No, you are supposed to love it, celebrate it, cheer it on. Tolerating it was when it was behind closed doors... now if you oppose it, you are a bigot and will get banished for holding different views. They don't have to "accept" or "tolerate" that you don't like it or don't want to see it, but you are the hateful one in 2023.
Slippery Slope is not a thing. What IS a thing is something known as the 'Foot-in-the-door' salesman technique. You get your foot in the door, and your odds of making a sale increase enormously, and THAT sale increases your chances even more. This can be applied to many things in life, doesn't have to be just sales.
The demonic left has been putting their foot in the door time and time again, over decades.
edit: Notice how instead of making this an argument against those claiming 'Slippery Slope', the 'Foot-in-the-door' term now shifts the perspective to an argument against those in opposition?
What two consenting adults do is between them, their god(s) (if they have one/any) their families (again, if they have any), their health care professionals (cuz STDs), and even their job (muh fraternization). But beyond that? I don't care.
They have pride in the way they live their life? Hooray for them. Like the citizens of the Islamic Republic of Senegal. Pride in your country? Good for you.
But expecting someone else to feel the same way? That's wrong.
I'm a conservative. I'm also an atheist. Religious people are free to think I'm a sinner going to hell, or even accept and love me. I don't care. I don't disparage their belief.
I don't know when "you do you" became "you must think and behave like me", but it grinds my gears.
Saying that it’s okay at all, like between consenting adults, will always logically lead to it being jammed into TV shows, movies, kid’s entertainment, schools, corporations, the workplace, etc.
There is no logical way to say “you are free to do what you want” and “but you must keep it hidden and everyone must pretend like it doesn’t exist”. As soon as you give them the consenting adults permission, everything else follows. First a Hollywood writer, as an adult, will consent to include a gay character in his show, and an adult gay actor will consent to play the role. Then a book publisher will consent to publish a gay book, and the corporate stores will consent to sell it. Then a company run by adults will consent to hire gay people, and gay people will consent to work there. And on and on it goes, logical step by logical step, until we arrive here: men can get pregnant, trannies read porn to kids, and almost everyone on TV is a homo.
While I don't disagree, it's on its to make it unprofitable.
There was a time people didn't go (or walked out of) movies or turned off the TV if they didn't like the content.
Liberals have a lot of conservatives beat on that point. They don't like what Trump says? Turn him off and tune him out, lol.
And if a writer, or producer, or publisher consents to a gay character? So what. We don't have to watch or buy their garbage. Freedom goes both ways. It's the American way, and it's fine.
Like, it's okay if you want to jam hooks into flesh on your back and hang from spinning pole. Your spirituality isn't the same. Same for where someone puts their nibly bits.
It's not a matter of keeping it hidden. If a guy has a husband, and introduces him as such, then I think it's gross but whatever. He thinks it's gross I have a wife. Muslims think eating bacon is bad. Oh well. We live where it's free. Freedom from being forced to avoid pork, freedom from having books burned (even the bad ones), freedom of religion and free to be without it, and freedom to bump uglies even if others find it distasteful.
I won't trade my freedom just to restrict someone else's. THAT is how you end up with the Patriot Act.
But I don't go around screaming that I'm straight and sticking flags celebrating my heterosexuality on busses and lawns. They should do the same.
You be you, let other people be them. You dint have to pay like it doesn't exist.
“Tolerate” means that you don’t violently attack or harass someone.
“Tolerate” means that you and I can have a respectful discussion around the roles of somebody with same sex attraction in society or what kind of behavior God expects out of someone who’s gay, and even if we disagree, we can still have a beer together.
That’s not what this is. This isn’t forced tolerance, it’s forced advocacy.
It’s not enough that you don’t attack me (verbally or physically) for same sex attraction, you must display the rainbow flag, march in the parade, shout down anyone who has “the wrong opinion”, and heaven forbid you have a different idea regarding whether a gay couple should be able to get married or adopt kids, then you should lose your job and be excommunicated from society, and even violently assaulted.
This isn’t tolerance, this is fascism.
And once you start expanding it to violate the rights and safety of women — once you start brainwashing kids into denying their own identity to the point of mutilation — then you are so far beyond tolerance, you’re just plain evil.
Ironically they destroyed tolerance at almost all levels, as the left and right can't even really look at each other anymore much less share a drink or hang out and watch a movie or play a video game or read books.
The most basest of civil enjoyment between people who disagree each other has been torn down, and it wasn't by us.
You don't even have to oppose it. If you don't do the things you said -- even if you overall support it -- you will be cast out from society, and they will make sure of it by any means necessary.
i was banned on certain popular sites for simply asking "why do heroes who fought & died for our freedoms get 1 DAY, while a group of people get an ENTIRE MONTH for having PRIDE in who they have sex with?
Right we need Veterans Month which could be May and MAGA month with should certainly be July, and Labor Month which is all of September, and so for and so on.
We need to glorify our secular holidays and honor our great Constitution, Bill of Rights, those who fought and died to defend America, and celebrate hard working Americans who get up everyday, make an honest living, follow the law, and return home to take care of the wife/husband, kids, and who ever.
After destroying the earth with a flood, he shows a rainbow to promise to never flood the whole earth again, but in reality he was showing what he was going to use to destroy earth the next time.
exactly. We have marriage ceremonies, dating, ect...that is enough I believe. I'm just glad some of the LGB folks are waking up and distancing themselves from the rest of the Alphabet Mafia and sayin 'hey we ain't into kids because it is evil and wrong and we stand with the majority mostly straight people who believe the same'...
It is a shame that this discussion is even being had. Who adult chose to sleep with is none of my business and none of the government's, but when you go after minors, especially prepubescent minors we have a very big problem. And that is what the Alphabet Mafia is broadcasting day in day out is that they want to make pedo legal. We absolutely must stand our ground and put a stop to it!
I hate it because having pride is not a good virtue. It would be the same as having a lust month, where we celebrated sexual deviants and chronic adulterers... Oh wait...
"To accept a way of life they don't want want to accept".
EXACTLY. You stopped hating us and wanting us locked up so long as we just got on with our lives as our own business like everyone else, and that didn't have to have 'acceptance' attached. And that had been working well for nearly 20 years. Then along came BASTARD OBUMMER and now here we are. Just like he set blacks back over 40 years. It wasn't a perfect world for everyone but was the best it could be until that DEMON SHITTED OUT BY BAPHOMET got here.
Redefining marriage to mean two dudes jamming their dicks into each other’s assholes while pretending they are going steady was the start. Before that, the gays had to pretend they were normal, responsible, respectable people, identical to straights in all ways except for their shithole fetish. It kept their degeneracy on a leash. Once they were taken off that leash, their true nature was revealed, and they went slobbering and humping after the kids.
I agree with her. I'm sick of having fagdom rammed down my throat 24/7. I am far more disgusted by fagdom being forced onto small children for the sole purpose of grooming them and priming them for future molestation. It's all about pedophilia when you get to the foundation of it all! The perverts simply want to groom the public to close an eye to pedophilia!
I sent this to a friend and asked for his thoughts. He laughed and said, sounds like a bigot and said he'd never seen any trannies rubbing their bulges in kids faces. He only watches mainstream misinformation.
Trans flags never really took off at the Afghanistan embassy, before taliban started taking their land back, the American ambassador for some reason flew out of the highest window.
When our culture is torn from its anchor of a biblical worldview, then all manor of evil will rush in to replace it. Our biblical response is to stand in the face of evil, speak truth in love, love our enemies, and hold fast to God's Word. Vengeance is the Lord's. No fear!
"And not because I care about who you want to love."
Well you should care, that's why we have this rampant sodomy in the first place. You cannot virtuously love someone of the same sex, only lust after them in a disorderly fashion. "Love" that is outside the marriage bond and is unable to be open to procreation and life is a sick mockery of God's established sacrament. All of this homosexual hedonism is Satanic. All of it. And it exists to destroy the next generation of children. Even so called "conservative" folk like Ruben can't handle this truth, and decide to imitate the nuclear family by forcing the creation of a new human being in a surrogate with plans to rip it away from its mother and raise it in an unnatural environment, robbing he or she of their God given right to a mother and a father. That is grooming people, it's evil. Stop trying to placate evil.
People are so brainwashed today they don’t even know the anus is not a sex organ, and the gays only started sodomizing each other in their assholes because they didn’t have any way to imitate natural heterosexual love. It all starts from a place of mockery and imitation of the natural. Even the way gays claim they aren’t heterosexual, and then have these gay relationships where one takes on the butch masculine role and the other the submissive femme role. Uh, hello? I thought you guys weren’t straight, but even when you pretend to be gay, you still can’t help acting out normal heterosexuality. Doesn’t that tell them anything? It’s like every fiber of their being is yearning to be straight and they keep suppressing that natural instinct because of what? Childhood sexual trauma? A distorted fetish? Revenge on their parents? An addiction to the taboo? Social pressure? Because I don’t think these people are as “gay” as they think they are. Tweak one variable in their past and most of them probably turn out straight.
No, you are supposed to love it, celebrate it, cheer it on. Tolerating it was when it was behind closed doors... now if you oppose it, you are a bigot and will get banished for holding different views. They don't have to "accept" or "tolerate" that you don't like it or don't want to see it, but you are the hateful one in 2023.
Spot-on. Funny what a slippery slope "tolerance" is, eh?
As we all know, the least tolerant are the ones self-claiming the tolerant mantel.
Slippery Slope is not a thing. What IS a thing is something known as the 'Foot-in-the-door' salesman technique. You get your foot in the door, and your odds of making a sale increase enormously, and THAT sale increases your chances even more. This can be applied to many things in life, doesn't have to be just sales.
The demonic left has been putting their foot in the door time and time again, over decades.
edit: Notice how instead of making this an argument against those claiming 'Slippery Slope', the 'Foot-in-the-door' term now shifts the perspective to an argument against those in opposition?
We have to go in full reverse, and start demanding that the faggots go back into the closet.
Nothing else will be effective, because they have proven they will not "compromise" on anything. Fine. No compromise. Back in the closet they go.
What two consenting adults do is between them, their god(s) (if they have one/any) their families (again, if they have any), their health care professionals (cuz STDs), and even their job (muh fraternization). But beyond that? I don't care.
They have pride in the way they live their life? Hooray for them. Like the citizens of the Islamic Republic of Senegal. Pride in your country? Good for you.
But expecting someone else to feel the same way? That's wrong.
I'm a conservative. I'm also an atheist. Religious people are free to think I'm a sinner going to hell, or even accept and love me. I don't care. I don't disparage their belief.
I don't know when "you do you" became "you must think and behave like me", but it grinds my gears.
Saying that it’s okay at all, like between consenting adults, will always logically lead to it being jammed into TV shows, movies, kid’s entertainment, schools, corporations, the workplace, etc.
There is no logical way to say “you are free to do what you want” and “but you must keep it hidden and everyone must pretend like it doesn’t exist”. As soon as you give them the consenting adults permission, everything else follows. First a Hollywood writer, as an adult, will consent to include a gay character in his show, and an adult gay actor will consent to play the role. Then a book publisher will consent to publish a gay book, and the corporate stores will consent to sell it. Then a company run by adults will consent to hire gay people, and gay people will consent to work there. And on and on it goes, logical step by logical step, until we arrive here: men can get pregnant, trannies read porn to kids, and almost everyone on TV is a homo.
While I don't disagree, it's on its to make it unprofitable.
There was a time people didn't go (or walked out of) movies or turned off the TV if they didn't like the content.
Liberals have a lot of conservatives beat on that point. They don't like what Trump says? Turn him off and tune him out, lol.
And if a writer, or producer, or publisher consents to a gay character? So what. We don't have to watch or buy their garbage. Freedom goes both ways. It's the American way, and it's fine.
Like, it's okay if you want to jam hooks into flesh on your back and hang from spinning pole. Your spirituality isn't the same. Same for where someone puts their nibly bits.
It's not a matter of keeping it hidden. If a guy has a husband, and introduces him as such, then I think it's gross but whatever. He thinks it's gross I have a wife. Muslims think eating bacon is bad. Oh well. We live where it's free. Freedom from being forced to avoid pork, freedom from having books burned (even the bad ones), freedom of religion and free to be without it, and freedom to bump uglies even if others find it distasteful.
I won't trade my freedom just to restrict someone else's. THAT is how you end up with the Patriot Act.
But I don't go around screaming that I'm straight and sticking flags celebrating my heterosexuality on busses and lawns. They should do the same.
You be you, let other people be them. You dint have to pay like it doesn't exist.
Its not us who needs to love you.
Spot on.
“Tolerate” means that you don’t violently attack or harass someone.
“Tolerate” means that you and I can have a respectful discussion around the roles of somebody with same sex attraction in society or what kind of behavior God expects out of someone who’s gay, and even if we disagree, we can still have a beer together.
That’s not what this is. This isn’t forced tolerance, it’s forced advocacy.
It’s not enough that you don’t attack me (verbally or physically) for same sex attraction, you must display the rainbow flag, march in the parade, shout down anyone who has “the wrong opinion”, and heaven forbid you have a different idea regarding whether a gay couple should be able to get married or adopt kids, then you should lose your job and be excommunicated from society, and even violently assaulted.
This isn’t tolerance, this is fascism.
And once you start expanding it to violate the rights and safety of women — once you start brainwashing kids into denying their own identity to the point of mutilation — then you are so far beyond tolerance, you’re just plain evil.
Ironically they destroyed tolerance at almost all levels, as the left and right can't even really look at each other anymore much less share a drink or hang out and watch a movie or play a video game or read books.
The most basest of civil enjoyment between people who disagree each other has been torn down, and it wasn't by us.
You don't even have to oppose it. If you don't do the things you said -- even if you overall support it -- you will be cast out from society, and they will make sure of it by any means necessary.
It is awful, it is ridiculous.
truth for sure
i was banned on certain popular sites for simply asking "why do heroes who fought & died for our freedoms get 1 DAY, while a group of people get an ENTIRE MONTH for having PRIDE in who they have sex with?
Right we need Veterans Month which could be May and MAGA month with should certainly be July, and Labor Month which is all of September, and so for and so on.
We need to glorify our secular holidays and honor our great Constitution, Bill of Rights, those who fought and died to defend America, and celebrate hard working Americans who get up everyday, make an honest living, follow the law, and return home to take care of the wife/husband, kids, and who ever.
I can't decide which flag I hate more: pride flag or Ukraine flag?
Amen to that!
I’ve decided the Ukraine flag is code for white supremacy and the blue and yellow stands for “blue eyes and blonde hair”.
I’m kind of warming up to it now. Who doesn’t like blue eyes and blonde hair?
Aren't they the same?
Link to video source:
Watched it this morning. SOLID!
so true.
After destroying the earth with a flood, he shows a rainbow to promise to never flood the whole earth again, but in reality he was showing what he was going to use to destroy earth the next time.
Oooh. That's a good one.
This is Satan's doing, not God.
It's virtue signaling month.
it's one of many ways (feminism, wokism, vaxxin, genderism...) to depopulate.
It's absurd to celebrate where we put our genitals, what I do is nobody else's business.
exactly. We have marriage ceremonies, dating, ect...that is enough I believe. I'm just glad some of the LGB folks are waking up and distancing themselves from the rest of the Alphabet Mafia and sayin 'hey we ain't into kids because it is evil and wrong and we stand with the majority mostly straight people who believe the same'...
It is a shame that this discussion is even being had. Who adult chose to sleep with is none of my business and none of the government's, but when you go after minors, especially prepubescent minors we have a very big problem. And that is what the Alphabet Mafia is broadcasting day in day out is that they want to make pedo legal. We absolutely must stand our ground and put a stop to it!
Agreed 100%!
I hate it because having pride is not a good virtue. It would be the same as having a lust month, where we celebrated sexual deviants and chronic adulterers... Oh wait...
"To accept a way of life they don't want want to accept".
EXACTLY. You stopped hating us and wanting us locked up so long as we just got on with our lives as our own business like everyone else, and that didn't have to have 'acceptance' attached. And that had been working well for nearly 20 years. Then along came BASTARD OBUMMER and now here we are. Just like he set blacks back over 40 years. It wasn't a perfect world for everyone but was the best it could be until that DEMON SHITTED OUT BY BAPHOMET got here.
Redefining marriage to mean two dudes jamming their dicks into each other’s assholes while pretending they are going steady was the start. Before that, the gays had to pretend they were normal, responsible, respectable people, identical to straights in all ways except for their shithole fetish. It kept their degeneracy on a leash. Once they were taken off that leash, their true nature was revealed, and they went slobbering and humping after the kids.
I feel 100
Well said.
I follow Alex and I agree With most of what she says.
I second that!!
I agree with her. I'm sick of having fagdom rammed down my throat 24/7. I am far more disgusted by fagdom being forced onto small children for the sole purpose of grooming them and priming them for future molestation. It's all about pedophilia when you get to the foundation of it all! The perverts simply want to groom the public to close an eye to pedophilia!
Bless her Lord!
"It's not in your face," they insist.
Perhaps this was true at one point, but no longer.
When I was growing up, men who tried to invade women's private spaces were arrested. Now they're celebrated by the left as being stunning and brave.
I sent this to a friend and asked for his thoughts. He laughed and said, sounds like a bigot and said he'd never seen any trannies rubbing their bulges in kids faces. He only watches mainstream misinformation.
I like the cut of her jib.
Trans flags never really took off at the Afghanistan embassy, before taliban started taking their land back, the American ambassador for some reason flew out of the highest window.
Surprisingly articulate and well-written, coming from a younger person nowadays.
When our culture is torn from its anchor of a biblical worldview, then all manor of evil will rush in to replace it. Our biblical response is to stand in the face of evil, speak truth in love, love our enemies, and hold fast to God's Word. Vengeance is the Lord's. No fear!
That was just too perfect
Very well said. Just showed it to a democrate friend of mine and he agreed 100%
It;s gonna be 'Pride Season' soon like it is in Canada.3 months instead of one.
Lost me after the second paragraph.
"And not because I care about who you want to love."
Well you should care, that's why we have this rampant sodomy in the first place. You cannot virtuously love someone of the same sex, only lust after them in a disorderly fashion. "Love" that is outside the marriage bond and is unable to be open to procreation and life is a sick mockery of God's established sacrament. All of this homosexual hedonism is Satanic. All of it. And it exists to destroy the next generation of children. Even so called "conservative" folk like Ruben can't handle this truth, and decide to imitate the nuclear family by forcing the creation of a new human being in a surrogate with plans to rip it away from its mother and raise it in an unnatural environment, robbing he or she of their God given right to a mother and a father. That is grooming people, it's evil. Stop trying to placate evil.
People are so brainwashed today they don’t even know the anus is not a sex organ, and the gays only started sodomizing each other in their assholes because they didn’t have any way to imitate natural heterosexual love. It all starts from a place of mockery and imitation of the natural. Even the way gays claim they aren’t heterosexual, and then have these gay relationships where one takes on the butch masculine role and the other the submissive femme role. Uh, hello? I thought you guys weren’t straight, but even when you pretend to be gay, you still can’t help acting out normal heterosexuality. Doesn’t that tell them anything? It’s like every fiber of their being is yearning to be straight and they keep suppressing that natural instinct because of what? Childhood sexual trauma? A distorted fetish? Revenge on their parents? An addiction to the taboo? Social pressure? Because I don’t think these people are as “gay” as they think they are. Tweak one variable in their past and most of them probably turn out straight.