posted ago by HelloDolly ago by HelloDolly +254 / -2

I am posting this because I think they are HUGE and because in an hour I will forget what I thought was HUGE and why I thought it.

CLASSIFIED information. I think he is telling us without telling us that it's best to leave the really bad treason and collusion with foreign government to military tribunals. Why do I think this? Because when asked on numerous occasions why he didn't prosecute Hillary, Obama, Comey, etc., he referred in a roundabout way to classified information. Later on, he says that sometimes even if there is evidence of a crime, the evidence might come from classified information that is "never going to see the light of day" in a criminal prosecution. I would expect that's because the information was obtained pursuant to surveillance that passes muster for a military prosecution but not a criminal prosecution, because if you are committing treason you are an enemy combatant and do not have 4th amendment search and seizure protection. Maybe someone here who knows more about criminal law than I do could answer that question. But the whole point of FISA is that they can surveil without a regular warrant because of national security concerns.

He thinks Mueller is a Patriot. This should reignite the Mueller WH/BH discussion LOL.