desperately struggling against the nihilism they cling to desperately. They deny god because he says they need to be in control of their base urges. The world without god is hopeless and without purpose. they make their hope the false promises of technology and their purposes the base urges that got them into this self delusion. So their lives become a self-perpetuating spiral downwards with the only possible respite being when they can pull others into their ideology. The ouroboros is the symbol of the true power of these witches, it's the logic-falacy loop they lock your mind into.
Please use an uppercase “G” when referring to God. The Bible uses lowercase “g” when referring to Pagan gods, which are demons. BTW, when Beyoncé thanks god when excepting an award, she is not thanking God.
Not to mention “pride”, which is what got Lucifer kicked out of Heaven. Gay pride is a triple whammy of sin- homosexuality, pride and a mockery of God and His symbols (God’s rainbow has 7 colors, gay flag has 6.).
From one artist to another, that OP graphic is why proper color composition and choice is important, otherwise, you'll get something vomit-inducing to look at.
It is not just the fact that there are too many colors, to the point it is just a noisy mess.
The choice of colors, the combinations, and what shades of color being used also contributes to this mess. If I were an art teacher reviewing this work, I would question them if they have gone colorblind, before giving them an F.
In the beginning, we were told we shouldn't concern ourselves with "what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms". Now we're to where one's sexual identity is worthy of waving on a flag. In public.
Why does what you choose to do with your bathing suit parts need to define your entire existence? It's incredibly reductive and dehumanizing.
Here's what I see: with AI, robotics and fusion they won't need as many workers to keep their palaces up to snuff, so 1) kill as many as they can early in the transition 2) get as many to become obsessed with their genitalia as possible and then 3) UBI and Metaverse and they're just batteries! TA-Da! Profit!
Definitely insane if they think all of these clashing uncoordinated color choices is a good idea.
Felt awfully sick looking at the OP picture for too long. All of the colors mashed together chaotically and in obnoxious shades and saturations is causing noise that is nausea inducing.
You see, the normal rainbow is the perfect ironic image the LGBTQAIIIPABCDEFG group ever used, because it showed exactly what is to be thought of them.
They are so wretched and sinful that they are actually tempting God to bring about another flood, which the rainbow was used to signify would not happen.
Do they think God is limited in punishment by flooding the earth?
Be careful if you’re of that variety, God will not be mocked. His patience is great, but his wrath lasts forever. Hell isn’t fun, I don’t care how games and movies portray it.
My son bought me the current CoD MW2, (he’s 2). I saw a lot of these fag flags and was very confused. Now that I see this image, … I’m still confused. Not good. Make video games not agendas!
I have a lot of grandchildren under 5. They all use color to better effect. BUT by and large these are predominately young kid colors used in early childhood books cartoons etc.Delayed development.
I saw a great comment around here a while back… “someone took the breaks off of childhood.” I can’t stop thinking about that, that at some point it not only became ok to not grow up, but it gave people permission to revert to childhood.
Got me thinking. SO the everyones a winner, no competition in case of hurt feelings etc etc creates a weak generation that cannot appreciate their own talent, Sad.
There’s a technical Reddit sub for some AI software that had a meltdown last week when one of the mods posted some bs “happy agender day” then started banning anyone criticizing the post. It escalated and a new sub was formed by new mods, even attracting the official software developers (who had previously never wanted to join the old sub). Meanwhile there’s a glorious flood of anti-trans memes and comments on both the old and new sub.
I don’t normally get into Reddit drama, and wasn’t even going to join either sub, but caught it at the right time to watch the whole fiasco unfold in real-time.
The old and new subs if anyone’s morbidly curious:
Gee so much redundancy. It's just fun making flags I guess. Some labels are confusing though. Skolio. Does that mean twisted? Auto. Tools required? Lith. For Lithuanians? Demi. Only want a teensy bit of sex? Big-ender. Likes to finish with drama. Straight Ally. Seeking fag hag?
Why does the lesbian flag have an axe? Shouldn't it be a pair of scissors?
Also this reminds me of the part in the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" where the author talks about people creating a coat of arms in order to feel important.
All these "flags" look as if some mentally ill fag went off the deep end with a box of crayons. If you live in the United States of America the only flag I give a fuck about is this flag 🇺🇸
"Please give me attention."
"Please validate me and tell me my insignificant life matters."
"Look I even picked a flag, so my made-up gender is now official."
"Someone please love me and fill this empty hole in my life."
"I am unique and important. Please stop ignoring me."
"Someone? Anyone?"
It's a mental illness. These people need a psychologist and a father in the home.
I was boring, unsuccessful and didn't have a personality so I took drugs and cut my penis off and now I'm a hero! Yay!
It would have taken much longer to work hard and accomplish something and make friends.
Shortcuts are fun!
desperately struggling against the nihilism they cling to desperately. They deny god because he says they need to be in control of their base urges. The world without god is hopeless and without purpose. they make their hope the false promises of technology and their purposes the base urges that got them into this self delusion. So their lives become a self-perpetuating spiral downwards with the only possible respite being when they can pull others into their ideology. The ouroboros is the symbol of the true power of these witches, it's the logic-falacy loop they lock your mind into.
Please use an uppercase “G” when referring to God. The Bible uses lowercase “g” when referring to Pagan gods, which are demons. BTW, when Beyoncé thanks god when excepting an award, she is not thanking God.
Notice how they hijacked the rainbow itself- Gods symbol/promise that he would never flood the earth again of this very wickedness?
By the very people he COULD justifiably wipe out. Yea I see it.
Not to mention “pride”, which is what got Lucifer kicked out of Heaven. Gay pride is a triple whammy of sin- homosexuality, pride and a mockery of God and His symbols (God’s rainbow has 7 colors, gay flag has 6.).
they've hijacked more than the rainbow from us.
kek me as well, and yet I am an artist.
From one artist to another, that OP graphic is why proper color composition and choice is important, otherwise, you'll get something vomit-inducing to look at.
It is not just the fact that there are too many colors, to the point it is just a noisy mess.
The choice of colors, the combinations, and what shades of color being used also contributes to this mess. If I were an art teacher reviewing this work, I would question them if they have gone colorblind, before giving them an F.
In the beginning, we were told we shouldn't concern ourselves with "what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms". Now we're to where one's sexual identity is worthy of waving on a flag. In public.
Why does what you choose to do with your bathing suit parts need to define your entire existence? It's incredibly reductive and dehumanizing.
Of course, that's a feature, not a bug...
Here's what I see: with AI, robotics and fusion they won't need as many workers to keep their palaces up to snuff, so 1) kill as many as they can early in the transition 2) get as many to become obsessed with their genitalia as possible and then 3) UBI and Metaverse and they're just batteries! TA-Da! Profit!
Lesbian made me laugh out loud
Missed opportunity of it being two scissors...
Yeah, what is that, a battle hatchet?
They're missing one............................
Straight Pride?
Underrated comment
Super Straight!
MAP flag?
All I see is insane identifying as sane.
Definitely insane....
Definitely insane if they think all of these clashing uncoordinated color choices is a good idea.
Felt awfully sick looking at the OP picture for too long. All of the colors mashed together chaotically and in obnoxious shades and saturations is causing noise that is nausea inducing.
TRYING to identify as sane.
i ain’t memorizing all that shit
I am pretty sure "Lithromantic" means they have sex with rocks
As in got their rocks off...
This is what happens when the weak minded are being encouraged by the evil minded.
wait, the official lesbian flag is an actual battle ax? really?
Inside of a triangle, no less.
Which is… suggestive of something…
You see, the normal rainbow is the perfect ironic image the LGBTQAIIIPABCDEFG group ever used, because it showed exactly what is to be thought of them.
They are so wretched and sinful that they are actually tempting God to bring about another flood, which the rainbow was used to signify would not happen.
Do they think God is limited in punishment by flooding the earth?
Be careful if you’re of that variety, God will not be mocked. His patience is great, but his wrath lasts forever. Hell isn’t fun, I don’t care how games and movies portray it.
Fire & brimstone next. Not even the most expensive gay umbrella will save them from that. Silly faggots.
I can't stop laughing at that "Bear" one.
My son bought me the current CoD MW2, (he’s 2). I saw a lot of these fag flags and was very confused. Now that I see this image, … I’m still confused. Not good. Make video games not agendas!
He's a rich genius lol.
I have a lot of grandchildren under 5. They all use color to better effect. BUT by and large these are predominately young kid colors used in early childhood books cartoons etc.Delayed development.
I saw a great comment around here a while back… “someone took the breaks off of childhood.” I can’t stop thinking about that, that at some point it not only became ok to not grow up, but it gave people permission to revert to childhood.
Got me thinking. SO the everyones a winner, no competition in case of hurt feelings etc etc creates a weak generation that cannot appreciate their own talent, Sad.
Well put.
"There's no stupid questions."
There’s a technical Reddit sub for some AI software that had a meltdown last week when one of the mods posted some bs “happy agender day” then started banning anyone criticizing the post. It escalated and a new sub was formed by new mods, even attracting the official software developers (who had previously never wanted to join the old sub). Meanwhile there’s a glorious flood of anti-trans memes and comments on both the old and new sub.
I don’t normally get into Reddit drama, and wasn’t even going to join either sub, but caught it at the right time to watch the whole fiasco unfold in real-time.
The old and new subs if anyone’s morbidly curious:
Gee so much redundancy. It's just fun making flags I guess. Some labels are confusing though. Skolio. Does that mean twisted? Auto. Tools required? Lith. For Lithuanians? Demi. Only want a teensy bit of sex? Big-ender. Likes to finish with drama. Straight Ally. Seeking fag hag?
Why does the lesbian flag have an axe? Shouldn't it be a pair of scissors?
Also this reminds me of the part in the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" where the author talks about people creating a coat of arms in order to feel important.
We are called to expose evil and thank you purkiss80 for all your work.
But man, after seeing all those flags I needed something like this : -)
Thanks... 👍🙏🏻
these people have WAY too much time on their hands to sit around thinking this crap up.
Its bad enough that some clown takes the time to dream up this garbage,
But then other clowns see what the first clown did, and follow suit.
Remember the YAP / MAP flag?
All these "flags" look as if some mentally ill fag went off the deep end with a box of crayons. If you live in the United States of America the only flag I give a fuck about is this flag 🇺🇸
Looks like they have been divided up real nice. After all, a country divided..
Now just apply the "skull and bones logo" upon each as a deadly poison warning.
Taking the Pet Rock to a whole new level?
Demon possession.
For being so inclusive…Where is the Heterosexual flag? Asking for the irony impaired. 😬
Can possession be viewed as a mental illness?
Lesbian looks pretty serious
They sound like diseases
Isnt it weird how they feel emboldened to advertise what they are into, and not into,
But if you just aren’t into them at all, then theres a problem.
All I see is the CIA "color revolution" playbook being exploded into American life.
Lithromantic means you love stones??? Huh?? This is all very funny and very absurd.
Seriously...WTF!!! Who came up with all of this? This is just ridiculous at this point.
Where's the heterosexual flag?
No to all.
Just like snakes 🐍 God made them in such a way that we can identify the things we need to keep away from.
They missed "kidsexual'