for Covid.
"Hello, ICE? Yeah, I think there are 12 illegals living in the house down the street. Go check it out."
Easy roundup.
"Hello, ICE? My neighbor is putting a roof on his house, and all the workers look like Mexicans and they don't speak any English."
Another easy roundup.
"Hello, ICE? My daughter says there are a lot of kids in her school who don't speak English."
Identify parents. Another easy roundup.
Get the word out that there will be 4 corridors opened up at the border wall -- one each in CA, AZ, NM, TX -- and any illegal who wants to return to Mexico can do so freely and without arrest. If they choose to stay instead, they are subject to arrest, deportation, and banned forever from coming to the USA for any reason.
Combined with cutting off welfare, subsidized housing, free schools, free health care, and banning the hiring of illegals, you will see a mass exodus going back.
Oh, and we can open up a few corridors into Canada, as well, for the illegal Africans and Arabs.
Hey! We can turn off the gravy train to the homeless and they can contribute to society.
Who fucking cares?
I have listened to numerous interviews with Tom Homan over the years. It would fantastic to have him leading ICE again
Eisenhower's Operation Wetback on steroids.
I can only hope.
I’ve always had this in my thought process.
We don't even really have to round them up. When they get pulled over for speeding. Detain and deport. I also favor sort of a homestead style program where qualified individuals are sent back, but given a one time entry visa. Come in. Stay a year. Prove up with a job and no state assistance. Adjust status to permanent residence with civics classes. Turn them into patriots.
The illegals are nothing but a massive symptom to the disease.
Can we depot the politicans and elites who make this happen in the first place? Getting rid of them will only be temporary if the elites are not dealt with.
I'll believe it when it happens. That's my respectful response to all promises about future actions. I'm not inhaling any hopium. It feels good for a bit but the angry depression that follows each disappointment is not worth the emotional energy.
I feel ya.
Not only send them back, but enact policies and laws that ENSURE they stay out. If you get caught once coming into America, you're sent back. Caught twice, you're thrown in jail. Thoughts? Maybe just throw them in jail the first time?
You know this is going to happen. It has to. This is the ultimate move to completely win over normies. It's why they hand out phones to these idiots. They are tracking them all. "You've got to go back." The only thing we need to see is if people who have milked the system for years/decades will be caught and tossed.
Makes me wonder if he is aware of the banking crisis?
From now on, I am just going with, "You can silver stack it."
Not 'till 2024, you say?
What bank? They'll all be closed by then kekekek.
Trump said wall was 3 wks from completion
Why 3 months now to secure the border
They stopped the cheat in 2016, and they are even better at it now....
Wow. You seem to be full of criticisms without even realizing how dumb and uninformed you sound.
Considering all of the many, many Dem and RINO back stabbers, snakes and criminals that tried to undermine him, block him, attack him, lie about him, impeach him x 2, libel him, assassinate him, attack his supporters, staff and family, it's amazing he got done all that he did. And he got done a lot. 56 pages of accomplishments if you want to read them.
Note: Biden's team has erased the White House links that had all 56 pages of accomplishments.